Persian & Peloponnesian Wars

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Transcript of Persian & Peloponnesian Wars

  • 8/7/2019 Persian & Peloponnesian Wars


    500-479 BCE

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    Athenian Backgroundy Isagoras led a f action of exiled aristocrats and with the

    support of Sparta was elected archon in 508 BCE

    y He was quickly opposed b y Cleisthenes

    y Isagoras turned to the Spartans f or help in creating an oligarchy

    y Cleisthenes and the A thenians humiliated Isagorasand the Spartans

    y He solidi f ied the democratic f oundation

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    G rowing Tensionsy Isagoras had enrolled A thens in the Peloponnesian

    League and in a relationship with Sparta

    y A thenians turned to Persia f or a ne w alliance

    y Con f usion over alliance bet ween A thens and Persia

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    P ersian Backgroundy U nder C yrus the Great (500-530 BCE) they con quered

    Greek states and installed ne w tyrants

    y Darius I ruled (522-486 BCE) millions of people and had enormous wealth and vast empire

    y He wanted the Greek States

    y Should the Greeks surrender or resist

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    D arius 1Darius de f eated the Ionians with help f rom other Greek states

    He had his eyes set on A thens

    A slave reminded him 3times at every meal,

    R emem ber the A thenians!

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    Resistancey Darius demanded earth and water

    y A thenians and Spartans resistedy Spartans pushed the am bassadors into a well

    y Darius was not pleased and sent troops

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    Battle of Marathon (492 BCE)y 20,000 Persians landed at Marathon, 26 miles f rom A thens


    The A thenian f orces only num bered 9,000

    y They spread their f ormation and sprinted at the Persiansy A thens had a huge advantage in close com bat (7,000 Persians

    compared to 192 A thenians were killed )


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    Xerxes (486-465 BCE)y Huge army and naval f leet

    y Marched easily through northern Greek states but then met the Peloponnesian League with Sparta

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    Athenian Navyy U sed their huge supply of silver to build Triemes

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    Battle of Thermopylaey 2nd Persian Invasion, led b y X erxes this time

    y 100,000 to 300,000y King Leonidas o f Sparta and 300 were able to hold the

    Persians off f or a f e w daysy A Greek traitor sho wed the Persians a backdoory Persians eventually win

    y Greek success rested on patriotism and desire

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    Salamis (480 BCE)y Themistocles was the Peloponnesian general

    y He sent f ake inf o to X erxes and lured the Persian f leet

    y X erxes f orced battle in a tight space in the straight

    y A thenian ref ugees and X erxes had f ront ro w seats

    y In one day 200 Persian ships were destroyed

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    y Last clip f rom 300leading to Plataea

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    P lataea

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    P lataea (479 BCE)y Af ter Salamis, Pausanias (Leonidas nephe w) led

    60,000 Greeks f rom 31states

    y They charged the Persians and de f eated them

    y The Greek f leet took Turkey, destroyed Persian f leet

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    D iffering Ideologyy A thenians wanted to expand and liberate all of the

    Greek states

    y Spartans were not expansionist and liked having the A thenians under their command

    y Pausanias mishandled the Greek f leet (got cocky )

    y A thenians took control of the Greek f leet

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    D elian League (477 BCE)y A ssociation of Greek States af ter Persian W ars

    y A thens tried taking advantage of the smaller states which caused tension

    y Financially back A thens and not getting much in returny Led to the Peloponnesian W ar

    Sparta and Peloponnesian League = Oligarchy, land po wer vs.

    A thens and Delian League = Expansion, democracy, sea +

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    First (460-455 BCE)Second (431-404 BCE)

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    Expansiony Pericles was the leader of A thens, wanted to expandy Fighting Peloponnesians in Greece and Persians in Egypt

    y Focused on controlling the A egeany A n earth quake on Peloponnesus helots to revolty Helots f led and the A thenians helped them settle and control

    Naupactus which was on the gul f

    y A thens added many coastal states and controlled trade

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    P ersian Resistancey A thenians continued to f ight the Persians

    y A thenians were de f eated b y Persians in the Nile delta

    y Mem bers of the alliance began to revolt and joined the Peloponnesian League

    y 445 BCE, the t wo sides signed a 30 year trucey A greed to stay out of each other s business

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    O utbreak of War 2y A thens imposed an em bargo against Peloponnesians

    y Pericles strategy was to stay on the de f ensive on landy Abandoned A ttica and let them destroy land as all

    citizens moved within the city wallsy The resulting plague killed of population and Pericles

    y Cleon took over and went on the off ensive

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    Thucydidesy Our narrator of the war

    y He was A thenian but gave an honest accounty A dmitted A thens used brutal tactics throughouty Father of Scienti f ic History

    y Cause and eff ect without mention of gods

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    P eace of Niciasy Sparta convinced Delian allies to revolt against A thens

    y Brasidas was leading Sparta and Cleon, A thensy They met and both were killed

    y Nicias (A thenian general ) negotiated a peacey Both returned every state con quered during the wary A thens could not f orce states to become alliesy A thens would come to Sparta's aid if the Helots revolted

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    Sicilian Expeditiony A thens wanted to control Sicily f or its grain and its

    main city S yracuse which was an ally of Sparta

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    Athenian D isagreementy Democrat f action was supported b y A thenian sailorsy Oligarchic f action supported b y propertied citizens

    y This led to a civil war

    y R unning out of resources, money, men off ered

    f reedom to slaves to join the navy y A thens agreed to destroy their walls and was under

    Spartan control

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    The end of the wary A thens de f eat resulted f rom a

    mix of disease, po werf ul and egotistical personalities, bad governing, and ref usal to accept good terms of peace.

    y Took a while to bounce back