Peace Corps Dominican Republic Environmental Awareness Education.

Peace Corps Dominican Republic Environmental Awareness Education

Transcript of Peace Corps Dominican Republic Environmental Awareness Education.

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Peace Corps Dominican Republic

Environmental Awareness Education

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How was the Project Developed ?FACTORS (Why)

In 1987, the Ministry of Education approached Peace Corps seeking to obtain technical assistance in the implementation of teachers training programs in environmental education. Environmental education has not traditionally received priority attention by educational authorities. In the past, teachers were not trained in environmental topics, and authorities were reluctant to modify curricula. The newly formed Ministry of Environment established August 2000, integrated over ten Government organizations that were previously addressing the same issue, and created the national directorate for environmental education, responsible for the coordination and delivery of all government efforts and initiatives related to environmental education.

PARTNERS (With Whom?)

Secretary of EducationSecretary of EnvironmentLocal NGOsLocal Community Based Organizations

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Snapshot View of Environmental Awareness

Education in the DRThe general population of the Dominican Republic lacks basic environmental consciousness preventing them from interacting with the environment and sustainably maintaining an adequate level of environmental quality. As a result, there has been a depletion of natural resources caused by subsistence farming which has resulted in: disappearance of species due to habitat destruction, a high rate of deforestation and increased soil erosion. Lack of environmental consciousness also leads to over fishing, and poor urban sanitary conditions including open dump sites. Other major problems affecting the environmental condition of the country include: land degradation, destruction of marine and coastal ecosystems, and environmental pollution. Furthermore, the urbanization of the Dominican Republic during the past 25 years has led to a lack of proper waste disposal facilities and pollution due to unregulated emission standards.

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Environmental Awareness EducationEducation


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Project PurposeTo increase environmental

awareness among Dominicans of all sectors of the population in regard to appreciation of the

environment and a rational use of natural resources.

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Project Goals

GOAL #1: Promote Community Eco-Friendly Social Entrepreneurship

GOAL #2: Strengthen the capacity of teachers and schools

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GOAL #1:Local promoters will develop and implement eco-friendly tourism practices in tourist destinations of the Dominican Republic.

Objective 1: By the end of FY2006, 25 PCVs will train 250 local men, women and youth in eco-tourism practices (guides, local micro business associated with tourists i.e. food, T-shirts, and local goodies to be sold to tourists).

Objective 2: By the end FY2006, 25 PCVs will carry out eco-friendly development activities with 250 youth and community members especially around protected areas, such as ecology clubs, eco-summer camps, environmental awareness campaigns, and eco-friendly stove construction.

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GOAL #2:Teachers will improve their teaching skills by integrating environmental education topics into their curriculum .

Objective 1: By the end of FY2006, 27 PCVs and project partners will train 270 school-teachers in Environmental Education methodology and themes.

Objective 2: By the end of FY2006, EAE 56 PCVs will train 560 school-teachers and students in hands-on Environmental Education activities to reinforce themes covered in class (i.e. garbage pick up campaigns, school gardens, compost piling, trash can distribution, etc.).

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Typical Volunteer Cycle Pre-Service Training (12 weeks including CBT) Months 0-3: Community Diagnostic and Relation Building 3 Month IST: Diagnostic Report and Start the 1st Year

Project Planning Process Months 3-12: Complete Project Plan, Implement, and

Monitor project 12 Month IST: Evaluate 1st year progress and Plan 2nd

Year Months 12-24: Reformulate, Implement, Monitor, and

Evaluate project Months 21-24: Begin transition process Pre, 3, 12 month Site Visits Close of Service Conference

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Top Ten Activities in the Environmental Awareness

Education Project1. Environmental Education Teacher Training and Preparation of

Didactic Materials 2. Trash Clean-Up Activities, Awareness, and Waste-Management3. Environmental Summer Camps4. Map and Environment Education Murals5. Organic School Gardens and Weather Stations 6. Community Based Eco-Tourism Groups7. Environmental Youth Groups and Science Clubs8. Environmental Friendly Small Businesses (Bakery, Ceramic Stoves,

Artisans)9. Ceramic Stoves, Potable Water and Community Environmental-

Health Projects10. Tree Nursery Management and Reforestation

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Success Story: Ryan ReidRyan Reid (2002-Present). Ryan worked for two years as an Environment Volunteer in the southern province of Barahona in the coastal community of San Rafael, Municipality of Paraíso. Ryan provided technical assistance to a group of small coffee growers by helping them restore their plantations, which had been severely damaged by hurricane Georges in 1998. During this process Ryan discovered that many of the community consisted of disenfranchised Haitians immigrants. He facilitated a process of communication and leadership development allowing the Haitian community to become project beneficiaries as well.

Ryan also worked on developing eco-tourism in the Southwest region with the Sociedad Ecológica de Paraíso (SOEPA). He helped SOEPA through institutional strengthening by teaching them how to develop plans and follow up with monitoring and evaluation tools. Together Ryan and SOEPA expanded their ecotourism project and built a visitor’s eco-center perched on the top hill of a unique cloud forest ecosystem. Ryan helped design an interpretive trail around the visitor center with the participation of the local youths. Ryan is a pioneer of Peace Corps’ EAE second goal to develop eco-friendly businesses. He created a core tour center in Paraíso that will direct tourists to volunteer assisted eco-tourism sites throughout the country. Ryan is now the PCV Leader for the Environment Project.

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Project Impact Snapshot

345 teachers and students in 46 schools and CBO's educated and trained on environmental issues35 teachers trained in facilitating environmental education courses9,500 youth and adults engaged in environmental clean-up and/or protection projectsCreation of ecological summer camps for youthDissemination and construction of improved ceramic stoves for energy conservationCreation of numerous community gardens, worm bins, Promotion of trash clean-ups and eco-tourism

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Being a Volunteer is…

A Unique Experience A Challenging Experience A Growing Experience A Sharing Experience An Unforgettable Experience IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU


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Are you ready for the challenge?

Welcome to the Environmental

Awareness Education Project