Scrutiny Committee - South Somerset District Council ... Scrutiny Committee Tuesday 31st January...

Scrutiny Committee Tuesday 31 st January 2012 10.00 am Main Committee Room Council Offices Brympton Way Yeovil Somerset BA20 2HT The public and press are welcome to attend. Disabled Access is available at this meeting venue. If you would like any further information on the items to be discussed, please ring the Agenda Co-ordinator, Jo Morris on Yeovil (01935) 462462 email: [email protected], website: This Agenda was issued on Monday 23 rd January 2012 Ian Clarke, Assistant Director (Legal & Corporate Services) This information is also available on our website:

Transcript of Scrutiny Committee - South Somerset District Council ... Scrutiny Committee Tuesday 31st January...

Scrutiny Committee

Tuesday 31st January 2012 10.00 am Main Committee Room

Council Offices Brympton Way Yeovil Somerset BA20 2HT The public and press are welcome to attend. Disabled Access is available at this meeting venue.

If you would like any further information on the items to be discussed, please ring the Agenda Co-ordinator, Jo Morris on Yeovil (01935) 462462 email: [email protected], website:

This Agenda was issued on Monday 23rd January 2012

Ian Clarke, Assistant Director (Legal & Corporate Services)

This information is also available on our website:


Scrutiny Committee Membership Chairman Sue Steele Vice Chairman David Bulmer Carol Goodall Cathy Bakewell Pauline Lock Wes Read John Calvert Tony Lock Colin Winder Marcus Fysh Paul Maxwell Martin Wale Tim Inglefield Graham Oakes

Information for the Public What is Scrutiny? The Local Government Act 2000 requires all councils in England and Wales to introduce new political structures which provide a clear role for the Council, the Executive and non-executive councillors. One of the key roles for non-executive councillors is to undertake an overview and scrutiny role for the council. In this Council the overview and scrutiny role involves reviewing and developing, scrutinising organisations external to the council and holding the executive to account Scrutiny also has an important role to play in organisational performance management. The Scrutiny Committee is made up of 14 non-executive members and meets monthly to consider items where executive decisions need to be reviewed before or after their implementation, and to commission reviews of policy or other public interest. Members of the public are able to: • attend meetings of the Scrutiny Committee except where, for example, personal or

confidential matters are being discussed;

• speak at Scrutiny Committee meetings; and

• see agenda reports. Meetings of the Scrutiny Committee are held monthly on the Tuesday prior to meetings of the District Executive at 10.00am in the Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil. Agendas and minutes of these meetings are published on the Council’s website The Council’s Constitution is also on the website and available for inspection in council offices. Further information can be obtained by contacting the agenda co-ordinator named on the front page.

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South Somerset District Council – Corporate Aims Our key aims are: (all equal) • To increase economic vitality and prosperity • Enhance the environment, address and adapt to climate change • To improve the housing, health and well-being of our citizens • To ensure safe, sustainable and cohesive communities • To deliver well managed cost effective services valued by our customers Ordnance Survey mapping/map data included within this publication is provided by South Somerset District Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfil its public function to undertake its statutory functions on behalf of the district. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice where they wish to licence Ordnance Survey mapping/map data for their own use.

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Scrutiny Committee

Tuesday 31st January 2012

Agenda Preliminary Items

1. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3rd January 2012

2. Apologies for Absence 3. Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Council's Code of Conduct, which includes all the provisions of the statutory Model Code of Conduct, Members are asked to declare any personal interests (and whether or not such an interest is "prejudicial") in any matter on the agenda for this meeting. A personal interest is defined in paragraph 8 of the Code and a prejudicial interest is defined in paragraph 10.

4. Public Question Time 5. Issues Arising from Previous Meetings

This is an opportunity for Members to question the progress on issues arising from previous meetings. However, this does not allow for the re-opening of a debate on any item not forming part of this agenda.

6. Chairman’s Announcements Items for Discussion Page Number

7. Portfolio Holder Presentation .............................................................................6

8. Verbal update on reports considered by District Executive on 5th January 2012 ........................................................................................................7

9. Reports to be considered by District Executive on 2nd February 2012 .........15

10. Student Participation with Scrutiny .................................................................16

11. Joint Scrutiny of the Somerset Waste Board – Feedback from recent meeting ...............................................................................................................19

12. Report Request – Update on Park Homes Project ..........................................29

13. Verbal Update on Task and Finish Reviews ....................................................32

14. Scrutiny Work Programme................................................................................33

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15. Somerset Waste Board – Forward Plan ...........................................................39

16. Date of Next Meeting .........................................................................................43

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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

1. Minutes

South Somerset District Council Minutes of the Scrutiny Committee held on Tuesday 3rd January 2012 in the Main Committee Room, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil.

(10.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.)

Present: Councillor Sue Steele (Chairman) Cathy Bakewell Pauline Lock Dave Bulmer Tony Lock John Calvert Paul Maxwell Marcus Fysh Wes Read Carol Goodall Martin Wale Tim Inglefield Also Present: Councillors Henry Hobhouse, Peter Seib, Gina Seaton and Sylvia Seal. Officers: Donna Parham Assistant Director (Finance & Corporate Services) Jo Gale Scrutiny Manager Emily McGuinness Scrutiny Manager Jo Morris Committee Administrator

85. Minutes (Agenda Item 1)

The minutes of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on Tuesday 29th November 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

86. Apologies for Absence (Agenda Item 2)

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Colin Winder, Graham Oakes, Tim Carroll and Jo Roundell Greene.

87. Declarations of Interest (Agenda Item 3) With reference to the District Executive Agenda, Item 7 – Capital Programme 2012/13 to 2016/17, Councillors Dave Bulmer and Carol Goodall mentioned that they were town council representatives on the Market Towns Investment Group.

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88. Public Question Time (Agenda Item 4) There were no members of the public at the meeting.

89. Issues Arising from Previous Meetings (Agenda Item 5)

Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report – Removal of NI195 – Improved Street and Environmental Cleanliness Members noted that following the removal of the NI195 inspections, the Street Cleansing Team will monitor the quality of the cleansing service through regular, routine supervisors work monitoring. This information will be recorded on the same sheets that were used for the joint local area inspections with members. Complaints, requests and compliments relating to cleansing will also be monitored. The figures can be made available to members upon request. Yeovil Town Centre Partnership In response to concerns raised over the workings and deliverability of the Yeovil Town Centre Partnership, Jo Gale, Scrutiny Manager informed members that she had received a lengthy response from the Area South Development Manager and that she would circulate the response to members. Budget Scrutiny Session Emily McGuinness, Scrutiny Manager asked members to let her have any comments from the budget scrutiny session held on 15th December 2011. Members noted that the programme of Portfolio Holders attending Scrutiny Committee to answer questions about the services within their portfolios would commence at the next meeting with Cllr Peter Seib, Portfolio Holder for Regulatory and Democratic Services.

90. Chairman’s Announcements (Agenda Item 6) The Chairman reported that she was due to attend the Joint Waste Scrutiny Panel meeting with Cllr Paul Maxwell on 9th January 2012 and that members were welcome to let them have any questions to go forward. The reports due to be considered by the Somerset Waste Partnership were available on the website. One of the current main issues was in relation to the fees and charges for green waste and bulky items being harmonised across the district. The Chairman announced that she had been appointed as a representative on the Board of Governors for Musgrove Park Hospital representing South Somerset and Mendip. She welcomed any views/issues from members and confirmed that she would take these forward to the Board.

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91. Verbal Update on Reports considered by District Executive on 1st December 2011 (Agenda Item 7) Members noted the minutes from the District Executive meeting held on 1st December 2011 as outlined in the agenda. The minutes included the comments raised by members of the Scrutiny Committee.

92. Reports to be considered by District Executive on 5th January 2012 (Agenda Item 8) Members considered the reports outlined in the District Executive agenda for 5th January 2012. It was agreed that the following comments would be taken forward to District Executive. Annual Monitoring Report 2010/11 Page 2 of the District Executive report refers to there no longer being a requirement to submit these reports to the Secretary of State and that the audience is expected to be the local electorate and communities. Members sought clarification on the future use of the monitoring reports and questioned how the reports will be published to its audience in the future? With reference to page 44 of the appendices, clarification was sought on the recommended level of growth of 16,000 dwellings for the plan period 2006-2026. Scrutiny members were under the impression that the figure should be between 12,000 and 16,000 dwellings. Members sought clarification over the use of South Somerset’s Evidence base and whether it would be used to inform the preparation of the Council’s Local Development Framework as stated in the document, as members expressed concern that many of the documents were out of date and inaccurate. Capital Programme 2012/13 to 2016/17 Scrutiny members request that District Executive seek more detail regarding the Capital Projects that have slippage and if appropriate rescore each project to assist members in deciding whether to continue with the projects and how to prioritise them in preparation for year-end. Scrutiny members would like more information regarding the Other Reserves to be sought to enable members to effectively review the reserves and consider if they are still appropriate in advance of the capital programme being considered for approval. Draft Proposals of the Community Governance Review of South Cadbury Parish Council Members raised concerns over the costs associated with Community Governance Reviews and felt that there should be a separate budget heading within Democratic Services so that all costs are clearly identified.

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Exclusion of the Public In accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the Committee resolved that the press and public be excluded from the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act, i.e. “Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). Transfer of responsibility of Ilchester toilet provision to Ilchester Parish Council (Confidential) Scrutiny members supported the recommendations outlined in the report. District Executive Forward Plan With reference to the report on the new SSDC Corporate Plan, which was due to be considered in February, Members agreed to consider it as part of the District Executive agenda.

93. Verbal update on Task and Finish Reviews (Agenda Item 9) Outside Organisations Cllr Martin Wale, Chairman of the Review Group reported that an initial meeting had been held and that Members had requested advice on declarations of interest and liability information. It was noted that a questionnaire had been sent to each outside organisation asking whether they still required a representative and what the role of the representative entailed. The next meeting would be held on Thursday 19th January at 3.00pm – 5.00pm. Social Housing Fraud Cllr John Calvert, Chairman of the Review Group reported that an initial meeting had been held and that he was delighted with the support from the Portfolio Holder and the Housing and Welfare Manager. A Scrutiny Inquiry Day was due to be held on 22nd February where each housing association would be asked the same set of questions. The aim of the review was to build up a good practice template. The next meeting would be held on 20th January. Choice Based Lettings Follow Up Review Jo Gale, Scrutiny Manager reported that there were some areas of concern and that she would be looking to investigate these further and was hoping to arrange a meeting with the Portfolio Holder.

94. Scrutiny Work Programme (Agenda Item 10) Reference was made to the agenda report, which informed members of the Scrutiny Committee Work Programme. It was agreed that the Scrutiny Manager would invite the district representative appointed to the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board to attend the next meeting of the Scrutiny Committee to answer members’ questions.

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Emily McGuinness, Scrutiny Manager advised members that the report on Student Engagement would be coming forward to the next meeting. She welcomed responses to the email she had previously circulated to members. It was agreed to include an item in the Scrutiny Work Programme on the review of the Capital Strategy, as there could be a need to establish a Task & Finish Review in the future. Members noted that the items put forward at the work programming session held on 30th August 2011 would be scored following the approval of the new Corporate Plan.

RESOLVED: That the Scrutiny Work Programme be noted as outlined in the

agenda with the update above. (Emily McGuinness, Scrutiny Manager) ([email protected] or 01935 462566) (Jo Gale, Scrutiny Manager) ([email protected] or 01935 462077)

95. Somerset Waste Board – Forward Plan (Agenda Item 11) RESOLVED: That the Somerset Waste Board Forward Plan be noted as outlined

in the agenda.

96. Date of Next Meeting (Agenda 12)

Members noted that the next meeting of the Scrutiny Committee would be held on Tuesday 3rd January 2011 at 10.00am in the Main Committee Room, Brympton Way, Yeovil. Members of the Committee are invited to attend at 9.30 a.m. to scope questions on the reports in the agenda.



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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

7. Portfolio Holder Presentation Councillor Peter Seib, Portfolio Holder for Regulatory and Democratic Services will be attending the meeting to give a short presentation. Members will then have the opportunity to ask questions about the services within the Regulatory and Democratic Services Portfolio.

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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

8. Verbal update on reports considered by District Executive on 5th January 2012 The Chairman will update members on the issues raised by Scrutiny Members at the District Executive meeting held on 5th January 2012. Attached for information is a copy of the draft minutes from the District Executive meeting held on 5th January 2012.

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MEETING: DE.08: 11:12 DATE 05.01.12

South Somerset District Council Draft Minutes of a meeting of the District Executive held on Thursday 5th January 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil.

(9.30 a.m. –11.50 a.m.)

Present: Members: Ric Pallister (in the Chair) Tony Fife Jo Roundell Greene Henry Hobhouse Sylvia Seal Michael Lewis Peter Seib Patrick Palmer (from 9.45am) Angie Singleton Also Present: Marcus Fysh Gina Seaton Carol Goodall Sue Steele Tony Lock Martin Wale David Norris Officers: Mark Williams Chief Executive Rina Singh Strategic Director (Place and Performance) Vega Sturgess Strategic Director (Operations and Customer Focus) Donna Parham Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) Ian Clarke Assistant Director (Legal and Corporate Services) Martin Woods Assistant Director (Economy) Laurence Willis Assistant Director (Environment) Andy Foyne Spatial Policy Manager Gary Russ Procurement and Risk Manager Elizabeth Arnold Strategic Monitoring Officer Helen Rutter Assistant Director (Communities) Philip Horsington Clerk to Ilchester Parish Council (for Agenda item 11) Emily McGuinness Scrutiny Manager Angela Cox Democratic Services Manager Note: All decisions were approved without dissent unless shown otherwise.

101. Minutes (Agenda Item 1)

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st December 2011, copies of which had been circulated, were taken as read and, having been approved as a correct record, were signed by the Chairman.

102. Apologies for Absence (Agenda Item 2) An apology for absence was received from Councillor Tim Carroll. Meeting: SC09A 11:12 8 Date: 31.01.12


103. Declarations of Interest (Agenda Item 3)

Councillor Patrick Palmer declared a personal interest in Agenda item 6, Annual Monitoring Report 2010/11, as the owner of land allocated for employment mentioned within the report.

104. Public Question Time (Agenda Item 4)

There were no members of the public present.

105. Chairman’s Announcements (Agenda Item 5)

The Chairman advised that there would be one further report circulated to Members to be discussed in confidential session. He said that the Chief Executive had agreed with him that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency under Section 100(B)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. The Chairman referred to the written report, circulated to all Members from Mrs Lesley Boucher, the SSDC representative on the Yeovil District Hospital Board of Governors. Mrs Boucher noted that the current Chief Executive of the Yeovil District Hospital, Mr Gavin Boyle, was leaving and this would be a great loss to the Hospital. The Hospital was currently in a good financial position and it had recently been praised by the Care Quality Commission for its care of elderly patients. The Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture thanked Mrs Boucher for her comprehensive report and Members were in agreement that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr Boyle in recognition of his significant contribution to the Yeovil Vision as well as the Yeovil District Hospital.

106. Annual Monitoring Report 2010/11 (Agenda Item 6)

The Chairman, as Portfolio Holder for Strategy and Policy, reminded Members that the Annual Monitoring Report had a significant bearing on the emerging Core Strategy. The Assistant Director (Economy) advised that there were four small corrections to make within the report before it was submitted to the Department for Communities and Local Government. Members were content to agree them. In response to questions from the Scrutiny Chairman, the Spatial Policy Manager and the Portfolio Holder for Democratic and Regulatory Services confirmed that:-

• The Baker Report had recommended a level of growth of between 12,000 and 16,000 new dwellings for the plan period 2006-2026, however, they had also been asked for a precise figure which they recommended should be 16,000.

• In the future, there would still be a statutory requirement to produce an Annual Monitoring Report but it would be submitted to the local electorate.

• The Scrutiny Committee would be consulted on the future use of the monitoring reports and how they should be published to engage the public audience.

During discussion the following points were made:

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• The Annual Monitoring Report was produced with information as at 31st March

2011 and as such, certain data would now be out of date. • Information in the Core Strategy documents, some of which were based on the

Annual Monitoring Report, would be up to date in the forthcoming Core Strategy reports.

• The training of staff within the Spatial Policy team had been an important part of the process and they were now at the point where they were able to update data provided by the consultants.

At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to endorse the Annual Monitoring Report 2010-2011 for submission to the Department for Communities and Local Government, as amended. RESOLVED: That the District Executive endorsed the content of the Annual

Monitoring Report 2010-2011 and approved it for submission to Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG), as amended.

Reason: To inform Members of the preparation and submission of the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) 2010-2011 and seek confirmation of contents.

(Andy Foyne, Spatial Policy Manager – 01935 462650) ([email protected])

107. Capital Programme 2012/13 to 2016/17 (Agenda Item 7) The Chairman advised that the Capital Programme would have to change in the future to avoid the possibility that nearly all capital funding was spent. The Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) confirmed that a fundamental review of the Capital Strategy was due to take place in 2012. In response to questions from the Scrutiny Committee, she confirmed that:-

• Any Capital Projects which had slipped would be detailed in her quarterly monitoring reports to the District Executive.

• It was possible to rescore each capital project against the new Corporate Plan. • Further information would be provided to Members before any decision was

taken to reduce funding or discontinue a project. During discussion, Members considered the merits of offering grants ‘in principle’ in the future or offering loans rather than grants to preserve the capital sum. At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to endorse the proposed capital programme 2012/13 to 2016/17.

RESOLVED: That the District Executive: a. considered the appraisals for capital schemes outlined in

Appendix D;

b. approved in principle and noted the proposals outlined for inclusion in the revised Capital Programme, as shown in Appendix B;

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c. note that projects for 2012/13 starts had not yet been scored;

d. noted the slippage in spending on capital projects as outlined in paragraph 8;

e. noted that up to £43,000 of capital would be required if the car park income saving was approved;

f. noted the available funding from the ICT reserve in paragraph 23;

g. noted the ring fenced capital reserves in paragraph 24.

Reason: To outline the resources available for new capital schemes and to agree the new schemes to be included in the revised Capital Programme from 2012/13.

(Donna Parham, Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) – 01935 462225) ([email protected])

108. Draft Proposals of the Community Governance Review of South Cadbury

Parish Council (Agenda Item 8) The Assistant Director (Legal and Corporate Services) advised that the report detailed the results of the first consultation in the parish on the proposals to increase the number of Parish Councillors and amend the name of the Parish Council. He said the report would also be presented to Council on 19th January and a brief second consultation period would follow. A concluding report would be presented to Council in March 2012. The Scrutiny Committee Chairman reported that Members had raised concerns over the costs associated with Community Governance Reviews and felt that there should be a separate budget heading within Democratic Services so that all costs were clearly identified. Members agreed that it would be useful to keep a note of staff time spent on these reviews in the future to provide an evidence base for lobbying the Government. In response to questions, the Assistant Director (Legal and Corporate Services) confirmed that:-

• a district wide review would be both time consuming and expensive for the District Council.

• although South Cadbury Parish was not warded, their Parish Council Constitution stated that at least two of the Councillors should come from each village within the Parish.

At the conclusion of the debate, Members were content to agree the recommendations of the report.

RESOLVED: That the District Executive: 1. noted the results of the consultation;

2. noted that the majority of the valid responses received were in favour of the original proposals by South Cadbury Parish Council and therefore the draft recommendation for further consultation be: “To accept the majority vote from the people of

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South Cadbury and Sutton Montis and to agree to increase the number of Parish Councillors to 7 and amend the name of the Parish Council to South Cadbury and Sutton Montis Parish Council”.

3. agreed to publish the results of the consultation;

4. noted that a further period of consultation on the results of the initial consultation responses would take place;

5. noted that a further report will be brought to Council in order that a decision may be made in respect of the final recommendations of the Review.

Reason: To report the outcome of the initial public consultation (Community Governance Review) which has taken place in the parishes of South Cadbury and Sutton Montis on the proposal to increase the number of Parish Councillors and amend the name of the Parish Council (under the provisions of Part 4 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007).

(Ian Clarke, Assistant Director (Legal & Corporate Services) – 01935 462184) ([email protected])

109. District Executive Forward Plan (Agenda Item 9) The following amendments to the District Executive Forward Plan were noted:

• Review of Area Working – Feb 2012 • Chard Regeneration scheme – Feb 2012 • Pay Policy Statement under the Localism Act – Mar 2012 • Garrett Road and the Box Factory, Yeovil – Mar 2012 • Local Development Scheme – review and resources – to be presented earlier

than June 2012 if possible • Review of Yeovil Vision – June 2012

RESOLVED: That the District Executive: 1. approved the updated Executive Forward Plan for publication

as attached at Appendix A of the agenda report, subject to the following additions:

• Review of Area Working – Feb 2012 • Chard Regeneration scheme – Feb 2012 • Pay Policy Statement under the Localism Act – Mar 12 • Garrett Road and the Box Factory, Yeovil – Mar 2012 • Local Development Scheme – review and resources –

to be presented earlier than June 2012 if possible • Review of Yeovil Vision – June 2012

2. noted the contents of the Consultation Database as shown a Appendix B.

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Reason: The Forward Plan is a statutory document.

(Ian Clarke, Assistant Director (Legal & Corporate Services) – 01935 462184) ([email protected])

110. Date of Next Meeting (Agenda Item 10) Members noted that the next scheduled meeting of the District Executive would take place on Thursday 2nd February 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Brympton Way, Yeovil commencing at 9.30 a.m. (Ian Clarke, Assistant Director (Legal & Corporate Services) – 01935 462184) ([email protected])

111. Exclusion of Press and Public

RESOLVED: That the following items be considered in Closed Session by virtue of

the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A under Paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

112. Transfer of responsibility of Ilchester toilet provision to Ilchester Parish Council (Agenda Item 11) (Confidential) The Strategic Director (Operations and Customer Focus) advised that this was the first of a number of public toilet responsibility transfers to Parish Councils. Members were content to confirm the recommendations of the report.

RESOLVED: That the District Executive agreed: 1. to note the request from Ilchester Parish Council to facilitate

the on-going provision of public toilets via a local business and agreed to the permanent closure of the existing facilities and financial assistance towards the new arrangements for a three year period;

2. that a capital sum be approved as a save to earn scheme.

3. to approve the on-going savings to SSDC as detailed within the financial implications paragraph.

Reason: To agree to the permanent closure of the existing public conveniences in Ilchester and assist the parish council in setting up future provision from a privately-run business.

(Vega Sturgess, Strategic Director (Operations and Customer Focus) – 01935 462200) ([email protected])

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113. Carbon Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy – the installation of photo-voltaic arrays at Lufton Depot and Petters Way (Urgent Item) (Confidential) Members were advised that the Leader, in agreement with the Chief Executive had agreed that the item should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency under Section 100(B)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 given the potential of additional savings to SSDC should the Government lose its High Court challenge to the early lowering of the Feed in Tariff (FIT) tariff.

It was further noted that the Chief Executive had agreed to classify the report as urgent business and as such the usual Scrutiny call-in before the decision was implemented rule would not apply, enabling the decision to take affect immediately after it was made.

At the conclusion of the debate Members were content to confirm the recommendations of the report.

RESOLVED: That the District Executive: 1. approved a Save to Earn bid for the installation of photovoltaic

arrays at Lufton Depot and Petters House;

2. noted that the net savings be added to the Medium Term Financial Plan as a saving for 2012/13 and beyond.

Reason: To agree the installing of photovoltaic arrays at Petters House and Lufton Depot main buildings.

(Vega Sturgess, Strategic Director (Operations and Customer Focus) – 01935 462200) ([email protected])





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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

9. Reports to be considered by District Executive on 2nd February 2012 Lead Officers: Emily McGuinness, Scrutiny Manager

Jo Gale, Scrutiny Manager Contact Details: [email protected] or 01935 462566

or [email protected] or 01935 462077 Scrutiny Committee members will receive a copy of the District Executive agenda containing the reports to be considered at the meeting on 2nd February 2012. Members are asked to read the reports and bring any concerns/issues from the reports to be discussed at the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 31st January 2012. The Chairman will take forward any views raised by Scrutiny members to the District Executive meeting on 2nd February 2012.

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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

10. Student Participation with Scrutiny Lead Officers: Emily McGuinness, Scrutiny Manager

Jo Gale, Scrutiny Manager Contact Details: [email protected] or 01935 462566

or [email protected] or 01935 462077 Purpose of Report

This report sets out proposals to engage students in the Scrutiny function.

Action Required

Members of the Scrutiny Committee are requested to consider and comment on the proposals contained in this report. Background In October 2011 an initial report was considered by this Scrutiny Committee, outlining proposals for engaging local students in the democratic process via the Scrutiny function. The outcome of that meeting was that the Scrutiny Manager was asked to amend the proposals to take into account the points raised before bringing the matter back for the Committee to reconsider.

Below is an extract from the minutes of that meeting, setting out the points raised by members:

• It was felt that it was not appropriate to have young people involved in Task and Finish Reviews as confidential issues relating to finance and other matters were often discussed and it would be better for young people to participate in Scrutiny Committee meetings;

• Several members supported the concept of working with young people but were unable to support the proposed method outlined in the report;

• Some members stated that there was already an active Youth Council in Yeovil; • It was felt that two young people was not enough and there needed to be more; • It would be useful if the schools could identify the most appropriate young people; • It was not felt that this proposal was a good use of the Scrutiny Manager’s time

and that limited resources have to be seen to be ‘well spent’. Since that meeting, the Scrutiny Manager e-mailed all Committee members seeking clarification and more detail on the concerns raised – one member responded.

This report therefore sets out the proposals for Student Engagement in more detail and in doing so addresses the concerns previously raised.

Student Engagement Proposal

This proposal is not intended to duplicate the work of various Youth Councils etc., which are already functioning well across the district. The proposal is more about getting the perspective of service users to inform a Scrutiny review and providing them with a valuable opportunity in return.

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Scrutiny has previous experience of working well with young people, most notably on the Homefinder Somerset review. As defined by legislation, Scrutiny can co-opt any members of the community onto a Scrutiny review to bring additional perspectives and provide specialist knowledge as required. It would be perfectly possible to co-opt two local students onto a specific task and finish review on a first come – first served basis.

A selection process, involving completing an application form and attending an interview, is not required but it is hoped that such a process would provide local young people with vital workplace skills.

Whilst the proposal refers to 16-19 year olds, initial discussions with two local colleges indicate that although this is the formal educational bracket, in reality, interested students would be 16 – in the first year of their A-Level studies, and therefore not eligible for election to the Council.

If members agree to progress this proposal, the students would be working on a specific task and finish group – one topic suggested by the Leader would be to look at the role SSDC could and should be playing in working with local employers and educational establishments to ensure that local young people leave education with the right skills to obtain local, skilled and sustainable jobs. Youth unemployment is a national, regional and local high profile issue and there would be benefit to the council in understanding the issues particularly in the current economic climate. Arguably, such a review would not represent something which we would otherwise not be doing, or indeed be something that was wholly divorced from the functions of this council.

Improving community engagement, and in doing so, strengthening the Scrutiny function is an integral part of the Scrutiny Manager role. One of the four principles of effective Scrutiny as defined by the Centre for Public Scrutiny is that Scrutiny should act as the voice for public concerns, and this proposal for proactive engagement of local students would be an innovative, yet simple way of doing so.

As already mentioned, this is a pilot project, but if it proves successful, it could be continued and extended in the future.

All local institutions providing post 16 education would be invited to participate in this proposal – including Strode College whose catchment areas contains a large part of South Somerset. Initial discussions seem to suggest that teachers would be happy for their students to attend meetings without being accompanied by a member of staff, providing the school/college conducts an appropriate risk assessment. Such an activity would, in their view, provide a useful opportunity for independent learning – a key element of the assessed 16-19 syllabus. Of course, other schools may have different policies and procedures which would need to be addressed if and when appropriate.

Financial Implications

As stated, the choice of topic for a Task and Finish Group would not be something which we would not otherwise have done, therefore does not represent the use of any additional resources.

There would be some use of officer time in arranging the selection process, but seeking to develop and improve the Scrutiny function forms a core element of the Scrutiny Manager role.

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There may be some costs involved in the payment of mileage claims for students attending meetings, but initial discussions with both Strode College and Yeovil College indicate that they would be prepared to meet any such costs. Background Papers: Scrutiny agenda and minutes 4th October 2011

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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

11. Joint Scrutiny of the Somerset Waste Board – Feedback from recent meeting Purpose of the Report To provide the Scrutiny Committee with feedback from the Joint Waste Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 9th January 2012. Action Required Scrutiny members are asked to note the minutes of the above meeting attached at Appendix B to this report. Background In October 2011, the Scrutiny Committee agreed to establish a Joint Waste Scrutiny Panel to consider the work of the Somerset Waste Board. Current legislative constraints do not allow for a formal joint Scrutiny Committee to be established, so it was agreed that an informal Joint Scrutiny Panel should meet to consider the budget proposals of the SWB and at a later stage, performance against priorities as stated in the Somerset Waste Partnership’s Business Plan. An initial meeting of the Panel was held in December last year, when Scrutiny representatives from participating partner authorities discussed how the Joint Panel would work in practice. A copy of the notes from that meeting are attached at Appendix A to this report. A further meeting was held on 9th January for members to consider the Board’s budget proposals for 2012/13 and priorities as stated in the Business Plan. A copy of the notes from this meeting are attached at Appendix B to this report. The Panel has agreed to hold a further meeting in October 2012 to enable them to consider progress made against the priorities as set out in the Business Plan. Financial Implications South Somerset District Council’s Scrutiny function will support any proposed Joint Scrutiny arrangements and Somerset County Council have agreed to provide meeting facilities. SSDC would wish to carry out the Scrutiny activity outlined in this report even if no joint scrutiny arrangements are put in place, therefore, supporting the proposals of this report would represent, little, if any additional commitment of Scrutiny resources.

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Appendix A Joint Waste Scrutiny Panel Notes of initial meeting held on 1st December 2011 Present Mendip District Council Cllr Nick Cottle Cllr Terry Napper (Substitute member) Somerset County Council Cllr John Dyke South Somerset District Council Cllr Sue Steele Cllr Paul Maxwell Taunton Deane Borough Council Cllr Robert Bowrah West Somerset Council Cllr Jon Freeman Cllr Richard Lillis Cllr Martin Dewdney (substitute member) Steve Read – Managing Director – Somerset Waste Partnership Emily McGuinness – Scrutiny Manager, South Somerset District Council Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Peter Knibbs (MDC) and John Woodman (SCC) Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair The members present agreed to appoint Councillor John Dyke as the Chair of the Scrutiny Panel and Richard Lillis as the Vice Chair. Discussion on the role and remit of the Joint Scrutiny Panel Members were informed that Sedgemoor District Council had decided not to take part in Joint Scrutiny Panel at this time. Members were reminded that under current legislation, it is not possible for a formal joint scrutiny committee to be established and this panel is essentially meeting in an informal capacity. The panel was created with the aim of improving pre-decision scrutiny of the work of the Somerset Waste Board as well as improving communication amongst non-

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board members. It is also anticipated that the panel will allow more effective use of the time of the Waste Partnership staff. Members stressed that the panel was in no way intended to usurp the scrutiny functions of the individual councils and should be seen as a more effective way to hear the voice of non-board members. It was agreed that it was up to the panel to demonstrate the value they can add to the decision making process of the Somerset Waste Board. It was agreed that in the first instance, the Joint Panel would look at the Somerset Waste Board’s budget proposals for 2012/13. Members were informed that there is a Board meeting scheduled for 16 December, where initial budget proposals will be discussed. A further meeting of the Joint Scrutiny Panel has been arranged for 9 January for a wider consideration of these proposals. Members of the Joint Scrutiny Panel were encouraged to attend the Board meeting on the 16 December and to use the time before the 9 January to seek the views of their fellow councillors and communities, thus informing the discussion at the next meeting of the Joint Panel. Members agreed that Steve Read and Martin Gerrish from the Waste Partnership be asked to attend the next meeting on 9 January and that Councillor Derek Yeomans in his capacity as Chair of the Waste Board be invited to attend. Through their discussions, members identified several issues that they requested be included in a work programme for the informal Scrutiny Panel (it is envisaged that unless needed for a specific issue, the Scrutiny Panel will meet on a 6 monthly basis). Members felt that they, and other members, would benefit from presentations / discussions on the following topics:

- alternatives to Landfill (e.g. Chemical/biological treatment) - measures that can be taken to improve recycling levels - the work of the Partnership with the retail sector in terms of reducing packaging - Flytipping – the real costs involved and what pro-active measures can be taken to

reduce levels.

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Appendix B Joint Waste Scrutiny Panel Notes of initial meeting held on 9th January 2012 Present Mendip District Council Cllr Nick Cottle Cllr Terry Napper (Substitute member) Somerset County Council Cllr John Dyke Cllr John Woodman South Somerset District Council Cllr Sue Steele Taunton Deane Borough Council Cllr Robert Bowrah BEM Cllr Alan Wedderkop West Somerset Council Cllr Jon Freeman Cllr Richard Lillis Cllr Derek Yeomans – Chairman, Somerest Waste Board Steve Read – Managing Director – Somerset Waste Partnership Martin Gerrish – Financial Officer, Somerset Waste Partnership Richard Sealy – Taunton Deane Borough Council Emily McGuinness – Scrutiny Manager, South Somerset District Council Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Paul Maxwell Discussion of decisions / outcomes of Somerset Waste Board meeting held on 16 December 2011 Members present were referred to the Somerset Waste Partnership’s Business plan which was discussed at the Board Meeting on 16 December 2011 (copies of the plan were made available at the meeting). In addition, Martin Gerrish, Financial Officer gave a presentation outlining how the Somerset Waste Partnership is funded (a copy of the presentation is attached to these notes). During discussion, the following points were made:

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• The Landfill Tax escalator will have significant implications for the partnership over the coming years – especially for the disposal authority. The position post 2014/15 is not yet clear but it is anticipated that the level of Landfill Tax will continue to rise.

• The sparsity factor is often underestimated when looking at the costs of the

partnership – all households (as defined by relevant legislation) are legally entitled to have their waste collected, although in some very remote areas, agreements are reached whereby waste is taken to a more accessible location i.e. end of a farm track.

• The implications of the recession on recycling levels included the reduced size of

newspapers. • 97% of the SWP budget is in effect an outsourced budget paid directly to contractors. • All costs are apportioned using a complex cost sharing mechanism (as described in

the attached presentation) • The cost sharing mechanism has been recently reviewed and found to be equitable. • The Partnership’s constitution does not allow for ‘cost shunting’. This means that no

single partner can make a decision which adversely affects the other partners. A particular example of this was the implications of the County’s decision to reduce services at HWRC’s which has led to an increase in flytipping. SCC are required to compensate the district authorities for their increased costs.

• It is for the Board to agree how savings are delivered. Individual partners can specify

the level of savings they wish to achieve but the Board will agree how. • The contract re-negotiation with May Gurney will represent between 3% and 4%

savings annually for partners. • In the future, savings can only really be achieved through service reductions. Anaerobic Digester Steve Read, CEO of the Waste Partnership then gave a presentation on the progress of the Anaerobic Digester (copies of which are available on the members pages and upon request from the Scrutiny Manager). Members were very positive about the proposals and the potential for further development of the site. It was noted that the County Council (as the disposal authority) had agreed that they will get a share of any additional income generated by Viridor through collecting food waste from private industry. Green Waste Collection Charges Members were then asked to consider the recommendation made by the Waste Board relating to charging for Green Waste collection. The intention is to harmonise costs but the decisions over what to charge rests with the individual authorities. Members were informed that currently, only SSDC were proposing to implement the increases, although they are considering proposals to allow customers to continue paying a lower rate if paid for online. Meeting: SC09A 11:12 23 Date: 31.01.12


West Somerset Councillors stated that their residents already see the costs for green waste collection as prohibitive and any future price increases would possibly lead to a reduction in take up of the green waste service. Any other business Members commented that the Communications plan was a very comprehensive document and particularly welcomed any initiatives to get more young people involved in the work of the partnership. Members fully endorsed the priority as stated in the Business plan to reduce the amount of food waste currently disposed of as residual waste (currently 17% of residual waste is food waste). It was agreed that the panel would look to meet again in 7/8 months time for the purpose of reviewing performance against the priorities as set out in the business plan and to start considering budget proposals for the coming year. It was noted that the Joint Scrutiny Panel could be convened at any point should the need arise.

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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

12. Report Request – Update on Park Homes Project

Purpose of the Report At the February 2011 meeting of the Scrutiny Committee, members considered a report by the Assistant Director – Health and Wellbeing, updating them on the implementation of the Park Homes Project. At that meeting, members resolved: That the Scrutiny Committee receives 12 monthly updates on the site management of the Gypsy Park Homes at Ilton and Tintinhull. That 12 months has now elapsed. In order to ensure that the officers and relevant Portfolio Holder provide the relevant information to the Committee, the Scrutiny Committee are now asked to consider the Report Request Template attached at Appendix A to this report in relation to this issue. Action Required Members are asked to consider and complete the Report Request Template attached. This information will then be sent to the appropriate Officers and Portfolio Holders prior to their attendance at the February Scrutiny Committee. Financial Implications There are no other financial implications other than those identified above. Background Papers: Scrutiny Committee Minutes - February 2011

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Request for report to come to Scrutiny Committee


Purpose of report Why do you want a report on this issue/topic? Why have you requested this report now? What do you hope to achieve having considered the report (consider outcomes)? Specifics Please detail any specific questions you would like the report to answer?

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Please detail any specific information you would like in the report?

Please detail if there is anything else that you would find helpful, forecasts or examples etc.

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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

13. Verbal Update on Task and Finish Reviews The Task and Finish Review Chairs will give a brief verbal update on progress made.

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Scrutiny Committee – 31st January 2012

14. Scrutiny Work Programme Meeting Date

Agenda Item Issue for Main Scrutiny Cttee

Performance Management

Budget Background/Description CorporateAim

Lead Officer (Lead Member)

31/01/12 District Executivereports for Scrutiny consideration

a Each month Scrutiny Committee considers and comments on all District Executive reports.

31/01/12 Final budget and capital Programme

a Scrutiny members to comment on the proposed 2011/12 Revenue Budget, Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and revised Capital Programme prior to consideration by District Executive and Full Council.

Donna Parham,Assistant Director (Finance & Corporate Services) Councillor Tim Carroll – Portfolio Holder - Finance & Spatial Planning

31/01/12 StudentEngagement

a At the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 4th October members requested that the Scrutiny Manager ‘rework’ the report and re-submit alternative proposals to a future meeting on engaging young people in the Scrutiny process.

EmilyMcGuinness, Scrutiny Manager

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Meeting Date

Agenda Item Issue for Main Scrutiny Cttee

Performance Management

Budget Background/Description Corporate Aim

Lead Officer (Lead Member)

31/01/12 Review of South Somerset Together (LSP)

a Scrutiny Committee to comment on the report prior to District Executive

Helen Rutter,Assistant Director (Communities) Ric Pallister, Leader of the Council

28/02/12 Update on the Park Home Project

a At the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 1st February members received an update on the management of park home sites and requested a 12 monthly report on this issue.

To improve the housing, health and well-being of our citizens

Steve Joel, Assistant Director (Health and Well-Being) Councillor Ric Pallister – Portfolio Holder - Leader, Strategy and Policy

28/02/12 District Executivereports for Scrutiny consideration

a Each month Scrutiny Committee considers and comments on all District Executive reports.

28/02/12 Monitor theimplementation of the recommendations of the HomeFinder Somerset Review

a To give Scrutiny members an opportunity to ensure their recommendations as accepted by the HomeFinder Somerset Board are being implemented as stated.

Jo GaleScrutiny Manager Ric Pallister – Portfolio Holder - Leader, Strategy and Policy

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Meeting Date

Agenda Item Issue for Main Scrutiny Cttee

Performance Management

Budget Background/Description Corporate Aim

Lead Officer (Lead Member)

28/02/12 Review ofPartnerships Register

a District Executive at its meeting on 6th October 2011 recommended that Scrutiny Committee review the Partnerships Register in order that recommendations can be taken into account during the budget setting process.

Alice Knight,Third Sector & Partnerships Manager Sylvia Seal, Leisure & Culture

28/02/12 Items for the Work Programme

EmilyMcGuinness Jo Gale Scrutiny Managers

03/04/12 District Executivereports for Scrutiny consideration

a Each month Scrutiny Committee considers and comments on all District Executive reports.

03/04/12 Police and CrimePanels

a To update members on the implications of the introduction of Police Commissioners and Police and Crime Panels

EmilyMcGuinness, Scrutiny Manager

03/04/12 Fraud andCorruption Strategy

a Scrutiny Committee to comment on the report prior to District Executive.

Lynda Creek,Fraud and Data Manager Ric Pallister, Leader of the Council

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Meeting Date

Agenda Item Issue for Main Scrutiny Cttee

Performance Management

Budget Background/Description Corporate Aim

Lead Officer (Lead Member)

03/04/12 Shadow Healthand Well Being Board

a Harvey Siggs, the district representative appointed to the Shadow Health and Well Being Board will be attending the meeting to answer member questions.

01/05/12 Annual Review of SSDC Partnerships

a Scrutiny Committee to comment on the report prior to District Executive

Alice Knight,Third Sector and Partnerships Manager Sylvia Seal, Leisure and Culture

01/05/12 County-wideCommunity Safety Partnership

a Scrutiny Committee to comment on the report prior to District Executive

Alice Knight,Third Sector and Partnerships Manager Sylvia Seal, Leisure and Culture

01/05/12 TemporaryAccommodation Strategy

a At the Scrutiny Committee meeting on 29th November, members requested a six-monthly update report on the strategic actions contained within the Temporary Accommodation Strategy.

To improve the housing, health and well-being of our citizens

Colin McDonald, Corporate Strategic Housing Manager

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Meeting Date

Agenda Item Issue for Main Scrutiny Cttee

Performance Management

Budget Background/Description Corporate Aim

Lead Officer (Lead Member)

TBC Update onCommunity Safety

a Scrutiny members to review the performance of Community Safety arrangements.

Ensure safe, sustainable and cohesive communities

Alice Knight, Third Sector and Partnerships Manager Councillor Tony Fife – strategic responsibility for Community Safety

TBC Impact of Localism Act

a Now that the Bill has received Royal assent, the committee will have the opportunity to consider what measures have been put in place to ensure the Act is effectively delivered.

Ian Clarke – Assistant Director – Legal Corporate Services and Monitoring Officer.

TBC Review of Capital Strategy


Task & Finish Reviews Date Commenced Title Members October

Social Housing Fraud John Calvert Nick Colbert Carol Goodall Derek Yeomans Barry Walker

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October Review of the implementation of the

recommendations of the HomeFinder Somerset Review

Carol Goodall

December Review of Member representation on Outside Organisations

Martin Wale Carol Goodall Dave Bulmer Kim Turner Colin Winder Gina Seaton Sue Osborne

February Economic Development StrategyTo be confirmed Housing and Council Tax Benefits Carol Goodall

Dave Bulmer

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Scrutiny Committee - 31st January 2012

16. Date of Next Meeting Members are requested to note that the next meeting of the Scrutiny Committee will be held on Tuesday 28th February 2012 at 10.00am in the Main Committee Room, Brympton Way, Yeovil.

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