Personalized Playlists at Spotify

Personalized Playlists @ Spotify Rohan Agrawal RE-WORK Machine Intelligence Summit New York Nov 2, 2016

Transcript of Personalized Playlists at Spotify

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Personalized Playlists @


Rohan Agrawal

RE-WORK Machine Intelligence Summit• New York• Nov 2, 2016

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Spotify in Numbers• Started in 2006, now available in 59

markets• 100+ Million active users• 30 Million + tracks• 20,000 new songs added per day• 2+ Billion user generated playlists

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What to recommend?

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Personalization @ Spotify

‣ Features: • Discover Weekly • Release Radar • Discover Page • Playlist

Recommendations • Radio • Concerts

Recommendations …

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Focus on track recommendations

‣Discover Weekly

‣Release Radar

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Our ML Models seem to be working!

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Today, we’ll talk about 3 types of models

‣ Latent Factor Models

‣ Deep Learning Audio models

‣ NLP models (which are also latent factor models …)

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Lets start off with Latent Factor Models“Compact” representation for each user and items(songs): f-dimensional vectors

Rohan Track a

.. . . . .

.. . . . .

.. . . . .

.. . . . .

.. . . . .

.. .

.. .

.. .

.. . . .

.. .

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.. .

. .mUsers

SongsUser Vector Matrix: X: (m x f) Song Vector Matrix: Y: (n x f)

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If we were to visualize a few Artist Latent Factors

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Implicit Feedback (Hu et al. 2008)

‣ If a user u, listens to an item i, dot product of the user vector and item vector should be as close to 1 as possible.

‣ Also takes into account confidence of a user liking an item i

‣ Solve with Alternating Gradient Descent or Alternating Least squares.

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Logistic Matrix Factorization (Johnson 2014)

‣ Model the probability of a user clicking on an item as the logistic function.

‣ Maximize the likelihood of observations R, given ….

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Recent Advances in MF

‣ Different loss functions (rank loss)

‣ Use of side information (demographics, metadata)

‣ Use of context (where, when)

‣ Deep Learning CF models

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Deep Learning on Audio

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Document : User Session

Word : Song

NLP Models For Recommendations

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Word2Vec (Mikolov et al. 2013)

‣ Each word / track has an input and output vector representation.

‣ Output is a vector space with similar items living close to each other in cosine distance. (and awesome vector algebra property)



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Sequential Data? RNN ?

‣ Output layer is same as word2vec, softmax. Make a prediction of the next item based on hidden state

‣ Recurrent connection

‣ Learning output weights and b’s for each item

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User Representations?

‣ Word2vec can output word / track representation but what about user representations.

‣ Simple Aggregation (Bag of words) ?

Averaging problems

‣ Doc2Vec ?

Retrain every time there is new user activity

‣ Clustering?

Losing vector addition information

‣ Learn user vector through RNN ?

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Another RNN approach

‣ Assume item vectors are fixed

‣ Try to learn the next item vector in the sequence

‣ Long term intents, train RNN to predict longer ahead in the future

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Challenges, what lies ahead

Side information in embedding models, remove regional biases, external genre information, lyrics, Facebook / Twitter account data, [ cover art, who knows :) ]

Deep Learning

Transfer Learning

Outlier Detection

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Thank You!You can reach me @Email: [email protected]: @rohanag