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    The magazine for the international power industry July-August 2013




    Nuclear usionLooking beyond fssion

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    3/ 1Power Engineering International July-August 2013



    JULY-AUGUST 2013///VOLUME 21///ISSUE 7

    2 Industry Highlights

    4 News Analysis

    8 News Update

    44 Diary

    46 Project & Technology Update

    52 Ad Index


    12 Causing a frisson over fusion

    With several projects well underway, harnessing nuclear

    usion to generate power could be a lot closer to ruitionthan anticipated.

    28 Realising a renewable energy dream

    With technology prices dropping and internationalagencies backing low-carbon solutions, is sub-Saharan

    Arica set or its long-awaited renewables boom?

    34 Trigeneration: A technology for the times

    As trigen technology wins devotees around the world, wehighlight its success stories and examine its most notable


    38 Pump up the volume

    Advanced coatings can boost the perormance o apump beyond its as new and can maintain this standard

    throughout its lie with minimal maintenance.

    POWER-GEN Europe Best Paper Award Winners

    Articles based on two o the six winning papers rom this years

    POWER-GEN Europe Best Paper Awards are eatured.

    16 A new market design for Europe?

    New technology and market mechanisms can helpEuropes electricity system cope with the growing role o

    renewables while ensuring adequacy o capacity.

    22 FEM helps ease generator repair

    Modelling o a stator casings destructive vibration allowedits modifcation on-site, a reft that was o short duration and

    minimum complexity.

    On the coverThe target chamber o the US National Ignition Facility. The holes in the

    chamber provide access or the laser beams and viewing ports orthe diagnostic equipment. p.14

    Credit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    Free Product InfoYou can request product and service inormation rom this issue. Simply click on the link below that will provide you access to supplier companies websites,

    product inormation and more

    I you are considering suppliers or buying products you read about in PEi, please use this service. It gives us an idea o how products are being received to help us continuallyimprove our editorial oering and it also lets our advertisers know that you are a PEi reader and helps them to continue supporting the ree distribution o your magazine.

    Trigen system in Sydney. Find out why the

    Australian city has become the poster child

    or trigeneration. p.34
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    4/562 Power Engineering International July-August 2013

    Industry Highlights

    Renewables will surpass gas

    and nuclear by 2016. That is the

    somewhat surprising headline

    fnding o the International Energy

    Agencys report published late June.

    According to the report, renewable power

    generation will increase by an astonishing

    40 per cent in the next fve years, making

    up almost a quarter o the global power

    mix by 2018.

    According to the IEAs second Medium-

    Term Renewable Energy Market Report, twomain actors are driving this positive outlook

    or renewable power generation. The frst is that

    investment and deployment are accelerating

    in emerging markets and the second is the

    growing need or energy diversifcation and

    local pollution concerns.

    Certainly evidence o the ormer is plentiul.

    One recent example is the latest MENA

    Renewables Status Report, which ound that

    investment in the renewable energy sector

    the Middle East and North Arica increased

    by 40 per cent rom 2011 to 2012, despite aworldwide decline over the same period.

    It is o no surprise that the IEA expects

    the majority (two-thirds) o this emerging

    market growth to come rom China. Despite

    what appears to be a slowing (or it is a

    rebalancing?) o its economy, China recently

    announced an ambitious plan to essentially

    quadruple its installed solar power capacity to

    35 GW by 2015. Some arguably cynical reports

    suggest that this initiative has been devised by

    Beijing to help soak up the countrys sizeable

    share o the global glut in solar technology

    and thereby protect its domestic industry.

    Arica also looks set to beneft rom

    renewable energy. On his recent three-country

    visit US President Barack Obama pledged

    $16bn o American unding to double Aricans

    access to electricity, with a strong ocus on

    renewable energy development. In this issue,

    we explore what is said to be a renewables

    boom in sub-Saharan Arica, especially in

    smaller-scale projects that are helping to

    bring light to rural communities.

    As youd expect the IEAs renewable

    energy report is not all good news, with a slow-down in growth anticipated in more mature

    markets, most notably Europe and the US. It

    cautions that renewable energy development

    is becoming more complex and aces

    challenges in terms o governmental policy,

    especially in a number o European countries.

    I you are a power generator with a mixed

    eet o both conventional and renewable

    energy you will be all too amiliar with these


    You only have to look at some recent

    headlines to get some idea o the challenges

    acing those participating in the European

    renewable sector. For example, Dong Energyrecently sold its Danish onshore wind power

    business as part o a plan to ocus solely

    on oshore wind. This may well be a smart

    move by the Danish utility in light o the June

    announcement that the European Union has

    awarded a welcome 1m in unding towards

    a detailed study or the ongoing initiative to

    build an oshore grid between Scotland,

    Northern Ireland and Ireland.

    E.ON, Germanys largest utility by sales, has

    withdrawn rom the Pelamis marine energy

    project at the European Marine Energy Centrein Scotland. According to a spokesperson,

    the decision was taken because o the slow

    progress in wave technology development

    and a shit in the utilitys ocus towards more

    mature renewable technologies. Is this an

    indication that novel renewable and low-

    carbon technologies with huge potential but

    little tested will lose out to more conventional

    renewables in the continuing uncertainty over

    renewable energy policy?

    Furthermore, Germanys RWE has pulled

    the plug on its Tilbury biomass-conversion

    project in the UK, which it started in 2011 and

    would have made it the largest biomass-

    only power plant in the world. According to

    RWE, it decided to halt work on the biomass

    plant whilst options on project easibility are

    assessed and reviewed. RWE may well be

    thanking its lucky stars considering the recent

    announcement by the British government.

    It is proposing to cap subsidies or bespoke

    biomass burning plants to 400 MW per plant

    and end subsidies by 2027 or existing stations

    combusting biomass. It does make one

    wonder what Drax thinks o that, consideringits 700 million investment in converting three

    o its six boilers to 100 per cent biomass.

    Renewable powerwill increase by anastonishing 40 percent, making up

    almost a quarter ofthe global power mixby 2018 and driven byemerging economiesDr. Heather JohnstoneChie
  • 7/22/2019 pei20130708-dl


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    6/564 Power Engineering International July-August 2013

    News Analysis

    Strike prices unveiled, a shale boom predicted,

    regulator warnings and tabloid hysteria Kelvin Ross

    examines 24 hours in the evolving UK energy market


    headline on the front page of UK middle-

    market tabloid newspaper the Daily Mail

    earlier this month.

    Britain could face a return to Seventies-

    style power rationing to prevent blackouts the

    paper told its readers.

    The story appeared the morning after a

    busy 24 hours for the UK energy industry, a day

    dubbed Super Thursday. The governments

    Department of Energy and Climate Change

    (DECC) revealed some long-awaited details

    of its Electricity Market reform package by

    publishing draft strike prices for various forms

    of renewable energy, the British Geological

    Survey published a report on the potential

    reserves of shale gas in Britain, and energyregulator Ofgem issued a warning over

    electricity supply.

    It was this last report that prompted

    the Daily Mails screamer headline and it

    is the latest of many occasions in recent

    months when energy has grabbed the front

    page, sometimes with measured reporting,

    sometimes not.

    So what was in these reports and DECC

    announcements and what did the power

    industry make of them? Is it all doom and

    (literally, as the Mail would have us believe)

    gloom, or are there reasons to be upbeat

    about the British power sector.

    What Ofgem actually said was this: that

    electricity supplies are set to tighten faster

    than previously expected in the middle of this

    decade. It stated that the risk to electricity

    supplies is projected to increase from thecurrent near zero levels, although it added

    and heres a rather vital caveat that it does

    not consider disruption to supplies is imminent

    or likely, providing the industry manages the

    problem effectively.

    Ofgem chief executive Andrew Wright said

    the report highlights the need for reform to

    encourage investment in generation.

    He said Britains energy industry is facing

    an unprecedented challenge to secure

    supplies and added that it would be prudent

    to consider giving National Grid additional

    tools now to procure electricity.

    Ofgem believes these tools would give

    network operator National Grid the option to

    buy extra demand-side response and reserve

    generation to balance the electricity network.

    Dr Monica Giulietti, Associate Professor of

    Global Energy at Warwick Business School,

    has studied UK energy prices for more than

    a decade and says Ofgems warning is the

    latest of several alerts.

    There have been warnings the gasreserves are getting tight in the UK as its

    storage capacity is a lot smaller than the rest

    In the dark on thereality of blackouts
  • 7/22/2019 pei20130708-dl







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    8/566 Power Engineering International July-August 2013

    News Analysis

    o Europe, she says. Plus there is also an issue

    with the decline in gas production rom the

    North Sea. A change in demand will see the

    energy companies rely on the spot market

    and import gas, which is subject to variations

    in price. With such low reserves the UK might

    have to import more.

    The Ogem report came a day beore the

    government made key announcements on its

    Electricity Market Reorm. It revealed the strike

    prices or renewable energy that it proposes to

    pay under its contracts or dierence schemeand also outlined details o its planned

    capacity market.

    Contracts or dierence orm a key plant

    o the governments Electricity Market Reorm.

    Varying in amount or each orm o power

    generation, they guarantee to pay generators

    a fxed sum or strike price or the electricity

    they generate.

    The government revealed fgures covering

    each year rom 2014 to 2019. For projects with

    a potential deployment capacity o more

    than 1 GW, the government plans to pay155/MWh or oshore wind in 2014, alling to

    135/MWh in 2019; Onshore wind will get 100

    rom 2014, dropping to 95 in 2019, while large

    solar PV will receive 125 in 2014 and get 110

    in 2019. Hydro and biomass conversion will get

    the same amount or the 2014-2019 period:

    95 and 105 respectively.

    On the capacity market, the government

    confrmed that subject to EU state aid

    approval the capacity market will be

    launched next year, with participants such

    as existing generators and investors in new

    plant bidding in auctions to provide the total

    amount o electricity that the UK is predicted

    to need rom 2018-2019.

    Successul bidders will receive a steady

    payment in the year they agree to make

    capacity available. In exchange, they will

    be obliged to deliver electricity in periods o

    system stress or ace fnancial penalties.

    Energy Secretary Ed Davey must have elt

    he was directly answering Ogems concerns

    when he said: Developers and investors have

    been crying out or more details sooner, and

    that is what we are giving them today.The announcements were welcomed

    albeit with some key caveats by many in the

    energy industry. Andrew Horstead, head o

    commodities research at energy and carbon

    management specialists Utilyx, said: This is

    the frst real assurance that weve seen rom

    the government to make a real and lasting

    commitment to improving the UKs energy

    inrastructure. The measures outlined should

    fnally provide investors with the clarity they

    need to commit unds or energy projects.

    But he added that this will take time to get

    through the legislative process and said he

    believed it was highly unlikely that we will seethe real benefts o these plans until the latter

    stages o the decade at the earliest, which

    has serious implications or the countrys short

    term energy needs.

    Maria McCaery, chie executive o trade

    group RenewableUK, said the publication o

    the drat strike prices was a welcome step

    orward in setting out how the long term

    market is going to work.

    However, she added that more details

    do need to be set out. The most important

    ingredient remains investor confdenceand that will take time to land. The secret is

    consistent long term support and investors

    seeing that government is behind renewables

    and low carbon generation or the long term.

    Paul Massara, UK chie executive o RWE

    one o Britains Big Six power utilities said

    a signifcant level o detail is not yet fnalised.

    This, along with the overall complexity o the

    proposals and the need to gain EU state aid

    approval, means uncertainty remains.

    And Katja Hall, chie policy director at the

    Conederation o British Industry, said DECCs

    announcements were a big step orward and

    should unlock the private investment we need

    to keep the lights on and costs down.

    Shale gas

    In what proved to be a bumper day or UK

    energy announcements, the government also

    published details o a report rom the British

    Geological Survey on the potential volume o

    shale gas in the north o England.

    The BGS estimated there is likely to be some

    40 trillion cubic metres (1300 trillion cubic eet)

    o shale gas in the ground in this area afgure ar exceeding all previous estimates.

    However, it should be noted that the fgure

    relates to technically recoverable volumes

    and not to commercially recoverable gas.

    Emma Wild, head o the upstream advisory

    practice at consultancy KPMG, was ar rom

    bowled over by the BGS report and the

    governments shale gas package.

    She said what had not been addressed

    was the high cost o operating in the UK, the

    availability o alternative sources o gas supply

    or UK power and how these actors contribute

    to shale gas commerciality.

    Thereore the likelihood o large scale

    developments remains uncertain.

    However, Dan Byles, chairman o the All-

    Party Parliamentary Group on Unconventional

    Oil & Gas, was much more upbeat. He said

    the fgures in the BGS report confrm the UKs

    potential to become a major global player in

    the shale gas market.

    Even i only ten per cent o what BGS

    believes is there was extracted, this would

    support the UKs gas needs or our decades

    and the report only covers one part o the

    country. Now we need to know how much

    o this valuable resource we can extractand what it will mean or UK consumers and


    The UK faces a veryreal energy crunchover the next fewyears to 2020
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    10/568 Power Engineering International July-August 2013



    Germanyss EnBW to shut down our plantsand mothball RDK 4German utility EnBW is to close our power

    plants two coal, one gas and one co-

    generation which have a combined output

    o 668 MW.

    And it is also planning a short-term

    shutdown o RDK 4 in Karlsruhe, which it says

    is hardly being utilised and is consequently

    also unable to cover its ull costs.

    The our plants being closed permanentlyare an oil fred co-generation unit and a gas

    fred plant in Marbach and two coal fred

    plants in Walheim. They will shut at the earliest

    legally possible date according to EnBW.

    Both coal plants were commissioned in

    the 1960s, while the Marbach gas plant was

    commissioned in 1971 and the cogen plant

    went operational in 1975.

    The company said the decision to close

    the plants was taken as a result o rapid

    structural change in the energy sector.

    EnBW said: As a result o the marked

    additional construction o renewable energy

    sources, numerous ossil plant are exposed to

    great commercial and fnancial pressure, and

    requently continue to be operated solely as

    marginal power plants. This is resulting in a

    drastic all in revenue.

    The company said older coal plants and

    especially gas power stations can no longer

    cover their ull costs given todays electricity

    market prices, and can consequently not be

    operated on a commercially viable basis.

    Around 100 sta will be aected by the

    closures and EnBW is in talks with them over

    their uture.

    EnBW is also in talks with Germanys Federal

    Network Agency over RDK 4 at Karlsruhe. The

    company said the gas and steam plant is

    hardly being used and it plans to shut down

    the plant on a short-term and provisional basis

    as a consequence.

    The potential o a later recommissioning is

    to be let open, added EnBW.

    Conergy fles orinsolvencyConergy, once one o Europes largest solar

    power companies, has fled or insolvency.

    The German company has cited

    inability to bring on board a new investor

    as well as what it reerred to as an

    unexpected delay in payment rom a big


    Philip Comberg, Conergy chie

    executive, said in a statement: In the last 15months, we have presented two concrete

    concepts on the investment by investors

    to our lenders. We very much regret that

    they repeatedly could not reach a reliable

    agreement on a timely implementation o

    the proposal.

    He added: The management board will

    now ully support the preliminary insolvency

    administrator in order to hopeully secure all

    jobs and to continue business operations

    without any disruptions.

    Conergy employs about 1,200 sta

    globally 800 in Germany and about 400

    in its international subsidiaries.

    A global glut in supply combined with

    plunging prices amid sti competition

    rom Asia has brought down or seriously

    debilitating some o the biggest names in

    the sector in the past two years.

    Spain closes second oldest nuclear plant

    The Spanish government has closed down

    the aging Santa Maria de Garona nuclear

    power plant.

    The plant is one o eight nuclear reactors in

    Spain and is 42 years old the second oldest

    in the country.

    It was closed under an order issued by the

    Industry and Energy Ministry but its operator

    Nuclenor owned by Iberdrola and Endsea

    said the closure was solely due to economic

    reasons and not or technical or saety


    Spains Deputy Prime Minister Soraya SaenzSantamaria said Nuclenor has asked or the

    plants operating license not to be renewed

    but she added that the government has not

    ruled out reactivating the plant at a later date.

    The closure ends a prolonged period

    o uncertainty over the uture o the plant.

    Its licence renewal frst came up or review

    in 2009 and the Nuclear Saety Council

    recommended a 10-year extension be


    However the then Socialist government

    granted only a our-year licence extension to

    this year. In January 2012 a new conservative

    government removed the 2013 operational

    limit with a view to allowing the plant to rununtil 2019, subject to Nuclenor renewing the


    But Nuclenor delayed that application

    until it had details o new government rules

    and taxes, since it said it would have to spend480m on the plant to give it a 2019 shel lie, a

    price it now seems was too high to pay.
  • 7/22/2019 pei20130708-dl


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    Continents biggestgas plant inaugurated

    Aricas largest gas-fred power plant at

    Sasolburg, outside Johannesburg, has been

    ofcially inaugerated.

    The Sasol plant is the largest power plant

    running exclusively on gas engines on the

    Arican continent, and the frst o its kind ever

    in the Republic o South Arica.

    The complete turnkey project packageat a demanding altitude o 1500 metres was

    supplied by Wartsila on a ast-track basis with

    perormance guarantees.

    The Finnish company is also responsible or

    the engineering, procurement, construction

    and project management o the new power

    plant, which is powered by 18 Wartsila 34SG

    generating sets running on natural gas with

    an operating capacity o 140 MW

    The electricity produced by the plant will be

    used on-site by Sasols chemical actory next

    to the plant, with about hal o the production

    being ed to the national grid.

    Despite the high altitude o the Sasolburg

    plant, the Wartsila gas engines are able

    to operate with an extremely high level o


    The closed-loop cooling system used by

    Wartsila also imposes a minimal demand or

    water, which is an important actor in areas

    such as this where water resources are limited.
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    12/5610 Power Engineering International July-August 2013



    Middle East power sector at greatest risk of cyber attack

    The energy sector in the Middle East is more

    vulnerable to cyber attacks than anywhere

    else in the world, according to DNV KEMA.

    And the company has warned that a

    cyber attack on crucial energy supplies and

    transiting routes in this region would impact

    the entire world.

    DNV KEMA said that no regional cyber

    security strategy has been implemented in the

    Middle East, despite a rise in hacking attacks.

    Until recently, most o these attacks

    ocused on computers and websites, the so-

    called ront doors to energy companies, but

    DNV said that as viruses become increasingly

    sophisticated, physical assets such as power

    stations and power grids are also under threat.

    Last year, Saudi Aramco and RasGas

    reported cyber attacks while in Iran computers

    at several nuclear power stations were


    The Middle East is littered with gas and oil

    installations and is planning to boost its energy

    mix by introducing nuclear and renewable

    energy power plants.Mohammed Ati, managing director o

    DNV KEMA in the Middle East, said the regions

    planned and existing cyber protection plans

    are lagging behind the rest o the world. This is

    a situation to really worry about, he added. A

    cyber attack on crucial energy supplies and

    transiting routes in this region would impact

    the entire world.

    He said awareness in the region o

    cyber threats is insufcient in relation to the

    technology developments and the level o

    impact a cyber-attack could have on an

    average Middle Eastern utility.

    As cyber security threats are not restricted

    to one single group, but can come rom

    dierent corners such as governments,

    activists and hackers, criminal and terrorist

    organisations and even rom within, it is time

    we all open our eyes and take appropriate

    actions to protect our countries and guarantee

    a sae and sustainable energy provision.

    What is needed to remedy the situation,

    said Ati, is national governments to develop

    coherent cyber security strategies and plans,

    supported by standards and regulations

    across the major inrastructure sectors.

    Sharing responsibility betweengovernments and companies in vital sectors

    is a frst, necessary step in securing sae and

    reliable cyber networks, he said.

    DNV KEMA ound that inormation on

    common cyber deense systems like SCADA,

    Stuxnet and ISPs is increasingly becoming

    publicly available both in and outside the

    region. On top o this, industrial control systems

    are all interconnected with corporate IT

    networks and the internet, while at the same

    time the interconnectivity o energy assets

    such as power grids, is strongly increasing.

    These developments, in combination with

    insufcient awareness and the absence o a

    cyber-deense plan, make the energy sector

    in the Middle East vulnerable, more than

    elsewhere, said Ati.

    GDF Suez mulls Saudinuclear project

    The chie executive o GDF Suez, Gerald

    Mestrallet has revealed that the company is

    considering involvement in a nuclear reactor

    project in the Kingdom o Saudi Arabia.

    The Saudi government is considering

    building 17 GW o nuclear capacity by 2032.

    Mr Mestrallet told Les Echos newspaper

    that GDF is ready to cooperate, on the

    condition that we are given the right amount

    o room, and said that the company would

    only ever be in a position to take on a nuclear

    project by being a partner rather than sole


    We will never take an entire nuclear

    project on our balance sheet, he said. We willalways be in partnerships, at least at the 50

    per cent level.
  • 7/22/2019 pei20130708-dl





    Yellowstone Electric Power Limited (Yellowstone), an afliate o Quantum Power International Holdings Ltd (Quantum Power), wishes to invite interested

    qualifed parties to express interest in providing engineering, procurement and construction (EPC services) necessary or the Turnkey implementation o

    its 350 MW simple cycle gas fred power plant. The power plant shall be constructed near the town o Ajaokuta in Kogi State, Nigeria (the Yellowstone


    Any party wishing to submit an Expression o Interest to provide EPC services or the Yellowstone Project (an Applicant) is hereby

    encouraged to contact the Designated Representative listed below. Each Applicant will be supplied with detailed inormation regard-

    ing the process or submission o an Expression o Interest, including the required supporting documentation. The deadline or receipt o

    Expressions o Interest is September 2, 2013.

    Based upon an evaluation o the Expressions o Interest received, Quantum Power and Yellowstone (in their sole discretion) will select those Applicants to be

    invited to tender or EPC services or the Yellowstone Project. Successul Applicants will be issued a Request or Proposal (RP) and other bidding documents.

    It is anticipated that the RP will be issued in September 2013.

    Designated Representative:

    Yellowstone Electric Power Ltd

    76B Ebitu Ukiwe, Jabi

    Abuja, Nigeria

    Attention: Ms Sandy Eyal

    Email: [email protected]

    Please note that this is not an invitation to tender. Neither Quantum Power nor Yellowstone shall be responsible for the cost of any submission.

    Any submission shall be at the cost of the Applicant. Yellowstone and Quantum Power reserve the right to accept or reject any submission.

    For more information, enter 6 at


    Noja Power wins $12m deal or Brazilian grid

    Australian switchgear engineers Noja Power

    has won a $12m deal to boost the saety and

    reliability o Brazils electricity supply.

    The contract was awarded by Latin

    Americas largest utility Eletrobras and will see

    Nojas Brazilian arm install and link its OSM15

    and OSM38 automatic circuit reclosers to six

    operation centres.

    Eletrobras will monitor and control the units,

    optimising network operational characteristicssuch as protection and load shedding.

    The deal comes as the Brazilian government

    is encouraging Eletrobras to modernise

    its electricity generation, transmission and

    distribution inrastructure.

    The government has implemented a

    modernisation programme called Project

    Energy+ which aims to greater integrate

    renewable energy resources such as

    hydroelectric, solar and wind into the countrys

    energy mix.

    In addition, grid improvements under the

    project will reduce power loss, eliminating the

    need to add more centralised conventional

    generating capacity to meet increased

    demand. As such, Brazil is expected to

    cumulatively spend $27.7bn on smart grid

    investments by 2022.Brazil is a rapidly developing country and

    the government is encouraging power utilities

    to upgrade their electricity inrastructure

    to meet the needs o the uture, said Bruno

    Kimura, Nojas managing director in Brazil.

    He said Nojas automatic circuit reclosers

    will be a undamental component o Brazils

    new smart grid.


    Target date or frstoating nuclear plantRosatoms Akademik Lomonosov oating

    nuclear power plant, the worlds frst, could be

    up and running as early as 2016.

    The 70 MW plant is designed to serve large

    industrial projects, port cities and oshore gas

    and oil-extracting platorms and has attracted

    interest in China, Indonesia and Malaysia.

    The plant will be situated in the town o

    Vilyuchinsk o the Kamchatka region in FarEast Russia.

    Akademik Lomonosov is a non-sel-

    propelled vessel, which is 140m long, 30m

    wide and 10m high and built at Sevmash

    submarine-building plant in Severodvinsk.

    . It will be equipped with a power unit o two

    35MW KLT-40C nuclear reactors, or 300 MW o

    heat and two steam-driven turbine units. 11Power Engineering International July-August 2013

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    arnessing nuclear usion has

    been a dream o technologists

    almost rom the moment that

    nuclear processes taking place

    within the sun were recognised

    early in the 20th century.

    The frst, unsuccessul attempts at usion

    took place in the 1930s and the quest was

    taken up again in the late 1940s. Since then

    there have been a string o successul and

    increasingly large usion reactors built. Today

    there are 20 in operation around the world.

    Since 1958, co-operation has been an

    important eature o usion research and has

    centred on reactors that utilise magnetic

    confnement to contain the superheated

    plasma at the heart o the usion process.

    The latest, largest and most expensiveo these is the International Thermonuclear

    Experimental Reactor (ITER - Latin or the

    way), which is under construction in the

    south o France. ITER is expected to be the

    frst such reactor to be capable o delivering

    more energy rom a usion reaction than

    is used to generate the reaction in the frst

    place, a key requirement i usion is ever to

    serve as a viable power source. I it keeps to

    schedule it will reach ull-scale operation by

    2030 or beore.

    Recently, however, an alternative approach

    to usion has started to make headlines. This

    is based on a completely dierent concept

    called inertial confnement and i it can be

    perected, it promises a demonstration during

    the 2020s and commercial usion plants by

    2030, sooner than the magnetic confnement

    path can deliver.

    Rather than being international, the most

    advanced inertial confnement development

    is being carried out in the US, where it has

    emerged, almost unannounced, rom the

    deence establishment. Like the magnetic

    confnement approach, inertial confnement

    has yet to produce more energy rom usion

    than is used to achieve a usion reaction.

    However, the US programme is confdent that

    it will achieve this milestone in the near uture.

    The fusion problem

    Fusion is attractive because it promises almost

    limitless energy rom a simple process that islargely ree o atmospheric emissions or toxic

    by-products. The principle reactions that take

    place within the sun involve hydrogen atoms

    using to produce heavier atoms.

    The mass o the resulting heavier atoms

    is not the exact sum o the two initial atoms,

    some mass has been lost and great amounts

    o energy gained. This is what Einsteins

    ormula E = mc describes: the tiny bit o lost

    mass (m), multiplied by the square o the

    speed o l ight (c), results in a very large fgure

    (E), which is the amount o energy created by

    a usion reaction.

    There are two important usion reactions

    in the sun and the stars. The frst involves

    Nuclear fusion update

    Harnessing nuclearfusion as a means ofpower generation has fordecades been the Holy

    Grail for atomic scientistsacross the world, butthere are several projectsunderway that coulddeliver results much soonerthan anticipated, writesPaul Breeze.

    The most difcultproject on earth

    12 Power Engineering International May 2013

    Causing a usion risson: the ITER site in the south o France

    Credit: ITER

    12 Power Engineering International July-August 2013
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    usion o two hydrogen atoms to generate a

    deuterium or heavy-hydrogen atom. In the

    second, deuterium and hydrogen atoms use

    to create a helium atom.However it is a third reaction between

    deuterium and the even heavier hydrogen

    isotope tritium that interests usion scientists

    because it proceeds more easily than the

    other two and under relatively more benign

    conditions. A usion reaction between these

    two hydrogen isotopes produces one helium

    atom and one neutron and it is the latter that

    carries most o the energy released during

    the usion process. That energy must then be

    captured and used to generate electricity.

    The potential is massive. The energy rom

    one tonne o deuterium is equivalent to

    3 x 1010 tonnes o coal. Unortunately the

    prize is not easily won. The reaction will only

    take place in a plasma at massively high

    temperatures and in the case o inertial

    confnement, under conditions o enormous

    pressure. Reaching the conditions necessary

    or usion to take place and then controlling

    and maintaining them have been the

    primary challenge o usion research.

    Magnetic confnement

    When matter is heated to temperatures that

    approach anywhere near those o the sun,

    the material becomes a plasma in which the

    individual atoms disintegrate into a sea o

    atomic nuclei and electrons that are bound

    by electromagnetic interactions.

    It was recognised early on in usion

    research that such a material state could not

    be contained using conventional materials

    and the idea o magnetic containment was

    born. This proved much more difcult to realise

    that had been expected and it was Russian

    scientists that eventually solved the problemwith a toroidal magnetic confnement which

    they called a tokamak. Although exploration

    o other approaches continued, this become

    the de acto design or a usion reactor.

    The two largest usion reactors in operation

    today are the Joint European Torus (JET) at

    Culham in the UK and the Tokamak Fusion

    Test Reactor (TFTR) at Princeton in the US. Both

    started experimenting with deuterium-tritium

    (DT) uel during the 1990s, and in 1997 JET set

    the current record or the largest amount o

    power generated by a usion reactor 16 MW.

    The reactor consumed more than

    16 MW to achieve this record although the

    ratio o power in to power out (the gain o

    the reactor), at 0.7, was close to the break-

    even target. However, JET could only sustain a

    plasma burst or 5 seconds beore its ancillaryservices started overheating.

    Both JET and TFTR are experimental, pilot-

    scale usion reactors and achieving break-

    even is a matter o scale. It requires a big

    reactor to achieve a gain o much more than

    one and get signifcant power generation.

    That will be the job o the next usion reactor

    based on the tokamak design, ITER.

    However the work at the smaller reactors is

    ar rom over. JET is being upgraded to extend

    its operating range to carry out more pre-ITER

    experiments, particularly on plasma stability.

    The plasma in the tokamak ows along

    lines o magnetic orce. The temperature at

    the centre o the JET plasma reached 170 x

    106 C. Inside the hottest regions the plasma

    is bubbling like a boiling liquid and this

    creates eddies that make it both unstable

    and inefcient. Controlling and reducing the

    turbulence inside the plasma is one o the

    keys to an efcient usion reactor and work

    at JET rom 2015 to the end o the decade

    should help advance the understanding o

    plasma turbulence.

    There are also design problems that

    have yet to be solved beore ITER can start

    to operate, such as the material used or the

    lining o the reactor chamber. In JET, these

    are carbon tiles, but the carbon absorbs

    tritium so an alternative must be ound. The

    avoured replacement is beryllium tungsten

    and this will be tested at JET. Further work

    on the operating modes or the reactor will

    also help ITER. In essence, JET is the model

    or ITER.

    ITER has had a long gestation. It was

    conceived in 1988 under the auspices o the

    International Atomic Energy Authority and

    initially involved the EU, Japan, Russia and theUS. An engineering design was completed in

    2001, the Cadarache site selected in 2005

    and the ITER agreement was signed in 2007

    by the now seven members, ollowing the

    addition o China, India and South Korea.

    The project will have a plasma volume o

    800m3, ten times larger than JET and it will have

    a thermal power output o 500 MW, which is

    30 times larger than JET has achieved. It is

    hoped that at this size, the reactor should

    be able to achieve a gain actor o ten, so

    50 MWth will drive an output o 500 MWth.

    However, ITER is not a commercial

    demonstration project. It has been designed

    to prove that it can generate 500 MW o

    usion power or 400 seconds. A commercial

    plant will need to be able to operate round

    the clock or weeks i not months on end.

    I it was being designed today, then

    perhaps ITER would have been more

    ambitious, but most o the basic parameters

    were set during the 1990s when the costs and

    risks involved in trying to build a plant that

    would generate electricity seemed huge.

    So the plant will be virtually commercial size

    but will not have steam or turbine generators.

    More signifcantly, it will not have a ull-sized

    system or capturing the energy generated

    by the usion reactions in the plasma. There

    will be test modules within the reactor shroud

    but the ull energy capture system will have to

    wait or the frst demonstration plant.

    So ITER is another experimental reactor, but

    even so it is probably the most challenging

    project being built on the earth today, at least

    Some 633 of these massive stainless steel forgings will benecessary for the construction of the ITER vacuum vessel sectors

    Credit: ITER

    Nuclear usion update
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    Nuclear usion update

    in the opinion o Michel Claessens, head o

    communication and external relations or the

    Ofce o the Director-General at ITER.

    With seven members and a total o 34

    countries that will jointly build the project,

    many o the components will not be built

    by one abricator but by manuacturers

    in dierent countries. Scheduling the

    construction and maintaining the level o

    quality control or a project o this complexity

    will be a Herculean task. But i all this can be

    mastered then in theory the frst experiments

    will take place at ITER in 2020.

    Inertial confnementWhile the research into usion based on

    magnetic confnement edged orward there

    was, behind the acades o deence research

    establishments in the US and elsewhere a

    completely dierent approach to the usion

    being pioneered. However the deence-

    related nature o much o this work has meant

    that until very recently little was known about

    what is called inertial confnement.

    While a reactor such as ITER will contain

    a plasma that maintains conditions or

    usion continuously within its heart, inertialconfnement instead uses a series o small,

    discrete usion reactions, each producing a

    burst o energy. This has been likened to a

    piston engine in which energy is generated

    is a series o small impulses rather than in a

    continuous stream.

    The concept is relatively simple i

    developing it into a commercial power station

    design is not. A small capsule containing a

    ew hundred micrograms o a DT mixture is

    subjected to a massive pulse rom a system

    o multiple lasers ocused onto its surace. The

    laser energy striking the surace o the capsule

    causes the outer surace to explode in a pulse

    o x-rays and this creates an equal and opposite

    shock wave which travels into the capsule,

    heating and compressing the DT mixture to the

    point where the usion reaction takes place at

    its centre.

    Once the usion reaction starts it radiates

    outwards through the whole capsule,

    travelling aster than the material itsel can

    expand so that the whole charge o uel is

    consumed and energy released. The inertia

    consequent on the mass o the atoms o the

    DT mixture prevents them rom expanding as

    ast as the usion ront advances, hence the

    name inertial confnement.

    It is possible to imagine this being

    achieved in a single shot experiment but toturn the concept into a power station, the

    process must be repeated endlessly. For a

    practical plant there would be about 15 o

    these usion explosions each second. Yet this

    is exactly what a major programme in the US

    is proposing. What is more, the US government

    has built a plant, called the National Ignition

    Facility (NIF) that has the capability to prove

    the practicability o the process.

    The new road to usion

    NIF is an expensive and ambitious projectthat has come about partly as a result o the

    Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty designed to

    eliminate nuclear weapons testing.

    The acility will provide experimental data

    to support this treaty which is why it has been

    able to attract $5 billion o US government

    unding. However, NIF will also have two

    other purposes as a tool or undamental

    scientifc research and to prove the viability

    o power generation rom usion based on

    inertial containment.

    The heart o NIF is its laser system. The

    acility has 192 lasers which are capable

    o delivering as much as 5 MJ o energy in

    20-nanosecond pulses. So ar it has operated

    at 1.8 MJ, equivalent to a power delivery o

    500 TW. The lasers initially generate inra-red

    light but this is converted, frst to visible light

    and then to ultra-violet beore it strikes thetarget. That target is a tiny capsule called a

    hohlraum which is about 2 mm in diameter

    and contains 150 mg o the DT mixture. It is

    this tiny charge that is subjected to around

    500 TW o power.

    The importance o NIF rom a power

    generation perspective is that the laser power

    is o the scale necessary to build a 1000 MW

    power station. It can thereore simulate at ull

    scale the capacity or inertial containment to

    deliver energy or electricity generation.

    NIF started operating in 2009 and has

    carried out a series o ignition experiments

    since then. Ignition, in this context, is the point

    at which the capsule o DT produces more

    energy that the laser pumps into it.

    During the frst experiments, the results

    were around 50 to 60 times short o the

    target required by ignition.Over the past

    three years it has crept closer to the target,

    which is now only a actor o two or three

    away. Once ignition is reached, the usion

    reaction becomes sel-sustaining because it

    generates the energy necessary to maintain

    the temperature and pressure required. Sowhile they cannot say when ignition will be

    achieved, the scientists as NIF are confdent

    that they will achieve it.

    I ignition can be demonstrated, then

    a power plant based on this principle is

    possible. Work to defne what this power

    station will look like has already started and

    orms the basis o the Laser Inertial Fusion

    Energy (LIFE) project. The design or the

    LIFE plant has been developed through a

    collaboration between technologists, electric

    utilities, power plant vendors, regulators andenvironmental groups. Its aim is to build a

    demonstration power plant within ten years

    o ignition being achieved at NIF using

    components that can be abricated today

    by technology companies.

    NIF will continue to be the benchmark or

    testing LIFE concepts but the belie is that i

    ignition can be achieved, then a LIFE plant

    can be built. The demo plant would initially

    be designed to produce 400 MW o electrical

    power but with the ability to be scaled up to

    1000 MW. Based on current estimates, this

    plant could be operating in the early part

    o the next decade, with commercial plants

    available by 2030.

    An artists concept o a LIFE power plant with the exterior cut away to show the usion chamberCredit: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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    Nuclear fusion update

    Visit www.PowerEngineeringInt.comor more inormationi



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    I LIFE could achieve this target, then it

    would be a remarkable milestone. Beore

    that, however, there are some major hurdles

    to cross. These include integrating all the

    components o a LIFE plant rom the laser to

    the uel delivery system to the heat extraction

    and power generation. Operating the cycling,

    piston engine type o ignition has yet to be

    demonstrated at power plant scale. And

    there is one technological hurdle that aces

    both LIFE and the frst ull-scale usion power

    plant based on magnetic containment the

    design o the blanket system.

    The blanket system is the layer that

    surrounds the plasma chamber in the

    case o a tokamak reactor and the ignition

    chamber in a LIFE-style power plant. It has to

    serve two unctions: the frst is to slow downthe very high energy neutrons that emerge

    rom the usion reaction, absorbing their

    energy and converting it into heat that can

    be used to generate electricity. The second

    is to manuacture tritium. Fusion reactors are

    expected to breed their own uel and this will

    take place inside the blanket.

    Precisely what the blanket will look like

    remains a matter or speculation but whatever

    orm it takes, it will contain lithium because

    this will be the source o tritium. When a lithium

    atom is exposed to neutrons such as those

    generated by usion o deuterium and tritium

    it reacts to orm an atom o tritium and an

    atom o helium.

    This tritium must then be harvested rom the

    blanket ready to provide uel or urther usion.

    Liquid lithium could itsel orm the coolant

    inside the reactor, cycling through a heat

    exchanger to generate steam. Alternatively

    some other coolant such as helium might

    be used and the lithium contained within

    a ceramic rather than in liquid orm. Molten

    salts containing lithium might also be used.

    The futureSo what does the uture hold or usion?

    Optimistically, a usion plant based on inertial

    confnement might deliver a commercial

    plant by 2030, although based on experience

    with other complex projects, the timeline is

    likely to be a little longer than this.

    Meanwhile, ITER hopes to demonstrate

    commercial plant scale usion by around that

    time too. I ITER progresses as expected then

    work on the frst demonstration plant, reerred

    to as DEMO in the usion industry, will be well

    under way by then.

    It is oten said that a commercial usion

    plant is always 30 years away. While there is

    clearly still a long way to go and nobody has

    yet demonstrated that usion can produce

    electricity rather than simply consuming it,

    that threshold does seem palpably closer

    today than at any time in the past.

    The potential is

    massive. The energyfrom one tonneof deuterium isequivalent to over3000 tonnes of coal.Unfortunately the prizeis not easily won

    For more information, enter 7 at
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    New market design

    Along with renewables

    growing role in Europe

    comes unprecedented

    change in the regions

    energy sector. System

    operators are already

    calling or fexibility rom thermal units to cope

    with the variability o increasing wind and solar

    production, and green energys low operating

    costs and subsidies are causing turbulence

    in electricity markets. Capacity rom thermal

    units will clearly be necessary in the uture to

    provide balance, but will markets be able to

    deliver it?

    Capacity mechanism designs presented

    to date will not solve this problem. Market

    mechanisms to attract capacity are still

    unclear. Wrtsil has devised a market model

    or the uture that will incentivise fexibility and

    ensure adequacy o capacity. It is based on

    two case studies that have shown the value

    o fexibility in two large power systems: the UK

    and the US state o Caliornia.Since renewables production generally

    has eed-in priority, remaining capacity has

    to adjust its output to balance total electricity

    production and demand. System operators

    need to have capacity available that can

    respond quickly to changes in electricity

    demand and output rom renewables, which

    can be rapid.

    The impact o the deployment o

    renewables on electricity markets is severe.

    Such sources generate electricity at low

    marginal costs and thereore push thermal

    capacity higher up in the merit order

    or completely outside it. This means the

    operating hours o thermal capacity all

    and it generates less revenue. Subsidies or

    renewables also depress electricity prices,

    which makes the easibility o thermal plants

    even more challenging. Thermal capacity is

    still needed in a high-renewables system or

    balance, but its protability is jeopardised.

    Several EU Member States have stated

    that plant closures and a lack o investment

    in new capacity may prevent the market

    rom bringing orward sucient capacity

    under current market arrangements. Allowing

    electricity prices to reach high levels at peak

    times would be necessary to allow plants

    running at low load actors to recover xed

    costs. However, it is not simply capacity that is

    required in a high-renewables system.

    Without appropriate price signals, there

    is an equally important concern around

    missing fexibility. Systems require a

    suciently fexible mix o capacity as well as

    the right types o capacity.

    The importance o fexibilityTransmission system operators (TSOs) and

    other market players recognise the increasing

    need or fexibility but the value o fexibility has

    not been quantied or identied in market

    arrangements. Wrtsil has conducted

    several studies around this topic.

    The rst step in the process is to dene the

    uture power system architecture, which will

    be based on objectives such as emissions,

    reliability and costs, which policy makers set.

    To determine how to achieve these objectives

    requires the creation o several capacity

    scenarios with dierent mixes o technologies.

    The output o step one is an architecture that

    can meet uture objectives.

    The architecture provides input to the

    second step o the process, i.e. the modelling

    o power system operations, or despatch.

    Despatch sotware PLEXOS was used in recent

    studies o the UK and Caliornian systems.

    Inputs or the model are the expected

    capacity mix (including the capabilities

    o these technologies), weather and load

    data, system requirements (such as required

    system reserves) and market operation, or

    example how reserves are procured and at

    what price. The tool optimises the generating

    costs o a system in a chosen interval in line

    with the trading blocks o the system, or

    example every 30 minutes.

    The third step denes the value o fexibility

    by comparing the results o dierent scenarios.

    Power system modelling provides the system

    operating costs and CO2

    emissions as an

    output or each scenario.

    Dierent generating technologies have

    dierent ways o providing fexible electricity.

    Some can start up rom zero output and rampup within seconds. Others may take hours,

    but can quickly fex their output up to meet

    the system needs once they are generating

    above a stable level. This is typical o large

    units such as large combined-cycle gas

    turbine (CCGT) or coal-red plants. Typically

    these slower technologies provide a systems

    fexibility requirement today.

    Part-loading may have been eective

    in the past but today it is not likely to be

    the most ecient method o providing the

    greater fexibility needed in the uture.

    Part-loading generates extra costs

    because o increased carbon costs,

    reduced uel eciency, the greater number

    How can the regions electricity system cope with the growing role o renewableswhile ensuring fexibility and adequacy o capacity? Matti Rautkivi andMelle Kruisdijk say innovative technology and new market mechanisms can help.

    Europesbalancing act
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    New market design

    o generators needed on the system, and

    the costs o curtailing wind generation to

    maintain system security.

    Given these costs, i conventional sourceso fexibility are used in a system with a

    high level o renewables, the ull benets o

    decarbonisation may not be achieved and

    consumers will pay higher prices.

    Smart power generation (SPG) describes

    power plants such as modern gas-red

    types that are fexible and avoid the costs

    associated with part loading. SPG can

    provide savings or three reasons.

    The rst is speed. From zero output, SPG

    can respond almost instantaneously to

    fuctuations in supply and demand, so they

    do not need to be part-loaded.

    The second is sustainability o output.

    Unlike other ast-start technologies, SPG can

    start up quickly and hold output without

    needing to be relieved quickly aterwards.

    Finally, SPG is ecient. Such plants incur

    minimal costs or being on standby as reserve

    but can deliver much needed electricity as

    quickly as conventional fexible technologies

    and even more quickly in some cases.

    Valuing fexibility UK

    August 2012 saw the UKs Department o

    Energy and Climate Change (DECC) publish

    an analysis that estimates how fexibility roma range o sources can generate signicant

    savings to UK consumers, particularly in a

    scenario o high wind penetration. These

    sources include demand-side response

    (DSR), increased interconnection, storage and

    thermal generation.

    Redpoint Energy and Imperial College

    London ollowed the report with urther

    analysis o the potential value o fexibility

    through detailed modelling o the UK power

    market and balancing costs. The ocus has

    been on supply-side fexibility provided by

    SPG. The results, however, are more generally

    applicable to all sources o fexibility, whether

    DSR, storage or interconnection.

    The modelled scenarios are based on

    projections by the DECC and National

    Grid, the UK TSO, or demand and capacity

    mix development by 2020 and 2030. Two

    capacity mixes came under investigation in

    the scenarios o high wind and base wind,

    with and without SPG, or the years 2020 and

    2030, as Figure 1 shows. In a No SPG capacity

    mix, ecient gas generation capacity comes

    rom a mixture o combined-cycle gas turbine

    (CCGT) and some open-cycle gas turbine(OCGT) generation. In an SPG capacity mix,

    4.8 GW o SPG replaces the same amount o

    the most uel ecient CCGT capacity. SPG

    has a slightly lower net electrical eciency

    but superior fexibility compared with CCGT.

    What is the impact o SPG on the provision

    o system fexibility? Depending on the

    case, SPG is the least cost option to provide

    fexibility 3540 per cent o the time. With SPG

    providing system fexibility in an optimal way,

    more room is available or ecient CCGTs

    and coal-red generation to run at ull load,

    providing cheap electricity to consumers.

    The analysis showed that, depending on

    the wind scenario, fexible gas generation

    could save the UK consumer between

    380 million and 550 million ($566 million

    and $820 million) per year by 2020 through

    reduced balancing costs. By 2030, savings

    range rom 580 million to 1.5 billion, as the

    volume o wind in the system is expected to

    increase urther.

    For more information, enter 8 at

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    20/5618 Power Engineering International July-August 2013

    New market design

    A comparison with the UK system-wide

    generation costs is useul to give some

    scale to the potential savings in balancing

    costs. With an increasing amount o low-cost

    renewables generating electricity at almost

    zero marginal cost, the total generation

    costs will all when the output o renewable

    generation increases. However, the need or

    balancing actions will increase accordingly,and these costs will have a signifcant role by


    The savings potential o SPG is as high as

    5 per cent in 2020, increasing to an impressive

    19 per cent o total generating costs in 2030.

    Valuing fexibility Caliornia

    Caliornia aims to increase generation rom

    renewables to 33 per cent by 2020. However,

    this development has started a debate about

    what exible assets will be required to secure

    the reliable operation o the power system.Caliornias system will ace another issue

    in the near uture when new environmental

    regulation may orce the retirement o plants

    with once-through cooling that total 12 GW in

    capacity. The states system operator CAISO

    concludes that 5.5 GW made up o equal

    amounts o new CCGT and OCGT is required

    by 2020 to secure reliability.

    DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability has

    analysed the Caliornian system or 2020 by

    using dynamic system modelling. The base

    case or the power system modelling was the

    Caliornian system or 2020 with a renewables

    penetration o 33 per cent, made up o wind

    and solar but excluding hydro, and 5.5

    GW o new gas turbine plants, made up o

    equal amounts o new CCGT and OCGT.

    The alternative modelling scenario had the

    same basic assumptions but 5.5 GW o SPG

    replaced that amount o gas turbines.

    By introducing 5.5 GW o SPG instead

    o 5.5 GW o gas turbines in the system,

    Caliornias consumers save around

    $900 million per year, representing 11 percent savings in system-level generating costs.

    Figure 2 shows the cost breakdown o the

    total system operating costs or the modelled


    The studies conducted by DNV KEMA,

    Redpoint Energy and London Imperial

    College make evident that the inclusion o

    SPG in a generation portolio reduces total

    system operating costs in systems with a high

    penetration o renewables. This is because

    SPG provides exibility at low cost.

    In addition, by adding SPG to the capacitymix o a power system, other thermal plants

    no longer need to run in part load and can

    produced electricity at a higher efciency,

    which reduces overall generation costs.

    A system without SPG can provide

    exibility by running plants at part load, but

    such actions signifcantly increase costs to

    consumers, as the studies show. The value

    o exibility in the examined 60 GW UK and

    Caliornia peak load systems with high

    renewables penetration is greater than

    500 million ($642 million) per year.

    Translating this to a system the size o

    Europes, the value o exibility is estimated

    to be greater than 5 billion per year, even

    by 2020. Consequently exibility should be

    one o the key parameters in the design o a

    uture power system and energy market.

    A new market vision

    In February 2013, the European Commission

    asked or stakeholders inputs on potential

    ways to secure capacity adequacy and

    system reliability in a uture system with high

    amounts o renewables. In a high-renewables

    power system, exibility is no longer an

    invisible and low-cost side product o power

    generation but a key actor in power system

    design and optimisation.

    Although the studies o the UK and

    Caliornian systems clearly indicate the

    beneft o exibility in the capacity mix,

    current market arrangements do not

    reect the value o exibility or incentivise

    investments in exibility. They also hide the

    cost o inexibility within consumer bills and

    consequently prevent investments in new

    exible capacity. At the same time, energy-

    only market setups are struggling to keep

    capacity at adequately healthy levels.

    Wrtsil has studied several electricity

    market models with the aim o developing

    one that will incentivise exibility and ensure

    capacity adequacy or a system with a highcontribution rom renewables. The market

    model should secure capacity adequacy,

    incentivise the right type o capacity and

    lead to the least cost to consumer. Figure 3

    shows the overall market model design that

    will deliver this. It is based on two markets

    existing next to each other.

    The energy market, consisting o the

    wholesale electricity markets (day-ahead,

    intra-day and balancing markets), and a

    fexibility market, establish a competitive

    environment. A competitive capacity marketwould be introduced only i needed, to

    secure capacity adequacy.

    A competitive energy market orms the

    basis o the market model. The objectives

    o energy markets are to provide low-cost

    electricity and low CO2

    emissions in all

    situations via competitive short-term markets.

    Cost-reecting imbalance prices will

    increase the imbalance exposure o all

    market participants (where all participants

    are responsible or balancing), which

    incentivises balance at gate closure. Supply

    and demand or energy closer to gate closure

    is thereore expected to increase because

    each market player, in order to reduce the risk

    Figure 1: Capacity mixes or power system modelling in the UK, with base and high wind scenarios
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    New market design

    o out-o-balance penalties, will make eorts

    to be in a balanced position at gate closure,

    either through changed positions within its

    own portolio o options such as changing

    the outputs o its own power plants or DSR, or

    through trading.

    This development enhances the liquidity

    in intra-day markets and provides additional

    income or fexible assets through balancing

    and intra-day markets because these units

    will be in a position to supply energy shortly

    beore gate closure. However, it would be

    hard or even impossible or providers o

    fexibility to capture the total value o fexibility

    through energy prices alone. Thereore, in

    addition to the energy market, we propose

    the introduction o a market or fexibility.

    A competitive fexibility market would be

    a day-ahead option market or fexibility to

    increase or decrease energy the ollowing

    day. The fexibility market would replace the

    existing procurement strategies o TSOs and

    would make the procurement o system

    services more transparent to market players.

    TSOs would go to the fexibility market to

    procure the fexibility, or reserves, requiredto satisy the needs o the system or the

    ollowing day, when the volumes are not

    locked away under long-term contracts.

    The fexibility market would also be open

    or market participants to procure fexibility

    to hedge against intra-day prices and

    imbalance exposure.

    There are many key eatures to the fexibility

    market. When it comes to buying fexibility, the

    TSO would always procure it according to the

    needs o the system. However, procurement

    by market participants could reduce the

    amount procured by the TSO.

    Market participants determine their own

    volume requirements depending on their

    willingness to hedge against price risk, and

    the TSO acts as a backstop in the day-ahead

    auctions to ensure that the system has the

    fexibility needed. The TSO procurement

    strategy provides stable volumes and liquidity

    in the fexibility market and makes known the

    total volume o the fexibility requirement.

    For more information, enter 9 at

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    Figure 2: Value o fexibility in Caliornia in 2020
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    New market design

    Another eature is that multiple products,

    such as 5-minute or 30-minute ramping, are

    defned by the TSO. This ensures the needs o

    the system are met. All products require an

    option to deliver an increase or decrease in

    the physical energy in any uture settlement


    Also, the day-ahead timerame aligns with

    the energy market or allows co-optimisation

    with it and provides a daily reerence price

    or dierent exibility products. A secondary

    within-day market or participants and the

    TSO allows them to trade their options as

    more inormation emerges. Clear day-ahead

    reerence prices can allow long-term fnancial

    contracts to be struck between exibility

    providers and market players or the TSO.

    The option holder (i.e. market participant

    or the TSO) may exercise the option by

    calling or energy to be delivered prior to

    gate closure. Sel-provided exibility must

    provide inormation to the TSO within-day on

    whether it wi ll be exercised. Ater gate closureany unused options would be exercisable by

    the TSO in the balancing market.

    Another key eature is cash ows. Flexibility

    cleared through the day-ahead auctions,

    other than sel-provided reserve, is paid the

    market clearing availability ee per megawatt

    or the contract period. A utilisation ee per

    MWh is paid on exercise. Unused exibility

    must be oered into the balancing market

    at the fxed utilisation ee or despatch and

    payment by the TSO.

    Ensuring cost recovery is also important.

    The option holder pays the availability ee

    to the exibility providers. The availability ees

    incurred by the TSO can be recovered via an

    inormation imbalance charge levied on out-

    o-balance market participants.

    Finally there is the monitoring eature. The

    TSO would certiy the physical capability o

    capacity providers who seek to oer into the

    day-ahead auctions. Any options exercised

    would be notifed to the TSO in the same way

    as physical energy.

    A central capacity market would be

    established i the energy and exibility

    markets are not delivering investments or

    are not able to keep existing plants in the

    system. The purpose o the capacity market

    is to ensure capacity adequacy by providing

    so-called administrative capacity payment,

    which compensates the missing money

    rom market operations.

    While uture energy and exibility markets

    are volatile by their nature, investors may

    require stable cash ows to be able to fnance

    new projects. A capacity market could

    enhance the bankability o new projects.

    The capacity market, like any capacitymechanism, should concentrate on securing

    capacity adequacy rather than speciying

    what type o capacity is needed. It should

    treat all orms o capacity on an equal basis.

    Thus, a well unctioning energy market

    together with a exibility market would reward

    capabilities, while a capacity market provides

    the all-in price required by investors to make


    Change in market design needed

    An increasing penetration o variable

    renewable generation into a power system

    changes its operations and impacts market

    undamentals. But while system operators

    are calling or exibility rom the generation

    side, the thermal eet takes a big hit as

    its operating hours are reduced while the

    average electricity price is lower. The result isincreasingly uncertain market-based revenues

    or thermal plants.

    There are potential market-based

    approaches to incentivise investments in

    exibility. These approaches do not require

    administrative cash ows but call or a

    reallocation o system costs rom the TSO to

    the market, making the cost o exibility visible

    or market players. To develop a reliable,

    aordable and sustainable power system

    necessitates several actions.

    Firstly, there must be an understanding

    that more renewable generation has caused

    dramatic changes in the energy market

    environment. Secondly, there must also be

    recognition o the value o exibility, which

    must be made visible or market players

    through cost-reective imbalance prices and

    by developing short-term energy markets.

    Thirdly there must be a transparent market

    explicitly or exibility. This will enable efcient

    procurement o system services and provide

    clear market signals or investors in exibility.

    Finally, new players must be able to enter

    the market and new projects must be made

    bankable by introducing a capacity market

    i the energy and exibility markets are not

    delivering investments.

    To avoid the risk o locking in the wrong

    type o capacity, it is important to take the frst

    three actions beore considering the ourth.

    Many market players are calling or a

    market-based approach regarding the EU

    electricity market structure. We hope we have

    shown that it is possible to design a market

    that provides investment signals or the right

    type o capacity and ensures capacityadequacy at the same time.

    Matti Rautkivi is general manager,

    Business Development, Power Plants, and

    Melle Kruisdijk is director, Market Development

    Europe, and Business Development, Power

    Plants at Wrtsil. For more inormation, visit

    This article is based on a Best Paper Awards

    winner at POWER-GEN Europe 2013.

    Visit www.PowerEngineeringInt.comor more inormationi

    Figure 3: A new market design or a power system with high renewable energy integration
  • 7/22/2019 pei20130708-dl


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