Personification Of... Relating to the Spirit of Life

Personification Of… Relating to the Spirit of Life

Transcript of Personification Of... Relating to the Spirit of Life

Personification Of… Relating to the Spirit of Life

Carl Jung called the personified correlate to different aspects of your psyche "archetypes."

The personified correlate to an early morning, dew-covered valley is called a deva… “the goddess of the valley.”

The personified correlate of a flower is called a fairy.

Everything has a personified correlate.

The personified correlate to the low vibrations of a stagnant mud puddle in a dark alley is called a gargoyle or goon.

When healthy, the human psyche naturally perceives in terms of personified correlates: angels, devas, even Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

A healthy relationship with personified correlates uplifts life and embraces the beauty of nature.

Because scientists cannot detect personified correlates, they reject their validity. This suppresses the normal function of the human psyche and strips life of its beauty.

As the human physiology refines, perception becomes increasingly clear.   The divine essence of individuals becomes predominant while negativity is understood to be like dust on the surface, waiting to be brushed away.

What you put your attention on grows stronger. Continually putting your attention on lower vibrations is life damaging, yet consumes some alleged healers. A true healer focuses on health, not disease.

Getting carried away with the notion of personified correlates dissociates people from the real world. A mature relationship is essential.

The unified field of modern physics is the essence of all things. Its personified correlate is called God.

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Dr. Michael Mamas