PC Chapter 30

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  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Chapter 30

    Sources of the Magnetic Field

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Biot-Savart Law Introduction Biot and Savart conducted experiments

    on the force exerted by an electric

    current on a nearby magnet They arrived at a mathematical

    expression that gives the magnetic field

    at some point in space due to a current

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    Biot-Savart Law Set-Up The magnetic field is

    dB at some point P

    The length elementis ds

    The wire is carrying

    a steady current ofI

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    Biot-Savart Law

    Observations The vectordB is perpendicular to both

    ds and to the unit vector directed from

    ds toward P The magnitude ofdB is inversely

    proportional to r2, where ris the

    distance from ds to P


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    Biot-Savart Law

    Observations, cont The magnitude ofdB is proportional to

    the current and to the magnitude ds of

    the length element ds The magnitude ofdB is proportional to

    sin , where is the angle between the

    vectors ds and r

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    The observations are summarized inthe mathematical equation called the

    Biot-Savart law:

    The magnetic field described by the lawis the field due to the current-carryingconductor

    Biot-Savart Law Equation


    Io dd r

    s rB

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    Permeability of Free Space The constant o is called the

    permeability of free space

    o = 4 x 10-7 T. m / A

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    Total Magnetic Field dB is the field created by the current in the

    length segment ds

    To find the total field, sum up thecontributions from all the current elementsI


    The integral is over the entire current distribution


    Io d


    s r


  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Biot-Savart Law Final Notes The law is also valid for a current

    consisting of charges flowing through

    space ds represents the length of a small

    segment of space in which the charges

    flow For example, this could apply to the

    electron beam in a TV set

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    B Compared to E Distance

    The magnitude of the magnetic field varies

    as the inverse square of the distance fromthe source

    The electric field due to a point charge also

    varies as the inverse square of thedistance from the charge

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    B Compared to E, 2 Direction

    The electric field created by a point charge

    is radial in direction The magnetic field created by a current

    element is perpendicular to both the length

    element ds and the unit vectorr

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    Source An electric field is established by an

    isolated electric charge The current element that produces a

    magnetic field must be part of an extended

    current distribution Therefore you must integrate over the entire

    current distribution

    B Compared to E, 3

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    B Compared to E, 4 Ends

    Magnetic field lines have no beginning and

    no end They form continuous circles

    Electric field lines begin on positive

    charges and end on negative charges

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    B for a Long, Straight

    Conductor The thin, straight wire

    is carrying a constant


    Integrating over all the

    current elements gives



    1 2




    Icos cos



    B d



    sin d dx s r k

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    B for a Long, Straight

    Conductor, Special Case If the conductor is

    an infinitely long,

    straight wire, 1= 0and 2=

    The field becomes



    B a

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    B for a Long, Straight

    Conductor, Direction The magnetic field lines

    are circles concentricwith the wire

    The field lines lie inplanes perpendicular toto wire

    The magnitude ofB is

    constant on any circle ofradius a The right-hand rule for

    determining thedirection ofB is shown

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    B for a Curved Wire Segment Find the field at point O

    due to the wire

    segment Iand Rare constants

    will be in radians4



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    B for a Circular Loop of Wire Consider the previous result, with = 2

    This is the field at the centerof the loop

    24 4 2

    I I I o o o

    B R R R

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    B for a Circular Current Loop The loop has a

    radius ofRand

    carries a steadycurrent ofI

    Find B at point P


    32 2 22



    x R

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    Comparison of Loops Consider the field at the center of the

    current loop

    At this special point,x= 0 Then,

    This is exactly the same result as from thecurved wire

    2 2

    3 32 2 2 2


    I Io ox

    R R B

    xx R

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Magnetic Field Lines for a


    Figure (a) shows the magnetic field lines surroundinga current loop Figure (b) shows the field lines in the iron filings Figure (c) compares the field lines to that of a bar


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    Magnetic Force Between Two

    Parallel Conductors Two parallel wires

    each carry a steady

    current The field B2 due to

    the current in wire 2

    exerts a force on

    wire 1 ofF1 =I1B2

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    Active Figure 30.8


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    Magnetic Force Between Two

    Parallel Conductors, cont. Substituting the equation for B2 gives

    Parallel conductors carrying currents in the

    same direction attract each other

    Parallel conductors carrying current in

    opposite directions repel each other

    1 2

    1 2

    I Io

    F a l

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Magnetic Force Between Two

    Parallel Conductors, final The result is often expressed as the

    magnetic force between the two wires, FB This can also be given as the force per

    unit length:

    1 2


    I IB oF


  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Definition of the Ampere The force between two parallel wires

    can be used to define the ampere

    When the magnitude of the force per

    unit length between two long parallel

    wires that carry identical currents and

    are separated by 1 m is 2 x 10-7N/m,the current in each wire is defined to be

    1 A

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Definition of the Coulomb The SI unit of charge, the coulomb, is

    defined in terms of the ampere

    When a conductor carries a steadycurrent of 1 A, the quantity of charge

    that flows through a cross section of the

    conductor in 1 s is 1 C

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Magnetic Field of a Wire A compass can be used

    to detect the magneticfield

    When there is no currentin the wire, there is nofield due to the current

    The compass needles allpoint toward the Earthsnorth pole Due to the Earths

    magnetic field

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    Magnetic Field of a Wire, 2 Here the wire carries

    a strong current

    The compassneedles deflect in adirection tangent tothe circle

    This shows thedirection of themagnetic fieldproduced by the wire

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    Active Figure 30.9


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    Magnetic Field of a Wire, 3 The circular

    magnetic field

    around the wire isshown by the iron


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    Amperes Law The product ofB.ds can be evaluated for

    small length elements ds on the circular path

    defined by the compass needles for the longstraight wire

    Amperes law states that the line integral of

    B.ds around any closed path equals oI

    whereIis the total steady current passing

    through any surface bounded by the closed

    path.s I




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    Amperes Law, cont. Amperes law describes the creation of

    magnetic fields by all continuous current

    configurations Most useful for this course if the current

    configuration has a high degree of symmetry

    Put the thumb of your right hand in the

    direction of the current through the amperianloop and your fingers curl in the direction you

    should integrate around the loop

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    Field Due to a Long Straight

    Wire From Amperes Law Want to calculate

    the magnetic field ata distance rfrom thecenter of a wirecarrying a steadycurrentI

    The current isuniformly distributedthrough the crosssection of the wire

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    Field Due to a Long Straight Wire

    Results From Amperes Law Outside of the wire, r> R

    Inside the wire, we needI, the current

    inside the amperian circle



    ( ) I




    d Br


    B s






    ( ) I ' I ' I




    rd Br


    B r


    B s

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Field Due to a Long Straight Wire

    Results Summary The field is

    proportional to r

    inside the wire The field varies as

    1/routside the wire

    Both equations are

    equal at r= R

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    Magnetic Field of a Toroid Find the field at a

    point at distance r

    from the center ofthe toroid

    The toroid has N

    turns of wire



    ( ) I




    d Br N



    B s

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Magnetic Field of an Infinite

    Sheet Assume a thin,

    infinitely large sheet

    Carries a current oflinear current densityJs

    The current is in the y

    direction Js represents the

    current per unit lengthalong the zdirection

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    Magnetic Field of an Infinite

    Sheet, cont. Use a rectangular amperian surface

    The wsides of the rectangle do not

    contribute to the field

    The twosides (parallel to the surface)contribute to the field


    Io o s


    d J


    B s l

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    A solenoid is a long

    wire wound in the

    form of a helix A reasonably uniform

    magnetic field can be

    produced in the

    space surrounded bythe turns of the wire The interiorof the


    Magnetic Field of a Solenoid

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    Magnetic Field of a Solenoid,

    Description The field lines in the interior are

    approximately parallel to each other

    uniformly distributed close together

    This indicates the field is strong and

    almost uniform

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    Magnetic Field of a Tightly

    Wound Solenoid The field distribution

    is similar to that of abar magnet

    As the length of thesolenoid increases the interior field

    becomes more

    uniform the exterior field

    becomes weaker

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    Ideal Solenoid

    Characteristics An ideal solenoidis

    approached when:

    the turns are closelyspaced

    the length is much

    greater than the

    radius of the turns

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    Amperes Law Applied to a

    Solenoid Amperes law can be used to find the

    interior magnetic field of the solenoid

    Consider a rectangle with side parallelto the interior field and side wperpendicular to the field

    The side of length

    inside the solenoidcontributes to the field This is path 1 in the diagram

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    Amperes Law Applied to a

    Solenoid, cont. Applying Amperes Law gives

    The total current through the

    rectangular path equals the current

    through each turn multiplied by the

    number of turns

    BdsBdd1path 1path

    = == sBsB


    == sB

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    Magnetic Field of a Solenoid,

    final Solving Amperes law for the magnetic

    field is

    n = N/ is the number of turns per unitlength

    This is valid only at points near thecenter of a very long solenoid

    I Io oNB n

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    Magnetic Flux The magnetic flux

    associated with amagnetic field isdefined in a waysimilar to electricflux

    Consider an areaelement dA on anarbitrarily shapedsurface

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  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Magnetic Flux Through a

    Plane, 1 A special case is

    when a plane of

    areaA makes anangle with dA

    The magnetic flux is

    B = BA cos

    In this case, the field

    is parallel to the

    plane and = 0

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    Magnetic Flux Through A

    Plane, 2 The magnetic flux is

    B = BA cos

    In this case, the fieldis perpendicular to the

    plane and

    = BA This will be the

    maximum value of the


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    Active Figure 30.21


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    Gauss Law in Magnetism Magnetic fields do not begin or end at

    any point The number of lines entering a surface

    equals the number of lines leaving the


    Gauss law in magnetism says:

    0d B A

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    Displacement Current Amperes law in the original form is

    valid only if any electric fields present

    are constant in time Maxwell modified the law to include time-

    saving electric fields

    Maxwell added an additional term whichincludes a factor called the

    displacement current,Id

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    Displacement Current, cont. The displacement current is notthe

    current in the conductor

    Conduction current will be used to refer tocurrent carried by a wire or other conductor

    The displacement current is defined as

    E = E. dA is the electric flux and o is the

    permittivity of free space


    d o



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    Amperes Law General

    Form Also known as the Ampere-Maxwell


    I I I Eo d o o od

    d dt

    B s

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    Amperes Law General

    Form, Example The electric flux

    through S2 is EA

    A is the area of thecapacitor plates

    Eis the electric field

    between the plates

    Ifq is the charge onthe plate at any

    time, E = EA = q/o

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Amperes Law General

    Form, Example, cont. Therefore, the displacement current is

    The displacement current is the sameas the conduction current through S1

    The displacement current on S2 is thesource of the magnetic field on thesurface boundary


    d o

    d dqI

    dt dt

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Ampere-Maxwell Law, final Magnetic fields are produced both by

    conduction currents and by time-varying

    electric fields This theoretical work by Maxwell

    contributed to major advances in the

    understanding of electromagnetism

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    Magnetic Moments

    In general, any current loop has amagnetic field and thus has a magnetic

    dipole moment This includes atomic-level current loops

    described in some models of the atom This will help explain why some

    materials exhibit strong magneticproperties

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    Magnetic Moments Classical


    The electrons move in

    circular orbits

    The orbiting electron

    constitutes a tiny currentloop

    The magnetic moment of

    the electron is associated

    with this orbital motion L is the angular momentum

    is magnetic moment

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    Magnetic Moments Classical

    Atom, 2

    This model assumes the electron


    with constant speed v in a circular orbit of radius r

    travels a distance 2rin a time interval T

    The orbital speed is2r


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    Magnetic Moments Classical

    Atom, 3

    The current is

    The magnetic moment is

    The magnetic moment can also be

    expressed in terms of the angular



    e ev



    I A evr

    2 e

    e L


  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Magnetic Moments Classical

    Atom, final

    The magnetic moment of the electron is

    proportional to its orbital angular

    momentum The vectors L andpoint in opposite


    Quantum physics indicates that angularmomentum is quantized


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    Magnetic Moments of Multiple


    In most substances, the magnetic

    moment of one electron is canceled by

    that of another electron orbiting in thesame direction

    The net result is that the magnetic effect

    produced by the orbital motion of theelectrons is either zero or very small

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    Electron Spin

    Electrons (and other particles) have an

    intrinsic property called spin that also

    contributes to their magnetic moment The electron is not physically spinning

    It has an intrinsic angular momentum as if

    it were spinning Spin angular momentum is actually a

    relativistic effect

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    Electron Spin, cont.

    The classical model of

    electron spin is the

    electron spinning on itsaxis

    The magnitude of the spin

    angular momentum is

    is Plancks constant


    S h

    El t S i d M ti

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Electron Spin and Magnetic


    The magnetic moment characteristicallyassociated with the spin of an electron

    has the value

    This combination of constants is calledthe Bohr magneton B = 9.27 x 10-24J/T

    spin2 e




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    Magnetization Vector

    The magnetic state of a substance isdescribed by a quantity called themagnetization vector, M

    The magnitude of the vector is defined as themagnetic moment per unit volume of thesubstance

    The magnetization vector is related to themagnetic field by Bm = oM When a substance is placed in an magnetic field,

    the total magnetic field is B = Bo + oM

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    Magnetic Field Strength

    The magnetic field strength, H, is themagnetic moment per unit volume due

    to currents H is defined as Bo/o The total magnetic field in a region can

    be expressed as B = o(H + M) H and M have the same units

    SI units are amperes per meter

    Cl ifi ti f M ti

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Classification of Magnetic


    Paramagneticand ferromagnetic

    materials are made of atoms that have

    permanent magnetic moments Diamagneticmaterials are those made

    of atoms that do not have permanent

    magnetic moments

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    Magnetic Susceptibility

    The dimensionless factor can be considered

    a measure of how susceptible a material is to

    being magnetized M =XH

    For paramagnetic substances,Xis positive

    and M is in the same direction as H

    For diamagnetic substances,Xis negativeand M is opposite H

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    Table of Susceptibilities

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    Magnetic Permeability

    The total magnetic field can be

    expressed as

    B = o(H + M) = o(1 +X)H = mH

    m is called the magnetic permeability

    of the substance and is related to the

    susceptibility by m= o(1 +X)

    Cl if i M t i l b

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Classifying Materials by


    Materials can be classified by how their

    permeability compares with the

    permeability of free space (o) Paramagnetic: m > o

    Diamagnetic: m < o BecauseXis very small for

    paramagnetic and diamagnetic

    substances, m ~ o for those substances

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    Ferromagnetic Materials

    For a ferromagnetic material, M is not a

    linear function ofH

    The value ofm is not only acharacteristic of the substance, but

    depends on the previous state of the

    substance and the process it underwentas it moved from its previous state to its

    present state

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    Ferromagnetic Materials, cont

    Some examples of ferromagnetic materials are: iron

    cobalt nickel



    They contain permanent atomic magnetic

    moments that tend to align parallel to each other

    even in a weak external magnetic field

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    All ferromagnetic materials are made up

    of microscopic regions called domains

    The domain is an area within which allmagnetic moments are aligned

    The boundaries between various

    domains having different orientationsare called domain walls

    Domains Unmagnetized

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    Domains, Unmagnetized


    The magnetic

    moments in the

    domains arerandomly aligned

    The net magnetic

    moment is zero

    Domains External Field

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    Domains, External Field


    A sample is placed inan external magneticfield

    The size of thedomains withmagnetic momentsaligned with the field

    grows The sample is


    Domains External Field

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    Domains, External Field

    Applied, cont.

    The material is placed ina stronger field

    The domains not alignedwith the field becomevery small

    When the external fieldis removed, the materialmay retain a netmagnetization in thedirection of the originalfield

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    Magnetization Curve

    The total field

    increases with

    increasing current

    (O to a)

    As the external field

    increases, more

    domains are alignedand Hreaches a

    maximum at point a

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 30


    Magnetization Curve, cont

    At point a, the material is approachingsaturation

    Saturation is when all magnetic moments arealigned

    If the current is reduced to 0, the externalfield is eliminated

    The curve follows the path from a to b At point b, B is not zero even though the

    external field Bo = 0

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    Magnetization Curve, final

    B total is not zero because there ismagnetism due to the alignment of thedomains

    The material is said to have a remanentmagnetization

    If the current is reversed, the magneticmoments reorient until the field is zero

    Increasing this reverse current will cause thematerial to be magnetized in the oppositedirection

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    Magnetic Hysteresis

    This effect is called magnetic hysteresis

    It shows that the magnetization of a

    ferromagnetic substance depends on thehistory of the substance as well as on the

    magnetic field applied

    The closed loop on the graph is referred to as a

    hysteresis loop Its shape and size depend on the properties of the

    ferromagnetic substance and on the strength of the

    maximum applied field

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    Example Hysteresis Curves

    Curve (a) is for a hard ferromagnetic material

    The width of the curve indicates a great amount of remanentmagnetism

    They cannot be easily demagnetized by an external field

    Curve (b) is for a soft ferromagnetic material

    These materials are easily magnetized and demagnetized

    More About Magnetization

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    More About Magnetization


    The area enclosed by a magnetization curve

    represents the energy input required to take

    the material through the hysteresis cycle

    When the magnetization cycle is repeated,

    dissipative processes within the material due

    to realignment of the magnetic moments

    result in an increase in internal energy This is made evident by an increase in the

    temperature of the substance

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    Curie Temperature

    The Curie temperature is

    the critical temperature

    above which a

    ferromagnetic materialloses its residual

    magnetism and becomes


    Above the Curietemperature, the thermal

    agitation is great enough to

    cause a random orientation

    of the moments

    Table of Some Curie

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    Table of Some Curie


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    Curies Law

    Curies law gives the relationship

    between the applied magnetic field and

    the absolute temperature of aparamagnetic material:

    Cis called Curies constant


    M C


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    When an external magnetic field is

    applied to a diamagnetic substance, a

    weak magnetic moment is induced inthe direction opposite the applied field

    Diamagnetic substances are weakly

    repelled by a magnet

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    Meissner Effect

    Certain types ofsuperconductors alsoexhibit perfect

    diamagnetism This is called the

    Meissner effect

    If a permanent magnet

    is brought near asuperconductor, thetwo objects repel eachother

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    Earths Magnetic Field

    The Earths magnetic field

    resembles that achieved by

    burying a huge bar magnet

    deep in the Earths interior

    The Earths south magnetic

    pole is located near the north

    geographic pole

    The Earths north magnetic

    pole is located near the

    south geographic pole

    Dip Angle of Earths Magnetic

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    Dip Angle of Earth s Magnetic


    If a compass is free to rotate vertically as well

    as horizontally, it points to the Earths surface

    The angle between the horizontal and thedirection of the magnetic field is called the dip

    angle The farther north the device is moved, the farther

    from horizontal the compass needle would be The compass needle would be horizontal at the equator and

    the dip angle would be 0

    The compass needle would point straight down at the south

    magnetic pole and the dip angle would be 90

    More About the Earths

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    More About the Earth s

    Magnetic Poles

    The dip angle of 90 is found at a point just

    north of Hudson Bay in Canada This is considered to be the location of the south

    magnetic pole

    The magnetic and geographic poles are not in

    the same exact location

    The difference between true north, at the geographicnorth pole, and magnetic north is called the

    magnetic declination The amount of declination varies by location on the Earths


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    Earths Magnetic Declination

    Source of the Earths

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    Source of the Earth s

    Magnetic Field

    There cannot be large masses ofpermanently magnetized materials since thehigh temperatures of the core prevent

    materials from retaining permanentmagnetization

    The most likely source of the Earthsmagnetic field is believed to be convection

    currents in the liquid part of the core There is also evidence that the planets

    magnetic field is related to its rate of rotation

    Reversals of the Earths

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    Reversals of the Earth s

    Magnetic Field

    The direction of the Earths magnetic

    field reverses every few million years

    Evidence of these reversals are found inbasalts resulting from volcanic activity

    The origin of the reversals is not
