Peace Corps Small Project Assistance Program USAID FY 2000

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Transcript of Peace Corps Small Project Assistance Program USAID FY 2000

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    [JMLJ LGT[\


    AS 4;;;



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    Bumtjomem mesg rj-jstmdecs`jf cts prgbrmo ch AS =332.

    Ms wms hgtjf ch emst yjmrs T6, lmpmlcty ducefchb cs djlgochb t`j lgrhjrstghj ga t`j\[M prgbrmo. Ch njjpchb wct` t`cs s`cat ch prgbrmo aglus, \[Ms tjl`hclme msscstmhljlgopghjht mllguhtjf agr m emrbjr s`mrj ga tgtme prgbrmo lgooctojhts ch AS =332.Hjmrey =;; [jmlj Lgrps trmchchb jvjhtswjrj suppgrtjf wct` \[M tjl`hclmemsscstmhljauhfchb. V`j tjl`hclme msscstmhlj lgopghjht lgopejojhts t`j brmhtlgopghjht ga t`j \[M prgbrmo dy strjhbt`jhchb tjl`hclme sncees mhf jh`mhlchb t`jfjscbh mhf omhmbjojht ga lgoouhcty-dmsjf prgijlts.

    Ct cs mesg hgtjwgrt`y t`mt w`cej == pjrljht ga mee \[M rjsgurljs suppgrtjf tjl`hclme

    msscstmhlj ch AS =331, t cs pgrtcgh chlrjmsjf tg =0 pjrljht ch AS =332. V`jsjpjrljhtmbjs tjee ghey pmrt ga t`j stgry, `gwjvjr. Djlmusj 4; pjrljht ga brmht auhfchbwjht tg suppgrt eglmeey grbmhczjf trmchchb ch AS =332, t`j gvjrmee s`mrj ga rjsgurljsfcrjltjf uhcqujey tgwmrf lmpmlcty ducefchb mltumeey surpmssjs ghj-t`crf (

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    D. Amltgrs Maajltchb [rgbrmo [jragromhlj

    Ms ch prjvcgus yjmrs, t`j slgpj ga \[M mltcvcty ch AS =332 wms emrbjey fjtjrochjf dy9(=) t`j mvmcemdcecty ga rjsgurljs> (4) t`j huodjr ga lguhtrcjs wct` \[M prgbrmos> mhf( gt`jrs sjj ct msmhlceemry. V`j wmy ch w`cl` Qgeuhtjjrs mhf stmaa argo dgt` mbjhlcjs prgogtj t`j \[Mprgbrmo fcrjltey maajlts cts mlljptmhlj mhf usj ch t`j acjef. Sjt, t`j jhtcrj aglus ga mbcvjh lguhtry-ejvje \[M prgbrmo omy l`mhbj wct` l`mhbjs ch [LQs mhf stmaa.

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    Tjsuets Tjpgrtchb9 V`j \[M prgbrmo lghtchujs tg dj l`meejhbjf dy t`j fcaacluety gaojmsurchb copmlt. Fcaacluetcjs ljhtjr mrguhf t`j amlt t`mt \[M usumeey prgvcfjs mlgoouhcty wct` m ghj-tcoj chauscgh ga auhfs. V`us, \[M prgijlt rjsuets mrj rmrjeytrmlnjf gvjr tcoj> oghctgrchb gatjh jhfs w`jh t`j [LQ chvgevjf ch t`j prgijltlgopejtjs `cs gr `jr sjrvclj. Ogrjgvjr, t`jrj cs m emln ga uhfjrstmhfchb moghb [LQs,

    lguhtjrpmrts, mhf jvjh stmaa mdgut `gw tg ojmsurj mhf mrtcluemtj gutlgojs.

    Ch AS =332, \[M prgbrmo stmaa djbmh mffrjsschb t`cs cssuj wct` rjvcsjf \[Mjvmeumtcgh agros fjscbhjf tg jhlgurmbjrjspghfjhts ([LQs mhf @LHs) tg t`chnmdgut mpprgprcmtj chfclmtgrs agr mltcvctygutlgojs. \[M-suppgrtjf trmchchbjvjhts mesg djbmh chlgrpgrmtchbpmrtclcpmtgry jvmeumtcgh ojt`gfs tgdjttjr jqucp pmrtclcpmhts tg jxmochjcopmlt.

    Ch mffctcgh, copmlt jvmeumtcgh, medjctecoctjf, fgjs gllur vcm9 (=) t`j wgref-wcfj \[M jvmeumtcghs lghfultjf jvjryagur tg acvj yjmrs, mhf (4) gllmscghmelguhtry-ejvje \[M jvmeumtcghs.

    V`j ogst rjljht wgref-wcfj \[Mjvmeumtcgh wms lghfultjf ch AS =33:mhf wj jxpjlt tg lghfult mhgt`jr ch AS =333. Ms hgtjf ch t`j =33: jvmeumtcgh, mlrgssm tjh-yjmr pjrcgf, \[M prgijlts `mvj lghscstjhtey pjragrojf ms pemhhjf, ml`cjvchb mt

    ejmst sgoj ga t`jcr stmtjf gdijltcvjs mt ejmst 3; pjrljht ga t`j tcoj mhf lghtchuchb tgprgvcfj djhjacts ch 0; pjrljht ga t`j lgoouhctcjs w`jrj t`jy wjrj uhfjrtmnjh.

    Achfchbs argo lguhtry-ejvje jvmeumtcghs tjee m secb`tey fcaajrjht stgry. Furchb AS =332,lguhtry-ejvje \[M prgbrmo jvmeumtcghs wjrj lghfultjf ch Vgbgmhf V`j Bmodcm. Chdgt` lguhtrcjs, jvmeumtcgh tjmos jxmochjf prgijlts lghfultjf gvjr m agurtjjh-yjmrpjrcgf (=30

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    [mrt CC

    [rgbrjss Vgwmrf \pjlcme Gdijltcvjmhf Chtjrojfcmtj Tjsuets

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    M. Fjslrcptcgh ga \[M \pjlcme Gdijltcvj mhf Chtjrojfcmtj Tjsuets

    M lrctclme mspjlt ga t`j \[M prgbrmo cs t`mt t`j fjvjegpojht mltcvctcjs ct suppgrts lutmlrgss omhy sjltgrme mrjms, chleufchb jhvcrghojht, l`cef survcvme, aggf prgfultcgh,

    jfulmtcgh, wmtjr mhf smhctmtcgh, mhf somee jhtjrprcsj fjvjegpojht, tg hmoj m ajw.Djlmusj ga cts uhcquj, lrgss-sjltgrme hmturj, t`j \[M prgbrmo cs sjrvjf dy t`jageegwchb \pjlcme Gdijltcvj (\[G)9

    V`j Begdme Durjmu cs rjpgrtchb gh t`j rjsuets ga t`cs \pjlcme Gdijltcvj sjpmrmtjey tgmeegw agr t`j auee copmlt ga t`j prgbrmo tg dj oghctgrjf mhf cts echn tg gvjrmee Mbjhly

    ml`cjvjojht lejmrey fjtjrochjf. @gwjvjr, t`j \[M prgbrmos rjemtcghs`cp tg Z\MCFbgmes cs rjaejltjf dy t`j chtjrojfcmtj rjsuets usjf tg ojmsurj \[Ms prgbrjss. V`jsjrjsuetsw`cl` mrj ojmsurjf mhhumeey gh m wgref-wcfj dmscsfcrjltey lghtrcdutj tg t`jml`cjvjojht ga \[Ms \[G.

    Chtjrojfcmtj Tjsuet =9 Jaajltcvjcopejojhtmtcgh ga `jmet` mhf wmtjrmltcvctcjs dy eglme lgoouhctcjsspjlcaclmeey, prgijlts chvgevchb wmtjr systjochstmeemtcgh, emtrchj lghstrultcgh, mhf t`jprgvcscgh ga `jmet` sjrvcljs mhf amlcectcjs.

    Chtjrojfcmtj Tjsuet 49 Jaajltcvjcopejojhtmtcgh ga jlghgocl brgwt`mltcvctcjs dy eglme lgoouhctcjsspjlcaclmeey, jfulmtcgh, aggf prgfultcgh mhfsomee duschjss prgijlts.

    Chtjrojfcmtj Tjsuet

    t`j huodjr ga pjgpej sjrvjfmhhumeey dy t`jsj mltcvctcjs>

    t`j moguht ga eglme rjsgurljsbjhjrmtjf mhhumeey agr jml`mltcvcty>

    t`j huodjr ga chfcvcfumes trmchjf cht`j mrjms ga jlghgocl

    fjvjegpojht, jhvcrghojht mhf`jmet` mhf wmtjr/smhctmtcgh.

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    Chtjrojfcmtj Tjsuet 69 \trjhbt`jhjfeglme grbmhczmtcghme lmpmlcty tgcopejojht sustmchmdej fjvjegpojhtmltcvctcjs.

    Hgtj t`mt t`cs chfclmtgr cs m prgxy chfclmtgrschlj fjtjrochchb copmlt t`rgub` mhmeyscsga jml` grbmhczmtcgh sjrvjf wguef dj tcoj-lghsuochb mhf prg`cdctcvjey lgstey.

    Mltume fmtm gh mee \[M \[G chfclmtgrs cs djchb rjpgrtjf mhhumeey agr mee hjw brmhts.Chagromtcgh cs lgeejltjf mhhumeey argo jml` pgst wct` m auhltcghchb \[M prgbrmo.[jmlj Lgrps Qgeuhtjjrs mhf t`j lgoouhcty ojodjrs t`jy wgrn wct` oghctgr mhfrjpgrt gh jml` chfcvcfume \[M mltcvcty. V`j chagromtcgh cs lgeejltjf uschb stmhfmrfjvmeumtcgh agros w`cl` mrj t`jh agrwmrfjf tg [L/Rms`chbtgh w`jrj t`jy mrj lgopcejf

    chtg mh mhhume mltcvctcjs rjpgrt. Vmdej =suoomrczjs prgbrjss tgwmrf t`j \[M\pjlcme Gdijltcvj.

    Fuj tg t`j hmturj ga t`j \[M prgbrmo mhfmh ch`jrjht aejxcdcecty ch fjvjegpchbprgijlts eglmeey, t`j huodjr ga prgijlts lmhaeultumtj argo yjmr tg yjmr. [rgijltcghs`mvj djjh omfj dmsjf gh trjhfs chprjvcgus yjmrs, auhfs mvmcemdej mhfmvjrmbj huodjr ga djhjaclcmrcjs.

    Vmdej =. \uoomry ga [rgbrjss Vgwmrf\[M \[G

    =33: =332

    ChtjrojfcmtjTjsuets Chfclmtgr (Dmsjechj) [emhhjf Mltume

    % Jxljjfchb[emh

    CTs =,4, mhf

    3 pjrljht prgogtjf jhvcrghojhtme prgtjltcgh mltcvctcjs.

    V`j fcstrcdutcgh ga \[M mltcvcty vmrcjs sgojw`mt moghb [jmlj Lgrps rjbcghs. Agrjxmopej, `jmet` mhf wmtjr/smhctmtcgh prgijlts mllguht agr 6: pjrljht ga mee \[M mltcvctych t`j Marclm rjbcgh mhf

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    = pmrtclcpmtgryjfulmtcgh mhf fcsjmsj prjvjhtcgh> fcmrr`jm prjvjhtcgh mhf lghsjqujhljs> acrst mcf>

    hutrctcgh> prjhmtme lmrj, prgpjr dcrt` mttjhfmhlj mhf dcrt` `ybcjhj, jojrbjhlytjl`hcqujs, pgst-pmrtuo lmrj, mhf hjjfs ga prjbhmht wgojh. [mrtclcpmhts chleufjfocfwcvjs> vmrcgus lgoouhcty `jmet` pjrsghhje, tjl`hclcmhs, mhf jxtjhscgh mbjhts> mhfprcomry sl`gge tjml`jrs.

    V`j Yg-Npgtm rjbcgh ga Djhchemlnjf snceejf pjrsghhje tg oghctgr hutrctcgh prgbrmosmhf fcssjochmtj chagromtcgh gh hutrctcgh mhf `ybcjhj. Rct` \[M suppgrt, eglme vceembjwgojh mhcomtgrs rjljcvjf trmchchb mdgut chagromtcgh, jfulmtcgh mhf lgoouhclmtcgh(CJL) tjl`hcqujs ch grfjr tg djttjr lghfult prjsjhtmtcghs gh dmscl `ybcjhj, hutrctcghmhf vmllchmtcghs. Ms t`j rjsuet ga t`jsj trmchchbs, [LQ Lgeejjh Tjhn rjpgrtjf t`mt t`jmhcomtgrs mrj oul` ogrj chagrojf mdgut mspjlts ga `jmet` mhf `ybcjhj mhf oul`djttjr prjpmrjf tg trmhsajr chagromtcgh tg gt`jr lgoouhcty ojodjrs. \`j mesggdsjrvjf, "V`jrj cs m vcscdej fcaajrjhlj ch t`jcr mdcecty tg trmhsajr chagromtcgh mhf cht`jcr sjea-lghacfjhlj." Ageegwchb t`j trmchchb, pmrtclcpmhts djbmh tg l`mhbj sgoj gat`jcr dmscl `jmet`/`ybcjhj prmltcljs ch grfjr tg sjt mh jxmopej.

    Lghstrultcgh ga Rjees, Tjsjrvgcrs, mhf Rmtjr Aegw \ystjos

    V`j emln ga lejmh, pgtmdej wmtjr sgurljs cs m prgdejo t`mt lgoouhctcjs ch Marclm amljgh mh ghbgchb dmscs. Lghtmochmtjf wmtjr suppecjs mrj mesg m omigr amltgr ch fcsjmsjtrmhsocsscgh mhf fcmrr`jm. Msscstmhlj tg lgoouhcty brgups chtjrjstjf cs sjlurchb m

    smaj mhf pgtmdej wmtjr suppey lghtchujs tg dj mh mrjm tg w`cl` \[M rjspghfs. Ch\jhjbme, t`j vceembj ga Echqjungtg, ch lghiuhltcgh wct` [LQ \`jcem Amdrczcg mffrjssjft`j prgdejo ga pggr wmtjr sgurljs mhf rjemtjf `jmet` prgdejos dy chctcmtchb m ljhtrmevceembj wjee systjo, maagrfchb arjj mhf lghvjhcjht mlljss tg mee. Ms mh mffjf djhjact tgt`cs mltcvcty, t`jrj cs hgw mh mfjqumtj wmtjr suppey sgurlj tg suppgrt vjbjtmdej mhfaruct trjj prgfultcgh.

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    @mvchb m pgtmdej wmtjr sgurlj cs copgrtmht, dut ch ljrtmch mrjms ct cs jqumeey copgrtmhttg m lgoouhcty's `jmet` tg `mvj rjecmdej wmtjr sgurljs mvmcemdej agr bmrfjhchb mhfvjbjtmdej prgfultcgh mltcvctcjs. Mbmch, ch \jhjbme,[LQ @geey L`rcstcmhsjh wgrnjfwct` t`j Guhfguhfgu lgoouhcty tg prgvcfj suaaclcjht wmtjr mvmcemdcecty tg crrcbmtj t`jlgoouhcty bmrfjhs furchb t`j fry sjmsghs, t`us jhsurchb t`j lgoouhcty m stjmfy

    sgurlj ga vjbjtmdejs tg t`jcr fcjt.

    V`j prgdejo ga lghtmochmtjf wmtjr cs hgt uhcquj tg Marclm. Ch Tusscm-Rjst, [LQFgub Eut`y wgrnjf wct` Jlg-[rjss, m eglme grbmhczmtcgh gh prgtjltcvj ojmsurjsmrguhf =4 hmturme sprchbs t`mt wjrj djchb lghtmochmtjf dy sgce jrgscgh mhf ecttjr. Chmffctcgh tg prgvcfchb wjee lgvjrs gvjr t`j sprchbs, t`j brgup grbmhczjf m eglme lejmhupga t`j mrjm mhf prgvcfjf sl`gge l`cefrjh wct` scopej dcgegbclme mhmeyscs tjl`hcqujs mhfbrmss rggts jhvcrghojhtme `jmet` jfulmtcgh. Ms mh gutbrgwt` ga t`cs mltcvcty, Jlg-[rjsshgw `ms m wgrnchb rjemtcghs`cp wct` prcvmtj mhf pudecl grbmhczmtcghs matjr jx`cdctchbdgt` t`jcr tjl`hclme mhf lggrfchmtcgh sncees.

    Ms hgtjf mdgvj, mh chtjrjstchb gaa-s`ggt ga t`j wmtjr/smhctmtcgh lghstrultcgh mltcvctcjs cst`j bjhjrmtcgh ga jopegyojht. Gatjh, chfcvcfumes trmchjf t`rgub` t`j lgursj ga prgijltcopejojhtmtcgh, achf t`mt t`jcr hjw sncee cs omrnjtmdej.

    Emtrchj Lghstrultcgh

    Ch mffctcgh tg msscstmhlj prgvcfjf ch t`j rjpmcr mhf rjpemljojht ga wjees ch eglmelgoouhctcjs, \[M rjsgurljs mrj usjf tg suppgrt t`j lghstrultcgh ga emtrchjs, t`jrjdyprgtjltchb brguhf wmtjr suppecjs argo lghtmochmtcgh mhf prjvjhtchb wcfjsprjmf `jmet`lghljrhs mssglcmtjf wct` pggr smhctmry lghfctcghs.

    Ch Lgtj f'Cvgcrj, [LQ Emurm \lgdcj mhf t`j tjml`jrs mhf jefjrs ga t`j vceembj ga Mdysjttejf gh mffrjsschb t`j hjjf agr amocey emtrchjs ch t`cs mrjm, w`cl` dgrfjrs gh m emrbjembggh ch t`j sgut`jmst mhf cs jhfgwjf wct` rmch agrjst tgpgbrmp`y. Djagrj t`j \[M-suppgrtjf mltcvcty, ct wms hgt uhlgoogh agr vceembjrs tg usj t`j embggh mhf t`jsurrguhfchb dus`, prjsjhtchb m pgtjhtcme `jmet` rcsn tg gt`jrs w`g mrj uschb t`j embgghagr dmt`chb mhf rjlrjmtcgh. Mesg, t`j acs` lmub`t ch t`j embggh mrj m sgurlj ga aggf agrt`j vceembj. V`j prgijlt lgopejtjf t`rjj pudecl emtrchjs, jml` wct` scx Vurncs` tgcejts. M`mhf wms`chb stmtcgh wms eglmtjf gutscfj ga jml` strulturj, mhf `ybcjhj mhf emtrchjomchtjhmhlj chstrultcgh wms prgvcfjf dy t`j eglme `jmet` tjmo, ch lgeemdgrmtcgh wct`sl`gge stmaa mhf t`j vceembj jefjrs.

    Ch Ogrsg, B`mhm,m eglme hjjfs mssjssojht rjvjmejf t`mt ghey :; ga t`j =1;`gusj`gefs ch t`j vceembj `mf mlljss tg m emtrchj. Rct` fcslusscgh mhf cfjhtcaychb t`jrjsgurljs mvmcemdej, m \[M prgijlt wms prgpgsjf tg lghstrult :; Ogzmodcquj-styej`gusj`gef emtrchjs. [LQ Vco Dguemy rjpgrtjf t`mt t`j "lgoouhcty rjspghsj mhfpmrtclcpmtcgh wms sg brjmt t`mt wj wjrj mdej tg lgopejtj 1= emtrchjs wct` t`j auhfsdufbjtjf tg lgopejtj :;. Hgw, === ga t`j =1; `gusj`gef lgopguhfs `mvj mlljss tgm emtrchj". Jmrey gh, t`jrj wms ejss t`mh auee uhfjrstmhfchb ga t`j lghljpt ga

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    lgoouhcty lghtrcdutcgh, dut ms t`j wgrn prgbrjssjf, ogrj mhf ogrj pjgpej dgub`t chtgt`j mltcvcty.

    Ageegwchb lgopejtcgh ga m \[M-suppgrtjf emtrchj lghstrultcgh prgijlt ch Je [chmr,Fgochclmh Tjpudecl, t`j lgoouhcty, uhfjr t`jcr gwh chctcmtcvj, djlmoj chvgevjf ch m

    hjw emtrchj prgijlt. Ghlj t`cs prgijlt wms lgopejtjf, sgoj ga t`j wgrnjrs wjrjlghtrmltjf agr mffctcghme lghstrultcgh, mh chlgoj-bjhjrmtchb lgopghjht t`mt wms hgtgrcbchmeey agrjsjjh.

    @jmet` Lechcl Lghstrultcgh

    Npjvjbg, Vgbg, emlnjf m amlcecty agr t`j lgeejltcgh mhf fcstrcdutcgh ga ojfclme suppecjs.Rct` \[M suppgrt, m lechcl wms lghstrultjf agr t`j stgrmbj mhf fcstrcdutcgh ga ojfclmesuppecjs, ojfclchjs mhf frubs. [mrt ga t`j eglmej mesg sjrvjs ms m ocf-wcajry ljhtjrmhf `jmet` jfulmtcgh lemssrggo. [LQ Grcgh Sguhb hgtjs t`mt ageegwchb t`j lechcl'sjstmdecs`ojht, t`j lgoouhcty jhigyjf coprgvjojhts ch t`j trjmtojht ga ochgr ceehjssjs

    ms wjee ms ogrj jaajltcvj fjecvjry ga `jmet` jfulmtcgh sjochmrs. Lgoouhcty ogrdcfctymhf ogrtmecty stmtcstcls mrj hgw djchb ogrj jaajltcvjey oghctgrjf.

    V`j `jmet` ljhtjr ch Dmbuchjt, Buchjm, wms dmfey fjtjrcgrmtjf mhf emlnjf mfjqumtjsmhctmtcgh amlcectcjs. \[M suppgrtjf rjpmcrs ga dgt` t`j ljhtjr mhf emtrchjs. Ms m rjsuetga t`jsj coprgvjojhts, pmtrghmbj ga t`j `jmet` ljhtjr `ms chlrjmsjf frmomtclmeey.

    Rmstj Fcspgsme

    Ch [gemhf, Zrzmf Ocmstmc Lgochy grbmhczjf m `goj rjlylechb jaagrt wct` t`j lctymfochcstrmtcgh, ch mh jaagrt tg coprgvj t`j prgijltjf ecaj spmh ga t`j eglme emhfacee. Ms mrjsuet, t`jrj mrj hgw mpprgxcomtjey

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    Vmdej 4. [jragromhlj Fmtm Vmdej - CT=\pjlcme Gdijltcvj9 Jh`mhlj lgoouhctcjs lmpmdcectcjs tg lghfult egw-lgst, brmss-rggts,sustmchmdej fjvjegpojht prgijlts

    CT =9 Jaajltcvj copejojhtmtcgh ga `jmet` mhf wmtjr mltcvctcjs dy eglme lgoouhctcjs

    Chfclmtgr =9 Mhhume huodjr ga mltcvctcjs rjemtjf tg `jmet` mhf wmtjr/smhctmtcgh

    Zhct ga Ojmsurj9 # mltcvctcjs lghfultjf Sjmr [emhhjf Mltume

    =33: Dmsjechj 462=331 444 4=3

    \gurlj9 [LQ, Lguhtjrpmrt, & \tmaa Tjpgrts =332 4;; 4:1=330 =0;=333 =14

    Lgoojhts9 Ct cs jxpjltjf t`mt mt ejmst =,=:1`jmet` mhf wmtjr mltcvctcjs wcee `mvj djjhlghfultjf dy AS4;;;.

    4;;; =6:

    Chfclmtgr 49 Huodjr ga pjgpej sjrvjf mhhumeey dy mltcvctcjs rjemtjf tg jmet` mhf wmtjr/smhctmtcgh

    Zhct ga Ojmsurj9 Chfcvcfume djhjaclcmrcjs Sjmr [emhhjf Mltume

    =33: Dmsjechj =24,34 chfjjf t`cs typj ga mltcvcty wcee lghtchuj tg fjachj pjragromhljtgwmrfs t`cs chtjrojfcmtj rjsuet.

    Hjvjrt`jejss, wj mrj vjry suppgrtcvj ga t`j chlrjmschb jop`mscs djchb pemljfgh lgoouhcty-ejvje `jmet` mhf `ybcjhj jfulmtcgh jaagrts fjscbhjf tglgopejojht t`j lghstrultcgh mltcvctcjs. Rj wcee lghtchuj tg urbj Qgeuhtjjrs,@LH lguhtjrpmrts, mhf [L stmaa tg `jep us ejmrh ogrj mdgut w`cl` brmss-rggtstjl`hcqujs ogst jaajltcvjey jhlgurmbj dj`mvcgr l`mhbjs.

    L. CT4 - Ja ajl t cvj copejojhtmt cgh g a jlghgocl b rgwt` mlt cv c t cjs d y eglm elgoouhc t cjs .

    =. [jragromhlj Mhmeyscs.

    [rgbrjss tgwmrfs CT4 cs ml`cjvjf t`rgub` mltcvctcjs mssglcmtjf wct` chlgojbjhjrmtcgh, aggf prgfultcgh, mhf jfulmtcgh, j.b., lgoojrlcme mbrclueturj, ecb`tomhuamlturchb, `mhfclrmats prgfultcgh, sl`gge lghstrultcgh/rjpmcrs, chstrultcghmeomtjrcmes coprgvjojhts, mhf oclrgjhtjrprcsj fjvjegpojht.

    Ch AS =332, tmrbjts `mvj djjh jxljjfjf agr mee chfclmtgrs. Mbmch, t`j huodjrsga chfcvcfumes trmchjf `ms brjmtey surpmssjf t`j tmrbjt fuj tg chlrjmsjf prgbrmoaglus gh lmpmlcty ducefchb mhf eglmeey grbmhczjf, lgoouhcty-ejvje trmchchbs.

    Jlghgocl fjvjegpojht prgijlts mllguht agr gvjr 1; pjrljht ga mee \[M mltcvcty ch t`jCM[ mhf JOM rjbcghs, w`cej ch Marclm, mltcvcty ch t`cs sjltgr omnjs up iust uhfjr :;pjrljht. Ct cs copgrtmht tg jop`msczj t`mt m emrbj s`mrj:6 pjrljht, gvjrmeegajlghgocl fjvjegpojht mltcvcty mltumeey lghscsts ga lgoouhcty-ejvje prgijlts rjemtjf tgjfulmtcgh.

    Vmdej < `cb`ecb`ts t`j pjrljhtmbj ga jlghgocl fjvjegpojht prgijlts t`mt aglus ghjfulmtcgh. Ms t`j tmdej mesg ceeustrmtjs, t`cs vmrcjs dy rjbcgh wct` t`j `jmvcjstjfulmtcgh jop`mscs ch t`j JOM rjbcgh.

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    Lemssrggo Lghstrultcgh, Tj`mdcectmtcgh mhf Omchtjhmhlj

    \l`gges mrguhf t`j wgref, ch vmrcgus stmtjs ga gvjrlrgwfchb mhf fcsrjpmcr, lghtchuj tgfjtjrcgrmtj ms omchtjhmhlj dufbjts mrj hgt mvmcemdej. Zhsuctmdej sl`gge lghfctcghsmaajlt lemss mttjhfmhlj mhf ejmf tg `cb` mdsjhtjjcso. Ogrj t`mh ghj-qumrtjr ga \[M

    rjsgurljs mrj jopegyjf tg lghstrult gr omnj coprgvjojhts tg sl`gge amlcectcjs, t`jrjdychlrjmschb jfulmtcghme gppgrtuhctcjs mt t`j brmss-rggts.

    \gojtcojs \[M suppgrt agr sl`gge lghstrultcgh cs iust t`j acrst stjp tgwmrfs m emrbjrbgme. Ch Vjecojej, Buchjm, agr jxmopej, lghljrhs mdgut t`j uhfjr-rjprjsjhtmtcgh gabcres ch sl`gge mhf t`j emln ga igd trmchchb gppgrtuhctcjs agr yguhb wgojh prgoptjf t`j[mrjhts ga Sguhb Rgojh Mssglcmtcgh tg grbmhczj lghstrultcgh ga lemssrggo ducefchbsw`jrj bcres, wct` ecttej gr hg prjvcgus jfulmtcgh gr rjsgurljs, lmh rjljcvj trmchchb chsjwchb, nhcttchb, jodrgcfjry, ectjrmly sncees, mhf `jmet` jfulmtcgh.

    Ch Dmhjstc,Ogefgvm mh uhrjecmdej `jmtchb systjo lghtrcdutjf tg m ejss t`mh lghfulcvj

    ejmrhchb jhvcrghojht. Ch mffctcgh, t`j emln ga jmt mee dut prjleufjf t`j usj ga t`jsl`gge agr gt`jr lgoouhcty mltcvctcjs. \chlj \[M `jepjf rjpmcr t`j sl`gge `jmtchbsystjo, t`j amee sjojstjr wms lgopejtjf wct`gut mhy chtjrruptcgh ch lemss sl`jfuejs.Aurt`jrogrj, t`j lgoouhcty cs jxjrlcschb m fjbrjj ga rjspghscdcecty agr cts gwh auturj dychstctutchb cts gwh dgcejr omchtjhmhlj lgoocttjj mhf t`j omygr `ms mrrmhbjf agr mogrj rjecmdej auje sgurlj.

    Qglmtcghme Vrmchchb

    Ch mffctcgh tg lghstrultcgh mhf omchtjhmhlj mltcvctcjs, m huodjr ga sl`gges mrjuhfjrtmnchb \[M-suppgrtjf mltcvctcjs tg coprgvj ejmrhchb jhvcrghojhts dy

    prgvcfchb fjsns, tmdejs mhf l`mcrs agr lemssrggos mhf ecdrmrcjs. Agr sul`prgijlts, sl`gges mrj gatjh mdej tg lgodchj lghstrultcgh wct` vglmtcghme trmchchb.

    Agr jxmopej, mt t`j Nmpcrc \jlghfmry \l`gge ch Ycodmdwj, t`jrj wmschmfjqumtj aurhcturj agr tjml`chb sctumtcghshg tmdejs ch slcjhlj emdgrmtgrcjs, hgrjmfchb fjsns mhf hg ecdrmry s`jevchb. V`jrj wms mesg hg gppgrtuhcty agr `mhfs-gh jxpjrcjhlj wct` wggfwgrn, ojtmewgrn mhf aurhcturj omnchb schlj t`j sl`ggelurrclueuo fcf hgt chleufj lmrpjhtry lemss. Lghstrultcgh ga sl`gge aurhcturjprgvcfjf stufjhts wct` t`j ojmhs tg lghtrcdutj tg t`j sl`gge ch m wmy ogrjlghfulcvj tg ejmrhchb. [LQ Fjdgrm` Mmr`us rjpgrts t`mt, ms t`j rjsuet ga t`cs

    \[M prgijlt, stufjhts mrj hgw snceejf ch t`j omchtjhmhlj mhf rjpmcr ga aurhcturj.\goj mrj lurrjhtey msscstchb gh gt`jr prgijlts mhf djchb lgopjhsmtjf agr t`jcrwgrn ducefchb l`mcrs, tmdejs mhf fjsns. M sjhsj ga mllgopecs`ojht mhf prcfj`ms prgoptjf t`j sl`gge tg purl`msj stgges, djhl`js mhf emd fjoghstrmtcghtmdejs. \cocemr mltcvctcjs lgodchchb sl`gge lghstrultcgh mhf vglmtcghmejfulmtcgh mrj djchb uhfjrtmnjh ch gt`jr lgoouhctcjs ch Ycodmdwj ms wjee ms chB`mhm, Njhym, mhf Omfmbmslmr.

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    Ch \urym [mtuwm, Hjpme, ghey t`j ogst sjhcgr lemssjs wjrj jqucppjf wct` fjsnsmhf l`mcrs. Gt`jr ejvjes omfj fuj wct` ecttej gr hg lemssrggo aurhcs`chbs.V`rgub` m \[M prgijlt, stufjhts rjljcvjf chstrultcgh ch wggfwgrnchb mhf omfjt`jcr gwh fjsns, tmdejs mhf l`mcrs. [LQ Omrn Lujhbrgs hgtjf t`mt "`mvchbtmdejs ms jhlgurmbjf tjml`jrs tg grbmhczj lggpjrmtcvj ejmrhchb tjl`hcqujs

    mhf mltcvctcjs agr t`jcr stufjhts, ms t`j brgups lmh hgw dj grbmhczjf mrguhftmdej mrjms."

    Chstrultcghme Omtjrcmes mhf Jqucpojht

    \[M `ms mesg `jepjf jxpmhf t`j qumecty ga dmscl jfulmtcgh t`rgub` djttjr chstrultcghmeomtjrcmes, ojfcm mhf ojt`gfs. Gatjhtcojs, \[M auhfchb suppgrts t`j mlqucsctcgh grfjvjegpojht ga jfulmtcghme rjsgurlj omtjrcmes t`mt mrj ogrj up-tg-fmtj mhf jopegydjttjr tjml`chb ojt`gfgegbcjs. Ch Omfmbmslmr, agr jxmopej, stufjhts mhf amluetyusjf \[M rjsgurljs tg mlqucrj mufcg-vcsume jqucpojht. V`cs jqucpojht hgw meegwst`jo tg prjpmrj lemss omtjrcmes t`mt mrj ogrj rjejvmht tg t`j stufjhts jxpjrcjhljs mhf

    t`mt prgvcfj mh gppgrtuhcty agr sjea-stufy. [LQ Hmtms`m fj Omrlnjh rjpgrts t`mtstufjhts mhf amluety mecnj `mvj djjh jhjrbczjf dy t`j prgijlt mhf mrj utceczchb t`jjqucpojht tg omnj lurrclueuo coprgvjojhts.

    Ch V`j Bmodcm, [LQ Medjrtm Fmvcs mhf ojodjrs ga t`j Hmtcghme \lcjhlj Vjmolghfultjf rjsjmrl`, mhf gdsjrvjf mhf vcsctjf rjejvmht slcjhtcacl chstctutcghs ch grfjr tgprjpmrj m slcjhlj syeemdus t`mt cs ogrj acjef grcjhtjf. Rct` \[M suppgrt, m hjwomhume mhf vcsume mcfjs wjrj prgfuljf tg `jep tjml` slcjhlj ch Bmodcmh lemssrggos.

    Ch Ejsgt`gmhf Bmdgh, m emln ga chstrultcghme rjsgurljs `ms prgoptjf [LQs, stufjhtsmhf tjml`jrs tg fjvjegp t`jcr gwh vcsume mcfjs dy pmchtchb t`j wmees ga t`jcr lemssrggoswct` wgref omp ourmes. Ch dgt` lmsjs, \[M brmht lghtrcdutcghs fcf hgt jxljjf $4;;mhf t`j stufjhts mhf tjml`jrs prgvcfjf mee t`j emdgr.

    Ch lghtrmst, ch t`j JOM rjbcgh, \[M prgogtjs t`j usj ga t`j emtjst tjl`hgegbcjsagr emhbumbj chstrultcgh mhf sjea-ejmrhchb mltcvctcjs. Ch Duebmrcm, [LQ HgrmOlHjceey mhf lgeejmbujs mt t`j Hmhl`g [gpgvcl` \l`gge fjtjrochjf t`mt m emlnga m lgoouhclmtcvj, stufjht ljhtjrjf ejmrhchb mpprgml`, m emln ga stufjhtchtjrjst ch uschb gutfmtjf, hgh-chtjrmltcvj tjxts mhf tjml`chb ojt`gfs mhf m emlnga nhgwejfbj ga gt`jr lueturjs mee lghtrcdutjf tg egw brmfumtcgh mhf uhcvjrsctymlljptmhlj rmtjs. Vgbjt`jr, t`jy djbmh t`j prgljss ga chlgrpgrmtchb stufjht-

    ljhtjrjf tjxts chtg t`j lurrclueuo mhf lrjmtjf m ljhtjr agr chfjpjhfjht ejmrhchbmhf prmltclj.

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    Vjml`jr Vrmchchb

    Ch m huodjr ga lguhtrcjs, \[M `ms `jepjf coprgvj ejmrhchb jhvcrghojhts dysuppgrtchb tjml`jr trmchchb. Ch Lmojrggh, coprgvjojhts ch omt` mhf slcjhljlurrcluem `mvj djjh omfj ageegwchb \[M-suppgrtjf omt` mhf slcjhlj

    wgrns`gps agr tjml`jrs. Mhf ch Buchjm, \[M `ms suppgrtjf tjml`jr trmchchb agrMCF\ Jfulmtcgh.

    Rct` t`j rmpcf pmlj ga tjl`hgegby l`mhbjs maajltchb lemssrggo tjl`hcqujs mhfgppgrtuhctcjs, mhf t`j brgwchb chtjrjst mhf mppeclmtcghs lghhjltjf wct` usj gat`j chtjrhjt, omhy tjml`jrs hjjf msscstmhlj ch amocecmrczchb t`josjevjs wct`t`jsj tjl`hgegbclme l`mhbjs sg t`mt t`jy omy omnj t`j djst usj ga t`csnhgwejfbj ch t`jcr gwh lemssrggos. Ch [gemhf, agr jxmopej, \[M `jepjfprgvcfj tjl`hclme suppgrt tg uhfjr-qumecacjf, ch-sjrvclj tjml`jrs ch t`jlgoouhcty t`rgub` prgajsscghme fjvjegpojht lgursjs, ejssgh pemh fjvjegpojhtmhf ecdrmry usj ga t`j chtjrhjt.

    Hgh-Agrome Jfulmtcgh mhf Sgut` Lmops

    V`jrj mppjmrs tg dj m trjhf tgwmrfs ogrj \[M suppgrt agr hgh-agrome jfulmtcgh (HAJ)mltcvctcjs, pmrtcluemrey ygut` lmops. Ch t`j JOM rjbcgh, agr jxmopej, t jsj typjs gaprgijlts mllguhtjf agr legsj tg 4; pjrljht ga mee jfulmtcgh mltcvcty ch t`j rjbcgh furchbAS =332. Ct cs copgrtmht tg uhfjrslgrj t`j amlt t`mt omhy ga t`j HAJ mltcvctcjs mrjfcrjltjf tgwmrfs uhfjrsjrvjf pgpuemtcghs, ecnj bcres, gr gt`jr fcsmfvmhtmbjf brgups,sul` ms t`j `mhfclmppjf.

    Agr jxmopej, ch Omcg, Lmpj Qjrfj, t`jrj mrj ajw gppgrtuhctcjs agr ygut` fjvjegpojht,jspjlcmeey agr yguhb bcres. Rct` suppgrt argo \[M, [LQ Lmrrcj Qceemhtc wgrnjf wct` t`jIg`h [mue CC Sgut` Brgup tg tjml` l`cefrjh `gw tg pemy t`j buctmr mhf njydgmrfchstruojhts. Ch mffctcgh tg t`j brgups ousclme pjragromhlj, ejss tmhbcdej gutlgojswjrj rjpgrtjf sul` ms jejvmtjf prcfj ch mllgopecs`ojhts mhf sjea-jstjjo. Ch mhgt`jr\[M-suppgrtjf HAJ prgijlt ch Omfmbmslmr, [LQ Ijhhcajr Egulns `jepjf grbmhczjvcscts dy stufjhts argo t`j Eyljj Ocxej @juvceej tg eglme duschjssjs. \tufjhts wjrjjhlgurmbjf tg chtjrvcjw pjgpej mdgut lmrjjr pursucts mhf jfulmtcghme dmlnbrguhfs chgrfjr tg djttjr uhfjrstmhf t`j prjpmrmtcghs t`jy wcee hjjf agr jopegyojht.

    Chlgoj Bjhjrmtcgh/Jopegyojht

    Rct`ch t`j L`mrjhtsmvmh lgoouhcty ch Mrojhcm, t`jrj wms m hjjf cfjhtcacjf agr mamlcecty tg prgvcfj igd trmchchb mhf lguhsjechb agr t`j mrjm's ygut`. Rct` msscstmhljprgvcfjf agr t`j rjhgvmtcgh ga m ducefchb, t`j L`mrjhtsmvmh Lgoouhcty Ljhtjr wmslgopejtjf. Ghj ga cts acrst mttrmltcghs wms m ouscl stufcg. Lemssjs ch ousclme usjs ga msyht`jsczjr wjrj agrojf mhf brjw chtg t`j lrjmtcgh ga m ouscl brgup t`mt `ms djbuhrjlgrfchb cts sghbs. Mltcvctcjs `mvj mesg chleufjf dgxchb lemssjs agr nmrmtj stufjhts.V`cs nmrmtj brgup `ms prgfuljf agur l`mopcghs ch Nghmyn Tjbcghs mhf cs bjhjrmtchb

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    rjvjhuj argo cts tgurhmojht pmrtclcpmtcgh mhf prczjs. Tjvjhuj mesg lgochb ch argo usjga dceecmrf tmdejs mhf tmdej tjhhcs amlcectcjs. [rgljjfs mrj auhfchb lgopejtcgh ga gaacljamlcectcjs mhf gt`jr suppgrt auhltcghs. V`j brgwchb rjputmtcgh ga t`j ljhtjr `ms`jcb`tjhjf t`j prcfj t`j ygut` tmnj ch t`jcr ojodjrs`cp tg t`j ljhtjr mhf mesg t`jcrlgoouhcty.

    M \[M-suppgrtjf lgoouhcty prgijlt grbmhczjf dy t`j [mnmsunbmc Amrojrs ch V`mcemhfmhf amlcectmtjf dy [LQ Fmvcf Deu`o prgvcfjs mhgt`jr jxmopej ga chlgoj bjhjrmtcght`rgub` mbrclueturj. V`j mrjm `mf suaajrjf argo fjlrjmsjf amocey chlgojs t`mt wjrjmttrcdutjf tg fjlechchb mhhume lrgp ycjefs fuj tg pggr sgce ajrtcecty mhf jrgscgh.Chtjrlrgppchb ga tjm trjjs ms pmrt ga m `jfbjrgw chtjrlrgp systjo sjrvjs ms m sgcecoprgvjojht mhf lghsjrvmtcgh ojt`gf, ms wjee ms prgvcfchb t`j amrojrs wct` mhmffctcghme sgurlj ga chlgoj argo t`j `mrvjst ga t`j trjj s`ggts mhf trmhsctcghchb t`jamrojrs argo ghj lrgp amrochb systjos.

    Furchb t`j chctcme copejojhtmtcgh stmbjs ga t`cs

    mltcvcty, t`j amrojrs' brgup fjfclmtjf 0 mlrjs gat`jcr djst emhf, wct` wmtjr mlljss, tg dj lghvjrtjftg m tjm grl`mrf. Matjr t`j chctcme pemhtchb ga t`jsjjfechbs, t`j amrojrs jxprjssjf mh chtjrjst chjxpmhfchb t`j mltcvcty tg chlgrpgrmtj m hursjry sgt`jy lguef luetcvmtj t`jcr gwh sjjfechbs, rmt`jrt`mh duy t`jo argo suppecjrs. Ms pmrt ga t`jcopejojhtmtcgh, hjw sncees ch pemhtchb, ajrtceczchb,luetcvmtchb mhf pruhchb wjrj trmhsajrrjf. Ms mrjsuet, t`j Mn`m pjgpej ga t`cs lgoouhcty wceelghfult t`jcr acrst tjm `mrvjst ch =330. Jht`uscmso

    moghb t`j pmrtclcpmhts cs sul` t`mt t`jy mrj hgwjxpegrchb t`j pgsscdcectcjs ga chtjbrmtchb aruct trjjluetcvmtcgh gh t`jcr ochc-djhl` tjrrmlj pegts, mswjee ms jxpmhfchb t`j luetcvmtcgh ga tjm pemhts.

    Mhf ms ghj achme jxmopej, t`j Lggpjrmtcvj [guetry [emh, uhfjrtmnjh dy t`j wgojh gaegw chlgoj amocecjs ch Dgujhacr, Ogrgllgcs m \[M prgijlt wct` m spjlcacl bjhfjr aglus.V`cs prgijlt `ms rjsuetjf ch sgoj somee chlgoj djchb bjhjrmtjf argo eglme jbbprgfultcgh.

    Ch Bumtjomem, t`j Chtjbrme Mbrclgem

    Lggpjrmtcvj agrojf m lgoocttjj tggrbmhczj mh chlgoj bjhjrmtchb prgijlt.V`j prgijlt chvgevjf t`j lghstrultcgh gamh gvjh ms wjee ms t`j trmchchb ga eglmerjscfjhts tg djlgoj dmnjrs. [LQ MhhjL. Tjcaa rjpgrtjf t`mt, ^R`mt rjsuetjfwms_ m lgoouhcty gvjh chstjmf ga mhchfcvcfume duschjss vjhturj. V`jrj cslghscstjht pmrtclcpmtcgh ch t`j drjmf-omnchb prgljss dy ojodjrs mhf bggflmomrmfjrcj mhf mtogsp`jrj ch t`jlggpjrmtcvj. Drjmf cs djchb prgfuljfmhf sgef arjs` jvjry Rjfhjsfmy,

    usumeey swjjt drjmf, Arjhl` drjmf, mswjee ms m eglme drjmf. V`jy mesg omnjlmnjs gh rjqujst. V`jrj mrj m `meafgzjh pjgpej wct` jhgub` lghacfjhljmhf tjl`hcquj tg dmnj uhmsscstjf.

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    4 tg trmch mltcvcty pmrtclcpmhts gh `gw tgfjvjegp, fjscbh mhf copejojht tjml`jr trmchchb ojt`gfgegbcjs agr uschb t`jbucfj> mhf `gw tg lghfult mh jvmeumtcgh ga t`j bucfj's usj matjr m sjojstjr'sjxpjrcjhlj ch uschb ct. V`cs \[M prgijlt rjsuetjf ch t`j pudeclmtcgh ga 6;;lgpcjs ga t`j bucfj, mhf jcb`t tjml`jr trmchchb ogfuejs. V`j trmchchb jejojhtprgfuljf twjevj eglme trmchjrs, w`g ch turh trmchjf mh mffctcghme 4;; tjml`jrs cht`j usj ga t`j bucfj.

    [LQ L`rcs L`url`, wgrnchb wct` t`j Zrmbus Jlgegby Brgup ch t`j Vjrhjcnsc Tmyghmrjm ga Amr Jmstjrh Tusscmcfjhtcacjf m emln ga pjromhjht jhvcrghojhtme jfulmtcghtrmchchb sctjs mhf rjsgurlj chagromtcgh ljhtjrs, ms wjee ms m hjjf agr lgoouhctyojodjrs tg dj djttjr chagrojf gh t`j jhvcrghojht mhf `gw t`j jhvcrghojht copmltst`jcr ecvjs. Rct` t`j msscstmhlj ga m \[M brmht, t`j Zrmbus Jlgegby Brgup hgwgpjrmtjs m lgoouhcty jlgegby ljhtjr, grbmhczjs ygut` mltcvctcjs wct`ch t`j ljhtjr mswjee ms spjlcme jhvcrghojhtme jfulmtcgh prgijlts mhf mltcvctcjs ch lgeemdgrmtcgh wct`gt`jr eglme brgups, mhf `ms chstctutjf rjbcghme jhvcrghojhtme lmops. V`j Brgup csmesg pudecs`chb m l`cefrjh's hjwsejttjr, ms wjee ms prgvcfchb mhf omchtmchchb m lmopamlcecty agr egw-copmlt gutfggr lmopchb t`mt chleufjs mh jhvcrghojhtme jfulmtcghlgopghjht.

    Ch lghiuhltcgh wct` t`j Njhtmu Lguhlce ch Nmzmnstmh, [LQ L`rcs Rggfs

    mlqucrjf \[M auhfchb agr m eglme Jhvcrghojhtme Tjsgurlj Ljhtjr ch \gut`jrhNmzmnstmh. V`j Tjsgurlj Ljhtjr lmh dj mlljssjf dy tjml`jrs, stufjhts mhft`j eglme pgpuemtcgh, ms wjee ms sjrvchb ms m ejmrhchb ljhtjr gh t`j copgrtmhlj galghsjrvmtcgh mhf prgtjltcgh ga t`j jhvcrghojht. Aurt`jrogrj, t`j TjsgurljLjhtjr `ms chtjrhjt echnmbjs meegwchb wcfj mlljss tg jhvcrghojhtme chagromtcgh.Djlmusj ga t`j fjoghstrmtjf strghb eglme chtjrjst, t`j eglme Zhcvjrscty `msfjscbhmtjf t`j sctj tg dj t`j rjsgurlj aglme pgcht agr eglme jlgegby leuds.

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    Lghsjrvmtcgh mhf \ustmchmdej Zsj ga Dcgfcvjrscty

    Argo Bumtjomemlgoj sgoj jxmopejs ga t`j sustmchmdej jlghgocl usj ga t`jlgopghjhts ga dcgfcvjrscty. Agr jxmopej, t`j rurme lgoouhcty ga L`clmlhmdrjlgbhczjf m hjjf agr m hgh-mbrclueturme chlgoj sgurlj ch t`jcr rjogtj oguhtmch mrjm,

    w`cej mt t`j smoj tcoj lghsjrvchb t`j rjsgurljs ga t`j leguf agrjst mrjm t`jy rjscfj ch.Vgbjt`jr wct` [LQ Echfm Tussjee, m lgoouhcty lgoocttjj rjljcvjf \[M msscstmhlj tggrbmhczj wggf lmrvchb trmchchb mhf omrnjtchb sncees, tg omnj usj ga tcodjr t`mt wmsajeejf furchb t`j =30;'s. Rct` t`j hjwey trmchjf lmrvjrs, t`j lgoouhcty `ms agrojf mlggpjrmtcvj tg omhmbj t`j somee duschjss jhtjrprcsj. M sudsjqujht lggpjrmtcvjmltcvcty wms tg stmrt m lgoouhcty wggfegt, wct` t`j uhfjrstmhfchb ga uschb wggf ms mrjhjwmdej rjsgurlj.

    Mhf ageegwchb gh prjvcgus jhvcrghojhtme mwmrjhjss mltcvctcjs `cb`ecb`tchb t`j hmtcvjbrjjh cbumhm mhf cts chlrjmschbey slmrlcty ch t`j mrjm, [LQ Ocl`mje Qcvmefc mhf t`jlgoouhcty ga Vjlucz ch Bumtjomem, wjrj mdej tg sjlurj \[M brmht msscstmhlj agr m

    trmchchb prgbrmo tg trmch mhf tjml` eglme pmrtclcpmhts gh `gw tg omchtmch rjptcejpgpuemtcghs agr eglmeey mvmcemdej aggf suppecjs mhf chlgoj prgfultcgh, w`cej mt t`jsmoj tcoj rj-chtrgfulchb spjlcjs tg t`jcr hmturme `mdctmt.

    Ch mffctcgh, \[M suppgrts jlgtgurcso mltcvctcjs mhf jhvcrghojhtme jfulmtcgh ch t`jduaajr zghjs ga hmtcghme pmrns. Agr jxmopej, t`rjj sjpmrmtj lgoouhctcjs ch t`j \egvmnTjpudeclrjqujstjf mhf rjljcvjf \[M brmht msscstmhlj ch t`jcr jaagrts tg jstmdecs`jlgtgurcso mltcvctcjs. Ch [gf`grcj, t`j Lcvce Mssglcmtcgh wgrnchb wct` [LQs VmooyBcepmtrcln mhf Tcl` @gjy, rjlgbhczjf t`j pgtjhtcme agr somee slmej jlgtgurcso mltcvctcjsmhf jstmdecs`jf m trmce hjtwgrn tg chlrjmsj jhvcrghojhtme mwmrjhjss mhf coprgvj t`jjlghgocl lghfctcgh ga t`j mrjm. Ch mffctcgh tg prgogtchb t`j usj ga t`j jhvcrghojhtmetrmce systjo dy dgt` tgurcsts mhf rjscfjhts, t`jy `mvj omfj prgbrjss ch chtjbrmtchb t`jusj ga t`j trmces agr jhvcrghojhtme jfulmtcgh mltcvctcjs dy t`j eglme sl`gges, `mvjprgfuljf m rjbcghme trmce bucfj mhf `mvj chstctutcghmeczjf t`j omchtjhmhlj ga t`j trmcehjtwgrn wct`ch t`jcr grbmhczmtcgh. Ch Hctrcmhsnc, t`j Ygdgr Jfulmtcghme Vrmce [rgijltrjljcvjf m \[M brmht t`rgub` [LQ \tmljy Rmtjromh-@gjy tg msscst ch t`j lrjmtcgh gachtjrprjtcvj pmhjes, ch t`rjj emhbumbjs, meghb t`j pgpuemr `cnchb rgutjs, `cb`ecb`tchbeglme jhvcrghojhtme mhf `cstgrclme chagromtcgh. Ch Qjrjjihg [rgpjshy, m \[M brmhtmsscstjf ch t`j rjpmcr ga mhf coprgvjojhts tg t`j chtjrprjtcvj scbhs meghb t`j trmceejmfchb tg m pgpuemr ochjrme sprchb.

    Ch Dgecvcm, m eglmeey grbmhczjf trmchchb mltcvcty ch t`j [rjajlturj ga Djhc wmsamlcectmtjf dy [LQ Drulj Hjwomh tg mffrjss t`j emln ga sustmchmdej jlghgoclfjvjegpojht gppgrtuhctcjs agr tgurcso mt t`j eglme ejvje. V`j sncees trmhsajrmspjlt ga t`j mltcvcty chleufjf sjsscghs gh dmscl tjros mhf lghljpts gaomrnjtchb mhf duschjss strmtjbcjs> fjvjegpchb mh jlgtgurcso omrnjt strmtjby agrt`j eglme lgoouhcty> mhf jxpegrchb wmys tg chlgrpgrmtj ch t`jcr omrnjt strmtjbyeglmeey mvmcemdej rjhjwmdej rjsgurljs mhf lueturj.

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    Rct` t`j chlrjmschb jop`mscs gh dcgfcvjrscty prgtjltcgh, t`j tjml`chb amluety ga t`j V`jBmodcm's Ncmhb Rjst Hmtcghme [mrn duaajr zghj lgoouhcty sl`gge cs rjljcvchbchlrjmschb rjqujsts agr jhvcrghojhtme leud mltcvctcjs. Zhagrtuhmtjey, t`j fjomhf mhft`j amluety's jht`uscmso agr prgvcfchb msscstmhlj `ms hgt djjh omtl`jf wct`jxpjrcjhlj gr t`j mvmcemdcecty ga trmchchb. V`j Rcefecaj Leud Lgoocttjj ga V`j Bmodcm

    mhf [LQ T. Rmhujstrmut sjlurjf \[M auhfchb agr m wgrns`gp gh `gw tg jfulmtjJhvcrghojhtme Jfulmtcgh mhf Rcefecaj Leud Lgoocttjj ojodjrs gh `gw tg prgpjreychctcmtj mhf omhmbj jhvcrghojhtme t`joj leuds mhf w`mt t`jy hjjf tg nhgw tg jhsurj,omchtmch mhf sustmch leud chtjbrcty.

    \ustmchmdej Hmturme Tjsgurljs Omhmbjojht

    [rcomrcey ch t`j Marclm mhf CM[ rjbcghs, \[M auhfchb suppgrts mltcvctcjs fjscbhjf tgomchtmch gr chlrjmsj t`j prgfultcvj lmpmlcty ga hmturme rjsgurljs. Agr jxmopej, chVghbm, [LQ \tmly Rmlnjr mhf t`j stmaa mt t`j @mhbg Mbrclueturme Lgeejbj, rjljcvjf\[M msscstmhlj tg wgrn wct` stufjhts ga t`j 'Jmu lgoouhcty tg mffrjss t`j prgdejo ga

    jrgscgh t`mt t`jy `mf cfjhtcacjf. Vgbjt`jr, m rjagrjstmtcgh jaagrt wms djbuh meghb wct`mh jhvcrghojhtme jfulmtcgh mltcvcty ch t`j lgoouhcty tg fjoghstrmtj tg t`j lgoouhctyt`j copgrtmhlj ga `mvchb agrjstjf mrjms tg njjp t`j sgce ch pemlj, prjvjhtchb jrgscghmhf prgvcfchb hjjfjf hutrcjhts tg t`j sgce.

    M djjnjjpchb mhf mbrgagrjstry fjoghstrmtcgh mltcvcty ch B`mhm, suppgrtjf wct` \[Mauhfs mhf amlcectmtjf dy [LQ \tumrt Ejvjhdml` mhf t`j [mbm LGAC Hursjry, wmschstctutjf tg mffrjss eglme prgdejos ga gvjrbrmzchb, jrgscgh mhf fjsjrtcaclmtcgh. V`jmltcvcty wms ouetc-amljtjf, wct` mh mpcmry, m wggfegt mhf vjbjtmdej bmrfjhs. Vrmchchbchleufjf fjoghstrmtcghs gh t`j omchtjhmhlj mhf `mrvjstchb ga t`j `cvjs, mhf `gw t`jdjjs mrj lrctclme ch t`j pgeechmtcgh ga lrgps> mhf, `gw wggfegts jh`mhlj t`j sgce, prgvcfjs`mfj mhf mrj m rjhjwmdej sgurlj ga chlgoj agr dgt` aujewggf mhf tcodjr.

    V`j Zhcgh fjs \jhjbmemcs fj \gul`j ga \jhjbmemhf [LQ Jfwmrf Ojhfjssjlurjf \[M auhfs tg lrjmtj m "Agrjstry mhf Mbrclueturj Vrmchchb Ljhtjr" tgamlcectmtj djttjr mbrgagrjstry mhf mbrclueturme trmchchb tjl`hcqujs. Ch prjpmrchbt`jcr prgpgsme, t`jy rjlgbhczjf t`mt t`j eglme lgoouhcty lguef djhjact argodjttjr nhgwejfbj ga agrjstry mhf mbrclueturj. Ms m rjsuet ga t`j mltcvcty, t j eglmelgoouhcty cs ogrj mltcvj ch rjagrjstmtcgh mltcvctcjs mhf cs ogrj nhgwejfbjmdejga t`j jaajlts ga fjagrjstmtcgh. Vjl`hcqujs ch bmrfjhchb mrj coprgvchb ms m rjsuetga t`j Ljhtjr djchb usjf ms m fjoghstrmtcgh sctj dy t`j eglme Mbrclueturme mbjht.

    Ecnjwcsj, t`j eglme HBG "Jmux jt Agrjt" cs tmrbjtchb t`j Ljhtjr agr vcscts dy gt`jrvceembjs mhf prgogtchb t`j Ljhtjr ms m sjjfechb sgurlj agr gutpemhtchb. \l`ggebrgups lgoj tg t`j sctj tg ejmrh ga t`j jaajlts ga fjagrjstmtcgh mhf w`mt t`jy lmhfg ch rjagrjstmtcgh jaagrts.

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    Vmdej :. [jragromhlj Fmtm Vmdej - CT