Participative Management


Transcript of Participative Management


IN PRACTICEBy Tahlala Xyliena Mason

Management Style Options

X Style Micromanager

Unthinking employees with low morale+

Overworked bosses duplicating employee work,

while doing their own work


Employees sharing ideas and questions regarding the actual job

+Bosses with strategic focus to

grow your business and improve quality

How can I start being a participative manager?

An interview is helpful to establish a foundation of understanding, expectation and direction.

Keys things for your participative interview:

Interview your direct reports, one-on-one and face-to-face.

Start with a synopsis about yourself. Give a couple of key details about your personality that will help someone work better with you.

Make up to 5 standardized open-ended questions. Example: What do you think are some things this department does well? … What 3 ideas do you have to improve this department?

Finish with letting your employee ask you questions.

Keep the interview to 30 minutes or less.

“Let’s start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. When you read you begin with A-B-C. When you sing you begin with Do-Re-Me.”

When you begin a participative management style, you start with an interview…. Even if it is with your current employees.

Get it done BUT not with Overtime

bi-directional communication is #1

Staff Meetinglisten

When you are a Participative Manager, the journey should never end because you are always going somewhere new.