Philippine Real Estate Brokerage Company

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Transcript of Philippine Real Estate Brokerage Company

  • 8/2/2019 Philippine Real Estate Brokerage Company



    Ljdgl Hquhs~oth,

    Nhlorhshn G~ ^ah Ao`aht~ Lhrhl Jb Thsrodh&

  • 8/2/2019 Philippine Real Estate Brokerage Company


    IMD MG@ @sjxu, Ofd& 3?C Sxbofj Ugdobod ^jphs, 201> Gyglg Grh, Mgig~o Do~y, Uaolouuofht !)243/ >54-887?






    UGS^ 7 Djsujsg~h Jrhsrohp

    UGS^ 3

    Jddxuohs Thsrodht

    UGS^ 4 Dlohf~t

    IMD MG@







    IMDt tot~hs djmugfoht usjronh thgmlhtt thsrodht&

  • 8/2/2019 Philippine Real Estate Brokerage Company


    IMD MG@ @sjxu, Ofd& 3?C Sxbofj Ugdobod ^jphs, 201> Gyglg Grh, Mgig~o Do~y, Uaolouuofht !)243/ >54-887?





    IMD MG@ @sjxuIMD MG@ @sjxu, Ofd ot ahgnwxgs~hshn of

    Mgig~o Do~y, ~ah Dhf~sgl Cxtofhtt Not~sod~ jbMgfolg& Po~a jrhs >5 hmuljyhht ofrjlrhn

    noshd~ly of ~sgftgd~ojft bjs jbbodh, sh~gol, gfn

    ofnxt~sogl ljdg~hst, ~ahy agrh wxodily

    chdjmh ~ah ljdgl lhgnhs of ^hfgf~

    Shushthf~g~ojf& ^ah ~sgftgd~ojft ~hgm

    djftot~t jb ~ajth ofrjlrhn of shthgsda,

    bofgfdh, gfn gll agrh t~sjf`

    djmmxfodg~ojft gfn ushthf~g~ojf tiollt&

    IMDt t~shf`~at gsh nxh ~j ~ahos of nhu~a

    mgsih~ ifjplhn`h, ao`a dlohf~ tg~otbgd~ojf,

    gfn fg~ojfponh djrhsg`h, agrof` jbbodht of

    cj~a Mgig~o gfn Cjfobgdoj @ljcgl Do~y,

    Uaolouuofht& Paolh ~ah mgkjso~y jb ~ah

    djmugfy ot bjdxthn jf ^hfgf~

    Shushthf~g~ojf, ~ahy agrh ljdglo{hn ~ahos

    thsrodht ~j dg~hs ~j ~ah fhhnt jb t~gs~-xut

    gfn dgll dhf~hst, jbbhsof` xfowxh thsrodht

    txda gt Thsrodhn Jbbodht gfn Thg~ Lhgtof`

    bgdolo~oht& ^ah djmugfy x~olo{ht g usjdhtt-nsorhf ~hgm guusjgda ~j nhlorhs txuhsojs

    shtxl~t gfn rglxh bjs ~ahos dlohf~t&

    Rotojf^j ch ~ah mjt~ ushbhsshn gfn lhgnof`

    usjronhs jb usjbhttojfgl shgl ht~g~h thsrodht

    of ~ah Uaolouuofht&

    MottojfIMD MG@ @sjxu ot ~ah jfly djmmhsdogl

    shgl ht~g~h djmugfy of ~ah Uaolouuofht

    juhsg~of` po~a ~ah fhhnt jb ~ah bjsho`f

    dlohf~ of mofn& ^ah t~gfngsn jb

    usjbhttojfglotm ot jf g Pht~hsf tdglh9

    ~omhly, shtujftorh gfn ofbjsmg~orh -

    mhs`hn po~a ljdgl hquhs~oth gfn ugttojf&

    ^ah shgl ht~g~h usjbhttojfglt gsh hquhs~t of

    ~ahos bohln gfn tiollhn g~ usjronof` ~ah mjt~

    ulhgtgf~ gfn txddhttbxl lhgtof` hquhsohfdh

    ~j ~ahos dlohf~t& ^ahy djf~ofxh ~j shdhorh

    dlohf~ shbhssglt, paoda agrh usjronhn ~ahdjmugfy ~ah djf~ofxhn `sjp~a o~ hfkjyt


    IMDt hquhsohfdhn shgl ht~g~h usjbhttojfglt

    poll gfgly{h gfn gtthtt yjxs juhsg~ojft gfn

    usjronh t~sg~h`od gnrotjsy thsrodht& ^ahy

    agrh g nyfgmod ~hgm jb usjbhttojfgl shgl

    ht~g~h csjihst po~a hquhsohfdh of nhglof`

    po~a cj~a ljdgl gfn bjsho`f djmugfoht

    ljdg~of` of ~ah Uaolouuofht&

    ^ah IMD Gnrgf~g`h Fj gnno~ojfgl thsrodh bhht bjs ~hfgf~t Gf hqdlxtorh shushthf~g~ojf


    Djmmo~mhf~ ~j uhstjfglo{hn thsrodhsh`gsnlhtt jb ~ah to{h jb ~ah cxtofhtt

    Gddhtt ~j g usjrhf fh~pjsi jbrhfnjst txda gt gsdao~hd~t,

    djf~sgd~jst, usjkhd~ mgfg`hst, O^


    Jfh t~ju taju bjs bjsho`f hf~sy of~j~ah Uaolouuofht

    Bjsho`f Gttot~gfdhGt ~ah djxf~sy lhgnhs of gttot~of` bjsho`f

    hf~o~oht hf~hsof` ~ah mgsih~, IMD jbbhst g

    jfh t~ju djmulh~hly of~h`sg~hn thsrodh

    jbbhsof` ofdlxnof` djsujsg~h lh`gl thsrodht,

    gddjxf~of`, t~gbbof`, ofdxcg~ojf bgdolo~oht,

    gfn to~h thlhd~ojf& ^aot agt hfgclhn ~ahm~j cxoln ljf`-lgt~of` shlg~ojftaout gfn

  • 8/2/2019 Philippine Real Estate Brokerage Company


    IMD MG@ @sjxu, Ofd& 3?C Sxbofj Ugdobod ^jphs, 201> Gyglg Grh, Mgig~o Do~y, Uaolouuofht !)243/ >54-887?





    hftxsh ~ahos dlohf~t g txddhttbxl hf~sy of~j

    jfh jb ~ah mjsh dagllhf`of` mgsih~t jb

    Tjx~ahgt~ Gtog&

    ^ah txddhtt jb IMD agt chhf g cglgfdh jb

    ljdgl mgsih~ hquhs~oth gfn nhlorhsof` g

    dlohf~ bjdxthn thsrodh jf g Pht~hsf tdglh&

  • 8/2/2019 Philippine Real Estate Brokerage Company


    IMD MG@ @sjxu, Ofd& 3?C Sxbofj Ugdobod ^jphs, 201> Gyglg Grh, Mgig~o Do~y, Uaolouuofht !)243/ >54-887?





    Jddxuohs ThsrodhtJbbtajsof` Djsujsg~hThsrodht^aot ~hgm ot mgnh xu po~a usjbhttojfglt

    ~ag~ xfnhst~gfn ~ah nyfgmodt jb ~ah dgll

    dhf~hs, Cxtofhtt Usjdhtt Jx~tjxsdof`, gfn

    jbbtajsof` dlohf~hlh& ^yuodgl ~sgftgd~ojft

    ofdlxnh ~ah ~gih xu jb lgs`h juhf bljjs

    ulg~ht ~j gddjmmjng~h blhqoclh pjsi

    lgyjx~t& ^ahy gltj pjsi agfn of agfn po~a

    ~ah Lgcjs Gfgly~odt ^hgm ~j ahlu ljdg~h

    ~ahth jbbodht po~aof Xforhsto~oht, Mgtt

    ^sgfto~, gfn ao`aly ujuxlg~hn shtonhf~oglgshgt&

    ^hfgf~ Shushthf~g~ojf^ah ~hfgf~ shushthf~g~ojf ~hgm juhsg~ht

    ~asjx`ajx~ ~ah djxf~sy !Mh~sj Mgfolg,

    Cgdjljn, Dhcx, Dlgsi, Oljolj, Ngrgj/ bjdxtof`

    jf nhlorhsof` ~gf`oclh shtxl~t ~j ~ahos

    jddxuohs dlohf~t& ^ah djsh bxfd~ojft jb

    ^hfgf~ Shushthf~g~ojf gsh lhgthgdwxoto~ojft gfn notujtglt, shf~ shrohpt,

    lhgth shfhpglt, hqugftojf gfn

    djftjlong~ojf usjkhd~t&

    Dguo~gl Mgsih~t^aot fhp ~hgm usjronht gnrodh, hqhdx~ojf,

    gfn ofrht~mhf~ thsrodht ~j dlohf~t hf`g`hn

    of cxyof`, thllof`, js nhrhljuof` shgl ht~g~h&

    ^ahth thsrodht ~yuodglly gsh usjronhn ~jusorg~h gfn oft~o~x~ojfgl jpfhst gfn

    ofrht~jst, gt phll gt ~j djsujsg~h jpfhst

    gfn jddxuohst&

    Shtonhf~ogl Thsrodht^ah shtonhf~ogl ~hgm pjsit dljthly po~a

    ~ahos djsujsg~h dlohf~t ~j bofn ~ahm ajxtof`

    po~aof ~ahos jbbodh gshgt& ^ahth fh`j~og~jst

    gsh ao`aly tiollhn of agfnlof` hqug~sog~hajxtof` shwxoshmhf~t&

    Usjuhs~y Mgfg`hmhf~^aot ao`aly hquhsohfdhn ~hgm usjronht bost~

    dlgtt usjuhs~y mgfg`hmhf~ tjlx~ojft bjs

    djmmhsdogl shgl ht~g~h& ^ah ~hgm djmcofht

    ~hdafjlj`y, ugttojf, dgugcolo~oht bjs bgdolo~y

    gfn usjuhs~y mgfg`hmhf~ thsrodht paoda

    hqdhhn ~ah dlohf~t hquhd~g~ojft&

    Pay IMD:Jxs UhjulhJxs usjbhttojfglt gsh nhnodg~hn ~j

    txuujs~of` dlohf~t of gdaohrof` ~ahos

    cxtofhtt `jglt& Ph cxoln dsjtt-bxfd~ojfgl

    ~hgmt ~j pjsi djllgcjsg~orhly jf usjkhd~t&Of~h`sg~hn ThsrodhtJxs thsrodht gsh tdglhn ~j mhh~ ~ah fhhnt

    jb hgda dlohf~, co` js tmgll, ljdgl js

    of~hsfg~ojfgl& Ph usjronh g dxt~jm moq jb

    usjnxd~t gfn thsrodht ~ag~ nhlorhst

    to`fobodgf~, mhgtxsgclh sh~xsft&Dlohf~ Djmmo~mhf~Xfowxh thsrodht bjs ~ah ljdgl mgsih~ ~j

    ch~~hs thsrh jxs dlohf~t fhhnt& Shgl ht~g~h

    tjlx~ojft bjs djmugfoht ~ag~ gsh ch~phhf 8

    gfn 8555 hmuljyhht&

  • 8/2/2019 Philippine Real Estate Brokerage Company


    IMD MG@ @sjxu, Ofd& 3?C Sxbofj Ugdobod ^jphs, 201> Gyglg Grh, Mgig~o Do~y, Uaolouuofht !)243/ >54-887?




