PhD Eueopeaus in Industrial Engineering address: Fisica Tecnica ... · PhD Eueopeaus in Industrial...

PhD Eueopeaus in Industrial Engineering address: "Fisica Tecnica" – Università degli Studi di Padova – Italy

Transcript of PhD Eueopeaus in Industrial Engineering address: Fisica Tecnica ... · PhD Eueopeaus in Industrial...

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PhD Eueopeaus in Industrial Engineering address: "Fisica Tecnica" – Università degli Studi di Padova – Italy

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Ing. Mirco Dona', born in Conselve (PD), Italy, on 18/09/1983. Diploma in 2002 at the Tecnichal Institute I.T.I.S. "G. Marconi" of Padua, industrial expert Thermotechics. In 2005 he graduated from the University of Padua in Civil Engineering BSc with 105/110. In 2008 he graduated from the University of Padua in Civil Engineering Geotechnics MSc with 110/110. He is currently enrolled in the Doctoral School at the DII (Department of Industrial Engineering) of the University of Padua, address Technical Physics. His research has addressed the scope of its renewable Energy, especially on the low temperature geothermal energy for heating of civil buildings, collaborating with the Department of Geosciences of the same University. From October of 2011 working with the Reykjavik University, and National Energy Authority in Reykjavik, Iceland, as PhD Student to continue the research themes on geothermal high temperature, particularly on the extraction of heat from hot dry rock HDR studying the Exchange between heat and water in fractured rock geothermal reservoir.

Ing. Mirco Donà, nato a Conselve (PD), Italia, il 18/09/1983. Diplomato nel 2002 all’Istituto Tecnico I.T.I.S “G. MARCONI” di Padova in perito industriale Termotecnico. Nel 2005 si laurea all’Università di Padova in Ingegneria Civile con 105/110. Nel 2008 si laurea all’Università di Padova in Ingegneria Civile, laurea magistrale con 110/110. Nel 2010 si iscrive alla scuola di Dottorato al DII (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale) dell’Università di Padova, indirizzo Fisica Tecnica, il tema di ricerca sono le Energia Rinnovabili, in particolare l’energia geotermica, l’anno 2011/2012 lo ha svolto in Islanda collaborando con la Reykjavik University, l’Autorità Nazionale dell’Energia Islandese, ed il centro geotermico di ricerca ISOR, il tema di ricerca è l’estrazione del vapore in rocce calde secche per la produzione di energia elettrica e teleriscaldamento.

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Scientific activity The activity of the student Mirco Donà during the first year can be summarized under the following points:

o Literature review of the study on low temperature geothermal energy : S. Basta, F. Minchio - Geotermia e pompe di calore (2007); G. Dell'Olio - Pompe di calore geotermiche (2009); A. Zarrella - Uso del terreno come sorgente termica; M. De Carli - A computational capacity resistance model (CaRM) for vertical ground-coupled heat exchangers (2009)

o Literature review on the technology of energy piles: Brandl H. 2006. "Energy

foundations and other thermo-active ground structures"; Bourne - Webb P. J., Amatya B., Soga K., Amis T., Davidson C. and Payne P. 2009. "Energy pile test at Lambeth College, London: geotechnical and thermodynamic aspects of pile response to heat cycles"; Bowles J. E. 1991. "FONDAZIONI - progetto e analisi"; Cestelli Guidi C. 1987. "Geotecnica e tecnica delle fondazioni Vol. 1,2"; Colombo P., Colleselli F. 1996. "Elementi di geotecnica"; Fromentin A., Pahud D., Jaquier C., Morath M. 1997. "Recommandations pour la réalisation d'installations avec pieux échangeurs. Empfehlungen fur Energiepfahlsysteme, Rapport final, Office fédéral de l'énergie, Bern, Switzerland; Hellstrom G. 1991. "Ground Heat Storage. Thermal Analyses of Duct Storage System. Theory"; Jun Gao, Xu Zhang , Jun Liu, Kui Shan Li, Jie Yang. 2008. "Thermal performance and ground temperature of vertical pile-foundation heat exchangers: A case study"; Laloui L., Moreni M., Steinmann G., Vulliet L., Fromentin A., Pahud D. 1999. "Test en conditions réelles du comportement statique d'un pieu soumis du comportement statique d'un pieu soumis à des sollicitations thermo . mécaniques"; Laloui L., Nuth M., Vulliet L. 2006. "Experimental and numerical investigations of the behaviour of a heat exchanger pile"; Pahud D. 1999 PILESIM - LASEN: "Simulation Tool for Heating / Cooling System with Heat Exchanger Piles or Borehole Heat Exchangers"; Pahud D. 2007 PILESIM2: "Simulation Tool for Heating/Cooling System with Energy Piles or multiple Borehole Heat Exchangers"; Viggiani C. 2003. "Fondazioni".

o Literature review on geothermal energy in the medium – high temperature:

Gringarten A.C., Witherspoon P.A., Ohnishi Y., Theory of heat extraction from fractured hot dry rock, (1975); R. Wunder, H. Murphy, Thermal drawdown and recovery of singly and multiply fractured hot dry rock reservoirs, (1978); D. Swenson, B. Hardeman, The effects of thermal deformation on flow in a jointed geothermal reservoir, (1997); A. Ghassemi, S. Tarasovs; Three-dimensional modeling of injection induced thermal stresses with an example from coso; (2004); K. Watanabe, H. Takahashi - Parametric study of the energy extraction from hot dry rock based on fractal fracture network model (1995);

o Study of the phenomenon of the heat Exchange inside of soils at low temperature: in this area, Mirco Donà, analyzed different calculation codes useful for the study of the thermal exchange in soils, medium and high temperature, with

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probes closed circuit (CaRM) and with solutions in open circuit (COMSOL). The PhD student, analyzed: both the influence of groundwater in movement on the performance of the heat exchanger in closed circuit, both the effect of the thermal in the ground. The PhD student has also started a homogeneous comparison of closed-circuit heat exchangers double U with water or water-glycol mixture in the tubes. This work is at an advanced stage and will be submitted for publication in an international journal.

o Study of the phenomenon of the heat Exchange inside of soils at medium

temperature : in this area, Mirco Donà, analyzed the literature in the field and will work on a comparison between the analytical methods and COMSOL, the thermal potential in the ground systems at medium temperature. To this end, he collaborated on a paper presented at an International Conference in Debrecen (Hungary).

Articles: M. De Carli, M. Donà, D. Vergani. 2010. "Dimensionare i pali energetici", in AICARR Journal, giugno 2010, pag. 14 - 21; M. De Carli, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, S. Graci. 2010. "Possibilities of extractable energy from the ground in areas with anomalous gradient temperatures". (16th, Building Services, Mechanical and Building Industry Days: International Conference, 14 - 15 October 2010, Debrecen, Hungary).

Correlator of the following thesis:

Thesis Master MSc in Civil Engineering: "I pali di fondazione energetici: analisi numerica del campo termico e delle interazioni termo-strutturali", "The foundation piles energy: Numerical analysis of the thermal field and thermal-structural interactions". Relator : prof. Luca Doretti; Correlator: Ing. Mirco Donà; Graduati ng: Marco Dal Molin ; (Padova 14/07/2010)

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Formative activity:

o Conferences:

Participation in the conference entitled "Energy Plan provincial environmental. Prospective analysis and scenarios "organized by the Department for Energy Policies of the provinces of Padua April 15, 2010 in Padua.

Participation in the technical seminar on energy certification, organized by Logical Soft, for the calculation procedures for certification in Lombardy (Italy), with reference to the program CENED + defined by Lombardy (Italy);

Participation in conferences AICARR: (17/06/2010, "Reduction of needs, improving efficiency and renewable sources for energy savings in the industrial sector");

Participation in courses organized by COMSOL Multiphysics June 28 to 29; introduction to COMSOL multhiphysics 4.0; thermo - fluid dynamics modeling with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0;

Participation in the conference entitled "Renewable energy for climate: geothermal in the province of Venice sustainability and regulation" organized by the Department of Soil provinces of Venice October 29, 2010 in Mestre (VE).

Educational visit at the company SCHUCO Italy Padova.

o Series of seminars:

Attualità ed innovazione nella Tecnica del Freddo Actuality and innovation technique of cold Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua (E. Fornasieri) (C. Zilio). Duration: 6 hours

Tecniche innovative nell’analisi acustica ambientale ed edilizia Innovative techniques in the analysis acoustics environmental and construction Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua (N. Granzotto) (A. Di Bella). Duration: 6 hours

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Risparmio energetico e fonti rinnovabili per gli edifici Energy savings and renewable Energy for buildings Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua (Michele De Carli) (Davide Del Col) Duration: 6 hours Efficienza energetica del sistema edificio-impianto Energy efficiency of the building – plant system Pof. Luigi Schibuola Università IUAV di Venezia University of Venice IUAV Duration: 6 hours Tecniche di misura sperimentale in termo fluidodinamica Measurement techniques in experimental thermofluidodynamic Ing. Stefano Bortolin, Ing. Simone Mancin, Ing. Andrea Padovan Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua Duration: 6 hours

Heat Dissipation Tools Dr. Cecilia Wolluschek Perri, Departamento de Ingenieria Mecánica, Energética y de Materiales, Public University of Navarra, Spain. Duration: 6 hours

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Laboratorio di acustica del Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica. Misure di proprietà acustiche di materiali. Acoustic laboratory of the Department of Technical Physics. Measurements of the acoustic properties of materials. ing. Nicola Granzotto Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua Duration: 4 hours Laboratorio di scambio termico del Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica. Laboratorio di misure per scambiatori di calore. Laboratory heat Exchange of the Department of Technical Physics. Laboratory measures for heat exchangers. prof.ssa Luisa Rossetto Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua Duration: 4 hours

o University courses: Energie Rinnovabili Renewable Energy Prof. Alberto Cavallini Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua Duration: 78 hours

Economia dell'Energia Energy Economics Prof. Arturo Lorenzoni Dipartimento di ingegneria Elettrica Department of Electrical Engineering University of Padua Duration: 78 hours

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Elementi di Idrogeologia Elements of Hydrogeology Prof. Paolo Fabbri Department of Geosciences University of Padua Duration: 72 hours

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Scientific activity The activity of the student Mirco Donà during the second year can be summarized under the following points:

o Study and comparison of different conditioning systems with heat pumps, considering various climatic conditions (balance winter - summer, winter imbalance, imbalance summer): in this area, Mirco Donà, analyzed by computer code CaRM, a homogeneous comparison of heat exchangers in a closed circuit, double U with water or mixture of water - glycol inside the pipes, in the initial phase evaluated a situation condition of balance between summer and winter, also considering the cost-effectiveness of heat pump installations in operation between conventional and heat pump evaporator flooded This work was presented at the national convention held in Padua on 16/06/2011 AICARR entitled: Comparison homogeneous between different conditioning systems with geothermal heat pumps, authors: Michele De Carli, Mirco Donà, Emiliano De Martin, Galgaro Antonio, Alberto Salmistraro, Angelo Zarrella. The study is being completed whereas an imbalance winter and summer an imbalance of the hours of operation of the plant, being able to offer more complete considerations on the behavior of plants in time from the economic point of view, and efficiency between various plants, short-the article will be published in an international journal.

o Bibliographic analysis study on geothermal medium – high temperature (Hot Dry Rock, system ATES): The PhD student has studied in detail the articles:

• H. S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd ed. Clarendon

Oxford, 1959, p. 396. • G. Bodvarsson, On the temperature of water flowing trough fractures, Journal of

geophysical research, Vol. 74, No. 8, 1969, pp. 1987 – 1992. • G. Bodvarsson, An estimate of the natural heat resources in a thermal area in

Iceland, Geothermics, Vol. 2, Part. 2, 1970, pp. 1289 – 1293. • G. Bodvarsson, Geothermal resource energetics, Geothermics, Vol. 3, No. 3,

1974, pp. 83 • H. A. Lauwerier, The transport of heat in an oil layer caused by the injection of

hot fluid, Appl. Sci. Res., Sect. A Vol. 5, 1955, pp. 145 – 150. • C. Gringarten, P. A. Witherspoon, Y. Ohnishi, Theory of heat extraction from

fractured hot dry rock, Journal of geophysical research, vol. 80, no. 8, 1975, pp. 1120

Solving the theories of various authors, comparing them with each other, using analytical and numerical methods such as:

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• Papoulis, A new method of inversion of the Laplace transform, Quart, Applied Math., Vol. 14, 1957, pp. 405 – 414. • G.P. Gaver Jr., Observing stochastic processes and approximate transform inversions, Operat. Res. 1966, pp. 444 – 459.

• H. Stehfest, Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms algorithm 368, Commun. ACM 13 Vol. 1, 1979, pp. 44 – 49.

o Study of the phenomenon of thermal interaction between the carrier fluid water and hot dry rock (HDR): In this context, the student Mirco Donà, went from 11 October 2011 in Reykjavik Iceland to collaborate with the University, the National Energy Authority, and the research institution ISOR, the research topics of single and multi - fracture systems Hot dry Rock (hot dry rock), this topic is important to evaluate the exchange of heat between the rock and the carrier fluid that passes through the fractures in the rock dry, evaluating the thermodynamic parameters of the rock and water as a function of temperature, deriving the flow rate of water extractable, and the heat extraction from geothermal reservoirs, in this case is compared: analytical models of theories already present in the literature, comparing them with numerical methods in the literature who work through the anti - Laplace transform, comparing these results with software of FEM (finite element method) COMSOL. The PhD student is preparing a paper to be presented at the conference in India in 2012 SOLARIS 7 to 9 February 2012, entitled: Analytical and numerical models for determining Energy geothermal potential: a case study in India Authors: Michele De Carli, Mirco Donà , Antonio Galgaro, Guðni A. Jóhannesson, Guðrún Sævarsdóttir, Sergio Marinetti. In this work, were compared various theories of analytical results of single fracture, it was found that comparing an analytical solution of the author Gringarten et al. (1975) using the numerical methods Papoulis, and Gaver - Stehfest, matches have been confirmed in Excel, and Matlab computer code. In addition, modeling the problem in COMSOL, we have obtained the same results of the analytical solution, and numenrica of Gringarten. This work will be presented at the conference as well as in India, will be studied more thoroughly with the collaboration of Reykjavik University, the National Energy Authority, and the research institution ISOR, to define and present it in international journal.

o Study of the phenomenon of thermal interaction between the carrier fluid and

porous medium water system Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES): In this context, the PhD student Mirco Donà, has compared the results of the analytical theory of Lauwerier (1956) with a solution in the finite element method COMSOL, to assess the progress of the temperature along the porous medium, once it is injected in the aquifer water , at a temperature different from the temperature of the same undisturbed. It could be observed from the comparison of analytical results and FEM, that when the thickness of the porous medium is sufficiently small the analytical solution coincides with the FEM solution, while when the thickness is sufficiently high (approximately greater than 1 m), the analytic solution does not has a regular trend of temperature variability along the aquifer is essentially constant along the same but fell drastically in the temperature undisturbed. This happens because Lauwerier studied such a theory for a layer of a thickness sufficiently small, such as to cross a hot fluid adapted to transfer heat to the layers of sand with

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presence of petroleum very dense, lowering the density of the oil due to the heat of the water, increasing the efficiency of extraction of crude oil. Interesting, it was possible to see that even in thick layers of aquifer, both in the case that in the event analytical FEM, the temperature reaches undisturbed conditions at the same distance of the injection well. This work will be completed with respect to other theories in the literature, and the study will be published in an international journal.


M. De Carli, E. De Martin, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, A. Salmistraro, A. Zarrella, 2011. “Confronto omogeneo tra diversi sistemi di climatizzazione con pompe di calore geotermiche”, convegno AICARR, 16 giugno 2011; M. De Carli, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, G. A. Jóhannesson, S. Marinetti, G. Sævarsdóttir 2011 - 2012. “Analytical and numerical models for determining geothermal energy potential: a case study in India”, convegno SOLARIS 2012, Varanasi India 7 – 9 Febbraio 2012. The article: M. De Carli, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, S. Graci. 2010. "Possibilities of extractable energy from the ground in areas with anomalous gradient temperatures". (16th, Building Services, Mechanical and Building Industry Days: International Conference, 14 - 15 October 2010, Debrecen, Hungary); Was called as a bibliography by Professor Guðni Axelsson, prepared for University of Debrecen entitled : “Sustainable Utilization of Geothermal Resources”, 2011, ISOR 2011, ICELAND GEOSURVEY, Reykjavík: Orkugardur, Grensásvegur 9, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland.

Correlator of the following thesis:

Thesis Master in Energy Engineering MSc "GEOTERMIA AD ALTA MEDIA TEMPERATURA: confronto tra modelli analitici e numerici in trasferimento di massa e calore", “GEOTHERMAL ENERGY HIGH – MEDIA TEMPERATURE: compar ison between analytical and numerical models of heat and mass transfer” Relator: Prof. Michele De Carli; Correlator: ing. Mirco Donà; Grad uating: Alberto Meggiolaro; (Padua 13/10/2011)

Formative activity:

o Conferences: Participation in courses organized by COMSOL Multiphysics March 22, 2011; introduction to COMSOL multhiphysics 4.1; Workshop: "Analysis geomechanical with COMSOL Multiphysics", San Donato Milanese 03/22/2011; Prof. Claudio Tamagnini, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia.

Participation in courses organized by COMSOL Multiphysics: June 14, 2011 - 8 hour course "Advanced course to Comsol Multiphysics 4.2", 15 June 2011 - 8 hour course "Introduction to thermo - computational - fluid - dynamics with Comsol Multiphysics 4.2";

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o Series of seminars:

Building acoustics classification schemes Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua (Chiara Martina Pontarollo). Duration: 6 hours

Energy Performance of buildings Dipartimento di Fisica Tecnica Department of technical physics University of Padua (Cavallini, Zecchin, De Carli). Duration: 6 hours

Formative activity and research abroad: The PhD student Mirco Donà, traveled to Iceland from 11/10/2011, and will remain for about a year to work with the Reykjavik University, the National Energy Authority, and the research institution ISOR. This collaboration is important for the cultural education on geothermal energy at high temperature, completing his studies already begun in the case of HDR, and publish these results in international journals. In Iceland, the student has taken these seminars of specialization:

o Seminars:

- Deep Roots of Geothermal Systems Seminar: Víðgelmir, Orkugardur Grensásvegur 9 , Friday 14. October, Topic for discussion: Physical Processes in Geothermal Systems: Models and Geophysical characterization.

- This seminar will introduce a comprehensive Icelandic/USA cooperative project under the IPGT agreement called "Advanced 3D Geophysical Imaging Technologies for Geothermal Resource characterization". Dr. Gregory A. Newman from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Dr. Michael Fehler from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Ari Tryggvason from Uppsala University, will attend the conference and give an interesting lecture on the project and discussing its implementation. The focus of the "Advanced 3D Geophysical Imaging Technologies" project is to develop joint geophysical imaging methodologies using complimentary data for geothermal site characterization and demonstrate their potential in three areas: Krafla, the Reykjanes-Hengill areas and Coso in the USA. The emphasis is on Electro-Magnetic, gravity and earthquake data. The joint inversion will be made in an innovative paradigm of joint geometry rather than parametric correlation. It is divided into four increasingly ambitious stages, from state of the art to fully joint inversion.

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Discussions within the a study group on "Deep Roots of Geothermal Systems" will also be summarized. The seminar provides an golden opportunity to follow up on the Deep Root discussions, take it to new levels and see new angles. RANNSÓKNARKLASI Í JARÐHITA : 20. október 2011, Sustainability Assessment Protocol Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, University of Iceland Renewability of Geothermal Resources Guðni Axelsson, ÍSOR HYDRORIFT Sigríður Kristjánsdóttir, ÍSOR Geothermal Models using Inverse Analysis Magnús Þór Jónsson, University of Iceland Poster Session Green Geothermal Growth Ragnheiður I Þórarinsdóttir, Íslensk Matorka GeoChem Sigurður Brynjólfsson, University of Iceland Relative Permeabilities María S Guðjónsdóttir, Reykjavík University IDDP Utilization Steindór Hjartarson, REYST

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Scientific activity: The third year doctoral began February 1, 2012, the PhD student Mirco Donà traveled to Varanasi in India, to present the paper at the conference in 2012 SOLARIS 7 to 9 February 2012, the paper presented is:

M. De Carli, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, G. A. Jóhannesson, S. Marinetti, G. Sævarsdóttir 2011 - 2012. “Analytical and numerical models for determining geothermal energy potential: a case study in India”, convegno SOLARIS 2012, Varanasi India 7 – 9 Febbraio 2012.

In February he returned to Reykjavik University, where he continues to carry out its research themes in HDR, and ATES, serving as Co-thesis to ERASMUS students of the University of Padua:

o Semester January – June 2012: Graduating Marta Bellè; o Semester August – January 2012 / 2013: Graduating Luca De Marchi, Alessandro Bellini.

In addition, he is finishing articles to be published in an international journal. Now he is writing the doctoral thesis research, to be presented at the end of January 2013 doctorate in Reykjavik University and then the University of Padua in Italy for the double degree and the mention of PhD Europeaus.

The Doctoral Thesis: This thesis looks at the geothermal energy, that is, energy emitted continuously in the form of

heat from our planet, that from the deepest areas propagates towards the surface. The

research activities have been carried out for evaluating different aspects related to

geothermal energy and more specifically the way in which this energy can be extracted. The

present work has tried to deal with all the different levels of temperature in which the

geothermal energy is classified, i.e. low temperature, medium temperature and high

temperature, as hereafter described more in detail.

Geothermal Energy low temperature: this energy is transferred by means of ground heat

exchangers coupled with a heat pump. In this case usually the heat transfer fluid can be water

or a mixture containing water and an antifreeze fluid. In the frame of this technology first the

characteristics of a GRT (ground response test) has been tested, in order to check the accuracy

of the method to evaluate the average temperature of the ground, as well as to determine the

thermal conductivity of the soil and the overall coefficient of linear heat exchange between the

transfer fluid and the soil. The accuracy of the GRT has been evaluated for different sizes of

the grout (an usual ground heat exchanger and a pile) as well as for different velocities of the

aquifer. The simulations have been carried out by means of a Finite Element Method (FEM)

software. Then the FEM has been used for evaluating the energy and structural analysis on

piles foundations when they are used as ground heat exchangers. The work has shown the

combined effect of structural loads in heating and cooling periods. The results are in

agreement to the theory as well as to results carried out by measurements which have been

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found in literature. Finally a study for comparing different heat pumps and different fluids in

the ground heat exchangers has been carried out in mild climates. The work shows the

benefits of using pure water as heat transfer fluid in almost all conditions, since in mild

climates the temperature of the ground is around 14°C and usually heat pumps are used for

both heating and cooling, thus allowing the ground to be regenerated over one year. The use

of flooded evaporators in the heat pumps will allow the ground heat pumps to be more

attractive in the next future.

Geothermal Energy medium temperature: in this case the ATES (Aquifer Thermal Energy

Storage) has been investigated. ATES is a particular type of thermal storage which uses water

from the subsoil where the groundwater can vary between 15 °C and 130 °C. The extraction

and reinjection wells should be sufficiently distant in order to avoid short-circuits. This

technology could be used also for low temperature aquifers; in this case the water of the

aquifer is used for cooling the condenser during summertime, while it is cooled down in

winter time to transfer heat to the evaporator. The wells are used alternatively in order to

accumulate a cold storage during winter time and a warm storage during summer time. The

work of the present thesis has focused on the thermal influence of the reinjection well on the

undisturbed temperature conditions along the aquifer, depending on the thickness of the

aquifer. Results of a FEM model have been compared to the analytical solution of various

authors (Carslaw and Jaeger, Lauwerier, Ghassemi). The goal is to evaluate the distance

between the two wells in order to prevent thermal interference, as a function of the thickness

of the aquifer.

Geothermal Energy high temperature: it allows to extract dry and superheated steam

without liquid phase (in this case they are called "dominant steam systems") or liquid water

mixed with steam (in this case they are called "water-dominated systems"). The usual depth

of these systems is between 3 km and 15 km in correspondence of magmatic intrusions. For

these systems the thesis has the aim to study the heat exchange between the rock and hot

water, considering the variation of the outlet temperature of the water as a function of time.

These studies were developed at first considering a single fracture in the rock, then we

moving to a more realistic model consisting in a multi rock-fracture. The model proposed in

literature based on analytical methods have been compared with a FEM mathematical model.

The models have been then applied to a site in the Philippines where experimental data were


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M. De Carli, M. Donà, D. Vergani. 2010. "Dimensionare i pali energetici" Dimension the enrgy piles, in AICARR Journal, giugno 2010, pag. 14 - 21; M. De Carli, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, S. Graci. 2010. "Possibilities of extractable energy from the ground in areas with anomalous gradient temperatures". (16th, Building Services, Mechanical and Building Industry Days: International Conference, 14 - 15 October 2010, Debrecen, Hungary).

M. De Carli, E. De Martin, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, A. Salmistraro, A. Zarrella, 2011. “Confronto omogeneo tra diversi sistemi di climatizzazione con pompe di calore geotermiche”, Homogeneous comparison between different conditioning systems with heat pumps convegno AICARR, 16 giugno 2011; M. De Carli, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, G. A. Jóhannesson, S. Marinetti, G. Sævarsdóttir 2011 - 2012. “Analytical and numerical models for determining geothermal energy potential: a case study in India”, conference SOLARIS 2012, Varanasi India 7 – 9 February 2012.

M. De Carli, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, A. Zarrella, 2011. “Le prestazioni energetiche delle pompe di calore geotermiche” The energy performance of geothermal heat pumps, in AICARR Journal, ottobre 2012;

M. De Carli, M. Donà, A. Galgaro, A. Zarrella, 2011. “Comparison between vertical ground heat exchangers with different configurations and operational fluids in mild climates”;

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