PCI and CABG for Treating Stable Coronary Artery...

JACC REVIEW TOPIC OF THE WEEK PCI and CABG for Treating Stable Coronary Artery Disease JACC Review Topic of the Week Torsten Doenst, MD, PHD, a Axel Haverich, MD, PHD, b Patrick Serruys, MD, PHD, c Robert O. Bonow, MD, MS, d Pieter Kappetein, MD, PHD, e Volkmar Falk, MD, PHD, f Eric Velazquez, MD, g Anno Diegeler, MD, PHD, h Holger Sigusch, MD i ABSTRACT Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are considered revascularization procedures, but only CABG can prolong life in stable coronary artery disease. Thus, PCI and CABG mechanisms may differ. Viability and/or ischemia detection to guide revascularization have been unable to accurately predict treatment effects of CABG or PCI, questioning a revascularization mechanism for improving survival. By contrast, preventing myocardial infarction may save lives. However, the majority of infarcts are generated by nonow-limiting stenoses, but PCI is solely focused on treating ow-limiting lesions. Thus, PCI cannot be expected to signicantly limit new infarcts, but CABG may do so through providing ow distal to vessel occlusions. All comparisons of CABG to PCI or medical therapy that demonstrate survival effects with CABG also demonstrate infarct reduction. Thus, CABG may differ from PCI by providing surgical collateralization,prolonging life by preventing myocardial infarctions. The evidence is reviewed here. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;73:96476) © 2019 the American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier. All rights reserved. C oronary artery disease (CAD) causes angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and ischemic heart failure and thereby contrib- utes signicantly to cardiovascular disease being the leading cause of death worldwide (1). CAD is charac- terized by the development of atherosclerotic plaques inside the coronary vessel wall that stenose the vessel (causing ischemia) or that can rupture, which through thrombotic vessel occlusion represents the major mechanism for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (2). Myocardial infarction or chronic ischemia through severely stenotic CAD may lead to heart failure and/or death (2). Treatment of CAD is therefore aimed at alleviating angina symptoms and preventing AMI or premature death (1). Next to medical therapy (MED), mainly consisting of angina control and prevention or reversal of plaque progression, 2 (more or less) invasive strategies are available, aimed at re- establishing adequate blood supply to undersupplied myocardial territories due to severe coronary stenosis ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2018.11.053 From the a Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital Jena, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany; b Department of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany; c National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom; d Department of Medicine-Cardiology, North- western University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; e Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; f Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, German Heart Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany; g Department of Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut; h Department of Cardiac Surgery, Heart Center Bad Neustadt, Bad Neustadt, Germany; and the i Department of Cardiology, Heinrich-Braun-Hospital, Zwickau, Germany. Dr. Kappetein is an employee of Medtronic. Dr. Falk has received research or educational grants and/or fees for lecturing or consulting from Abbott, Medtronic, Edwards Lifesciences, Biotronik, Boston Scientic, Berlin Heart, and Novartis Pharma. Dr. Velazquez has been a consultant to Novartis, Amgen, and Philips; and has received research funding from Novartis. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose. Manuscript received September 14, 2018; revised manuscript received November 9, 2018, accepted November 26, 2018. Listen to this manuscripts audio summary by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Valentin Fuster on JACC.org. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY VOL. 73, NO. 8, 2019 ª 2019 THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION. PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Listen to this manuscript’s

audio summary by


Dr. Valentin Fuster on


J O U R N A L O F T H E A M E R I C A N C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y VO L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9

ª 2 0 1 9 T H E A M E R I C A N C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y F O U N D A T I O N .

P U B L I S H E D B Y E L S E V I E R . A L L R I G H T S R E S E R V E D .


PCI and CABG for TreatingStable Coronary Artery DiseaseJACC Review Topic of the Week

Torsten Doenst, MD, PHD,a Axel Haverich, MD, PHD,b Patrick Serruys, MD, PHD,c Robert O. Bonow, MD, MS,d

Pieter Kappetein, MD, PHD,e Volkmar Falk, MD, PHD,f Eric Velazquez, MD,g Anno Diegeler, MD, PHD,h

Holger Sigusch, MDi














Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are considered revascularization

procedures, but only CABG can prolong life in stable coronary artery disease. Thus, PCI and CABG mechanisms may differ.

Viability and/or ischemia detection to guide revascularization have been unable to accurately predict treatment effects of

CABG or PCI, questioning a revascularization mechanism for improving survival. By contrast, preventing myocardial

infarction may save lives. However, the majority of infarcts are generated by non–flow-limiting stenoses, but PCI is solely

focused on treating flow-limiting lesions. Thus, PCI cannot be expected to significantly limit new infarcts, but CABG may

do so through providing flow distal to vessel occlusions. All comparisons of CABG to PCI or medical therapy that

demonstrate survival effects with CABG also demonstrate infarct reduction. Thus, CABG may differ from PCI by providing

“surgical collateralization,” prolonging life by preventing myocardial infarctions. The evidence is reviewed here.

(J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;73:964–76) © 2019 the American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by

Elsevier. All rights reserved.

C oronary artery disease (CAD) causes anginapectoris, myocardial infarction, andischemic heart failure and thereby contrib-

utes significantly to cardiovascular disease being theleading cause of death worldwide (1). CAD is charac-terized by the development of atherosclerotic plaquesinside the coronary vessel wall that stenose the vessel(causing ischemia) or that can rupture, which throughthrombotic vessel occlusion represents the majormechanism for acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

N 0735-1097/$36.00

m the aDepartment of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital Jena, F

epartment of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation and Vascular Surgery, Hann

art and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United King

stern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois; eDepartm

dical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands; fDepartment of Cardiothoracic

rlin, Germany; gDepartment of Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicin

rgery, Heart Center Bad Neustadt, Bad Neustadt, Germany; and the iD

ickau, Germany. Dr. Kappetein is an employee of Medtronic. Dr. Falk

s for lecturing or consulting from Abbott, Medtronic, Edwards Lifescien

vartis Pharma. Dr. Velazquez has been a consultant to Novartis, Amgen,

vartis. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships re

nuscript received September 14, 2018; revised manuscript received Nove

(2). Myocardial infarction or chronic ischemia throughseverely stenotic CAD may lead to heart failure and/ordeath (2). Treatment of CAD is therefore aimed atalleviating angina symptoms and preventing AMI orpremature death (1). Next to medical therapy (MED),mainly consisting of angina control and preventionor reversal of plaque progression, 2 (more or less)invasive strategies are available, aimed at re-establishing adequate blood supply to undersuppliedmyocardial territories due to severe coronary stenosis


riedrich Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany;

over Medical School, Hannover, Germany; cNational

dom; dDepartment of Medicine-Cardiology, North-

ent of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Erasmus University

and Vascular Surgery, German Heart Institute Berlin,

e, New Haven, Connecticut; hDepartment of Cardiac

epartment of Cardiology, Heinrich-Braun-Hospital,

has received research or educational grants and/or

ces, Biotronik, Boston Scientific, Berlin Heart, and

and Philips; and has received research funding from

levant to the contents of this paper to disclose.

mber 9, 2018, accepted November 26, 2018.

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AMI = acute myocardial


CABG = coronary artery bypass


CAD = coronary artery disease

CI = confidence interval

CT = computed tomography

EES = everolimus-eluting-stent

FFR = fractional flow reserve

MED = medical therapy

PCI = percutaneous coronary


R-ZES = Resolute zotarolimus-


STEMI = ST-segment elevation

myocardial infarction

J A C C V O L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9 Doenst et al.M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6 Mechanisms of CABG and PCI


or vessel occlusion, that is, percutaneous coronaryintervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass graft-ing (CABG) (1).

A plethora of trials have compared the 2 (or 3, ifMED is included) treatment strategies for their abilityto achieve the aforementioned treatment goals(Table 1). Several publications, comments, and re-views have addressed these comparisons and havecome to 2 main (and possibly sobering) conclusions(Table 1) (3–21). First, PCI in stable CAD, independentof stent type used, has thus far failed to report animprovement in survival or a significant reduction innew myocardial infarctions (16). Second, improvedsurvival and reductions in new myocardial infarctionshas been consistently demonstrated for CABG in sta-ble CAD, but this effect is not always detectable andseems to be dependent on the severity of CAD (15)(Table 1) and possibly the presence of diabetes mel-litus (7,22,23).

These findings are somewhat surprising becauseboth procedures have always been considered revas-cularization treatments (1) and should therefore havesimilar effects. However, the majority of AMIs are notcaused by flow-limiting lesions (24–38), but our cur-rent revascularization strategy focusses more andmore on treating only flow-limiting stenoses (38,39).In addition, the majority of deaths in this patientpopulation are due to cardiac reasons, mainly AMI(22,23,40,41). Thus, protection against infarction maybe an underappreciated mechanism although it hadbeen suggested previously (22,42). Because nativecollateralization protects from infarction of acutevessel occlusion (24–28,32), CABG may do the samesurgically.

We searched the published reports and looked forpossible explanations of the difference in clinicalimpact of CABG and PCI. We present here a collectionof (circumstantial) evidence to make the case thatCABG, although a revascularization treatment andthereby comparable to PCI in treating angina, is ableto provide a survival benefit by protecting againstnew myocardial infarctions (i.e., creating “surgicalcollateralization”) (Central Illustration).


PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CAD. CAD is generallycaused by atherosclerotic plaque formation. Plaquesform inside the vessel and lead to varying degrees oflumen obstruction. Such a stenosis is considered to behemodynamically relevant once the degree exceeds70% (43). Since fractional flow-reserve (FFR) hasemerged, the assessment of severity degree maydiffer compared with conventional eyeball

assessment. However, the number of steno-ses determined as flow-limiting has notincreased (31,39,44). Hemodynamically rele-vant flow obstructions can cause ischemia inthe distal myocardium. The resulting symp-toms are ischemic pain (classically anginapectoris) and/or dyspnea as expression ofischemic pump failure. (Of note, ischemicsymptoms may appear in the absence of sig-nificant epicardial disease, but this is not thetopic of this review). In the setting ofepicardial disease with patients amendablefor CABG or PCI, non–flow-limiting stenosesare generally asymptomatic. However,rupture of these plaques, often followed bythrombotic vessel occlusion, represents themain mechanism of myocardial infarction(1,24). Importantly, plaques can rupturewithout causing an infarct. In this case, the

thrombus may either not fully occlude the vessel orcollateral flow may protect the myocardium frominfarction (45). The latter mechanism explains therelatively large number of coronary occlusions inclinical practice. In addition, CAD is a disease thatmigrates from proximal parts of the vessel systemdistally, and the vast majority of plaque burden isfound in the first few centimeters of the coronaryvessels (42,46).

Figure 1A shows the quantitative distribution ofCAD in the human coronary system dependent onthe degree of stenosis and at which rate it causesvessel occlusions within 5 years. The data comefrom a summary of a series of angiographic and/orpathological studies (25–28,32). Figure 1B demon-strates the percentage at which the different degreesof stenoses are the cause of myocardial infarction.It is evident that the higher the degree of stenosis,the greater the risk for this stenosis to occlude orcause an infarct. However, because the lesionswith lower degrees of stenosis by far outnumberthose with higher stenotic degrees, the majority ofmyocardial infarctions in real life are caused by ste-noses with a stenotic degree of <70% (i.e., most likelynon–flow-limiting lesions). This finding is illustratedin Figure 1C. It is an important recognition withrespect to the expectations of current treatmentstrategies because the figure shows that the vastmajority of new myocardial infarctions are causedby non–flow-limiting stenoses. Because PCI (moreoften supported by FFR or intravascular ultrasoundnowadays [38]) focuses on treatment of primarilyflow-limiting stenoses (38), one may ask, why do weactually expect a significant reduction of myocardialinfarctions by PCI?

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TABLE 1 Summary Information for All Current Prospective Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing CABG and PCI

Trial NameFollow-Up Period (Year)

(Ref. #) Primary Endpoint Degree of CADMortality PCIvs. CABG (%)

New MI PCIvs. CABG (%)

Cardiac Death PCIvs. CABG (%)

ARTS Freedom from MACCE Multivessel disease (>60% 2-vessel,>30% 3-vessel)

1 yr (2005) (3) 2.5 vs. 2.8 6.0 vs. 4.6 n. a.

3 yrs (2005) (3) 3.7 vs. 4.6 7.3 vs. 5.7 n. a.

5 yrs (2005) (3) 8.0 vs. 7.6 8.5 vs. 6.6 n. a.

BEST Composite of death, MI, or target-vessel revascularization at 2 yrs

Multivessel disease (>70% 3-vessel)

2 yrs (2015) (4) 6.6 vs. 5.0 4.8 vs. 2.7 4.1 vs. 3.7

CARDia Composite of all-cause mortality,MI and stroke

Symptomatic multivessel disease(>60% 3-vessel)

1 yr (2010) (5) 3.2 vs. 3.2 9.8 vs. 5.7 n. a.

EXCEL Composite of death from all cause,stroke, or MI

Left main coronary artery stenosis of atleast 70%

3 yrs (2016) (6) 8.2 vs. 5.9 8.0 vs. 8.3 4.4 vs. 3.7

FREEDOM Composite of all-cause mortality,nonfatal MI, or stroke

Multivessel disease (>80% 3-vessel)

2 yrs (2012) (7) 6.7 vs. 6.3 6.7 vs. 4.7 0.9 vs. 1.3

5 yrs (2012) (7) 16.3 vs. 10.9 13.9 vs. 6.0 10.9 vs. 6.8

MASS II Total mortality, Q-wave MI or refractoryangina requiring revascularization

Multivessel disease (>40% 2-vessel,>55% 3-vessel)

5 yrs (2007) (8) 15.5 vs. 12.8 11.2 vs. 8.3 11.6 vs. 7.9

NOBLE Freedom from MACCE at 5 yrs Left main coronary artery disease of atleast 50%

1 yr (2016) (9) 2.0 vs. 3.0 2.0 vs. 1.0 1.0 vs. 2.0

5 yrs (2016) (9) 12.0 vs. 9.0 7.0 vs. 2.0 3.0 vs. 3.0

PRECOMBAT Freedom from MACCE Unprotected left main coronary arterystenosis

5 yrs (2015) (10) 5.7 vs. 7.9 2.0 vs. 1.7 n. a.

SoS Comparison of the rates of repeatrevascularization

Multivessel disease (>50% 2-vessel,>35% 3-vessel)

2 yrs (2002) (11) 5.0 vs. 2.0 4.0 vs. 7.0 n. a.

SYNTAX Noninferiority of major adverse cardiacand cerebral events

3-vessel disease

1 yr (2009) (12) 4.4 vs. 3.5 4.8 vs. 3.3 3.7 vs. 3.1

3 yrs (2011) (13) 8.6 vs. 6.7 7.1 vs. 3.6 6.0 vs. 3.6

5 yrs (2014) (14) 14.6 vs. 9.2 10.6 vs. 3.3 9.2 vs. 4.0

ARTS ¼ Arterial Revascularization Therapies Study; BEST ¼ Bypass Surgery Versus Everolimus-Eluting Stent Implantation for Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease study; CABG ¼ coronaryartery bypass grafting; CAD ¼ coronary artery disease; CARDia ¼ Coronary Artery Revascularization in Diabetes; EXCEL ¼ EXCEL Clinical Trial; FREEDOM ¼ Comparison of Two Treatments forMultivessel Coronary Artery Disease in Individuals With Diabetes study; MACCE ¼ major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events; MASS II ¼ Medicine, Angioplasty, or Surgery Study;MI ¼ myocardial infarction; n. a. ¼ not available; NOBLE ¼ PCI vs. CABG in the Treatment of Unprotected Left Main Stenosis study; PCI ¼ percutaneous coronary intervention;PRECOMBAT ¼ Bypass Surgery Versus Angioplasty Using Sirolimus-Eluting Stent in Patients With Left Main Coronary Artery Disease study; SoS ¼ Stent or Surgery Trial; SYNTAX ¼ TAXUSDrug-Eluting Stent Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for the Treatment of Narrowed Arteries study.

Doenst et al. J A C C V O L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9

Mechanisms of CABG and PCI M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6



Every invasive treatment method carries a certainrisk. For proper decision-making, the risks of thenatural cause of the disease (or in case of CAD, therisks associated with CAD under optimal medicaltreatment) need to be known.

Figure 2 shows an image modified from the currentEuropean Society of Cardiology guidelines onmyocardial revascularization, illustrating the risk ofdying under optimal MED within 1 year, dependenton the degree of CAD. Accordingly, patients withsingle-vessel disease have a 1.4% yearly risk of dyingfrom this problem, whereas it increases to >8%

per year in patients with triple-vessel diseaseincluding the left main artery. It is currently generallyaccepted that the main causes of death in thesepatients are of cardiac origin (1,40), specifically inpatients with diabetes mellitus (7,22,23,41).

Thus, myocardial infarction appears to be a majormechanism for death from CAD. Treatments reducingthe occurrence of myocardial infarction shouldtherefore potentially be able to reduce mortality fromCAD, but the “visibility” of this effect is related to theinherent risk of the treatment itself. Statisticallyspeaking, the detectability of a treatment impact onsurvival depends on 3 factors: periprocedural

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CENTRAL ILLUSTRATION Infarct Prevention Through Bypass Grafting

Doenst, T. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019;73(8):964–76.

Schematic illustration of mechanistic differences between percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Although both stents and

bypass grafts provide revascularization to vascular territories affected by flow-limiting stenoses, only CABG also provides protection against vessel occlusions (i.e.,

myocardial infarctions) from non–flow-limiting stenoses, because the majority of bypass graft insertions are performed distal to the plaque location.

J A C C V O L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9 Doenst et al.M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6 Mechanisms of CABG and PCI


mortality, length of the observation period, andnatural risk of the disease. Thus, periprocedural risksand treatment effects need to be evaluated againstthe duration of the observation period, which mayexplain several of the concurrent possibly contradic-tory findings from current CABG versus PCI trials.

The STICH (Surgical Treatment for Ischemic HeartFailure) trial is a perfect example for this statement.The trial compared CABG to optimal MED in patientswith ischemic heart failure. There was no statisticallysignificant survival improvement at the 5-yearendpoint (47) but there was at 10 years (resulting inan 18 months longer average survival in the operatedpatients) (48). Another trial may be the SYNTAX(TAXUS Drug-Eluting Stent Versus Coronary ArteryBypass Surgery for the Treatment of NarrowedArteries) study, in which patients with triple-vesseldisease either received PCI or CABG. Figure 3 showsthe cumulative event rate at 5 years for the 2 patientgroups according to their SYNTAX score. The figureillustrates that CABG is superior to PCI if the SYNTAXscore is high, and PCI is comparable to CABG if theSYNTAX score is low. Yet, extrapolating the curves to10 years may possibly also show superiority for CABG.However, despite the absence of long-term follow-up

in most trials, reviewing the evidence from concur-rent trials is already revealing.EVIDENCE FROM TRIALS. A plethora of in-vestigations has addressed the potential of PCI toimprove survival and to reduce myocardialinfarctions in patients with stable CAD compared withMED alone (1,16). The sobering finding was that PCIhas consistently failed to improve survival or toreduce new myocardial infarction in stable CAD. Arecent network meta-analysis suggested a survivalbenefit of new-generation drug-eluting stents overMED, giving a rate ratio of 0.75 (95% confidence in-terval [CI]: 0.59 to 0.96) for everolimus-eluting stents(EES) and of 0.65 (95% CI: 0.42 to 1.00) for Resolutezotarolimus-eluting stents (R-ZES) (Medtronic, Dub-lin, Ireland) (49). However, the actual trial comparingEES to MED (39) demonstrated equal rates of all-causemortality (p ¼ 0.31), and a comparison of R-ZES withMED has never been conducted. In addition, therecent NORSTENT (Trial of Drug Eluting Stent VersusBare Metal Stent to Treat Coronary Artery Stenosis)demonstrates equal survival rates for patients withexactly this everolimus-eluting stent compared withconcurrent bare-metal stents (50). By contrast, com-parisons of PCI to CABG have consistently

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FIGURE 1 Coronary Occlusion/MI as Function of CAD Stenosis Severity












00.7% 2.3% 10.1% 23.6%

None 5-49% 50-80% 81-95%Stenosis Severity at Baseline

Occlusions at 5-Year Follow-Up












00.3% 8.7%7.9%4.1%3.5%

0% 25% 50% 75%Stenosis Severity Prior to MI

MI-Culprit Lesions at Follow-Up









ce o

f MI (




0<50% 50-70% 70-99%

Stenosis Severity prior to MI


Bar graphs showing stenosis severity and associated risk of coronary oc-

clusion and myocardial infarction (MI) as evaluated by serial angiographic

examination. The more stenotic an individual coronary segment is at base-

line, the more frequently it progresses to occlusion (A) and/or gives rise to

infarction (B). Because less-obstructive plaques by far outnumber severely

obstructive plaques, most occlusions and infarctions result from progres-

sion of the less-obstructive plaques. Thus, myocardial infraction evolves

most frequently from plaques that are only mildly to moderately

obstructive (C). Bar graphs are constructed from data published by (A)

Alderman et al. (26); (B) Nobuyoshi et al. (32); and (C) Ambrose et al. (27),

Little et al. (25), Nobuyoshi et al. (32), and Giroud et al. (28). CAD ¼ coronary

artery disease.

Doenst et al. J A C C V O L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9

Mechanisms of CABG and PCI M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6


demonstrated potential superiority of CABG, inde-pendent of stent type used (4,29,41).

In addition, all trials comparing PCI and CABG havebeen performed in patients without previous PCI. PCIper se may disturb the coronaries’ inherent vaso-motor function, possibly causing adverse events (51),and increase perioperative risk if CABG is needed (52).

Table 1 displays a summary of all important pro-spective randomized controlled trials havingcompared CABG and PCI in the last 15 years. Note that77% of trials suggest a better survival with CABG.Although the effects of CABG appear to be mostprevalent in patients with diabetes mellitus (1,7,23),the therapeutic impact may be similar in patientpopulations with lower percentages of diabetic pa-tients (14). There are only a few investigationscomparing coronary bypass grafting to MED alonewithout including coronary interventions (26,35). TheSTICH trial is the most recent and largest trial of suchkind. As already mentioned, CABG provided asignificant survival benefit over MED alone after 10years. Importantly, the treatment effect could not bepredicted by assessing pre-operative viability (53) orthe presence of ischemia (54).


ON OUTCOME AFTER PCI AND CABG. There is anongoing debate whether diagnostic tools detectingischemia and/or viability/scar should be used fordecision-making in PCI and CABG. It is recommendedthat for any revascularization strategy, the presenceof viable, but ischemic, myocardium is determined(1). Although the rationale is convincing and the ef-fect of this approach can be witnessed by the disap-pearance or alleviation of ischemia symptoms, theability of this strategy to improve survival or reducenew myocardial infarctions has thus far not beendemonstrated in a prospective randomized trial (1).The guidelines currently suggest that revasculariza-tion is useful for mortality reduction if the ischemicterritory is >10%. This suggestion is based on 2 pub-lications on nearly the same patient population(55,56) that evaluated the impact of ischemia and scarassessment on the therapeutic benefit from myocar-dial revascularization. Although the data areconvincing, the authors compared a large group ofmedically treated patients (n z 12,000) to thosehaving received revascularization (n ¼ 1,226). How-ever, roughly 40% of revascularized patients receivedCABG and the other part received PCI. The papers donot differentiate the treatments any further. Theauthors show that revascularization lowered mortal-ity rates in patients with ischemic territorieson single-photon emission computed tomography

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FIGURE 2 CAD Severity and Annual Mortality Risk


Extent of CAD



4.2 4.2






al M



















el, >95%




el, >95%




>95% in

at Le

ast 1


>75% Proxim

al LAD


>95% Proxim

al LAD

Annual mortality risk as a function of the severity of coronary artery disease (CAD). Note

that the natural risk of dying from CAD increases with its severity. Modified from Fihn

et al. (69). LAD ¼ left anterior descending coronary artery.

J A C C V O L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9 Doenst et al.M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6 Mechanisms of CABG and PCI


imaging of >10%. They also demonstrate that mor-tality with revascularization may even be higher withsmall ischemic territories (<5%). These data weretaken to conclude, that revascularization of signifi-cantly ischemic myocardium improves survival (1).However, our present rationale would requiredifferentiating the data further into outcomes ofpatients having undergone CABG or PCI. Althoughthe overall mortality rate for both invasive strategieswere similar in these reports, it is conceivable thatCABG was primarily performed in patients withmore severe CAD (i.e., more triple-vessel diseaseand therefore more ischemic territories and naturalrisk) and PCI was primarily performed in those withless severe CAD patients (i.e., single- and double-vessel disease, subsequently smaller ischemic terri-tories, and lower natural risk) (Figure 4A). Thus, it iswell conceivable that the outcomes may not bedependent on the degree of ischemic territory, butinstead on the type of revascularization. Thecurrently ongoing ISCHEMIA trial (InternationalStudy of Comparative Health Effectiveness WithMedical and Invasive Approaches; NCT01471522) willhopefully clarify whether treating ischemia in stableCAD affects survival. However, the trial also com-bines PCI and CABG as revascularization for thecomparison to MED.

The evidence from the STICH trial demonstratesthat both viability testing and ischemia detectionserve well to predict prognosis (i.e., patients withviability and/or ischemia live longer than thosewithout it), but they are not helpful for decision-making for the performance of CABG (Figure 4B). Inother words, CABG still appears to prolong life inpatients without acutely ischemic or viablemyocardium.

The STICH findings and the methodologicalconcerns regarding the main evidence currentlyapplied for predicting the revascularization effect onmortality suggest that revascularization may not be amain mechanism for mortality reduction. Thus, thefinding of infarct reductions and reduced cardiacdeaths with CABG may therefore represent a known(22,42), but underappreciated, mechanism to explainthe survival impact (14). Thus, CABG may be consid-ered as infarct-reducing treatment by bypassingdiseased coronary territories (i.e., providing “surgicalcollateralization” in addition to revascularization).

It is important to state in this context again thatmyocardial infarction is a major, but not the only,cause of cardiovascular mortality. Assessing the datapresented here suggests that CABG may reduce in-farcts and cardiovascular mortality up to a maximumof 50% (average 30%) (Table 1, Figure 5). Thus, there is

plenty of room for other causes of cardiovascularmortality and mechanisms of cardiovascular protec-tion (57). However, in light of the mechanisticdifferences between CABG and PCI, CABG’s abilityto prevent new infarctions deserves furtherexamination.


IMPROVING SURVIVAL WITH CABG. Table 1 alsodisplays a summary for rates of nonlethal myocardialinfarctions and cardiac deaths for the aforementionedtrials. It is striking to note that the overall lowermortality with CABG from these trials was accompa-nied also by reductions in nonlethal myocardialinfarction and cardiac death. Figure 5 shows a graphicillustration of the difference in mortality betweenCABG and PCI of these trials as a function of thedifference in nonlethal myocardial infarction versusall-cause mortality (Figure 5A) or cardiac death(Figure 5B). The highly significant correlation isstriking. Although this association does not provethat CABG’s ability to prolong life is caused by itsability to reduce infarctions, the notion, however, isstrong and is supported further by the followingcircumstantial evidence.

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FIGURE 3 Outcome of PCI Versus CABG by SYNTAX Score







t Rat

e (%


00 12 24

P = 0.43




Months Since Allocation

Cumulative KM Event Rate ± 1.5 SE; log–rank Pvalue

Syntax Score0-22

36 48 60

TAXUS (N = 299)CABG (N = 275)





e Ev

ent R



00 12 24

P = 0.008




Months Since Allocation

Cumulative KM Event Rate ± 1.5 SE; log–rank Pvalue

Syntax Score23-32

36 48 60

TAXUS (N = 310)CABG (N = 300)

Syntax Score>32







t Rat

e (%


00 12 24

P < 0.001




Months Since Allocation

Cumulative KM Event Rate ± 1.5 SE; log–rank Pvalue

36 48 60

TAXUS (N = 290)CABG (N = 315)

Cumulative event rates for PCI and CABG according to the 3 SYNTAX score groups from the SYNTAX trial. Note that the event rates increase with PCI with increasing

SYNTAX scores and are stable with CABG. Note also that in the low SYNTAX group (0 to 22, left) the curves cross between 12 and 24 months. Reproduced with

permission from Head et al. (14). CABG ¼ coronary artery bypass grafting; KM ¼ Kaplan-Meier; PCI ¼ percutaneous coronary intervention; SYNTAX ¼ TAXUS Drug-

Eluting Stent Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for the Treatment of Narrowed Arteries study.

Doenst et al. J A C C V O L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9

Mechanisms of CABG and PCI M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6


Mushtaq et al. (58) have addressed the impact ofatherosclerotic burden on prognosis in patients withsuspected CAD. They evaluated the Leaman score toquantify plaque load determined by computed to-mography (CT) and found that patients with a highplaque load have more cardiac events than those lowplaque load. Note in Figure 6A that patients with largeatherosclerotic burden (CT Leaman score >5) andnon–flow-limiting coronary stenosis (CAD <50%)have the same event rate as those patients withsignificantly flow-limiting stenoses. Thus, plaqueload seems to be an important contributor to CADmorbidity and mortality, which underscores the dis-cussion earlier in the text on infarct-inducing steno-ses (Figure 2).

Two other investigations have addressed thespatial distribution of coronary vessel occlusionsfrom CAD (46) and the site of bypass graft insertion(42). The vast majority of infarct-inducing vesselocclusions occur in the proximal one-third of the3 main vessels (46), and the majority of bypass graftsare placed distal to a potential vessel occlusion fromCAD (42) (Figure 6B). These studies fully support ourmain conclusion by stating that coronary bypassgrafts may protect against infarction by coveringanatomic zones at risk for ST-segment elevationmyocardial infarction.

Considering these findings, it is interesting tore-review the main findings of the SYNTAX trial.Figure 3 also shows that dependent on SYNTAXscore, the event rate continuously increases in thePCI groups but not in the CABG groups. Thus, theseverity of coronary artery disease only appears tobe a risk factor for PCI. Because the main mechanismof death is cardiac (7,23,40,41) and perioperative riskappears similar, independent of the SYNTAX score,this finding also suggests that infarct reduction isthe main reason for the difference in all-causemortality.

This line of reasoning is further supported bystudies demonstrating improved survival of CABGcompared with PCI in patients with dialysis-dependent renal failure (30,59). Although it is unde-bated that renal failure increases perioperative risk,long-term survival is still consistently better withCABG (36). Importantly, myocardial infarction andcardiac death are the main causes of death in patientswith severe renal failure (30,36,59).

Finally, our argument is even supported by theaforementioned network meta-analysis that sug-gested a survival benefit for the new drug-elutingstents through sophisticated statistics (49), withoutdirect evidence (39). However controversial thisfinding may be, it is interesting to note that the

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FIGURE 4 Questionable Prediction of Revascularization Effects by Ischemia or Viability Detection




ty o

f Dea




ty o

f Dea


Without Myocardial Viability With Myocardial Viability

Years Since Randomization

CABG (25 deaths)

Medical therapy (33 deaths)


No. at RiskMedical therapy 60 51 44 39 29 14 4

122234414154 48CABG

No. at RiskMedical therapyCABG

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 5 10% Myocardium Ischemic


rd R



ly R





vs. M


al T



Revascularization strategy not further differentiated:more CABG?more PCI?

15 20 25






1.50n = 11,880










243 219 206 179 146148

94 515194192203213244

1 2 3Years Since Randomization

Medical therapy (95 deaths)

CABG (83 deaths)

4 5

Ability of ischemia and viability testing in CAD patients to predict treatment effects. (A) Hazard ratio of early revascularization (consisting of PCI and CABG

combined) as a function of the amount of myocardium identified as ischemic. Note that it is quite possible that patients with lower percentages of ischemic

myocardium had less severe CAD and therefore received PCI, whereas those with more ischemic myocardium received CABG. Modified from Hachamovitch

et al. (56). (B) Mortality rates of patients with preoperative ejection fractions <35% having received CABG or medical therapy in the STICH (Surgical

Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure) trial separated into those with (right) or without (left) evidence of myocardial viability. Reproduced with

permission from Bonow et al. (53). Note that CABG performed better even in the group without viability (left). Abbreviations as in Figures 2 and 3.

J A C C V O L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9 Doenst et al.M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6 Mechanisms of CABG and PCI


demonstration of a possible survival impact throughlow-risk ratios for drug-eluting stents versus MED isdirectly related to similarly low-risk ratios for infarctreduction (risk ratios, 95% CI for all cause-mortality:EES vs. MED: 0.75; 0.59 to 0.96, R-ZES vs. MED:0.65; 0.42 to 1.00; for myocardial infarction: EES vs.MED: 0.75; 0.55 to 1.01, R-ZES vs. MED: 0.82; 0.52to 1.26) (49).



MED”. Taking all the aforementioned considerationsinto account, the ideal stent would be free of throm-bosis, not require re-revascularization, and maintainvasomotor/vascular function. Then, in theory, allplaques could be stented, and a reduction of infarctsand improved survival could be expected. The real

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FIGURE 5 Correlation Between Nonlethal MI and Mortality in PCI Versus

CABG Trials

Difference in New, Non-Lethal MI(CABG-PCI in Percentage Points)

Difference in Mortality

(CABG-PCI in Percentage Points)

–10 –8

p < 0.001









( *)



Difference in New, Non-Lethal MI(CABG-PCI in Percentage Points)

Difference in Cardiac Death(CABG-PCI in Percentage Points)

–10 –8

p = 0.002














Difference in all-cause (A) and cardiac (B) mortality reported from all cur-

rent prospective randomized trials comparing CABG and PCI as a function of

the difference in new, nonlethal MIs. Note that only those trials reporting

fewer infarcts with CABG also presented a difference in survival. *All-cause

mortality for the SoS (Stent or Surgery) trial, which was excluded from the

analysis because there was no cardiac death information. The p value with

the SoS trial included is still significant at 0.02. Abbreviations as in Figures 1

and 3.

Doenst et al. J A C C V O L . 7 3 , N O . 8 , 2 0 1 9

Mechanisms of CABG and PCI M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6


world of PCI for stable CAD lacks a measurable impacton survival or infarction. That statement is true forthe continuously renewed drug-eluting stents(14,17,18,38,39,50), as well as for the new bio-absorbable stents (37,60).

In analogy, the ideal bypass graft would notocclude. CAD would be treated by grafting all areaswith CAD, and the treatment effect would be largerthan it already is. The real world, however, shows

occlusion rates of up to 25% at 1 year (61), and evenarterial grafts occlude at a rate that appears to bedependent on the degree of collateral flow (62). If thecurrent trend to graft target vessels guided by FFRmeasurements (34,63) is continued, the impact ofCABG to reduce survival may even be reducedbecause fewer target vessels are likely to be grafted.

In addition, the impact of MED and primary pre-vention measures may not be underestimated. Thatincludes MED to control symptoms as well as strate-gies to prevent or reverse plaque progression (64).The recently published SCOT HEART trial (ScottishCOmputed Tomography of the HEART) (57) is wellsuited to illustrate the magnitude of these measureson cardiac events. The pure knowledge about theextent of CAD (based on a CT coronary angiogram)allowed the treating physicians to achieve around40% reduction in infarcts. This reduction must havebeen due to primary prevention measures, becausethe fraction of patients having received invasivediagnosis and therapy has been identical. Thisfinding, in concert with the illustrated inability ofischemia and scar detection methods to predictrevascularization outcomes, underscores our conclu-sion that the reported difference in survival betweenCABG and PCI must be due to effects beyond revas-cularization. It also leads to the need of optimal MEDin both PCI and CABG patients, which has beenunderscored by the most recent European Society ofCardiology revascularization guidelines (1).

Because in real life, the conditions are rarely ideal,individualization based on obeying current evidencemay have the potential to achieve the best patientoutcome. Such individualized decision-making re-quires a true heart team including a noninterven-tional, nonsurgical cardiovascular expert.

For the available invasive treatment options, Sta-netic et al. (65) illustrated the possible impact of aheart team approach in today’s practice. The authorsused the validated SYNTAX II score and applied it to651 consecutive patients with triple-vessel CAD froma hospital without cardiac surgery onsite. The authorscompared actual outcomes based on the selectedtreatment (CABG or PCI) to the suggested treatmentrecommendation based on the SYNTAX II score. Theauthors found that one-third of the patients werereferred for CABG and two-thirds received PCI.According to SYNTAX II score, only 4 of the CABGpatients (1.65%) would have received a primary PCIrecommendation, whereas 35% (n ¼ 144) of the PCIpatients would have received a primary recommen-dation for CABG. Comparing mortality rates in the PCIpatients, the highest mortality rate (12.5%) was foundin those patients who had a primary recommendation

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FIGURE 6 Plaque Load as Predictor of Infarction and Bypass Graft as Protector





0.60 12 24 36

Time in Months






ee S



48 60 72 84

n = 1196Log rankp < 0.001

CAD >50% and CT-LeSc ≤580.7% (21/109)

CAD <50% and CT-LeSc ≤594.0% (11/184)

No CAD100% (0/501)

CAD <50% and CT-LeSc >578.6% (12/56)

CAD >50% and CT-LeSc >576.5% (80/341)




10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80Millimeters (mm)

LAD MI Locations vs Graft Insertions

90 100 110 120 130 140 150

MI Locations

Graft Insertions




ent (





0.0 0.2 0.4Proportion of LAD

LAD MI Locations vs Graft Insertions

0.6 0.8 1.0

MI Locations

Graft Insertions


Relation of coronary artery disease (CAD) load and location to coronary event rate. (A) Cumulative event-free survival of healthy and CAD

patients separated by the Leaman score (assessing plaque load by computed tomography [CT]) and the degree of plaque stenosis. Repro-

duced with permission from Mushtaq et al. (58). Note that patients with high plaque load without flow-limiting stenosis may have more events

than those with lower plaque load and flow-limiting stenoses. (B) Illustration of the spatial distribution of infarct-causing lesions and the

insertion points of coronary bypass grafts (exemplified for the left anterior descending artery). Reproduced with permission from Jeon et al.

(42). Note that bypass grafts are placed distal to the infarct-causing lesions in the vast majority of times. Abbreviations as in Figure 2.

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Mechanisms of CABG and PCI M A R C H 5 , 2 0 1 9 : 9 6 4 – 7 6


for CABG according to SYNTAX II. Mortality for thosepatients treated consistent with SYNTAX II scorerecommendations was significantly lower (6.9% PCIor CABG, and 0% only PCI). The authors calculatedthat adherence to the SYNTAX II score recommenda-tions could have reduced actual mortality by 5.6%with a number needed to treat of 18. They discuss thatU.S. compliance rates with guidelines for CAD treat-ment are only 53%. (65).


CURRENT PRACTICE. The aforementioned evidencepiece by piece suggests that CABG provides “a col-lateralization effect” over revascularization bybypassing diseased territories and preventing symp-toms in case of plaque rupture and vessel occlusion.Only the revascularization part may be comparable toPCI. It may be sobering to note that we continue tochoose PCI over CABG in the “real world” manage-ment of stable CAD, despite the robust scientific evi-dence in support of CABG and the current clinicalpractice guidelines (1). Although the realization ofmechanistic differences, as illustrated here, mayrequire time, treatment decisions in real life may,however, be influenced by other factors than theextent of CAD. Advanced age and comorbidities mayincrease operative risk, and the need for symptomaticcontrol may overcome a potential long-term benefit.Whether these reasons are always responsible isbeyond this review, but they underscore the need forindividual decision-making by a group of experts(heart team). In light of this discussion, several thingsmay require revision for daily practice.

First and foremost, the terminology needs tochange. CABG should no longer be considered amethod of revascularization alone. It adds a mecha-nism of myocardial protection that explains its abilityto prolong life (which may be less detectable if thedisease is not associated with greater natural risk).Consenting patients, which is already suboptimal if itcomes to addressing CABG as a revascularization op-tion for CAD treatment (66), needs to change. Patients

should be informed that they can be treated for theirsymptoms with PCI and that they can obtain revas-cularization plus protection against new infarctionfrom CABG.

For the conduct of CABG, the role of completeversus incomplete revascularization needs to berevisited and the mechanisms for early graft failurewould need to be studied in more detail. For theconduct of PCI, restenosis and stent thrombosiswould need to be solved before less stenotic lesionscan be addressed, hoping for an impact of elective PCIon new myocardial infarctions and possibly survival.

Our current practice, however, suggests thattreatment decisions are not always consistent withthe currently available evidence (65) and recom-mendations (1). One potential solution may havearrived with the noninvasive imaging of even severecoronary artery disease using CT, potentiallyincluding functional flow assessments (33,67), allow-ing the objective discussion of risk-benefit tradeoffs(68) for CABG or PCI, independent of the need for apotential second intervention.


Coronary bypass surgery appears to bypass diseasedcoronary vessel segments (creating “surgical collat-eralization”) in addition to revascularization, a con-dition that allows vessels to occlude without causinga lethal or nonlethal myocardial infarction. Themechanism of CABG is therefore different from that ofPCI. This recognition has the potential to significantlyalter our current routine of decision-making inpatients with stable CAD.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank BenjaminGloy for expert technical assistance in preparing thefigures and the manuscript.

ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Prof. TorstenDoenst, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery,Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Am Klinikum 1,07747 Jena, Germany. E-mail: [email protected].


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KEY WORDS heart team, prognosis,survival benefit