Past history

Past history

Transcript of Past history

Page 1: Past history

Past history

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This is the story of my people, at the beginning according to leyend, lived chibchas and his cacique ebate one of the chiefs of the altiplano,

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The guardian the lagoon of fuquene, a secret lagoon, where the caciques muzos, susa and simijacas, they made their offerings and were thrown away to its waters, all the gold and

riches of which have been discovered,

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it was learned that it was a tribe, chibcha peaceful and dependent on agriculture and mining,

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The arrival of the spaniards, were killed thousands of indians, and thousands of indians, were thrown off a cliff, not wanting to be slaves many killed themselves for not to accept the new system they said dead were free.

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The only way the indians did not die out of such genocede was in need of slave labor, for your

purposes, to the cry of independence everything changed.

“a bit”

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thanks teacher VICTOR ESCOBAR