Performance Indicators 4

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  • 8/13/2019 Performance Indicators 4



    Performance Indicators 2011 - 2012

    Our visionis to be the best maritime safety organisation in the world, committed to:

    Safer Lives, Safer Ships, Cleaner Seas.

    Everything we do will be guided by our shared values of:-


    We lead by example in promoting safe working practices that protect our people, our assets and all those at work or leisurein the maritime environment.

    We embed safety awareness in our own culture and through partnership working, education and regulation.


    We take personal responsibility and accountability for team excellence, learning, innovation and the sharing of bestpractice.

    We apply our knowledge and skills consistently and impartially. We are committed to improving performance throughcontinuous professional development.


    Trust underpins everything we do.

    We behave in an honest, considered and consultative manner and can be relied on to honour and deliver our commitments


    We treat everyone fairly and with dignity.

    We encourage and value everyones contribution.

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    Those values support our strategy for delivering our vision:

    Positively influencing people, their behaviour and their attitudes;

    Improving the safety of the maritime working environment itself; and

    Carrying out emergency response and counter-pollution activity.

    and a commitment to:

    Efficient, effective and economic use of resources, Sustainable Development and carbon reduction.

    Our progress in delivering against each of these strategic themes can be gauged by monitoring our performance against a number ofindicators. More details can be found below.

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    Theme 1: Positively influencing people, their behaviour and their atti tudes

    What we seek

    to achieve

    Safer use of the maritime environment, whether for work or pleasure, by helping people better to understand and

    manage the risks, leading to a reduced rate of deaths and incidents. Only where necessary will we seek to regulate.Safer Lives

    What we do Educate Inform Targeted campaigns Regulate

    How we do it We support educationthrough the production ofguidance and delivery oftraining courses to improvepeoples maritimeawareness and abilities. Thisincludes our support of cadetschemes and SMarT.

    We provide information thatenables people to work in andenjoy the maritime environmentsafely. This includes provisionof shipping/weather forecastsand safety alerts as well asguidance and recommendationson good practice in MarineNotices.

    We conduct high levelcampaigns focused oncritical areas of maritimesafety. Our currentcampaigns focus on:

    Recreational Safety

    Small FishingVessels

    Seafarer Fatigue

    We develop, negotiateand implement national,European andinternational regulations,covering the training,certification and safeworking practices ofthose employed in themaritime sector. And weenforce their compliance.

    We certificate seafarers.

    What successlooks like

    Appropriate maritimecourses approved.Support given to Cadet andSMarT scheme so that it isdelivered successfully.Number of trainee officers

    joining SMarT Scheme.Quality of cadets.

    People are better informed andmore risk aware when using themaritime environment for workor leisure.

    Less preventable deathsand reduced numbers ofincidents.

    Proportionate regulatoryframework whichenhances safe practices.

    How we monitorour performance

    Quality checks on trainingestablishments and courses.Verify delivery of the SMarTscheme.Audits of SMarT scheme and


    Use primary and secondaryresearch to monitor attitudes tosafety and lifejacket wear.

    Monitor recreationalfatality trends WAIDFV accidents.Analyse MAIB reports.

    Monitor compliance andundertake enforcement/prosecution.Analyse MAIB reports.

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    What we do Educate Inform Targeted campaigns Regulate

    Indicators for


    Colleges seeking approval of

    courses will be contactedwithin 10 days of anapplication to agree a planfor processing theapplication.

    SMarT funding effectivelyadministered and audited.

    SMarT guidance issued inMGN431.

    Reduced rates of accidents in

    both the commercial and leisuresectors.

    Improved safety awarenessscores in the annual survey ofpublic attitudes.

    Improved rate of lifejacket wear

    recorded in the annual RNLIobservations.

    Reduced percentage of

    accidents attributable toseafarer fatigue.

    Reduced rate offatalities and accidentsto fishermen.

    Develop a Fishing

    Vessel Health andSafety policy by March2012.

    Increased detection rate

    when undertakingenforcement orprosecution activity.

    Improved customersatisfaction with thequality of our seafarerdocumentation services.

    We will measure thenumber of applicationsfor seafarerdocumentationprocessed within 10working days.

    Introduce by August2011 revised RecognisedOrganisation (RO)agreements to meet newEU Directive obligations.

    By April 2012, complete

    work on the SmallCommercial Vessel andPolice Boat Code

    By November 2011,publish the Rescue BoatCode.

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    Theme 2: Improving the safety of the maritime working environment itself

    What we seek

    to achieve

    Work in partnership with our industry and fellow members of the Red Ensign Group of shipping registries, to improve

    the safety of vessels, their equipment, and operating practices.

    Safer Ships

    What we do UK Flag StateAdminist rat ion

    Technical Support Civil Hydrography Survey & Inspection

    How we do it We operate the UK ShipRegister. We will maintain

    accurate records of ships onthe register and ensureships which are registeredcomply with the relevantregulations, are of goodquality and are wellmaintained.

    We also have aresponsibility to check thequality standards applied byshipping registers in the RedEnsign Group of countries,and we work in partnershipto make shipping safer.

    We provide technical guidancethat improves the design and

    operation of vessels, theirequipment and facilities.

    We publish good practicerecommendations and advicethrough our Marine Noticessystem to support industry

    compliance with agreedstandards.

    We provide policy advice to theRed Ensign Group, usingtechnical forums to discuss andensure common standards,which we check through

    monitoring visits.

    Through our contractedout services for Civil

    Hydrography, we carryout surveys, prioritisedusing a risk analysis toolto enable the safenavigation and operationof vessels within UKwaters.

    We engage with Europeand internationally to

    ensure regulationscontribute to maritimesafety through the safedesign, certification,development andoperation of vessels andtheir equipment and

    facilities. We will alsosurvey, inspect,certificate and enforcethese regulations.

    We work with the 7 UKRecognisedOrganisations to ensure

    that delegated statutorysurvey work meets UKrequirements.

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    What we do UK Flag StateAdminist rat ion

    Technical Support Civil Hydrography Survey & Inspection

    What success

    looks like

    Under the terms of the Paris

    & Tokyo Port State ControlMemorandum ofUnderstanding, we remainon the White List aninternationally acceptedmeasure of quality.

    We continue to meet the

    criteria for the USCoastguard Qualship 21standard.

    No EU Infractions.

    Work cooperatively with

    Recognised Organisations andforeign Port State ControlAuthorities to ensure that thedetention rate for UK vessels isbetter than, or comparable to,other Ship Registers of similarsize and quality to the UK ShipRegister, to minimise the

    possibility of UK ships beingdetained overseas, and toreduce the level of deficiencies.

    No accidents attributable

    to poor survey datawithin surveyed Priority1 and routine resurveyareas.

    Actively partner withOGDs and NDPBs torealise hydrographic

    survey efficiency andvalue for money for theMCA.

    The UK meets its EU and

    international obligationsas both a Flag and PortState.

    How we monitorour performance

    Capture data on detention,deficiency, accident ratesand security of UK Flaggedships.

    Analyse MAIB reports.

    Conduct monitoring visits ofCertifying authorities,

    Classification societies andREG Registries; checking forcompliance and makingrecommendations forimprovements.

    Monitor compliance withInternational and EUrequirements.

    Customer feedback. Analyse MAIB reports.

    Use incident informationfollowing groundings toassess root causes.

    Capture data onhydrographic datavolume gathered and

    pooled through the CHPand analyse overallvalue for moneyachieved throughpartnership, datasharing and introductionof new technologies.

    Capture data ondetention, deficiency,accident rates andsecurity of UKRegistered ships.

    Analyse MAIB reports.

    Participate in Class

    Society BritishCommittee and similarmeetings.

    Conduct formal audits ofthe performance ofRecognisedOrganisations.

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    What we do UK Flag StateAdminist rat ion

    Technical Support Civil Hydrography Survey & Inspection

    Customer feedback.

    Indicators for2011/12

    Improved customer surveysatisfaction scores.

    Maintain a position on aParis and Tokyo MOU WhiteLists comparable with ShipRegisters of a similar size

    and quality to the UK ShipRegister.

    By April 2012, develop acustomer serviceprogramme based onbusiness to business bestpractice.

    Reduce the average age ofships on the UK ShipRegister towards a goal of19 years by 2015.

    Improved customer feedback onthe quality of our technicaladvice.

    Completion of theplanned hydrographicsurvey programme.

    No incidents due to poorsurvey data.

    Ensure deviations fromcharted depths arepromulgated asHydrographic Noteswithin one working dayof their discovery bysurvey contractors.

    Demonstrate value formoney.

    We will measure thenumber of certificatesprocessed within 10working days ofcompletion of a survey orsafety check.

    We will measure howmany plan approvals wecomplete either within 20working days, or againstan alternative deadlineagreed in advance withthe customer.

    Evidence of workingcooperatively withRecognisedOrganisations andforeign Port State Controlauthorities to reduce therate of detentions of

    ships on the UK ShipRegister.

    Introduce a new regimeto facilitate the inspectionof ships outside normaloffice hours.

    Achieve 95% of identified

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    What we do UK Flag StateAdminist rat ion

    Technical Support Civil Hydrography Survey & Inspection

    high risk ship


    Achieve UK fair shareallocation of inspections.

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    What we do SAR Coordination SAR Response Pollut ion Response

    How we monitorour performance

    Post mission analysis, audits, MAIBReports.

    Post mission analysis, audits, nearmiss reporting.

    Post mission analysis, audits.

    Indicators for2011/12 Provision of sufficiently qualifiedand experienced personnel.

    Provision of effective and reliablecommunications equipment.

    Provision of effective procedures.

    Evidence of sound riskmanagement.

    By December 2011, develop arevised Coastguard operationalmanual, building on best practice.

    All distress and urgency calls fromall sources are received, and areacknowledged within 10 seconds.

    An initial assessment of anappropriate course of action fordealing with an incident is madewithin 5 minutes.

    No adverse internal audit orexternal MAIB Reports in relation tothe coordination phase of a SARincident.

    Provision of sufficiently qualifiedand experienced personnel.

    Provision of effective and reliablerescue equipment, vehicles, aircraftand estate.

    Provision of effective procedures.

    Evidence of sound riskmanagement.

    Respond promptly andappropriately to incidents requiringa search, rope, water or mudrescue capability.

    Have helicopters available for 98%of the time at each of our bases.

    Scramble helicopters that aretasked within 15 minutes of thattasking by day and within 45

    minutes at night.

    Coastguard Rescue Teams toarrive at the scene of an incidentwithin 30 minutes of beingassembled and made ready for safedeployment from their base.

    Warn and inform the public and

    Provision of sufficiently qualifiedand experienced personnel.

    Provision of effective and reliableequipment, vehicles, aircraft andestate.

    Provision of effective procedures.

    Evidence of sound riskmanagement.

    An initial assessment of the mostappropriate response to a threat ofpollution or actual pollution is madewithin [10] minutes of the dutypollution officer receivingnotification of an incident.

    A stockpile of dispersants and aspraying and deployment capabilityis maintained at all times.

    By October 2011 publish details ofarrangements that will replacepublicly-funded ETV provision.

    By March 2012, publish a revisedNational Contingency Plan.

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    What we do SAR Coordination SAR Response Pollut ion Response

    deliver services as required in linewith our obligations within the CivilContingencies Act 2004.

    By October 2011, agree with Fireand Rescue Services revisedarrangements for a much reducedMIRG capability.

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    Theme 4: Efficient, effective and economic use of resources, Sustainable Development and carbon reduction What we seekto achieve

    Delivering our business through the efficient and effective use of our available resources, and improving value formoney for the taxpayer.

    What we do Money People Assets Estate DeliveryPartners


    How we do it We manage ourfinancialresources toenable thedelivery of our

    services, whilstensuring value formoney for thetaxpayer.

    Our Peopledeliver theoperationalbusiness to meetAgency


    We operate withina health andsafety (H&S)consciousenvironment

    We use andprotect ourphysical andinformation assetseffectively so that

    our people havethe rightinformation andequipment tosupport theirwork.

    We manage a fitfor purpose estatethat supports ourbusiness needsand maintains our

    commitment tothe environmentand sustainabledevelopment.

    We work with ourpartners toenhance theimpact of ourservices to the


    We develop anduse our reputationand standingamong theprofessional

    domestic andinternationalmaritimecommunity, tosupport our safetyaims.

    Whatsuccesslooks like

    Our Business planis delivered withinavailableresources.

    We fully meet therequirements of

    Managing PublicMoneyWe receive anUnqualifiedopinion on ouraccounts from theNational AuditOffice.

    We have the rightpeople with theright skills sets todeliver theAgencyobjectives.

    We arerecognised as anequalopportunitiesemployer and anorganisation thatvalues diversity.

    We encourage

    Correct utilisationof all assets withan estate and ICTnetwork thatmaximises ouropportunities,whilst taking care

    to protect ourdata.

    Our propertyportfolio meetsour businessrequirements andmeets or exceedsthe standards forhigh performing


    We look and findopportunities toworkcollaborativelywith our partners.

    Others tell us thatwe are deliveringour Vision to bethe best maritimesafetyorganisation in theworld.

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    What we do Money People Assets Estate DeliveryPartners


    We deliver ourSpending Reviewfinancialcommitments.

    All incidents ofsuspected fraudare fullyinvestigated and

    action taken asappropriate including recoveryof any funds.

    our staff to identifyand report near-miss H&S eventsso that we canlearn from themand reduce therate of actualincidents.

    How wemonitor ourperformance

    Use internal andexternal audits toidentify where wecan do better.

    We carry outregular internalfinance reviewsso that we knowwe are managingour finances well.

    The NAO auditsus on an annualbasis, on behalf ofParliament.

    We use ourembedded Risk


    We monitor, on amonthly basis,H&S near-missesand reportableincidents.

    We capture andreport informationon our headcountat unit level sothat the big

    picture numberdoesnt mask anyspecific skills orlocation issues.

    We reportsickness andturnover rates on

    a monthly basis

    Audit andcompliancechecks.

    We challenge thebusiness needprior toprocurementaction, to ensurethat the businessgets what it

    needs, rather thanwhat it necessarilywants.

    Monitor ourperformanceagainstgovernmentstandards andbenchmarks.

    We buildsustainability intoour procurementprocesses and

    look foropportunities toimprove thesustainability ofour operations.

    We seek bothformal andinformal feedbackfrom partnerorganisationsabout our workingrelationships andour performance.

    We carry outcustomer surveysand record andact on anycomplaints. Wealso look to buildon any goodpractice identifiedto us throughcustomercompliments.

    We have regulardiscussions andformal meetingswith bodies suchas the Chamberof Shipping, theRNLI, the RYA

    and many others

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    What we do Money People Assets Estate DeliveryPartners


    approach toidentifyoperational,financial andreputational risks,and the means ofmitigating them.

    We ensure our

    contracts adhereto Procurementlaw andregulations.

    so that effectivemanagementaction can betaken to addressany issues.

    to get feedbackon ourperformance.

    Indicators for2011/12

    Deliver thecommitments setout in ourBusiness Plan,within agreedbudgets.

    Receive anUnqualifiedAudited Accounts,

    with a positiveNAO opinion.

    Meet therequirement foryear on yearreductions in ourAdministration


    Investigate allreportableaccidents andnear-misses andtake appropriateaction to learnlessons fromthem.

    Manage absence

    to a reduced level.

    Start e-procurement ofour vehicles fromJuly 2011.

    Implementation ofour plannedestatesmaintenanceprogramme andthe renewal ofleases by theirdue dates.

    Deliver the

    obligations set outin oursustainability planfor our estate asset out in thefollowing link:-


    Secure positivefeedback on ourperformance fromour partnerorganistions

    Improvedcustomersatisfaction levels.

    We will measurethe processingand type ofcomplaintsreceived.
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    What we do Money People Assets Estate DeliveryPartners



    Adopt DfT-wideTotal FacilitiesManagementcontract by April2012.

    Release StocktonMarine Office byDecember 2011.

    Reviewarrangements andterms of ouroccupancy of

    Beverley MarineOffice by March2012.