PE Express Indaba 22.02.2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 0 041 503 6111 ) 525 Fax: 041 503 6220 2 [email protected] Editor: Bettie Giliomee Ladies Black and Navy Slax R79 From The Bridge Tel: 041 3634328. Govan Mbeki, Tel: 041 5821387. Cleary Park, Tel: 041 481 1349 Sizes from 28 - 48 .95 1BASHSV1V-220212-PX-ck-fashion FIG TREE PARK * DURBAN ROAD – KORSTEN * KwaNOBUHLE SHOPPING CENTRE* Credit & Debit Cards Accepted 041 977 0993 041 453 8493 041 367 1366 No Lay Buys on Sale items. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE LAY BYES ACCEPTED SALE SALE SALE 1BAWA4A1V-220212-PX-mf-mad Will Sinazo be the next Oprah? Bay hosts 10th Vuna Awards Ceremony Wrestling to put Bay on TV 2 2 5 5 8 8 ‘I would rather die than go back to Livingstone’ says mother NCEBA DLADLA A VERY ill and bedridden Soweto-on- Sea mother says she would rather die at home than go back to the Living- stone Hospital after the treatment (or lack thereof) she received there. Pamela Maxhanti (36), a mother of a 20-year old daughter, was diag- nosed with a rare disease called el- ephantiasis about five years ago. It is a condition in which a limb or other part of the body becomes grossly en- larged owing to obstruction of the lymphatic vessels. She was taken by ambulance to Livingstone Hospital on January 24 after experiencing “excruciating pain” in her swollen leg. During the next two weeks she was in and out of the hospital without getting any help, according to her. Last Monday she returned to Casu- alty at Livingstone Hospital. “When I arrived I waited and waited with no- body assisting me, while I saw other patients waiting in the queue with me getting help,” said Maxhanti. She said a doctor (whose name is known to PE Express Indaba) told her in no uncertain terms that she was not go- ing to get help at Livingstone hospi- tal. DISAPPOINTED...Pamela Maxhanti who suffers from Elephantiasis claims Livingstone hospital ill-treated and forced her to go home with- out medical assistance. Photo: Werner Hills “He shouted at me telling me to go home,” she said. “At about 4pm I started crying hysterically to alert all and sundry that the hospital was treating me badly,” she said. But even then the nurse and the doctor who came to see her offered no medical assistance. They only of- fered her pain tablets and sent her home. “Then I saw worms coming out of my leg. It was very painful. But the staff did not care. I asked for an am- bulance to take me home. Then they said I should pay R200 or else find my own way back home. “This is bad. I did not expect this kind of treatment from a hospital; es- pecially from a doctor. People usually claim it’s the nurs- es that treat patients badly. I won’t go to hospital again, I’d rather die here at home,” said a tearful Max- hanti. In reaction Provincial Health De- partment spokesperson Sizwe Kupe- lo said all public hospitals are expect- ed to render quality services to the community. “We heard about the allegations and are currently busy with investi- gations. After we get all the facts we’ll take appropriate action against those involved,” said Kupelo. 40 000 COPIES WEEKLY


PE Express Indaba 22.02.2012

Transcript of PE Express Indaba 22.02.2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 0 041 503 6111 ) 525 Fax: 041 503 6220 2 [email protected] Editor: Bettie Giliomee

Ladies Black and Navy SlaxR79From

The Bridge Tel: 041 3634328. GovanMbeki,Tel: 041 5821387. Cleary Park, Tel: 041 481 1349

Sizes from 28 - 48




041 977 0993041 453 8493041 367 1366 No Lay Buys on Sale items.





Will Sinazobe the nextOprah?

Bay hosts 10thVuna AwardsCeremony

Wrestlingto put Bayon TV




‘I would rather die than go backto Livingstone’ says mother


AVERYill andbedriddenSoweto-on-Sea mother says she would rather dieat home than go back to the Living-stone Hospital after the treatment (orlack thereof) she received there.

Pamela Maxhanti (36), a mother ofa 20-year old daughter, was diag-nosed with a rare disease called el-ephantiasis about five years ago. It isa condition in which a limb or otherpart of the body becomes grossly en-larged owing to obstruction of thelymphatic vessels.

She was taken by ambulance to

Livingstone Hospital on January 24after experiencing “excruciatingpain” in her swollen leg. During thenext two weeks she was in and outof the hospital without getting anyhelp, according to her.

Last Monday she returned to Casu-alty at Livingstone Hospital. “WhenI arrived I waited and waited with no-body assisting me, while I saw otherpatients waiting in the queue withme getting help,” said Maxhanti. Shesaid a doctor (whose name is knownto PE Express Indaba) told her in nouncertain terms that she was not go-ing to get help at Livingstone hospi-tal.

DISAPPOINTED...Pamela Maxhanti who suffers from Elephantiasisclaims Livingstone hospital ill­treated and forced her to go home with­out medical assistance. Photo: Werner Hills

“He shouted at me telling me to gohome,” she said. “At about 4pm Istarted crying hysterically to alertall and sundry that the hospital wastreating me badly,” she said.

But even then the nurse and thedoctor who came to see her offeredno medical assistance. They only of-fered her pain tablets and sent herhome.

“Then I saw worms coming out ofmy leg. It was very painful. But thestaff did not care. I asked for an am-bulance to take me home. Then theysaid I should pay R200 or else find myown way back home.

“This is bad. I did not expect this

kind of treatment from a hospital; es-pecially from a doctor.

People usually claim it’s the nurs-es that treat patients badly. I won’tgo to hospital again, I’d rather diehere at home,” said a tearful Max-hanti.

In reaction Provincial Health De-partment spokesperson Sizwe Kupe-lo said all public hospitals are expect-ed to render quality services to thecommunity.

“We heard about the allegationsand are currently busy with investi-gations. After we get all the factswe’ll take appropriate action againstthose involved,” said Kupelo.



DA concerned about transport systemHELGA VAN STAADEN

THE DA is concerned that the in-tegrated public transport systemmight suffer, now that projectmanager, Errol Heynes’s con-tract has expired.

At a recent budget and treasurymeeting, DA councillor AngeloDashwood said he was informedthat Heynes got three months’ noti-ce. He said it was unthinkable thatthey would let someone with Hey-nes’s skill and experience go.

Heynes, former acting director ofthe 2010 Soccer World Cup in the me-tro, however, put matters into per-

spective.According to him he signed a five

year contract with the metro in 2007as acting director of the local direc-torate for the Soccer World Cup.

This contract ended on January31 this year.

The directorate dissolved afterthe 2010 Soccer World Cup.

In October 2011, Heynes startedworking as temporary project ma-nager of the integrated public trans-port system.

He confirmed that his contractwas extended for just three monthsand that the position will be adverti-sed.

According to him he got so caughtup in the project that he overlooked

other job opportunities, because hewas trying to grasp the complexityof the transport system.

“I am still untying knots,” Heynessaid.

He is positive that the bus rapidtransport system will be up and run-ning within three to six months.

Municipal spokesperson, KupidoBaron confirmed that the positionwill be advertised.

The Express reported earlier thatthe implementation of the integra-ted public transport system is beingheld up by litigation between the se-condary taxi cooperative Laphumi-langa and the Port Elizabeth anddistricts taxi association.

Programme to helpthose who could not


THE Northern Areas People De-velopment Initiative (NAPDI)has launched a programmeaimed at tutoring people who forvarious reasons didn’t completetheir studies towards a MatricCertificate.

The programme is open toadults who are over 21 years ofage and have already passedsome subjects but need a fewmore to get matric, or anybodythat was not yet in matric buthad at least passed Grade 9 orStandard 7.

The programme is aimed atpeople who enrolled for NATED550 as well as unsuccessful can-didates who sat for the NSC Ex-aminations after 2008.

TheDepartment ofEducationfirst started theNATED550Pro-gramme in 2007.

The programme is primarilyaimed at adults who sat for thematric programme commonlyreferred toasNATED550before2008. The last full-time NATED550 matric examination tookplace in November 2007. Learn-ers have written the NationalCurriculum Statement (NCS)Examination since 2008.

The Departmentsubsequently ad-justed the entry re-quirements to ena-ble thosewhopassedGrade 9 or Standard7 or the ABET equiv-alent of Level 4 to en-rol for the Examina-tion [i.e. NATED550].

Although theNATED 550 Exami-nations were initial-ly going to run untilApril 2011, it was de-cided to extend themuntil April 2014.

Mr Myron Leon-ard, Head of Curric-ulum in the PortElizabeth District,said it was unlikelythat the opportunitywould be extendedbeyond 2014.

“I therefore urgeall those that muststill complete a fewsubjects, as well asthose that at leastpassed Grade 9, andare older than 21years, to grab thisopportunity withboth hands”.

He said theyfound that manylearners just turnedup for the examina-tions without anytutoring or prepara-tion, resulting in adisappointinglyhigh failure rate.

According to him,learners would nowbe tutored by experi-enced educators andwould be far betterprepared for the ex-aminations.

Matriculants thatsat for the NSC Ex-aminations since2008, but failed somesubjects, would alsonow have the oppor-tunity to be tutoredin preparation fortheir examinationin November thisyear.

This programmeis also open to thosethat passed theirNSC Matric Exami-nation but wish toimprove theirmarks so they quali-fy for tertiary stud-ies.

The Chairman ofNAPDI, Isaac Me-tembo, indicatedthat students wouldbe charged a smallfee to offset the costof payment of tutors,learning materialand administrativecost.

It is envisagedthat classes will runon Tuesdays andWednesdays be-tween 4pm and 7pmas well as Saturdaysbetween 8.30am and1pm.

For more infor-mation call0 041 409 3761.

Could Sinazo Charles be thenext Oprah Winfrey?


NELSON Mandela Bay lass SinazoCharles is young, beautiful anddeter-mined to succeed.

This presenter of the Bay TV maga-zine programme “Today’s Show”which broadcasts every Monday toFriday from 6.30pm, with repeats onSunday from 10am to 12 noon, is alsoambitious - a trait that is much need-ed in this cut-throat show business.

Speaking to PE Express Indaba re-cently, Sinazo, better known as Zoe,said she would like to have her owntelevision show one day.

“You are looking at the next OprahWinfrey,” she said with much confi-dence.

She has already interviewed celeb-rities such as Pieter-Dirk Uys aka hisalter ego Evita Bezuindenhout andthe hilarious Mark Lottering.

“This week, I’ll be talking to theEastern Cape Members of ProvincialLegislature (MPL) about the State ofthe Province address.

Born in Northcrest, Mthatha, 23years ago, to Macebo Charles, a CivilEngineer and boss of SakhisizweTrust, and her mother, Nothemba, Si-nazo describes herself as a “culturevulture” growing up.

“I had a very busy childhood. I was

a school prefect and a Junior CityCouncillor. I took part in the debat-ing society, drama and also servedin the Community Outreach Pro-gramme known as Maranathawhich looks after abandoned chil-dren,” said Sinazo proudly.

Sinazo passed matric at PearsonHigh School in 2007 before attend-ing City Varsity in Cape Town to ac-quire a Professional Acting for theCamera qualification.

She became pregnant with thenow 2-year old baby-boy Sipho andcame back to study a Public Rela-tions Diploma with Damelin Col-lege. Now in her final year, Sinazoattributes her success to the loveand support of her parents.

“I am grateful to my parents forthe love they continue to give me.They support and trust in what I amdoing. This is my love, this is whatI want to do. Look at me now, youare looking at the next Oprah Win-frey,” said Sinazo.

Bay TV Today’s Show host Sinazo“Zoe” Charles has her sights firmlyset on becoming the next Oprah Win­frey. Photo: Nceba Dladla


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Big aims for Junior PoliceCommissioner Project


MEMBERS of SAPS are abuzz allover the country teaching theyouth about the important rolethat they can play in the fightagainst crime.

In a project called the Junior Sta-tion Commissioner the police areshowcasing their profession as a ca-reer of choice and not only an after-thought when everything else hasbeen tried and failed.

“Involving the youth in the fightagainst lawlessness, crime and cor-ruption is the most effective way tocut down on crime,” said GCIS Sen-ior Communications Officer, PortiaMlisa.

According to Mlisa, the incidentsof residents taking the law into theirown hands in the fight against crimein South Africa and Nelson MandelaBay in recent months have promptedgovernment to take this urgent, butnecessary, action.

“In the State of the Nation Ad-

dress, President Jacob Zuma men-tioned the need for South Africans towork together to fight against crimeas one of Government’s top five pri-orities,” said Mlisa

New Brighton Police Station Com-munications Officer Warrant OfficerMzoxolo Thobani said school debatesare held as part of National JuniorCommissioner Project.

Young people in Grades 8 to 11 de-bate why they should be involved incrime fighting strategies. Learnersfrom Motherwell high schools tookpart in a debate at NU30 Motherwelllast week. New Brighton Police Sta-tion will hold its debate on Wednes-day 29 February.

The learner who wins the debateis nominated as the Station Commis-sioner of the policing area in whichtheir school is situated. Runners-upbecome the Support Services Com-missioner, Visible Policing (Vispol)Commissioner, Detective Commis-sioner and National Divisional Com-missioners. Winners, he added, pro-ceed to the Cluster Police Station lev-el on a provincial as well as national

level.Those who are nominated at an up-

per level vacate the position to befilled in by the reserve from the Po-lice Station level. In this way, thelearners will get a first hand experi-ence of working inside the police sta-tion after school.

“The only role our children knowis that of police who wear a uniformand whose duty it is to arrest law-breakers.

We want them to know that thereis more to policing than that. Peoplecan become scientists to work in ourlabs, physicians, psychologists, die-ticians and ministers who work aschaplains.

There also opportunities as com-munication officers,” said ProjectManager Constable Lucille Thomasof KwaDwesi Police Station.

“With this project we are laying

Never swim indeserted pools alone ­

children warnedNCEBA DLADLA

MEMBERS of the SAPS in Uiten-hage have issued a stern warningthat children should never swimin a deserted pool without super-vision.

This follows the drowning lastThursday of 8-year old LiyemaMamkeli of KwaNobuhle town-ship whose body was recovered bythe K9 Police Unit in the water be-tween Matanzima and Mtam-banana Streets in KwaNobuhle af-ter a search.

According to Police Spokesper-

son Warrant Officer Gerda Swart,the deceased and two of his un-named friends had been to the wa-ter to swim the previous day andreturned home without his shoes.On this fateful Thursday he wentback to the area, apparently tofetch his shoes, and he never re-turned home.

“Police request parents andteachers to inform children not tovisit, or swim alone in, desertedwater pools during the hot sum-mer days,” said Swart, addingthat children must always be ac-companied by an adult that cansupervise them.

the foundationand plantingthe seed for fu-ture leaders,”enthused Con-stable Thomas.

Qupula sought


PE Childline and Family Centre arelooking for Nomvula Qupula, the bio-logical mother of Akhona andPhelokazi Qupula. Anyone who mighthave information as to the wherea-bouts of Nomvula Qupula is asked tocontact social worker, Mr. N. Ndlovuat email [email protected] or0 041 453 0441.

PE Express Indaba OmbudIN accordance with the editorial policy of thePE Express Indaba, we invite readers to com-ment on mistakes in the newspaper and shallcorrect significant errors as soon as possible.Send info to the ombudsman of Media24’s Com-munity Press, George Claassen, atgeorge.claasen@me-dia24. com or call him at0 021 851 3232. Readers can also contact the SAPress Ombudsman at 0 011 484 3612/8 or [email protected].

Constable LucilleThomas (fourthstanding from left),const. Kayeni Malilaand w.o. Dumile Gwa­vu with Motherwelllearners who tookpart in the debate atNU30 Hall last Thurs­day. Photo: NcebaDladla



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Indaba On the Social SceneSend your news to PE Express Indaba at:

Tel: 0 041 503 6111Fax: 041 503 6220

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Indaba Art & Entertainment

Mandela Bay hosts prestige 10th Vuna AwardsNCEBA DLADLA

NELSON Mandela Bay Municipali-tyhosted theprestigeVunaAwardsat the Willows Resort on Tuesday,February 14.

The who’s who in the political land-scape of the province graced this aus-picious occasion aimed at honouringand rewarding municipalities that ex-celled in their core-business of servicedelivery, most improved audit out-come, budget spending and cleanli-ness, among others.

The Nelson Mandela Bay Munici-pality took home the ContinuousMaintenance of an Unqualified AuditOutcomes together with their neigh-bours Cacadu District Municipality.They received R55 000 and R45 000 re-spectively in prize-money.

Winning neighboursMandela Bay mayorZanoxolo Wayile andCacadu District mayorEunice Kekane show­ing their trophies.Photo:Nceba Dladla

Also at the Vuna Awards were BayTV boss Bronwyn Jacobs who isflanked by Sibongiseni Tyali, OneCity­news Researcher and camer­aman (left) and Thenjiwe Mjuleni.Production manager for Soapbox.

Photo: Nceba Dladla

EC House of Traditional Lead­ers’ Chief Zolile Burns­Nca­mashe and his wife Nozimasilewere at the Vuna Awards. Photo:Nceba Dladla.

Umhlobo Wenene FMBreakfast Show hostPutco Mafani compered atthe Vuna Awards.Photo:Nceba Dladla

Nelson Mandela Bay Mu­nicipal spokesperson Ku­pido Baron was at the Vu­na Awards at the WillowsResort last week. Photo:Nceba Dladla

Local Government and Traditional Affairs MEC Mlibo Qoboshiyane(left) and MEC for Social Development, Pemmy Majodina are seenflanking Mandela Bay jubilant mayor Zanoxolo Wayile and speak­er Maria Hermans at the Vuna Awards in PE.Photo: Nceba Dladla

Siya releases Kwaito albumNCEBA DLADLA

UITENHAGE lad Siya Bolokoqoshe (22) willbe releasing a Kwaito album at the SKZLounge, KwaNobuhle on Saturday 25 Febru-ary.

Siya, aka Siya kai One, wrote all the songshimself and he believes this will establish himas a Kwaito artist of note in the Bay.

The 12-track album entitled “Skelem” is in-fluenced by the sounds of Zola Dlamini of ZolaSeven fame, Brown Dash and the environ-ment in which Siya finds himself in the town-ship (ekasi). It is produced by Catalyst andBlaze of Hidden Prospects Entertainment.

The duo are known for their thumping musicproduction.

Siya is a Mlungisi Perfector High Schoolmatriculant who is currently doing Me-chatronics Learnership with VW. He has al-ready shared the stage with the whose whomove in South African music circles likeHHP, L’ Vovo Derango and Mapaputsi, amongothers.His loveofmusic started in 2004. “Iwassinging with some of my friends but decidedto go solo about two years ago,” said Siya.

With regard to his album launch, Siya saidit’s going to be a white party. Anyone wearinga white top will enter the venue free of chargebut without a white top one will have to payR10 at the door.

Fine dining with the honourablemayor under the stars inaid of Community Chest

THE Community Chest and the ExecutiveMayor, Zanoxolo Wayile are hosting theirannual Valentine’s Dinner Ball on Satur-day, February 25 at the Nelson MandelaBay Stadium.

Overlooking the lake, guests will enjoya three-course meal, lovely wines andgreat company.

By dancing the night away, guests willbe supporting the Community Chest andgiving much-needed love and hope to 92charity organisations.

This event is supported by Pick n Pay,Vinimark and the Nelson Mandela BayStadium.

“The purpose of the ball is to invite theCommunity Chest’s valuable donors andfriends who have supported the Chest and

the Valentine’s ball in the past.There will be an opportunity for corpo-

rates to make pledges, which will go to-wards our fundraising efforts,” saidColette Keevy, Community Chest PublicRelations Officer.

With the ball being a highlight on themetro’s social calendar, the CommunityChest has been able to support social de-velopment programmes and projects inthe metro for the past 59 years, and hasmade a difference to many needy commu-nities.

The CEO of the Community Chest, Beu-lah Lumkwana, said it is important to getmore people involved with this event tofurther the objectives of the Chest to helpthe vulnerable poor in the metro.


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Bay Stars hopes still highNCEBA DLADLA

THE hopes of Mandela Bay Vodacom League outfitBay Stars to play in the National First Division nextseason with the aim of ultimately competing in theelite Premier Soccer League in the following seasonwere boosted after they won 2-1 away to Matta Milanat the weekend.

Beating the Idutywa side on a rainy day was not aneasy feat but something Bay Stars coach Graham Harri-son was very proud of. He said his side dominated thefirst 45 minutes but could not capitalise on their sterlingefforts.

Niven Kops scored the first goal in the first half.

Matta Milan, however, equalised at about 55 minutesto up the tempo of the match but it was Stars’ LindsayStowman who stole the show by scoring a goal to makeit 2-1 in the 80th minute.

“I am very proud of the boys as they managed to handlethe conditions very well and showed character,” said adelighted Harrison, adding that this was a gutsy perform-ance which deserved the win without a a doubt.

This Saturday, Bay Stars take on OR Tambo FC at theBreidbach Sports Field near King William’s Town. Kick-off is at 3pm. Managing Director Tony Lovegrove is hop-ing that the Stars’ character will show in their third awaymatch in less than two weeks.

“Everybody is well aware of the importance of buildingon our excellent performance and to remain focused ondelivering on the field of play,” said Lovegrove. Mofa matches

entertain the crowdsSELBY MADIKANE

HUNDREDS of fans watched one ofthe most entertaining clashes everbetween Liverpool and TomorrowStars, ending in a 1-1 draw in theMotherwell Football Association(MOFA) Build-It Premier League.

Both sides displayed excellentskill. Liverpool led 1-0 following awell-taken goal by striker, SibongileMatebese in the 25th minute.

It took almost the entire remainderof the game for Tomorrow Stars toequalise. Zane Mnwebi scored the all-important goal, keeping their dreamof winning the league alive.

Other premier league results:Red Strikers 2-1 Highland Spurs

SUBS 4-1 Milan StrikersLion Stars 1-1 Young RomansMovers 3-1 Tottenham SpursYoung Madrid 7-1 Young SwallowsYoung Tigers 5-1 Young DestroyersFC Angels 1-2 Highland SpursFirst division results:Royal Bucks 3-0 Tomorrow StarsCamper United 0-w/o Manchester

UnitedUnited Stars 2-2 Channel PortoShining Stars 2-3 Young KillersHighland Spurs 0-w/o United FCYoung Ideas 1-1 City RangersMUBS 1-1 Stone BreakersCrystal Palace 1-4 Young IdeasUnited Stars 3-1 Royal BucksCamper United 4-1 Highland SpursCity Ranger 7-3 Shining StarsMotherwell United 0-2 Manchester


Tomorrow Stars Luyanda Charles is chasing Liverpool’s Mzimasi MiniPhoto: SelbyMadikane

i­Swartkops United yothusileSELBY MADIKANE

IQELA elijongelwe phantsikwi-Zwide Football Associa-tion (Zwifa) Marina Salt i-Swartkops United libethe us-aziwayo iGal City 2-0 kumdlaloobubanjelwe kumabalaaseZwide Celtic ngomhla we-11 kuFebruwari.

Kube ngathi i-Gal iza kuy-ingcwaba i-United kuba ibiy-ibambele phaya kude kodwakuthe kanti ithamsanqa lin-gakwicala le-United kuba iifo-losi zayo uMelikhaya DokodanoZiphozakhe Hlekani bafakeawona manqaku abalulekileyoukunceda iqela labo. Iifolosi

ze-Gal City ziye zafeda phambikukanozinti we-United.

Iziphumo ezipheleleyozeZwifa Marina Salt League:

* Morning Stars 2-1 ZwideCeltic

* Young Stars 0-1 YoungBrothers

* Golden Aces 0-2 LittleBirds

* Shining Stars 2-0 LittleBirds

* Golden Aces 0-0 StrikersUnited

*KuyasaUnitedBrothers 2-0Soweto Angels

* Major Chiefs 1-2 Real Cru-saders

* Umanyano Stars 1-0 YoungRomans.

Swartkops United FC defeated Gal City FC (pictured). Photo: SelbyMadikane

Youngers drawwith Showville


SAFA Nelson Mandela bay SABregional League log leaders YoungProfessionals dropped two valua-ble points in their bid to win themost prestige league title whenthey were held to a goalless drawby the unpredictable Showville atDynamos Sports grounds on 11February.

Youngers, as Young Profession-als are affectionately known bytheir supporters, exerted im-mense pressure at the first whistleof the game, but Showville werecool, calm and collected. Profes-sionals’ star mid-fielders, theMashiya brothers – Siyathembaand Mthunzi – combined well in

the centre of the park. Both sideshad abundant goal scoring oppor-tunities.

The full SAB NMB League re-sults:

* Tomorrow Stars 3-2 Real City* Lion City 3-3 Young Profes-

sionals* Royal Bucks 2-0 Crystal Palace* Real Aces 1-2 Showville* Red City 1-2 Camper United* Aspen 3-4 Highland Spurs* Despatch Pioneers 1-1 Swal-

lows* Morning Stars 1-0 Emperors* Camper United 2-1 Tomorrow

Stars* Crystal Palace 2-1 Despatch Pi-

oneers* Real City 1-2 Highland Spurs* Real Aces 2-3 Swallows.

Young Professionals striker Xolelani Mendile is chased by Showville defend­er Sihle Matata. Photo: Selby Madikane

Nail­biting matches in PEEFA campaign


THE boys were separated from themen when the Port Elizabeth EastFootball Association (PEEFA) recent-ly staged nail-biting matches.

Young Idols, one of PEEFA’s topperformers, snatched a narrow victo-ry of 2-1 from Hillside FC. Peace Lov-ers had to play their hearts out to nar-rowly beat Black Chiefs 2-1.

Real Lions drew 1-1 with Academy.Other PEEFA Premier League re-

sults:. Real Stars w/o - 0 Rising Stars. Milan 0 - 3 Real Aces. Young Aces w/o - 0 Young Stirk-

ers. Sollar Stars 0 - 5 Academy. Young Teenagers 4 - 1 Black

Chiefs. Mighy Birds 1 - 5 Dangerous

Brothers. Black Arrows 0 - 1 Peace LoversHillside FC went down 2 ­1 to Young Idols. Photo: Selby Madikane

Walmer Football Association Premier League results


DIE-HARD fans and supporters ofSeaview United could hardly believe theireyes when their team fell victim to Air-port Valley United with a 7-0 loss duringthe Walmer Football Association (WAFA)Premier League.

Angels thrashed neighboursSELBY MADIKANE

ELEVEN Angels FC gave a good account ofthemselves when they hammered theirneighbours Golden Brothers with a well de-served 3-0 win during their Zakhele Foot-ball Association (Zafa) Premier League en-counter at the Dynamos Grounds on 12 Feb-ruary.

In another upset, Santos affectionatelyknown as Amarhabaxa, drubbed leaguecontenders Zama zama 3-1. Ghetto Elevencollected their maximum three pointswhen they earned a narrow 2-1 victory overa gutsy Dynamos. United Comradeswhacked the beleaguered Peace Lovers 5-0.Brazil Brothers beat Continental Express3-2 while Happy Stars fans became unhap-py when their side suffered a 3-0 loss toBUBS.

Other Zafa Premier League results: Pow-er Lads 3-2 Leeds United; Seven United 1-0Young Neighbours. Zafa First DivisionLeague results; Mazeppa 2-1 Ghetto XI;Ford Pirates 1-1 PE Demonstrators; Burn-ing Flames 1-1 Juventus; Black Eagles 1-1Real Strikers;Dynamos0-1XIMasters;CityAll Stars 1-1 Fast XI.


MANCHESTER FC showed its mettle whenit thumped Young Lovers 4-0 in the WellsEstateFootballAssociation (WEFA) league.Log leaders,CityExpressdrew2-2withRealStars. Flying Stars beat Kings United 2-1and Polar Park United drew 2-2 with BlackAces. Other WEFA League Results: CoegaFC 0-2 Young Lovers; Bluewater Extension0-2 Newcastle; City Express 1-1 Black Aces;Wells Estate United 2-0 Bluewater Exten-sion; Polar Park XI 0-1 Black Aces; Newcas-tle 2-2 Real Stars.

Nodefa VWLeague results


UITENHAGE Starsproved they are footballstars indeed when theytoppled Imbabala YoungStars 4-1 in their Nobuh-le-Despatch Football As-sociation VW Leaguegame at Jabavu Stadium.

Jamaican Starsplayed to a 1-1 draw withReservoir Strikers andReal Rangers edged outKUBS 2-1. City Style vic-tored over Congo Chiefsby 4-0

Other NODEFA VWLeague Results:

Stokes United 2-1Golden Chiefs

Young Brothers 1-1City Friends

Young Pirates 0-0 Ar-gentina Stars

In another upset, Teenagers FC wal-loped Walmer United Brothers 9-2 whileMoscow FC and African Aces shared thespoils at 0-0.

Peace United humiliated Ghetto Starswith a 6-1 victory and an experienced RealMadrid side disappointed their support-ers when they went down 4-0 at the handsof high riding Airport Valley United.

Other WAFA premier league results:Mabayibone Striker 1-1 Ghetto StarsAfrican Aces 2-0 Seaview UnitedBrazil United 3-2 Peace UnitedYoung Cosmos 1-1 Golden HeroesMoscow FC 3-0 WUBSWalmer Stars 1-5 Young CosmosGolden Heroes 0-1 Mabayibone StrikersReal Madrid 1-2 Brazil United


Indaba Sport Send your news to PE Express Indaba at:

Tel: 0 041 503 6111Fax: 041 503 6220

E-mail: [email protected]

Wrestling to put the Bay on tvNCEBA DLADLA

IN what could be a major coup for NelsonMandela Bay, a series of wrestlingshows isplanned tobe shothereand tele-vised worldwide showcasing the metroas a backdrop for this popular sport.

According to Mark Beale, founder and di-rector of World Wrestling Professionals(WWP) he has a commitment from two tele-vision stations in the country to flight hisWWP shows. He is still, however, lookingfor a main sponsor for the two separateshows as well as sponsorship for the wres-tlers.

At the moment, WWP is rated as thenumber three popular sport in Africa andthe Southern hemisphere. Kyknet, whichbroadcasts on DStv, has agreed to broadcastthe show “WWP Goue Toue Rofstoei” whichwill be flighted all over the world, while etvwill flight WWP G-Force in 18 African coun-tries.

The two showsare expected to start shoot-ing storylines in Port Elizabeth in May forthe shows that will be broadcast from thisJune.

According to Beale, this has the potentialto benefit not only their sponsors but willshowcase and advertise Nelson MandelaBay as a tourist destination of choice.

“Wrestling is a diverse sport with youngand old people enjoying and loving it.

“All that we need right now is a mainsponsor for the two separate televisionshows,” said Beale.

Explaining, Beale said they need sponsor-ship to broadcast the shows as well as rallysupport for the wrestlers.

“There will be huge advertising opportu-nities and satisfactory returns on invest-ment for sponsors,” according to Beale.

He said while the shows have committedto flight 13 episodes each, they have also un-dertaken to do repeats five-times per week.

“This is huge and since I am from PortElizabeth, it makes this even more excit-ing,” he said. According to Beale, the showswill result in job opportunities.

“There will be jobs in television produc-tion and events management. For the textileindustry there will also be a demand for T-shirts and other forms of clothing memora-bilia.

For more information, contact Mark at0 082 960 1856.

Motherwell born and WWP All Af­rica Heavyweight champion Za­ma Njokweni aka The Kwaito Kidin one of his successful matchesall over Africa and the MiddleEast. Photo: Supplied

Abadlali begalufabaswingela ezemfundo

MALUNGAnama250abadlalibegalufa bazakuba beswingaegameni lezeMfundo kwi- An-nual Algoa FM Charity GolfDay ebanjelwa ePort Eliza-beth Golf Club ngomhla we- 6kuMatshi.

Kulo nyaka, yonke ingen-iso iya kuba yinzuzo kum-butho iMasinyusane Develop-ment Organisation wase-NewBrighton.

Lo mbutho ungasebenzelingeniso nowasekwa ngenyan-ga kaSeptemba ka2008 uzi-bophelele ekuxhobiseningemfundo noshishino unin-zi lwabantu abatsala nzimaeMzantsi Afrika.

“Kukho unxibelelwanolwendalo phakathi kwemfun-do nezemidlalo,” kutsho Um-lawuli oYintloko wesikhululososasazo i-Algoa FM uDaveTiltmann.

“Sinike olu suku lwegalufaumxholo we-Olimpiki uku-vuyisana nee-olimpiki ezizakubase-London ngo-2012.

Lowo sithe samnyula ukubaazuze inkxaso, iMasinyusaneudibanise amawaka abafundiabathe bafumana inkxasokwezemfundo, izifundo zoxa-bangelo, iinkqubozobukhokeli kwakunye nenx-axheba kucweyo lwamazikoemfundo ephakamileyo. Im-fundo kwiMpuma Kapaijamelene nothotho lwemice-li-mingeni nesinethembalokuba le mini yethu yegalufaiza kuba nefuthe ekuphucule-ni imeko yabafundi bethuabasakhulayo.”

NgoJuni ka2009, iMasinyu-sane, ndawonye nabalawulibesikolo samabanga aphaka-mileyo iLwandlekazi eseNewBrighton, baqulunqe bazabaphumeza inkqubo ephele-leyo yophuhliso eyaziwanjenge:Lwandlekazi 100%.Emva nje kwexeshana leen-yanga ezili-18 zongenelelo, iz-inga lokuphumelela kubant-wana esikolweni liye lap-hindeka kathathu ukuya

kuma-47%.“Iinjongo zabo kukufuma-

na ama-100% empumelelongale projekthi ye-Lwandle-kazi,” utshilo uTiltmann.“Sithemba ukuba ingeniso ze-Algoa FM Charity golf dayiyakubancedisa ekufezekise-ni iinjongo zabo ngexeshananje elingephi.”

Indlela ekuza kukhutsh-iswana ngayo kulo nyaka yilendlela kuthiwa yi-betterballstableford competition.

Ivuleleke kubo bonke aban-tu begalufa abane-handicapesemthethweni.

Akho namathuba enkxaso-mali avulelekileyo kwi-inkampani neziyakuthi zifu-mane usasazo lwamahalakwi-Algoa FM.

Ukufumana ulwazi oluthevetshe ngale Charity GoldDay Yodumo, eMpuma Kapaqhagamshelana no-Carol-Anne Cash kule nombolo0 084 502 3300

From the left are Lauren Mungur (Algoa FM) with SinazoLindi (17) and Siyabulela Gegesi (15). Fikis Mahdo fromthe Masinyusane Development Organisation helps Siya­bulela with his swing. Photo: BEVERLY DARLOW

Uitenhageboxers in

grudge fightaway from


THERE will be no love lostwhen Asanda Jacobs tradesleather with MthuthuzeliFunde over six rounds in theJunior Featherweight fight atNoluthando Community Hallin Joza Township, Gra-hamstown on Saturday,March 3.

The fight between the twoUitenhage gladiators will bethe main supporting bout of anine-bout bill presented byUitenhage boxing promoterMbulelo Mfama who headsNyusa Boxing Promotions.

Mfama believes evenlymatched Funde and Jacobshave a score to settle and hewas happy they will do so onan even ground – away fromhome.

In the main bout, EasternCape Welterweight championMzoxolo Ndwayana willsquare off with Johannes-burg’s Vusi Dladla over 8rounds.

The duo will be hoping toimprove their South Africanranking with the hope of chal-lenging for the nationalcrown.

In the other bouts over 6-rounds: Gcobani Nyathi ofUitenhage will fight againstTeboho Molose of Johannes-burg in the Junior Welter-weight; Xolani Mpushe(Uitenhage) will fight againstWiseman Kega (PlettenburgBay) in the Jnr bantam-weight; Grahamstown’s Ndu-dumo Lolwana will fightagainst Mzukisi Bennie (EastLondon) while Xolisa Kana(EL) will lock horns againstSimo Mbande of Uitenhage.

The following bouts will betaking place over 4-rounds:Masonwabe Mgcuwe vs Lu-vuyo Mzamo (Jnr Bantam);Xolani Mdlankomo vs Mzwa-bantu Dabaza (Jnr bantam)and Nkululeko Jantjies vsNwabisile Colani (Flyweightdivision).

Progress beats Zwide UtdSELBY MADIKANE

PROGRESS RFC overcameZwide United RFC 32-24 duringtheir Mayoral Cup League matchat the Wolfson Stadium.

Progress showed no mercy forthe hosting team and kept themin their territory most of thetime.

Right winger, Raymond Dar-ries, scored the first try forProgress in the 10th minute ofthe game.

The scoreline increased to 10-0when Progress centre, FaroukCeasar scored a try in the corner.

Hereafter, Progress scrum-half, John Cooper scored a tryandconverted it tobring the tallyto 17-0.

Zwide United hung in thereand Bonginkosi Mde scored the

side’s first try bringing the scoreto 17-5.

John Swartz - brilliantProgress flyhalf - brought thescore to 20-5 with a successfuldrop-kick.

United’s on-form 8th man, Di-dier Tison, penetrated the back-line to deliver a nifty pass toChamp Mata who scored andconverted his own try.

Progress piled on the pressureand centre, Curtis Sias, scoredan unconverted try to bring thescore to 25-12.

United’s Tison and full-back,Wonga Jola, scored a try convert-ed by Champ to bring the scoreto 25-24.Progress hooker, DeonPlaatjies, scored the final try tosettle the 32-24 full time score.

In the reserves section, ZwideUnited went down 56-12 toProgress.

Zwide United players (red) tussle with Progress players during their their Mayoral Cup League match at the Wolfson Stadium. Photo:Selby Madikane