PASTOR'S POINTS · First aptist hurch 100 S.W. 4th Avenue P.O. ox 427 Mineral Wells, TX 76068...

First Bapst Church 100 S.W. 4 th Avenue P.O. Box 427 Mineral Wells, TX 76068 PASTOR'S POINTS Vol 19 No 12 March 26, 2019 Nathan Buchanan Pastor Mel Kincaid Minister of Music Caleb Crouch Minister of Youth Ann Fidler Director of Senior Adult Ministry Heather Mahaffey Pastor/Financial Secretary Liz O’Quin Receptionist/Records Secretary Steve Richards Building Maintenance Supervisor Lisa Becton First Steps Preschool Director Anita Baker Preschool Coordinator Pat Harrington Pianist Joyce Embry Organist One Service: This past Sunday, the church voted 189 to 42 in favor of moving to one service. We will not be making this move immediately. However, as we move into April, we will make the necessary steps toward coming together in one service. Mel and the Wor- ship Team will gather and begin talking and praying through things concerning our one service. Our church staff will also work on a transition plan. As it stands now, we are looking at moving to one service tentatively on April 28 th . We will do our best to communicate with the church as we make this transition. Right now, please keep the Worship Team and our church staff in your prayers as we work on this transition. Please also check our website from time to time for updates. I understand that this change is not easy for everyone. I also understand that some will be making sacrifices of preferences and time in order to move to one service. Thank you for doing so, by the way. I fully believe it is important for us to make this change. As we seek to keep the mission first, I know God will receive the glory. As people passionately devote themselves to work together for God’s kingdom, amazing progress is possible. Many times, this progress happens because supernatural results transpire. When we follow Jesus where He leads, He moves in mighty ways. Operation Andrew: About a month ago, I asked you to join me in Operation Andrew and list ten names of unsaved people. I then asked you to pray for them until Easter. Many of you committed to do this with me. Thank you! It is now time to take the next step. Over the next couple of weeks, do what you can to connect with those you have been praying for. Let them know the Lord has laid them on your heart and ask if there is anything going on in their lives for which you can pray. Assure them of confidentiality. Watch to see if there is a physical need that you can meet in the lives of those for whom you have been praying. If possible, meet that need. Drop a card in the mail letting them know you are praying for them. If possible, call those whom you have been praying for, and ask if you (or at the very least, someone from our church) can stop by their house during the week of April 8-12 and share the story of how God’s love has changed their life. Ask them for a specific day and time. If at all possible, clear your calendars and give yourselves to the outreach week (April 6-12 th ). I believe God wants to do great things through Operation Andrew, however, this will require your participation. Do make plans to join others from our community at Indian Creek Baptist Church on Saturday April 6 th at 6:00 PM for the Operation Andrew Opening Rally. This is a very important time for all involved in Operation Andrew. Please make every effort to be there at the rally. Eternal lives depend on it. I believe this will be huge for our community and for all those who come to know Christ through this effort. Will you say yes to God today and be part of history in the making? Serving Him Together, Pastor Nathan

Transcript of PASTOR'S POINTS · First aptist hurch 100 S.W. 4th Avenue P.O. ox 427 Mineral Wells, TX 76068...

Page 1: PASTOR'S POINTS · First aptist hurch 100 S.W. 4th Avenue P.O. ox 427 Mineral Wells, TX 76068 PASTOR'S POINTS Anita Baker Vol 19 No 12 March 26, 2019 Nathan Buchanan Pastor Mel Kincaid

First Baptist Church 100 S.W. 4th Avenue P.O. Box 427 Mineral Wells, TX 76068


Vol 19 No 12 March 26, 2019

Nathan Buchanan Pastor

Mel Kincaid Minister of Music Caleb Crouch Minister of Youth

Ann Fidler Director of Senior Adult Ministry

Heather Mahaffey Pastor/Financial Secretary

Liz O’Quin Receptionist/Records Secretary

Steve Richards Building Maintenance Supervisor Lisa Becton First Steps Preschool Director

Anita Baker Preschool Coordinator

Pat Harrington Pianist

Joyce Embry Organist

One Service: This past Sunday, the church voted 189 to 42 in favor of moving to one service. We will not be making this move immediately. However, as we move into April, we will make the necessary steps toward coming together in one service. Mel and the Wor-ship Team will gather and begin talking and praying through things concerning our one service. Our church staff will also work on a transition plan. As it stands now, we are looking at moving to one service tentatively on April 28th. We will do our best to communicate with the church as we make this transition. Right now, please keep the Worship Team and our church staff in your prayers as we work on this transition. Please also check our website from time to time for updates. I understand that this

change is not easy for everyone. I also understand that some will be making sacrifices of preferences and time in order to move to one service. Thank you for doing so, by the way. I fully believe it is important for us to make this change. As we seek to keep the mission first, I know God will receive the glory. As people passionately devote themselves to work together for God’s kingdom, amazing progress is possible. Many times, this progress happens because supernatural results transpire. When we follow Jesus where He leads, He moves in mighty ways. Operation Andrew:

About a month ago, I asked you to join me in Operation Andrew and list ten names of unsaved people. I then asked you to pray for them until Easter. Many of you committed to do this with me. Thank you! It is now time to take the next step. Over the next couple of weeks, do what you can to connect with those you have been praying for. Let them know the Lord has laid them on your heart and ask if there is anything going on in their lives for which you can pray. Assure them of confidentiality. Watch to see if there is a physical need that you can meet in the lives of those for whom you have been praying. If possible, meet that need. Drop a card in the mail letting them know you are praying for them. If possible, call those whom you have been praying for, and ask if you (or at the very least, someone from our church) can stop by their house during the week of April 8-12 and share the story of how God’s love has changed their life. Ask them for a specific day and time. If at all possible, clear your calendars and give yourselves to the outreach week (April 6-12th). I believe God wants to do great things through Operation Andrew, however, this will require your participation. Do make plans to join

others from our community at Indian Creek Baptist Church on Saturday April 6th at 6:00 PM for the Operation Andrew Opening Rally. This is a very important time for all involved in Operation Andrew. Please make every effort to be there at the rally. Eternal lives depend on it. I believe this will be huge for our community and for all those who come to know Christ through this effort. Will you say yes to God today and be part of history in the making?

Serving Him Together,

Pastor Nathan

Page 2: PASTOR'S POINTS · First aptist hurch 100 S.W. 4th Avenue P.O. ox 427 Mineral Wells, TX 76068 PASTOR'S POINTS Anita Baker Vol 19 No 12 March 26, 2019 Nathan Buchanan Pastor Mel Kincaid

Each time our youth meet on Sundays and Wednes-days I ask the same question, “What has God taught/reminded/revealed to you this week?” It’s so cool to listen to these students and to see them searching for God’s teachings. I always walk away from this time having been taught and reminded of wonderful truths of who God is. This past Sunday I had a student who talked about how they had devoted so much time into a track and field event and had seen the hard work pay off. When the time came to perform, they excelled and placed in their event. In our time of sharing they shared how God blessed them but also how God revealed that they should be just as diligent in their walk with the Lord as they had been with their track and field event. As a result of them sharing this with our youth group we were all exposed with the truth and realization that we all struggle in that area, but it also allows us to hold that person accountable to that area. What a great reminder of Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

~ Caleb Crouch

Story Behind the Song: “The Cross Has The Final Word” Song writer Cody Carnes writes: The song was writ-ten on Good Friday. Although I was dealing with fear, I sat down to read the story of Christ's crucifixion. As I was reading The Bible, I felt God saying to me "the cross has the final word." I had this raging sea of emotions inside of me, and that one statement calmed everything in that moment. It reminded me that I don't have to buy into the lie that evil is rising up. His dying on the cross for our sins has power over death and sin. The song is based on Colossians 2:3-15: When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebt-edness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

Blessings, Mel

My grandchildren Ben, three months and Ollie, three years were with us this weekend. We car-ried Ben around and made sure his body was supported, his food was milk and of course, when we talked to him we didn’t expect him to answer. Ollie on the other hand, walked and ran, we fed him smaller pieces of solid food and when we talked to him we expected him to listen and un-derstand most of what we said. In another twenty years both boys, will have grown and matured; well on the road to becoming responsible adults. In the same way, when we become Christians we need to have spiritual food to grow and mature in our faith and relationship with God. We read in 1 Peter, Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness. Just a little food for thought...

Spanem Bohem, Ann

Monday, 4/1, 3:45pm: Luby’s Friday, 4/5,10am: PrimeTime. We will be getting hamburgers from Dairy Mart Cost: $5

First Baptist Church Mission


First Baptist Church of Mineral Wells reveals God’s grace to the world as we Love like Christ, Live for Christ, and

Lead to Christ one life at a time.

AWANA needs help on Wednesday nights with the Sparks group (K-2nd grade). They need 1-2 leaders to help do bible verses, preplanned

lessons and supervise the children. If you are free Wednesdays from 6:-00-7:00pm and can help, please contact the church office or Marianna Wheeler.

Operation Andrew Operation Andrew is a community wide prayer and outreach opportunity to help believers spread the word of the love of Jesus to others. Indian Creek

Baptist Church is holding a kick-off rally on Saturday, April 6 at 6:00pm. Please come join us as we kick off this excitement time of community

outreach program!

FBC is hosting the 2019 Right Now Media Marriage Night Conference on Saturday,

May 18, 2019 from 5:00-8:30pm. Dinner is included and childcare is available. The cost is $15 per person. Presenters at the

conference include: Frances and Lisa Chan, Led and Leslie Parrot and Michael Jr. We

hope to see you there! Please visit to register by May 12!

CENTER OF LIFE The Center of Life is now needing pop-top

canned meats (like Vienna Sausages) and fruit cups (any type of fruit). They also need a few bags of rice.

There is still room in Shawn Gibson’s Wednesday evening Discipleship Class, “The Path to the Cross”. The class takes place at 6:00pm. There is an $11 book that goes with the class. Please contact the church office to register!

Sunday, April 14
