Peninsula Enterprise.(Accomac, VA) 1888-02-18.€¦ · or. whiletho Fishl «11 A:Petes, Bouaelutld...

HEAKT KYMX. Bear tho burden ot the present, Lot the morrow boar Its own: if the moraine sky be pleasant. Why tho comtug night bemoan? It the darkened heaven* lower, wrap thy Houfc «round thy foi in; Though Ihn tempern rise In I>' W<>r« G»d la tslghtlTihan the utorro. Stöadtafrt hope and Tallh unshaken Aiil:nnt~ the trusting breast, Ulcp by step the Journey's taken. Nearer to tho land ot rest AU unseen, ti e Mastor walkeih 15y Hit. tolling servant's sldo; Oiufottahle word*lie talketh Whilo Bis bauds behold and-gulde. Grief, nor pnln. norany sorrow Tends thy heart, to Him unknowu: Ho tods y, and Uo ti'ruorrow. Grace sufllclent gives His own. Holy st-lrlns:» nerve and strengthen, Long < wies the crown: When the eveningshadowslengthon Thou sha t lay tho burden dowli. A nay-Back Aristocrat. Congressman Frank Lawler, of Chicago, is a man of the people.. He b is climbed up to a position in Congress from the lowest rounds of t lie social ladder. He lias been a laborer, a letter carrier, a keeper of an influential gin-mill, a ward politician, a Chicago alderman,and a Congressman, successively. Mr Lawler recently had occasion to call on Secretary Er.dicotf, and he found that gentleman surrounded by a frozen halo which displeased b in. Mi. Endicott appeared to be somewhat bored by the persistency of the member of the legislative branch of the Government, and was not at all disposed to pay much" attention to him. Lawler stuck to him, however, and at last gained his point. After that the august Secretary thawed out some¬ what towards the Congressman, and proceeded to give him a few points on the history of Massa¬ chusetts, especially on the Eudi- cof.t family. He spoke of the glories of tue Colonial days, and incidentally mentioned that his ancestors were among the fore most rn Massachusetts. Warming up to his theme.and this is about the only subject that will warm him.he proceeded to trace the family t>ack until he had passed down in where the Adamses first aro-io on the genealogical horizon, aud wound up by saying: "Why, Mr. Lawler, we have suc¬ ceeded in tracing the Endicott family back to the earliest stage of the Norman conquest of England. In fact, the Endicott's wore known before William the Comuieror was heard of." "William the conqueror the blank," replied Mr.Lawler. ..Door- ing the pasth summer, whin my my legislative dooties have not been so pressing,!, have paid a good deal of artintion to the airly his¬ tory of the Lawler family. Wil¬ liam the conqueror! Why, he's now.-ere. 1 found that the Lnw- lers iveie a prominent family on the earth even before the Hood." To say that Mr. Endicott was aston.shed would scarcely express his leeliugs. Ue almost gasped for breath, but at length a happy thought struck him. "Mr. Lawler." said he with with¬ ering scorn in his voice, "if you can trace the Lawler's back be¬ fore the flood, how is it that we never heard anything of the family in the ark?" For a moment, and for a moment only,;he Chic >go man hesitated. Then he recovered himself and in¬ stantly replied: '.Mr. Secretary, I would haveyou to n odd'stan d, sir, that the Law- lers were a respectable family. They had yachts and horses, and evcrythin; eise that was neces¬ sary for gintlemen in the antedilu- vian.days. The Lawlers, sir. had a boat of their own, and didn't have to go iuto the ark.".Boston Traveller. An Old Story. The old story of the early bird and the worm, that used to be told lo en force the virtuous practice of early rising, becomes in a later and more degenerate age., somewhat less effective by turning attention to the worm's views of the affair. Keceufly it has appeared with a new amendment which restores all the point and piquancy of the orig¬ inal. A father had been lecturing his son upon the evils of staying out late it night aud getting up late in the morning. "Yon will never amount to anything," be contiuned "unless you turn over a new leaf. Remember that the early bird catches the worm " "How about the worm, father," inquired the young man, borrow¬ ing the old sarcasm, "wasn't he rather foolish to get up so earlyf" "My son," replied the old man solemnly, "that worm hadn't beeu to bed at ail. He was on his way home." What am I to Du? The symptoms of biliousness are unhappily but too well known.. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too fre¬ quently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order aud diarrhea or con¬ stipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are oft en hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's August Flower, it costs but a trifle aud thousands attest its efficacy. It Made a Difference. "Do you get many letters from your intended, Sue.?'' "Yes, indeed, Maine; I get one everyday." "Does he send yon k's and h's?" "Only k's. He's English, you see.'' VIRGINIA: At a court held for ' the county of Aceomaclc, on t he 2nd day of February, 1SSS. In the matter ofthe payment and delivery ol the estate of Benjamin T. W. Ryrd, deceased, to Iiis loga tee, without Refunding Roads be¬ ing given. On motion of Tabitha Ann F.yrd, a legatee of the said Benjamin T VV. Ryrd, deceased, by James H. Fletcher, Jr., her attorney, it ap- Itearing to the court that a report of rhe accounts of the transactions of James IL Fletcher, Jr., admihis- lintor with rhe will annexed of the estate of the said Benjamin T. VV. Byrd, deceased, and of the debts and demands against the said de eeder.t's estate, has been tiled in the pfficn oT this court; and it fur¬ ther appearing to the court that more t han one year has elapsed since 'he qualification of the said i* ordered that the creditors of the. said decedent do show cause, if any they can, on the 3rd day of the next March term of this eonrt,a<railist the payment and delivery of the estate of the said decedent to his legatee without refunding b'»uds bettig given by the said legatee; and that a copy of this order shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Peninsula. Enterpiuse, a newspaper pub¬ lished at Accomae C. H , Va., and also posted at the frontdoor of the courthouse of this county on the first days of two successive terms of this court. A Oopi. Test. M.oldham,Jr., O.A.C. James. 11. Fletcher, Jr., attorney. E. W. Barnes. R.*J. Alason. Barnes & Mason, a., Shipping Point 15L0X0M STATION, Dealers in ix nerai Mcrcljandise AND Fertilizers, Soliciting Agents for the Principal Produce Markets. .And Shippers of Choice. Sea Side Oysters. Wo. I PERUVIAN (Iu its Natural Condition, not hav¬ ing been Grouud or Man¬ ipulated iu any manner.) From the famous Lobas deposits, as- su res a rapid and tally developed growth, emiblinji tiie Planter to market tneir Vegetables and Berries at the earliest period, thereby obtaining high prices compared with prices ruling later in the season. Our importations are nine the Guano being in its Natural condition, freu from acids and other elements in¬ jurious to the soil. ^"We sell to Merchants o:: the Penin suia. VOSS BROS., Importers 300* Second street, Baltimore, Md. JOHN W. GILLESPIE, EVJappsviSIe, Va,,! Respectfully informs the pub- that he is prepared to furnish board by the day, week or month on rea¬ sonable terms. E^Passengers conveyed to any part of peninsula at bottom prices. Will meet train when requested To The Ladies. TAILOR'S zQUAKF.OMT. No Chart, Scale or Machine. Perfect F'it Without Refitting. Dressmaking Done at Short Notice. Patterns cut to measure and warranted. MRS. C B. LILLISTON, .Agent for the. Eclectic Laäy Taylor System. Accomae C. JCL, Va. Main Oftice.21 W. Lexington St., Baltimore, Md. 1S6G. Established. 1SG6. I. W. WHAHSI, Wholesale Commission Dealer in Fruit, Produce, Poultry, Fggs, Game, etc., iu season. 5 Sourn Delaware Ave. Market' tFoot ot Dock street, Philadelphia, Pa. Consignments solicited. Returns made promptly. Stencils furnished on application. THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN. TUE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, A. s. AI)ELL It 00., PUBLISHERS, BALTIMORE. The Balllnioro Weekly Run continue* to pre¬ serve Its position, miUniiUued tor mai.y years,us i molol Family Newspaper. During tho past year, in order to accommodate Urn groin varloty otmnuor seeking admission 10 itHuoiuinus.liliHS been found ccossary issue a supplement al¬ most every webki presenting n homo newspaper unequaiod t"r rros iuimhiiu variety. it* literary features uro solocloil with db e-linlnitlut.' tustc aud with special rofo.'cnco lo thooiitotiulnniout mill instruction of the family cPco li* Aurtcul- tu ml and Votorlrnry Bopr.j imonts, edited by specialists, hiivn been of grwil value U> tho furm- or. while tho Fishl «11 A: Petes, Bouaelutld Reci¬ pes, etc , liavp anjiUnn.o>1 to be n s.uii co or »ook- iy Interest and Instruction to ladles. The latest hows up to the hour »I publication given In iu eorrospoiiiiooco ni.d telegraphic dlspitcliee, while Ita editorials, besides discussing current ovouts Iii au Impartial spirit, nffiird much wholo Homo advicenud suggestion on social, ocoiioinlr- aiid oilier topics. The proceed ngs of Congr»***H, the Maryland and either LogtslutUI'08, the Na¬ tional political Conventions, and iiio Praalden* Hal and O.'iigres-lonul nicotians are among the Important foal uro« lli'il A'tll bo promptly and copiously presented In Its columns durlnv irbs. Pull ciunmof.-lal. llna-.clal, cotton, cattle.mar¬ kets aud stock reports up lotho hour of going to press. THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUIT. Terms or subscription by mall, Invariably cash In advance, l'osiago on all suuSerljitluiiS In liio Dulled States ami Canada prepaid. Premium copies to getters up of clubs for tho ..Baltlmoro Weekly Sun." FIVH COPIES.$5 00 With au oxirtkoupy uf iho Weekly .sun one year; TKN COPIES.S10 00 With au extra copy ot tho Weekly sun one year, and into Copy of Uio Dally Suulhroo months. FIFTEEN COPIES.SI501 With au extra copy nf Hie Weekly Sun 11:10 year, and ono copy of tho Dally Sun ihoo months. TWENTY COPIES.820 00 Wuhan oxtra copy of the WVoKiy Sun one your, and ouo copy of tho Dally Sun six months. THIRTY COPIES.S*0 00 With an extra copy of tho Wookly Sun and ouo copy or the U illy suuouo year. When mailed to Europe and other Pjslal Union Countries, Sl.52 for twelve monihs. No duvluon from pubilt-bi d term*. Tho snfo't moth, d of transmitting money by mail is by chock, draft or iKMtuRlco money order. Address A. S. All ELL £ CO., PUBLISHERS, SUN IRON BU1LWNO, BALTIMORE, MO. JAMES T. WALKLEY, BELLE HAVES, VA.,1 'Tin, Slats M Metal Rcofiaj, .Dealer iu. STOVES, TINWARE, FIRE CLAY CHIMNEYS, TEhRA COTTA DRAIN PIPE, HOOF CKlSTITG, &C. 2J>w ami repair work promptly at¬ tended to at any point on the t'eiiinsula W.R.BYRD&CO "Commission Merchants in Early FrnitSjVejrctables,Terrapinsf Wild Fowl, Eggs. Poultry, aud ;tll kinds ot 8 BOWLY'S WHARF,: Baltimore, Md. Shipping Letter "D."g E. G. Polk. 'E. II. Benson Polk & Benson, PCOOMOKE CITY, MD., merchant tailors, E. G-. F-jik will visit L runimondtowii every County Lou it with a full ami [choice line of samples of suitings, pantoioonings, &c., of the newest anil iaiest designs of ho i.e and foreign manufacture. Our motto. -'.No fit, no sale." Thanking the public lor past favors we solicit acuiitiuuauce of the same for the new lirm. Itespectfully, FOLK & BENSON, successors to E. (r. Folk & Co. W M. £. DOUGHTY, V V WITH. J. A. Harris & Co., (Suo(!essor^of;E.P.|BayIcj & Co.,) importers of CHINA, GLASS, Qncensware, Lamps, Clocks, &c No 27 Hanover Street, BALTIMORE MD. "WINTER SCHEDULE. of the Eastern Shore Steamboat Company OF BALTIMORE, Until further notice, on and after Tlmrartay, !)«;.. Ist, ISHT, will run their stoamnrfl 'as follows, 1 weather ponnlttlug,) luuvlug South St., Wharf at 5.00 o'clock p. m. Steamer TANGIER, Capt. j. w. Wilson Every TuoBtlay and Friday for CrlsOcld "lrnoy's Onaucock, SheUtown, Pitts' Wharf; Oe lar Hall, Rshohoth. Pocomoko City and Snow U1U. RETUI'.MNO-Leaves Snow Hill Mondays and Thursday at 0 n. 111.,, lleho- noili y. Codsr liall O.IiO, l'.tts' wharf 10, Onau¬ cock 'J p. in., Flnney's U-.'.tn p. m. 8teu 111 or EASTERN Sil ORE. CAPT. w. W. Matthews. WEDNESDAYS for Crlsfleld.Tnr.cier Island.Horr- man's,Evans', Bogg's.Hunting Crcck.Gullford, Messongo. EETCKNING- leaves Friday, Mos- sougo 6 a. m., Gullford s. HuutlngCrnek Nandua l2m., boggs" 1,Evans' 1.13, Hoffman's 2, Tangier Island 4.00. SUNDAYS Orlsfiold, Hoffman's, Evans', Bog;s', Nandua, Dp via', Reads', Miles', Shields, Huu- gars aud Tayor's Wharros. KETUENING. loaves.Taylor's Tuetdays ato a.m.. touching at the above landings at the usual hours of winter schedule. .r-spAU Steamers leave Crisfleld foi Balti iL-ty more, on arrival of last down train. Freight and pnrserjgors received for all points oath« N. Y., P'illa. and Norfolk. Wlcomlco and Pocomoke K. R. dally, Delaware, Murylaud and Virginia Railroads uu Tuesdays and Fridays only. Positively no frolght recolred after 4 15 p, m. and must be prepaid to all points, except on tho N. Y. Phlla, and Norfolk R.illroad. P. R. CLARK, General Agent, J03 South Stroot. Baltimore, gelle 3ffiaYen KDM BELLE HAVEN, Accomae county, Va,, G. L. DOUGHTY, Proprietor, -Board SI 50 pur d.iy.- Livery stables idinched. All trains met at Ex more and at. all oiher'sta I ions mi Eastern Shore, Va., when rec] nested. KnUtblinliorl 1871. WM. S. BYRD, Commission and Forwarding Merchant S. \Y. Cor. Catnden and Light Sts., BALTIMORE, MD.J For the Sale of Grain, Poultry, Butter, Eggs.Dried Fniiis, Apples, Potatoes.Ouions,&o. Eastern Shore sweet potatoes received largely on consignment, and orders tilled at lowest market rales. Refer by Permission..T. J. Nicholson & Sons,Bankers; .1. E. Byid.Treas. Md. S. B. Co.; S. E. ICgerton & Co., Whole¬ sale Grocery; Jas. Myers & Co., Whole¬ sale Grocery. S.K. Martin & Co. Dealers inli Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Coal, Brick, Lime, Llair, Berry Crates, .also. Fertilizers and Carriages. Estimates furnished on application. HOFFMAN'S WHARF, VA. George .7. cflrnes * -Co., DOW.LY8 W II AR F and PRATT ST., BALTIMORE. i^rSwect potatoes a specialty. f^Rotnrn« made rtrotnptlv. Q EM ET E R Y W ORK.; £ Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Of Now iiud Ucnulltul Lit signs li. Jti-rbl.! nml Or&Dlio Gaddess Bros. No. 109 N. Charles St., above Fayetfe Street, and 314 South Charles Street, BALTIMORE, ATD. ABSELL BROS., Belle Haven, Va. Respectfully'inform the public that in the future in all its branches will be conduct¬ ed by them on a strictly cash basis and therefore at greatly reduced prices. Horse shoeing a specialty. O^AII per>oiisindebted to them arc respectfully requested lo come forward and settle. INSURA1MCL The undersigned, in the. interest offne VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE nd VIRGINIA FIRE AND MA R.1NE Insurance Companies, will make frequent visits to Accomack and will be glad to have the patron¬ age of those desiring their risks carried by good companies. All communications promptly attended to. Respectfully, G. G. SAVAGE, Agent, Eastville, or Shady Sidt, North¬ ampton county, Va. Entertainment. BOARD AND LODGING3 a. j.mears & sons KELLER STATION, gAccomac county, Va.' Respectinlly inform the public that they are prepared to furnish board and lodging by day, week or month, and to convey passengers to any part of penin¬ sula at moderate rates. Board per day SI. All trains met. Livery stables lirst-class. LÄGKSTGNE & / ACCOXACK C. H., VA., DRUGGISTS a full line of FANCY ARTICLES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, SEEDS, &c, &c, &c, &c, kept on hand for sale at lowest price? Thirteen Weeks The poLSCE GAZETTE- will bo mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for t'jree months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to Post- masters, Agents and Club«. Sam pie copies mailed free. Address nil orders to RIOHARDK. FOX, Franklin Bun are, N. T. MARSHALL HOTEL. NEW CHURCH. .Accomae county, Va.. L. F. ftßarshaU, Prop'r. Liver}' stables attaebnd. Passengers met on every train, and conveyed toauv part of peninsula. £3T Horses bought, suhl, and exchanged. -House open all night.- GP*Hucks to Franklin City and re¬ turn, daily. (Successor to T. E. Trower.) BELLS HAVEN,VA. .Dealer in. General Merchandise! Such as Dry Goods, Dress Goods. No tions, Hals, Cans. Knots,Shoes, .Crockery, Ward ware, Groceries. Etc. JOHN T.SCOTT, Soot and Shoemaker, ONANCOCK, ACCOMAC COUNTY, YA. |3pOffers his services to the pub lie. First-class workmanship and good tit guaranteed. The latest styles always on hand, and work done to suit the taste of every cus torn er. K- DA¥IS, DAY IS1 WHARF, .Accomae county, Va.. Invites the attention of the pub¬ lic to the following facts: 1. That he keeps constantly on hand a huge select and cheap stock of iietcbandisc. 2. That Hour, a specialty with him, is delivered to him at a very small expense, and can therefore be sold as cheap as anywhere on Lastet n Shore. 3. That be sells coal during the entire year, and always at bottom prices. i. That lie always has clams on hand for sale when in season.also oysters. 5. That, he has for sale at private contract, several valuable houses and lots at Davis' wharf, contain¬ ing 3 acres euch, im proved by dwel¬ lings and all necessary outhouses, etc., on reasonable terms. Do You "Want a Barrel of Flour? The Very liest?' At the Lowest Price? Then be sure to buy one having WM^FOWELLACO'S name on it. Every leading merchant keeps it in stock, and every barrel is guaranteed* If not as represented, money rel'und- .-d. Bo not be deceived in buying any other No matter what the brand may be, see that WM. M, POWELL & CO'S name is on the barrel. Barnet B ond's Son .GENERAL. Poultry, Eggs, Feathers, Hides: Dried Fruit, Oysters and Ckms. Potatoes, Apples and Onions aspecialty. Consignments solicited. Quick Sales and prompt returns. CHEArSIDE AND PRATT ST., BALTIMORE. References-Citizen's National Bank, Baltimore, and Dunn's Mercantile Agency. Shipping Letters B. B. UNDERTAKER, .ACCOMAC O. XL, VA.. Takes this method of informing his customers and the public generally, that be is prepared to furnish all kinds of Cas¬ kets and Cohins, metalic and polished hardwood, cloth and velvet covered,also GentlemeB's and Ladies' Burial Robes, In fact everything in the undertaker's Hue. Orders promptly attended to from all parts of the Peninsula. W. C. HALL, Acsornac C. H., Va. .Dealer in. DRY GOODSjNOTIONS,BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, HARDWARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, FINE GROCERIES AND General Merchandise. J.W. GODWIN (Successors to White & Godwin.) FRUIT AND PRODUCE Commission H|ercliant, BeiTies, Peaches, Apples, Potatoes, Duller, Ejres; Poultry, Fenthers, IIi'li-s. Game, Fish, Tallow, Dried Fruits. Hay, Beans, Peas, Nuts,Onions, &c. 305 KING STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL. J. S.JOHNSON &.CO., Manufacturers of Twines and Netting. This trap is especially adapted to river and long shore lishing. The host aud terraiiin trail >" ll!>e. J. S. J01JNSÜN & CO , Manufacturers and Patentees. 121 SOUTH STREET (near Pratl BALTIMORE, AID. FARMS. Browne Jacob k Co., dealers In REAL ESTATE ACCOMAC C. H., VA. Fruit and Trucking lands, improved and unimproved of (ii), K«, ^25. 849 and GOO acres eligibly located on the Hue of the N. Y., P. & N. K. It , N 0 W for sale cheap. Also, foursea-side fanna with oysters, lish aud wild fowl priviliges unsur¬ passed on easy terms. And town lots for business men atthe new stations on the railroad constantly on lisirid at reasonahle rates. Send for circular. with a full stock of Plows. Castings, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Spades-Shovek,Potato Bod Glasa, Plow Traces, Cart Saddles, Back Chains.Coilars?&c. .Also (he old reliable. GARDEN SEEDS (Lnntlrctli's,) nil fresh new stock.not an old paper in Hie store; We handle tliem on the cremation plan, and ;it the end of every season burn all that is left and thereby ensure to our custom¬ ers fresh seeds. We are still selling the old standby VJRGIN1US GUANO, and we think every farmer would do well to buy it and not risk his entire year's labor and crops to something new, and of which be knows nothing. It is an article made, by men who live in our own county and expect to remain with us. and it would be simply murder to their own business not to keep it up to its old time standard of ex cellence. We would be pleased to sell to all our old customers and friends and any new ones who may favor us with their orders. Respecl fully, Parkslev Station, DR. GEO. T. TRU1TT, DENTIST, OFFICE.MARKET STREET, PocoaroxE City, Md. TEFTH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Sets of teeth S3 to $15. Gold and other filling #1 up. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. >f. F».ratienfcsfrom ahroad will m:\ko encasements by postal cards, If work re¬ quires much time. P. 0. Box 110. T B. SAVAGE. "J > Virginia Salesman WITH [Wer, Harris, Basset! LCo, MANUFACTURERS OF Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children's CLOTHIHG, 525 Market and 522 Commerce Sts. PHILADELPHIA, PA. t. P. Daltjy, WITH J.C. ETHERSDCE &CO General Commission Merchants, No. 5 Ronnoke Dock, Korfolk, Va. Testimonials .or. Eastern Shore Farmers .Wno Ake Using. IMPERIAL GUANOS Manufactured, by MANUFACTURERS OF- NORFOLK, VA. Represented by - - F. A. SHIELD, Exmore, Va (JradflnckVilie. Nov. 14th. 1887. ImperiAl Guano Co. Kei.tlt-nirui-I have hern using your Guano for tlie past three years atul am Ci auk to confess that TilKY are better AN. THEREFORE CIIEAFKR THAN ANY 1 HAVE KVKIt us KD; I take pleasure in recommending them to our farmers. In reference to Irs use this season will s<iy I made an extra crop of round Po¬ tatoes, ami as tine stock as I ever saw. I sliall Iis«. lhe"Itnperial" in tliefutioe, Yours truly, WM. It. KELLAM. Pews1 Wharf, Dec. 10th, 18S7. IjTPEUTAL GUANOCO. (Tents:-I saw large results from the use of your Guano on my neighbors f-rops last season. This season I used it on round Potatoes Sweets and Bad - ishes, and do not hesitate to wiv I Cox- SIOElt it SUPERIOR TO PERUVIAN Gu- an'o. Ott ANY MUKIPULATftD MANURE I have ever seen. Kespectfully vours. W. J.REW. Coal Kiln. Nov. 26th, 1887. iaiPEJiTAL Guano <j<>. Gentlemen:-I used vonr "Potato, Pea and Bean" Guano this season mi round Potatoes, also used I'eruvhui Guano all on the same, land, side by side. It w;:s applied at same cost and I he "Imperial" deat the Peruvian7 in yibld and; quality one fucrtii. I take picas are in speaking of it to others, as I think our people will dowel] by using it, I shall want it in Hie future. lours Respectfully. JAMES IJ. KELLAM. Belle Haven, Dec. 7th, 18S7. imperial guano Co. Gents:-! take pleasure in stating that your ''Imperial Potato" Guano did well for menu Irish Potatoes.! raised as line ones as I ever saw. It is far iikyond anything koil thiscr"? I have ever seen. Yours respectfully. C. D. CRAW LEY. Davis Wharf.Va.. .Nov. 23rd, 1S87. Imperial Guano « 'o. Gentlemen:.I used your '.Potato Pea and Bean" Guano this season on ¦¦oiiiid Potatoes with great satisfaction. I believe it to be a very superior frr! il- zer. it worked bktter tram Pe¬ ruvian Guano and I take pleasure in sprakiiig of its merits to others. I shall want it next season. Very Respectfully, JNO. S. DaVIS. Belle Haven, Nov. 1st. 1S>7. Gcnfs:-I used your Phosphate year 18S5aiid found it to be equal tu any high fertilizer L ever used. Also used it this season, Mid am aide to tes¬ tify again to its merits. Used it on poor land and reaped as line, a cop of new land Potatoes as I ever saw. Shalt want it another season. Yours truly. J.Ü. FO.<QUE. Belle Haven. Dec. 18th, 1SS7. [jipeiual Guano Co. .(Jenilciuen:.I nscdyour Guano last reason and again this, on rnv Irish l'o- l.ito Cr jps anil results were so satisfac¬ tory.larRe yitrld and firm quality.that I unhesitatingly say it is the best Gua¬ no I ever used. Yours respectfully. ALFRED N. H. MaFP. Middlesex, Accomac Co.. Va.. Nov. 21st, 1ss7. Imperial Guano Co. Gentlemen:.1 used your '-Imperial Guano" lust Spring on round Potatoes with great satisfaction, and at half TI1F cost MStt ACKB OF any guano I ii ave icvkit used. My crop last Spriuz was superior to any I ever raised. Yours, &c. E. N. PUTTER. Mappsburg. Aug. 1st, 1887. faiFEKlATi Guano Co. Dear Si s:.I used your Guano last season and was so favorably impressed With it that I riid not hesitate to buy this season, neither do t hesitate to say it is the BEST FEItTILlZEP. 1 have kvei: used. I used 5 bags, and some fish mixed with it. and planted 3 bbls. of large size Potatoes, which of com-.-e do niit run well ir. planting.and I strippt d 176 hlJs. of as fine stock I suppose ;>S went to market from this country. It is also proper to stale that part of my crop was destroyed by bugs; If it had not been for this trouble I believe I should have delivered 200 bbls. I take great pleasure in recommending the goods to our friends. Yours respectfully. JXO. ALFRED AMES. Mappsburg, Nov. 11th, 1SS7. Impeui al Guano Co. Gentlemen:.After having used your '.Potato. Pea and Beau" Guano on Spring crop of Potatoes, and getting highly satisfactory results, I feel glad that I can recommend it toothers. I used in along side of Peruvian Guano, and Hie* Imperial" avas decidedly best, I shall want it in the future. Hespectfully, EDW'D W.KELLAM. Belle Haven, Dec. 2d, 1S87. Lmpektal Guano Co. Gentlemen:.I used your "Imperial Super-Fliosphate" 011 Sweet Potatoes and I think the results were as good or better from it than anything I have ever used. Yours Respectfully, * D. R MISTER. Craddockville. Nor. 14th, 13S7. Imperial Guano Co. Genw.I used the . Imperial Supei- riiosphate" mostly on Swpet and results were very sal isfactory After tw.i years trial I am convinced it is a fiie fertil¬ izer. 1 think 1 will use it again. Respectfully yours, Wil. H. liOGGS. -AND- For Two Weeks Only. Commencing Monday, January ICMi, to make room for spring £")ods,we offer our winter goods consisting of Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks, Wraps and New Markets, Dress Goods, Velvvrs, "Plushes. Flannels of all shades, widths and qualities, Trimmings. Muffs, Furs, Toboggans, Wool Shirts, Silk Handkerchiefs.^Blankefs and Shawls double and single at much reduced prices. We allow an ext ra 5 per rent, on every sale, on above goods amounting to T5. An extia 7-J per cent, allowed on sales o( 510 and over. REMEMBER e iii at feed down our goods prior to this discount sale, and witb the "'..'irional ~> or 7h per cent, places our goods at remarkable low prices <'ud lower til an any other house can offer. Come, see and convince yourself of these bargains. We represent every article for what it is, and give you full value for your money. Very respectfully, BALTIMOSE BAZAAR UNDER TUE CLARKE HOUSW, R. ERLANGER, var^ Clarke's O. N. T. Spool Cotton, 200 yards, 4 cents a spool, Crowley's Colored Spool Cotton, 200 yards. I cent a spool. Black and White Spool Cotton,200yards, good quality, 2 ceuts a spool -For One Week Only- 5-4 Table Oil Cloth, slightly damaged, IS cents a yard. (Formerly of Accomac county, Virginia) Commission Merchants IN EARLY FRUITS, VEGETABLES, OYSTERS, TERRAP UTS WILD FOWL AND ALL KINDS COUNTRY PRODUCE. No. 5 E. CA.UDEN ST., BALTIMORE ^Shipping Letter, "F." WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 0^1305 MAIN STREETS© RICHMOND, VA.

Transcript of Peninsula Enterprise.(Accomac, VA) 1888-02-18.€¦ · or. whiletho Fishl «11 A:Petes, Bouaelutld...

Page 1: Peninsula Enterprise.(Accomac, VA) 1888-02-18.€¦ · or. whiletho Fishl «11 A:Petes, Bouaelutld Reci¬ iypes, etc, liavp anjiUnn.o>1 to ben s.uiicoor »ook-Interestand Instruction


Bear tho burden ot the present,Lot the morrow boar Its own:

if the moraine sky be pleasant.Why tho comtug night bemoan?

It the darkened heaven* lower,

wrap thy Houfc «round thy foi in;

Though Ihn tempern rise In I>' W<>r«G»d la tslghtlTihan the utorro.

Stöadtafrt hope and Tallh unshakenAiil:nnt~ the trusting breast,

Ulcp by step the Journey's taken.

Nearer to tho land ot rest

AU unseen, ti e Mastor walkeih

15y Hit. tolling servant's sldo;Oiufottahle word*lie talketh

Whilo Bis bauds behold and-gulde.Grief, nor pnln. norany sorrow

Tends thy heart, to Him unknowu:

Hotodsy, and Uo ti'ruorrow.

Grace sufllclent gives His own.

Holy st-lrlns:» nerveand strengthen,Long < wies the crown:

When the eveningshadowslengthonThou sha t lay tho burden dowli.

A nay-Back Aristocrat.Congressman Frank Lawler, of

Chicago, is a man of the people..He b is climbed up to a positionin Congress from the lowest roundsof t lie social ladder. He lias beena laborer, a letter carrier, a keeperof an influential gin-mill, a wardpolitician, a Chicago alderman,anda Congressman, successively. MrLawler recently had occasion tocall on Secretary Er.dicotf, and hefound that gentleman surroundedby a frozen halo which displeasedb in. Mi. Endicott appeared to besomewhat bored by the persistencyof the member of the legislativebranch of the Government, andwas not at all disposed to paymuch" attention to him. Lawlerstuck to him, however, and at lastgained his point. After that theaugust Secretary thawed out some¬what towards the Congressman,and proceeded to give him a fewpoints on the history of Massa¬chusetts, especially on the Eudi-cof.t family. He spoke of theglories of tue Colonial days, andincidentally mentioned that hisancestors were among the foremost rn Massachusetts. Warmingup to his theme.and this is aboutthe only subject that will warmhim.he proceeded to trace thefamily t>ack until he had passeddown in where the Adamses firstaro-io on the genealogical horizon,aud wound up by saying:"Why, Mr. Lawler, we have suc¬

ceeded in tracing the Endicottfamily back to the earliest stage ofthe Norman conquest of England.In fact, the Endicott's wore knownbefore William the Comuieror washeard of."

"William the conqueror theblank," replied Mr.Lawler. ..Door-ing the pasth summer, whin mymy legislative dooties have notbeen so pressing,!, have paid a gooddeal of artintion to the airly his¬tory of the Lawler family. Wil¬liam the conqueror! Why, he'snow.-ere. 1 found that the Lnw-lers iveie a prominent family on

the earth even before the Hood."To say that Mr. Endicott was

aston.shed would scarcely expresshis leeliugs. Ue almost gaspedfor breath, but at length a happythought struck him.

"Mr. Lawler." said he with with¬ering scorn in his voice, "if youcan trace the Lawler's back be¬fore the flood, how is it that wenever heard anything of the familyin the ark?"For a moment, and for a moment

only,;he Chic >go man hesitated.Then he recovered himself and in¬stantly replied:

'.Mr. Secretary, I would haveyouto nodd'stand, sir, that the Law-lers were a respectable family.They had yachts and horses, andevcrythin; eise that was neces¬

sary for gintlemen in the antedilu-vian.days. The Lawlers, sir. hada boat of their own, and didn'thave to go iuto the ark.".BostonTraveller.

An Old Story.The old story of the early bird

and the worm, that used to be toldlo en force the virtuous practice ofearly rising, becomes in a later andmore degenerate age., somewhatless effective by turning attentionto the worm's views of the affair.Keceufly it has appeared with anew amendment which restores allthe point and piquancy of the orig¬inal.A father had been lecturing his

son upon the evils of staying outlate it night aud getting up latein the morning. "Yon will neveramount to anything," be contiuned"unless you turn over a new leaf.Remember that the early birdcatches the worm "

"How about the worm, father,"inquired the young man, borrow¬ing the old sarcasm, "wasn't herather foolish to get up so earlyf""My son," replied the old man

solemnly, "that worm hadn't beeuto bed at ail. He was on his wayhome."

What am I to Du?The symptoms of biliousness are

unhappily but too well known..They differ in different individualsto some extent. A bilious man isseldom a breakfast eater. Too fre¬quently, alas, he has an excellentappetite for liquids but none forsolids of a morning. His tonguewill hardly bear inspection at anytime; if it is not white and furred,it is rough, at all events.The digestive system is wholly

out of order aud diarrhea or con¬stipation may be a symptom or thetwo may alternate. There are often hemorrhoids or even loss ofblood. There may be giddinessand often headache and acidity orflatulence and tenderness in thepit of the stomach. To correct allthis if not effect a cure try Green'sAugust Flower, it costs but a trifleaud thousands attest its efficacy.

It Made a Difference."Do you get many letters from

your intended, Sue.?''"Yes, indeed, Maine; I get one

everyday.""Does he send yon k's and h's?""Only k's. He's English, you


VIRGINIA: At a court held for' the county of Aceomaclc, on

t he 2nd day of February, 1SSS.In the matter ofthe payment and

delivery ol the estate of BenjaminT. W. Ryrd, deceased, to Iiis logatee, without Refunding Roads be¬ing given.On motion of Tabitha Ann F.yrd,

a legatee of the said Benjamin TVV. Ryrd, deceased, by James H.Fletcher, Jr., her attorney, it ap-Itearing to the court that a report ofrhe accounts of the transactions ofJames IL Fletcher, Jr., admihis-lintor with rhe will annexed of theestate of the said Benjamin T. VV.Byrd, deceased, and of the debtsand demands against the said deeeder.t's estate, has been tiled inthe pfficn oT this court; and it fur¬ther appearing to the court thatmore t han one year has elapsedsince 'he qualification of the i* ordered that thecreditors of the. said decedent doshow cause, if any they can, on the3rd day of the next March term ofthis eonrt,a<railist the payment anddelivery of the estate of thesaid decedent to his legateewithout refunding b'»uds bettiggiven by the said legatee;and that a copy of this order shallbe published once a week for foursuccessive weeks in the Peninsula.Enterpiuse, a newspaper pub¬lished at Accomae C. H , Va., andalso posted at the frontdoor of thecourthouse of this county on thefirst days of two successive terms

of this court.A Oopi.

Test. M.oldham,Jr., O.A.C.James. 11. Fletcher, Jr., attorney.

E. W. Barnes. R.*J. Alason.

Barnes & Mason,a.,

Shipping Point 15L0X0M STATION,

Dealers in

ix nerai McrcljandiseAND

Fertilizers,Soliciting Agents for the Principal

Produce Markets.

.And Shippers of Choice.

Sea Side Oysters.Wo. I PERUVIAN

(Iu its Natural Condition, not hav¬ing been Grouud or Man¬ipulated iu any manner.)

From the famous Lobas deposits, as-sures a rapid and tally developed growth,emiblinji tiie Planter to market tneirVegetables and Berries at the earliestperiod, thereby obtaining high pricescompared with prices ruling later in theseason. Our importations are nine theGuano being in its Natural condition,freu from acids and other elements in¬jurious to the soil.^"We sell to Merchants o:: the Penin


VOSS BROS.,Importers

300* Second street,Baltimore, Md.

JOHN W. GILLESPIE,EVJappsviSIe, Va,,!Respectfully informs the pub-

that he is prepared to furnish boardby the day, week or month on rea¬sonable terms.E^Passengers conveyed to any

part of peninsula at bottom prices.Will meet train when requested

To The Ladies.

TAILOR'S zQUAKF.OMT.No Chart, Scale or Machine.

Perfect F'it Without Refitting.Dressmaking Done at Short Notice.Patterns cut to measure and warranted.

MRS. C B. LILLISTON,.Agent for the.

Eclectic Laäy Taylor System.Accomae C. JCL, Va.

Main Oftice.21 W. Lexington St.,Baltimore, Md.

1S6G. Established. 1SG6.

I. W. WHAHSI,Wholesale Commission Dealer in

Fruit, Produce, Poultry, Fggs,Game, etc., iu season.

5 Sourn Delaware Ave. Market'tFoot ot Dock street,

Philadelphia, Pa.

Consignments solicited. Returnsmade promptly. Stencils furnishedon application.




The Balllnioro Weekly Run continue* to pre¬serve Its position, miUniiUued tor mai.y years,usi molol Family Newspaper. During tho pastyear, in order to accommodate Urn groin varlotyotmnuor seeking admission 10 itHuoiuinus.liliHSbeen found ccossary t« issue a supplement al¬most every webki presenting n homo newspaperunequaiod t"r rros iuimhiiu variety. it* literaryfeatures uro solocloil with db e-linlnitlut.' tustcaud with special rofo.'cnco lo thooiitotiulnnioutmill instruction of the family cPco li* Aurtcul-tuml and Votorlrnry Bopr.j imonts, edited byspecialists, hiivn been of grwil value U> tho furm-or. while tho Fishl «11 A: Petes, Bouaelutld Reci¬pes, etc , liavp anjiUnn.o>1 to be n s.uii co or »ook-iy Interest and Instruction to ladles. The latesthows up to the hour »I publication 1» given In iueorrospoiiiiooco ni.d telegraphic dlspitcliee,while Ita editorials, besides discussing currentovouts Iii au Impartial spirit, nffiird much wholoHomo advicenud suggestion on social, ocoiioinlr-aiid oilier topics. The proceed ngs of Congr»***H,the Maryland and either LogtslutUI'08, the Na¬tional political Conventions, and iiio Praalden*Hal and O.'iigres-lonul nicotians are among theImportant foal uro« lli'il A'tll bo promptly andcopiously presented In Its columns durlnv irbs.

Pull ciunmof.-lal. llna-.clal, cotton, cattle.mar¬kets aud stock reports up lotho hour of going to


BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUIT.Terms or subscription by mall, Invariably cash

In advance, l'osiago on all suuSerljitluiiS In liioDulled States ami Canada prepaid.Premium copies to getters up of clubs for tho

..Baltlmoro Weekly Sun."FIVH COPIES.$5 00With au oxirtkoupy uf iho Weekly .sun oneyear;

TKN COPIES.S10 00With au extra copy ot tho Weekly sun oneyear, and into Copy of Uio Dally Suulhroomonths.

FIFTEENCOPIES.SI501With au extra copy nf Hie Weekly Sun 11:10year, and ono copy of tho Dally Sun ihoomonths.

TWENTY COPIES.820 00Wuhan oxtra copy of the WVoKiy Sun one

your, and ouo copy of tho Dally Sun sixmonths.

THIRTYCOPIES.S*0 00With an extra copy of tho Wookly Sun andouocopy or the U illy suuouo year.

When mailed to Europe and other Pjslal UnionCountries, Sl.52 for twelve monihs.No duvluon from pubilt-bi d term*.

Tho snfo't moth, d of transmitting money bymail is by chock, draft or iKMtuRlco money order.Address



'Tin, Slats M Metal Rcofiaj,.Dealer iu.


2J>w ami repair work promptly at¬tended to at any point on the t'eiiinsula

W.R.BYRD&CO"Commission Merchants in

Early FrnitSjVejrctables,TerrapinsfWild Fowl, Eggs. Poultry,

aud ;tll kinds ot


Baltimore, Md.

Shipping Letter "D."gE. G. Polk. 'E. II. Benson

Polk & Benson,PCOOMOKE CITY, MD.,

merchant tailors,E. G-. F-jik will visit L runimondtowii

every County Lou it with a full ami[choice line of samples of suitings,pantoioonings, &c., of the newest aniliaiest designs of ho i.e and foreignmanufacture.

Our motto. -'.No fit, no sale."Thanking the public lor past favors

we solicit acuiitiuuauce of the same forthe new lirm.


FOLK & BENSON,successors to

E. (r. Folk & Co.


J. A. Harris & Co.,(Suo(!essor^of;E.P.|BayIcj & Co.,)

importers of

CHINA, GLASS,Qncensware, Lamps, Clocks, &c

No 27 Hanover Street,



Eastern Shore Steamboat CompanyOF BALTIMORE,

Until further notice, on and after Tlmrartay,!)«;.. Ist, ISHT, will run their stoamnrfl 'asfollows, 1weather ponnlttlug,) luuvlug South St.,Wharf at 5.00 o'clock p. m.

Steamer TANGIER,Capt. j. w. Wilson

Every TuoBtlay and Friday for CrlsOcld "lrnoy'sOnaucock, SheUtown, Pitts' Wharf; Oe lar Hall,Rshohoth. Pocomoko City and Snow U1U.

RETUI'.MNO-Leaves Snow Hill Mondays andThursday at 0 n. 111.,, lleho-noili y. Codsr liall O.IiO, l'.tts' wharf 10, Onau¬cock 'J p. in., Flnney's U-.'.tn p. m.

8teu 111or EASTERN SilORE.CAPT. w. W. Matthews.

WEDNESDAYS for Crlsfleld.Tnr.cier Island.Horr-man's,Evans', Bogg's.Hunting Crcck.Gullford,Messongo. EETCKNING- leaves Friday, Mos-sougo 6 a. m., Gullford s. HuutlngCrnek l2m., boggs" 1,Evans' 1.13, Hoffman's2, Tangier Island 4.00.

SUNDAYS Orlsfiold, Hoffman's, Evans', Bog;s',Nandua, Dp via', Reads', Miles', Shields, Huu-gars aud Tayor's Wharros. KETUENING.loaves.Taylor's Tuetdays ato a.m.. touchingat the above landings at the usual hours ofwinter schedule.

.r-spAU Steamers leave Crisfleld foi BaltiiL-ty more, on arrival of last down train.

Freight and pnrserjgors received for all pointsoath« N. Y., P'illa. and Norfolk. Wlcomlco andPocomoke K. R. dally, Delaware, Murylaud andVirginia Railroads uu Tuesdays and Fridaysonly.Positively no frolght recolred after 4 15 p, m.

and must be prepaid to all points, excepton tho N. Y. Phlla, and Norfolk R.illroad.

P. R. CLARK, General Agent,J03 South Stroot. Baltimore,

gelle 3ffiaYen KDMBELLE HAVEN,

Accomae county, Va,,

G. L. DOUGHTY, Proprietor,

-Board SI 50 pur d.iy.-

Livery stables idinched. All trainsmet at Exmore and at. all oiher'staI ions mi Eastern Shore, Va., whenrec]nested.

KnUtblinliorl 1871.

WM. S. BYRD,Commission and Forwarding Merchant

S. \Y. Cor. Catnden and Light Sts.,

BALTIMORE, MD.JFor the Sale of

Grain, Poultry, Butter, Eggs.DriedFniiis,Apples, Potatoes.Ouions,&o.Eastern Shore sweet potatoes received

largely on consignment, and orders tilledat lowest market rales.Refer by Permission..T. J. Nicholson

& Sons,Bankers; .1. E. Byid.Treas. Md.S. B. Co.; S. E. ICgerton & Co., Whole¬sale Grocery; Jas. Myers & Co., Whole¬sale Grocery.

S.K. Martin & Co.Dealers inli

Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Sash,Doors, Blinds, Coal, Brick,

Lime, Llair, BerryCrates,


Fertilizers and Carriages.

Estimates furnished on application.


George .7. cflrnes * -Co.,



i^rSwect potatoes a specialty.

f^Rotnrn« made rtrotnptlv.



Tablets,Of Now iiud Ucnulltul Lit signs li. Jti-rbl.! nml


Gaddess Bros.No. 109 N. Charles St.,

above Fayetfe Street, and

314 South Charles Street,BALTIMORE, ATD.

ABSELL BROS.,Belle Haven, Va.

Respectfully'inform the public thatin the future

in all its branches will be conduct¬ed by them on a strictly cash basisand therefore at greatly reducedprices.Horse shoeing a specialty.O^AII per>oiisindebted to them

arc respectfully requested lo come

forward and settle.

INSURA1MCLThe undersigned, in the. interestoffne VALLEY MUTUAL LIFEnd VIRGINIA FIRE AND MA

R.1NE Insurance Companies, willmake frequent visits to Accomackand will be glad to have the patron¬age of those desiring their riskscarried by good companies. Allcommunications promptly attendedto. Respectfully,

G. G. SAVAGE, Agent,Eastville, or Shady Sidt, North¬ampton county, Va.



a. j.mears & sonsKELLER STATION,gAccomac county, Va.'

Respectinlly inform the public thatthey are prepared to furnish board andlodging by day, week or month, and toconvey passengers to any part of penin¬sula at moderate rates.Board per day SI. All trains met.

Livery stables lirst-class.



DRUGGISTSa full line of



SEEDS,&c, &c, &c, &c,

kept on hand for sale at lowest price?

Thirteen WeeksThe poLSCE GAZETTE-will bo mailed, securely wrapped,to any address in the United Statesfor t'jree months on receipt of

ONE DOLLAR.Liberal discount allowed to Post-

masters, Agents and Club«. Sampie copies mailed free.Address nil orders to

RIOHARDK. FOX,Franklin Bunare, N. T.


.Accomae county, Va..

L. F. ftßarshaU, Prop'r.Liver}' stables attaebnd. Passengers

met on every train, and conveyed toauvpart of peninsula.£3T Horses bought, suhl, and exchanged.

-House open all night.-

GP*Hucks to Franklin City and re¬

turn, daily.

(Successor to T. E. Trower.)

BELLS HAVEN,VA..Dealer in.

General Merchandise!Such as Dry Goods, Dress Goods. No

tions, Hals, Cans. Knots,Shoes,.Crockery, Ward ware,

Groceries. Etc.

JOHN T.SCOTT,Soot and Shoemaker,


|3pOffers his services to the publie. First-class workmanship andgood tit guaranteed. The lateststyles always on hand, and workdone to suit the taste of every cus

torn er.


.Accomae county, Va..

Invites the attention of the pub¬lic to the following facts:

1. That he keeps constantly on

hand a huge select and cheap stockof iietcbandisc.

2. That Hour, a specialty withhim, is delivered to him at a verysmall expense, and can thereforebe sold as cheap as anywhere on

Lastet n Shore.3. That be sells coal during the

entire year, and always at bottomprices.

i. That lie always has clams on

hand for sale when in season.alsooysters.

5. That, he has for sale at privatecontract, several valuable housesand lots at Davis' wharf, contain¬ing 3 acres euch,im proved by dwel¬lings and all necessary outhouses,etc., on reasonable terms.

Do You "Want a Barrel of Flour?

The Very liest?'

At the Lowest Price?

Then be sure to buy one having

WM^FOWELLACO'Sname on it.

Every leading merchant keeps it instock, and every barrel is guaranteed*If not as represented, money rel'und-

.-d. Bo not be deceived in buying anyotherNo matter what the brand may be,

see that WM. M, POWELL & CO'Sname is on the barrel.

BarnetB ond's Son.GENERAL.

Poultry, Eggs, Feathers, Hides: DriedFruit, Oysters and Ckms.

Potatoes, Applesand Onions aspecialty.Consignments solicited. Quick

Sales and prompt returns.


References-Citizen's National Bank,Baltimore, and Dunn's MercantileAgency.

Shipping Letters B. B.


Takes this method of informing hiscustomers and the public generally, thatbe is prepared to furnish all kinds of Cas¬kets and Cohins, metalic and polishedhardwood, cloth and velvet covered,also

GentlemeB's and Ladies' Burial Robes,In fact everything in the undertaker's

Hue.Orders promptly attended to from all

parts of the Peninsula.

W. C. HALL,Acsornac C. H., Va.

.Dealer in.



General Merchandise.

J.W. GODWIN(Successors to White & Godwin.)


Commission H|ercliant,BeiTies, Peaches, Apples, Potatoes,Duller, Ejres; Poultry, Fenthers,

IIi'li-s. Game, Fish, Tallow,Dried Fruits. Hay, Beans,Peas, Nuts,Onions, &c.


J. S.JOHNSON &.CO.,Manufacturers of

Twines and Netting.

This trap is especially adapted toriver and long shore lishing. Thehost aud terraiiin trail >" ll!>e.

J. S. J01JNSÜN & CO ,

Manufacturers and Patentees.



Browne Jacob k Co.,dealers In


Fruit and Trucking lands, improvedand unimproved of (ii), K«, ^25. 849 andGOO acres eligibly located on the Hue ofthe N. Y., P. & N. K. It , N 0W for salecheap.Also, foursea-side fanna with oysters,

lish aud wild fowl priviliges unsur¬passed on easy terms.And town lots for business men atthe

new stations on the railroad constantlyon lisirid at reasonahle rates. Send forcircular.

with a full stock of

Plows. Castings, Hoes, Rakes, Forks,Spades-Shovek,Potato Bod Glasa,

Plow Traces, Cart Saddles,Back Chains.Coilars?&c.

.Also (he old reliable.

GARDEN SEEDS (Lnntlrctli's,)nil fresh new stock.not an old paperin Hie store; We handle tliem onthe cremation plan, and ;it the endof every season burn all that is leftand thereby ensure to our custom¬ers fresh seeds. We are still sellingthe old standby

VJRGIN1US GUANO,and we think every farmer woulddo well to buy it and not risk hisentire year's labor and crops tosomething new, and of which beknows nothing. It is an articlemade, by men who live in our own

county and expect to remain withus. and it would be simply murderto their own business not to keepit up to its old time standard of excellence. We would be pleased tosell to all our old customers andfriends and any new ones who mayfavor us with their orders.

Respecl fully,

Parkslev Station,




Sets of teeth S3 to $15. Gold and otherfilling #1 up.


>f. F».ratienfcsfrom ahroad will m:\koencasements by postal cards, If work re¬

quires much time. P. 0. Box 110.

T B. SAVAGE."J > Virginia Salesman


[Wer, Harris, Basset! LCo,MANUFACTURERS OF

Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children's

CLOTHIHG,525 Market and 522 Commerce Sts.


t. P. Daltjy,WITH

J.C. ETHERSDCE &COGeneral Commission Merchants,

No. 5 Ronnoke Dock,Korfolk, Va.


Eastern Shore Farmers.Wno Ake Using.

IMPERIAL GUANOSManufactured, by


NORFOLK, VA.Represented by - - F. A. SHIELD,

Exmore, Va

(JradflnckVilie. Nov. 14th. 1887.ImperiAl Guano Co.

Kei.tlt-nirui-I have hern using yourGuano for tlie past three years atul amCi auk to confess that TilKY arebetterAN. THEREFORE CIIEAFKR THAN ANY1 HAVE KVKIt us KD; I take pleasurein recommending them to our farmers.In reference to Irs use this season wills<iy I made an extra crop of round Po¬tatoes, ami as tine stock as I ever saw.I sliall Iis«. lhe"Itnperial" in tliefutioe,Yours truly, WM. It. KELLAM.

Pews1 Wharf, Dec. 10th, 18S7.IjTPEUTAL GUANOCO.

(Tents:-I saw large results from theuse of your Guano on my neighborsf-rops last season. This season I usedit on round Potatoes Sweets and Bad -

ishes, and do not hesitate to wiv I Cox-SIOElt it SUPERIOR TO PERUVIAN Gu-an'o. Ott ANY MUKIPULATftD MANUREIhave ever seen. Kespectfully vours.


Coal Kiln. Nov. 26th, 1887.iaiPEJiTAL Guano <j<>.Gentlemen:-I used vonr "Potato, Pea

and Bean" Guano this season mi roundPotatoes, also used I'eruvhui Guano allon the same, land, side by side. It w;:s

applied at same cost and I he "Imperial"deat the Peruvian7 in yibld and;quality one fucrtii. I take picasare in speaking of it to others, as Ithink our people will dowel] by using it,I shall want it in Hie future.

lours Respectfully.JAMES IJ. KELLAM.

Belle Haven, Dec. 7th, 18S7.imperial guano Co.Gents:-! take pleasure in stating that

your ''Imperial Potato" Guano did wellfor menu Irish Potatoes.! raised as lineones as I ever saw. It is far iikyondanything koil thiscr"? I have everseen. Yours respectfully.


Davis Wharf.Va.. .Nov. 23rd, 1S87.Imperial Guano « 'o.Gentlemen:.I used your '.Potato

Pea and Bean" Guano this season on¦¦oiiiid Potatoes with great satisfaction.I believe it to be a very superior frr! il-zer. it worked bktter tram Pe¬ruvian Guano and I take pleasure insprakiiig of its merits to others. I shallwant it next season.

Very Respectfully, JNO. S. DaVIS.

Belle Haven, Nov. 1st. 1S>7.Gcnfs:-I used your Phosphate year

18S5aiid found it to be equal tu anyhigh fertilizer L ever used. Alsoused it this season, Mid am aide to tes¬tify again to its merits. Used it on

poor land and reaped as line, a cop ofnew land Potatoes as I ever saw. Shaltwant it another season.

Yours truly. J.Ü. FO.<QUE.

Belle Haven. Dec. 18th, 1SS7.[jipeiual Guano Co..(Jenilciuen:.I nscdyour Guano lastreason and again this, on rnv Irish l'o-l.ito Crjps anil results were so satisfac¬tory.larRe yitrld and firm quality.thatI unhesitatingly say it is the best Gua¬no I ever used. Yours respectfully.


Middlesex, Accomac Co.. Va..Nov. 21st, 1ss7.

Imperial Guano Co.Gentlemen:.1 used your '-Imperial

Guano" lust Spring on round Potatoeswith great satisfaction, and at halfTI1F cost MStt ACKB OF any guano Iii ave icvkit used. My crop last Spriuzwas superior to any I ever raised.

Yours, &c. E. N. PUTTER.

Mappsburg. Aug. 1st, 1887.faiFEKlATi Guano Co.Dear Si s:.I used your Guano last

season and was so favorably impressedWith it that I riid not hesitate to buythis season, neither do t hesitate to sayit is the BEST FEItTILlZEP. 1 havekvei: used. I used 5 bags, and somefish mixed with it. and planted 3 bbls.of large size Potatoes, which of com-.-edo niit run well ir. planting.and I strippt d176 hlJs. of as fine stock I suppose ;>Swent to market from this country. Itis also proper to stale that part of mycrop was destroyed by bugs; If it hadnot been for this trouble I believe Ishould have delivered 200 bbls. I takegreat pleasure in recommending thegoods to our friends.

Yours respectfully.JXO. ALFRED AMES.

Mappsburg, Nov. 11th, 1SS7.Impeui a l Guano Co.Gentlemen:.After having used your

'.Potato. Pea and Beau" Guano on

Spring crop of Potatoes, and gettinghighly satisfactory results, I feel gladthat I can recommend it toothers. Iused in along side of Peruvian Guano,and Hie* Imperial" avas decidedlybest, I shall want it in the future.Hespectfully, EDW'D W.KELLAM.

Belle Haven, Dec. 2d, 1S87.Lmpektal Guano Co.Gentlemen:.I used your "Imperial

Super-Fliosphate" 011 Sweet Potatoesand I think the results were as good or

better from it than anything I have everused. Yours Respectfully,* D. R MISTER.

Craddockville. Nor. 14th, 13S7.Imperial Guano Co.Genw.I used the . Imperial Supei-

riiosphate" mostly on Swpet and resultswere very sal isfactory After tw.i yearstrial I am convinced it is a fiie fertil¬izer. 1 think 1 will use it again.Respectfully yours, Wil. H. liOGGS.


For Two Weeks Only.Commencing Monday, January ICMi, to make room for spring £")ods,we

offer our winter goods consisting of

Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks, Wraps and New Markets, Dress Goods,Velvvrs, "Plushes. Flannels of all shades, widths and qualities,

Trimmings. Muffs, Furs, Toboggans, Wool Shirts, SilkHandkerchiefs.^Blankefs and Shawls double

and single at much reduced prices.

We allow an ext ra 5 per rent, on every sale, on above goods amounting to T5.An extia 7-J per cent, allowed on sales o( 510 and over.

REMEMBERe iii at feed down our goods prior to this discount sale, and witb the

"'..'irional ~> or 7h per cent, places our goods at remarkable low prices<'ud lower tilan any other house can offer.

Come, see and convince yourself of these bargains.

We represent every article for what it is, and give you full value for

your money. Very respectfully,BALTIMOSE BAZAAR UNDER TUE CLARKE HOUSW,


Clarke's O. N. T. Spool Cotton, 200 yards, 4 cents a spool,Crowley's Colored Spool Cotton, 200 yards. I cent a spool.

Black and White Spool Cotton,200yards, good quality, 2 ceuts a spool-For One Week Only-

5-4 Table Oil Cloth, slightly damaged, IS cents a yard.

(Formerly of Accomac county, Virginia)

Commission Merchants




^Shipping Letter, "F."