PEACHTREE ROAD UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3180 peachtree road, ne . atlanta, georgia 30305 . twentieth sunday after pentecost the tenth day of october, 2021 eight forty-five and eleven-fifteen o’clock

Transcript of PEACHTREE ROAD



3180 peachtree road, ne . atlanta, georgia 30305 .

t w e n t i e t h s u n d ay a f t e r pe n t e c o s t

t h e t e n t h d ay o f o c t o be r , 2 02 1

e i g h t f o rt y-f i v e a n d e le v e n-f i f t e e n o ’c lo c k


Morning WorshipOctober 10, 2021 . 8:45 am & 11:15 am

The Gathering

the greetingWe welcome each of you to this service!

We pray that this time together will be a blessing in your life.

carillon prelude Sally Westmoreland

† At the sound of the bells, please prepare your hearts and minds for worship.

opening voluntary Allegro cantabile, Symphony No. 5 Charles-Marie Widor


the choral introit René Clausen(b. 1953)

All that hath life and breath praise ye the Lord. Shout to the Lord, alleluia! Praise Him! Alleluia!


Praise and Thanksgiving

at the procession, *hymn 545

The Church’s One Foundation Aurelia

Samuel J. Stone, 1864


prayer of confession *

Minister: Let us confess our sins before God and one another.

Minister and People: Loving God, You have made us in your image, and You have

marked us as your own. You have instructed us to love You with

our whole hearts, and our neighbors as ourselves. Yet, Lord, we

must confess that so often we fail in doing both. Forgive us we

pray. Turn our hearts again to you, so we can know the full life

that Christ gives.

Minister: Hear the good news: God has invited you into the Divine love.

Come and find rest for your souls. In the name of Jesus Christ, you

are forgiven.

People: In the name of Jesus Christ you are forgiven. Glory to God.


gloria patri * Charles Meineke

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the

beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


† The people are seated.

sacrament of christian baptism (11:15 am)

Response: With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ,

that this child (these children), surrounded by steadfast love, may be established

in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.


prayer of dedication

hymn Tune: Stuttgart

Child of blessing, child of promise, baptized with the Spirit’s sign; with this water

God has sealed you unto love and grace divine.

children’s moments with the minister

concerns and celebrations of the congregation

pastoral prayer

the lord’s prayer

choral response John Rutter

(b. 1945)

Proclamation of The Word

at the offertory,

† An offering is collected to support the work of Peachtree Road

United Methodist Church sharing God’s love with the world.




He, watching over Israel, Elijah Felix Mendelssohn


He watching over Israel, slumbers not, nor sleeps. Shouldst thou, walking in

grief, languish, He will quicken thee.

Psalm 121

The Chancel Choir

at the presentation *

hymn 95 Tune: Old Hundredth

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below.

Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

the gospel lesson * Matthew 22:34-40

† following the reading

Minister: The Gospel of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God!


Under Pressure: Caring for Yourself

Response to The Word

affirmation of faith * The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ

his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin

Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day

he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God

the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I

believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the

forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


ministry of musicLift thine eyes, Elijah Felix Mendelssohn

Lift thine eyes to the mountains, whence cometh help. Thy help cometh from the

Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He hath said, thy foot shall not be moved.

Thy keeper will never slumber.

Psalm 121: 1, 3

Mary Allison Hamby, soprano, Meredith Howard, soprano

Emily Skilling, alto

Sending Forth

benediction *

peace * Minister: The peace of the Lord be always with you.

People: And also with you.

response *

May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever. Grant you peace; perfect

peace, courage in every endeavor. Lift up your eyes and see His face and His grace

forever. May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever.

Choir and Congregation

closing voluntary

Fugue in E Major Vincent Lübeck



* Stand as you are able. ** Ushers will seat all those who are waiting.

Please turn off all mobile and electronic devices while in the Sanctuary.


Please Welcome to our Church Community These Children Being Baptized Today: Charlotte Lynne Menendez, born March 27, 2021, daughter of Amy and Steven Menendez.

The Flowers on the Altar are Given to the Glory of God

In Loving Memory of: Bill Walker honoring his October 8th birthday by his wife, Tricia.

In Loving Memory of: Mildred Lane Moore and Dudley L. Moore, Sr. by the family of Dudley L. Moore, Jr.

In Loving Memory of: O. Wayne Rollins by his family.

In Loving Memory of: their parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Nicholas Allen Avera and Dr. and Mrs. William George Whitaker, Jr. and Blessings to: the marriage of Frances Avera Morton to Jeffrey White by Dr. and Mrs. William George Whitaker, III.

In Celebration of the wedding of: Kallie Alesch and Bo Platt

Altar Flowers: If you would like to make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one, please contact Linda Schutte at 770.329.2075.

Preaching: Rev. Bill Britt, Senior Minister Matthew 22:34-40

Liturgists: Rev. Julie Wright, Associate Minister Rev. Jamie Jenkins, Associate Minister

Music: Scott Atchison, Director of Music and Organist Dr. Oliver Brett, Associate Organist and Choirmaster The Chancel Choir

For information on upcoming worship services please visit


ANNOUNCEMENTS . OCTOBER 10, 2021Learn more, opt-in to emails, register for events and give at

TODAYUnder Pressure Sermon SeriesDuring the month of October, we will offer handles of hope and help as we learn to develop good mental health. All of us are under pressure in some way, but we also can find hope and peace that are the gifts of God.

Oct 10 Caring for OurselvesOct 17 When You’re Experiencing BurnoutOct 24 Come Apart So You Don’t Come Apart

Special Offering for Wellroot Family ServicesWe are honored to partner with Wellroot Family Services (formerly known as the United Methodist Children’s Home). This ministry that has been providing hope and help to children since 1871! Your gift will support foster families here in Atlanta and throughout the region as they provide a safe, loving environment for children who have no place else to turn. Please make a gift using the card in today’s bulletin, online at, or through the new church app now available through Apple or Google.

Falcons Fellowship Tailgate Breakfast!Today, October 10, 9:30 am, Grace HallJoin your friends and cheer on the Falcons at this awesome game-day breakfast! Watch the Dirty Birds on the big screen as they take on the NY Jets in London. We’ll have complimentary Tailgate Breakfast Boxes filled with fun game-day food ready for our football fans. Complete your tailgate package at the coffee bar - pick up some java or an alcohol-free Mimosa, or Bloody Mary. All free for our VIPs - that’s you!

Dogwood Shop Open Daily!Discover a beautiful new selection of seasonal items and support our global mission projects! Shop daily in person or anytime online at

Early Service Now Begins at 8:45 amThank you for your feedback regarding the timing of our early Sunday morning service. Starting today, we will begin our first worship service at 8:45 am each week.

MENTAL HEALTHMental Health IS Health Forum SeriesMartha Tate, LCSW: Awakening to Wholeness: Mind, Body, SpiritSunday, October 17, 10:00 amHeritage Hall & Zoom 846 1864 2931PRUMC member Martha Tate has been a licensed counselor and clinical social worker for more than 30 years, providing assessment and counseling for adults of all ages. Martha will explore the truth that at the center of our souls is the genuine self that God created us to be. Despite dealing with life’s wounding disappointments, we can awaken and reclaim wholeness through mind, body, and spirit.

Meditations by Martha TateThis month, Martha Tate will offer weekly guided meditations to help you center down into stillness, to calm your body and quiet the chatter so that you can hear the small voice of God calling you into relationship. These audio meditations will be part of the PRUMC weekly Wednesday email and posted at

Sunday Conversation SeriesSundays, 5:30 pm, Hospitality Suite

Oct 17 | Rev. Ron Greer on Mental HealthOct 24 | Rev. Larry Adams on Anxiety

In this conversational series, Rev. Ron Greer will introduce PRUMC’s new ministry on mental health, the One Lamb Initiative, and discuss how it can be used as a resource for hope and support. The series will continue with Rev. Larry Adams, Rev. Jamie Jenkins and Lena Jenkins (January 2022) as they discuss:• How to recognize anxiety and depression in ourselves

and others• How to know when to seek professional help• How to take care of ourselves and support loved ones

with anxiety or depression

Friend to FriendFriend to Friend confidentially pairs someone currently experiencing crisis with someone who has gone through the same challenge. Visit


MUSIC & ARTSThe Great Organ: Grand ConcertosSunday, October 24, 7:00 pm, SanctuaryThis will be our first concert celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Great Organ! Oliver Brett will play the organ and Scott Atchison will conduct an orchestra comprising musicians from the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Featured works include Poulenc’s Concerto for organ, timpani and strings, Handel’s Organ Concerto, Op. 4, No. 4, Widor’s complete Symphony No. 5 for organ, which concludes with his famous Toccata! $15 suggested donation.

WORSHIPJoin The Flower GuildEnhance our worship through the beauty of flowers! New members will work alongside more experienced ones, who are eager to share their talent and fellowship. For more information, contact Elizabeth Reinhardt at [email protected] or Pablo Mejias at [email protected].

Balcony & Transept Volunteers Needed for Sanctuary GuildThis guild ensures that our pews are refreshed and restocked each week with necessary items. The commitment is flexible - about one hour per month, your choice of day. Our last four positions to fill entail working the balcony and transepts, which includes climbing a staircase. If you are up for the vertical challenge and would like more information, please contact Chairperson Cathy Ward at [email protected]!

ONE LAMB EVENTSAwaken to Wholeness Women’s RetreatSaturday, November 6, 9:00 am – 2:30 pm, LivestreamLearn to transform from within. The authors of The Hidden Life Awakened and special guest leaders will take us through sessions to help us choose good health for our mind, body and spirit. Details and registration at

An Evening with William Cope MoyersSunday, November 14, 5:30 pm, PRUMC SanctuaryWilliam Cope Moyers is the vice president of public affairs and community relations for the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. His best-selling memoir “Broken” intimately chronicles his personal experience of addiction, recovery and redemption. Details and registration at

PASTORAL CAREMovers and Shakers Parkinson’s Support GroupThe Effects of Sleep on Parkinson’s Patients

Wednesday, October 13, 12:00 pm, B158*

If you or someone you love has Parkinson’s Disease, we

invite you to participate in this group who meet for lunch

and sharing. This month we are excited to welcome Dr. Su-

san Mucha, a Piedmont pulmonologist who specializes in

sleep studies. Please bring your questions, and help spread

the word about this relevant and supportive group. *Please

note room number change.

Respite Care Volunteer Information SessionsWednesday, October 13, 10:00 - 11:00 am

Respite Care Atlanta needs volunteers for a few hours a

week to greet, serve lunch, lead exercise or music, and walk

alongside Club members who have cognitive impairment.

Please contact Jane Brann at [email protected].

GLOBAL MISSIONSKenya Family Mission Trip Information SessionSunday, October 17, 10:00 am, Hospitality Suite

Join us to hear about our summer mission opportunities in

Kenya June 23 - July 2, 2022. For more information email

[email protected] or visit

Guatemala Spring Break Mission TripsMarch 5-12, 2022 and April 2-9, 2022Spend a week making real change by building homes and

lifelong friendships in Guatemala City. For more information

email [email protected] or visit


COMMUNITY INITIATIVESPRUMC / Red Cross Blood DriveThursday, October 28, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, Harp Center

Previous donors and first-time donors are welcome! Visit and enter “peachtreeroadumc” to

make your appointment.


MENMen’s Sporting Clays & BBQ Lunch Saturday, October 23, 12:00 - 4:00 pm, Big Red Oak ClubCome join the men of PRUMC for a fun day of shooting sporting clays at Big Red Oak Sporting Club, just one hour south of Atlanta. Any skill level is welcome. Equipment rental and instruction can be provided. We encourage men to volunteer as a “team captain” and recruit 3 others to comprise their team. Golf carts and lunch are included. Equipment rental and shells are not included. Register at

YOUNG ADULTSYoung Adult Stone Mountain HikeSaturday, October 23, 9:30 am - 12:30 pmMeet at the back green lot at PRUMC to carpool to Stone Mountain Park for a fun hike up the mountain. Wear good shoes, bring water and money if you want to join the group for lunch afterward. Contact Tom Liddell to RSVP [email protected].

ADULTSSeasoned Saints Program: Mental WellnessWednesdays, October 20, 1:00 pm, C104Darryl Russ, Licensed Professional Counselor will discuss the importance of mental wellness as we age. Please RSVP to Brittany Charron at [email protected] or Rev. Julie Wright at [email protected].

Trip to Young Harris and Crane Creek VineyardTuesday, October 19, 9:00 am departure from RollinsTour Young Harris College, enjoy a wine-tasting flight at Crane Creek Vineyard, and stop for apples on the way home. Cost is $17 with a self-pay lunch. Please contact Rev. Julie Wright for reservations at [email protected].

Trip to Greensboro, GeorgiaTuesday, November 9, 9:00 am departure from RollinsTour this historic town which was founded in 1786. Cost is $5 with a self-pay lunch. Please contact Rev. Julie Wright for reservations at [email protected].

CHILDREN & FAMILIESHalloween Trunk-or-Treat!

Wednesday, October 27, 5:30 - 7:00 pm, Harp Parking Lot

Join us for a fall evening full of fun, fellowship, costumes

and candy! This is a safe, family-friendly event that we are

excited to bring back. In addition to the trunk-or-treat, we

will have games, a cake-walk and pizza for dinner. Decorated

trunks are needed - scary, cute, weird, whatever! If you can

host a trunk, please email [email protected]. We are

also collecting candy in the cauldrons located throughout

the church campus. Bring bags of individually wrapped

candies now through October 25. Thank you for making this

a memorable event for our church family!

Kid’s Worship Starts October 24!

Sundays, 11:15 am, The Loft (3rd Floor Rollins Building)

3rd, 4th and 5th Graders - Get ready to worship God with

energy and excitement each week! We will lead our kids

in engaging music, a relevant message, and fellowship with

friends. No registration required.

October UMKF - Fall Field Games

Sunday, October 24, 5:30 - 7:00 pm

Meet in The Loft (3rd Floor Rollins Building)

We’ll share a devotional time, eat dinner together, play games

on the field (the gym in the event of rain), and have fun as we

get to know one another better! $5 per child includes dinner

from Marcello’s. Register at For

more information, contact Martha Christopher at marthac@

YOUTHFoundations & Confirmation

Sundays, 10:00 am, Harp Center

6th- 12th grades - join us for fellowship, live worship, and

small group lessons (Confirmation, Middle School, High

School). Contact Mary Allred at [email protected].

1|99 - Sundays, 5:00 pm, Harp Center

7th - 12th grades - join us for dinner, fellowship and small

groups led by amazing adults. Please bring $5 for dinner.


FOOD & FELLOWSHIPSunday Coffee & BreakfastSundays, 9:30 - 11:15 am, Grace HallChoose from a la carte muffins and parfaits or a full meal with eggs, bacon, biscuits and more.

Wednesday LunchWednesdays, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, Grace Hall, $12Join us for midweek fellowship and delicious meals.

Same Day Freezer MealsGourmet Innovations has a variety of frozen entrees and treats available for same day pick up. Clear thawing and reheating instructions provided. Call Chef Bob at 404-797-7323 or visit

WELCOME TO PEACHTREE ROAD UNITED METHODIST CHURCHHere, all are welcome to join in the worship of God, the fellowship of this community of faith, and the ministry of outreach

with others. We are grateful for your presence and our hope is to make a warm, caring community that you can call home.

ATTENDANCELet Us Know You Are With Us

Attendance Cards, pens and collection baskets are available just outside the sanctuary on side tables, and at the Narthex information desk. You may also check-in digitally by scanning this QR code with your smart phone camera to complete our online attendance form.

ONLINE GIVINGYou may give securely online any time at Scan this QR code with your smart phone camera to be directed to our giving web page. There, you can easily complete your contribution. Thank you!

JOININGNew Member Information Class Sunday, November 14, 10:00 amHospitality Suite & Zoom

New Member Brunch & Joining DaySunday, November 21Brunch, 10:00 am, Hospitality SuiteJoining, 8:45, 10:00 or 11:15 am Worship

Church membership promises that Peachtree Road will support your lifelong faith journey as a Christian and provide a loving, nurturing community. If you are considering becoming a member of Peachtree Road, we would love to help you with membership, orientation and small group opportunities. Please contact Rev. Leslie Watkins at [email protected] for more information.

THE PRESCHOOLProspective Parent MeetingsTuesday, October 12, 9:30 am - 11:30 amWednesday, October 20, 9:30 am – 11:30 amWednesday, November 10, 9:30 am – 11:30 amFor more than six decades, The Preschool has provided a loving environment that nurtures children, supports families, and prepares students for kindergarten. We invite you to join us for a Prospective Parent meeting and tour to learn more about the culture, curriculum, and community that make The Preschool a special place for your whole family. We look forward to meeting you! For more information, please contact Kathy Schoen at [email protected].