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  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


    Cra"king* popping* noisy+++ ,


    )hat are mu(ras- ,


    Pra"ti"ing yoga at home ,


    S"orpion pose*+++ ,


    ./ tips to strengthen+++ ,


    Eka pa(a galavasana*+++ ,


    0 steps to being a yogi ,


    hree 1ualities o2 a goo(+++ ,  3

    Love your knees ,


    3alasana* s1uat* garlan(+++ ,

  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


      How can humanity evolve without individuals growing too?  4


    Home 5 Pra"ti"e Yoga 5 )hat is Yoga- 5 Patan%ali6s Yoga Sutras

    4atan5ali6s 7oga sutras 

    How #t )orks hroughout the worl(* thousan(s o2 in(ivi(uals regularly atten( group yoga "lasses seeking the bene2itso2 this timeless s"ien"e o2 sel2

  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


    Photography by jasper johal

    4atan5ali6s 7oga sutras87 yogi times Practice Yoga | What is Yoga?

    yoga’s profound teachings and their powerful effects

    "o9 It Works

    hroughout the worl(* thousan(s o2 in(ivi(uals regularly atten( group yoga "lasses seeking the

    bene2its o2 this timeless s"ien"e o2 sel2+ #n an e22ort to provi(e "onte7t an( "larity to one o2 the

    planet6s most e22e"tive sel24"are systems* we e7plore the key "on"epts in yoga6s 2oun(ation te7t*

    Patan%ali6s Yoga Sutras


    Yoga6s pro2oun( tea"hings an( their  power2ul e22e"ts on the human psy"he are the result o2 

    thousan(s o2 years o2 observation* "are2ul "olle"tion an( "omparison o2 (ata an( meti"ulous

    transmission o2 in2ormation 2rom tea"her to stu(ent+ his e7periential* lineage4base(

    metho(ology* 2ully arti"ulate( in the Yoga Sutras* is the basis 2or yoga6s ability to trans2orm

    in(ivi(uals an( re(u"e su22ering+

    8nless our tea"hers be"ome 2amiliar with the un(erlying prin"iples o2 yoga psy"hology as

    "ontaine( in the Sutras* mo(ern yoga stu(ents are likely to en( up* to paraphrase a

    "ontemporary songwriter* 9looking 2or ways to "hange* %ust 2in(ing new ways to stay the same:*

    an army o2 well4stret"he( neuroti"s* a 2lo"k o2 2le7ible sheep ;at least we6ll all have yoga butts

  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


    Let6s review+ #n previous arti"les* we have seen that #n(ia6s an"ient Vedas are the sour"e o2 

    the Yoga Sutras* as well as Samkhya* Yoga6s sister philosophy+Samkhya outlines a relationship

    between the "lear* un"hanging "ons"iousness at the "enter o2 all living things an( an ever4

    "hanging* "on(itione( min(* sub%e"t to a((i"tion* (istortion an( (elusion+ A""or(ing to yoga* the

    min(6s inherent ten(en"y to "on2use two similar ob%e"ts* ;happiness=money* wis(om=knowle(ge*

    nee(=gree(* love=lust* "hoi"e=habit* spirit=2orm* 2ree(om=power< "auses us to "ontinuously "hoose

    that whi"h lea(s to su22ering over that whi"h lea(s to %oy+

    Yoga6s solution to this universal (ilemma is viveka* the ability to (is"riminate between two things

    whi"h are very "lose together or similar in appearan"e+ One "an "ultivate abun(ant viveka*

    a""or(ing to Patan%ali* through long4term* uninterrupte(* enthusiasti"* gui(e( pra"ti"e o2 

    the ashtanga* or eight limbs o2 yoga+ he eight limbs mo(el presents tools 2or repla"ing

    ine22i"ient* out(ate( patterns o2 per"eption an( behavior in si7 areas o2 living+

    he si7 areas are> relationships* li2estlye* bo(y* breath* senses an( min(+ he tools in"lu(e

    relationship gui(elines* physi"al postures* breath "ontrol an( various te"hni1ues 2or improving

    the senses* min( an( emotions+ 8ltimately* all yoga6s tools are aime( at "ultivating a balan"e(*satvi" min(+ Su"h a stable min(* a""or(ing to sutra .>?* "an more easily 2o"us on an( sustain

    relationships with "hosen ob%e"ts over time+ #n a (ualisti" universe 2ille( with in2inite possibilities*

    our ability to make intelligent "hoi"es* "lari2y values* behave with respe"t to those values an(

    embra"e the "onse1uen"es o2 our a"tions is essential 2or an in(ivi(ual or so"iety to 2lourish+

    !he Yoga of Action

    @+ rishnamurti* the great South #n(ian sage use( to say* 9he "on2use( min( 2in(s "on2use(

    answers:+ Be"ause the imbalan"e(* (isturbe( or (istorte( min( makes problems out o2 

    everything* in"lu(ing attempts at positive "hange+ Sutra ?>. presents a strategy 2or sel24improving

    without ina(vertently perpetuating su22ering in the very attempt to re(u"e it+ his pro"ess is

    presente( as a three4part mo(el "alle( Kriya Yoga+ Kriya is 2rom the Sanskrit wor( 2or 9a"tion:*the root o2 the English creation+ Kriya Yoga* the yoga o2 a"tion* outlines the three "omponents o2 

    satvi" "hange+

    Acting As If  

    he 2irst "omponent is tapas+ Classi"ally translate( as 9austerities:* tapas "an be un(erstoo( as

    (eliberate a"tions aime( at personal re2inement+ A""or(ing to yoga* su22ering ; duhka< is the

    result o2 sel24(estru"tive patterns su"h as "ruelty* (ishonesty* pro%e"tion an( negativity+ hese

    patterns* or samskaras  "reate stress* an7iety* a((i"tion an( various behaviors that lea( to a

    plethora o2 physi"al problems+ Tapas are spe"i2i" pra"ti"es aime( at "hanging un(esirable habits

    o2 bo(y* breath* min( or spee"h+

    $or instan"e* asana ;yogi" postures

  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


    hear< is in(ispensable+ On our own* we might have great knowle(ge an( insight* but %ust as two

    eyes are re1uire( 2or the per"eption o2 (epth* the a((e( perspe"tive o2 a tea"her helps us to see

    our limiting patterns as well as our 2ull potential as human beings+

    !he Po9ers !hat Be

    he thir( element in Kriya Yoga is Isvarapranidhana+ )hile this term was "lassi"ally translate( as

    9surren(er to !o(:* a more mo(ern translation is 9the a"knowle(gment that there are 2or"es

    beyon( our "ontrol:+

    )ith Isvarapranidhana* we "an humbly a(mit that (espite our best intentions an( most

    appropriate a"tions* the 2inal out"ome is out o2 our han(s+ his aspe"t o2 Kriya Yoga translates as

    2o"using more attention on the 1uality o2 our a"tions than on the ultimately un"ertain results+

    he 2un(amental "on2usion between that whi"h "an be "ontrolle( an( that whi"h "annot* another 

    e7ample o2 samyoga* is a ma%or "ause o2 human su22ering+ rying to "ontrol the un"ontrollable* or 

    2ailing to take a"tion when we shoul( lea(s to an7iety an( 2rustration+

    #n mo(ern times* Kriya Yoga’s prin"iples are "learly e7presse( in the Serenity Prayer* an

    invo"ation use( e7tensively by .?4Step programs> !rant me the serenity to a""ept the things #

    "annot "hange ;Isvarapranidhana

  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


    Pra"ti"e Yoga

    what is the meaning of namaste?

    I)hat isI Series vi(eo "reate( by Brett Larkin 2or Yogi imeshe literal translation o2

    Famaste in

    Pra"ti"e Yoga

    yoga class to elementary kids in the tarahumara community,


    &ust was everywhere outsi(e* insi(e* over the 2urniture* on their "lothes* on their 2eet+

    Some even ha( (ust on their b

    Pra"ti"e Yoga

    women!s yoga retreats

    Re"harging* re%uvenating* renewing 4 these are wor(s asso"iate( with all yoga retreats+ So

    whatJs (i22erent an( spe"ial

    Pra"ti"e Yoga

    what is kundalini yoga?un(alini Yoga is a s"ien"e that opens your heart an( e7pan(s your awareness o2

    "ons"iousness+ Yogi Bha%an brought un(a

    Pra"ti"e Yoga


    On the 2ourth o2 August .K? # surren(ere(+ &rinking abusively sin"e # was .M* the en(

    "ame without (rama %ust a sa( a"

    Pra"ti"e Yoga

    "rks#sana tree pose

    Roote( an( wiste(N #sn6t Yoga everywhere- )e say that trees are the lungs o2 the earth+

    House o2 thousan(s o2 being

    Pra"ti"e Yoga

    why are you searching?

    How o2ten have # aske( yoga stu(ents to 2eel their "onne"tion to 8niversal

    Cons"iousness* Sour"e an( even !o(- # now thi

    Pra"ti"e Yoga

    $ ways to rest or rela

    #t is a "ompli"ate( worl( gone are the (ays when it was enough to lie (own on your

    mat* shut your eyes an( (ri2t o22  


     Ann Bui

    &arlene &6areo

  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


    Yogi imes

    &eborah Crooks

    Hillary Pike


    O"> %O %O$IAL<

    O!"#R $I!I#% #)#!%%&& hour yoga teacher'''

    ea"her raining  !oa

    $ri(ay @an ?0 4 .D>//pm

    (telier yog!n mo"e'''

    )orkshops  #le4&e4$ran"e

    Sun(ay @an ?Q 4 .Q>//pm

  • 8/9/2019 Patanjali Sutras


    )*th annual international'''

    $estival  8ttaran"hal

    Sun(ay 3ar /. 4 .M>//pm

    +he heart centre meditation'''

    )orkshops  Englan(

    $ri(ay @an ?0 4 ./>//am

    days re-u"enating deto'''

    Retreats  Hanover 

    $ri(ay @an ?0 4 /K>//am

     Yoga class

    Opening  Englan(

    $ri(ay @an ?0 4 .0>Qpm

    :OLLOW (% O

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