Peer Leader Attributes Project Amanda Pocklington, Gihan Marasingha, Jake Hibberd : 1 Apr 15.

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Project Aims The aims of this pilot project were to: develop a means of ascertaining attributes identify the most common attributes of committed peer leaders consider possible means to enhance these attributes review training materials

Transcript of Peer Leader Attributes Project Amanda Pocklington, Gihan Marasingha, Jake Hibberd : 1 Apr 15.

Peer Leader Attributes Project Amanda Pocklington, Gihan Marasingha, Jake Hibberd : 1 Apr 15 Session Overview Project aims Methods used Results Conclusions Project Aims The aims of this pilot project were to: develop a means of ascertaining attributes identify the most common attributes of committed peer leaders consider possible means to enhance these attributes review training materials Methods We used a variety of processes to find the information we needed: Personality tests for each peer leader - Myers Briggs - Team roles Recorded focus groups with reflective questions Supplemented by attendance data Methods There were a number of limitations to consider: Ethics approval associated with interview-based research Confidentiality and informed consent ID system and participant withdrawal Input from a number of programmes Preventing mentors answering questionnaires differently Results Well examine the results of the Team roles test Myers-Briggs type indicator test Attendance data Focus group feedback Team role of an average peer leader Average team role of a peer leader Myers-Briggs: Introversion/Extraversion Myers-Briggs: Intuition/Sensing Myers-Briggs: Thinking/Feeling Myers-Briggs: Judging/Perceiving Attendance Myers-Briggs Results Focus Group Conclusions Personality type and team role Personality type based on Myers Briggs overall result: ESFJ Team role based on Belbin overall result: 1 st = Imp, 2 nd = TW Certain attributes connected to committed and enthusiastic leaders Implications & Future Plans Personality type and team role development Adjust programme design Adjust current training activities Possibly use within recruitment process Investigate avenues to support on-going development of these attributes Questions? Do you have a peer programme? What do you feel are the optimal attributes of good peer leaders? As learning developers we constantly strive to enhance the student experience The Peer Leader attributes project was kindly part funded by ALDinHE