Pearson Btec Level 5 Hnd Diploma in Business Unit 6 Bdm Assignment y2s1b Manoj

Assignment front sheet Qualification Unit number and title Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 6: Business Decision Making Student Name Assessor Name Manoj Kumar Date issued Completion date Submitted on 05 th February 2014 22 nd May, 2014 Assignment title BDM: To Start-up Coffee Cafe Day Retail Chain in Yangon (1 of 1) Learning Outcome Learning outcome Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task no. Evidence (Page no) LO1 Be able to use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary 1.1 Plan for, methodology adopted, sample size selection and collect data using primary sources (such as questionnaire) to fulfil the needs and requirement of organization and the client 1 1.2 Show to collect useful and relevant information from secondary sources for the organization and client 1 1.3 Protect data effectively and demonstrate the ethical aspects of data collected 1 LO2 Be able to understand a range of techniques to analyse the data effectively for business purposes 2.1 Use data and apply appropriate statistical analysis to make useful meanings out of the results obtained 2 2.2 Demonstrate the measures of dispersion in the samples (small and large) with interpretation of the results 2 2.3 Efficiently use of data for calculations such as quarantines, percentiles and correlation coefficients and interpret the results 2 LO3 Be able to produce information in appropriate formats for decision making in an organization context 3.1 Demonstrate collected data and information through various graphs using any statistical software e.g. spreadsheet 3 3.2 Show the extrapolation for forecasting using graphs and trend lines (in the business growth context) 3 3.3 Present the results using presentation and formal report 3 LO4 Be able to use software generated information to make 4.1 Demonstrate the capabilities of use of management information system for tactical and strategic levels of the organization 4 4.2 Demonstration project management 4



Transcript of Pearson Btec Level 5 Hnd Diploma in Business Unit 6 Bdm Assignment y2s1b Manoj

Page 1: Pearson Btec Level 5 Hnd Diploma in Business Unit 6 Bdm Assignment y2s1b Manoj

Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 6: Business Decision Making

Student Name Assessor Name

Manoj Kumar

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

05th February 2014 22nd May, 2014

Assignment title BDM: To Start-up Coffee Cafe Day Retail Chain in Yangon (1 of 1)

Learning Outcome

Learning outcome

Assessment Criteria

In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that

shows you are able to:

Task no.

Evidence(Page no)


Be able to use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary


Plan for, methodology adopted, sample size selection and collect data using primary sources (such as questionnaire) to fulfil the needs and requirement of organization and the client


1.2Show to collect useful and relevant information from secondary sources for the organization and client


1.3Protect data effectively and demonstrate the ethical aspects of data collected



Be able to understand a range of techniques to analyse the data effectively for business purposes

2.1Use data and apply appropriate statistical analysis to make useful meanings out of the results obtained


2.2Demonstrate the measures of dispersion in the samples (small and large) with interpretation of the results


2.3Efficiently use of data for calculations such as quarantines, percentiles and correlation coefficients and interpret the results



Be able to produce information in appropriate formats for decision making in an organization context

3.1Demonstrate collected data and information through various graphs using any statistical software e.g. spreadsheet


3.2Show the extrapolation for forecasting using graphs and trend lines (in the business growth context)


3.3Present the results using presentation and formal report 3


Be able to use software generated information to make decisions in an organisation


Demonstrate the capabilities of use of management information system for tactical and strategic levels of the organization



Demonstration project management skills through network & critical path analysis and by preparing work flow charts (Gantt & PERT) for the organization


4.3 Able to use various financial tools to evaluate the return on investments


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Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature: Date:

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In addition to the PASS criteria mentioned above, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades

Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation

M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions/information

Effective judgements have been made

An effective approach to study and research has been applied

To achieve grade M1, you need to demonstrate through effectively designing the survey methodology, plan for use of resources, time allocation to complete task and appropriate sample size and quality of data collected using primary and secondary sources

(Task 1)

M2 Select / design and apply appropriate research methods / techniques

The design of methods/techniques has been applied and justified

A range of sources of information has been used

Appropriate and effective design of questionnaire for data collection as per the organization’s requirements

To achieve M2, you will have designed and used suitable questionnaire to collect the suitable data to explore the consumers in the target area for future business opportunities for the organisation (CCD).

You will also demonstrate the ethicality, validity and safety of data and references collected.

(Task 1, 2 and 4)

M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings

Communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used.

A range of methods of calculations and presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used

The appropriate structure and approach has been used

To achieve M3, the work you present will be presented in suitable business formats and will use appropriate statistical calculation and business terminology accurately.

Appropriate conclusions are drawn using results obtained through various calculations.

(Task 2, 3 and 4)

D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions

Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified.

Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success.

The validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria

To achieve D1 you will have interpreted various statistical and financial calculations and results. Valid conclusions are drawn which link between market and organisational requirements.

You will provide an evaluation which will suggest how this research might be of value to CCD to make strategic business decisions for start-up.

(Task 1 and 3)

D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities

Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised,

To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective approach to independent research and study and will have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit

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Activities have been managed.

assessment criteria.(Task 2, 3 and 4)

D3 Demonstrate convergent /lateral / creative thinking

This will be awarded based upon overall report, formats, creativity and style of writing.

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Assignment brief

Unit number and title Unit 6: Business Decision Making

Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Start date 04th February, 2014

Deadline/hand-in 22nd May, 2014


Assignment title BDM: Decision to start-up Coffee Cafe Day Retail Chain in Yangon (1 of 1)

Purpose of this assignmentDecision making is always a very crucial part in any business on the globe. The question ‘how is a good decision made?' holds the key for success. Good and reliable information is one part of the answer, while the other being the experience in interpreting information.Sometimes it is fruitful to go for consultation or seek the advices, views and expertise from other experts, especially in the areas where one finds limited or no source of direct information.This unit will help learners to understand the various concepts of collecting information from various sources, analyse the data to bring out useful conclusions, interpret the results and produce a concise report which would help an organisation to make better decisions.


Since the government’s approval to allow foreign firm to operate in Myanmar, Yangon is becoming a favourite place to many foreign restaurants and food chain firms to have their presence in the potential market. With the existence of vast opportunities and consumers, these firms are willing to learn not only about the consumers and their buying behaviour but also want to make a decision for the start-up opportunities in Myanmar (especially Yangon city).

You work for a marketing research firm, Myanmar Marketing Research Company Ltd (MMMRCL) based out of Yangon. Recently, MMMRCL is hired by a very large Indian Coffee Shop Retail Chain, Cafe Coffee Day (CCD). CCD has given a task to MMMRCL to prepare brief of the market, opportunities, competitions, consumers and their buying behaviours, return on investments, risks and advice on location and project management for opening up first CCD shop in Yangon. Also, MMMRCL is supposed to report back on the challenges CCD would face and marketing strategies CCD must use in Yangon markets.

Further information about CCD’s organisational structure, organisational culture, leadership, management, business performance and range of products offered to the customers, please visit:

Action is required to study the market, do research and prepare a report for the CCD’s Directors and the senior managers to help them understand the Yangon market as a investment options and to take suitable business decisions.

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Task 1 (LO1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and Grades: M1, M2, D1)

You have been asked to provide marketing research report and briefings for the client CCD to help them understand the nature of market structure and consumers.

CCD wants to learn following things about coffee consumers in Yangon:

1. The different demographic profiles such as range of ages, genders, income groups, spending powers etc

2. The consumption patterns (such as: is consumption daily or weekly basis, how much quantity per day or week, etc)

3. Will they be interested in buying a coffee in a shop? The ambiance requirements (such as smoke free or smokers’ zone, etc), customer loyalty, how much time being spent per day or week in shop, are they going alone or with families/friends/groups, how much they are spending in a month

4. Any social or cultural issues related to consumers’ preferences (such as Muslim community preferring only Halal coffee, etc)

Create a Plan for collecting data for CCD. Conduct an internet/secondary sources/local market search to obtain information about the different shops/companies operating in coffee shop business (the competitors, their profiles, their market shares, their marketing policies and their operations strategies), the footfall of consumers, the revenues (per day and per month, on the average).

What survey methodology should be adopted in our case of CCD? How would you select the size of sample? What measures would you adopt for the collected data validity? Explain your strategies for administration of survey over the sample size.

To achieve grade M1, you need to demonstrate through effectively designing the survey methodology, plan for use of resources, time allocation to complete task and appropriate sample size and quality of data collected using primary and secondary sources, representation of work using proper formal reporting format.

To achieve M2, you will have designed and used suitable questionnaire to collect the suitable data to explore the consumers in the target area for future business opportunities for the organisation (CCD). You will also demonstrate the ethicality, validity and safety of data and references collected.

To achieve D1 you will have interpreted various statistical and financial calculations and results. Valid conclusions are drawn which link between market and organisational requirements. You will provide an evaluation which will suggest how this research might be of value to CCD to make strategic business decisions for start-up.

Task 2 (LO2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and M2, M3, D2)

You will prepare an analytical briefing that comprises of the following:

Store the data obtained from primary or secondary sources in a spreadsheet, summarize the data and perform the analysis of mean, median, mode and frequency distributions; using the results draw valid conclusions. Also explain what security measures you would adopt for the safety of data.

Analyse data collected from various sources using measures of dispersion (standard deviation) to inform CCD, quantitatively, the degree of variation of values in the sample.

Use quartiles, percentiles and the correlation coefficient to apply on data and draw meaningful conclusions in this business context (coffee retail chain in Yangon).

To achieve M2, you will have used suitable statistical techniques to brief the data collected in the ways as mentioned above to explore the target area for future business of the organisation (CCD).

To achieve M3 the work you present will be presented in suitable business formats and will use business terminology accurately.

To achieve D2 you will have demonstrated an effective approach to independent research and study and will have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria. Your

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interpretation of various statistical results would be weighed heavily for D2.

Task 3 (LO3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and M3, D1, D2)

Graphically represent the data obtained from the various sources and statistical analysis. Produce graphs (line, pie, bar charts and histograms etc) using spreadsheets and draw valid conclusions based on the information derived and also create trend lines in spreadsheet graphs to assist in forecasting for specified business information. Also interpret the results produced.

Prepare a business presentation using suitable software (such as PowerPoint) and techniques to disseminate information effectively also produce a formal business report on behalf of MMMRCL for the client CCD, India. Presentation must cover information about market, competitions, risks, opportunities and potentials, the survey outcomes and recommendations to CCD.

To achieve M3, you will have to represent the work in suitable business formats and will use graphical and statistical tools to draw meaningful conclusion of the results and charts. Also, you will use business terminology accurately.

To achieve D1 and D2, you will show effective approach to research data, timely production of reports, enlisting all the references with due regards, and show ethicality in the work.

Task 4 (LO4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and M2, M3, D2)

What information processing tools you will suggest to CCD for their operational, tactical and strategic levels. You can explain any one such tool (e.g. CRM) in brief.

Consider that CCD plans to open its pilot project in Yangon. Prepare a project plan for an activity (e.g. Opening the first CCD shop in Yangon) and determine the critical path in the project, use techniques such as PERT and Gantt charts and draw conclusions.

Use various financial tools (such as net present value, discounted cash flow and internal rates of return) to show the return on investment based upon your conclusions and assumptions. This should help management of CCD to make appropriate decisions for their start-up business in Yangon.

To achieve M2 and M3 you will produce your work in suitable business formats. Your valid and technical representation of above task would also win you D2.

Evidence checklist Summary of evidence required by student

Evidence presented

Task 1

A research report which shows the plan to carry out research, use of various sources for data, the meaningful results of data collected from various sources, interpretation of results and conclusions in the context of client requirements.

Task 2An analytical report that briefs about the statistical analysis of the data and information gathered in Task 1.

Task 3A report that represents the collected data and information graphically and use of graphical tools and software to generate useful information for decision making.

Task 4A briefing on project and investments planning along with plan for use of technology for better corporate decisions making tactically and strategically.

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Achievement Summary

QualificationPearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business Assessor name MANOJ KUMAR

Unit Number and title

Unit 6: Business Decision Making Student name

Criteria Referenc


To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:


LO 1

1.1Plan for collection of data using various sources, able to design questionnaire, adopt suitable methodology and conduct research effectively within a well defined time frame

1.2 Conduct research using secondary sources, collect useful information and represent these to make meaningful results

1.3 Demonstrate security and ethicality of the dataLO 2

2.1 Draw valid conclusions using representative values (e.g. descriptive statistics)

2.2 Explain measure of dispersions in the organisation context

2.3 Effectively use quartiles, percentiles and correlation coefficient to explain data gather from primary sources

LO 33.1 Create and interpret various graphs generated on data using spreadsheet3.2 Extrapolate for forecasting using scatter graphs and trend lines3.3 Produce technical presentations and report of the research

LO 44.1 Use software to generate information for decision making4.2 Demonstrate project management skills4.3 Demonstrate skills for using financial tools for decision making

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Grade descriptor Achieved?


Grade descriptor Achieved?


M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions

M2: Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques

D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities

M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings

D3: Demonstrate convergent/lateral /creative thinking

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Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature


Student Signature Date