Period 4 Turn of the Century Lowrie



19th Century articles

Transcript of Period 4 Turn of the Century Lowrie

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A Combing SocietyImmigrants helped shape and build our society

By Erica Arciniega

Today New York is filling up with immigrants. We have just received the statue of Liberty from France. Wow! What a beauty. But she’s not only a beautiful statue she stands as a symbol everywhere to immigrants as freedom. Immigrants everywhere say that that one statue alone welcomes them to a new beginning. It also welcomes them to our home (New York).

But, some immigrants always cross the question were or what should I do or even go. So were if freedom. So far, everyone that I talked to said Ellis Island, New York. Even though many immigrants say it was a very hard transition they also say that they wouldn’t change their decision for the world. ‘Moving to this island was one of the best decisions of my life”, an immigrant from Ireland said. By people from other countries come to our home state it gives them a chance of new life and security.

But, how did they get here you ask? Well, most immigrants come on train, boat, and some even on foot. Recently I’ve heard some rumors of an indestructible boat called the titanic. This boat is said to carry millions of people and bring them too many far destinations. Well I sure am excited to see this but you now what they say seeing makes a person believe. Many immigrants are excited for this boat. So, when new immigrants arrive to our home lets share and open our hearts and home to them. Where could immigrants find freedom? How did they get to their new found freedom?

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The hardships immigrants face daily when entering and adjusting to their new home

As new immigrants join our country every day, they face new struggles every day. To some, they are much different than the rest of us. Discrimination groups such as Nativists and the Klu Klux Klan suggest violence as a solution to the immense groups of immigrants flooding into the US. Other struggles immigrants face are the scarce numbers of food, housing, and jobs. But these new people are some of the bravest. They have put almost everything on the line just to have the freedom and equality that we have. This adjustment is extremely difficult, but we all do our best to make them feel welcome.

The new mass culture of the many people living here is unfamiliar to most immigrants. The new languages, ideas, and religions have been extremely confusing to our new neighbors. Other things like education are very rough. It’s hard to attain and many children are made fun of. Since the population is growing, so are the prices of food, clothing, and other objects we use daily. This has driven many immigrants into poverty and famine. Also, since immigrants started coming we started filling up all the jobs that we needed before they came. This makes it extremely difficult to find jobs. I have interviewed many immigrant families about their new lives, and almost all of them said it’s extremely tough, but they came here for a reason and know it will all be worth it.

The biggest struggle, perhaps, is the discrimination against immigrants. Everyone is created equal, and these new people are just like us. Some Americans don’t like the fact that so many are moving here, and some just don’t like them in general. Discrimination groups and laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act and the Know-Nothing Party are ways that some try to get rid of immigrants. But there are some people who are extremely welcoming to them, and want to help. One of these groups of people is the Immigrant Aid society, who helps new immigrants become settled in the country. People like this are part of the reason we have so many new people moving into our nation. The United States of America is a place that represents freedom, equality, and acceptance, and immigrants persevere daily to get to all of that. It will always be worth it.


1. What are some of the struggles immigrants face?

2. Why would Immigrants come to the US?

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Babe Ruth is one of today’s newest stars. He has an

astonishing 714 homeruns and is a 2-time all star. Babe Ruth

may be one of the best baseball players yet! But how did he

get here? We have the story for you!

It all started off in 1895 in Baltimore, Maryland when

and where Babe was born. His original name is George

Herman Ruth Jr. He started off in the Baltimore Orioles for

$600. What most people don’t know is that Babe was

actually sent to minor league teams for a little then sold to

Red Sox July 12, 1914. He didn’t start playing good till mid-

season when the coach noticed how great of a pitcher Babe

was. Then when Babe started batting it was homerun after

homerun! Babe Ruth was officially traded to Yankees in the

1920’s and right now hold about 60 official records.

Now as you can see Babe has had a lot of challenges!

He is giving baseball a whole new name. It wasn’t easy for

him but he made it possible! Lets watch as his career get

bigger and better and well start to see what Babe can really

do! This is it for Babe Ruth today thanks!

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Money By Amber JohnsonThis article is about money and how it changes the world, Coca Cola is a great

example for my information.

Buy, Buy, Buy, is what you need to do! We need money and so do you! You can get money from many different places. Give us a $20 for a $15 shirt and we will give you $5 back! So you give, and get, why not help us out too? You can get some great deals for clothes or furniture. We have big businesses and corporations that generate with wealth.

Money makes the world go round. Everyone needs it in order to survive. Need, want, the two most said words. I love money and I’m sure you do too. Everyone needs and wants thing. All this comes down to the Second industrial Revolution, because money was a big deal and people needed it a lot in there lifetimes. Its just nature, we need, you need, buy, buy, and buy!

I hope we see you soon! We need to give, and get, soon, soon, soon! Money is beautiful money is great, so come over here and get some today. You’ll have it a lot hopefully, and you won’t be poor if you only get one thing, even from the dollar section. Besides you won’ become a hobo just because you spent a couple dimes. I will too, so let’s meet up and get some soon!

1. What is money?2. Why do you need it?

Immigrants and The Transcontinental RailroadHow a group of new arrivals helped us to arrive to our nations transportation revolution.

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By Anthony Mendoza

The most famous photograph associated with the first transcontinental. Railroad is was Andrew Russell. After the war Russell went west to record images of the union pacific Railroad. The making of each photograph was a time consuming process. And there railroad went on for miles. Union pacific railroad hire thousands of workers which helped people be successful. Immigrants were hired and both changes and Irish. Many immigrants came to this country seeking a better life and the railroad gave it to them.

Many men worked countless hours to build this great railroad. Anders Russell captured this great moment in our countries history. The Transcontinental railroad will revolutionize how we move goods and services.

What did Andrew Russell do for the railroad?

What types of workers helped to build the Transcontinental Railroad?

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The Statue of Liberty is not just a plain statue recently given from France. It is a reassuring universal symbol of freedom and democracy throughout the United States. It stands on Ellis Island where many people are still migrating right now. The Statue of Liberty reassures them that they are coming to a free and happy country. This statue will stand for as long as our country stays together and in order for the many years to come.

Recently the Ellis Island immigrant station opened up to millions of immigrants around the world. Samuel Ellis sold his island to the New York state and it has been filling with new comers to the U.S ever since. Earlier I interviewed the so called “old immigrants” to see how this was affecting them. They all seemed just fine with their new citizens because they once knew how it felt to want a new life. So far it has been told that 5 million people have entered the U.S with more on their way.

The past month I’ve been interviewing people about the new migration and the statue of liberty. They all agree that these new citizens will find a great life for themselves and their families. After interviewing all these people I realized how comfortable and loving our nation is. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes the Statue of Liberty for what it truly is. These people including me are more than happy to share this new and free life with others.

Madeline Ceccia

What does the Statue of Liberty stand for?How many people entered the US in 1900?

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Statue of liberty, is it ever going to be finished? We recently had a interview with the creator and manager of the liberty project and he assures that this gift from France will be finished very soon once enough funds for the project are paid. Knowing this has warmed the hearts of many to be generous enough to donate.

This project needs money to be completed. The pedestal, still needing erected, has One hundred thousand dollars in dept to pay, and this is just a fraction of the two million dollars to erect the entire thing. Joseph Pulitzer, a writer in the New York world newspaper and who we interviewed last week, has confirmed that he is using the paper to raise money. Time will only tell if Joseph will be successful in the construction of this project.

Speaking of construction, this statue will be a heart warming gift to America, if only we could put her together. We have estimated that this copper giant will only have a thickness of 3/32 inches thick, as big as two pennies put together on there flat side. These 350 pieces of plating will go on a solid steel frame, totaling the weight of just the statue to a whopping 156 tons. These frames along, with the plates, are going to be placed upon what most call “Liberties palace”.

So my questions to you are1. How much did the project cost?2. How much does it weigh?

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Sculpting America6 presidents who are forming America by changing the way we

live.By Brenna Koenig

Imagine America as a ball of clay. Some people must have played a part in sculpting it into what it is today right? Well, we can thank our presidents for that. Such as McKinley, Arthur, Cleveland, Garfield, Hayes, and Harrison. They are in the middle of reconstructing the United States right now! They’re doing their best to clean up political corruption and trying to make the spoils system work. We owe them so much for their hard work and effort. Not just anyone can shape a country. . .

These presidents are in the process of creating a modern industrial economy. That’s what this country needs. On top of that, they are making a national transportation system for us. All of this is happening right now! Rutherford B. Hayes is making minor reforms, such as firing a member of the New York Republican political machine. These civil changes are benefitting us, our country, and society itself. Some of our presidents may not be in office anymore, but they still manage to form our country into something great.

Our country just ratified the 13th, 14th, and the 15th amendment. Everyone can vote now! Everyone is truly created equal. More reforms are also happening as well. Garfield is attempting reforms now, along with Hayes. Thomas Jefferson is also rewarding supporters of the spoils system. William McKinley is working well enough with Congress that he was just re-elected! He and the other former presidents are winning back trust in our government. These presidents are truly sculptors of America.

-Who are the Presidents?-Why are they so important?

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Corruption in PoliticsBy Chloe Keegan

The effect of corruption was usually not good. Many occupations were effected along with the people that needed them. Certain jobs were changed in the way that they would let people have that job. Many people didn’t like the fact that they couldn’t get the job they wanted as easy.

When America is going through major corruption, what is there to do? Many people would handle it differently. It’s not something easy to deal with. Now don’t go thinking this is something that can’t be stopped. It is difficult, but it can be done. I talked to President Chester Arthur and he said he figured out his own way to stop corruption. I also talked to President Harrison to make sure that it wasn’t just one president that handled it well.

Who was the president who tried to stop the political corruption?

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What are Factories?The main idea of this passage is to inform you of factories

what they do and how you will be effected in the near future.

By: Connor Heisinger

Can you believe how much the way products are being mass produced, and how many

that can be made at one time? Products are being made faster and cheaper than ever

before. The invention of factories is an amazing idea and will most likely become very

popular in the many years to come. Factories are also very helpful in the since that

product are easier to make. Factories are becoming more popular every day and one day I

predict the earth will be filed with them.

Some products being made are meat, cars, cloth and much more. The production rate is

higher than ever. Production rates have gone skyrocketing in a very fast incline. One day

I hope people will look back and realize how much of an impact factories had on the U.S

industries. I predict that in the near future everything will be mass produced in factories.

Another product being made is the vacuum. Vacuums are a relatively new invention

and are becoming very popular in the world around us. Vacuums aren’t the only thing

becoming mass produced like meat. Meat is starting to become mass produced witch also

makes it cheaper for the hard working people like ourselves. If I were you I would get use

to seeing things be mass produced and look for everyday items.

1. What do factories make?

2. What are your products made of?

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The Change In FarmingThis article is about farming and the climax of using machines more

than man power. By: Emma Hyer

Imagine not having to worry about pulling your own plow. Now that the farming economy is changing you don’t have to pull it. You can have an ox or horse. Most farmers have sheep and pigs for there clothes and meat. The economy is changing so you can make your own food for your family instead of having to ride 20 miles into town to get a single bag of flour.

Before machines humans had to do all the work. But now, there are machines that can pick the seeds out of the cotton without any human slave work. The only down side to machines is the expense. There is also a machine that you can sit in and you can hoe the land without using your energy. It’s called a tractor. If you need tools that you can not afford just borrow them from your neighbor. Many poor farmers have started that trend. A down side to bigger tools sometimes means you need to have a bigger herd of animals.

You now can have a shared property. It is when you can pay for the half you’re using while your neighbor pays for their half of the land. Now you don’t have to be worried about your farms being too much money. Farming is becoming easier and more popular by the week.

What could I use to pull the plow ?What should I do about property ?

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FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTOur presidents could be powerful or week we hope for the strong and powerful presidents. By Harrison Kay

President hays says he want to be the president for as long as he lives but the election put him out and Garfield is the new president he says he doesn’t like being a president there is too much stress so they had a re election for president Arthur and he loves it and he want to remain as president just like hays.

President Cleveland is a strong wealthy man and is now in office he is very good at controlling his troops and keeping them safe every body agrees that this is the president to take control another great president would be Harrison he is just like Cleveland he knows how to lead our military and the US as well

The last president would be McKinley he is an awkward leader but he gets the job done therefore the US is ok with him leading he is an ok military leader he is very strong at fighting and knowing how to fight just like every other US president he brought loads of supplies so he can protect his US army


What was Cleveland good at?

Who replaced hays in the re election?

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We will invent your faster transpirationBy Ivan Legaspi

On May 10th 1869 the Railroad was invented in New York. It was a gate way for faster transpiration. It would be helpful to people that have farther jobs go there on a train so they can go there faster. The people that made the railroads thought about how it can travel to more places. Then they can import goods to other stats so it will bring more people to other places.

Most of the people that would travel in the the railroad would ether be vary wealthy or someone who vas a business man that was vary important. But most of the time the railroad was the better way to go. Because it was a new faster better place to go. Vary few people got a chance to go ride it because of the amount of money. You were very lucky to go.

I think one of the main reasons to go invent this railroad was because they wanted to expand the contrary and have more bussing. So they can use the train to carry more cargo. But when they’re more business they need more people to work so it brings people over to new places and more immigrants over to the United States. So the whole contrary would be filed up and state all over and clime more land.

1. Why did they make the railroads?

2. who was the main people to ride

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Different transportation and how it helps Transportation is a way of life there are many forms of transportation. There are many forms of transportation such as the car bike plane and they come in many forms made by many people. By James Pappalardo

Breaking news the new car has just been upgraded. A man named hennery ford called the pillbox. I think it will revolutionize travel we had a seat with Mr. Ford and talked abut the pillbox. Henry ford made it so people will get places faster. We asked him about the design and it’s made with bike tires a motor and has 1 gear shift in the middle. This will definitely help people get places faster and keep being upgraded.

We have great news the Wright made the first engine powered airplane. The brothers said it was their goal to help people get places faster and there aren’t many people in the air so they built airplanes. The plain has an 18 horse power home built engine that will help people stay in the air longer. Everybody should in the future ride on an airplane that will help them get farther places faster.

The bike is an amazing piece of work that takes less effort to help you get places faster. It requires less energy than running and is a fast mover. The compatibility of the bike makes it easier to store than a car and more man powered so it gives you the same effect as walking. The bike saves more time and money than an upkeep of a car or getting worn out walking.

Who made the pillbox?Who made the airplane?

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HENRY FORD AT WORK Joey Ralston Per. 4

Ever since Henry Ford could walk he was meant to be an engineer. I got to talking with him and he had a couple things to say about all his success and one of the best inventions of our time. “Mr. ford what do you have to say about all your success?” “Its great, im happy I could help the city of Detroit and maybe the States.”“Mr. Ford, how long do you think your invention will stay on top of the markets?” “well im hoping a pretty long time, maybe a couple centuries, or something like that” “Mr. Ford you are making headlines all over the U.S., what are your plans for your invention?” “my plans are to have the main and biggest manufacturer right here in Detroit and then maybe to have more in other parts of the states. Well there is no doubt that Henry Ford has created one the greatest things to ever be on this earth. This is going to be big, huge, bigger than the Wright Brothers inventing the airplane. The automobile will be around for a very long time, maybe Henry Ford is right, a couple centuries or so. I think it is safe to say that the automobile will change the world as we know it.

Was he trying to help the people of Detroit?What did he invent?

Henry Ford invented something will change the world.

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The Elevator Kr3w

These inventors of this era really helped transporting in high rise buildings.By Johnny Ruiz

Today I sat down with Thomas Edison. He was so excited about his new invention, the light bulb. He thinks it will drastically change the work industry. He also wants it to be safe, affordable, and practical for people to have in their homes. He is telling me that this invention will still work a hundred years from now. I kind of believe him.

Thomas told me about his childhood today as well. He told me how when he was twelve a train conductor boxed his ears and he went almost completely deaf. He said that it helped him concentrate on things better, but he also said that it made him very shy. He kept working at this train yard even after this incident. At sixteen he actually invented and installed a telegraph in his office space. He also invented an automatic vote counter. This guy is an awesome inventor and we’ll surely see more. He is the “Go To” guy.

I also sat with Elisha Otis. He’s the guy that invented the elevator. He made walking up stairs almost die out, his elevator is safe, practical, and is all around awesome. He had me make sure it was safe and I felt completely safe in his steel box that made me seem weightless. What it is that it’s a giant pulley system and even though I went in it I’m still definitely alive and well.

How old was he when he went deaf?

What was his first invention?

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Democrat or republican what are you? This is the start of political parties. Each president has a different view point depending on their political party. We talked to president Hays the 18th president. He said “he is a republican.”

Garfield has died so Arthur is taking over. Gardfield was 50 years old and a republican. Arthur passed the Pendleton Civil service act. Arthur is the 21st president. He will try to rerun. Garfield was assonated

The 22nd president was elected today and the winner is Cleveland. He is a democrat. His vice president is Thomas Hendricks. Harrison was just elected. He is a republican.

Candidates choose their political party and if they are good they are good they become president.

Who passed the Pendleton Civil Act?

Who was Cleveland’s vice president?

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Journey to Freedom By Lindsey Burdett

As many new immigrants join our country, we have nearly doubled our population. Our main immigrant port is Ellis Island, just off the coast of New York Harbor. This can be called the “Gateway to Freedom” for many people. Over eight million immigrants have come to our country through this port from 1892 to present day 1954. As these immigrants arrive the go through a long inspection process answering a series of 29 questions that

could take anywhere from 2-5 hours! Due to its convenient location and efficiency this made Ellis Island one of and maybe the most busy immigrant port in the world.

As you may know over 12 million immigrants have joined our country from 1892-present day 1954. Although the port is open to anyone from any country 70% of immigrants are from Southern and Eastern Europe. Many of these immigrants come with nothing but the clothes on there back and a few bucks in their pocket. This caused a lot of poverty in many areas of the United States. Many ethnic neighborhoods today were created by the first immigrants. These immigrants new nothing but their native language and culture, therefore it caused many of the same people to settle in the same area together. Again there is yet another hoop to jump through. Each immigrant must have a family member, friend, or sponsor from America to recommend them to the United States. Although many live/lived through poverty and sickness, they would risk it all to be free.

As a part of the inspection process these immigrants must be medically checked and checked by background. This process could become long and dreary. Some immigrants come to the United States for revenge and became violent or angry. This started a border patrol system. As said before over 12 million immigrants have entered America through this port and are still entering today. Unfortunately there have been plans to close this port due to expenses and over-population. With immigration slowing to a stop it is our job as Americans to keep our country and freedom strong!

Where are most of the immigrants coming from?

What is the main immigrant port in the UnitedStates?

Ellis Island helps immigrants find their way to freedom!

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Dreams on the FieldThe MLB is something everyone should be apart of.

By Kassidy Valentine

Have you heard about the new invention? Well, it is called he game of Baseball. Baseball is a competitive sport that is played with a bat and a ball between two teams. Along with this new game of baseball, a professional league called MLB is starting up. This league is going to make many dreams come true. After all, baseball players will make money doing what they love to play. Baseball players who want to join the MLB will be extraordinary good.

People expect that the MLB will attract thousands of people and make baseball a very popular sport. Baseball is expected to bring peace to our world. It is expected to defeat racism by allowing people of all cultures to become a team. The MLB will allow females to play on teams also. Baseball just might become the national sport of the United States.

If you remember just a few years ago, many people played baseball on the streets it just wasn’t called “baseball” back then. It was just a recreational sport no mandatory compensation. Also, players were not disciplined creating the MLB will help make our world a better place where people can be entertained with talented player. Who knows baseball might bring an array of new inventions along with it!

Is it difficult to play on a MLB team?Will baseball defeat racism?

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American League SuccessThe MLB is something all Americans are a fan of.By Kate Zelaya

Looks like it’s time for baseball folks! World Series is coming up and everyone is excited. Ever since the National and American League merged it’s done us baseball fans good. Maybe the Dodgers will get another win. Those Dodgers sure are doing really good. I wonder who will get MVP this year, Jackie Robinson is doing really good so far. He sure is a heck of a player. Babe Ruth is also doing really might well out on that field. The MLB is composed of 30 teams. So well will see which of those 30 teams will move on to the World Series. Well see WHO will be the champion!

Baseball is a time where strangers unite to cheer on their favorite baseball team. Can you believe it? We just had our first Major League baseball game in July! Wow! Feels like just yesterday they were announcing the teams and the players. That day was a great memory we will never forget. That Met’s game sure was something. Tens of millions of people watched it on National television. Boston vs. Met’s game so far is the longest game, maybe it will stay like that. We never know. Imagine how many people want to be a professional baseball player. The MLB is the highest a player can go professional.

Getting to the MLB is something you have to work hard for. Lot’s of little kids’ dream of being a baseball player! So far the American League has been a success. All the teams have been doing well. All of them successfully reaching their goals. Hopefully they manage to stay like that ‘till the end of the season. I heard all the players are doing so far so good. We’ll see what’s in store for the baseball season.

What was one of the longest game?

How many teams are there?

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Flying to New PossibilitiesMy interview with the Wright Brothers took the conversation sky high. By Kelly Sellers

I sat down with to talk with Wilbur and Orville Wright. They are so excited to reveal the first motor plane. Although, it took some time to perfect it, the Wright Brothers will forever be in history. These boys from Indiana stared in little bike shop. They have always had a fascination with flight.

They would sit and watch birds flight paths witch made them think of way ways to make the plane glide more like how the bird glided though the air. After the plane was done Wilbur and Orville had a debate on who should be the first rider. Obviously they both deserved to go up. In the end Orville became the first rider. Talk about bragging rights.

The world’s first air plane has many different parts. The wings are one of the most important parts of the plane. With out them it would be impossible for the plane to even take flight let alone stay in the air. The wings are the big things on the side of the plane they really stick out. Also the plane can’t get in the air with out its engine. You can’t see the engine from the outside but it powers the plane. The plane is very complex and has many more major parts.

1. Who rode the first airplane?2. What helped them figure out how to make the plane glide?

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The tell all on the telegraphToday I interviewed Alexander Graham Bell. And he is so exited

about his new invention with Thomas Edison. Their new invention is the telegraph. He said that the telegraph will use the mores code and it will be the first communication by electricity. Alexander said that he predicts it will be very popular and it will help save time and money.

The reasons he thinks it will be popular are that it will save time and money. The way it will save money is by mailing and on postage stamps. He says if you like to write and the person that you’re writing to is far away then the more postage stamps you use, the reason it will save time is so it’s like your talking face to face in stead of waiting 2 to 5 days waiting to get the letter back.

The telegraph has two parts and the bottom is where you dial the number and where you talk into. There is the second part where you can here the other person’s voice. I feel that it will be a success and that it will grow and be around for a long time.

By: Nicole Ramon

What dose the telegraph do?What are the reasons for the invention?

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By Ryan Ferguson

“This towering lady of liberty will stand proudly in New York harbor,” said one of the chief builders putting together this great symbol of American freedom. However, putting together this statue is no small feat. France was nice enough to send us this gift, but they never said anything about building it. Thankfully, for us, France is sending over two professionals to help piece together this giant, copper jigsaw puzzle.

Ellis Island is booming with people from all over the world. Thousands of immigrants from far away places like Europe and Asia passing through New York harbor will look over and see this giant of freedom. The statue will not only bring in new American citizens, but also tourist from around the nation. All those people spending money in one place will help make our economy grow. People will be able to go home with money in their pockets and smiles on their faces.

The island is located right in the middle of New York harbor. “Liberty Island” as it is called will have a large pedestal made of poured concrete. The only way to get to the island is by ferryboat. This statue will be a main tourist attraction for years to come. People will travel to New York just to get a glimpse of this colossal lady.

Why is France sending people over…? Whom does Lady Liberty welcome?

“Lady Liberty welcomes new American citizens with open arms and a lit torch.”

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All 3 Go For Me!!!Rights, Freedom, & Liberty!

By Tahlor Hearn

My main topic is the statue of liberty. I have three words that tie into it. Those

Words are rights, freedom, and liberty.These three words are what the immigrants

And slaves were looking for back in the 1900’s.That is why we have the statue of liberty.

The statue of liberty is very importantpart of American history. It is located

In New York Harbor. The statue of libertyIs a symbol of our rights, freedom, and

Liberty. Initially it was made to welcomeMillions of immigrants to the US. It was also

Gift to France. The statue of liberty wasCompleted in the year of 1886.

The reason why the statue of liberty was built is because of immigrants. Immigrants are people who are running away from their hometown because of things like persecution, economy, famines, and to start new lives. Their were people called old and new immigrants. The old immigrants came before the 1880’s. New immigrants came after the 1880’s.

Statue of LibertyAnd how our rights,Freedom and liberty

Tie into it.

Questions:1. Where is it located?2. Who was it a gift to?

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The Boom of the Cattle IndustryBy Will Meeker

Cattle lived on great plains and are called cattle kingdom. Beef was made from cattle. Cattle were shipped in herds. They were a main food source. They lived on farms. There was extreme weather on farms. Farmers grew wheat and had large fields. Farmers built railroads. They did dry farming. They butchered cattle. Immigrants were increasing. Many skilled workers were immigrants. They worked on the railroad. They were looking for new civilization. They increased in numbers in the 1800’s. `