PERKAMPUNGAN ILMU 2013 Monday.doc With Answers (1)

 PERKAMPUNGAN ILMU BAHASA INGGERIS SPM 2014 An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to diferentiate between what you do know and what you don't.  Anatole France  French novelist (1844 - 1924) Vas/PIP!/"#$%



Transcript of PERKAMPUNGAN ILMU 2013 Monday.doc With Answers (1)

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SPM 2014

An education isn't how much you havecommitted to memory, or even how muchyou know. It's being able to diferentiatebetween what you do know and what youdon't.

  Anatole France  French novelist

(1844 - 1924)


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Poetry Novel Step By Wicked Step

$. In the !idst o+ardshi-

$. Richard’s “My Story. Read

and Weep”

". e ad uch uiet(yes ". Claudia : Green Pyjamas”

!" Na#ur$. C%li&:  Bluebird of


4" Ar$ '%u S#ill Pla(i&) '%ur

*lu#$ +

4" Ral,h: A -al$ %. -hr$$


0. Pii$: The Pains in My ife”

1. R%%:  !umpa"s the

 Problem”In the Midst of Hardship

A# da3& #h$( r$#ur&$d h%/$

#h$ir s%a( cl%#h$s #%r&

a&d a,,r%ach$d #h$ s#%5$

#h$ir li/s /ar$d ( scra#ch$s

#h$ir l$)s .ull %. 3%u&ds

 u# %& #h$ir r%3s

#h$r$ 3as &% si)& %. d$s,air 

-h$ 3h%l$ da( a&d &i)h# 6us# ,ass$d

#h$( had #% ra5$ #h$ h%rr$&d%us .l%%d

i& #h$ 3a#$r all #h$ #i/$

 $#3$$& l%a#$d carcass$s

a&d #i&( chi,s %. #r$$ ars

d$s,$ra#$l( l%%i&) .%r #h$ir s%&’s

ali&% #ha# 3as &$5$r .%u&d


In li+e, !an maye2-eriencecircumstances thatare -ain+ul andchallenging, andcarry a heavy burdeno+ res-onsibilities.till, man doesdes-air. 3* Heremains stoic.

!an4s 5ourneythrough li+e may betroubled +or long orshort -eriods o+ time. here will beburdens, obstacles,and deaths.

6es-ite challengingconditions, !an still

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-h$( 3$r$ %r& a/ids# hardshi,

a&d )r$3 u, 3i#h%u# a si)h %r a c%/,lai&#&%3 #h$( ar$ i& #h$ i#ch$&7 /ai&)

 6%$s 3hil$ r%lli&) #h$ir ci)ar$##$ l$a5$s

1" 8h$& did #h$ ,$%,l$ i& #h$ ,%$/ r$#ur& h%/$+

  99 A# da3& a.#$r s,$&di&) #h$ 3h%l$ &i)h# s$archi&) .%r

#h$ir s%&’s

2" 8ha# i&d %. a s$##i&) d% (%u s$$ i& #h$ ,%$/7 ; I& #h$

Mids# %. Hardshi,’ ( La#i.. M%hidi&+

  S$##i&) i& #h$ h%/$ < ha,,( a&d c%&)$&ial a#/%s,h$r$"

=u#sid$ #h$ h%/$ < .l%%ds < da&)$r%us < #h$ r$alisa#i%& #ha#

d$a#h a&d %s#acl$s a3ai# (%u %u# #h$r$"

!" >$scri$ #h$ c%&di#i%&s %. #h$ ,$%,l$ i& #his ,%$/"

  9 P%%r7 d$,$&da&# %& 3ha# #h$( $ar& ,$rha,s u# s#%ics#r%&) ,%si#i5$ a&d d% &%# #a$ #% c%/,lai&i&) %r 3hi&i&)

a%u# #h$ir si#ua#i%&" 

4" >$s,i#$ #h$ c%&di#i%&s %. #h$ ,$%,l$ i& #h$ a%5$ ,%$/7 did

#h$( )i5$ u,+ 8hich li&$ #$lls (%u #his+



• P%5$r#( a&d hardshi,

• R$sili$&c$ a&d ,$rs$5$ra&c$


• Hardshi, a&d su..$ri&) uild charac#$r"

• P%si#i5$ #hi&i&) is i/,%r#a&# 3h$& .ac$d 3i#h li.$?s chall$&)$s"

• 8$ /us# carr( %& a&d ,$rs$5$r$ d$s,i#$ hardshi," Moral values

• B$ #ha&.ul .%r #h$ c%/.%r#s (%u ha5$


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  N= 7they had to brave the horrendous 8ood 

in the water all the time7..9@" 8ha# d% (%u u&d$rs#a&d ( ;u# %& #h$ir r%3s7 #h$r$ 3as

&%# a si)& %. d$s,air’+

  -h$( did &%# sh%3 si)&s %. 3%rr( %r did &%# c%/,lai& a%u#

#h$ s#a#$ %. a..airs #h$( 3$r$ i&"

" 8ha# &a#ural disas#$r had %ccurr$d #% #h$ ,lac$+

 -h$r$ had $$& a 5$r( ad .l%%d a&d /uch had $$&

d$s#r%($d a&i/als ill$d a&d ,la&#s u,r%%#$d"

" Na/$ #h$ a&i/al #ha# had )%&$ /issi&) i& #his ,%$/"

  ( albino) buffalo

" >% (%u #hi& #h$ ,$%,l$ i& #h$ ,%$/ ar$ rich+ us#i.( (%ur

a&s3$r 3i#h $5id$&c$ .r%/ #h$ ,%$/+

  N= < $caus$ #h$ ,%$/ s#a#$s Di& #h$ las# s#a&aF #ha# #h$(

3$r$ %r& ;a/ids# hardshi,’ a&d #ha# 3%uld /$a& #ha# #h$(3$r$ ,%%r7 3i#h%u# /uch luuri$s"

'ES < they were happy and seemed contented with what

little they have – this shows that they are spiritually rich.

" 8h( d% (%u #hi& #h$ ,$%,l$ ar$ d$s,$ra#$l( l%%i&) .%r #h$

l%s# a&i/al+

  I# $l%&)$d #% #h$ir s%& #h$( car$d .%r #h$ a&i/al a&d 3%uld

&%# 3a&# #% )i5$ i# u, .%r d$ad 3i#h%u# l%%i&) .%r i#"10" 8ha# is alli#$ra#i%&+ Gi5$ a& $a/,l$ %. alli#$ra#i%& .r%/

#h$ ,%$/"

  9 identical consonant sounds 

11" >% (%u #hi& #h$ ,$%,l$ h$r$ ar$ h%,$.ul a&d %,#i/is#ic+

us#i.( (%ur a&s3$r"


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  -h$( ar$ %#h h%,$.ul a&d %,#i/is#ic $caus$ #h$( 3ad$

#hr%u)h #h$ s#r%&) .l%%d 3a#$rs7 ,laci&) #h$/s$l5$s i& da&)$r

a/ids# .l%a#i&) d$ad %di$s %. a&i/als a&d %#h$r #hi&)s #ha#hur# #h$/7 l$a5i&) #h$/ scarr$d a&d #$rril( s%a$d #% #h$

si&" Bu#7 %& r$#ur&i&) h%/$7 #h$( uicl( r$ach %u# #% #h$

3ar/#h a&d c%/.%r# %. #h$ir i#ch$&7 )%i&) a%u# #h$ir dail(

3%r as i. &%#hi&) had ha,,$&$d7 6%i&) a&d lau)hi&) a&d

c$r#ai&l( &%# c%/,lai&i&)"

12" 8ha# ca& (%u l$ar& .r%/ #his ,%$/+ :!oralValues;i" =&$ sh%uld &%# )i5$ u, $asil( 3h$& .ac$d 3i#h %s#acl$s

a&d di..icul#i$s a&d #% $ c%&#$&#$d 3i#h 3ha# li##l$ 3$ /a(


ii"8$ sh%uld &%# c%/,lai& 3h$& #hi&)s d% &%# .a5%ur us "

iii" I# is i/,%r#a&# #% su,,%r# (%ur .a/il( a# all #i/$s7 $5$& i.

$&#ails di..icul#i$s a&d da&)$rs"

1!" >% (%u #hi& #h$ ,%$# has ch%s$& a )%%d #i#l$ .%r #his

 ,%$/+ Gi5$ a r$as%& .%r (%ur a&s3$r"

  Y!" it is a #ood title because it immediately conveys

the idea of bein# in the heart of problems $ dan#ers $

difficulties $ and one is made to realise that one can either

waste time complainin# or be positive and loo% ahead to

better times.

14" >% (%u li$ #h$ ,%$/+ Gi5$ a r$as%& .%r (%ur a&s3$r"



 9999999999999999999999  9999999  999999999999999999999  


 HE HAD SUCH QUET E!ES He had such &uiet eyes

!he did not realise

'hey were two pools of lies

ayered with thinnest ice

'o her" those &uiet eyes

ere breathin# desolate si#hs

Implorin# her to be nice

*nd to render him paradise

If only she+d been wise

*nd had listened to the advice

Never to compromise

ith pleasure,see%in# #uys

!he+d be free from -the hows and


Now here+s a bit of advice

e sure that nice really means nice'hen you+ll never be losin# at dice

'hou#h you may lose your heart

once or twice

In this poem" the poet tal%s about thebetrayal of a youn# #irl/s feelin#s for a

man. !he believes in his sincerity to her as

he had pleaded to her surrender to him.

!he is ta%en in by his &uiet eyes. If she

had listened to advice about men who

see% pleasure" she would not be in this

situation. 'he poet advises all youn# #irls

to be careful and not be betrayed by men.

THEME  0. etrayal of love

1. Personal e2periences

3. 4elationships that are meanin#ful

 M"#A$ %A$UES  

5on/t be naive and believe everythin# we

are told especially in matters of the


0. e must be careful when

choosin# friends.1. 6allin# in love is normal but one

should be careful.

3. e must learn from the

e2perience of other people.

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1" 8h( did #h$ )irl $li$5$ #h$ /a& car$d .%r h$r+

Sh$ 3as #a$& u, lur$d ( his $($s #ha# ,r%/is$d h$r ,aradis$"

2" 8ha# had $$& d$scri$d as ;#3% ,%%ls %. li$s+’

-h$ /a&’s $($s $caus$ #h$( ac#uall( 3$r$ deceptive

$ deceivin#.

!" 8ha# sh%uld sh$ ha5$ lis#$&$d #%+*dvice that was #iven to her re#ardin# relationships $

friendships with people who do not have #oodintentions. (If she had listened " she would have no

re#rets about a failed relationship)

4" I& s#a&a !7 r$.$r$&c$ is /ad$ #% #h$ 3%rd di#e. I&

(%ur 3%rds7 $,lai& #h$ r$.$r$&c$ #% dic$"75ice8 refers to the matter of #amblin# – here love or

friendship is a #amble because one can never really be

sure of a person/s true character. In #amblin#" one

often has to ta%e a ris% but it pays to be cautious too.

@" 8ha# d%$s #h$ li&$ layered $ith thinnest i#e  #$ll

us a%u# #h$ /a&+7'hin ice8 is dan#erous because one can fall throu#h

easily and &uic%ly – it refers to the man/s deceptive

ways that cheat the woman into believin# him.


Harmf ulchoices inthe

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 (His insincere charm and romantic pretences)

" 8ha# did #h$ /a&’s ui$# $($s as %. #h$ )irl+To give i& to his pleasure seeki&g 'ays(

" *r%/ s#a&a 27 3ha# d% 3$ l$ar& a%u# #h$ )irl’s

.$$li&)s+(ecause she was not wise and did not listen to

advice) the #irl is now re#retful about #ivin# in

to the man.

" 8ha# d%$s #h$ $,r$ssi%& the ho$s and $hys

/$a&+ -h$ /a&( u$s#i%&s #h$ )irl ass a.#$r sh$

r$)r$#s $.ri$&di&) #h$ /a&"

" >% (%u #hi& #his is #h$ )irl’s .irs# l%5$+ 8h( d%(%u sa( s%+ I# ,r%al( is $caus$ sh$ s$$/s #%

ha5$ .all$& #% #h$ #ra, s$# ( #h$ /a& s% uicl( < als% D,$rha,sF i& h$r $ci#$/$&#7 sh$ d%$s &%#

s#%, #% lis#$& #% ad5ic$ $.%r$ )%i&) ah$ad 3i#h

h$r .ri$&dshi,"

8ha# d% (%u #hi& #h$ )irl 3ill d% a.#$r #his+!he probably will be more cautious before ma%in#

friends and would probably thin% over advice #iven

to her about such relationships.

10" 8ha# ar$ ,l$asur$ s$$i&) < )u(s i&#$r$s#$d i&+

-h$( 3ish #% .lir#7 3a&#i&) %&l( ,l$asur$ a&d .u&"

11" E,lai& #h$ $,r$ssi%& ;lose your heart" 

To fall in lo%e or to &i%e in to a friendship.


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Bas$d %& s#a&a 2 7 3ha# d% (%u #hi& #h$ )irl has


Sh$ has c%/,r%/is$d %& h$r /%ral 5alu$s a&d ,ri&ci,l$s"12"   *alli&) i& l%5$ is ,ar# %. )r%3i&) u,+ 8ha#

ad5ic$ d%$s #h$ ,%$# )i5$ c%&c$r&i&) .alli&) i&

l%5$+I# is .i&$ #% l%5$ a&d #% l%s$ a# i# u# i# is i/,%r#a&# #%

$$, %&$’s di)&i#( a&d /%ral 5alu$s"

1!" >% (%u #hi& .alli&) i& l%5$ is a )a/$ %. cha&c$+

8h( %r 3h( &%#+ 'ES < $caus$ (%u 3ill &$5$r 

r$all( &%3 a%u# #h$ ,$rs%& u&#il /uch la#$r 

D)a/$ %. cha&c$F " N= < l%5$ sh%uld $ #a$& as ,ar# %. li.$ < (%u

l%s$ s%/$ a&d 3i& a# %#h$rs u# %&$ ca& $

car$.ul a&d h$$d ad5ic$ a&d $ 3is$ a%u#




<e have neither ummer nor<inter=either Autumn nor -ring.<e have instead the days<hen the gold sun shines onthe lush green cane>elds?!agni>cently.

 he days when the rain beats

like bullet on the roo+sAnd there is no sound butthee swish o+ water in thegulliesAnd trees struggling in thehigh @amaica winds.Also there are the days whenleaves +ade +rom of guango

trees4And the rea-ed cane>elds liebare and +allow to the sun.3ut best o+ all there are thedays when the mango and


B$au#( %. &a#ur$

A,,r$cia#i%& %. %&$ %3& c%u&#r(

A,,r$cia#$ &a#ur$

M94* :*;!

1" 8$ sh%uld a,,r$cia#$ 3ha# 3$

ha5$ i& %ur %3& c%u&#r(

2" 8$ sh%uld &%# l%&) .%r 3ha# 3$ d%

&%# ha5$"

!" 8$ sh%uld a,,r$cia#$ %ur


4" 8$ sh%uld a,,r$cia#$ #h$ $au#( %. 


'9N" M995" *'M9!PH4

A,,r$cia#i5$ a&d ha,,(

Car$.r$$ a&d li)h#Jh$ar#$d

S$&s$ %. $au#(

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a. In your words describe the weather as depicted in the poem.

sunny days and wet rainy days.

 b. State one moral value that you have learnt from the poem.

 We must be able to face the uncertainties of life and let them be

 without fighting them.

c. Note that the poem ends with the line “and beauty comes suddenly

and the rains have gone”. Describe how this bears a resemblance in

our life.

That immediately after a period of trials and tribulations comes a

time of rest and !uiet " of !uiet rela#ation $That good comes after the


d. In the opening lines of the poem the poet describes the things that

are absent. In your opinion what is the poet trying to convey& That

all of us do not have the same things in life, but that does

not mean that we are different or poorer than the others.  


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a. Why do you thin' (.D.)arberry wrote the poem&

*To celebrate the richness of his land and its beauty and


 b. +ist three words related to nature.c. Which line in the poem

,Nature- suggests the sense of smell&d. ased on your 'nowledge of

the poem ,Nature- describe a theme in the poem.

*)elebrating Nature and yet be humbled by it / the wonder of

nature has to be admired because its power and beauty is

limitless and unpredictable. At one time, the weather can

 be destructive and yet at other times, it affords us much

 beauty and growth. 


 Are !ou Still *layi&g !our +lute ,Ar$ (%u s#ill ,la(i&) (%ur .lu#$+

8h$& #h$r$ is hardl( #i/$ .%r %ur l%5$

I a/ .$$li&) )uil#(

-% $ l%&)i&) .%r (%ur s%&)

-h$ /$l%d( c%&c$al$d i& #h$ sli/ h%ll%3 %. #h$ a/%%

U&c%5$r$d ( #h$ r$a#h %. a& ar#is#

C%/,%s$d ( his .i&)$rs

Bl%3& ( #h$ 3i&d

-% #h$ d$,#h %. /( h$ar#"

Ar$ (%u s#ill ,la(i&) (%ur .lu#$+

I& #h$ 5illa)$ s% ui$# a&d d$s$r#$d

A/ids# #h$ sic ric$ .i$lds

8hil$ h$r$ i# has $c%/$ a luur(-% s,$&d #i/$ 3a#chi&) #h$ rai&

Gai&) a# #h$ $5$&i&) ra(s

C%ll$c#i&) d$3 dr%,s

=r $&6%(i&) #h$ .ra)ra&c$ %. .l%3$rs"

Ar$ (%u s#ill ,la(i&) (%ur .lu#$+

-h$ /%r$ i# dis#urs /( c%&sci$&c$

#% $ #hi&i&) %. (%u

i& #h$ haard %. (%u

/( (%u&)$r r%#h$rs u&$/,l%($d a&dd$s,$ra#$

/( ,$%,l$ disu&i#$d ( ,%li#ics

/( .ri$&d slau)h#$r$d /$rcil$ssl(

#his 3%rld is #%% %ld a&d l$$di&)"

  B( uri&ah Hassa&


FamilycommitmentsPriorities in li+e=eglecting one4sduties

MORAL VALES$. <e should be

aware o+ our+amilycommitments andcarry them out-ro-erly.". (veryone has-riorities in, li+eand we shouldknow what isim-ortant andwhat is not.. Following ahobby is good butthere is a time +or

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a. Who is the persona in the poem&


 b. Write one line from the poem that depicts that people are 0obless.

“my younger brothers unemployed*.”

c. 1rovide three phrases that depict the message of cruel realities of a

nation in uncertainty of its future. (I) people disunited by

politics (II) killings (III) war and unrest

d. In your own words describe why the poet used the word “sic'” to

describe the rice fields. The fields have been left unattended

( perhaps there is no one left in the village to farm at these

fields ) or perhaps how nature has suffered with the

absence of people in the village.

a. What did the persona mean when she said ,deserted-& +eft by

people who do not intend to return*

 b. Why is the persona feeling guilty& She thinks it is wrong to

think of the pleasures of the village (its uiet lifestyle,


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sanctity and the music itself) while the rest of mankind is at

 war with themselves ! facing the problems of the world.

c. Why is the !uestion “2re you still playing your flute- repeated as

the starting line of all the stan3as&

 "hat started as a simple uestion of longing for past times

(nostalgia) in stan#a $ becomes persistent in stan#a two

 when there is a hint of worry and finally in stan#a three, the

repeat is more annoyed as if chiding the flutist about his

nonchalance while the rest of the world is at war.

d. In your opinion is this a romantic poem& 1rovide reasons for your


The poem is romantic as so far it is nostalgic of good days

past in the village before the writer % persona sets foot in

the city in search of bright lights (but caught unawares of

the problems of this departure from the village).



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!'P Y I<=5 !'P



 'R(M)W*R+ for ans$erin& literature #omponent, 

*utline,personal response -for uestion // of Paper 01 SPM )n&lish


1F  Introductory para#raph D,ara)ra,h 1F

  S#a#$ (%ur &%5$l D,lus a 5$r( ri$. s(&%,sis %. #h$ &%5$lF

S#a#$ (%ur ch%s$& $l$/$&#D ,l%#charac#$ris#ics

s$##i&)#h$/$s/%ral 5alu$sF  S#a#$ i& ri$. #h$ r$as%&s %. (%ur ch%ic$"

2)  <ontent para#raphs

  R$as%& 1 $la%ra#i%&s D,ara)ra,h 2F

40 > 0>0>0

  R$as%& 2 $la%ra#i%&s D,ara)ra,h !F41 > 1>1>1

  R$as%& ! $la%ra#i%&s D,ara)ra,h 4F

43 > 3>3>3

!F  <oncludin# para#raph D,ara)ra,h @F Su//ari$ r$s#a#$ #h$ r$as%&s %& 3h( (%u ha5$ ch%s$& #h$ ,ar#

charac#$r ,lac$$#c  S#a#$ a l$ss%& (%u ha5$ l$ar&# .r%/ #h$ $l$/$&#

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Sa/,l$ u$s#i%&s: Support your ans$er $ith #lose referen#e to the te5t.

1" Usi&) d$#ails .r%/ #h$ &%5$l #ha# (%u ha5$ s#udi$d7

3ri#$ a%u#:

• a /$/%ral$ $5$&#

• h%3 #h$ $5$&# a..$c#s %&$ %. #h$ charac#$rs i&

#h$ s#%r(

2" a charac#$r 3h% ,%r#ra(s a /%ral 5alu$ i& #h$ &%5$l

(%u ha5$ s#udi$d!" 3hich i&cid$&# did (%u .i&d i&#$r$s#i&)+

4"  3hich ,ar# %. #h$ s#%r( did (%u .i&d i&#$r$s#i&)+

@"  3ri#$ a%u# a charac#$r 3h% sh%3s d$#$r/i&a#i%&"

"  3ri#$ %& a charac#$r 3h% is h%&%ural$"

" 3ri#$ a%u# h%3 a charac#$r has i&.lu$&c$d a&%#h$r 

charac#$r’s ac#i%&s"

" 3ri#$ a%u# a #ur&i&) ,%i&# i& #h$ s#%r( #ha# cha&)$d

#h$ li.$ %. %&$ %. #h$ charac#$rs"

" 3ri#$ a%u# a& i&cid$&# #ha# cha&)$d #h$ li.$ %. a


10"  a& $5$&#J)r$a# i/,ac# < %& #h$ charac#$rs

11"  charac#$r 3h%/ sacri.ic$s a l%# .%r #h$ .a/il(J$,lai&

12" ad/iral$ ac#i%&s %. %&$ %. #h$ charac#$rsJ$,lai&

1!"  $5$&#J (%u .$$l sh%uld &%# ha5$ ha,,$&$d7 3h(+


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14"  B$i&) su,,%r#i5$ $$,s a .a/il( #%)$#h$rJ d$scri$

h%3 %&$ %. #h$ charac#$rs sh%3s #his su,,%r#"

1@"  I/,%r#a&# d$cisi%& /ad$ ( %&$ %. #h$ charac#$rs i&sh%3i&) h%3 his d$cisi%& cha&)$d his li.$

1" L$ss%& #ha# (%u ha5$ l$ar&# .r%/ %&$ %. #h$ charac#$rs

Gra,hic r$,r$s$&#a#i%& %. #h$ ,l%#


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*sing the details in the novel you have studied,com-are  t"o characters in the novel. Provide

evidence +rom the te2t to su--ort your answer.


Id$&#i.( 3ha# #h$

u$s#i%& 3a&#s"

-h$ u$s#i%& is asi&) (%u #%

<9MP*4 '9



M$&#i%& 3hich &%5$l7

3hich #3% charac#$rs"

I& #h$ &%5$l S#$, ( 8ic$d

S#$, ( A&&$ *i&$7 I ch%%s$

#3% c%/,ar$ #3% charac#$rs

3hich ar$ si/ilar Richard a&dC%li&. 




Ela%ra#$ ( )i5i&) !



Pr%5id$ $5id$&c$ .%r

$ach r$as%&"

*94*'I9N 0 >

?;!'I6I<*'I9N 0@

-h$ .irs# si/ilari#( is %#h

Richard a&d C%li& ar$ /issi&)

#h$ir .a#h$rs" Richard’s .a#h$r

di$d %. a& ill&$ss 3hil$ C%li&

3as /issi&) his .a#h$r a.#$r his

/%#h$r d$cid$d #% /%5$ a3a(

3i#h%u# his .a#h$r’s


*94*'I9N 1 >

?;!'I6I<*'I9N 1@

A&%#h$r si/ilari#( is %#h %.

#h$/ ar$ i)&%r$d ( #h$ir

/%#h$rs" Richard’s /%#h$r did&%# d$.$&d hi/ 3h$&

R$5$r$&d C%lds#%&$ #r$a#$d

hi/ adl(" C%li& /iss$d his

dad a l%# u# his /%#h$r did

&%# s$$/ #% $ a3ar$ %. h%3

C%li& .$l#


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*94*'I9N 3 >

?;!'I6I<*'I9N 3@

B%#h Richard a&d C%li&d$cid$d #% ru& a3a( #% /a$

#hi&)s 3%r" Richard ra& a3a(

.r%/ h%/$ as h$ #h%u)h# #ha#

his ac#i%& 3%uld /a$ li.$

/%r$ ,l$asa&# .%r $5$r(%&$"

C%li& 3a&#s #% ru& a3a( #%

.i&d his dad 3h%/ h$ /iss$s a

l%#" H$ d%$s #hr$$ ,a,$rr%u&ds #% sa5$ /%&$( a&d 3ill

l$a5$ 3h$& h$ is %ld $&%u)h"


8ri#$ a cl%sur$ %& 3ha#

(%u ha5$ l$ar&# .r%/

#h$ #3% charac#$rs"

-h$ #3% charac#$rs su..$r$d

/uch ,ai& a&d s%rr%3" N% %&$

car$d h%3 #h$( .$l#" Ru&&i&)

a3a( is &%# a s%lu#i%&" Bu#7 i#

/a( ha5$ $$& #h$ $s# %,#i%&

.%r #h$ %#h %. #h$/ as #h$(

had &% %&$ #% ad5is$ #h$/"
