Pentecost Sunday May 23 , 2021

Pentecost Sunday May 23 rd , 2021

Transcript of Pentecost Sunday May 23 , 2021

Pentecost Sunday May 23rd, 2021

ND-V Church, 18 Pearl Street, Schuylerville NY 12871 (518) 695-3391

Mass Intentions for the Week SATURDAY 5/22 4:00pm

William Bull-Brown, birthday remembrance

~By his family

SUNDAY 5/23 11:15am

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Drew, Jr.

~By Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Pechette, Jr.

For the healing of Terry & Charlotte Running

~By The McGloine Family

Liturgical Ministries Saturday 5/22: Lector- Anne Petersen

CM- Kerry Lawson

Sunday 5/23: Lector- Karen Tyler

CM- Chuck Cadwallader

READINGS FOR THE WEEK May 24- Gn 3:9-15,20 & Jn 19:25-34

May 25- Sir 35:1-12 & Mk 10;28-31

May 26- Sir 36:1,4-5a,10-17 & Mk 10:32-45

May 27- Sir 42:15-25 & Mk 10:46-52

May 28- Sir 44:1.9-13 & Mk 11:11-26

May 29- Sir 51:12cd-20 & Mk 11:27-33

May 30-Dt 4:32-34,39-40 & Rom 8:14-17 &Mt 28:16-20


Faith Formation Facilitator: Stephanie Andrejcak

[email protected]

CONGRATULATIONS to Gian-Luca Ubillo who has

completed his preparation and will be confirmed

this week. Please keep him in your prayers.

THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MAY 27th and MAY 31st. Beginning June 1st, the Parish Office will be open “summer hours:” Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9am to 2pm, CLOSED on Mondays and Fridays. If you need assistance outside of those hours and days, please call and we’ll set up an appointment that’s convenient for you! I’m flexible. I’ll be checking email from home and I can be reached by cell phone. The number will be on the answering machine message when you call the office.


1st: $25 Betty Viger

2nd: $15 Linda Stover

3rd: $10 Joan Bielkiewcz


Our Gifts of Treasure Reg. collection: $1248.05

Maintenance: $20

Cemetery Care: $105

Newspaper: $10

Ascension: $45

Central & Eastern Europe: $60

The total from Thursday (Ascension) was $144. The

total from Saturday was $654. The total from Sunday

was $475. The total mailed in/dropped off was $250.

Online giving was $106.05.


THURSDAY, May 13 (Ascension)- 27

SATURDAY, 5/15- 43

SUNDAY, 5/16 – 45


EUROPE This weekend, we will take up the Collection

for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This

collection supports the Church in over 20 countries that are

still struggling to recover in the aftermath of communist

rule. Funds from this collection support pastoral care,

catechesis, building renovations, and seminary formation.

Your support restores the Church and builds the future in

this region. Please give generously to this Special


Birthright extends a sincere “Thank You” to all

parishioners who helped make our Mother’s Day

Carnation Sale a great success. Your generous

outpouring of love and support enables us to continue

assisting pregnant women and families who desperately

need help. If you know someone who is pregnant and

needs assistance, please have her call Birthright at

518-885-4117. All services, including self-administered

pregnancy tests, are free and confidential.


Pentecost Sunday May 23rd, 2021

CDA NEWS Speaking of the BIRTHRIGHT carnation

sale, the total from the sale is as follows: $127 from St.

Joseph’s Church and $167 from ND-V. Thank you for

supporting BIRTHRIGHT!

On to the pie sale! The following is from Lois Patrick,

Vice-Regent: Our Court received 122 orders for various

pies. Some of the members decided to make a total of 10

extra pies. So that brought us up to 132 pies. Everything

went! All 132 pies were sold! We also received monetary

donations. Between selling 132 and donations our Court

raised $2,023.00. We are so fortunate as a Court to have

such support from you. Thank you to all who bought, sold,

donated and helped make pies. You are the best! Thank

you to our office managers in the Rectories of Salem,

Cambridge, Greenwich and Schuylerville for posting in

our Church bulletins. With such a wonderful amount

raised, we can help those in need. Such as: offering

scholarships, Birthright, Adopt-a-Soldier, Seminarians,

Catholic Relief Services, etc.

Again, thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for

being so thoughtful and supportive.

FROM THE INTERIM PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Let the Spirit work through you This weekend we celebrate Pentecost, a movable

feast celebrated on the fiftieth day (the seventh Sunday)

after Easter. It commemorates the descent of the Holy

Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus

Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Jewish

Feast of Weeks, as described in chapter 2 in the Acts of the

Apostles. Modern Catholics tend to assume that the Church

started with Jesus and that the preceding centuries don’t

really count. Heck, we frequently refer to Pentecost as

being “the birthday of the Church”. But the first

Christians, those we read about in the Acts of the Apostles,

recognized that our Church’s roots extended deeply into

the past. When God told Abram to pull up stakes and set

out “for a land which I will show you”, this was already a

step toward the founding of the Church. But, to get to the

very beginning of the Church we must go all the way back

to the first moment of creation. Since then, it has

continued through the unfolding of salvation history,

through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and

extends far into the future, beyond our present day. Of course, as an organized, community of faith,

we can also say that the Church was founded by Jesus

during the period of his public ministry when he gathered

a group of people into a community and gave this

community a certain structure which he intended it to

possess for all time. He taught them and he also

commanded them to go forth, proclaiming the Good News

and baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy

Spirit. But what happened after his crucifixion and his

ascension? His top followers were afraid, confused, and

disorganized. God knew that when Jesus ascended to

Heaven that his followers would need more than Jesus

spoken words to enable them to spread the Gospel and win

new souls for the Kingdom. They were going to need

powerful help. And on Pentecost we commemorate when that

help arrived. The helper, the Holy Spirit, promised by

Jesus, entered the upper room, and descended upon the

apostles. And on that first Christian Pentecost, they were

no longer afraid. They were empowered to do God’s work

in their world. To be his hands, eyes, ears, and voice to

help the poor and oppressed, to care for the sick and to

tend to those in need. And that help didn’t just stay with

the Apostles and early disciples. It is still with us today. As we begin to emerge from the twilight of the

coronavirus and the myriad of restrictions, we have lived

with over the past fourteen or fifteen months, are we ready

to do our part, to be Church, to be Christ to others today?

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and

enkindle in them the fire of your love. In closing, just a quick shout out to the teens who

will be confirmed Pentecost afternoon at St. Joseph’s.

What a wonderful day upon which to be fully initiated into

the Catholic Church and to receive the gifts of the Holy

Spirit. May God inspire you to do great works and mighty

deeds both now and in the future. - Stephen Mawn, Interim Parish Administrator

The Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary, May 30th

Almighty ever-living God, who, while the Blessed Virgin Mary was carrying your Son in her womb, inspired her to visit Elizabeth, grant us, we pray, that, faithful to the promptings of the Spirit, we

may magnify your greatness with the Virgin Mary at all times. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of

the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

ND-V Church, 18 Pearl Street, Schuylerville NY 12871 (518) 695-3391