Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]

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Transcript of Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]

  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]





    Dear readers,

    Welcome to theirst edition of The

    Phoenix Times.It is hoped that the

    Phoenix Times (PT) will keep you allup dated of what is happening withinhe Sqn whilst deployed onOperation HERRICK 16. Eachssue will be jam packed full of

    nteresting articles and pictures fromhe Troops but also, I need helprom home to make the PT what its. So if any family members orclose friends at home would like tosend articles, shout outs, Sqngossip, or have any problems thatour resident Agony Aunt Tommo (Inour new column Tell Tommo ) canhelp with, then send in your swagvia snail mail or e-bluie to theollowing address:

    The Editor,Phoenix Times8 AESEngr Fd Sqn 2TFH Engr GpOp HERRICK 16BFPO 792


    Foreword by

    Major Jamie Stuart - Officer Commanding 8 AES

    8 Armoured Engineer Squadron (AES) are now well and truly in the seatEngr Field Squadron 2. The majority of the Sqn have nowbeen out here for approaching 3 weeks andbusy weeks they have been. After a week ofextremely comprehensive training and briefsthe Sqn pushed out to their various locationsin Bastion, Nahr e Saraj (South) andLashkar Gah. Following an excellent handoverfrom 29 Armoured Engineer Squadron who arenow going back to Germany for a well deservedrest, the Sqn has now started on a large numberof tasks from upgrading ablutions to majorroute upgrades. It is extremely encouraging tosee all of the hard work undertaken over the past8 months being put to use keeping the Troops safeand the tasks going ahead.

    Can you beat the clock in this arduous challenge either as a team

    or as an individual? Every Sunday at 1600hrs in the CV Suite.

    Team Event Format Individual Event Format

    2 Mile Row 15 mins 20 mins

    10 Mile Bike 30 mins 45 mins

    2 Mile Run 15 mins 25 mins

  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]



    rtcle and pictures by Spr Stacey Skitt, 1 Troop.

    On the 6th of March 2012 the guys and girls of 8 Armoured Engineerquadron (AES) left their home town of Tidworth to start the long journeyo Afghanistan, bound to take over from 29 Armoured Engineer SquadronAES) for Operation HERRICK16. Upon checking in a South Cerney andshort coach trip to Brize Norton this was followed by a 3am civilian flight

    o Minhad, where we were transferred to a C17 for the rest of the journey

    o camp Bastion, eventually arriving at 2130 local time on the 7th

    of March.The weather we were met with was strangely British, cold and windy.

    fter a night spent in transitccommodation, we moved to,

    what would become 8 Squadronsew home for the next 6 months Bastion 1 to begin a 6 dayeception, Staging and Onward

    ntegration (RSOI) trainingackage. This package being

    esigned to bring us up to speedwith the latest TTPs and toemind and revise on existingnowledge learnt during ourre tour build up training.

    ay 1 of RSOI saw us enduring7 hours of presentations covering

    range of topics from Op securityo sexual health and an outline ofhe programme for the next week.

    ay 2 involved an early morning walk to the range in full PPE for a groupnd zero shoot and round-robin with stands covering MSST, detaineeandling and operational law.

    ay 3 was a revision session on Vallon and an introduction to newetection kit being launched in theatre. The day included practical sessions,chance to get hands on with the equipment by day and by night.

    ay 4 covered evidence gathering with a practical session on theHIIDE camera,ground sign awareness and roll over drills and exitaining (RODET), followed by an opportunity to visit the AmericanX, a popular choice for British troops.

    ay 5 was a comprehensive re-revision of days 1 to 4.

    ay 6 concluded our RSOI package by practical application of all skillsnd drills revised in the past few days on a mini exercise that involved

    he use of an inside the wire Afghan village and foot patrols to provideecurity for a shura.

    60 Seconds with.......Spr Smudge Smith

    2 Troop

    What is your best PFT

    Time? 9:04

    What was the last music

    you downloaded/brought? Long Tour


    What is your greatest sporting

    achievement: 2nd

    in Gun Run

    What is the best thing about your job

    Its Physical

    What is the worst thing about your

    job? Seeing people slacking

    What would your ideal civvie job be?

    Personal body guard

    What is your favourite film: Bambi

    What is your favourite TV Programme

    2 men

    What is your favourite food? Full

    English (even though Im welsh)

    What is your favourite drink? Crabbie

    on Ice

    Whatis your favourite place to visit?

    Wind Street in Swansea

    What is your favourite cheese? Brie

    What is your favourite wine? Rose

    What is your best military

    achievement? Completing Op H12

    What are your plans for your Op

    Bonus? Lads holiday to Australia via


    What would be your elevator music if

    you were to appear on Take me Out

    Sex Bomb Tom Jones

    Capt Ant Harmes enjoying the C17Fli ht from Minhad to JOB Bastion

  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    ay 6 concluded our RSOI

    ackage by practical application

    f all skills and drills revised in the

    ast few days on a mini exercise

    hat involved the use of an inside

    he wire Afghan village and foot

    atrols to provide security for a

    hura. The following 2 days

    were used to cover engineerpecific areas, including HLSuilds, elevated sangars andulverts, all of these sessions

    were delivered by our Herrick5 equivalents with useful tipsnd up to date advice.

    March 17th saw 8 Sqn splitting down into troops and departing via helicoptero different AOs to start the hand over / take over process with 29 AES.

    Troop flew via Merlin to PB Attal, 2 troop flew via Chinook to PB 2, and 3 troopew out to PB Naidullah to begin tasks as soon as the next day.

    With a hot and busy 6 months aheadof us 8 AES have just begun theiradventure into engineering in a warzone, and are ready for whatever itmay throw at us.

    The SSM, 2Tp Comd and OC on day

    5 RSOI.

    1Tp - SSgt (Egg) Benn, Cpl Brown

    and Spr Allen taking over at Pb


    60 Seconds with......Pte Gaz Walters


    What is your best PFT

    Time? 9:11

    What was the last music

    you downloaded/brought? Love to


    What is your greatest sporting

    achievement: Representing Wales in

    clay pigeon shooting

    What is the best thing about your job

    Warm Office

    What is the worst thing about your

    job? Blokes pestering me

    What would your ideal civvie job be

    Traffic Police

    What is your favourite film: Friends

    with benefits

    What is your favourite TV Programm

    The Inbetweeners

    What is your favourite food? MaccyDs

    What is your favourite drink? Fosters

    Whatis your favourite place to visit?

    Ferrari Park

    What is your favourite cheese?


    What is your favourite wine? Rose

    What is your best military

    achievement? 7,826 on Solitaire!

    What are your plans for your Op

    Bonus? To buy lots of baby stuff

    What would be your elevator music i

    you were to appear on Take me Out

    Sexy and you know it - LMFAO

  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    s it the fact that SSgt Dylan Tait is trying to master the Peter Crouch robot dance or that the OC is so gu

    hat he is not allowed to take a seat on the Rifles 19+ bench?

    lease send your captions to:

    aption competition

    he Editor,hoenix TimesAESngr Fd Sqn 2FH Engr Gp

    Op HERRICK 16FPO 792

    All captions received will be published, subject to content!

  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    8 AES TOP TRUMP CARDS 1 TROOPare finally here, free with every issue, 97 to collect, dont miss out.

    ust simply cut out, fold, glue and in no time you will have the full pack. Play with your friends and family omply lock away and cherish so one day you can play with your grand kids.


    Spr Stan Stanley; 1 Tp; Armd 2:Loves

    the Sqn so much that he had the

    Phoenix tattooed on his behind

    Special Skill: Fag rolling whilst driving 2

    Intelli ence Level: 37.4

    Gun abilit : 2

    Years served: 3



  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    8 AES TOP TRUMP CARDS 2 TROOPare finally here, free with every issue, 97 to collect, dont miss out.

    ust simply cut out, fold, glue and in no time you will have the full pack. Play with your friends and family omply lock away and cherish so one day you can play with your grand kids.


    Capt Harmesy Harmes: 2 Tp Commander:

    Harrmesy likes to think of himself as the ultimate

    race of perfection, priding himself with this set of

    well oiled guns! He does not like G4 though!

    Special Skill: A wiz on a Diablo 6

    Intelligence Level: 65

    Gun abilit : 9.2

    Years served: 4



  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    8 AES TOP TRUMP CARDS 2 TROOPare finally here, free with every issue, 97 to collect, dont miss out.

    ust simply cut out, fold, glue and in no time you will have the full pack. Play with your friends and family omply lock away and cherish so one day you can play with your grand kids.


    LCpl MitchMitchell, 2 Tp, Likes jumping out of

    perfectly serviceable aeroplanes but doesnt like

    working with HESCO as it bites!

    Special Skill: HESCO 5

    Intelligence Level: 10.6

    Gun abilit : 6

    Years Served: 4.5



  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    8 AES TOP TRUMP CARDS 2 TROOPare finally here, free with every issue, 97 to collect, dont miss out.

    ust simply cut out, fold, glue and in no time you will have the full pack. Play with your friends and family omply lock away and cherish so one day you can play with your grand kids.


    Spr Liam Rising: 2 Tp; Hom Squad 2IC: Liams

    slowing climbing up the Hom ladder and prides

    himself on being selected for the 2IC. He aspires

    to be the Ultimate Hom

    Special Skill: Absolute Hom 9

    Intelligence Level: 28

    Gun abilit : 5

    Years served: 5.5



  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    8 AES TOP TRUMP CARDS 2 TROOPare finally here, free with every issue, 97 to collect, dont miss out.

    ust simply cut out, fold, glue and in no time you will have the full pack. Play with your friends and family omply lock away and cherish so one day you can play with your grand kids.


    LCpl Dazza Gargate; 2 Tp; Hom Squad IC; LCpl

    Dazza Gargate loves fine wine and cheese,being

    the Sqn Orderly Corporal. He stated that working

    for the SSM has been the highlight of his career!

    Special Skill: Squatting 3

    Intelligence Level: 62

    Gun abilit : 3

    Years served: 5



  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    8 AES TOP TRUMP CARDS 3 TROOPare finally here, free with every issue, 97 to collect, dont miss out.

    ust simply cut out, fold, glue and in no time you will have the full pack. Play with your friends and family omply lock away and cherish so one day you can play with your grand kids.


    LCpl Q Qalikaono, 3 Tp, POM 1. Likes Kite

    surfing, gangster rap and in his spare time he

    likes to balance burning food with moving mud.

    Special Skill: 2

    Intelligence Level: 43.4

    Gun abilit : 4

    Years served: 8



  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    8 AES TOP TRUMP CARDS - ECHare finally here, free with every issue, 97 to collect, dont miss out.

    ust simply cut out, fold, glue and in no time you will have the full pack. Play with your friends and family omply lock away and cherish so one day you can play with your grand kids.


    LCpl Leigh Parker; C3S Tp; C3S 1: Likes to

    look through his miscellaneous files on his laptop

    and also holds the shadow rank of General

    Special Skill: Moaning 10

    Intelligence Level: 38.1

    Gun abilit : 1.4

    Years served: 11



  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    8 AES TOP TRUMP CARDS - SHQare finally here, free with every issue, 97 to collect, dont miss out.

    ust simply cut out, fold, glue and in no time you will have the full pack. Play with your friends and family omply lock away and cherish so one day you can play with your grand kids.


    SSgt Steve Engleby; C3S Tp; C3S 1: Likes to

    get massive on tour; doesnt like CV but is

    currently employed as the WOs & Sgts mess


    Special Skill: Terry Taiting 10

    Intelligence Level: 66.4

    Gun abilit : 7

    Years served: 24.5



  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]


    Cannibalism Hits Attal!

    Picture the scene: Week 2 into a 6 month tour of Afghanistan all

    seemed quiet in PB Attal. Everyone carried out their morning routine

    as usual; up , washed , shaved and cruising on down to the DFAC

    (Dining Facility) for a hearty breakfast before a hard days work on site.Unbeknown to on lookers SSgt Alex The Egg Benn was caught out in

    a blatant act ofviolence eating one of his comrades. The Egg later

    commented If I had the time I would do the whole dam egg box.

    Concerns and questions have now been raised about this incident and

    it is to be believed that the alert state in Helmand Province will soon

    rise to Amber in preparation for the Easter festive season.

    60 Seconds with........SSgt Bricktop Williamson

    2 Troop

    What is your best PFT

    Time? 9:15

    What was the last music

    you downloaded/brought? Coldplay

    What is your greatest sporting

    achievement: I once played for Luton

    Town School Boys.

    What is the best thing about your job?

    Being a Troop Staff Sergeant and

    looking after the boys.

    What is the worst thing about yourjob? Being away from family.

    What would your ideal civvie job be?

    Apache Pilot.

    What is your favourite film: Snatch.

    What is your favourite TV Programme?

    Aircrash Investigation.

    What is your favourite food? ChickenJalfrezzi.

    What is your favourite drink? Guiness.

    Whatis your favourite place to visit?

    The Baleric Islands.

    What is your favourite cheese?

    Wednesdale with cranberry dip.

    What is your favourite wine? Rioja.

    What is your best military

    achievement? Selection for Warrant

    Officer Class 2.

    What are your plans for your Op

    Bonus? Holiday with family.

    What would be your elevator music if

    you were to appear on Take me Out?

    Guns & Roses November Rain.

  • 8/2/2019 Phoenix Times - H16 - First Edition[1]



    WO2 (SSM) Steve Biddulph planned to cycle 3,552.5 miles

    (which is the distance from his tent in Camp Bastion to the

    doors of SHQ on Swinton Barracks) during the tour of

    Afghanistan on a set of rollers and his training bike. The

    members of SHQ under the OC Major Jamie Stuartdecided to throw down the gauntlet and gathered a team of

    7 to try and race the badge home by either running, rowing

    or by use of the cross trainer. In a gallant effort the

    members will need to produce an average of 2.85 miles a

    day for 180 days starting on Monday 19 March 2012. No

    problems thought the SSM (Badge) as training for the

    National 12 Hour Championship he would easily beat the

    magnificent 7. However, he forgot to include the RAF into

    this challenge! Yes everyones favorite Air Force have still

    yet to fly the SSMs bike out so he cantstart training.Needless to say that as it stands today the SSM is 120

    miles behind on his schedule and the SHQ 7 have a total

    mileage of 124 miles with still Sunday to go! Threaders

    would be the word to use but fingers crossed and the bike

    may be in theatre on Wednesday morning and then let the

    challenge commence. If you would like to keep track of who

    is banging out the miles and winning the race to the UK then

    fear not as fortnightly updates will be published in the PT.

    If you would like to donate some money to compliment the

    SSMs effort then you can do so at the links at the end ofthis article. All proceeds will go to the Regimental charity

    for the Naomi House Hospice and A Smile for a Child.

    Please donate whatever amount you can spare.

    Naomi House can be at or

    A smile for a child can be found at

    60 Seconds with........LCpl Cus Colaco

    3 Troop

    What is your best PFT

    Time? 8:13

    What was the last musicyou downloaded/brought? Bullet for

    my valentine

    What is your greatest sporting

    achievement: 32nd in RE Marathon

    What is the best thing about your job?

    Getting paid to do Phys

    What is the worst thing about your

    job? Being away from family

    What would your ideal civvie job be?


    What is your favourite film: Pulp Ficton

    What is your favourite TV Programme?

    The Simpson

    What is your favourite food? Medium

    Rib-eye Steak on a BBQ

    What is your favourite drink? Rattler

    Whatis your favourite place to visit?


    What is your favourite cheese? Whats


    What is your favourite wine? Red Wine

    What is your best militaryachievement? Getting promoted to


    What are your plans for your Op

    Bonus? Mortgage

    What would be your elevator music if

    you were to appear on Take me Out?

    Sexy and you know it - LMFAO