



Transcript of Perestroika

Page 1: Perestroika


Page 2: Perestroika

Party elite and perestroika

Do not take notes from next two slides.

Perestroika was Gorbachev’s attempt to address the problems facing the USSR.

The biggest resistance to these reforms were from Party elite. They were wary of change to a system they had benefited hugely from.

Page 3: Perestroika

Military-industrial complex and Perestroika

The military and industrial sectors of Soviet society absorbed a huge amount of its resources.

They were concerned Perestroika meant diverting resources elsewhere.

For example, military chiefs opposed disarmament because it meant a reduction of the army.

Page 4: Perestroika


Create a table of those who supported perestroika and those who opposed it using p.141-42. Also include REASONS for their support or opposition.

Under your “Key Terms” explain what a cooperative was using p.147.

Page 5: Perestroika

Perestroika Phase 1: acceleration, 1985-86

The term “acceleration” was nothing new.

Gorbachev believed the Soviet's problems could be addressed by “accelerated growth”, making the existing system work better.

The poster above says:“Perestroika—Reconstruction

Demokratizatsiia—Democratization Uskorenie—Acceleration


Page 6: Perestroika


Use p.142 to explain what “acceleration” meant for Gorbachev.

Then under sub-title, “Perestroika’s economic innovations” take notes of the 5 innovations on p.143. Also include law on workers collectives and elected managers on p.144.

Now highlight those that were a success in one colour and those that weren’t in another.

Page 7: Perestroika

Results of acceleration

Gorbachev realised that the acceleration was having little effect.

However, he did not believe the system was to blame, but that middle-ranking bureaucrats were obstructing change.

Gorbachev also said he was receiving bad economic advice.

At the same time, people were disgruntled with food shortages and higher prices.

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The Twelfth Five year plan: 1985-1990

Gorbachev's answer was to create an extraordinarily ambitious Twelfth Five year plan.

He wished to double national income by 2000.

However, Ryzhkov reported in 1987 that economic growth had actually declined.

Page 9: Perestroika


Under sub-title, “Economic problems”, list all the economic problems Gorbachev faced using the two paragraphs under, “The Results of acceleration” on p.144.

Page 10: Perestroika

Perestroika Phase 2: radical reform from above, 1987-1988

As the economic problems persisted, leaders realised that more discipline was not enough.

Therefore Gorbachev believed that more participation and accountability was the answer.

This meant a number of political reforms

Page 11: Perestroika


Under the sub-title, “Perestroika’s political innovations” take notes on the 4 political reforms bullet pointed on p.147.

Explain the results of these reforms using the paragraph underneath.