Peruna has won on its own merits. Perunst cures 'catarth...

*7<'** 3fc'-*j f. *3 Hand fnhand with*htjie goo* wearing flnalfcy* ®il», to- gether with thechojcestleathef; and superior workmanship, placet Mayer shoes in the front rank of sbde perfection. Bemandthe beat insists* baying Mayer ahoea and lode for the trade-mark on the sole. Jt OweeOoias, Couehs, Sore Throat, Croup, lnfln. mm, WheoplngCotigh, B*Hiehitis and Artlun*. Ajesrtain enre for Consumption tn Silt stagts, ssdasnre relief inadvaneed iU|0. Cm at one*. Yea will »ee the excel Irut affect After taking the •trtdose. Sold by dea'ers sverywhers. Cm* bonks 84 cents sad <0 centa SOZODONT TOOT* POWDER Hi test Hat Homy MdQEo faptrbiM can prsdausftv At all etores, or by null for tha pdiofc. HALLdk RUGUminrVSOMll IS? »ae«S^a« hsroalesk la ;oW tn •ndospper vessels. Sen* u M ssatsfor * (pool «K n. jni'i Tlf SEIIB. It wM mead 180 hole? Wrttjm.e-h^lfSinrtJt 1 the vessel stronger thsn before the leak. ^K?O.Co.,lSMX*SellsSt3 Stiff... km $ato$« yearly by w*^W.LIkmglM$3^«c$a«koi% ThW equal those- «i» have boen casi- ng jmn from #4.00 to 85.80. The im- »W8 salo of W. L. DMglas Blioos proves tornr superiority. over *11 other makes. - '• f Soli by retail, slum ojoiors everywhere. «** for mine and pww oi. bottom. ."^."•"S'MBneeCor. «w I Pf° Te * •h*re wga h;tto highest W&SBL ""i&TS-iKss&iS ..... llMtnte* Brockton, An MICHIGAN LANDS .If 40 acre»:or^Opp,icr«i^Sl Jjirgo and small tracts. Wholesale •ad retajl, for fruit raising; stock raising JW general farming. 100 per cent profit T ap^ciai bargain*. Send for circular*. " lUriAisoclitlia, llaiistie.tttcl. | I L GOOD HOMES GOOD HOMES i"J I "^ .Dakota.HtottOpera.' S«t,pFJ£ y I_ f . or "5™ ">Nprtb- S^tesawiasg'sffli! ^Saaa.r.iESiirsJss; 8aflaeae!g««gf flOOD HOMg8—OOQP HOMO TO WOMEN! as To prove the hearing and demising power of i 'avtipa 'JollutAntieeptto we will Bitiu iv large trial package With book of instructions absolutely free. This Is not a-tiny Sample, bus a large package, enough to BOU> vlnue anyone/ of Its value. Women all over the country arapralsUigPaxttne for what it has done In local treat- ment of femnle Ilia, curing aisphttrjeat wonderful as a }W.vaginal,douohe, for sore throat, nasal Mowbh waih and to remove tartar; j^wtea the teeth,Send today; a postal «ud RaSS*-***""" The weary, ween* on*, allured fast- ings come to vr ** ytod<y whs taxes theku- neys. Vin Ik* kldaiiri iN over- worked th«r£til to perform like dstlM nature Um proved«4 to tkeie t at to. When the ktt- •HW IMl 4a»npr- oue liifuii a«ie|ti> folio,y, urtiwiy difiordera, diabetes, dropsy, rtenmaUsol, 9ri dteeaee. Tloen'e Kidney pllle kldaejr end bleddir llle. Beed the lowla* ease: Veteran Joshtia H®Uer, of 7M Sdtffli WaJnat street, UrbetMt. Itl., aiys: •?& the Ml o( 1899 after (etUks Doaals Kldoer PiQa at Gaitotaghajn Brae.' dnif afore la ObampaU^ m ' W tiiuiio^ TniAu^^ l^lpiment's Motion to Dlsmlea Oeee AMlnet iUirl Approved. •. ; C«^ li^idik Oet it.-*3!he I*4im [ ttorde* vm,: wjUelr Ima .-Men 'eenea^ I tlonal from the beginning, oame to a | Aramatlo dose yesterday morninc when Dlatariot Attorney MeMUUn filed [»ipotlon to. dismiss the. case, glaring a •taienient of the reasons therefor, and %e com* adakialatered a atlngias se -Mike to certain trouble makers nea< N>« reservation at Tama, and further | dMared that (n hie optinlon tha ladiu 'girl Pen-mo-sah-ah-ah is a willful per Jorer; that *ftaoo she went Upon the .stand Tuesday afternoon and declared that ahf did not' know who was the murderer of John Seepo, she was tell- ing a willful lie. The court state4 that It was his firm belief and he belleVed it was the Ann belief of the Jury; that Jhe *irl.-£pew exactly who wais aur> derer of SEEPO; that she knew the whole story of the tragedy, but that she had 6ommltted perjury by refusing to diBcloeV"what she knew. t V lT > >>, - 44'^ i { * ', \ ' ' " 1 1 ^ ' ' * ' ^ R. 1 ,,;T Pe-ru-na of a lame hade with pain acrose rtiy lolna and beneath the sboalder blades. Oaring the interval whttih had dafeeed I have had oeeaaloo to reeort to 0p%a's; Kidney Pills whea I notlced warnings of attiek.' -On eac^-imd tverr-eM*. aioa the results OMpteed were Jvat as satisfactory aa whea ihe fiils were to* brought to lay notioe. I Just as' emphatically endorse the preparation to-day as I did over two A FREE THlAlmf thie great kidney mediclne whlch <cured Mr. HeUer will be'maQed On appIiCation to any part of the United States. Medical advice free; strictly epafldential. Address Foster-Mil burn .Co., Butfalo, N. T. Fos sale by all drugxllts, price 60 eenta per box. 1 / Many a 10-cent dog has for Ita $10 collar. - i and taking , . ». J£ZJ5£J5£ SS ou». ud M > .ut.n, rat of u. rT». uern me of kidney trouble. dispo^M ! «,»*«. He showed that lyaaMBarl had, ®eii arrested and charged with the murder upon the direct testimony of the Indian girl herself accusations made by her first at the reservation,' afterward before United States Com- missioner Stewart and lastly before the grand -Jury. He reviewed the cir- cumstantial evidence in the possession of the government, tending to fasten a chain around Earl, but stated that he would not ask the jury to convict upon' such evidence. Attorney Orlm replied for the defense, claiming that Jiis cli- ent was an. innocent man, a good In- dian, stating that the defense could have proven an alibi, and resenting the "insinuations" made against his oo-eounsel and friend Jacob Lamb of Toledo. Then the court reviewed the ease as above indicated, lntimatini that in his opinion the government ol the United States will very speedily reach out its hand to put a stop, to the kind of work now being done, by cer- tain mischief makers In the vicinity of the reservation '.i&$ Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen:—"I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken Be ru-naaad t befieve with good ettect'^W. S. SCHLEY, C. XMI1RAL SQHX.EY, one of the foremoat, notable heroes of the , Nineteenth Gtyitury. A name that starts terror in the heart of every .Si»Mard. A man of steady nerve, clear head, un- daunted courage (tira' prompt decision. < , Approached by a friehd recently* his opinion was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the slightest hesitation, he gave this remedy his endorsement. It ap POtted 09 kitfiir conversation that Perusn has been used in his family, where it is a 'favorite remedy* '•.! .• k-'.V .--tv -Such- endorsements serve to' indicate^htf 'ttbnderful 'hold that Penum has s^on the? minds of 4he Atn^rican people. It' is'out ol the M : great and famous, a man. as Admiral Schley could have ntoy other reason for giving his endorsement to Peruna Uurn his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he says .• *• . : : won its so many The fact is Peruna hag; overcome fell opposition and way to the hearts of the people. The natural timidity wh people have felt About giving endoraentents 'to any remedy is giving. w«y. t Gratitude and a desire to help others has inspired thousands of people, to give public testimonials fQr Peruna who heretofore would not have consented to such publicity.' O . M- Never, before in v tbe anlnals of medicine has it happened that< many, men of national and international reputation have been willing to give unqualified and public endorsements to a proprietary remedy. No amount of ^advertising- could accomplished such a result. Peruna has won on its own merits. Perunst cures 'catarth of whatr^er phase or location in. the human body. This is why it receives so many , notable and unique endorsements. •H' ' ^ Wjy* Address The Bpruna Prug^il'f'g Co., Columbtu, bhio. fsir fe literature on catarrh. m -'•l free I Too never hear any one eoeaplala about "Defiance' Sfsreh." There Is none to equal it in quality and «uas< tlty, 18 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and save your sonsy. . f ! of If wishes were automobiles beggars wouM- kick for girshtps.- - B. Z. FOOT COMFORT CStires Scnl Sweating and Aching feet Prtee S5e. F. R. .McCarthy, Jefferson, town. The worst feature about being a hero is trying to look the part ^Jy-Y -t— —!— ; y ^ Magnet Pile Killer '• Cores . Flies. ; - .i . , . , . ' ' V No one understands the art of palm- istry better;.than the politician. .. Nothing .eauals Kra-Nol for Hes(d- ashes, 25e. and 10c. Samples free. Lawrence Drug Co..; Dee Moines, la. Shrewdness enables a man to catch on and wisdom'enables htm to let go. •',« .> Stops the Ooogh and J Works Off the Cokl i.fifei Laaative Bromo Quinine Tablets, FRLOMWA Most of the things that seem too good to be. true are not, Try, me Just oace and I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch. - One sort of permanent Investment is bpylng a cemetery tot Doa't taSer. B. Z. root Comfort will ein jro'or •ore, tender, sweat I ay, burning feet, and remove all odor. 1A. roar .drturglst or sboe aealer, or aend%o to V. K. HoOartbr. Jiateraoo, Iowa. '. Obstinacy is ever most positive when it is most in the wrong. BALLIETT'8 MAIL TIED UP, White Swan Promoter Shut Out 1300 to $400 a Month. Washington, D. C., Oct 15.—A fraud order has been, issued by. the .post affloe department against Letson Bal liett, the White Swan Mining .com- pany, -Limited, and the Pacific Secur- ities and Trust -company ef San Fran- cisco. >he latter company w;as or- ganlced to float the securities of the White Swan Mining company.' Bal- liett's mail business has'.netted him from |300 to $400 per month, all of which will be shut oft by' the fraud order. '• ' ' ' Des i«oineS, Oct. 15.—Letson Bal liett was tried and convicted in the United States district court at this place last year on an indictment charging him with using the United States mail in an attempt to defraud. He was. sentenced to fine and imfris onment, but took an appeal to the United States circuit court of appeals, which will take up his case for hear- ing December 8. After appealing from the judgment of the lower court, BalUett went to San Francisco and organized the Pa- cific. Securities and . Trust company and has been selling stock in the White Swan company and his newly organized company since that time. It was recently reported from Baker City, Oregon, that the White Swan mine was yielding rich ore, but this statement could not be verified. BLYDENBURG AT BROOKLYN. AGENTS WASTED BaggyWn Nlcboiaon Baggr Wrench. Bells at Sight. Liberal CpmmUaion. Nlcboiaon Bngw Wrench ling. Co. Otbce of Bunt of Amdea. 406 Yoauserman Blk., DesMolnea la •ell nev'r patentee^ Mion. Bun*. It never occurs to fools that merit and good fortune are Closely united; Bwd Mo for pacta— or Wael'a-^hr-OU. If H Ooeaaui Mnroar BCZBrnM wlU rafand joo^ewy.VSUitL JUCUICf2W. CO Ow A proud man never shows his pride so much as whea he is civil. Defiance Starch 1# put np ti ounce* In a package, 10 cents. One4hlr« more starch for the Stale mon«i. A few will give themselves and hless humanity but humanity will not sacrl flee Itself for ItselL - Facts Concerning Life of Eldora Man Are Probed. New York, Oct 13.—Proctor Noble, of Eldora, Iowa, has been in Brook- lyn investigating the death of the first and second wives of Ebeneser S. Eldora, charged with the murder of his.: third wife by poisoning. The death of Blydenbur'g!s first wife, Emily Hawkins, occurred at Stony Brook, L. I., five years ago. Blyden- burg's second wife was Laura God- bold, aged 19, at her marriage. She was the datigfctef of Judge Godbold, wealthy ^ retired merchant of 1900, and $6,000 insurance on her life Is said to have been paid to Blyden- burg. The body was embalmed soon after her death and the cause of her death was not placed in the doctor's certificate until after the funeral. The doctor has since died. "I have every reason to believe that my daughter's death was caused by pois- on and investigation ought to deter- mine by whom it was Administered, said Mr. Godbold. In Brooklyn, tBly- denburg was a member of the Epworth Methodist church, but was dismissed from it. HE HAD HIS SKULL CRUSHED. Run- Mtfmlst- the ohangM off dlmsrtio oondltioiis more easily If stomaoh and bowels are III oood order. tUJUTlVt) PEWm «YRUP CO,, MssUeslls, III. IjEWIS'SINGU BINDER ISHTSI " «iVM; Two Are Seriously Injured in a ' away. Atalissa, Oct. 13.~Charlea Truo- man, of near tliis city, lies at his home <with a fractured skull,, and E. C. Barker: of Atalissa, was severely in- jured as the result of a runaway here. Mr. Trueman was exercising a horse when it became frightened and ran away, throwing its rider. The animal ran down the street, caus- ing another horse to run away. The animal fifially upset the buggy to which it was attached. At this point Mr. Barker was hurt. An examin- ation of Mr. Trueman's injuries re- vehied the fact that his skull is frac- tured. BpUi. it is said, will recover, McCriicken Will Be In Command.^. Washington, D. C., Oct J6.—Com- mander Alexander McCracken of Iowa has been named by Secretary Moody to, command: the new cruiser Des Moines* which is 94 per cent completed and will be commissioned about Jan- uary 1. Commander McCrackin's home is at Fairfield, Iowa. He en- tered the naval academy from (Iowa and graduated in 1886. He is now stationed at the naval war college. ' Kate Shelley's* New" Job. Boone, Oct, 16.—Kate Shelliey^'the heroine of the Northwestern, has been formally installed as agent for the road at Moingona/ Miss Shelley has marked business ability and her friends predict "that she will be a suc- cess as a railroad station agent . r v-^^B're.imd to Death ••by; Cars.^H ' Fort:Dodge. Oct 14.-—peter Fischer, of Pailmer, who was m ue city vis- iting his . toother, Ben Fischer, was run over and -killed whH« attempting to hoard an Illinois Central train in the yards here. The young man was •C'' H6rse Kicks Boy to Death. ; t Ida Ordve, Oct 15.—The * 7-year-old son of Enos Carr was kicked to death by a horse ojt his father's farm Ih About oae-thi!? «f the street# Parte are ttnfd wttfe'tMM. On a LlmMsd Trsto to California. Laxuriew seTvlae between the East and California has come to stay. Each year the equipment eh the leading transcontinental lines is a little bet- ter than the year before! -The trav- eling.public demand ftejKpt and are wiWng'to,pay,;for4t.^'#2 ; ' f . - The Santa Fe amkmnees that daily service of its illfornln Limited train for season of 190&1901 will be resum- ed November 23; until then it is semlr weekly. The California J.4mlted runs between Cbleaco on the ^ast, and Los Angeles, Baa Diego, and San Fran- cisco on the west—a straight away flight of ' more than' two thousand miles. The tftme to Los Angeles is less than three days from Chicago. The route Is through New Mexico and Arizona, south of the region of heavy snows, and traversing a, land of en- chantment, where the traveler sees Indian puebVps, ci^ronf § mile, deep and peaks two miles hl^t. The train itself 'comprises compart- ment, observation anil drawing-room Pullmans, Alnfng-car and buffet- smokiar. Equipment sis fine as money can buy, and service absolutely high- est class. Perhaps the meals, under management of Mr. Harvey, are the most notable feature of the California Limited. They have a national repu- tation and axe faultless.» The fact that this is th£ eighth ses- son for tbe Limited ought to mean something to travelers who seek the best way to reach California. The Massachusetts Fish Commis- sion has planted 80,000 lobsters. Race auicide is evidently a long way off If yon don't get the biggest and l>est it's yoor own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there Is positively nothing to equal Three finely-tempered Damascus swords In the. British Museum are so flexible that the blade of each can be curved until It touches the handle. These weapons were in uscft long be- fore the Christian era, and the. secret of producing their extraordinary flex- ibility, toughness and keenness is lost it In quality or quantity. There Is a prescription r T<"<M of ~ good cheer in every sunbeam, 'and a tonic to " ey * rr ptmUe - "Sfe'lfN DO TOUR CLOTHK1 LOOK ntUOWt If ao, uae Ruse Bleaching Blue. It will image them white as snow. All grooers, 10a . - « 1 The proudest moment in a success- ful man's li'e is when he tells bow he got there. The camel, the most-patient and tractable of animals, when pressed be- yond its endurance, and is utterly ex- hausted, drops on Its knees, and noth- ing in the world will make it budge again. The camel remains where it kneels, until it fails oh -its side and dies. > Gossip about a couple of babies has occupied the attention of the residents Of Harwood, 'Texas. The infants belong to different families, but were both raised in the same incubator. The two mothers now claim the- same in- fant, and neither of them 1 wants the other infant. " Asbestos towels are among the lat- est novelties. They do not require soap and water to cleanse them. When soiled, throw them in the fire, and in a few minutes they may be drawn out, freBh and clean. Nan—"Is there any infallible core lor seasickness?" Tom—"Oh, yes; when you feel the symptoms coming SB, all you* have to do is to go out and lit under a tree. You will very soon recover.". Plao's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as acough cure.—J. W. O'Buu, KS Third Ave* N., Minceapolla, Minn.4 Jan. 0,190QL •• .<L. 111 .1.' I. .. The first Btep to knowledge is to know that we are ignorant $ AIX UP-TO-UATK HOPSKKEKFKItS ne Buss Bieachifag Blue.- it makes clothes clean and sweet as when new- AU grocers. No man's he ii dead. . reputation is safe until _ MM. Wlnalow*a lostklag Syran.' Tor children teething, softens the gumi, reaucea fa- flammatlon,allayapala,cores wind caUc. SMabotUo. When a woman marries a man for his pocketbook she need not hope to find his heart in it nTSFmamMljrOtM WOOtmora. int day'* tn of Dr. Kline*. Xireat Nerre Rotom Send for VRBB es,00 trial bottle and treatiaa D^. B. H. Kusa. Ltd.. *31 Arch St.. 1-hiladelpWa.l'a AT is generally the lazy man whose liver won't Work. r , . •' ' * $1S.C0 TO TEXAS AND RETURN. 1 ORIGIN. 315? u». a horse on restownsWii rt tlbe aftii »y lived hut a nimah lacked Of a Famous Humsn Food.;' The Siory of great discoveries or in- ventions is always of Interest An active brain worker who found himself hampered by lack of bodily strength and vigor and could not carry out the plans and enterprises he knew how to conduct was led to study various foods and their effects upon the human system. In other words before he could carry out his plans be had to find a food that worn?, carry him along and renew, his physi- cal and mental strength. . He knew ttst a food that was a brain and nerve builder, (rather than mere fat maker), was universally needed. He knew that meat with the average man does not accomplish the desired results. He knew that the soft gray , substance In brr in and nerve centers is made from Albumen and ' Phosphate of Potash obtained from food. Then he started to solve the problem. Careful and extensive experiments evolved Grape-Nuts, the now famous food. Grape-Nuts contain the brain and nerve building food elements in condition for easy digestion. The re- sult of eating Grape-Nuts daily is easily seen in a marked sturdiness and activity of the brain ahd nervous system, tasking It a pleasure for one to carry on the daily duties without fatigue or exhaustion. The food is In no Sense a stimulant but is simply food which renews and replaces the dally waste of brain and nerves. « Its flsvor is chsrmlng and being, fully and thoroughly, cooked at the factory it Is served Instantly with cream.: . The signature of the brain worker spoken, of, C, W. Post, is to be seen en each genuine package of Grape- Nuts. , , Look In each package for a copy of the famons little boolk "The Koad to Tickets will be on sale October 20th at St. Louis and Kansas City with limit of 21 days, giving a most excel- lent opportunity to investigate fruit and truck farming in East Texas, which Is yielding such magnificent re- turns. Trains leave St Louis via the Iron Mountain route with through cars at 2:21 p. m. and 8:20 p. m. For Texa* printed matter address D. J. Price, G. P. and T. A., I. and G. N. R. R., Palestine, Texas. --..f to be Clearly the automobile Is classed as a deadly weapon. Try Ons Pscksge. If *T)efiance Starch" does not please you, retul-n it to your dealer. If it does you get one-third more for the ,same money. It will give you satisfaction, and will not stick to the Iron. The man who is satisfied with' him- self does not want much. ^> Magnet Pile Killer Cures Piles. Fifty kinds of degrees are given by American colleges. Defiance Starch is guaranteed big- gest and best or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. % Some doctors now class erysipelas as a contagious disease. fOWEftj (BM8K clothing CSMTOWk *«WUfc AJimrttOL^N.MUXtm. Buy a borne 1q Mad- la oa oounty, the Iowa Farms MI ssaw jiohgoi^ low prices snd good bargains. Write na for tbe largest and litest farm llct in Western IOWA, containing full description. HAMILTON BROS.. "Wiuterset. FOR 8AUE—19,000acre* Of Improved farm tog lands In tac Qui Parle Co.,Minn. These lands are a choice lot and LAO QUI Parle Is one of the best counties In this State. We have also 47,000 acres of carefully «e- locted wild and Improved lands In Sargeont and Dickey counties, No. Dak. DOL1L1AR WHEAT If you want a farm in the "dollar wheat belt" writ* for our booklet—"LAND WBAX.TH," gtvlnFte. scrlptlcas of tne llneet in newest. If yon Want to sell your land we obtain .sastB?ss;»!bo?? fcSeT^Ddnt « MU la&itlllyons** «•. VirtulLui&ln.Ci. ST PJIXTL MAN. The sacrifices that 1 have made the world what it is have-been Individual, and those-that will make the! world what it is ' % be will be individual. .• W. N. Un Dee Melnes, la, Ne. When' Anewerlng AdverMsemeels- ; '< Vine-growers in France protect their plants during, frostly weather by lighting large quantities Of tar between the rows of vines. The 1 smoke thus produced prevents frost from injuring the vines. uter u/ pUi*m »dlnse LS the Pope Plus X Is of very humble ori- gin. His older brother is a letter car- rier in a provincial, town, with a sal- ary of $80 a year. Another brother sells pork and tobacco. One'sister is married to a man who keeps a wine shop; another is a dressmaker. Still another married a peddler- The child is father to the mimV'the former builds a house of blocks and the latter builds a block of houses.^ PUVNAM FADELESS DYES do net stain the hands or spot the kettle, ex- cept green and purple Be the stake ever so insignificant ss a rule it makes the game. Kindly Mention This Pape* Tone's fMV IMM Spiced Currants If these bavo nottaen mesa In tfcete Mason take one-half a can of canned mrmnt*. add one capful of sair sol One-half teaseoon each of *S MUK tinnasnon and nnrti ! eooli until thick, then add m tawespotHifQl of vinegar. Any kind of la leh w Toaa's Ooods at AIl Orootra Tone's Economy Bakins Powder .fess, healthful because It Is an powder. I H TONE BROTHERS* Des Moines, lows. < t ^ V V^¥»* f# THE FAMILY PAPER OF NATIONAL CIRCULATION. THE LIFE IT PICTURES AMD THE CHARACTERS IT HELPS TO MOLD ARE TYPICAL OF OUR TIMES AND COUNTRT. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER. ^Tlie New Subscriber who cuts oat and sends tbl* slip ertiM *aae of this Pspcr at once with SI.75 will receive: All the Issues of Tlw Companion for the remaining weeks of 190J. The Tbanksgivlnc, Christmas and New Year's Doubls Nombers. The Youth's Companion " Springtime" Calendar lor 1904, Dth. ograpbed In twelve colors and geld. . f' r > , Then the flftytwo Issues of The Companion lor 1904—a library ' of tha best reading for every member ol the family. <JJ« FULL ANNOUNCEMENT AND SAMPLE COPIES OF TBE PAPER FTTBB. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. RICE LANDS IT interested In Rice Culture Investigate my 30,000 aero tract of laud located In m««t fertile t M producing lection of Texas, Wmllca west of Houiton. High pratdo, watered from shaUow wellK SpiendM railroad fscllltlea. Big crop now harvesting at large profit, taud sold at prices snd terms to salt. Ms one af our cheap excursions. Write quick for rstes, fates, etc. •'OHN LINOCRHOLM, Oheotorvlllo, TexoSi Or Room 1, No. 234 La Salle Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. h ;< V''-'.. t m ARGUING fV -A "4, m MM si

Transcript of Peruna has won on its own merits. Perunst cures 'catarth...





Hand fnhand with*htjiegoo* wearing flnalfcy* ®il», to­gether with thechojcestleathef; and superior workmanship, placet Mayer shoes in the front rank of sbde perfection. Bemandthe beat insists* baying Mayer ahoea and lode for the trade-mark on the sole.

Jt OweeOoias, Couehs, Sore Throat, Croup, lnfln. mm, WheoplngCotigh, B*Hiehitis and Artlun*. Ajesrtain enre for Consumption tn Silt stagts, ssdasnre relief inadvaneed iU|0. Cm at one*. Yea will »ee the excel Irut affect After taking the •trtdose. Sold by dea'ers sverywhers. Cm* bonks 84 cents sad <0 centa •

SOZODONT TOOT* POWDER Hi test Hat Homy MdQEo faptrbiM can prsdausftv

At all etores, or by null for tha pdiofc. HALLdk RUGUminrVSOMll IS?

»ae«S^a« hsroalesk la ;oW tn •ndospper vessels. Sen* u M ssatsfor * (pool «K

n. jni'i Tlf SEIIB.

It wM mead 180 hole? Wrttjm.e-h^lfSinrtJt1

the vessel stronger thsn before the leak.


Stiff... km $ato$« yearly by

w*^W.LIkmglM$3^«c$a«koi% ThW equal those-

«i» have boen casi­ng jmn from #4.00 to 85.80. The im-»W8 salo of W. L. DMglas Blioos proves tornr superiority. over *11 other makes. - '• f

Soli by retail, slum ojoiors everywhere. «** for mine and pww oi. bottom. ."^."•"S'MBneeCor. «w I Pf°Te* •h*re t« wga h;tto highest

W&SBL ""i&TS-iKss&iS ..... llMtnte*

Brockton, An

MICHIGAN LANDS .If 40 acre»:or^Opp,icr«i^Sl

Jjirgo and small tracts. Wholesale •ad retajl, for fruit raising; stock raising JW general farming. 100 per cent profit T ap^ciai bargain*. Send for circular*. " lUriAisoclitlia, llaiistie.tttcl. | I


GOOD HOMES GOOD HOMES i"JI"^' S«t,pFJ£yI_f.or "5™ ">Nprtb-S t̂esawiasg'sffli! ^Saaa.r.iESiirsJss; 8aflaeae!g««gf flOOD HOMg8—OOQP HOMO

TO WOMEN! as To prove the hearing and

demising power of i'avtipa 'JollutAntieeptto we will Bitiu iv large trial package With book of instructions absolutely free. This Is not a-tiny Sample, bus a large package, enough to BOU> vlnue anyone/ of Its value. Women all over the country arapralsUigPaxttne for what it has done In local treat-ment of femnle Ilia, curing

aisphttrjeat wonderful as a }W.vaginal,douohe, for sore throat, nasal

Mowbh waih and to remove tartar; j^wtea the teeth,Send today; a postal «ud


The weary, ween* on*, allured fast­ings come to vr ** ytod<y whs taxes theku-neys. Vin Ik* kldaiiri iN over­worked th«r£til to perform like dstlM nature Um proved«4 to tkeie tat to. When the ktt-

•HW IMl 4a»npr-oue liifuii a«ie|ti> folio,y, urtiwiy difiordera, diabetes, dropsy, rtenmaUsol, 9ri dteeaee. Tloen'e Kidney pllle kldaejr end bleddir llle. Beed the lowla* ease:

Veteran Joshtia H®Uer, of 7M Sdtffli WaJnat street, UrbetMt. Itl., aiys: •?& the Ml o( 1899 after (etUks Doaals Kldoer PiQa at Gaitotaghajn Brae.' dnif afore la ObampaU^

m ' W tiiuiio^ TniAu^^

l̂ lpiment's Motion to Dlsmlea Oeee AMlnet iUirl Approved. •.

; C«^ li^idik Oet it.-*3!he I*4im [ ttorde* vm,: wjUelr Ima .-Men 'eenea^ I tlonal from the beginning, oame to a | Aramatlo dose yesterday morninc when Dlatariot Attorney MeMUUn filed

[»ipotlon to. dismiss the. case, glaring a •taienient of the reasons therefor, and %e com* adakialatered a atlngias se -Mike to certain trouble makers nea<

N>« reservation at Tama, and further | dMared that (n hie optinlon tha ladiu 'girl Pen-mo-sah-ah-ah is a willful per Jorer; that *ftaoo she went Upon the .stand Tuesday afternoon and declared that ahf did not' know who was the murderer of John Seepo, she was tell­ing a willful lie. The court state4 that It was his firm belief and he belleVed it was the Ann belief of the Jury; that Jhe *irl.-£pew exactly who wais aur> derer of SEEPO; that she knew the whole story of the tragedy, but that she had 6ommltted perjury by refusing to diBcloeV"what she knew.

t V

lT > >>, - • 44'̂ i{* ', \ ' ' " 1 1 ^ "« • ' ' * ' ^ R. • 1 ,,;T


of a lame hade with pain acrose rtiy lolna and beneath the sboalder blades. Oaring the interval whttih had dafeeed I have had oeeaaloo to reeort to 0p%a's; Kidney Pills whea I notlced warnings of attiek.' -On eac^-imd tverr-eM*. aioa the results OMpteed were Jvat as satisfactory aa whea ihe fiils were to* brought to lay notioe. I Just as' emphatically endorse the preparation to-day as I did over two

A FREE THlAlmf thie great kidney mediclne whlch <cured Mr. HeUer will be'maQed On appIiCation to any part of the United States. Medical advice free; strictly epafldential. Address Foster-Mil burn .Co., Butfalo, N. T. Fos sale by all drugxllts, price 60 eenta per box.1/

Many a 10-cent dog has for Ita $10 collar. -

i and taking , .

». J£ZJ5£J5£ SS ou». ud M > .ut.n,rat of u. rT». uern me of kidney trouble. dispo^M ! «,»*«. He showed that lyaaMBarl had, ®eii arrested and charged with the murder upon the direct testimony of the Indian girl herself accusations made by her first at the reservation,' afterward before United States Com-missioner Stewart and lastly before the grand -Jury. He reviewed the cir­cumstantial evidence in the possession of the government, tending to fasten a chain around Earl, but stated that he would not ask the jury to convict upon' such evidence. Attorney Orlm replied for the defense, claiming that Jiis cli­ent was an. innocent man, a good In-dian, stating that the defense could have proven an alibi, and resenting the "insinuations" made against his oo-eounsel and friend Jacob Lamb of Toledo. Then the court reviewed the ease as above indicated, lntimatini that in his opinion the government ol the United States will very speedily reach out its hand to put a stop, to the kind of work now being done, by cer­tain mischief makers In the vicinity of the reservation


Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen:—"I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley has taken Be

ru-naaad t befieve with good ettect'^W. S. SCHLEY, C. XMI1RAL SQHX.EY, one of the foremoat, notable heroes of the , Nineteenth Gtyitury. A name that starts terror in the heart

of every .Si»Mard. • A man of steady nerve, clear head, un­daunted courage (tira' prompt decision. < • ,

Approached by a friehd recently* his opinion was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna, the national catarrh remedy. Without the slightest hesitation, he gave this remedy his endorsement. It ap POtted 09 kitfiir conversation that Perusn has been used in his family, where it is a 'favorite remedy* • '•.! .• k-'.V .--tv

-Such- endorsements serve to' indicate^htf 'ttbnderful 'hold that Penum has s^on the? minds of 4he Atn^rican people. It' is'out ol the M: great and famous, a man. as Admiral Schley could have ntoy other reason for giving his endorsement to Peruna Uurn his positive conviction that the remedy is all that he says

.• *• . : :

won its so many

The fact is Peruna hag; overcome fell opposition and way to the hearts of the people. The natural timidity wh people have felt About giving endoraentents 'to any remedy is giving. w«y. t Gratitude and a desire to help others has inspired thousands of people, to give public testimonials fQr Peruna who heretofore would not have consented to such publicity.' O . M-

Never, before invtbe anlnals of medicine has it happened that< many, men of national and international reputation have been willing to give unqualified and public endorsements to a proprietary remedy. No amount of ^advertising- could accomplished such a result. Peruna has won on its own merits. Perunst cures 'catarth of whatr^er phase or location in. the human body. This is why it receives so many , notable and unique endorsements. •H' ' ^ Wjy*

Address The Bpruna Prug^il'f'g Co., Columbtu, bhio. fsir fe literature on catarrh.


- ' • l

free I

Too never hear any one eoeaplala about "Defiance' Sfsreh." There Is none to equal it in quality and «uas< tlty, 18 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and save your sonsy. . f ! of

If wishes were automobiles beggars wouM- kick for girshtps.- -

B. Z. FOOT COMFORT CStires Scnl Sweating and Aching feet Prtee S5e. F. R. .McCarthy, Jefferson, town.

The worst feature about being a hero is trying to look the part^Jy-Y

-t— —!—;—y ^ Magnet Pile Killer '• Cores . Flies. ;

- .i . , • • . , . ' ' V No one understands the art of palm­

istry better;.than the politician. ..

Nothing .eauals Kra-Nol for Hes(d-ashes, 25e. and 10c. Samples free. Lawrence Drug Co..; Dee Moines, la.

Shrewdness enables a man to catch on and wisdom'enables htm to let go.

•',« .> Stops the Ooogh and J Works Off the Cokl i.fifei Laaative Bromo Quinine Tablets, FRLOMWA

Most of the things that seem too good to be. true are not,

Try, me Just oace and I am sure to come again. Defiance Starch.

- One sort of permanent Investment is bpylng a cemetery tot Doa't taSer. B. Z. root Comfort will ein jro'or •ore, tender, sweat I ay, burning feet, and remove all odor. 1A. roar .drturglst or sboe aealer, or aend%o to V. K. HoOartbr. Jiateraoo, Iowa. '.

Obstinacy is ever most positive when it is most in the wrong.


White Swan Promoter Shut Out 1300 to $400 a Month.

Washington, D. C., Oct 15.—A fraud order has been, issued by. the .post affloe department against Letson Bal liett, the White Swan Mining .com­pany, -Limited, and the Pacific Secur­ities and Trust -company ef San Fran­cisco. >he latter company w;as or-ganlced to float the securities of the White Swan Mining company.' Bal-liett's mail business has'.netted him from |300 to $400 per month, all of which will be shut oft by' the fraud order. '• ' ' ' •

Des i«oineS, Oct. 15.—Letson Bal liett was tried and convicted in the United States district court at this place last year on an indictment charging him with using the United States mail in an attempt to defraud. He was. sentenced to fine and imfris onment, but took an appeal to the United States circuit court of appeals, which will take up his case for hear­ing December 8.

After appealing from the judgment of the lower court, BalUett went to San Francisco and organized the Pa­cific. Securities and . Trust company and has been selling stock in the White Swan company and his newly organized company since that time. It was recently reported from Baker City, Oregon, that the White Swan mine was yielding rich ore, but this statement could not be verified.

BLYDENBURG AT BROOKLYN. AGENTS WASTED BaggyWn Nlcboiaon Baggr Wrench. Bells at Sight. Liberal CpmmUaion. Nlcboiaon Bngw Wrench ling. Co. Otbce of Bunt of Amdea. 406 Yoauserman Blk., DesMolnea la

•ell nev'r patentee^ Mion. Bun*.

It never occurs to fools that merit and good fortune are Closely united;

Bwd Mo for pacta— or Wael'a-^hr-OU. If H Ooeaaui Mnroar BCZBrnM wlU rafand joo^ewy.VSUitL JUCUICf2W. CO Ow

A proud man never shows his pride so much as whea he is civil.

Defiance Starch 1# put np ti ounce* In a package, 10 cents. One4hlr« more starch for the Stale mon«i.

A few will give themselves and hless humanity but humanity will not sacrl flee Itself for ItselL -

Facts Concerning Life of Eldora Man Are Probed.

New York, Oct 13.—Proctor Noble, of Eldora, Iowa, has been in Brook­lyn investigating the death of the first and second wives of Ebeneser S. Eldora, charged with the murder of his.: third wife by poisoning. The death of Blydenbur'g!s first wife, Emily Hawkins, occurred at Stony Brook, L. I., five years ago. Blyden-burg's second wife was Laura God-bold, aged 19, at her marriage. She was the datigfctef of Judge Godbold, • wealthy ^ • retired merchant of 1900, and $6,000 insurance on her life Is said to have been paid to Blyden-burg. The body was embalmed soon after her death and the cause of her death was not placed in the doctor's certificate until after the funeral. The doctor has since died. "I have every reason to believe that my daughter's death was caused by pois­on and investigation ought to deter­mine by whom it was Administered, said Mr. Godbold. In Brooklyn, tBly-denburg was a member of the Epworth Methodist church, but was dismissed from it. HE HAD HIS SKULL CRUSHED.


Mtfmlst-the ohangM off dlmsrtio oondltioiis more easily If stomaoh and bowels are III oood order.


PEWm «YRUP CO,, MssUeslls, III.



Two Are Seriously Injured in a ' away.

Atalissa, Oct. 13.~Charlea Truo-man, of near tliis city, lies at his home <with a fractured skull,, and E. C. Barker: of Atalissa, was severely in­jured as the result of a runaway here. Mr. Trueman was exercising a horse when it became frightened and ran away, throwing its rider. The animal ran down the street, caus­ing another horse to run away. The animal fifially upset the buggy to which it was attached. At this point Mr. Barker was hurt. An examin­ation of Mr. Trueman's injuries re-vehied the fact that his skull is frac­tured. BpUi. it is said, will recover,

McCriicken Will Be In Command.^. Washington, D. C., Oct J6.—Com­

mander Alexander McCracken of Iowa has been named by Secretary Moody to, command: the new cruiser Des Moines* which is 94 per cent completed and will be commissioned about Jan­uary 1. Commander McCrackin's home is at Fairfield, Iowa. He en­tered the naval academy from (Iowa and graduated in 1886. He is now stationed at the naval war college.

' Kate Shelley's* New" Job. Boone, Oct, 16.—Kate Shelliey^'the

heroine of the Northwestern, has been formally installed as agent for the road at Moingona/ Miss Shelley has marked business ability and her friends predict "that she will be a suc­cess as a railroad station agent .

r v-^^B're.imd to Death ••by; Cars.^H ' Fort:Dodge. Oct 14.-—peter Fischer, of Pailmer, who was m ue city vis­iting his . toother, Ben Fischer, was run over and -killed whH« attempting to hoard an Illinois Central train in the yards here. The young man was •C'' H6rse Kicks Boy to Death. ; t Ida Ordve, Oct 15.—The * 7-year-old son of Enos Carr was kicked to death by a horse ojt his father's farm Ih

About oae-thi!? «f the street# Parte are ttnfd wttfe'tMM.

On a LlmMsd Trsto to California. Laxuriew seTvlae between the East

and California has come to stay. Each year the equipment eh the leading transcontinental lines is a little bet­ter than the year before! -The trav­eling.public demand ftejKpt and are wiWng'to,pay,;for4t. '̂#2;'f. -

The Santa Fe amkmnees that daily service of its illfornln Limited train for season of 190&1901 will be resum­ed November 23; until then it is semlr weekly. The California J.4mlted runs between Cbleaco on the ^ast, and Los Angeles, Baa Diego, and San Fran­cisco on the west—a straight away flight of ' more than' two thousand miles. The tftme to Los Angeles is less than three days from Chicago. The route Is through New Mexico and Arizona, south of the region of heavy snows, and traversing a, land of en­chantment, where the traveler sees Indian puebVps, ci^ronf § mile, deep and peaks two miles hl^t.

The train itself 'comprises compart­ment, observation anil drawing-room Pullmans, Alnfng-car and buffet-smokiar. Equipment sis fine as money can buy, and service absolutely high­est class. Perhaps the meals, under management of Mr. Harvey, are the most notable feature of the California Limited. They have a national repu­tation and axe faultless.»

The fact that this is th£ eighth ses-son for tbe Limited ought to mean something to travelers who seek the best way to reach California. •

The Massachusetts Fish Commis­sion has planted 80,000 lobsters. Race auicide is evidently a long way off

If yon don't get the biggest and l>est it's yoor own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there Is positively nothing to equal

Three finely-tempered Damascus swords In the. British Museum are so flexible that the blade of each can be curved until It touches the handle. These weapons were in uscft long be­fore the Christian era, and the. secret of producing their extraordinary flex­ibility, toughness and keenness is lost

it In quality or quantity. There Is a prescription

r T<"<M of ~ good

cheer in every sunbeam, 'and a tonic to" ey*rr ptmUe- • "Sfe'lfN DO TOUR CLOTHK1 LOOK ntUOWt

If ao, uae Ruse Bleaching Blue. It will image them white as snow. All grooers, 10a . - «1

The proudest moment in a success­ful man's li'e is when he tells bow he got there.

The camel, the most-patient and tractable of animals, when pressed be­yond its endurance, and is utterly ex­hausted, drops on Its knees, and noth­ing in the world will make it budge again. The camel remains where it kneels, until it fails oh -its side and dies. >

Gossip about a couple of babies has occupied the attention of the residents Of Harwood, 'Texas. The infants belong to different families, but were both raised in the same incubator. The two mothers now claim the- same in­fant, and neither of them1 wants the other infant. " •

Asbestos towels are among the lat­est novelties. They do not require soap and water to cleanse them. When soiled, throw them in the fire, and in a few minutes they may be drawn out, freBh and clean.

Nan—"Is there any infallible core lor seasickness?" Tom—"Oh, yes; when you feel the symptoms coming SB, all you* have to do is to go out and lit under a tree. You will very soon recover.".

Plao's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as acough cure.—J. W. O'Buu, KS Third Ave* N., Minceapolla, Minn.4 Jan. 0,190QL

•• .<L. • • 111 • .1.' I. .. • The first Btep to knowledge is to

know that we are ignorant $ AIX UP-TO-UATK HOPSKKEKFKItS

ne Buss Bieachifag Blue.- it makes clothes clean and sweet as when new- AU grocers.

No man's he ii dead. .

reputation is safe until

_ MM. Wlnalow*a lostklag Syran.' Tor children teething, softens the gumi, reaucea fa-flammatlon,allayapala,cores wind caUc. SMabotUo.

When a woman marries a man for his pocketbook she need not hope to find his heart in it nTSFmamMljrOtM WOOtmora. int day'* tn of Dr. Kline*. Xireat Nerre Rotom Send for VRBB es,00 trial bottle and treatiaa D^. B. H. Kusa. Ltd.. *31 Arch St.. 1-hiladelpWa.l'a

AT is generally the lazy man whose liver won't Work. r , . •' ' • *



315? u».

a horse on restownsWii rt tlbe aftii

»y lived hut a nimah lacked

Of a Famous Humsn Food.;' The Siory of great discoveries or in­

ventions is always of Interest An active brain worker who found

himself hampered by lack of bodily strength and vigor and could not carry out the plans and enterprises he knew how to conduct was led to study various foods and their effects upon the human system. In other words before he could carry out his plans be had to find a food that worn?, carry him along and renew, his physi­cal and mental strength. .

He knew ttst a food that was a brain and nerve builder, (rather than

mere fat maker), was universally needed. He knew that meat with the average man does not accomplish the desired results. He knew that the soft gray , substance In brr in and nerve centers is made from Albumen and ' Phosphate of Potash obtained from food. Then he started to solve the problem.

Careful and extensive experiments evolved Grape-Nuts, the now famous food. Grape-Nuts contain the brain and nerve building food elements in condition for easy digestion. The re­sult of eating Grape-Nuts daily is easily seen in a marked sturdiness and activity of the brain ahd nervous system, tasking It a pleasure for one to carry on the daily duties without fatigue or exhaustion. The food is In no Sense a stimulant but is simply food which renews and replaces the dally waste of brain and nerves. «

Its flsvor is chsrmlng and being, fully and thoroughly, cooked at the factory it Is served Instantly with cream.: . The signature of the brain worker

spoken, of, C, W. Post, is to be seen en each genuine package of Grape-Nuts. , ,

Look In each package for a copy of the famons little boolk "The Koad to

Tickets will be on sale October 20th at St. Louis and Kansas City with limit of 21 days, giving a most excel­lent opportunity to investigate fruit and truck farming in East Texas, which Is yielding such magnificent re­turns. Trains leave St Louis via the Iron Mountain route with through cars at 2:21 p. m. and 8:20 p. m.

For Texa* printed matter address D. J. Price, G. P. and T. A., I. and G. N. R. R., Palestine, Texas. --..f

to be Clearly the automobile Is classed as a deadly weapon.

Try Ons Pscksge. If *T)efiance Starch" does not

please you, retul-n it to your dealer. If it does you get one-third more for the ,same money. It will give you satisfaction, and will not stick to the Iron.

The man who is satisfied with' him-s e l f d o e s n o t w a n t m u c h . ^ >

Magnet Pile Killer Cures Piles. Fifty kinds of degrees are given by

American colleges.

Defiance Starch is guaranteed big­gest and best or money refunded. 16 ounces, 10 cents. Try it now. %

Some doctors now class erysipelas as a contagious disease.


(BM8K clothing



Buy a borne 1q Mad-la oa oounty, the Iowa Farms • MI ssaw jiohgoi^ low prices

snd good bargains. Write na for tbe largest and litest farm llct in Western IOWA, containing full description. HAMILTON BROS.. "Wiuterset.

FOR 8AUE—19,000acre* Of Improved farm tog lands In tac Qui Parle Co.,Minn. These lands are a choice lot and LAO QUI Parle Is one of the best counties In this State. We have also 47,000 acres of carefully «e-locted wild and Improved lands In Sargeont • and Dickey counties, No. Dak.


If you want a farm in the "dollar wheat belt" writ* for our booklet—"LAND WBAX.TH," gtvlnFte. scrlptlcas of tne llneet in newest. If yon Want to sell your land we obtain

.sastB?ss;»!bo?? fcSeT^Ddnt « MU la&itlllyons** «•.

VirtulLui&ln.Ci. ST PJIXTL MAN.

The sacrifices that1 have made the world what it is have-been Individual, and those-that will make the! world what it is ' % be will be individual. .•

W. N. Un Dee Melnes, la, Ne.

When' Anewerlng AdverMsemeels-

; ' <

Vine-growers in France protect their plants during, frostly weather by lighting large quantities Of tar between the rows of vines. The 1 smoke thus produced prevents frost from injuring the vines.

uter u/ pUi*m

»dlnse LS the

Pope Plus X Is of very humble ori­gin. His older brother is a letter car­rier in a provincial, town, with a sal­ary of $80 a year. Another brother sells pork and tobacco. One'sister is married to a man who keeps a wine shop; another is a dressmaker. Still another married a peddler-

The child is father to the mimV'the former builds a house of blocks and the latter builds a block of houses.^

PUVNAM FADELESS DYES do net stain the hands or spot the kettle, ex­cept green and purple

Be the stake ever so insignificant ss a rule it makes the game.

Kindly Mention This Pape*



Spiced Currants If these bavo nottaen mesa

In tfcete Mason take one-half a can of canned mrmnt*. add one capful of sair sol One-half teaseoon each of

*S MUK tinnasnon and nnrti ! eooli until thick, then add

m tawespotHifQl of vinegar. Any kind of la leh w

Toaa's Ooods at AIl Orootra

Tone's Economy Bakins Powder .fess,

healthful because It Is an powder. I H

TONE BROTHERS* Des Moines, lows.

< t

^ V V^¥»* f#


ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER. ^Tlie New Subscriber who cuts oat and sends tbl* slip ertiM *aae of this Pspcr at once with SI.75 will receive: All the Issues of Tlw Companion for the remaining weeks of 190J. The Tbanksgivlnc, Christmas and New Year's Doubls Nombers. The Youth's Companion " Springtime" Calendar lor 1904, Dth.

ograpbed In twelve colors and geld. . f' r > , Then the flftytwo Issues of The Companion lor 1904—a library


RICE LANDS IT interested In Rice Culture Investigate my 30,000 aero tract of laud located In m««t fertile tM producing lection of Texas, Wmllca west of Houiton. High pratdo, watered from shaUow wellK SpiendM railroad fscllltlea. Big crop now harvesting at large profit, taud sold at prices snd terms to salt. Ms one af our cheap excursions. Write quick for rstes, fates, etc.

•'OHN LINOCRHOLM, Oheotorvlllo, TexoSi Or Room 1, No. 234 La Salle Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.

h;< V''-'..




fV -A "4,


MM si