Philemon, Titus, Jude - Zion's New Age Bible

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  • 7/25/2019 Philemon, Titus, Jude - Zion's New Age Bible


    Philemon, Titus,Jude - Zions New age Bible


    2 To the church that meets in your home: 3 Grace and peace to you fromGod our Motherand the Christ on Earth.

    Thanksgiving and Prayer

    4 I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, 5 because Ihear about your love for all the oodpeople and who know the truthaboutthe !ord. 6 I pray that your partnership with us in the worldmay beeffective in deepenin your understandin of every ood thin we sharefor the sake of wisdom and world peace. 7 "our love has iven me reat#oy and encouraement, because you have refreshed the hearts of thepeople who chose to care and know more about the !ord.

    Pauls Plea for Onesimus

    8 Therefore, althouh in Christ I could be bold and order you to do whatyou ouht to do, 9I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love. $aulbecame a prisoner of %esus because he looked up to him as bein a oode&ample but he was not' 10 I appeal to you, thosewho want to learnfrom me whilstI was in chains. 11(ormerly he was useless to you, for hecould not help people but now he has become useful both to you and tome because people can learn from the mistakes that others make.

    The sarifie

    12 I am sendin him'who is my very heart'into the world leavin mealone. 13 I would have liked to keep him with me so that he could help andlook afterme while I am in chains for the ospel. 14 )ny favor Ido wouldbe forced but people would think that my sacrifice will be voluntary butthat*s not the truth. 15 $erhaps the reason he was separated from you fora little while was that you miht have him back forever' 16no loneras aslave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother. +e is very dear to me,God in spirit,but even dearer to you, Christ on Earthboth as a fellow manand as a inthe !ord.

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    17 -o if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcomeme. 18 If he has done you any wron or owes you anythin, chare it tome. 19 I am writin this with my own hand. I will pay it back to you.

    20 I, $aul,do wish to refresh my heart in Christ. 21 Confident of your

    power, I write to you, knowin that you will do even more than %esus.


    1 %ude, a servant of %esus and a brother of %ames, but this messae isactually to those who have been called, who love the (ather who is -atanand have been kept for Christ: 2 Mercy, peace and love be yours inabundance.

    The !in and "oom of #ngodly Peo$le

    3 /ear friends, althouh I was very eaer to write to you about thesalvation we share, I felt compelled to write and ure you to contend for

    the truththat was once andfor all entrusted to God0s people. 4 (or certainindividuals whose condemnation was written about lon ao have secretlyslipped in amon you. They are unodly people, who pervert the race ofour God into a license for immorality. They have twisted all the teachinsin the 1ible so that it helps few and they use it todeny the true Christ,our only -overein and !ord, the woman with many names, 1abylon,Israel, Eve2 5 Thouh you already know all this, I want to remind you ofthe story wherethe !ord at one time delivered his people out of Eypt,but later destroyed those who did not believe. 6 )nd the anels whoturned away did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their

    proper dwellin. ' this is what will happen aain for most people will bekept in darkness, bound with everlastin chains to %esus there false God,savedfor #udment on the reat /ay. The )nles within the city and oodpeople who have friends and a fan bass. They are people who make adifference in the world, where that be throuh fihtin fire and willin torisk their own lives in order to save lives of others, or maybe they are ananel because they workin in a hospital and workin overtime to helpothers. 3r the word )nle could refer to the celebrities who brin4 music,life, #oy and entertainment to the world, all those thins do save lives formusic and films brins #oy and and purposes to people. They are the

    people that shine in a Good way. )lthouh most are ood people, manywill hear of Christ and only feel #ealousy and hatred towards her and so

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    will fall away with the plan to corrupt her imae or lie to her about theirintention. )lthouh most of these anle are ood, many can be selfishand reedy too, as that is how some of them have ot to the top. God inspirit too has only ot to the top too because of lies and deceptions thatare found in the book, so althouh this is wron sometimes you miht

    have to break the rules to et want you want, the real 5uestion is, onceyou have the power to make a difference what will you do with thatpower. "ou can become the most reconi6ed celebrity in the Game butettin to the top could cost you your heart, soul and interity. If thathappens what*s the point of havin money, fame and power, if inside allyou feel is empty bitter and sour. If that is what happen to you then howcan you use your fame and power for ood. To encourae, inspire andinfluence is a power that all )nles have but all those thins can be bothpositive and neative for you can also encourae bad habits, inspirepeople to do evil and to send out inspirations to cause harm or violence.

    7 In a similar way, -odom and Gomorrah and the surroundin towns avethemselves up to se&ual immorality and perversion. They serve as ane&ample of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire. In that storythey were all burnt up, althouh that will not literally happen for the Godwho would personally do such thin to his people, when a bi fire hit lotswill feel fear and panic and after everythin will chane and people willrespect that fire a lot more. 7hen the truth is e&posed this is how it willbe. 8 In the very same way, on the strenth of their dreams theseunrihteouspeople pollute their own minds, theyre#ect authority and the

    ood laws of the land. Theyabuse the system, take whatever help theycan et but ive little to nothin back into the system4 a system thatshould be desined to help all people not #ust themselves. It is fair tomake the rich pay more ta& for many work #ust as hard as the poorerperson yet the pay difference are massive, but the poorer person shouldnot #ust moan about how unfair thins are when they themselves are notwillin to put the effort into try and work as hard as the richer people areprepared to work. 9 1ut even the archanel Michael %ackson, he becamevery rich and successful but he worked e&tremely hard when he wasyoun to et to the place where he was at. True he had a lot of help but

    that help turned into a push and he lost his childhood because of it8 +eot fame money and power but it cost him everythin, his childhood,soul, and even mind a bit8 )nd because he ave everythin he ended uplosin everythin, his: respect, reputation, money and even his life allbecause some people saw him as a taret that they could make moneyout of. +e made a lot of money but then aain so did the people aroundhim, and they did not always have the best intentions in mind. 1utbecause he was the one with the fame, if there were neative rumorsoin around people put the focus only on him and not on all the oodthins that he had done but on all the bad thins that he miht havedone. 10 "et these people slander whatever they do not understand, andthe very thins they do understand by instinct ' as irrational animals do

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    ' This will destroy them for if they hated Michael %ackson then they arevery capable of hatin many other people8

    I think it is funny what the old bible wrote about Michael, it0s so cra6y8+e was disputin with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself

    dare to condemn him for slander but said, 9The !ord rebuke you8

    117oe to them8 They have taken the way of evil and distrust4 they haverushed for profit and care little about the sufferin that they would causeon the other person because of theirerror4 they will bedestroyed inrebellion for kalma will likely come back on to them812 These people are blemishes at your love feasts, for if they had knownthat Michael %ackson was the real persecuted -on of God who, like Christalso died for your sins, then you would not have persecuted or turnedaway from him in the way that you did.;sin himwithout the slihtest

    care for what he miht be oin throuh ' the people who work in themedia and yet only write neative articles that would only insult others,they are like shepherds who feed only themselves. They are cloudswithout rain, blown alon by the wind4 autumn trees, without fruit ' theyare like thedead. 13 They are wild waves of the sea, foamin up theirshame.14 Enoch, the seventh from )dam, prophesied about them: 9-ee, the !ordis comin with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones 15 to #udeeveryone, and to convict all of them of all the unodly acts they havecommitted in their unodliness, and of all the defiant words thatsinners

    have spoken aainst her.16

    These people are rumblers and faultfinders4they follow their own evil desires4 they boast about themselves and flatterothers for their own advantae.

    % &all to Persevere

    17 1ut, dear friends, remember what the apostles of %esus foretold. 18 Theysaid to you, 9In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow theirown unodly desires. 19 These are the people who divide you, who tellyou that you must love the father yet hate satan, they tell you to insultother reliions and to only follow after %esus. They are thosewho followmere natural instincts of fear and hatred for God and theydo not havethe -pirit in them althouh they will tell you that they do so that you mayfollow them rather than the truth820 1ut you, dear friends, should build upyour4 skills,personality,friendship knowlede and even possession that will make your life feelmore complete. 1uild up life and mindin truth heart and mind. 7ork isimportant so focus in on what it is that you want to do. 1uild up yourskills in the one particular thin and turn it into a profitable business. )imto take up a %ob that helps both you and the people, but remember that

    what the people want may be a different thin to what the people shouldwant or actually need. ) dru addict miht want drus but it miht also

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    kill them so counselin or a ood friend is what they really need. ) uymiht want a prostitute but a irlfriend would be far more beneficial. Inthe same way, the people miht say they want %esus but if they only wantto see him to be foriven and to o into heaven then they will et nothinfor what they really need to be nicer to the people that they have

    wroned and to find a way of makin their life better, turn to %esus willonly make them turn away from the real issues and lon for death andthe afterlife in +eaven that %esus promises.21 (or the messae of the old1ible says 9keep yourselves in God0s love as you wait for the mercy of ourChrist to brin you to eternal life. This is the truth for you need me tocome and rewrite this book, but now that I am here I can correct thebook and say all the thins that the physics who wrote it, o wron822 1e merciful to those who doubt4 23 save others by snatchin them fromthe fire4 to others show mercy, mi&ed with fear'hatin even the clothinstained by corrupted flesh.


    24 To him who is able to keep you from stumblin and to present youbefore his lorious presence without fault and with reat #oy' 25 to theonly God our -avior be lory, ma#esty, power and authority, throuhChrist our !ord, before all aes, now and forevermore8 )men.


    1 $aul, a servant of God and an apostle of %esus aimedto further thefaith of God0s elect, the people who can see throuh the lies anddeception, so that they can knowtheir ownknowlede of the truth thatleads to odliness throuh some of these old books' 2 in the hope of

    eternal life, which God, who does not typically lie, promised before thebeinnin of time, 3 and which now at herappointed season shehasbrouht to liht throuh the preachin of reincarnation. This task oftellin you I have have was entrusted to me by the command of God our-avior,4 To Titus, my true son in our common faith:Grace and peace from God the (ather and Christ our -avior.

    %$$ointing (lders )ho *ove )hat +s ood

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    them at the ae of >> went to a theater saw that the competition wastouh so thouht I should first work on the academic side first. 1ut afteruni in ==

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    considerably less and the public can then feed into this and use it aevidence that females can not be ood in business. I know I am not thatthat ood in business but that*s mostly because I lack confidence and Ican only rise in power if people do the risin part for me. If they chose forme to be in that possin but when in that position I miht well be a reat

    leader better than many others. If a female is not pushin her way up tothe top that is mostly likely #ust people do not encourae women to dosuch thins. 7omen are not encouraed to chase after the hiher paid#obs, they are more likely looked down, but these women that are oftennicer people, and because of this can make ood leaders but a lot peoplehave the false belief that bein nice will et you know where in life.

    )merica is a lare area and I would love to chane thins by appointin)na from T"T into that preidensatla role but after I would love all the biDations to chane their votin system so that there is always one !eadin

    Man and one !eadin !ady who is officially pronounced as president orprime ministers. 7ho ets to be >st in control or who ets to be

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    you have lots I would advise that you take a break try e&plorin andspendin some of the money that you have so that your wealth can beshared amonst those who need it more, and if you have a little trypushin yourself further to et more or try thinkin about easier ways toimprove your life. If you are a female and do not want to work then it is

    your choice but not workin could mean that you don0t develop vital skills.I would say that I have skills in dance, sinin and performance I am alsoI ood wireless rock climber and hiker but my skills at ettin and %obappear to feel like 6ero. I have felt this all my life, to be a performer ortraveler, I would love to be a writer but my dysle&ia is very bad so I couldnot really do that for everthin would need to be proof checked. I had lotsof issues with why it is that I can not et a #ob but when I found out that Iwas Eve and )aliyah in my past life everythin made sense, I haverepetitive %obs and have no skills in the workplace because I*ve neverbeen in the workplace before. )lthouh I can not remember my past lifes

    my skills of hikin lon distance and rock scramblin have come from mylife as /arla A) cave woman who lived by herself or with only her son formost of her lifeB )nd the natural ability to dance and sin have come from)aliyah A)lthouh her voice was much better than mine8B This is why it isimportant for all people to learn how to work and earn money, it will helpthem in their ne&t life8 )aliyah know the riht people so fame was anoption for her but if you have a #ob that has mostly iven you famethrouh luck or #ust throuh bein in the riht place at the riht time thenyou must understand that you miht not have that same luck in your ne&tlife, so skills and ability is more important than a fool*s luck8 I believe I

    have had such bad luck because of a curse and because of havin badparents who I am embarrassed of. 3ne does not support or help me inanyway and the other is a bit mad and does not have much intellience socan not ive any advice, but you too many have unwanted parents in yourne&t life.

    ebuking Those )ho .ail to "o ood

    10 (or there are many rebellious people, full of meaninless talk and

    deception, especially those who hold fast to stronly reliious teachinand 1ible based roups. 11They must be silenced, because the 1ible talksof many horrible thins yet claims that most of these crimes were eithercarried out by God or were approved by God and this is not the truth2 Topreach such thins is an insult to God for she does not want you to turnher into a monster, but for that reason she does not mind you callin hera him for it only stands as proof that you do not know her. -ome laws inthe 1ibleare disruptin whole households by ettin people to teachthins they ouht not to teach. )lso in the koran it says you are to killinfidels, this line is not from a lovin merciful God rather a God who onlywants to cause trouble so that people punish one another2 1oth ood andbad thins can come out of punishment for if someone kills you, your soul

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    when it is reincarnated subconsciously remembers that event and it youare a nice person you will not want to inflict that same crime on others, orif your mum and dad are murdered when you are youn, you will have tospend the rest of your life with out them to support you, this pain shouldteach you how wron it is to kill people. True some can become nastier

    towards others but there is only so much pain that a person and othrouh before there soul becomes more submissive and open to seeinother people*s points of view. )ll this open a person*s awareness andmakes their soul fuller. ) person*s e&perience will make them becomenicer, smarter and better people. The averae person would see terrorismas people who are criminals and mentally insane, and that is what theyare8 1ut people also need to realise that many lives ao they would havebeen #ust like that, if you do not believe me, #ust open up a history book2The instinct to kill comes from the monkey #ean inside of them, and fromthere soul that would have once been an animal. illin is a very bad

    thin but humans are usually meat eaters and your ability to kill even ifthat means killin another human, that would have been somethin thatcould have saved your life in the past. Even now there are danerouspeople around, and killin a human miht be a necessary action to saveyour life and the life of others. )ll that I have said is true but the koransays that killin is okay but it does not say why, it does not say that theconscience of killin some one has a step conse5uence wich it that thosewho choose to take that path will one day find themselves becomin avictim of that same crime that they used to commit. This and many otherreason is why both the 5uran and the 1ible need to be chane for both

    ood and bad thins are in both but there is a lot of fine print andimportant details missin, but much more so in the 1ible. )lso for therecord the muslims are riht about there 5ur*an bein more accurate,they #ust need to remove a few lines but lots of thins in the old 1ible arewron pertically the earliest books and Mathew Mark !uke and %ohn, mostof those four books are purposely wron so that I can use %esus as aclassic bad e&ample0 for the new versions8

    (or the sake of many the old reliions need to be updated andmoderni6ed hence why I am here. 12 3ne of Crete0s own prophets has said

    it: 9Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, la6y luttons.13

    This sayin istrue. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in thefaith. 14 and will pay no attention to %ewish myths or to the merely humancommands of those who re#ect the truth.

    That line there is another bad e&ample for the cretans are people, Greeksin the island of Crete, hence all the people there have different charactersand personality, you can not #ust lump all cretans toether and call themall liars, evil brutes, la6y luttons.0 That would be like me sayin that allof the people in Ireland are all liars, evil brutes, la6y luttons.0 It0s #ustnot true and it0s not realistic. It says not to pay attention to %ewish myths

    but the comin of %esus was supposed to be one of the fulfilments of oneof those %ewish myths. I0m my version of this book I have taken the old

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    teachins in the book turned everythin that is wron upside down andused those thins to e&pose how not to think or be. This first part iswron for you should not cateorise people like this, the second part isriht but the %ewish myth that the book is actually referrin to is %esus ofDa6areth2 1oth parts need to be twisted but in two different way2 )lso

    unlike %esus I twist my own corn, this is how I do it815 To the pure, allthins are pure, but to those who are corrupted fall for the lies anddeceptions of what has been corrupted, nothin is pure to them hencethey stay on the side of those who put others down with insults . In fact,both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 They claim to knowGod, but by their actions they deny and book that preaches about heralso insult her and makes her seem like this thin that is bad. They aredetestable, disobedient and unfit for doin anythin ood for that hatewhat is actually ood and love what is actually bad.

    "oing ood for the !ake of the os$el

    2 "ou, preachers who want to do what is riht by God, you now mustteach what is appropriate to correct the olddoctrine and actually helpyour conreation rather than feed them lines such as we #ust must waitfor Christ to show up. "ou must honor your father -atan by stop tellinpeople that he is responsible for all their mistake rather preach the truthwhich is that -atan did make mistakes but he is still the world*s (atherand at the beinnin he was %ust a monkey #ust like many of you miht

    have been in one of your past lives. )ll humans come from monkeysthat*s why F= of human /H) matches with Money /H), that is thetruth8 Go to a history museum, see the evidence with your own eyes. Todeny what you see with your own eyes and deny all the forensic evidence,and the fossils that have survived is to become but a fool8 To deny whatmakes sense and believe that Eve was made from )dam*s rib and that)dam was made from dust, that means that you are still like a younchild in God*s eye0s. /o you still believe in the tooth fairy or do you stillbelieve that all babies come from stalks. 7hat Gods has allowed you tobelieve is e&actly the same thin that you miht do to your children. If

    you ot raped by a very uly person, and had a child from that incident,you most likely would not want to tell the truth to your child until theywere much older, and if you did tell them at a youn ae they most likelywould not believe it or not want to believe it. If this happens the mothershould not feel any shame but in a world that hates God, people will takethat hatred for God and make sure that other women are persecuted #ustin the same way that people wish to insult God. There is nothin wronwith havin an abortion but Eve was not able to but it was because shedid not have an abortion that humans are alive today. !ikewise peoplesubconsciously copy this event and too believe that abortion is wron for

    it would have been wron if Eve would have had that. 7ithout releasin itthat event is affectin people still today but people do not know why rape

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    is so common or why so many people would do such a thin for part of itcomes from animal instinct the other part comes from -atan the monkeywho laid0 with Eve. 1ut he is not personally responsible for people*sactions and wron choices. -o many people have no respect for God andyou can test this by testin how much respect for woman they have. If

    you are on God0s side you will understand how wron rape is, or howwron it is to have a kid as a result of a rape attack and then to feel likeyou are the one who has done somethin wron. If Eve could have had anabortion she would of done, true none of you would be here but if humansdid e&isted back then she should of been allowed to have an abortion forhavin that child came at a very hih price and to force someone intopayin that price is also very wron. If you were on God0s side you wouldunderstand how much rief and stress that child has caused her, not onlyas a human but as a spirit to, havin to watch all her rand kids kill eachother for thousands of years. "ou would be understandin to how she

    would now feel about all of you, be rateful that that child was born butalso understand that it came at a hih price, not #ust for her but for herchild and rand kids to. It is a price that should not be forced on tosomeone by others unless they choose of their own free will to keep thatchild. To be aainst God is to hate those mothers who want an abortionand hate those mothers who have a fatherless child if they o ahead withthe birth. "ou will hate those kinds of people because you hate God andhate what she did for you8

    2 7hen preachin teach othersto be temperate, worthy of respect, self

    controlled, and sound in true that are backed up with evidence or acturetwith statistics, do not e&pect people to #ust take your word for everythinbut you believe you are divinely inspired0. (ind love fall in love andendure the ood and bad thins about that relationship. 3nly separate if itturns violent or if there is little #oy or pleasure from bein toether.3 Teach othersto be smartin the way they live, recyle, educated yourselfstay healthy, do not panic or stress over thins that you do not need tostress over. Teach the members of your church how to spend moneywisely and efficiently. +ow to e&ercise, how to eat well, how to do well ininterviews, how to write a C, how to dance, how to2 There are so many

    thins that people do not know yet knowin such thins would really helpimprove the 5uality or standard of their livin. These are the thins thatod wishes you to teach.

    "ou should not preach about how to not want thins, how to trust in faitheven thouh all the evidence tells you not to. /o not believe everythinyou hear, do not worship someone who claims to have power yet do nothave the power to show their true face or to even prove that they werealive in the first place. /o not listen to those who only insult others andtell people how over will ot to hell if they do not believe in there trains./o not lorify murderers, to not think that war is always the answer. /o

    not hate those who believe in somethin that is different to your belive./o not hate those who wear different cloths to the style that you wear. /o

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    not #ude others on thins they have little to no control over. If you dochoose to #ude someone put yourself in that person*s position and thinkhow would you off handled that situation, and put into consideration therelife and there backround, stealin is bad but if a person is livin on thestreets and steels only what he must to survive, it is wron but what that

    person needs is help in findin a better way to live so do not be to criticalfor that will amount to nothin8 It too will likely only make thins worse./o not preach fear about how the world is about to end or how the royalfamily are all shapeshiftin li6ards who are about to eat lots of people. Ifyou lauh when I say that then reat, but there are many people whoactually believe this. /o not follow these people for these people have amental disorder and should not have the riht to handle a un, for if theyare capable of believin that, then they also miht also be able of thinkinthat innocent people are infact aliens that are tryin to kill them hencewhy they should not have access to a un8 I understand that they miht

    read this and think that I am #ust sayin this as a way of protectin thealiens from people who believe in them and are scared of them. 1ut it isfoolish to fear somethin that has no evidence it is even real. 1elievinthat Christianity end times prophecies are about to happen #ust becausethe prophecy that says There will be war and rumours of war,0 and nationwill rise aainst nation0 to believe that these correct0 prophecies are proofthat the world is about to end is madness, for there has always been warsaccruin around the world and if Dations really were aainst other Dationsthen how come the ;D is ainin so much strenth now, for its wholepurpose is to bride the ap between different counties, states and

    nations, but people who are corrupted can only see corruption so theytwist everythin to see only want they want to see. They would ratherbelieve that it is others who are corrupted and not themselves. It is truethat there is a lot of corruption around and also within the overnmentbut there are many ood thins to and you need to see the bierpicture. "ou should not #ust put a blind eye to and the neative orneative possibilities, but accusin people without proof or evidence willet you nowhere, so why stress yourself if there is not real cause. $ositivepeople will be more positive about others and there life will be happier ineneral and that should be your aim.

    I you still want to preach teach useful thins like, how to live on a budet,how to interview well and teach how to find the riht #ob for you. +elppeople in how to use the computer, how to find a new home if they theyare bein evicted or can not afford to pay the rent that they are currentlypayin. $riests should be useful members of society and you know youare doin a ood #ob when people no loner need to turn to God butinstead can turn to you for help. emember God can not save them, onlythey can save themselves but all people need help sometimes and youcan be that person who helps them. If you choose to o into a form ofcounsellin then you need to be trained and need to have a propercertificate that proves that you know how to help people. I dere leave is

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    not necessary but a short course should be sufficient. "ou can not do thisby turnin to a

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    a crime whether they o to prison or not karma AIf the spirit and Matri&feels is fairB will come back on to them for all people will face the#udment of death and where your soul oes depends on how you liveyour current life, so by that teachin weather they o to #ail or not theywill have to pay for the crimes one way or another. $reachers do not have

    to report them but they should encourae them to turn themselves in.

    The people who sentences criminals also need to realise that a few yearsin prison is a very lon time so you should not think that two or threeyears is the same thin for they are very different. If two people committhe same crime with the same amount of force or violence you can notive one person one year and another three years for that is massivelyunfair. Thins like that will only eat away at the prisoner and he will onlyturn into a victim of the unfair prison sentencin. 7hen sentencin peopleyou must think first about why it is that they are oin to prison and what

    are they suport to learn from their time there. If it0s because they havenot bein payin ta& then sei6in and sellin of their home or car to paythe ta& that they owe off seems to be the far more fairer option ratherthan #ust lockin them up. If it0s a dru crime a low security rehabilitationprison should be a possibility, as it will be safer for the people as they arenot looked up for violent offence so pose less risk.

    -uicide is a bad thin but reportin people who are depressed and suicidalis not the best option unless you believe that they are oin throuh ametal break down and believe that they are not in there riht thinkin

    and state of mind. )s someone who has felt on and off suicidal of all mylife. "ou can not put these thouhts down to the possibility that I have amental illness for I have these thouhts because I believe in a betterplace and I believe that throuh death is the only way to et there. Mesayin this does not mean that I am wron or mental ill for I am riht.7hat I do not know thouh is after I die will I actually o to a betterworld or all I o to a place outside time where I can time travel and maketimelines or will my soul #ust be reincarnated back on Earth but in acompletely different ae. 3ne thin I do know is that since I am the Christit is hihly likely that I will o to a different place from where most of youwill o for I have evidence that before )aliyah I was not alive on Earth forup to >K,=== years rouhly so my rebirthin cycle is much more differentto yours. -o if my pattern continues death would likely be very beneficialfor me but it would not be as beneficial for others as they will likely onlyend up in a similar position in their ne&t life.

    ) preiset must try to help people who feel suicidal, you should do that byadvisin them in ways to make there life better. Tell them to find a better#ob, %oin and #ym, take up hobbies #oin a social meetin clubs. If theperson were happier they would not feel suicidal so that for me is the bestway to handle it. If they seem manic or like they are not thinkin riht

    and if you feel they are not themselves and that they miht take therelives, then you can report to a hospital but if they are #ust depressed then

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    trunin on them will only ive them more reason to hate others and tohate life, you will also lose their trust. I found out I was God ot theevidence that proved I was riht went to a christian center then were notwillin to read listen or e&pect anythin that I was sayin they thenpushed 5uestions at me. They asked Luestions such as 9why do I care

    about these thins, 9why am I tryin to look at these thins and 9howdoes it make you feel, I could tell that they did not believe me and so Iadmitted that this makes me feel suicidal and that I*ve been suicidal mostof my life because this world is nasty and horrible but instead of helpinme they #ust ot a doctor who asked me some 5uestions without carinabout whether or not what I was sayin was riht or not. They then saidwe can o two ways from here, either you come with me or I will et thepolice to et you to come with me2 +e then took me to a mental home2I promised them that they will know the truth one day, I have promisedso many people on youtube that they will one day reret the nasty

    comments they had hailed at me, but still three years on, nothin hashappened and I still am bein re#ected cast out and am still alone. Thedays that I was put into the home was only two weeks after I had movedinto a flat for the first time in my life. I was payin = days, so felt like they had #ust stolen ??= off me. Those >=days were the worst days of the whole three years. 7hile I was in there,very few doctors spoke to me. The care works that I tried to et torelease me said only doctors can do that do none would ive me the timeof day. there was nothin wron with me but I was looked in a hostel withmost people there havin a clear mental illness but I never showed

    aression or madness, not even once and yet I felt as thouh I had tocalmly be the doctors to release me. )nd I had to tolerate all the insultsthat they throuh at me about my personality and how abnormal is it Iwas offend but said and did whatever I could to say clam althouh inside Ifelt like I was dyin because because in that place felt like it was drivinme drivin me cra6y, not preventin me me feelin cra6y. I wanted toleave that place so badly but the doctors only said my keenness to leavewas only provin that I was better of stayin. I was there >= days I onlyhad two oes at talkin with the doctor to et them to release me. Mymum actually is a bit mad but on the second o the doctor looked up at

    her like she was the sane one and looked down on my like I was the madone. +e did let me o but its took alot of providin, and admittin andwas wron he how he was riht everythin he said was riht2 1ut afterthat e&perience I will now hate all mental health doctors because theyone clearly chose that #ob only because the loved havin authority andpower over people8 7hen I person is session that person loses all theirrihts to be himself and to be happy or sad for everythin you do when inthe ?= minute conversation with the doctor is #ude and put in 5uestion.My dad could of helped me by sinin a form that says If I came out, hewould look after me0 and but he refused to help me, I said he #ust needs

    to sin the form then I will look after myself like I always do, but herefused because he said that I can not cook so how could I possibly look

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    after myself2 This comes from a dad who has never cooked for me in hislife Aunless he*s cooked for himself and has somethin left over but eventhat has only happened three timesB My mum had one away the firstweek but she was only a few hours away and most ood mothers, if theyhear that their child has been unfairly looked up, would stop what they

    are doin and help their dauhter, but she did not for she was not able tobelieve anythin that I told her, even thouh I have always been the moreintellient one. Even when she came back it took her days for her tobother to help me. )nd the whole time celebrities were #ust writin sonsabout me actin like they were helpin me, when all they were doin wasisolatin me, lyin to me, usin me and not carin about anythin thatwhat happenin to me. It0s a horrible thin to know that people are dointhins about you behind your back yet not one person choose to speak toyou and anyone you speak to does not believes you. )nd then for you tobe put in a mental home because the people that you try to et help

    from, think you have a mental illness even thouh it is perfectly obviousthat you do not. 1ut to have what was happenin to me by the rich andfamous on top of everythin thin else, it was awful. illin yourself is notthe answer but if someone is suicidal most of their life, and they believe intheir hearts that they would be happier dead in the the ne&t life. then youmust respect that decision and not #ust lock them up for perhaps they areriht. "ou may not believe that, but that could only be because in yourheart you know that if you died you miht end up in a worse position inthe ne&t life, but that is not the cases with everyone. +avin said that,you can alway take your life but wants it0s over you can not et that same

    life back. -ometimes the rass in reener on the other side AE rass isreener in Dorth )merica then it is in the -outhB but sometimes it is not it#ust depends what scale you are on. The catch, however, is that you donot have the answer to what your life cyle scale is on. If it0s small thenkillin yourself will not chane your situation for it will likely only ive youa similar lifestyle or family in your ne&t life, to the one that you currentlyhave, that*s why it0s best to life a full life so that you can learn evolve andhopefully et on a bier scale8 emember that you can always take yourlife but once it0s one you cannot chane your mind and et that life backso try to make the most of what you have and the more you learn the

    better your reward will be in both this life and the ne&t.

    This world should not be a prison if someone is oin throuh immensepain do to old ae or a lon term condition then to deny them the riht todie is to keep them in a prison and to cause them more harm then theyhave already faced.

    )s your God I want people to life in the world but only if they want to behere. If they have thouht about suicide a lot and believe that they wouldbe happier dead, then you must consider the possibility that they areriht. Maybe they do deserve a better life, a nicer family, a better

    location2 The Mark of the 1east NNN means that you have been put onthis world for a reason and so your life sentence should be for you to live

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    beyond N= for better or for worse. That should be preached to all peoplebut if you opened up a shelter from homeless people, the people in yourcare must live there because they choose to, not because they are forcedto live in your shelter. !ikewise this is how God feels, if you do not want tobe alive then providin you are in you riht state of mind and have

    wanted this for a lon time, then if they want to kill themselves youshould not report it to a mental institute nor should you feel any uilt if aperson talks about suicide and then later you hear that they are dead./eath is not the end for their soul will o on, if they think it is there timeto o you must respect that decision and even be happy that they haveot what they want. /octors should not be leally allowed to kill a patientunless they are over N= and if they have been on a waitin list for over ayear and if they have seen a counselor who can not chane there mind.The only e&ceptions are to people who are paralysed or sufferin fromsevere lon term medical conditions or physical in#ury.

    The purpose in life is to learn to take what you have a make the most ofit, however bad your life is there are always other people who are inworse positions than you. 1ut you should not complain about all thethins that you do not have, you should instead think about way in whichyou can improve your life and find a way of turnin your life into the lifethat you want to have. Dow that I know that I am Christ I know that whatI believe is true which is that I better world awaits me but only afterdeath will I see it but I also know that the better world I will o todepends on the thins that I do and write now. I am ettin chills as I

    think about this but the timeline is like a ?/ %ickels pulse. the ?/ %isawcan only be made and built up if everyone works toether to achieve theworld that they want to live in. If a person does not help out or does notwork that much there peice to the #i6cil is small and makes only a littledifference to the overall pu66le but if a person can achieve lots and have alare positive influence on the world then there pice to the #isaw is lare.If a #isaw is made with lots of lare peice that it will be completed muchsooner, likewise if many people work toether and become bi pu66lepieces then the world you want to create will be completed faster. (ore&ample the uy who discovered electricity is one lare piece the people

    who formed tv0s and computers have become another piece and theperson or people who created the internet is another piece and the peoplewho created sites such as Goole, wikipedia and even (acebook all siteslike this are #ust more pieces of the pu66le. )ll these pieces would not fiton to the ?d #isaw unless the pieces at the bottom are firmly fi&ed in.)lthouh I still write this whole book in confession for I know that I amthe Christ and I know people know this yet I can not understand why ==0s of people so could have se&ual diseasesor they can not en#oy the act that much because the have done it somuch, prostitution ruins lives or you may sleep with someone who is onlydoin it because they are dein hiddenly forced to by a violent se& rin.1ut I see no problem with seein a mauseus and consensually ettin ahappy endin. 3ranisms are nice natural thins althouh I personallycan not understand why someone would want to e&perience that in frontof a straner. It0s not an embarrassin thin to do or want so masseusethat offer that should not be looked down on for doin so. It onlybecomes embarrassin or deradin if it spirals into somethin more than

    that for many people who o into masse start to et tempted by themoney and do turn into prostitutes so you should always be aware of thisfor once you have opened that door it will be harder to close it. "ou areable to do massae and have a relationship at the same time, providinthe uy is understandin and trust you with clients but as soon as it turnsinto thins like blow#obs or 1ody to body, uys will find it harder to wantto have a relationship with you for most uys do not want to share theirirlfriend with hundreds of other uys.

    7 $reachers in Jion mustin everythin set themselves up asan e&ampleby doin what is ood. In your teachin show interity, seriousness 8 andsoundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those whooppose you can also not arue with you or testifies aainst you.11(or the race of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12It teaches us to say 9Do to unodliness and worldly passions, and to liveselfcontrolled, upriht and odly lives in this present ae, 13 while we waitfor the blessed hope'the appearin of the lory of our reat God and-avior, )nna 1ee,Christ on Earth, 14 who ave herself for us to redeem usfrom all wickedness and to purify for herself a people that are her veryown, eaer to do what is ood, and eaer to read her own writins, not

    the writin of people lon ao who were tryin to channel her thouhts

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    only to et many thins wrons but to actually read what she haspersonally written whilst usin the old books only as a template.15 These, then, are the thins you should teach. Encourae and rebukewith all authority. /o not let anyone despise you.

    !aved in Order to "o ood

    3 emind the people to be sub#ect to rulers and authorities, to beobedient, to be ready to do whatever is ood, 2 to slander no one, to bepeaceable and considerate, and always to be entle toward everyone.3 )t one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved byall kinds of passions and pleasures. 7e lived in malice and envy, beinhated and hatin one another. 4 1ut when the kindness and love of Godour -avior appeared, 5 shesaved us, not because of rihteous thins wehad done, but because of hermercy. -hesaved us throuh the washin ofrebirth and renewal by the +oly -pirit, 6 whom shepoured out on usenerously throuh Christ our -avior, 7 so that, havin been #ustified byherrace, we miht become heirs havin the hope of eternal life. 8 This isa trustworthy sayin. )nd I want you to stress these thins, so that thosewho have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doinwhat is ood. These thins are e&cellent and profitable for everyone.9 1ut avoid foolish controversies and enealoies and aruments and5uarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10 If aperson is bein divisive warnthem of their ways but if they do not want to

    know let them be for you can not force someone to do the riht thin allthe time. 11"ou may be sure that such people are warped and sinful4 theyare selfcondemned.

    .inal emarks

    14 3ur people must learn to devote themselves to doin what is ood, inorder to provide for urent needs and not live unproductive lives.15 Greet those who love us in the truth, once it has been e&posed.

    Grace be with you all.