Perdue: Total Leadership session 2

Why look to Jesus for leadership development?
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Transcript of Perdue: Total Leadership session 2

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Why look to Jesus for leadership development?

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Why look to Jesus for leadership development?Broad Spectrum of effective leadership

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Why look to Jesus for leadership development?Broad Spectrum of effective leadership

Mother Teresa

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Why look to Jesus for leadership development?Broad Spectrum of effective leadership

Mother TeresaJack Welch

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Why look to Jesus for leadership development?Broad Spectrum of effective leadership

Mother TeresaJack WelchHilter

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Why look to Jesus for leadership development?Broad Spectrum of effective leadership

Mother TeresaJack WelchHilterSteve Jobs

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Why look to Jesus for leadership development?Broad Spectrum of effective leadership

Mother TeresaJack WelchHilterSteve JobsBobby KnightJohn Wooden

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Does Jesus have legitimacy as a leader?

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Does Jesus have legitimacy as a leader?No – failed to win over the primary powerbrokers

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Does Jesus have legitimacy as a leader?No – failed to win over the primary powerbrokersYes – Gave birth to a movement that swept the world like no other within a few hundred years of his life

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Specific Leadership Credentials…1. working with or living and caring for

imperfect people2. taking time to train develop and

delegate3. under constant scrutiny and testing of

commitment and integrity4. required to handle rejection, criticism,

and opposition5. facing fierce competition and conflicting

demands from friends and foes6. tempted by instant gratification,

recognition, and misuse of power

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Specific Leadership Credentials…7. facing serious personal issues, including

turnover and betrayal8. required to communicate in a

multicultural environment9. the need to challenge the status quo and

hierarchy to bring about change10.the need to communicate a radically

new vision of the future11.the need to call attention to poor

leadership at great personal risk12.the need to put career or relationships

on the line to serve higher purpose

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In looking at the leadership of Jesus where do we begin?

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In looking at the leadership of Jesus where do we begin?1. What were his domains?

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In looking at the leadership of Jesus where do we begin?1. What were his domains?2. What were his values?

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The Values of Jesus

1. Others2. Giving

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The Values of Jesus

Matt 20:25-2825 Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

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Others & Giving

Adam Grant, Ph.D. is the youngest tenured professor and single highest rated teacher at the Wharton School. He's been honored as one of Businessweek's favorite professors and one of the world's top 40 business professors under 40. In addition to being an award-winning researcher and teacher, his consulting and speaking clients include Google, the National Football League, IBM, GlaxoSmithKline and the United States Army and Navy. He is the author of Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success.

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Adam Grant, Ph.D – Givers & Takers“Takers have a distinctive signature, they like to get more than they give. They tilt reciprocity in their own favor, putting their own interests ahead of others' needs. Takers believe that the world is a competitive, dog-eat-dog place. By contrast, givers . . . tilt reciprocity in their direction, preferring to give more than they get. Whereas takers tend to be self-focused . . . givers are others focused.”

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Adam Grant, Ph.D – Givers & Takers“Givers and takers differ in their attitudes and actions towards other people. If you’re a taker, you help others strategically, when the benefits to you outweigh the personal costs. If you are a giver, you might use a different cost-benefit analysis: you help whenever the benefits to others exceed the personal costs.”

In between are matchers, who seek balance in their interactions through returning the favors done to them and expecting others to reciprocate in kind.

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Adam Grant, Ph.D – Givers & TakersAdam Grant advances the provocative proposition that givers enjoy a powerful comparative advantage over takers. His message is that the succeed-at-any-expense takers’ tactic is a dangerous, ultimately ill-fated success strategy. In particular, Give and Take is a searing indictment of the takers’ tactics of grasping, maneuvering, and manipulating corporate executives who literally take from their colleagues and customers; and who by their pursuit of egregious unethical misconduct literally take from their company’s customers, colleagues, and shareholders.

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Adam Grant, Ph.D – Givers & TakersThe putative poster boy of this unsustainable style is Ken Lay, former Enron CEO, who exemplified that “takers may rise by kissing up, but they often fall by kicking down.”

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Adam Grant, Ph.D – Givers & TakersPhil Jackson convinced Jordan that if he would focus on improving the performance of and making his team members more successful, he would expand his impact and ultimate success, and thereby become the best individual basketball player and also the leader of the best basketball team. Notably, Michael Jordan reconfigured his game, in the process becoming even more dominant and prominent. As he did less alone, when game circumstances dictated the appropriateness of more selfish play, he was even more effective.

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In Summary

• Jesus is worth looking to for leadership development

• A foundational element of his leadership is his values

• Others and Giving are values that we can learn to adopt for ourselves.

• These values can bring coherence to all the domains of our lives.

• These are values that can work.

• They work because this is the way the world is meant to be.

• They require trust and they are a risk.