Philippians 3 SG BF Homes v2

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Transcript of Philippians 3 SG BF Homes v2

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    1. ( 314)2. ( 311)3. , ( 3121)4. ( 3121)

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    1. ( 314)(Phil 3:1 [ESV])

    Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no

    trouble to me and is safe for you.

    (Phil 3:2 [ESV])

    Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate

    the flesh.

    (Phil 3:3 [ESV])

    For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ

    Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh-

    (Phil 3:4 [ESV])

    though I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh also. If anyone else thinks

    he has reason for confidence in the flesh, I have more:

    Sometimes, we church leaders and pastors must be our fathers..for we

    are concerned of those under our care and so Paul started at v .1 that these things he

    will be saying id for their safety...their protection . and what are thesethings?

    It is about the Judaizers, the source of our righteousness, what the future holds on ,what we the mature ones should be doing ..and how should we see about those who

    left because of their compromise with the world.

    In v2, Paul equate those of the Judaizers with those outside the kingdom...outside the

    church for he called them dogs, evil workers and mutilators like that of mention

    Leviticus 21:15 that the Mosaic led nation was warned about...for they are ...more

    concerned of outward religion instead of what is real in their hearts.

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    In v3 So Paul defined for us what Gentiels under Christ...under the New Covenant not

    under the Sinai Covenant we should be.

    One of my interests is checking on how divergent the theologies of Armstrongism and the

    Seventh Day Adventist on their preoccupation with Food, Festivals and Laws of the Mosaic

    Covenant..and sometimes I just smile when Evangelicals and even Reformed Christians try

    to do what ther are doing .

    For the past 10 years there is a new rage from the works of James Dunn and NT Wright

    aboiut how we Protestants misinterpreted Paul and their contention is that Justification

    is about the acceptance of Gentiles in the New Covenant of Jesus. That the whole

    Judaizing heresy is not abut Justification per se but acceptance within the covenantcommunity. There is truth in their allegations...and that the preoccupation of 1st

    century Christians with Jewish boundary markers are disloyalty with the Messiah Jesus.

    We are no longer defined if we sacrifice at the Temple or that we even make animal

    sacrifices..nor observance of Sabbaths, Food Laws or the annual Festivals or whatever is

    related to the Temple sacrifices. For they are shadows..the reality is in Jesus...his Person

    and Work. Not just Justification but also our sanctification is first and foremost in Jesus

    and the Holy Spirit He sent to us starting at Pentecost.

    For we the true our hearts...we worship in Spirit and Truth who was

    given to us...we take pride in Jesus our Savior and Lord...And we dont take any

    confidence in our flesh- our achievements or who we are in this world. We rely only in

    Jesus. And this is the key chord in the music he will be playing in chapter 3.

    2. ( 311)

    (Phil 3:4 [ESV])

    though I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh also. If anyone else thinks

    he has reason for confidence in the flesh, I have more:

    (Phil 3:5 [ESV])

    circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a

    Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee;

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    (Phil 3:6 [ESV])

    as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law,blameless.

    Coram Deo Alpanay NeH- Before God...words that means we are actors in a it depends to whom we are presenting to..our audience . Is it this world?

    Or men? For we are here for the One audience we need to please..whether in a jeepney

    or here infront of you? Do I try to please you my brothers and sisters or Him who sits

    on the throne?

    In v5 - Paul tries to stooped to their level for arguements sake for He has much tobe confident in the flesh...for he was not hastily circumcised when he was already old

    but since birth on the 8th day as required by the Law. He is from the Nation of Israel-

    an Israelite...both of his parents are Jews- Hebrew of Hebrews, from the tribe of

    Benjamin who remains loyal to Kingdom of Judah and did not secede from it and went

    to the Northern Kingdom.

    And as for the Law- in its exacting demands in ritual purity, Sabbath observation, food

    laws, and temple sacrifices he is a member of the strictest sect Pharisees...the

    seperated ones- and was mentored by the esteemed Gamaliel. Iand interms of

    righteousness demanded by Law and the Sacrifices- he is blameless- without fault-

    He in fact boasted that his zeal is real for he pursues the followers of that blasphemer

    and criminal and accursed Jesus to the ends of the earth. Not until he encountered the

    Risen Lord at Damascus and realized that there is an alien righteousness coming from


    This is what it amounts to- if Law is without Christ Jesus....zeal not according to

    knowledge..and there are still many in our times who will demand you this or that as if

    Jesus has not come and died in the cross and was not resurrected from the dead and

    now at the right hand of God-reigning and interceding for us.

    Loss and Gain

    (Phil 3:7 [ESV])

    But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.

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    (Phil 3:8 [ESV])

    Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing

    Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and countthem as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ

    (Phil 3:9 [ESV])

    and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the

    law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God

    that depends on faith-

    (Phil 3:10 [ESV])

    that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share hissufferings, becoming like him in his death,

    (Phil 3:11 [ESV])

    that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.

    Verses 7 to 11 is interesting from a business point of view..for it speaks of loss (forfeiture)

    and gain (financial gain) and then even went to the other extreme of considering it or

    accounting as rubbish- dug- waste given to the dogs.

    In v7 he considered all things yes all things as loss ...and then at v 8 he speaks of

    gain-assets because of knowing Jesus Christs- which is to him is of supreme worth to

    the next level in our lingua, nothing can compare to it that he can have that

    righteousness that comes from trusting Jesus..and so he continues in v.9 that he wants

    to experience the powerr of resurection in this lifewhich comes from his living

    connection to Jesus. This is not merely Justification but also our sanctification-our

    Christian living- from day to day.

    And then he spoke of something crazy and may share his sufferings, becominglike him in his death becoming conformed with him.

    Thisis possible because Jesus is the 2nd Adam, the Life giving Messiah who gave us the

    Spirit for this life and the life to come. And this is available to Christians- Jews and

    Gentiles alike.

    So many time during Milenyo, Ondoy and Maring-Habagat our house in San Pedro is

    inundated by floods-as high as almost waist deep inside in the house and through the

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    years I had accumulated some books in my mini library...and so many times some lower

    level books were wet and destroyed...

    And last time I know the floods are not abating..and so the Lord called me to surrender

    them all and rely only upon the basic relationship with Jesus..and so I relented for thsi

    is my treasure on earth- the Vanderbilts knows this.

    And then He reminded me of a Scripture ..out of context I think- of these clause

    the cloak and the parchment from Pauls last words to Timothy...and then the flood

    stopped rising...But I need to surrender treasure that I will

    know this intimate knowledge of Jesus..

    And so with my recent bout with my diverticulitis..He might not heal me completely but

    He wants me to hold onto Him whatever happens.

    Salvation is free..because Someone paid for it...but we cannot pretend that we can still

    do something about it... we must surrender all-consider all things loss...and learn to

    hold only to Jesus. We must learn to let go . The New Covenant is defined by a newer


    When Douglas Macarthur came to Japan it is no longer just the Emperor that peopleshould have loyalties is to the American Caesar or Shogun that they should be loyal

    to as well ... To us it is more it supplants, it replaces totally our earthly allegiance No

    king but Jesus.

    During Lord Supper when we eat the bread and drink the cup..I am reminded of a scene

    from a movie- Highlander starred by Chris Lambert and Sean Connery who belongs to a

    race called Immortals there was a scene where Lambert- was sipping the wine and je

    was remembering what is happening in that year...maybe he reign of a Napoleon ..or his

    defeat at Waterloo.

    What do you remember when you drink the cup- we should remember His death and

    His resurection yes and primarily yes...but as those with Him..we must also raise a toast

    to the goodness of our Lord-through the years...the years of pain of sorrow, of pain, pf

    our isolation , of being misunderstood- for he stood by our side . And through the joys,

    the fellowship, the triumphs , the times when we were together as one brethren ..before

    the dark days when we are now outsiders...For The Lord is good and always to be death and resurrection.

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    Just a digression-have you observe that the death of Jesus for Christians cannot be

    divorced or seperated from His resurrection for them? meaning the intent and extent

    of His work at the cross is packaged with His Rising form the grave and that this isapplicable in totality to Christians...not just Justification but also sanctiifcation.

    There is no atonement without a change in life in a person regenerated by the

    Spirit...we cannot soeak of Jesus dying for all and then deny that His resurerection is

    only for definite number of people. Itis either all or it is definite it cannot be both.

    Back again- I always felt that sometimes I preach a hard gospel-and it is okay is this will

    be my first and last invitation to speak here. For I speak of a gopel that expects the

    dead i spirit to rise again and hear His voice, A gospel that expects those in prison tosing praises to God, a gospel thatexpects those in pain and in sorrow to endure and

    trimuph by serving others- not minding the limitations imposed by sickness in us, a

    gospel to those defeated, hurt by those they love to rise in victory and by offering his

    tender mercies to those who failed to remember her anymore. But this is our God.

    3. , ( 3121)(Phil 3:12 [ESV])

    Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make

    it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.

    (Phil 3:13 [ESV])

    Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do:

    forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,

    (Phil 3:14 [ESV])

    I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

    (Phil 3:15 [ESV])

    Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think

    otherwise, God will reveal that also to you.

    (Phil 3:16 [ESV])

    Only let us hold true to what we have attained.

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    We take pride that we are Reformed and that we know more of the ways and mind of

    our Lord in this world-even before our understanding that there is one consistent way

    of salvation through to the ages as in our Covenant Theology- or that there is apresent and future reign of Jesus in Amilinealism , or that a local church or its

    association should be governed by a Presbyterian church govt., or that God is present

    even the lives of unbelievers -even a reprobate in our doctrine of Common Grace- we

    are known for the doctrines of Grace - the TULIP-

    If we know that there is nothing in us that merits salvation and nothing in us that God

    has not done before even before the foundation fo the world without any condition

    or any any of our foreseen works or faith in us- that He loves us so because of HisLove

    for His Son- who died and rose and is now reigning King and Priest and will come again

    for us and the world and He sent the Spirit as well sending preachers and sharers of

    the Gospel so that our minds can be opened and our spirit be brought to life and

    thus we are justified at one time with a faith that He gaves us thru the Word..we take

    steps to living for His Son..and through ups and downs- we will be sure pf our heavenly

    inheritance- for not even this world or its god- the devil nor even us can frustrate the

    Eternal design and Purpose of the Father of giving a proplr to His Son-Jesus Christ.

    If we know this why then our defeated look..our inaction to share the gospel- to be

    bold in taking the world again...the elect will be only reach by the spoken Word.We will

    examine what Paul want us to Hold On and Press On.

    From v 12 to 14-Paul addresses those more mature in faith- in the Christian life- He

    rminded them that like him- They have not yet actively obtained nor passively was

    prefected of that perfection before the Lord- but that we must continue to press on

    knowing more and more of Jesus and his calling to us in this world- we must remember

    that this a call heavenward to God and this is part of being a Christian. We must

    remember this as our target for we might forget. It must be our mark- our crossline in

    our scope.

    In our office we have a 3 year goals, annual goals and then the quaterly goals so that we

    might not lose trackor be distracted.

    We must forget our past achievement s so as to root out pride and be lax or no

    longer venturing forth.

    But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies


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    And we must strive in all our might- our whole heart, mind and strenght must strive to

    lay hold of Jesus as we are held by Him ...We must not let go and be bamboozled byfear of defeat or irrelevance.

    Others may think otherwise..saying it is time to be out of the lay

    low... Maturity does teach us to be hugging the forefront- to be succesful...but to be

    faithful to the one calling us- everyday...For we have notyet arrived in heaven yet nor we

    have the resurrection body yet...

    We must live consistent lives and not eventually falls by the wayside and forget who we

    are. Walking the same rule- same mindset- we continue t serve the One Lord.

    There is a tv series of a Chemistry teacher Mr White who when he learn he is dying

    from lung cancer- instead of redressing his life- turn bad- Breakig Bad- instead use his

    knowledge of chemistry in making high grade shabu and which involves later in the

    series- murder and so many evils-until he died.

    I am reminded of Ka Freddie Aguilar too...sayang...

    There is a real danger here..Jesus died sometime AD 30 and Paul will sometime 67AD-and maybe He wrote these epeistles when he was imprisoned around 62 AD. 30 years is

    a long time waiting for the Lord to avenge against His old covenamt nation and

    against the Mighty Roman Empire. And we might also think now also. It is a call to

    perseverance...Those who ears...hear...

    A christian-a true christian should not be eaten by despair and succumbed to the world.

    If you think otherwise- Paul is confident that God will reveal-confront you later of this.

    As Spurgeon said here-Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by

    the same rule, let us mind the same thing. Let us keep all the good that we have

    received; let us not give up the truth that we have learnt; let us not leave the way along

    which we have traveled so far; and let us keep together, let perfect unanimity prove that

    the work of grace is going on in one as well as in another.

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    4. ( 3121)(Phil 3:17 [ESV])Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to

    the example you have in us.

    (Phil 3:18 [ESV])

    For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as

    enemies of the cross of Christ.

    (Phil 3:19 [ESV])

    Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame,with minds set on earthly things.

    (Phil 3:20 [ESV])

    But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus


    (Phil 3:21 [ESV])

    who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that

    enables him even to subject all things to himself.

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