Penjabaran Kisi-Kisi Dan Materi.pengayaan UN



Pengayaan UN

Transcript of Penjabaran Kisi-Kisi Dan Materi.pengayaan UN



To develop understanding on Kisi-kisi UNTo predict the contents of the 2014 UNTo develop UN-like multiple choice testTo prepare for the 2004 UNObjectives

Do you have an idea what the 2014 UN look like?What do you know about the past UNs?Do you want to know more about the 2014 UN? Why?How did you prepare for the past UNs?

Lets get started

Memahami Kisi-kisi UN 2013 bahasa Inggris Memprediksi isi UN 2014 Menyusun kisi-kisi soal latihan UN 2014 Menyusun butir-butir soal setara UN 2014

Dalam pelatihan ini kita akan:

Prediksi kisi-kisi UN 2014Soal-soal yang setaraf UN 2014

Produk kegiatan ini



Kurikulum yang dipakai dalam UN 2014





SKL BHS INGGRIS 2013-2014READING (Membaca) Memahami makna dalam wacana tertulis pendek baik teks fungsional maupun esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci, tersurat dan atau tersirat/rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk caution/notice/warning, greeting card,letter/e-mail, short message, advertisement,announcement, invitation, schedule.Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci, tersurat dan atau tersirat/rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk procedure.


Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci, tersurat dan atau tersirat/rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk descriptive. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci, tersurat dan atau tersirat/rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk recount. Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf/informasi tertentu /informasi rinci, tersurat dan atau tersirat/rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau pesan moral/tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk narrative.


Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci, tersurat dan atau tersirat/rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk report. Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk recount/narrative sederhana. Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk descriptive/procedure sederhana. WRITING (Menulis) Mengungkapkan makna secara tertulis teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive, procedure, maupun report) dan naratif (narrative dan recount) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat kalimat yang bermakna. Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untuk membuat paragraf yang padu dan bermakna.


Peserta didik mampu menentukan:susunan kata-kata menjadi kalimat sederhana dengan pengembangan noun phrase, kalimat perintah, kalimat majemuk setara dan bertingkat (in jumbled words)Susunan kalimat-kalimat menjadi paragraf deskriptif, prosedur, dan report yang padu (in jumbled sentences)Kata sifat, keterangan cara, kerja yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang dikutip dari teks naratif (sentence completion)Kata urutan waktu, kata kerja dan kata benda yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang dikutip dari teks procedure (sentence completion)(PREDIKSI) WRITING COMPETENCE in UN 2014


Statements : > Affirmative: Tomo is a student. > Negative: Tomo does not like fishing.Questions (interrogative): > Yes-No questions: Did Tomo go to your house last night? > Question-tag: Tom lives near here, doesnt he? > Wh-questions: Why do they come here for? Exclamations: What a lovely day! Sentence types based on intention


Simple sentenceCompound sentenceComplex sentenceCompound complex sentenceSentence types based on clause


Examples: > This is Parman. > This gentleman is Parman, my close friend. (consisting of noun phrase as subject, and an apposition in the noun after linking verb). > Some students are reading the books recently ordered from the USA. (consisting of noun phrase as subject and the object is modified). What about these sentences? > The big red book on the table in front of the window tells a story about an Indonesian policeman fighting pirates of Malacca strait. > He and I work together. Simple sentence: one clause (S+V)


A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses joined together by a semicolon (;), comma (,) or a coordinate conjunction (and , or, nor and but) Examples: >This is the wrong book; that is the right one. > I am studying, and he is reading. > John has finished the lesson, but Tom has not begun it yet. > Are you studying, or are you just reading? > I am not studying, nor am I reading. > I looked at the dress, and I bought it. > Sheila is here, but she must leave soon.Compound sentences


A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.The dependent clauses may be noun clause (1), adjective clauses (2) or adverb clauses (3)Examples: > What happened made the boy cry. (1) > The problem is that we do not have much money. (1) > I will introduce you to Amin, who has won the Math Olympic in our school. (2) > I used to live in the village before I moved here. (3)Complex sentence


A combination between compound sentence and complex sentence A complex sentence with two or more independent clauses.Example: > When the air is very dry, the days are hot; but the nights are cool.Compound complex sentence



Other types of sentences


Direct quotation Examples: > He said, I write for newspapers. >I write for newspapers, he said, and sometimes I write for magazines, too.Indirect quotation (noun clause) Example: > She said that she liked that dress. Quotation:


The imperative mood commands or asks someone to do something. Its subject is always you, but it is generally omitted. To give more emphasis in writing, it ends with an exclamation mark. Example: > Please help me! > Lend me your eraser, please. > Tell Anna that information when you meet her.Imperative sentences


Usually: simple sentence, imperative sentenceRarely: Compound sentence, complex sentenceWhat kinds of sentences are in the SKL (writing) for UN?


indoors use and only location in - dryMr. Alwi nor does - smoke it he a cigarette buys never


Example: Arrange these words into a sentence


Arranging sentences into a good paragraph.Arranging sentences into a short text

The paragraph and text are taken from the following texts: > descriptive > narrative > report > procedure > recount

Sentences Paragraph/text


Arrange the sentences below into a good paragraph:The quake measured 6.3 magnitude.It came just minutes after a warning had been given by scientists.The region of Qasvia, western Iran, was hit by a huge earthquake yesterday.The short notice gave local people little or no time to escape to an area of safety.Answer:Example:


Arrange the following sentences into an acceptable order:Using this web page, you feel like meeting the person face to face.In 2050 everyone in the world will have a personal web page with their information on it.You can check out his or her web page to learn about the person.The web page will use the five senses: sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing.Answer:

Another example:




A test of comprehension and grammar in which the test takers supply words omitted from a text with the appropriate ones.But, the omission does not have fixed-ratio deletion, but a rational deletion i.e. grammatical functions (Brown, 2004, p.202)

Cloze test in the UN


Noun (s) as singular or pluralVerb(s) past tense, etc, Adverb(s)manner, time, placeConjunction(s)ordinate, subordinatePronoun(s) as subject or objectEtc.

Grammatical categories to fill in the blanks:


What types of text are used in the cloze procedure in the UN?


For short functional texts:

> caution/notice > greeting card> short message > Invitation > Announcement > Advertisement > letter



For essay texts


For questions 10 to 13 choose the best words to complete the passage.

Attar of rose is the steam-extracted (1) oil from rose flowers that has been used in perfumes for centuries. Rose water, made from the rose oil, is (2) used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. Rose hips are occasionally made into jam, jelly, (3) marmalade, or are brewed for tea, primarily for their high Vitamin C content.

1. a. terrible b. essential c. dreadful d. dangerous2. a. carefully b. patiently c. slowly d. widely3. a. or b. so c. and d. while

Example of the writing item in UN


SKL for reading in UN matched with TOEFL-like reading comprehension (in brackets): Menentukan:Gambaran umum (general idea/topic)Pikiran utama paragraph (main idea)Informasi rinci (supporting ideas)Informasi tertentu (scanning)Informasi rinci tersurat (supporting ideas)Informasi rinci tersirat (implied (unstated) and inferential)Rujukan kata (referential)Makna kata/frasa (Expressions/idioms/phrases/words in context)Tujuan komunikatif (communicative purposes) Pesan moral


TEXT (GENRE)PURPOSEProcedure To describe how to do something, how to make something or how to get somewhere through a sequence of steps or actions.DescriptiveTo describe a particular subject or something by describing its features including personal opinions.RecountTo retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining, focusing on what, when and how they happened.NarrativeTo amuse, entertain audience with vicarious experience in different ways. Narratives are stories (Dymock & Nicholson, 1999, p.11)ReportTo describe the ways things are with reference to a range of natural, man made and social phenomena in our environment.

Pusat Kurikulum (2003). Kurikulum 2004: Standar kompetensi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMP dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah .


What a text is about. It is tke key words in the text. It could also be its title.Usually asked through questions: >What is the text about? >What does the text tell you about? >The text above tells us about . >The text is about .>What is the best title of the above text?Answer? >noun/ noun phraseGeneral idea of a text


It could be the thesis statement of a text or the topic sentence of a paragraph.To get main idea, you have to find the keywords, the word that determine the meaning of the sentence (Coman & Heavers, 1998,p.2)Question? >What is the main idea of paragraph 1? >The main idea of paragraph 2 is .Answer? > in the form of a sentence

Main idea of a text/paragraph


What? The keywords/essential words in a paragraph that determines its meaningQuestion? >What is paragraph 4 about? >What does paragraph 3 tell us about? >Paragraph 2 tells you about .. >Paragraph 1 is about . .Answer? >noun/ noun phraseTopic of a paragraph


explicitly stated in the paragraphUnstated in the paragraphThe main idea of a paragraph could be:


My favorite book is The History of Xenrovia because it is very well written. Many history books are boring, but The History of Xenrovia includes interesting stories about the important people in the history of the country. The book also has wonderful pictures. For example, there are beautiful photographs of the capital city, Xenoville, at night and during a rainstorm. Another reason is it is very complete. It begins with stories about the first people who lived in the area, and it ends with information about life in the country today.What is the main idea of this paragraph?


Certainly money should not be your chief aim in life. But you ought not to despise it, for it can help you and your family obtain many of good things of life. It can buy an adequate diet, one of the bases of good health. When necessary, it can provide medicine and medical care. It can be the means for a comfortable house, for travel, for good books and for hobbies and recreation. It can make it easier for your children to secure an education. Finally, it can offer a great opportunity for you to help others.

And this one?


To get the main idea of such a paragraph, students should look for the meaning of each sentence and relate each of them and put them into one sentence representing the whole paragraph. Clues (words, number, etc) are important ion this process to find the unstated main idea. Not clearly stated main idea


This is Mr Bean He always makes people laugh. People always wait for his program. ..

Answer these questions based on the text above?What is Mr Bean like? orThe text shows that Mr Bean is .Example


It answers what, who, where, or how, etc about the text. The answers are usually stated in the text.

Note: Not many items of this kind are found in UN.Specific information (scanning)


Is the information that supports the main idea of a paragraphTo get the supporting details, students need to read each of the sentences after the topic sentence (in the stated one).This information cannot be found if the students just scan the paragraph.

Detailed information (supporting details)


There will be some pronouns used in a text. Students have to identify the word in the text that a certain pronoun refers to.

Question? >What does the underlined word in the text refer to?> what does it in I like it refer to? >The underlined word refers to .Referential questions


Questions: >The typical question of this is the one which uses the question word Why. >Which of the following statements is correct? Note: Students have to check whether the answer is right or wrong in the text one by one.Inferential questions


We can find clues to the unfamiliar words in the text we are reading such as:punctuation: (comma(s), semi colon, dashes (-..-)Words: i.e., such as:, that is, which is, in other words, while/but/whereas/unlike (showing contrast), definition

Meaning of words/phrases in context


Last autumn I was in India during Diwali, the Festival of Lights which takes place every year to celebrate the victory of good over evil.People cleaned their homes and painted wonderful designs called rangolis on the walls and floors. examples


It is the writers purpose in writing a text. You have to remember the purposes of text types previously presented.Asked through questions: >What is the text written for? >What is the writers purpose to write the text above? >The above text is written to . >The writers purpose to write the text is to

Communicative purpose of a text


Especially in narrative textsSample questions? >What is the moral value of the text above? >What can you learn from the text? >The moral value of the text is Moral Value


Short functional texts Descriptive, narrative, procedure, report and recountKinds of texts in UN 2014


Notice/caution/warning Greeting card Short message Invitation card Announcement Advertisement Personal letter ScheduleShort Functional Texts

Greeting cardsBirthdayWeddingGraduation Moving into a new houseBaby bornCongratulation

Short messagesPlan Request CancellationInvitationApologyInformation

Invitation cardsBirthday party Wedding party Dinner partyBaby born partyRetirement partyHousewarming partyGraduation partyHalloween partyCelebration party

AnnouncementSchool OfficeStationAirportPublic placesSeaport/harborShopping mall

AdvertisementProducts Job vacancy Moving into a new officePublic servicesSeminarTourism objects

Personal letterPlan Request/ask CancellationInvitationApologyIntroductionDescriptionRecount

Schedule ofRailay StationAirport MeetingSchoolSea portSeminarLectureEtc

Descriptive Procedure Recount Narrative ReportShort essays

A piece of writing that describes a particular subject or something by describing its features including personal opinions.

Descriptive TextPusat Kurikulum. (2003). Kurikulum 2004: Standar kompetensi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMP dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah .

Description ofPersonObject/thingAnimalPlaceActivity

a piece of writing which describe how to do/accomplish something through sequence or stepsProcedure Text

Procedure of making/operatingDrinkFood ApplianceToyGamePublic serviceInstallation

A piece of writing that tells an imaginary story but it could also be based on facts. Narratives are stories (Dymock & Nicholson, 1999, p.11)Narrative text

NarrativeFable Folktale LegendMythFairy taleShort storyModern fantasy

A piece of writing that relates events in the time order that they happenedRecount text

RecountDiaries JournalsBiographiesAutobiographiesNewspaper reportHistorical accountIncident report

A piece of writing which presents information about something in generalReport

Most reports give information about the world and they can be used to document and store information about different subjects.

ReportLiving thing (plants/animalsNon living things (volcano/earth/sea/moon/satellite)Public servicesTechnology (computer/tv)Natural phenomenonOccupationArt

Are you and your students ready for UN 2014?