Peripheral Devices What They Are and How They Are Used.

Peripheral Devices What They Are and How They Are Used .

Transcript of Peripheral Devices What They Are and How They Are Used.

Page 1: Peripheral Devices What They Are and How They Are Used.

Peripheral Devices

What They Are and How They Are Used


Page 2: Peripheral Devices What They Are and How They Are Used.

Peripheral Devices I. What is a Peripheral Device?

Any item connected to a computer but is secondary in relation to the CPU.A. Internal – Operates inside the caseB. External – Operates outside the case

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Peripheral Devices II. Peripheral devices can be used for

A. Input – Used to receive dataB. Output – Used to send dataC. Storage – Used to store data

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Peripheral Devices III. Types of Signals:

A. Analog – Stream of data that we see and hearB. Digital – Estimates analog data using only ones and

zeros; on or off (aka the Binary System)

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Peripheral Devices IV. Common Internal Devices

A. Input – MicrophoneB. Output – SpeakersC. Storage – Hard drive, DVD+RW


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Peripheral Devices V. Common External Devices

A. Input – Keyboard, MouseB. Output – Monitor, Printer, CNCC. Storage – Hard drive, DVD+RW

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Peripheral Devices VI.Specialized Peripheral Devices:

A. ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network: Allows computers to communicate through telephone wires (Analog ↔ Digital)

B. CNC/NC – Computer Numeric Control: Computer programs control and monitor machines’operations

– Robots– Mills/looms– CNC machining

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Peripheral Devices VII. Types of Peripheral Uses:

A. Business – A commercial enterprise or establishment1. Price scanners2. Office machines3. Credit card readers4. Security systems5. Others?

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Peripheral DevicesB. Industry – The sector of an economy made up of

manufacturing, trade and services1. Manufacturing

a. CNC machiningb. Automated or robotic weldingc. Computer controlled warehousesd. Others?

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Peripheral Devices2. Law Enforcement

a. Bomb/explosives handlers (robots)b. Others?

3. Militarya. Computer-controlled surveillance aircraftb. Others?

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Peripheral Devices

4. Sciencea. Space – Robots travel on the surfaces of moons or planets,

take pictures, collect samples, etc.b. Medical – Computer-controlled robotic surgery, digital X-ray

screensc. Others?

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Peripheral DevicesC. Personal

1. Home computer2. Security systems3. Utility control

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Page 13: Peripheral Devices What They Are and How They Are Used.

Daily AssignmentTake out a sheet of paper or open a new word document and answer the following questions in complete sentences based on your opinions.

1. What do you think is the most interesting peripheral device?

2. What do you think is the most essential peripheral device?

3. What do you think is the least interesting peripheral device?

4. What do you think is the least essential peripheral device?

5. Which peripheral devices are mostly used by (Name 3 for each)

The business sector?


The private sector (individuals)?

6. Which peripheral devices are used by all 3 sectors (Name 3)?

7. Which peripheral devices do you think that a computer could run

without (Name 3)?

8. Which peripheral devices can be removed and substituted with

another device (Name 3)?