People before pixels 26th may @markbrani

@markbrani Mark Branigan User Researcher with GDS since April 2014 Security Architect with DWP Digital Specialist with DWP for Leeds & West Yorkshire JCP Various digital services and sales roles in the Private Finance sector

Transcript of People before pixels 26th may @markbrani


Mark Branigan

● User Researcher with GDS since April 2014

● Security Architect with DWP

● Digital Specialist with DWP for Leeds & West Yorkshire JCP

● Various digital services and sales roles in the Private Finance sector



Agile vs Waterfall

● Loads of background in Waterfall-style delivery

● What is Agile anyway?

● I love Agile, but….


When do you start solving problems?

● You probably know more than me….

● I’m after your suggestions….

● What’s the problem you’re trying to solve?


Problem 1 - Objective

● Error 404

● Speling mistaks

● Where the Hell am I?


Problem 2 - Subjective

● I really don’t like the layout

● I don’t know what this means

● I can’t find the help information


The Holy Grail

● Everybody can use this!

● It all makes perfect sense!

● I’ve never seen this sort of thing before, but I totally get it!


What does your restaurant sell?





Fixing it “On the Fly”


What does your restaurant sell?





Two minutes later...


Hang on a tick...

● The fourth wall….

● What I think vs. what you want to hear

● Inverse Genie principle○ “My wish is your command”

● What would the other users have thought?


I asked our designer:

Ask a question

Try a solution


Effort vs Value

Effort Value


So when do you change things?

● To be “evidence”, it needs to be Repeatable

● No two users are ever the same...

● So how do you repeat when the control keeps changing?


Can you help me?

● Where’s the balance between deep, qualitative research and evidence-based findings?

● How do you balance “Agile” iterations with a meaningful, evidence-based business case for changing something?