Pencil Sketching and Photography Project

Pencil Sketching and Photography Project Robby Prost


Pencil Sketching and Photography Project. Robby Prost. Inquiry Question and AOI. Inquiry Question: How much can I improve in my drawing and photography skills? AOI: Human Ingenuity and Approaches to Learning. What I did. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Pencil Sketching and Photography Project

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Pencil Sketching and Photography Project

Robby Prost

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Inquiry Question and AOI

• Inquiry Question: How much can I improve in my drawing and photography skills?

• AOI: Human Ingenuity and Approaches to Learning

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What I did

• My project involved taking pictures of various things, and then drawing them in pencil.

• The focus was more on the drawing than the photography, but both provided challenges.

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Collecting Photographs

• I went to a lot of different places to collect photos.

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Drawing the Pictures

• In order to draw the pictures, I covered the full photograph with a 1”x1” grid. I then created another, slightly larger grid on the drawing paper. This allowed me to transfer the drawing accurately.

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Final Products

• I finished 2 drawings overall.