PharmaForward Capabilities and Credentials

PharmaForward / Credentials | Proprietary & Confidential 1 Digital Marketing for Healthcare


Company capabilities for PharmaForward LLC, a boutique agency focusing on online marketing, strategy, and eBusiness planning for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.

Transcript of PharmaForward Capabilities and Credentials

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Digital Marketing for Healthcare

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We help healthcare companies identify and define digital marketing opportunities

How we help: Develop your Digital Strategy

Profile Online Audiences and Environments

Use Digital Media to Connect with Audiences

Extract Business Intelligence from Digital Metrics

Plan and Manage Complex Digital Initiatives

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Ben Zipkin, Principal Ben Zipkin has been helping clients maximize their digital marketing efforts for more than 15 years.

Ben is a former partner and director of digital services for Cambridge Biomarketing, New England's largest independent healthcare marketing agency. He was responsible for planning and delivering initiatives for Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Biogen Idec, Shire Pharmaceuticals, and Genzyme, where Ben guided the company’s global online patient acquisition strategy. His work for Millennium Pharmaceuticals was a winner at the inaugural Clio Healthcare Awards.

He became a partner at Cambridge Biomarketing after the agency acquired RDVO, a digital strategy and design firm Ben co-founded in 2002. RDVO served clients in the healthcare, consumer products, and technology industries, winning two Webby Awards, a Clio, and six MITX award (including Best of Show). RDVO was a premier service provider for Microsoft, Eastman Kodak, Abbott Laboratories, Procter & Gamble, and Hewlett Packard.

Ben worked at several Boston consulting and advertising agencies, and as a product strategist for several dot-com era startups, including iCast—the forerunner to iTunes.

Ben is a certified Google Advertising Professional for both search and analytics, and has spoken on the subjects of digital strategy, search marketing, and online healthcare at SMX, South by Southwest, and MITX. He has served on Google's Ad Agency Advisory Council and is a member of the IA Institute, SEMPO, and the Usability Professionals Associations.

Ben also serves as an advisor to early-stage healthcare technology start-ups, including, the web’s top directory for EHR/EMR vendors and training programs.

An honors graduate of the University of New Hampshire, Ben was selected to represent UNH at the Cambridge Program – an intensive graduate-level program at Cambridge University, UK.

Ben resides in Chicago.

High performance digital marketing consultant for the pharmaceutical, biotech, and life sciences industries.

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Example Projects

Online Analysis of Specific Condition, Treatment, or Competitive Position

Digital Roadmap Planning and eBusiness Strategy

Audience Analysis (Patient, HCP, Advocacy)

Website or Web Strategy Assessment and Evaluation

Marketing Strategy and Concept Development

Online Competitive Analysis

Website Analysis & Reporting: Planning, Administration, Monthly Reporting

Search Engine Marketing: Campaign planning, setup, administration, and reporting

Social Media Analysis, Opportunities, Strategy

Digital Landscape Analysis

Online Reporting & Dashboards

Search Strategy

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Select Clients

Therapeutic Experience




Clinical Trials

Consumer Products

Cystic Fibrosis




Digestive Disorders


Genetic Disorders



Medical Devices

Multiple Sclerosis

Neurological Disorders



Renal Disease

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Thought Leadership / Paid Search Marketing

Why Not Launch a Paid Search Program?Six Reasons it Works for Pharma  According to the Pew Research Center, over 80% of Internet users looked online for health-related information, making it the third most popular online pursuit. And considering that 70% of all online sessions begin with a search query, Google and other engines have become the “front-line” of healthcare marketing—making pay-per-click (PPC) advertising an essential element of any pharma and biotech promotio or awareness program.

Not convinced? Here are six compelling reasons to launch or elevate your search marketing programs.

1. Your Competitors are Probably Doing it Wrong

The majority of healthcare companies using search are doing so poorly, mostly due to bad advice from vendors or lack of meaningful strategy. I’ve been shocked to see the amount of money wasted—and opportunity squandered—by marketers who’ve chosen to avoid PPC or simply aren’t optimizing their current campaigns.  If you're wondering if you're one these companies just ask your vendor's perspective on the points covered in this document. If you get "crickets" then you may have a problem.  Search marketing is also one of the few remaining channels that allow small and nimble companies to compete with giants simply by being smarter. Small biotechs can outflank big pharma simply by taking an innovative and calculated approach. It’s not a question of outspending your rivals – it’s about outthinking them. Do your homework and you'll be able to outperform your competition from day one.  

2. Absurdly Low Cost per Acquisition

"Unclear value" is a common complaint of search marketing. But what this really means is that campaigns were poorly planned and improperly measured. Like any type of marketing campaign, search requires clear planning, goals, and strategy.

A vital goal is cost per acquisition (CPA), or the cost of obtaining a “customer.” Acquiring an actual patient or an HCP info is a common example of a healthcare acquisition. And paid search has the lowest recognized CPA of any major marketing channel.  The investment makes sense – consider a $4,000/month campaign that generates 2,000 clicks with a two percent acquisition rate (80 acquisitions). That’s $50 per acquisition, or about one 100x less than a normal pharma CPA.  Search marketing is also inexpensive in comparison to other marketing programs, and is one of the few tactics where you can start small, test and optimize before committing a large amount of budget.   3. Search Marketing Produces a Wealth of Marketing Data

No other marketing channel can be tracked as extensively as the digital channel. Your campaigns provide detailed ROI reporting down to the keyword level, offering unprecedented insights into customer behavior and affinity.  Data extracted from campaigns can also be used to inform other marketing strategy. Measurement capability goes far beyond tracking clicks and cost; detailed demographic and technographic data is mineable if you know where to look…….

Nevertheless, many pharma companies are still unwilling to make a significant investment into search marketing, citing the lack of quality traffic, questionable ROI, and the "nobody ever clicks on those ads" theory. While it may not be as creatively compelling as other digital channels, when executed with precision search marketing can be one the most powerful tools in your arsenal.

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Thought Leadership / Emerging Channels

How Pharma Does YouTubeCross-Over Approaches Offer the Most Value People spend more time consuming content on YouTube than any other website – more than Facebook, more than Twitter or any other social network. And only its owner - - serves up more ads to online consumers. Yet pharma has been slow to embrace YouTube as a marketing channel. Brand managers cite regulatory issues, unclear ROI, and the high cost of creating video assets as the primary barriers to developing a quality YouTube channel worthy of promoting as a marketing channel.

The main barrier is the complexity of developing a channel-specific strategy that goes beyond “posting your videos.” Effective YouTube channels require a real marketing strategy.

To get started you need to understand a few basics about the site:

• YouTube channels are highly customizable. Pages can be designed to be consistent with your corporate brand, with your graphics, content and layouts. You can even integrate custom content and interactive features.

• Content quality and engagement far outweigh volume. One or two videos that enthrall and inspire viewers are more useful than twenty meaningless clips.

• YouTube content is viral and integrates with other digital channels. YouTube video is extensible and portable—embeddable at your corporate site, social media presences, and even in your off-line materials.

• YouTube channels are surprisingly measureable. Google offers built in measurement tools and it syncs with Google Analytics and Adwords. You can mine a surprisingly extensive amount of data.

So how does a pharmaceutical or biotech company take advantage of all of these marketing-friendly features and use YouTube as a marketing tool? The first step is to determine what kind of YouTube channel (or channels) that fits best for your brand. This falls into three categories for most pharma: 

1. The Corporate Communications VehicleExamples: Novartis, Millennium TakedaPros: Few barriers to entry; the easiest way to get a YouTube presence; improves overall search engine optimization and accessCons: Limited user interest – lowest engagement  

This channel type is designed to promote the corporate brand, usually featuring recruiting information, employee videos, and public relations. This type is the easiest to launch, requiring limited regulatory approval.  

Pfizer’s YouTube News Channel demonstrates the extent of brand customization available. Go this route if: You want to build the quickest and lowest impact presence. You need a decent starting point….  

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Thought Leadership / Emerging Channels

EMR and Healthcare MarketingThe Blue Button Initiative Takes a Cautious First Step The US Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have quietly begun rolling out a new program called the “The Blue Button Initiative”. Soon to be featured on and other government-sponsored healthcare website, the Blue Button allows registered users and beneficiaries “one-click” access to view and download their medical records.

What’s more, a user’s personal health record (PHR) can be shared across a wide network of online healthcare portals and resources. To date, over 40 major organizations have endorsed and pledged to support this program, ranging from the AARP to Google to Wal-Mart.

The initial goal of the program is simply about access; users will now have safe and secure access to their electronic medical records and, ideally, use the data to improve healthcare decision making. Records can be downloaded, printed, and easily shared with treatment networks.

Numerous security and privacy policies underlie the process, ensuring that the data cannot be compromised.

This initiative marks one of the first real mainstream applications of online EMR access. With the government investing billions into healthcare technologies, it’s likely just the beginning…and something to closely watch. Just how far will online EMR go? And how could it impact the delivery of online healthcare communications?

Imagine if your blue button data could be activated on any healthcare website by a patient upload or cookie-like file. Simply clicking a button could result in acutely customized information about treatments, diagnosis, and products. It’s one thing to customize a website around geography or demographics, but envision a drug website that was completely personalized using data from your EMR.

The implications for online marketing and communications would be profound—perhaps even game-changing. Vast new opportunities would become palpable for marketing, online treatment support, and clinical trials recruitment.

None of these applications are feasible today, but programs like the Blue Button may prove to be a cautious first step that will lead to an explosion of new online healthcare technology   

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Thought Leadership / Condition Landscapes

Condition Spotlight: Rheumatoid Arthritis About RA

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that affects 1.3 million Americans, 70% of which are women. While it can strike at any age, RA normally occurs between the ages of 40 and 60. The precise cause of RA is unknown, but many researchers believe that both genetic and environmental factors are responsible. RA presents primarily and progressively debilitating joint pain and swelling, but it can also affect the skin, lungs, renal and circulatory systems. There is no cure for RA, but a number of therapies are used to alleviate symptoms and slow disease progression. There are over 40 rheumatology products in a treatment category estimated at close to $20 billion (and growing).

RA Online Environment

• Rheumatoid arthritis has an extensive and competitive online ecosystem. The large patient population, a wide variety of treatment approaches, and competitive industry involvement have led to a chaotic online environment.

• Industry is the dominant player in the ecosystem, leveraging both product information websites and disease education bolstered by paid media to capture potential patients and professionals. All four of the top industry websites (Celebrex, Humira, Enbrel, and Remicade) average over 100,000 unique visits per month.

• Advocacy organizations also play an influential role in the RA landscape. and – both sponsored by the National Arthritis Foundation – are two of the top five most accessed RA-related websites. These sites also have the most user loyalty, measured by return visits.

• WebMD, the NIH, Wikipedia, and other general healthcare portals provide useful disease education, diagnosis, and treatment information. These sites also maintain the best organic search engine positions, playing an important role as the information “front lines”.

• is the premier destination for professionals, but other sites appear to be emerging

• Finally, social media, patient blogs, and other online peer-to-peer communications also play a small role in the RA ecosystem, but one that is less influential than most other conditions. For all intents and purposes, RA lacks a cohesive online patient community.

Organic Search

• The phrase “rheumatoid arthritis” nearly 700,000 global web searches in January 2012—60% were US-based.

• A large number of searches were seen for specific RA treatments, with Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Celebrex as the most searched for brand names. All three brands are heavily marketed both on- and off-line. Remicade and Rituxan – ranked as the number one and number three top RA products in 2009 – had much lower search frequency.

Paid Search & Media

• RA is a highly competitive condition for paid search and general online media. 97 individual advertisers ranging from OTC products like Aleve to medical treatment centers to advocacy organizations are competing for search positions. Homeopathic treatments and online pharmacies also play an increasing pronounce role. Analysis estimates that paid search budgets average close to $500 per day, with bids for top RA keywords topping out at over $10/click.

• RA-related banner ads and media campaigns can be seen at WebMD and other portals.

Social Media

• Social media engagement is low in comparison to search and website usage activity. There are approximately 20,000 Facebook users engaged in RA-related groups and community – around 1% of the total patient population. This could be attributed to an older patient population that is not readily using social media.

• There are several online patient communities with robust RA groups

• Juvenile RA has a more engaged only audience


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References & Testimonials

“Ben plays in a competitive market and rises above his competitors by bringing them creative, client-focused solutions to every engagement.”- Marketing Director, Genzyme Corporation

“Without a doubt Ben was the key to the success of our challenge web marketing project.”- Marketing Manager, Root Capital

“I have hired Ben three times in my career. During all engagements he showed incredible skill both as a strategist and an implementer of successful solutions.”- Product Marketing Director, Shire HGT

“Ben is—hands down—the best digital strategist I have worked with. He offers stellar quantitative insights and is able to translate them into strategies that really work.”- Vice President, Marketing

“Ben is one of the few consultants who truly knows how to marry digital marketing and pharmaceutical marketing. - Marketing Director, Biogen

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Get In Touch / ben [email protected]+1-617-942-0381