Personal presentation




Transcript of Personal presentation

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Being a high school student, I devote half my time to school and the other half to leisure on weekdays while over weekends I work at Wintersport Ice Sports Arena.

Unlike most students, I am a capable novel writer.

Why Me, what’s different?

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Since 2002 I have lived and breathed in Hatboro-Horsham (HH), Pa.

Although living in HH, I work in Willow Grove at an ice arena.

Within the next ten to fifteen years I hope to move to Germany for college and perhaps live there.

Home, no place like home

Color is the absence of perfection! True creativity is from the written word, why attempt to daze the people with color when you could blind them with brilliance?

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To many people, Google is the source of all knowledge… to some people it is a very precise searching method- I say, it has nothing about me at all in

any way.

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First time for everything they say, even for Google- and Google will be there to record the accomplishments I make over the next five to ten years.

I will be a published author (regardless of fame).I will have some political power.By this time I will have a part time job while attending college for an accounting or medical degree- only to become full time at the job as college finishesPeople will recognize that with potential a great deal of requirements are

needed, especially in terms of writing (through me).

Things Google will sayabout me

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Not even Google is perfect, nothing is and nothing will ever be truly perfect. However Google has and seems to quite possibly have a chance that it will miss

details about me


Google does deserve a B-, but this is so much easier to stamp across a paper

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I am a refined teenager- any inappropriate actions, by peers or others, will only receive scorn from me, no encouragement to commit another heinous act.

I am a prideful worker- If something is out of place when I walk in, it is exactly where it is meant to be when I walk out… alongside the place being clean and customer friendly.

I am a persuasive person- One plus one always equals two, but if my boss says otherwise I’ll convince people he or she’s correct

I am entirely logical- If the question must be either right or wrong, every step will be carefully laid out with the result being absolute- It will be correct

I am a novelist- the greatest and most rewarding extracurricular activity is one that expressesboth road blocks and creative logical thinking

I want to accomplish more than I am capable of- everyday I live

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What I am good at…

•I am a good organizer•I am excruciatingly good at having way too much hope for caused deemed to fail•Memorizing medicinal tables- how I love medicine…•I am good and capable of being well prepared for events (preferably ones not including large amounts of people)•I have no trouble following orders given to me (so long as the person is deserving of respect)•I am capable of dealing with animals… love cats- hate dogs

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“When a man breaks through a barrier or bound, people believe that it means he succeeded. It actually means the rest of us get to walk through with a free

card,”Matthew Brown.

(so it IS possible to generate random quotes!)

“Learn from others’ mistakes,”-Unknown (+ a half dozen teachers per school)

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“Challenges are only obstacles the mind has to suppress the body” –Unknown

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Math is the power that allows the average man to become extraordinary

(However I would be surprised if a college professor could decipher this)

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This is called a toyger, a mix between a cat and a tiger- genetics is the road to salvation

Genetics can create pets this adorable, making genetics absolute and perfect in my book! (Who wouldn’t want to pet a cat that lovely?)

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Things I like-

Felis Catus- It is impossible to bore the human mind with facts about cats, people just choose to be bored! Cats are indeed impeccable.

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Debate-Who says you cant argue the sky is purple?

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Ich liebe Deutschland, Spaeter werde ich da gehen und wohnen

Hey, my German isn’t the greatest- but neither is the English of every politician. What you see above is not perfect, but school will

be enough to teach me enough German!

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Who’s Perfect? Not me… and that’s something I hate and will improve on. That’s not all that leaves a bad taste in my

mouth though…

Religion… It’s not wrong but people are too devoted

Ignorance- let me announce the FACT that ignorance is bliss only for the people abusing the ignorant man

Teenagers- Does anything… just one thing… anything at all ever go how you want it too? No, same for adults but we don’t wallow in self pity… we work harder

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Perfection isn’t given… it’s achieved…

So they say-Personally I think either you’re born perfect or half of life is

spent clawing at the unachievable (and no one is born perfect).

Work is all well and good however, trying the best is ideal, trying to be the best is failure in the making.

Belief in oneself is key to any new beginning, and as I make my way to a new life outside of high school with all of my peers… I’m wondering where the heck it can go.

[email protected] (misspelling due to sophomore was taken)

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Thank You