Pasar Lama Tangerang

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Transcript of Pasar Lama Tangerang

  • 8/18/2019 Pasar Lama Tangerang


    Name : Rafy Alvin Hidayat

    Calss : Accounting F

    NPM : 113200212

    Culinaries o Pasar !ama "angerang

     There are several culinaries food located in the Pasar Lama

     Tangerang. First, Pasar Lama Tangerang has some culinaries Chinese food

    like pickles, otak-otak, pork roast, pork satay, pasar lama noodles, and

    emping jengkol. Second, culinary in Pasar Lama Tangerang is Tenda dua

    kora and tenda tiga seka!an that serving satay li"ards , snakes , and

    monkeys. Third, Pasar lama Tangerang has an uni#uely ketchup called

    kecap enteng. $ecap enteng made from a mi%ture of lack eans and

    red sugar that causes the color to of that ketchup transform into ro!nies

    lack. Fourth, another food&s in Pasar lama Tangerang is laksa tangerang.

    Laksa tangerang main ingredient is like spaghetti noodles ut more

    thicker and is made from rice. Then doused !ith laksa sauce of cooked

    green eans , potatoes , coconut milk and chicken roth . 'n addition it

    also provided additional chicken meat or eggs . (efore serving this dish,

    laksa !as given a sprinkling of chopped chives leaves into small pieces.

    Some places serve Laksa Tangerang such as on )l . *. +amin - Tangerang

    city , e%actly in front of the !omens prison. Fifth, still in Pasar Lama

     Tangerang, there is typical food called opak ketan. pak ketan has an

    uni#ue !ay of cooking, it is urned also in the middle of opak ketan !as

    given some sugar. Si%th, culinary food in Pasar Lama Tangerang is Pindang

    (andeng. lthough milk/sh has many prickles, milk/sh still hunted. This is

    ecause the meat is savory creamy and its taste as similar as milk. oiled

    milk/sh marinated red onion, garlic, pepper, ay leaves, galangal, ginger

    and turmeric. ther spices are commonly added soy sauce and star fruit

    0avors derived from vegetale acid or urned asam jawa.

  • 8/18/2019 Pasar Lama Tangerang
