Peter Iversen Ministry of Climate

DATO: 28-10-22 1 UNFCCC negotiations on REDD+ Peter Aarup Iversen 8th November 2012


Presentation from the conference Not Seeing the Forest and People for the Carbon

Transcript of Peter Iversen Ministry of Climate

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UNFCCC negotiations on REDD+

Peter Aarup Iversen 8th November 2012

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• Why REDD+ in the UNFCCC• From Montreal to Doha• What next?

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Why is REDD+ important for climate negotiations

• Emissions from deforestation accounts for 12-18 % of all anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses

• Emissions from forest degradation more uncertain but likely significant

• Sequestration of CO2 by growing forests are also significant

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The ultimate objective of the Convention

• ….stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.

• Such a level should be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner.

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Carbon is not the only climate benefit

• protection of soils - preventing landslides and flooding;

• the role of forest in the water cycle;• home to biodiversity; • provide livelihood

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Before 2005 - Kyoto Protocol

• RED as a CDM activity rejected due to concerns over additionality and leakage associated with project implementation

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COP11 Montreal

• RED on a national scale on the COP agenda following a proposal by Papua New Guinea and Costa Rica

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COP13 Bali

• REDD decision, indicative guidance for demonstration activities, further SBSTA work and Bali Action Plan

• Acknowledging that forest degradation also leads to emissions, and needs to be addressed when reducing emissions from deforestation

• A technical and political discussion at the same time

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COP14 Poznan

• SBSTA report with annex with methodological guidance – and noting some important aspects

• (c) Recognizing the need to promote the full and effective participation of indigenous people and local communities, taking into account national circumstances and noting relevant international agreements;

• (d) Exploring co-benefits in the context of methodological development related to decision 2/CP.13;

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COP15 Copenhagen

• Decision on methodological guidance and Copenhagen Accord - where REDD+ had a very prominent place

• Acknowledging the importance of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries,

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COP15 Copenhagen

• Recognizing the need for full and effective engagement of indigenous peoples and local communities in, and the potential contribution of their knowledge to, monitoring and reporting of activities relating to decision 1/CP.13, paragraph 1 (b) (iii),

• Recognizing the importance of promoting sustainable management of forests and co-benefits, including biodiversity, that may complement the aims and objectives of national forest programmes and relevant international conventions and agreements,

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COP16 Cancun

• Policy decision, five REDD+ activities, guidance for implementation, three phases, result-based actions fully MRVed, principles and safeguards

• Affirming that, in the context of the provision of adequate and predictable support to developing country Parties, Parties should collectively aim to slow, halt and reverse forest cover and carbon loss, in accordance with national circumstances, consistent with the ultimate objective of the Convention, as stated in Article 2,

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COP17 Durban

• SBSTA: Methodological guidance – • guidance on systems for providing information on how

safeguards are addressed and respected• modalities for forest reference emissions levels and forest

reference levels –

• LCA: policy decision on financing• safeguards apply regardless of the source or type of financing

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COP18 Doha

• Closing LCA – a chairs non-paper from Bangkok with many options – quite complicated

• SBSTA – draft text on modalities for national monitoring systems and MRV

• Durban Platform

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Post COP18

• SBSTA will continue after COP18 – review process for reference levels, drivers of deforestation, timing and frequency of the presentation of the summary of information on safeguards

• Policy discussion in the Durban Platform (ADP) to be finished by 2015.

• How will REDD+ be financed?

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Outside UNFCCC

• Implementation – readiness is taking place, demonstration activities, multilateral, bilateral and national initiatives are taking place.

• UN-REDD 46 partner countries• FCPF 36 REDD countries• FIP 8 countries• Numerous bilateral arrangements

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Risks and opportunities

• Loss of momentum and priority. When can we have a strong signal for financing result-based actions?

• Increasing pressure on land resources – agriculture, mining, infrastructure etc.

• Countries should focus on no-regret actions• Building solid national and regional systems takes

time, tenure, rights, benefit sharing, transparency etc.

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Thank you for listening

Thanks for listening

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