Partition of india

The Partition of India August 14, 1947


parttion of india- this was one of most devastating and crucial thing which happened in indian politics with the emergence of bangladesh as a separate country

Transcript of Partition of india

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The Partition of IndiaAugust 14, 1947

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The partition of India is the separation of India on Aug. 14, 1947 and Aug. 15, 1947 into the states of the Dominion of Pakistanand the Union of India, respectively.

India was separated on the day of gaining independence from British, due to tensions between the Hindus and the Muslims living in the

country. India gained independence after

350 years of British presence in thecountry.

Above: A current day map of India

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These two maps show how India was divided after gaining independence from the British in 1947. The first shows India under British rule, before the partition. The second shows how the region was divided after gaining independence and the breakaway of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) from West Pakistan (Pakistan today) in 1971 through the Bangladesh Liberation War.

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1600- British East India Company is established 1707- Mughal Empire collapsing; Indian states begin breaking away from Mughal

control 1757- Robert Clive leads victory at Battle of Plassey; begins East India Company

(British) leading power in India. 1800s- Many Indians begin thinking more modernly, changing traditional ideas.

Some take ideas wanting to govern themselves. May 10, 1857- Indian Rebellion of 1857 (Sepoy Mutiny) starts. Challenges East

India Company as fierce fighting breaks out. 1858- British government takes direct command of India, from East India

Company. Late 1800s- Nationalism surfaces in India 1885- Indian National Congress is formed 1906- Muslim League forms 1930- First proposed idea of partition by philosopher Allama Iqbal Late 1930s- Muslims begin exiting Congress. 1943- Muslim League proposes “Divide and Quit” plan July 18, 1947- Mountbatten Partition Plan is finalized August 14-15, 1947- Independence is gained from Britain. Pakistan is formed

immediate next day.

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Britain becomes interested in India for economic reasons in the 1600s.

The British East India company is formed after a charter is issued by Elizabeth I for favorable trading privileges between India and England.

It began originally as a joint venture with the Dutch East India Company.

Trading posts are set up in Bombay (1638), Madras (1639), and Calcutta (1690) by the company.

Because India was ruled by the Mughal empire, at first, European trading in the country was limited.

The company eventually transformed itself from a commercial trade venture to a group that basically ruled India, as you will see in the next few slides.

Original flag of East India Company

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This map shows European settlements in India from 1498 to 1739. As you can see, the British & Dutch (from joint East India Company) together have the most settlements in the region, which sets the stage for the British to begin ruling the area through the East India Company.

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In 1617, The company is given trade rights in India by Mughal emperor Jahangir.

By 1707, Dozens of small Indian states begin breaking away from Mughal rule. This sets the perfect time for the British to take over.

In 1717, the British are given clear trading advantage when Mughal emperor Farrukhsiyar gives tax and duty free trading to the company in Bengal.

Finally in 1757, the East India Company makes there move. Led by Robert Clive, East India company troops win a authoritative victory at the Battle of Plassey, defeating Indian troops allied with the French.

From 1757 to 1858, the East India Company is the leading power in India.

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Positive EffectsA huge railroad system was placed in India by the British, making trade much more efficient and brought together regions. The British modernized India by creating telegraph, telephone, bridges, modern roads, canals and improving public health. Schools and colleges are founded. They also helped put an end to local warfare.

Negative EffectsThe British held almost all political and economic power and set restrictions

on Indian owned industries. Many villagers lost self-suffieciency due to the British

enforcing cash crops. Most British carried racist attitudes towards the Indians in the

country, and adopted policies which did not abide by many religious practices in India.

Traditional Indian life was threatened due to British superiority.

Policies and RegulationAt first the East India Company ruled with little interference from the British government until the 19th century. The company employed its own army

and even had an internal government structure. The British used India for the gain of

Britain’s Economy, and set up restrictions that didn’t allow India to operate on its


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In the 1800s, some Indians begin thinking more modern and want a greater role in governing themselves.

Economic problems began arising for the Indians due to British restrictions.

In 1857, news spread to the sepoys (Indian soldiers employed by British) that there rifle cartridges were greased with beef and pork. Hindus and Muslims both resented having to bite off the cartridge ends to use the rifle because religious rules stated that Hindus considered the cow sacred, and Muslims didn’t eat pork.

Almost 90 sepoys refused to accept the cartridges. The sepoys were jailed.

The next day on May 10, 1857, the sepoys rebelled. Fighting took place across the country both sides trying to slaughter each other’s armies.

The British government sent troops to aid the East India Company. It took over a year for them to regain power and control.

Above: A painting of a battle during the Rebellion

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After the Sepoy Mutiny, in 1858 the British government took direct command of India, from the East India Company.

Raj was the term used to describe any part of India under British rule, from 1757 to 1947.

Britain promised to respect treaties made to citizens by the East India Company, and promised all Indian states would remain free and independent. However, Britain gained more and more control.

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Nationalist feelings began arising in the country due to modernization and the taking up of western ideas. It wasn’t long before the groups wanting to self govern themselves. Two Major Nationalist Groups formed:

The Indian National Congress

In 1885, the Indian National Government formed- comprised mainly of Hindus wanting to break free from British rule.

The Muslim League

In 1906, the Muslim League formed- another nationalist group which focused on specific concerns for the Muslim minority living in India.

Above: Current flag of Indian National Congress

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Ram Mohan Roy (1775-1883) is the founder of one of the first social reform movements in India.

He helped move many people away from traditional practices such as caste separation and arranged child marriages.

He disliked the way Indians socially classed people according to their caste.

His ideas promoted adoption of many Western ways, but still allowing Indians to keep to their roots. Many reformers took his ideas and was the beginning of Nationalistic movements in India and self leadership.

Above: Painting of Ram Mohan Roy

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•Not only were Indians struggling to break away from British rule, but they were also struggling internally due to tensions between Hindus and Muslims.

•The formation of the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League defined a fine line between the two major religions and their views.

•The first to propose separate states was writer & philosopher Allama Iqbal in 1930. An excerpt from his conversation with the Muslim League in 1930 appears on the right.

Left: Allama Iqbal was a key figure in proposing the seperation of India into two states.

Allama Iqbal’s 1930 Address to Mulsim Leage:

“The Hindus and the Muslims belong to two different religions, philosophies, social customs and literature… To yoke together two such nations under a single state, one as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to growing discontent and final destruction of any fabric that may be so built up for the government of such a state.”

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•Not only were the Muslims pushing for separation, but so were the Hindus.

•Many Hindus despised the Muslims due to the Muslims formerly ruling India for 300 years under the Mogul Empire.

•Hindu organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha pushed for the division of the country and insisted the chasm between Muslims and Hindus was too great and was in need of separate states.

In 1937, Veer Savarkar in his Presidential Address to the Hindu Mahasabha:

“India cannot be assumed today to be Unitarian and homogeneous nation, but on the contrary there are two nations in the main — the Hindus and the Muslims.”

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•Although many groups called for the separation of India based on religion, the majority of Congress members were secular and opposed to dividing the country solely based on religion.

•By the late 1930s, Muslims begin exiting congress and forming separate groups that were pushing the formation of a new Muslim state: Pakistan.

•At this time Britain did not directly rule India, but just oversaw the whole country. Local and Regional governments comprised of full Indian rule.

•In 1943, The Muslim League proposes a quick plan to divide and gain independence; also known as “Divide and Quit.”

•Soon India was ready to be partitioned. Muslims and Hindus were constantly in quarrels, and a plan was proposed to the British.

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Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) was one of the major spiritual and political figures in the move for Indian independence

For years, Gandhi struggled to keep the Muslims active in Congress so India would not have to suffer the consequence of separation and losing unity.

Not only did Gandhi use non-violent and non-cooperative methods, but he also ceased much of the radical hate ideas on both the sides of Hindus and Muslims.

"Leave India to God. If that is too much,

then leave her to anarchy." --Gandhi, May 1942

Above: Mohandas Gandhi pictured in 1930

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After Britain handed over self governance to India on August 14, 1947, the plan for the partition was put into action.

The Mountbatten Plan is what India was divided according to. The plan was written by Cyril Radcliffe, who wrote it based on a British commissioned report on India. The plan was finalized on July 18, 1947 and was put into action a month later.

India was formed out of the mostly Hindu regions and Pakistan was formed out of the mainly Muslim regions. Pakistan was formed in two dominions- East Pakistan and West Pakistan, which were separated geographically by India.

Above: British officials discussing the Mountbatten Plan, with a countdown to handover of power in the back.

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The partition of India left both India and Pakistan devastated. Riots erupted, and looting broke out widespread. Women were raped and battered by both the Hindus and Muslims, and trains full of battered women and children would arrive between the borders of India and Pakistan daily.

Over 15 million refugees were forced into regions completely new to them. Even though they shared the same religion of thier new home, they still had not lost the bond to the region their family and ancestors grew up in. The provinces of Bengal and Punjab were divided causing outrage in many Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs alike.

Even after almost six decades after the partition, India and Pakistan have still not healed from the wounds left by the partition. India and Pakistan have been to war twice since the partition, and Pakistan suffered the bloody war of the breaking away of East Pakistan into Bangladesh. The two countries are still arguing over the landlocked region of Kashmir. Many believe the partition not only broke the unity of India, but also took away the sense of belonging to many people who were tore apart from their native regions.

Left: Refugee train of Sikhs heading to IndiaRight: Man carrying wife and family across the border.

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“A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.”

-Jawaharlal Nehru,1st Prime Minister of India

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