. Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old,...


Transcript of . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old,...

Page 1: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...
Page 2: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...
Page 3: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...
Page 4: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...
Page 5: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...
Page 6: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...
Page 7: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...


Números naturales. Libro SEP Págs. 81-84

1.-Escribe con número las siguientes cantidades.

a) Novecientos sesenta y cinco mil ____________________

b) Diez mil diez _____________________

c) Doce mil veintiocho _____________________

d) Sesenta mil seiscientos _____________________

e) Cien mil quinientos cuarenta y dos _____________________

2.-Ordena las cantidades anteriores de mayor a menor.

a) _______________________ c) _______________________ e) _______________________

b) _______________________ d) _______________________

3.-Escribe en número romano o arábigo según corresponda.

a) 3,210 ______________________ c)MMCDL ____________________ e)CMXCIX____________

b) 5,840 ______________________ d)1,693 ______________________

Números fraccionarios. Libro SEP Págs. 85-89

4.- Colorea las siguientes figuras como se indica: rojo 1/3; de azul 1/4; de verde 1/5; de amarillo 12/60 y el

resto de color negro.

5.-Contesta con base al ejercicio anterior.

a) ¿De qué color hay más?_________________

b) ¿De qué color hay menos? ________________

c) ¿De cuáles colores hay igual cantidad?_______________

Page 8: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

6.- Ubica en una recta de 15 cm las siguientes fracciones.

1/2, 2/3, 4/5 y 6/15

7.- Escribe tres fracciones que sean equivalentes.

a) 5/6= ________ __________ _________

b) 2/4= ________ __________ ________

c) 20/40= ________ __________ _________

Números decimales. Libro SEP Págs. 90-92

Cada domingo nos reunimos toda la familia y mi papá decidió marcar las estaturas de sus 7 nietos y fueron las


Darío 0.5 m, Carmen 0.88m, Ivana 1.410 m, Santiago 0.95m, Marifer mide 1.60m, Alex 0.900 m y Mario 1.4500m

8.-Completa el cuadro

Alturas Mayor a menor Fracción decimal

Darío 0.5 m

Carmen 0.88m

Ivana 1.410 m

Santiago 0.95m

Marifer 1.60m

Alex 0.900 m

Mario 1.4500m

9.-Escribe una medida cualquiera que sea mayor que 1.5 pero menor que 1.6m _______________

Problemas aditivos. Libro SEP Págs. 93-95

1. Observen la tabla y contesten las preguntas.

1.- ¿A cuántos octavos equivalen C y D?________

2.- ¿A cuántos dieciseisavos equivale F? ________

3.- Sumen A + E + F + G+ H, sustituyendo cada

letra por su valor en fracciones.

¿Qué fracción representan? _______________

Page 9: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

Resuelve los siguientes problemas

1.- Laura compró primero 4/16 kg de manzanas y luego 2/8 kg más. ¿Qué cantidad de manzanas compró en


2.-Marcela compró una pieza de pollo y utilizó 3/8 de kilogramo para un guisado. Si sobraron ½ de kilogramo,

¿cuánto pesaba la pieza que compró? ________________________

Figuras planas. Libro SEP Págs. 98-100

Haz lo que se te pide.

*Traza las alturas de los siguientes triángulos. Usa tu escuadra. (Usa diferentes colores)

¿Puede un triángulo tener más de una altura? (sí o no) _________________

¿Por qué? _________________________________________________________________

¿Cuántas alturas puede tener como máximo un triángulo?____________________________________

Estimación y cálculo. Libro SEP Págs. 101-102

Completa el siguiente cuadro



Page 10: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

Calcula el área de la siguiente figura.


7 cm

12 cm


Page 11: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...


Student’s name: ________________________________________________ Group______ Score________


A. Circle the correct word.

1. a. builder b. bilder 5. a. mechanic b. mecanic

2. a. soljer b. soldier 6. a. bet b. vet

3. a. elektician c. electrician 7. a. plumber b. plummer

4. a. nerse b. nurse 8. a. musishan c. musician

B. Write the time.

1. 3:45 __________________________________________________________________________

2. 10:20 _________________________________________________________________________

3. 6:30 __________________________________________________________________________

4. 2:15 __________________________________________________________________________

5. 8:00 __________________________________________________________________________

6. 4:50 __________________________________________________________________________

C. Write the school subjects.

Music Physical Education Arts Computers Geography Languages History Maths

D. Write the days of the week.

1. M_______________ 2. T_______________ 3. W_______________ 4. T_______________

5. F_______________ 6. S________________ 7. S_______________

Page 12: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

E. Read, choose and complete.

write drives eat makes

read speak swims do

1. I love to ____________________ books!

2. My mom _____________________ at the pool at 6:30 am.

3. The students _____________________ their homework in the afternoon.

4. We _____________________ a lot in our English notebook.

5. Susy _________________ the bed at 7 am.

6. My dad ______________________ his car to work.

7. I don´t like to ____________________ English.

8. They ____________________ lunch at 12 pm.


A. Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple).

My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she

________________(do) gymnastics. On Mondays, she ________________ (climb) trees. On

Tuesdays, she ______________ (play) soccer. On Wednesdays, she _______________

(swim) in the ocean. On Thursdays, she _________________ (ride) her horse. On Fridays,

she _______________ (wash) her car. On Saturdays, she ________________ (watch) TV.

B. Read and circle the correct form of the verb

1. Emily watch/watches TV on Saturdays.

2. Dan and Kay play/plays volleyball on Sundays.

3. Tim go/goes to the beach on Wednesdays.

4. I work/ works in the morning.

5. They dance/ dances on Monday.

6. My family like/ likes roast chicken.

7. You watch/watches TV in the afternoon.

8. I go/ goes to school every day.

9. My brother has / have breakfast.

10.Michael, Peter and Lucy get/gets up at 7 o’clock.

C. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Remember to change the verb form if necessary.

arrive like live own play rain start teach

1. Mike ________________________ hamburgers.

2. It _________________________ in May.

3. Lisa _______________________ with her family in France.

4. Timmy often _____________________ late to class.

Page 13: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

5. The lesson ______________________ at 7:00.

6. Carol and John ______________________ English in Greece.

7. Julie ______________________ baseball after school every weekend.

8. I _____________________ this horse.

D. Circle the correct word or phrase.

1. I get up / gets up at 7:00.

2. Does / Do they walk to work?

3. Where does Hilary live / lives ?

4. Alex and Mary doesn´t / don’t eat meat.

5. He don´t / doesn´t watch TV every day.

6. What do / does you do on weekends?

7. They has / have lunch at 3:00.

8. Shyla doesn´t exercise / exercises .


A. Read and answer.

Vitamin D

Scientists say that vitamin D is essential for humans. When children don´t get vitamin D or calcium, they

can develop rickets, a softening of the bones. People of all ages need vitamin D to have a strong immune system

and prevent diseases. We can make vitamin D when our skin is exposed to sunlight and when we eat food that is

rich in the vitamin.

1. What vitamin is very important for humans? __________________________________________

2. Do children get rickets when they don´t receive vitamin D? _____________________________

3. Does vitamin D prevent sicknesses? _________________________________________________

4. How can we get vitamin D? ___________________________________________________

B. Read and complete the sentences.

Surprise Party

Sam, Molly, and Mom decide to throw a surprise birthday party for Dad. They are getting ready for it

while he is at work. They invite Uncle Mel, Aunt Carrie, Aunt Joanna, and their cousins, Noah and Kayla. Sam

calls them all on the phone and says, “Please arrive by 4:30. Dad comes home at 5 o'clock.”

1. The surprise party is for _________________________________________.

2. Their family needs to arrive at ____________________________________.

Page 14: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

Mom puts a chocolate cake in the oven, then, makes snacks for everyone to eat. Sam is making his Dad a

birthday card. Molly runs to the store to buy balloons and birthday candles.

“Let´s clean the house before everyone comes,” says Mom. Molly vacuums the living

room. Sam dusts all of the furniture. Mom sweeps the kitchen, then, takes her cake out of the

oven. After the cake cools down, Molly puts frosting on it and decorates it. Sam blows up

balloons, puts streamers on the ceiling, and hangs a sign on the wall that says, “Happy Birthday”.

3. Mom is making a ________________________ and _________________________.

4. Sam is decorating the house with ______________________, ____________________ and a


All of the guests arrive on time for the surprise party. Molly and Sam play video games with their cousins

until Dad gets home. When Dad pulls in the driveway, everyone hides in the living room. When Dad walks in the

house everyone jumps up and yells, “Surprise!”

“Wow!,” says Dad. “This is a real surprise! My birthday is two months away!” Dad was

surprised, and everyone in the family. They are all laughing and having a good time anyway.

5. The people ________________________ and wait for Dad to walk in the house.

6. Everyone at the party is surprised because Dad´s birthday is ____________________________.

C. Read and circle T (true) or F (false).

Three Bears

There are eight different kinds of bears around the world. Three very different ones are polar bears,

grizzly bears and Giant Pandas.

Polar bears live in the Arctic Circle, near the North Pole. They stay warm in very cold

temperatures because they have a layer of fat, called blubber, and because they are covered in two

layers of fur. Polar bears are excellent swimmers and have short claws to help them walk across

ice and snow. Polar bears mostly eat seals, but they will eat other arctic animals as well.

You can see grizzly bears in Asia, Europe, and North America. Grizzly bears like to eat

plants, mammals and fish. They can run over thirty miles per hour. Grizzly bears are very big and

strong, but their cubs only weigh one pound when they are born.

The Giant Panda lives in China and has black and white fur. This bear eats up to thirty

pounds of bamboo every day. The Giant Panda is an endangered animal because people destroy

many of the forests where they live. Many people work hard to protect Giant Pandas.

Page 15: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

1. Polar bears, grizzly bears and panda bears are very similar. T / F

2. Polar bears are warm because they have blubber and two layers of fur. T / F

3. Grizzly bears like to eat insects. T / F

4. Grizzly bears are very small when they are born. T / F

5. Panda bears eat thirteen pounds of bamboo every day. T / F

6. Panda bears aren´t an endangered animal. T / F

D. Read and circle the correct answer.

The Twins

Sarah and Ruth are twins. They were born on the same day and look alike. But Sarah and

Ruth ( 1) is / are / am very different people.

Sarah is shy and quiet but Ruth is not shy and she (2) loves / love / loving talking to people.

Sarah’s favorite school class is math, but Ruth’s favorite class is reading.

The twins each have a (3) pet / car / brother . Sarah has a cat named Sally and Ruth has a pet

bird named Polly.

There are also more differences in the twins. Sarah’s favorite (4) movie / color / food is pink

and Ruth’s favorite color is blue.

Ruth likes to (5) drink / make / eat vegetables, but Sarah doesn’t like many vegetables. Also,

Ruth’s favorite drink is fruit juice while Sarah’s favorite drink is milk.

The (6) boys / twins / cousins look alike, but they are different on the inside and they are still

best friends. Sarah and Ruth love each other very much.

Page 16: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...


Student’s name: ________________________________________________ Group______ Score________


A. Look & write

B. Unscramble the following words.

1. rlyea 6. asrttaarncdf

2. settrpcao 7. ttshcckueol

3. esroh gnidir 8. nibrettil

4. iighkn 9 atb

5. ramda 10. bame

C. Write the following words in the correct list below

Page 17: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...



A. Write sentences using the verbs in parentheses and phrases from the box. Remember to put the verbs

in the correct form.

1. I _____________________________________________________________________________ (get up).

2. You ______________________________________________________________________ (leave home).

3. She ____________________________________________________________________ (have breakfast).

4. We ____________________________________________________________________________ (cycle).

5. They __________________________________________________________________ (have a sandwich).

B. Use the adverbs always, usually, often, sometimes, never to substitute the underlined information. Don’t

forget to write the adverb in the correct place.

1. Now and then I meet my friends at the Cyber Café.


2. She stays late at school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


3. We go to school by bus every day.


4. I don’t wear red.


5. My family have supper at seven o’clock on most days.


6. He wakes up at 6:30 every morning.

for lunch at 6:30

on Saturday afternoon at 7:30

to School in the kitchen

tennis skipping a pic nic martial arts baseball an ice cream skateboarding a sandwich

cyclying rollerblading chess in the sandpit the slide table tennis fencing swimming

the see-saw canoeing golf archery the climbing frame gymnastics football hopscotch

sailing scuba diving the roundabout

Page 18: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...


C. Put the words in the correct order.

1. often / you / how / go / do / swimming / ?


2. usually / go / I / once / a week


3. too cold / the water / always / is


4. never / I swim / the sea / in


5. sometimes / we / football / play / on / Saturday


6. often / she / to / go / how / does / the cinema / ?


D. Correct the following sentences. Rewrite them on the lines.

1. How many languages do you speaks?


2. Where does you live?


3. What kind of music you do like?


4. Are your parents speak English?


5. My brother live in Australia.


6. I doesn’t like that book very much.


7. He don’t know any Beatles song.


8. Does your friends like music?


9. I loves computer games.


10. Does your mother likes tea?


Page 19: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

E. Complete the chart truthfully with Yes, a lot/ No, not very much / No, not at all. Then write sentences.

Do you like…? Does your friend like…? Do your parents like…?

Example: classical music No, not very much No, not at all Yes, a lot


Kathy Perry


Example: classical music I don’t like it very much. My friend doesn’t like it at all. My parents like it a lot. football 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Kathy Perry 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________


1. _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________


A. Read the information. Then answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

The Very Tall Man from Zilbee

Zilbee is a place that is a long way away. Most of the people who live there are like you and

me but one man isn’t. He is 6 metres tall! He is taller than a bus. He is taller than a house. He

is as tall as a big building. He walks along the street with a thump-thump-thump-thump.

All the cars have to stop. When he goes under a bridge he has to bend down. I would like to

go to Zilbee to see this man. Would you?

1. Where does the very tall man live?


Page 20: . Read and complete with the correct form of the verb (use Present Simple). My grandma is very old, but she is very active. On Sundays, she ...

2. How tall is this man?


3. What sound is made when he walks along the street?


4. What does he do when he goes under a bridge?


First Airplane Trip

by Sara Matson

Jake is going on a trip. He and Mom take a taxi to the airport. “It’s my first plane

trip,” he tells the taxi driver. “That’s great!” the taxi driver says. Jake rolls his

suitcase onto the plane. “It’s my first plane trip,” he tells the pilot. “Welcome

aboard,” the pilot says. Jake finds his seat and buckles his seatbelt. The plane’s

engines rumble and roar. Jake opens his backpack and pulls out Panda. “It’s my

first plane trip,” he whispers. He holds Panda’s paw. The plane moves faster and

faster. Then—Whoosh! On the ground, cars and houses look like toys. Jake smiles.

“Guess what, Panda?” he says. “Flying is fun!”

1. How do Jake and his mom travel to the airport?

a. in a plane b. in their car c. in a taxi d. in a bus

2. What does a pilot do?


3. What does the pilot say to Jake?


4. Who is Panda?

a. Jake's brother b. a large animal c. Jake's pet d. a stuffed animal

5. What does Jake whisper to Panda?


6. Read this sentence from the story:

On the ground, the cars and houses look like toys.

What does this mean?

a. The cars and houses looked very big. b. The cars and houses looked very small.

c. The cars and houses did not move. d. Jake could not