Part QB - Brazing

PART QB BRAZING ARTICLE XI BRAZING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS QB-100 GENERAL Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code relates to the qualification of welders, welding operators, brazers, and brazing operators, and the proce- dures that they employ in welding and brazing according to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping. It is divided into two parts: Part QW gives requirements for welding and Part QB contains requirements for brazing. QB-100.1 The purpose of the Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) is to determine that the brazement proposed for construction is capable of providing the required properties for its intended application. It is presupposed that the brazer or brazing operator performing the brazing procedure qualification test is a skilled workman. That is, the brazing procedure qualification test estab- lishes the properties of the brazement, not the skill of the brazer or brazing operator. Briefly, a BPS lists the variables, both essential and nonessential, and the acceptable ranges of these variables when using the BPS. The BPS is intended to provide direction for the brazer or brazing operator. The PQR lists what was used in qualifying the BPS and the test results. QB-100.2 In performance qualification, the basic criterion established for brazer qualification is to deter- mine the brazer’s ability to make a sound brazed joint. The purpose of the performance qualification test for the brazing operator is to determine the operator’s mechanical ability to operate the brazing equipment. QB-100.3 Brazing Procedure Specifications (BPS) written and qualified in accordance with the rules of this Section, and brazers and operators of automatic and machine brazing equipment also qualified in accord- ance with these rules may be used in any construction 183 built to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or the ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping. However, other Sections of the Code state the condi- tions under which Section IX requirements are manda- tory, in whole or in part, and give additional require- ments. The reader is advised to take these provisions into consideration when using this Section. Brazing Procedure Specifications, Procedure Qualifi- cation Records, and Brazer or Brazing Operator Per- formance Qualifications made in accordance with the requirements of the 1962 Edition or any later Edition of Section IX may be used in any construction built to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or the ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping. Brazing Procedure Specifications, Procedure Qualifi- cation Records, and Brazer or Brazing Operator Per- formance Qualifications made in accordance with the requirements of the Editions of Section IX prior to 1962, in which all of the requirements of the 1962 Edition or later Editions are met, may also be used. Brazing Procedure Specifications and Brazer /Brazing Operator Performance Qualification Records meeting the above requirements do not need to be amended to include any variables required by later Editions and Addenda. Qualification of new Brazing Procedure Specifica- tions or Brazers /Brazing Operators and requalifica- tion of existing Brazing Procedure Specifications or Brazers /Brazing Operators shall be in accordance with the current Edition (see Foreword) and Addenda of Section IX. QB-101 Scope The rules in this Section apply to the preparation of Brazing Procedure Specifications, and the qual-

Transcript of Part QB - Brazing

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Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure VesselCode relates to the qualification of welders, weldingoperators, brazers, and brazing operators, and the proce-dures that they employ in welding and brazing accordingto the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code andthe ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping. It is dividedinto two parts: Part QW gives requirements for weldingand Part QB contains requirements for brazing.

QB-100.1 The purpose of the Brazing ProcedureSpecification (BPS) and Procedure Qualification Record(PQR) is to determine that the brazement proposedfor construction is capable of providing the requiredproperties for its intended application. It is presupposedthat the brazer or brazing operator performing thebrazing procedure qualification test is a skilled workman.That is, the brazing procedure qualification test estab-lishes the properties of the brazement, not the skill ofthe brazer or brazing operator. Briefly, a BPS liststhe variables, both essential and nonessential, and theacceptable ranges of these variables when using theBPS. The BPS is intended to provide direction for thebrazer or brazing operator. The PQR lists what wasused in qualifying the BPS and the test results.

QB-100.2 In performance qualification, the basiccriterion established for brazer qualification is to deter-mine the brazer’s ability to make a sound brazed joint.The purpose of the performance qualification test forthe brazing operator is to determine the operator’smechanical ability to operate the brazing equipment.

QB-100.3 Brazing Procedure Specifications (BPS)written and qualified in accordance with the rules ofthis Section, and brazers and operators of automaticand machine brazing equipment also qualified in accord-ance with these rules may be used in any construction


built to the requirements of the ASME Boiler andPressure Vessel Code or the ASME B31 Code forPressure Piping.

However, other Sections of the Code state the condi-tions under which Section IX requirements are manda-tory, in whole or in part, and give additional require-ments. The reader is advised to take these provisionsinto consideration when using this Section.

Brazing Procedure Specifications, Procedure Qualifi-cation Records, and Brazer or Brazing Operator Per-formance Qualifications made in accordance with therequirements of the 1962 Edition or any later Editionof Section IX may be used in any construction builtto the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or theASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping.

Brazing Procedure Specifications, Procedure Qualifi-cation Records, and Brazer or Brazing Operator Per-formance Qualifications made in accordance with therequirements of the Editions of Section IX prior to1962, in which all of the requirements of the 1962Edition or later Editions are met, may also be used.

Brazing Procedure Specifications and Brazer /BrazingOperator Performance Qualification Records meetingthe above requirements do not need to be amended toinclude any variables required by later Editions andAddenda.

Qualification of new Brazing Procedure Specifica-tions or Brazers/Brazing Operators and requalifica-tion of existing Brazing Procedure Specifications orBrazers/Brazing Operators shall be in accordancewith the current Edition (see Foreword) and Addendaof Section IX.

QB-101 Scope

The rules in this Section apply to the preparationof Brazing Procedure Specifications, and the qual-

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QB-101 1998 SECTION IX QB-124

ification of brazing procedures, brazers, and brazingoperators for all types of manual and machine brazingprocesses permitted in this Section. These rules mayalso be applied, insofar as they are applicable, to othermanual or machine brazing processes, permitted inother Sections.

QB-102 Terms and Definitions

Some of the more common terms relating to brazingare defined in QB-492. These are in substantialagreement with the definitions of the American WeldingSociety given in its document, A3.0-89, Standard Weld-ing Terms and Definitions.

Wherever the word pipe is designated, tubes shallalso be applicable.

QB-103 Responsibility

QB-103.1 Brazing.Each manufacturer1 or contractor1

is responsible for the brazing done by his organization,and shall conduct the tests required in this Section toqualify the brazing procedures he uses in the construc-tion of the brazed assemblies built under this Codeand the performance of brazers and brazing operatorswho apply these procedures.

QB-103.2 Records.Each manufacturer or contractorshall maintain a record of the results obtained in brazingprocedure and brazer or brazing operator performancequalifications. These records shall be certified by themanufacturer or contractor and shall be accessible tothe Authorized Inspector. Refer to recommended Formsin Nonmandatory Appendix B.


The orientations of brazes with respect to planes ofreference are classified in accordance with QB-461 intofour positions2 (A, B, C, and D in column 1), basedon the basic flow of brazing filler metal through joints.These positions are flat flow, vertical downflow, verticalupflow, and horizontal flow.

1 Wherever these words are used in Section IX, they shall includeinstaller or assembler.2 In the following paragraphs the wordposition is synonymous withflow position.



Brazed joints may be made in test coupons orientedin any of the positions in QB-461 and as describedin the following paragraphs, except that angular devia-tion from the specified horizontal and vertical flowplanes in accordance with column 1 of QB-461 ispermitted during brazing.

QB-121 Flat-Flow Position

The joints in position suitable for applying brazingfiller metal in rod, strip, or other suitable form underthe flat-flow conditions are shown in sketches (1)through (5) of Line A in QB-461. The maximumpermitted angular deviation from the specified flowplane is 615 deg.

QB-122 Vertical-Downflow Position

The joints in a position suitable for applying brazingfiller metal in rod, strip, or other suitable form underthe vertical-downflow conditions are shown in sketches(1) through (4) of Line B in QB-461. The brazingfiller metal flows by capillary action with the aid ofgravity downward into the joint. The maximum permit-ted angular deviation from the specified flow plane is675 deg.

QB-123 Vertical-Upflow Position

The joints in position suitable for applying brazingfiller metal in rod, strip, or other suitable form underthe vertical-upflow conditions are shown in sketches(1) through (4) of Line C in QB-461. The brazingfiller metal flows by capillary action through the joint.The maximum permitted angular deviation from thespecified flow plane is675 deg.

QB-124 Horizontal-Flow Position

The joints in a position suitable for applying brazingfiller metal in rod, strip, or other suitable form underthe horizontal-flow conditions are shown in sketches(1) and (2) of Line D of QB-461. The brazing fillermetal flows horizontally by capillary action throughthe joint. The maximum permitted angular deviationfrom the specified flow plane is675 deg.

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QB-141 Tests

Tests used in brazing procedure and performancequalifications are as follows.

QB-141.1 Tension Tests.Tension tests, as describedin QB-150, are used to determine the ultimate strengthof brazed butt, scarf, lap, and rabbet joints.

QB-141.2 Guided-Bend Tests.Guided-bend tests,as described in QB-160, are used to determine thedegree of soundness and ductility of butt and scarfjoints.

QB-141.3 Peel Tests.Peel tests, as described in QB-170, are used to determine the quality of the bond andthe amount of defects in lap joints.

QB-141.4 Sectioning Tests.Sectioning tests, i.e.,the sectioning of test coupons, as described in QB-180, are used to determine the soundness of workman-ship coupons or test specimens. Sectioning tests arealso used as a substitute for the peel test where thestrength of brazing filler material is equal to or greaterthan the strength of the base metals.

QB-141.5 Workmanship Coupons. Workmanshipcoupons, as described in QB-182, are used to determinethe soundness of joints other than the standard butt,scarf, lap, and rabbet joints.

QB-141.6 Visual Examination. Visual examinationof brazed joints is used for estimating the soundnessby external appearance, such as continuity of the brazingfiller metal, size, contour, and wetting of fillet alongthe joint and, where appropriate, to determine if fillermetal flowed through the joint from the side of applica-tion to the opposite side.


QB-151 Specimens

Tension test specimens shall conform to one of thetypes illustrated in QB-462.1(a) through QB-462.1(f),and shall meet the requirements of QB-153.

QB-151.1 Reduced Section — Plate.Reduced-sec-tion specimens conforming to the requirements givenin QB-462.1(a) and QB-462.1(c) may be used fortension tests on all thicknesses of plate. The specimensmay be tested in a support fixture in substantial accord-ance with QB-462.1(f).


(a) For thicknesses up to and including 1 in. (25 mm),a full thickness specimen shall be used for each requiredtension test.

(b) For plate thicknesses greater than 1 in. (25 mm),full thickness specimens or multiple specimens maybe used, provided QB-151.1(c) and QB-151.1(d) arecomplied with.

(c) When multiple specimens are used in lieu of fullthickness specimens, each set shall represent a singletension test of the full plate thickness. Collectively, allof the specimens required to represent the full thicknessof the brazed joint at one location shall comprise a set.

(d) When multiple specimens are necessary, the entirethickness shall be mechanically cut into a minimumnumber of approximately equal strips of a size thatcan be tested in the available equipment. Each specimenof the set shall be tested and meet the requirementsof QB-153.

QB-151.2 Reduced Section — Pipe.Reduced-sec-tion specimens conforming to the requirements givenin QB-462.1(b) may be used for tension tests on allthicknesses of pipe or tube having an outside diametergreater than 3 in. (76 mm). The specimens may betested in a support fixture in substantial accordancewith QB-462.1(f).

(a) For thicknesses up to and including 1 in. (25 mm),a full thickness specimen shall be used for each requiredtension test.

(b) For pipe thicknesses greater than 1 in. (25 mm),full thickness specimens or multiple specimens maybe used, provided QB-151.2(c) and QB-151.2(d) arecomplied with.

(c) When multiple specimens are used in lieu of fullthickness specimens, each set shall represent a singletension test of the full pipe thickness. Collectively, allof the specimens required to represent the full thicknessof the brazed joint at one location shall comprise a set.

(d) When multiple specimens are necessary, the entirethickness shall be mechanically cut into a minimumnumber of approximately equal strips of a size thatcan be tested in the available equipment. Each specimenof the set shall be tested and meet the requirementsof QB-153.

QB-151.3 Full-Section Specimens for Pipe.Tensionspecimens conforming to the dimensions given in QB-462.1(e) may be used for testing pipe with an outsidediameter of 3 in. (76 mm) or less.

QB-152 Tension Test Procedure

The tension test specimen shall be ruptured undertensile load. The tensile strength shall be computed by

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QB-152 1998 SECTION IX QB-161.5

dividing the ultimate total load by the least cross-sectional area of the specimen as measured before theload is applied.

QB-153 Acceptance Criteria — Tension Tests

QB-153.1 Tensile Strength.In order to pass thetension test, the specimen shall have a tensile strengththat is not less than:

(a) the specified minimum tensile strength of thebase metal in the annealed condition; or

(b) the specified minimum tensile strength of theweaker of the two in the annealed condition, if basemetals of different specified minimum tensile strengthsare used; or

(c) if the specimen breaks in the base metal outsideof the braze, the test shall be accepted as meeting therequirements, provided the strength is not more than5% below the minimum specified tensile strength ofthe base metal in the annealed condition.

QB-153.1.1 Additional Requirements for SpecificBase Metals

(a) For Aluminum Alclad materials 0.499 in. andless, the specified minimum tensile strength is forfull thickness specimens that include cladding. ForAluminum Alclad materials 0.5 in. and greater, thespecified minimum tensile strength is for both fullthickness specimens that include cladding and specimenstaken from the core.

(b) For copper and copper-based alloys, the minimumspecified tensile value provided by QW/QB-422 is thatgiven for the base metal in the annealed condition andis the acceptance value for qualification.

(c) All P-No. 105 minimum specified tensile values,provided by QW/QB-422, are not designated in therespective SB documents and are the acceptance valuesfor qualifications using T4 or T6 temper base metaland tested in the as-brazed condition.

(d) For P-No. 104 base materials SB-234 and SB-247, the minimum specified tensile values, providedby QW/QB-422, are not designated in the respectiveSB documents and are the acceptance values for qualifi-cation.


QB-161 Specimens

Guided-bend test specimens shall be prepared bycutting the test plate or pipe to form specimens ofapproximately rectangular cross section. The cut sur-faces shall be designated the sides of the specimen.


The other two surfaces shall be designated the firstand second surfaces. The specimen thickness and bendradius are shown in QB-466.1, QB-466.2, and QB-466.3.Guided-bend specimens are of five types, depending onwhether the axis of the joint is transverse or parallelto the longitudinal axis of the specimen, and whichsurface (first or second) is on the convex (outer) sideof the bent specimen. The five types are defined asfollows.

QB-161.1 Transverse First Surface Bend.The jointis transverse to the longitudinal axis of the specimen,which is bent so that the first surface becomes theconvex surface of the bent specimen. In general, thefirst surfaceis defined as that surface from which thebrazing filler metal is applied and is fed by capillaryattraction into the joint. Transverse first surface bendspecimens shall conform to the dimensions shown inQB-462.2(a). For subsize first surface bends, see QB-161.3.

QB-161.2 Transverse Second Surface Bend.Thejoint is transverse to the longitudinal axis of the speci-men, which is bent so that the second surface becomesthe convex surface of the bent specimen. In general,the second surfaceis defined as the surface oppositeto that from which the brazing filler metal is placedor fed, but definitely is the surface opposite to thatdesignated as the first surface, irrespective of how thebrazing filler metal is fed. Transverse second surfacebend specimens shall conform to the dimensions shownin QB-462.2(a). For subsize first surface bends, seeQB-161.3.

QB-161.3 Subsize Transverse Bend.In those caseswhere the wall thickness of the tube or pipe is lessthan 3⁄8 in. (10 mm) and the diameter-to-thickness ratiodoes not permit the preparation of full-size rectangularguided-bend specimens, the 11⁄2 in. (38 mm) widestandard guided-bend specimen shown in QB-462.2(a)may be replaced by three subsize specimens having awidth of 3⁄8 in. (10 mm) or 4t, whichever is less.

QB-161.4 Longitudinal-Bend Tests.Longitudinal-bend tests may be used in lieu of the transverse-bendtests for testing braze metal or base metal combinations,which differ markedly in bending properties between

(a) the two base metals; or(b) the braze metal and the base metal.

QB-161.5 Longitudinal First Surface Bend. Thejoint is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen,which is bent so that the first surface becomes theconvex surface of the bent specimen. The definitionof first surface is as given in QB-161.1. Longitudinal first

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surface bend specimens shall conform to the dimensionsgiven in QB-462.2(b).

QB-161.6 Longitudinal Second Surface Bend.Thejoint is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the specimen,which is bent so that the second surface becomes theconvex surface of the specimen. The definition of thesecond surface is given in QB-161.2. Longitudinalsecond surface bend specimens shall conform to thedimensions given in QB-462.2(b).

QB-162 Guided-Bend Test Procedure

QB-162.1 Jigs.Guided-bend specimens shall be bentin test jigs that are in substantial accordance with QB-466. When using the jigs in accordance with QB-466.1or QB-466.2, the side of the specimen turned towardthe gap of the jig shall be the first surface for firstsurface bend specimens (defined in QB-161.1), and thesecond surface for second surface bend specimens(defined in QB-161.2). The specimen shall be forcedinto the die by applying load on the plunger until thecurvature of the specimen is such that a1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm)diameter wire cannot be inserted between the specimenand the die of QB-466.1, or the specimen is bottomejected, if the roller type of jig (QB-466.2) is used.

When using the wrap around jig (QB-466.3) the sideof the specimen turned toward the roller shall be thefirst surface for first surface bend specimens, and thesecond surface for second surface bend specimens.

QB-163 Acceptance Criteria — Bend Tests

The joint of a transverse-bend specimen shall becompletely within the bent portion of the specimenafter testing.

The guided-bend specimens shall have no open de-fects exceeding1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm), measured in anydirection on the convex surface of the specimen afterbending. Cracks occurring on the corners of the speci-men during testing shall not be considered, unless thereis definite evidence that they result from flux inclusions,voids, or other internal defects.


QB-171 Specimens

The dimensions and preparation of the peel testspecimen shall conform to the requirements of QB-462.3.


QB-172 Acceptance Criteria — Peel Test

In order to pass the peel test, the specimens shallshow evidence of brazing filler metal along each edgeof the joint. Specimens shall be separated or peeledeither by clamping Section A and striking Section Bwith a suitable tool such that the bending occurs atthe fulcrum point (see QB-462.3), or by clampingSection A and Section B in a machine suitable forseparating the sections under tension. The separatedfaying surfaces of joints shall meet the following criteria.

(a) The total area of defects (unbrazed areas, fluxinclusions, etc.) shall not exceed 25% of the total areaof any individual faying surface.

(b) The sum of the lengths of the defects measuredon any one line in the direction of the lap shall notexceed 25% of the lap.

(c) No defect shall extend continuously from oneedge of the joint to the other edge, irrespective of thedirection of the defect.


QB-181 Sectioning Test Specimens

The dimensions and configuration of the sectioningtest specimens shall conform to the requirements ofQB-462.4. Each side of the specimen shall be polishedand examined with at least a four-power magnifyingglass. The sum of the length of unbrazed areas oneither side, considered individually, shall not exceed20% of the length of the joint overlap.

QB-182 Workmanship Coupons

The dimensions and configuration of the workmanshipcoupon shall conform to the nearest approximationof the actual application. Some typical workmanshipcoupons are shown in QB-462.5. Each side of thespecimen shall be polished and examined with at leasta four-power magnifying glass. The sum of the lengthof unbrazed areas on either side, considered individually,shall not exceed 20% of the length of the joint overlap.

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QB-200.1Each manufacturer or contractor shall pre-pare written Brazing Procedure Specifications, whichare defined as follows.

(a) Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS).A BPSis a written qualified brazing procedure prepared toprovide direction for making production brazes to Coderequirements. The BPS or other documents (see (e)below) may be used to provide direction to the brazeror brazing operator to assure compliance with the Coderequirements.

(b) Contents of the BPS.The completed BPS shalldescribe all of the essential and nonessential variablesfor each brazing process used in the BPS. Thesevariables are listed in QB-250 and are defined in ArticleXIV, Brazing Data.

The BPS shall reference the supporting ProcedureQualification Record(s) (PQR) described in QB-200.2.The manufacturer or contractor may include any otherinformation in the BPS that may be helpful in makinga Code braze.

(c) Changes to the BPS.Changes may be made inthe nonessential variables of a BPS to suit productionrequirements without requalification provided suchchanges are documented with respect to the essentialand nonessential variables for each process. This maybe by amendment to the BPS or by use of a new BPS.

Changes in essential variables require requalificationof the BPS [new or additional PQRs to support thechange in essential variable(s)].

(d) Format of the BPS.The information required tobe in the BPS may be in any format, written or tabular,to fit the needs of each manufacturer or contractor, aslong as every essential and nonessential variable outlinedin QB-250 is included or referenced.

Form QB-482 (see Nonmandatory Appendix B) hasbeen provided as a guide for the BPS. It is only aguide and does not list all required data for all brazingprocesses.


(e) Availability of the BPS.A BPS used for Codeproduction brazing shall be available for referenceand review by the Authorized Inspector (AI) at thefabrication site.

QB-200.2 Each manufacturer or contractor shall berequired to prepare a procedure qualification record,which is defined as follows.

(a) Procedure Qualification Record (PQR).A PQRis a record of the brazing data used to braze a testcoupon. The PQR is a record of variables recordedduring the brazing of the test coupons. It also containsthe test results of the tested specimens. Recorded vari-ables normally fall within a small range of the actualvariables that will be used in production brazing.

(b) Contents of the PQR.The completed PQR shalldocument all essential variables of QB-250 for eachbrazing process used during the brazing of the testcoupon. Nonessential or other variables used duringthe brazing of the test coupon may be recorded at themanufacturer’s or contractor’s option. All variables, ifrecorded, shall be the actual variables (including ranges)used during the brazing of the test coupon. If variablesare not monitored during brazing, they shall not berecorded. It is not intended that the full range or theextreme of a given range of variables to be used inproduction be used during qualification unless requireddue to a specific essential variable.

The PQR shall be certified accurate by the manufac-turer or contractor. The manufacturer or contractormay not subcontract the certification function. Thiscertification is intended to be the manufacturer’s orcontractor’s verification that the information in the PQRis a true record of the variables that were used duringthe brazing of the test coupon and that the resultingtensile, bend, peel, or section (as required) test resultsare in compliance with Section IX.

(c) Changes to the PQR.Changes to the PQR arenot permitted, except as described below. It is a recordof what happened during a particular brazing test.Editorial corrections or addenda to the PQR are permit-

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QB-200.2 1998 SECTION IX QB-201

ted. An example of an editorial correction is an incorrectP-Number or F-Number that was assigned to a particularbase material or filler metal. An example of an adden-dum would be a change resulting from a Code change.For example, Section IX may assign a new F-Numberto a filler material or adopt a new filler material underan established F-Number. This may permit, dependingon the particular construction Code requirements, amanufacturer or contractor to use other filler metalsthat fall within that particular F-Number where, priorto the Code revision, the manufacturer or contractorwas limited to the particular electrode classificationthat was used during qualification. Additional informa-tion can be incorporated into a PQR at a later dateprovided the information is substantiated as havingbeen part of the original qualification condition by labrecord or similar data.

All changes to a PQR require recertification (includingdate) by the manufacturer or contractor.

(d) Format of the PQR.Form QB-483 (see Nonman-datory Appendix B) has been provided as a guide forthe PQR. The information required to be in the PQR maybe in any format, to fit the needs of each manufacturer orcontractor, as long as every essential variable, requiredby QB-250, is included. Also the type of tests, numberof tests, and test results shall be listed in the PQR.Additional sketches or information may be attached orreferenced to record the required variables.

(e) Availability of the PQR.PQRs used to supportBPSs shall be available, upon request, for review bythe Authorized Inspector (AI). The PQR need not beavailable to the brazer or brazing operator.

(f) Multiple BPSs With One PQR/Multiple PQRsWith One BPS.Several BPSs may be prepared fromthe data on a single PQR (e.g., a vertical-upflow pipePQR may support BPSs for the vertical-upflow anddownflow positions on pipe within all other essentialvariables). A single BPS may cover several essentialvariable changes as long as a supporting PQR existsfor each essential variable.

QB-200.3To reduce the number of brazing procedurequalifications required, P-Numbers are assigned to basemetals dependent on characteristics such as composition,brazability, and mechanical properties, where this canlogically be done, and for ferrous and nonferrous metals.

The assignments do not imply that base metals maybe indiscriminately substituted for a base metal whichwas used in the qualification test without considerationof the compatibility from the standpoint of metallurgicalproperties, postbraze heat treatment, design, mechanicalproperties, and service requirements. For certain materi-als permitted by the ASME / ANSI B31 Code for Pres-


sure Piping or by selected Code Cases of the ASMEBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code, S-Number groupingsare assigned. These groupings are similar to the P-Number groupings of QW/QB-422. Qualification limitsare given in QW-420.2.

QB-200.4 Dissimilar Base Metal Thicknesses.ABPS qualified on test coupons of equal thickness shall beapplicable for production brazements between dissimilarbase metal thicknesses provided the thickness of bothbase metals are within the qualified thickness rangepermitted by QB-451. A BPS qualified on test couponsof different thicknesses shall be applicable for produc-tion brazements between dissimilar base metal thick-nesses provided the thickness of each base metal iswithin the qualified range of thickness (based on eachtest coupon thickness) permitted by QB-451.

QB-201 Manufacturer’s or Contractor’sResponsibility

Each manufacturer or contractor shall list the parame-ters applicable to brazing that he performs in construc-tion of brazements built in accordance with this Code.These parameters shall be listed in a document knownas a Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS).

Each manufacturer or contractor shall qualify theBPS by the brazing of test coupons and the testing ofspecimens (as required in this Code), and the recordingof the brazing data and test results in a documentknown as a Procedure Qualification Record (PQR). Thebrazers or brazing operators used to produce brazementsto be tested for qualification of procedures shall be underthe full supervision and control of the manufacturer orcontractor during the production of these testbrazements. It is not permissible for the manufactureror contractor to have the brazing of the test brazementsperformed by another organization. It is permissible,however, to subcontract any or all of the work ofpreparation of test metal for brazing and subsequentwork on preparation of test specimens from the com-pleted brazement, performance of nondestructive exami-nation, and mechanical tests, provided the manufactureror contractor accepts the responsibility for any suchwork.

The Code recognizes a manufacturer or contractoras the organization which has responsible operationalcontrol of the production of the brazements to be madein accordance with this Code. If in an organizationeffective operational control of brazing procedure quali-fication for two or more companies of different namesexists, the companies involved shall describe in theirQuality Control system/Quality Assurance Program, the

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operational control of procedure qualifications. In thiscase separate brazing procedure qualifications are notrequired, provided all other requirements of Section IXare met.

A BPS may require the support of more than onePQR, while alternatively, one PQR may support anumber of BPSs.

The manufacturer or contractor shall certify that hehas qualified each Brazing Procedure Specification,performed the procedure qualification test, and docu-mented it with the necessary Procedure QualificationRecord (PQR).

QB-201.1 The Code recognizes that manufacturersor contractors may maintain effective operational controlof PQRs and BPSs under different ownership thanexisted during the original procedure qualification. Whena manufacturer or contractor or part of a manufactureror contractor is acquired by a new owner(s), the PQRsand BPSs may be used by the new owner(s) withoutrequalification provided all of the following are met:

(a) the new owner(s) takes responsibility for theBPSs and PQRs;

(b) the BPSs reflect the name of the new owner(s);(c) the Quality Control System/Quality Assurance

Program reflects the source of the PQRs as being fromthe former manufacturer or contractor.

QB-202 Type of Tests Required

QB-202.1 Tests.The type and number of test speci-mens which shall be tested to qualify a brazing proce-dure are given in QB-451, and shall be removed in amanner similar to that shown in QB-463. If any testspecimen required by QB-451 fails to meet the applica-ble acceptance criteria, the test coupon shall be consid-ered as failed, and a new test coupon shall be brazed.

QB-202.2 Base Metals.The procedure qualificationshall encompass the thickness ranges to be used inproduction for the base metals to be joined or repaired.The range of thickness qualified is given in QB-451.

QB-203 Limits of Qualified Flow Positions forProcedures (See QB-461)

QB-203.1 For plate, qualification in the flat-flow,vertical-upflow, or horizontal-flow position shall qualifyfor the vertical-downflow position. For pipe, qualifica-tion in the horizontal-flow or vertical-upflow positionshall qualify for the vertical-downflow position.

Qualification in pipe shall qualify for plate, but notvice versa. Horizontal-flow in pipe shall also qualifyfor flat-flow in plate.


QB-203.2 Special Flow Positions.A fabricator whodoes production brazing in a special orientation maymake the tests for procedure qualification in this specificorientation. Such qualifications are valid only for theflow positions actually tested, except that an angulardeviation of 615 deg. is permitted in the inclinationof the braze plane, as defined in QB-461.

QB-203.3 The brazing process must be compatible,and the brazing filler metals, such as defined in thespecifications of Section II, Part C, must be suitablefor their use in specific flow positions. A brazer orbrazing operator making and passing the BPS qual-ification test is thereby qualified for the flow positiontested (see QB-301.2).


QB-211 Base Metal and Filler Metal

The base metals and filler metals shall be one ormore of those listed in the BPS. The dimensions ofthe test assembly shall be sufficient to provide therequired test specimens.

The base metals may consist of either plate, pipe,or other product forms. Qualification in pipe also qual-ifies for plate brazing, but not vice versa.

QB-212 Type and Dimension of Joints

The test coupon shall be brazed using a type ofjoint design proposed in the BPS for use in construction.


QB-251 General

QB-251.1 Types of Variables for Brazing Proce-dure Specification (BPS).Brazing variables (listed foreach brazing process in QB-252 through QB-257) aresubdivided into essential and nonessential variables(QB-401).

QB-251.2 Essential Variables.Essential variablesare those in which a change, as described in thespecific variables, is considered to affect the mechanicalproperties of the brazement, and shall require requalifi-cation of the BPS.

QB-251.3 Nonessential Variables.Nonessential vari-ables are those in which a change, as described in thespecific variables, may be made in the BPS withoutrequalification.

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QB-252 1998 SECTION IX


252.1 Essential Variables 252.2 Nonessential Variables

QB-402 Base Metal QB-402.1 . . .QB-402.3 . . .

QB-403 Brazing Filler Metal QB-403.1 . . .QB-403.2 . . .

QB-406 Brazing Flux, Gas, orQB-406.1 QB-406.3


QB-407 Flow Position QB-407.1 . . .

QB-408 Joint Design QB-408.2 . . .QB-408.4 . . .

QB-409 Postbraze Heat Treatment QB-409.1 . . .QB-409.2 . . .QB-409.3 . . .

QB-410 Technique . . . QB-410.1. . . QB-410.2. . . QB-410.3. . . QB-410.4. . . QB-410.5


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253.1 Essential Variables 253.2 Nonessential Variables

QB-402 Base Metal QB-402.1 . . .QB-402.3 . . .

QB-403 Brazing Filler Metal QB-403.1 . . .QB-403.2 . . .

QB-404 Brazing Temperature QB-404.1 . . .

QB-406 Brazing Flux, Gas, or QB-406.1 . . .Atmosphere QB-406.2 . . .

QB-407 Flow Position QB-407.1 . . .

QB-408 Joint Design QB-408.2 . . .QB-408.4 . . .

QB-409 Postbraze Heat Treatment QB-409.1 . . .QB-409.2 . . .QB-409.3 . . .

QB-410 Technique . . . QB-410.1. . . QB-410.2


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QB-254 1998 SECTION IX


254.1 Essential Variables 254.2 Nonessential Variables

QB-402 Base Metal QB-402.1 . . .QB-402.3 . . .

QB-403 Brazing Filler Metal QB-403.1 . . .QB-403.2 . . .

QB-404 Brazing Temperature QB-404.1 . . .

QB-406 Brazing Flux, Gas, orQB-406.1 . . .


QB-407 Flow Position QB-407.1 . . .

QB-408 Joint Design QB-408.2 . . .QB-408.4 . . .

QB-409 Postbraze Heat Treatment QB-409.1 . . .QB-409.2 . . .QB-409.3 . . .

QB-410 Technique . . . QB-410.1. . . QB-410.2


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255.1 Essential Variables 255.2 Nonessential Variables

QB-402 Base Metal QB-402.1 . . .QB-402.3 . . .

QB-403 Brazing Filler Metal QB-403.1 . . .QB-403.2 . . .

QB-404 Brazing Temperature QB-404.1 . . .

QB-406 Brazing Flux, Gas, orQB-406.1 . . .


QB-407 Flow Position QB-407.1 . . .

QB-408 Joint Design QB-408.2 . . .QB-408.4 . . .

QB-409 Postbraze Heat Treatment QB-409.1 . . .QB-409.2 . . .QB-409.3 . . .

QB-410 Technique . . . QB-410.1. . . QB-410.2


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QB-256 1998 SECTION IX


256.1 Essential Variables 256.2 Nonessential Variables

QB-402 Base Metal QB-402.1 . . .QB-402.3 . . .

QB-403 Brazing Filler Metal QB-403.1 . . .QB-403.2 . . .

QB-404 Brazing Temperature QB-404.1 . . .

QB-406 Brazing Flux, Gas, orQB-406.1 . . .


QB-407 Flow Position QB-407.1 . . .

QB-408 Joint Design QB-408.2 . . .QB-408.4 . . .

QB-409 Postbraze Heat Treatment QB-409.1 . . .QB-409.2 . . .QB-409.3 . . .

QB-410 Technique . . . QB-410.1. . . QB-410.2


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257.1 Essential Variables 257.2 Nonessential Variables

QB-402 Base Metal QB-402.1 . . .QB-402.3 . . .

QB-403 Brazing Filler Metal QB-403.1 . . .QB-403.2 . . .

QB-404 Brazing Temperature QB-404.1 . . .

QB-406 Brazing Flux, Gas, orQB-406.1 . . .


QB-407 Flow Position QB-407.1 . . .

QB-408 Joint Design QB-408.2 . . .QB-408.4 . . .

QB-409 Postbraze Heat Treatment QB-409.1 . . .QB-409.2 . . .QB-409.3 . . .

QB-410 Technique . . . QB-410.1. . . QB-410.2


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QB-300.1 This Article lists the brazing processesseparately, with the essential variables which apply tobrazer and brazing operator performance qualifications.

The brazer qualification is limited by the essentialvariables given for each brazing process. These variablesare listed in QB-350, and are defined in Article XIV,Brazing Data. The brazing operator qualification islimited by the essential variables given in QB-350 foreach brazing process.

QB-300.2 The basic premises of responsibility inregard to brazing are contained within QB-103 andQB-301.2. These paragraphs require that each manufac-turer or contractor shall be responsible for conductingtests to qualify the performance of brazers and brazingoperators in accordance with one of his qualified BrazingProcedure Specifications, which his organization em-ploys in the construction of brazements built in accord-ance with the Code. The purpose of this requirementis to ensure that the manufacturer or contractor hasdetermined that his brazers and brazing operators usinghis procedures are capable of developing the minimumrequirements specified for an acceptable brazement.This responsibility cannot be delegated to another orga-nization.

The brazers or brazing operators used to produce suchbrazements shall be tested under the full supervision andcontrol of the manufacturer or contractor during theproduction of these test brazements. It is not permissiblefor the manufacturer or contractor to have the brazingperformed by another organization. It is permissible,however, to subcontract any or all of the work ofpreparation of test materials for brazing, subsequentwork on the preparation of test specimens from thecompleted brazement, and performance of nondestruc-tive examination and mechanical tests, provided themanufacturer or contractor accepts full responsibilityfor any such work.

The Code recognizes a manufacturer or contractoras the organization which has responsible operational


control of the production of the brazement to be madein accordance with this Code. If in an organizationeffective operational control of the brazer performancequalification for two or more companies of differentnames exists, the companies involved must establish,to the satisfaction of the ASME Boiler and PressureVessel Committee, that the necessary controls are ap-plied, in which case requalification of brazers andbrazing operators within the companies of such anorganization will not be required, provided all otherrequirements of Section IX are met.

QB-300.3More than one manufacturer or contractormay simultaneously qualify one or more brazers orbrazing operators. When simultaneous qualificationsare conducted, each participating organization shall berepresented by a responsible employee during brazingof the test coupons.

The brazing procedure specifications (BPS) whichare followed during simultaneous qualifications shallbe compared by the participating organizations. Thequalified thickness ranges for base metal and depositedbraze metal need not be identical, but these thicknessesshall be adequate to permit brazing of the test coupons.Alternatively, the participating organizations shall agreeupon the use of a single BPS provided each participatingorganization has a PQR(s) to support the BPS coveringthe range of variables to be followed in the performancequalification. When a single BPS is to be followed,each participating organization shall review and acceptthat BPS.

Each participating organization’s representative shallpositively identify each brazer or brazing operator whois being tested. Each organizational representative shallalso verify marking of the test coupon with the brazer’sor brazing operator’s identification, and marking of thetop of the test coupon when the orientation must beknown in order to remove test specimens.

Each organizational representative shall complete andsign a Record of Brazer or Brazing Operator Qualifica-

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QB-300.3 1998 SECTION IX QB-303.4

tion (Form QB-484 or equivalent) for each brazer orbrazing operator.

When a brazer or brazing operator changes employers,that new participating organization shall verify that thebrazer’s continuity of qualifications has been maintainedas required by QB-322 by previous employers sincehis qualification date. If the brazer or brazing operatorhas had his qualification withdrawn for specific reasons,the employing organization shall notify all participatingorganizations that the brazer’s or brazing operator’squalification(s) has been revoked in accordance withQB-322(b). The new organization shall determine thatthe brazer or brazing operator can perform satisfactorywork in accordance with this Section.

When a brazer’s or brazing operator’s qualificationsare renewed in accordance with the provisions of QB-322, each renewing organization shall be representedby a responsible employee and the testing proceduresshall follow the rules of this paragraph.

QB-301 Tests

QB-301.1 Intent of Tests.The performance qual-ification tests are intended to determine the ability ofbrazers and brazing operators to make sound brazejoints.

QB-301.2 Qualification Tests. Each manufactureror contractor shall qualify each brazer or brazing opera-tor for each brazing process to be used in productionbrazing. The performance qualification test shall bebrazed in accordance with one of any of his qualifiedBrazing Procedure Specifications (BPS).

The brazer or brazing operator who prepares theBPS qualification test coupons is also qualified withinthe limits of the performance qualifications, listed inQB-304 for brazers and in QB-305 for brazing operators.He is qualified only for the positions tested in theprocedure qualification in accordance with QB-407.

The performance test may be terminated at any stageof the testing procedure, whenever it becomes apparentto the supervisor conducting the tests that the brazeror brazing operator does not have the required skill toproduce satisfactory results.

QB-301.3 Identification of Brazers and BrazingOperators. Each qualified brazer and brazing operatorshall be assigned an identifying number, letter, orsymbol by the manufacturer or contractor, which shallbe used to identify the work of that brazer or brazingoperator.

QB-301.4 Record of Tests.The record of Brazeror Brazing Operator Performance Qualification (BPQ)


tests shall include the essential variables (QB-350), thetype of tests and the test results, and the ranges qualifiedin accordance with QB-452 for each brazer and brazingoperator. A suggested form for these records is givenin Form QB-484 (see Nonmandatory Appendix B).

QB-302 Type of Test Required

QB-302.1 Test Specimens.The type and number oftest specimens required shall be in accordance withQB-452, and shall be removed in a manner similar tothat shown in QB-463.

All test specimens shall meet the requirements pre-scribed in QB-170 or QB-180, as applicable. Testsfor brazing operators shall meet the requirements ofQB-305.

QB-302.2 Test Coupons in Pipe.For test couponsmade in pipe, specimens shall be removed as shownin QB-463.2(c) at approximately 180 deg. apart.

QB-302.3 Combination of Base Metal Thicknesses.When joints are brazed between two base metals ofdifferent thicknesses, a performance qualification shallbe made for the applicable combination of thicknesses,even though qualification tests have been made foreach of the individual base metals brazed to itself. Therange of thickness of each of the base metals shall bedetermined individually per QB-452.

QB-303 Limits of Qualified Positions(See QB-461)

QB-303.1 For plate, qualification in the flat-flow,vertical-upflow, or horizontal-flow positions shall qual-ify for the vertical-downflow position.

QB-303.2 For pipe, qualification in either the hori-zontal-flow or vertical-upflow position shall qualify forthe vertical-downflow position.

QB-303.3Qualification in pipe shall qualify for plate,but not vice versa. Horizontal-flow in pipe shall qualifyfor flat-flow in plate.

QB-303.4 Special Positions.A fabricator who doesproduction brazing in a special orientation may makethe tests for performance qualification in this specificorientation. Such qualifications are valid only for theflow positions actually tested, except that an angulardeviation of 615 deg. is permitted in the inclinationof the braze plane, as defined in QB-461.

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QB-304 Brazers

Each brazer who brazes under the rules of this Codeshall have passed the tests prescribed in QB-302 forperformance qualifications.

A brazer qualified to braze in accordance with one quali-fied BPS is also qualified to braze in accordance with otherqualified BPSs, using the same brazing process, within thelimits of the essential variables of QB-350.

QB-305 Brazing Operators

The brazing operator who prepares brazing procedurequalification test specimens meeting requirements ofQB-451 is thereby qualified. Alternatively, each brazingoperator who brazes on vessels constructed under therules of this Code shall be examined for each brazingprocedure under which he does brazing by semiauto-matic or automatic processes (such as the resistance,induction, or furnace processes) as follows.

(a) A typical joint or workmanship coupon em-bodying the requirements of a qualified brazing proce-dure shall be brazed and sectioned. Typical joints areshown in QB-462.5.

(b) In order to ensure that the operator can carry outthe provisions of the brazing procedure, the test sectionsrequired in (a) shall meet the requirements of QB-452.


QB-310.1 Test Coupons.The test coupons may beplate, pipe, or other product forms. The dimensions ofthe test coupon and length of braze shall be sufficientto provide the required test specimens.

QB-310.2 Braze Joint.The dimensions of the brazejoint at the test coupon used in making qualificationtests shall be the same as those in the Brazing ProcedureSpecification (BPS).

QB-310.3 Base Metals.When a brazer or brazingoperator is to be qualified, the test coupon shall bebase metal of the P-Number or P-Numbers to be joinedin production brazing.


QB-321 Retests

A brazer or brazing operator who fails to meet therequirements for one or more of the test specimensprescribed in QB-452 may be retested under the follow-ing conditions.


QB-321.1 Immediate Retest.When an immediateretest is made, the brazer or brazing operator shallmake two consecutive test coupons for each positionwhich he has failed, all of which shall pass the testrequirements.

QB-321.2 Further Training. When the brazer orbrazing operator has had further training or practice,a complete retest shall be made for each position onwhich he failed to meet the requirements.

QB-322 Renewal of Qualification

Renewal of qualification of a performance qual-ification is required:

(a) when a brazer or brazing operator has not usedthe specific brazing process for a period of 6 monthsor more; or

(b) when there is a specific reason to question hisability to make brazes that meet the specification.Renewal of qualification for a specific brazing processunder (a) may be made with specific brazing processby making only one test joint (plate or pipe) with allthe essential variables used on any one of the brazer’sor brazing operator’s previous qualification test joints.This will reestablish the brazer’s or brazing operator’squalification for all conditions for which he had pre-viously qualified with the specific brazing process.


QB-351 General

A brazer or brazing operator shall be requalifiedwhenever a change is made in one or more of theessential variables for each brazing process, as listedin QB-352 through QB-357.

QB-352 Torch Brazing (TB)

QB-352.1 Essential Variables

QB-402 Base MetalQB-402.2QB-402.3

QB-403 Brazing Filler MetalQB-403.1QB-403.2

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QB-352 1998 SECTION IX QB-357

QB-407 Flow PositionQB-407.1

QB-408 Joint DesignQB-408.1QB-408.3

QB-410 TechniqueQB-410.5

QB-353 Furnace Brazing (FB)

QB-353.1 Essential Variables

QB-402 Base MetalQB-402.2QB-402.3

QB-403 Brazing Filler MetalQB-403.1QB-403.2

QB-407 Flow PositionQB-407.1

QB-408 Joint DesignQB-408.1QB-408.3

QB-354 Induction Brazing (IB)

QB-354.1 Essential Variables

QB-402 Base MetalQB-402.2QB-402.3

QB-403 Brazing Filler MetalQB-403.1QB-403.2

QB-407 Flow PositionQB-407.1

QB-408 Joint DesignQB-408.1QB-408.3


QB-355 Resistance Brazing (RB)

QB-355.1 Essential Variables

QB-402 Base MetalQB-402.2QB-402.3

QB-403 Brazing Filler MetalQB-403.1QB-403.2

QB-407 Flow PositionQB-407.1

QB-408 Joint DesignQB-408.1QB-408.3

QB-356 Dip Brazing—Salt or Flux Bath (DB)

QB-356.1 Essential Variables

QB-402 Base MetalQB-402.2QB-402.3

QB-403 Brazing Filler MetalQB-403.1QB-403.2

QB-407 Flow PositionQB-407.1

QB-408 Joint DesignQB-408.1QB-408.3

QB-357 Dip Brazing—Molten Metal Bath(DB)

QB-357.1 Essential Variables

QB-402 Base MetalQB-402.2QB-402.3

QB-403 Brazing Filler MetalQB-403.1QB-403.2

QB-407 Flow PositionQB-407.1

QB-408 Joint DesignQB-408.1QB-408.3

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QB-401 General

QB-401.1 Each brazing variable described in thisArticle is applicable as an essential or nonessentialvariable for procedure qualification when referenced inQB-250 for each specific process. Essential variablesfor performance qualification are referenced in QB-350for each specific brazing process. A change from onebrazing process to another brazing process is an essentialvariable and requires requalification.

QB-402 Base Metal

QB-402.1 A change from a base metal listed underone P-Number in QW/QB-422 to any of the following:

(a) a metal listed under another P-Number;(b) any other base metal not listed in QW/QB-422;(c) as permitted in QW-420.2 (for S-Numbers).The brazing of dissimilar metal joints need not be

requalified if each base metal involved is qualifiedindividually for the same brazing filler metal, flux,atmosphere, and process. Similarly, the brazing of dis-similar metal joints qualifies for the individual basemetal brazed to itself and for the same brazing fillermetal, flux, atmosphere, and process, provided therequirements of QB-153.1(a) are met.

QB-402.2 A change in either or both of the basemetals from an alloy listed under one P-Number inQW/QB-422 to any of the following:

(a) an alloy listed under another P-Number;(b) a base metal not listed in QW/QB-422;(c) as permitted in QW-420.2 (for S-Numbers).

QB-402.3 A change in base metal thickness beyondthe range qualified in QB-451.


QB-403 Brazing Filler Metal

QB-403.1A change from one F-Number in QB-432to any other F-Number, or to any other filler metalnot listed in QB-432.

QB-403.2A change in filler metal from one productform to another (for example, from preformed ring topaste).

QB-404 Brazing Temperature

QB-404.1 A change in brazing temperature to avalue outside the range specified in the BPS.

QB-406 Brazing Flux, Fuel Gas, orAtmosphere

QB-406.1 The addition or deletion of brazing flux,or a change in the nominal chemical composition ofbrazing flux.

QB-406.2A change in the furnace atmosphere fromone basic type to another type. For example:

(1) reducing to inert(2) carburizing to decarburizing(3) hydrogen to disassociated ammonia

QB-406.3 A change in the type of fuel gas(es).

QB-407 Flow Position

QB-407.1 The addition of other brazing positionsthan those already qualified (see QB-120 through QB-124, QB-203 for procedure, and QB-303 for per-formance).

(a) If the brazing filler metal is preplaced or facefedfrom outside the joint, then requalification is requiredin accordance with the positions defined in QB-461under the conditions of QB-120 through QB-124.

(b) If the brazing filler metal is preplaced in ajoint in a manner that major flow does occur, thenrequalification is required in accordance with the posi-

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QB-407.1 1998 SECTION IX QB-410.5

tions defined in QB-461 under the conditions of QB-120 through QB-124.

(c) If the brazing filler metal is preplaced in a jointso that there is no major flow, then the joint may bebrazed in any position without requalification.

QB-408 Joint Design

QB-408.1 A change in the joint type, i.e., from abutt to a lap or socket, from that qualified. For lap orsocket joints, an increase in lap length of more than25% from the overlap used on the brazer performancequalification test coupon.

QB-408.2A change in the joint clearances to a valueoutside the range specified in the BPS and as recordedin the PQR.

QB-408.3A change in the joint clearances to a valueoutside the range specified in the BPS.

QB-408.4 A change in the joint type, e.g., from abutt to a lap or socket, from that qualified. For lapand socket joints, a decrease in overlap length fromthat qualified.

QB-409 Postbraze Heat Treatment

QB-409.1 A separate procedure qualification is re-quired for each of the following conditions.

(a) For P-No. 101 and P-No. 102 materials, thefollowing postbraze heat treatment conditions apply:

(1) no postbraze heat treatment;(2) postbraze heat treatment below the lower trans-

formation temperature;(3) postbraze heat treatment above the upper trans-

formation temperature (e.g., normalizing);(4) postbraze heat treatment above the upper trans-

formation temperature followed by heat treatment below


the lower transformation temperature (e.g., normalizingor quenching followed by tempering);

(5) postbraze heat treatment between the upperand lower transformation temperatures.

(b) For all other materials, the following post weldheat treatment conditions apply:

(1) no postbraze heat treatment;(2) postbraze heat treatment within a specified

temperature range.

QB-409.2 A change in the postbraze heat treatment(see QB-409.1) temperature and time range requiresa PQR.

The procedure qualification test shall be subjectedto postbraze heat treatment essentially equivalent to thatencountered in the fabrication of production brazements,including at least 80% of the aggregate time at tempera-ture(s). The postbraze heat treatment total time(s) attemperature(s) may be applied in one heating cycle.

QB-409.3 For a procedure qualification test couponreceiving a postbraze heat treatment in which the uppertransformation temperature is exceeded, the maximumqualified thickness for production brazements is 1.1times the thickness of the test coupon.

QB-410 Technique

QB-410.1 A change in the method of preparing thebase metal, i.e., method of precleaning the joints (forexample, from chemical cleaning to cleaning by abrasiveor mechanical means).

QB-410.2 A change in the method of postbrazecleaning (for example, from chemical cleaning to clean-ing by wire brushing or wiping with a wet rag).

QB-410.3 A change in the nature of the flame (forexample, a change from neutral or slightly reducing).

QB-410.4 A change in the brazing tip sizes.

QB-410.5A change from manual to mechanical torchbrazing and vice versa.


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QB-416 A99

BRAZING VARIABLESBrazer and Brazing Operator Performance


DB DBTB FB IB RB (Salt/Flux) (Molten Metal)

Paragraph Brief of Variables QB-352 QB-353 QB-354 QB-355 QB-356 QB-357

.2 f P-Number X X X X X X

.3 f T Qualified X X X X X X

QB-402Base Metal

.1 f F-Number X X X X X X

.2 f Filler product form X X X X X X

QB-403Filler Metal

QB-407.1 + Those qualified X X X X X X

Flow Position

.1 f Joint details X X X X X X

.3 6 Clearance specified in BPS X X X X X X

QB-408Joint Design

QB-410.5 f Method X


Legend: Welding Processes:

f Change TB Torch brazing+ Addition or greater FB Furnace brazing− Deletion or less IB Induction brazingT Thickness RB Resistance brazing

DB Dip brazing


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QB-420 1998 SECTION IX QB-432


(See Part QW, Welding — QW-420)


QB-431 General

The following F-Number grouping of brazing fillermetals in QB-432 is based essentially on their usabilitycharacteristics, which fundamentally determine the abil-ity of brazers and brazing operators to make satisfactory


Grouping of Brazing Filler Metals for Procedure and Performance Qualification SFA-5.8

QB F-No. AWS Classification No.

101 BAg-1432.1 BAg-1a


432.2 102 BAg-2BAg-2aBAg-3BAg-4BAg-5BAg-6BAg-7BAg-9BAg-10BAg-13BAg-13aBAg-18BAg-19BAg-20BAg-21BAg-24BAg-26BAg-27BAg-28BAg-33BAg-34BAg-35BAg-36BAg-37BVAg-6bBVAg-18BVAg-29BVAg-31BVAg-32

(QB-432 continues on next page)


brazements with a given filler metal. This grouping ismade to reduce the number of brazing procedure andperformance qualifications, where this can logically bedone. The grouping does not imply that filler metalswithin a group may be indiscriminately substituted fora filler metal which was used in the qualification testwithout consideration of the compatibility from thestandpoint of metallurgical properties, design, mechani-cal properties, postbraze heat treatment, and servicerequirements.

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Grouping of Brazing Filler Metals for Procedure and Performance Qualification SFA-5.8

QB F-No. AWS Classification No.

432.3 103 BCuP-1BCuP-2BCuP-3BCuP-4BCuP-5BCuP-6BCuP-7

432.4 104 BAlSi-2BAlSi-3BAlSi-4BAlSi-5BAlSi-7BAlSi-9BAlSi-11

432.5 105 BCu-1BVCu-1xBCu-1aBCu-2

432.6 106 RBCuZn-ARBCuZn-BRBCuZn-CRBCuZn-D

432.7 107 BNi-1BNi-1aBNi-2BNi-3BNi-4BNi-5BNi-5aBNi-6BNi-7BNi-8BNi-9BNi-10BNi-11

432.8 108 BAu-1BAu-2BAu-3BAu-4BAu-5BAu-6BVAu-2BVAu-4BVAu-7BVAu-8

432.9 109 BMg-1

432.10 110 BCo-1

432.11 111 BVPd-1


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QB-450 1998 SECTION IX QB-451.3


QB-451 Procedure Qualification Specimens



Range of Thicknessof Materials Qualified Type and Number of Test Specimens Required

by Test Plate orThickness T of Pipe, in. First Surface Second SurfaceTest Coupon as Tension Bend Bend

Brazed, in. Min. Max. QB-462.1 QB-462.2(a) QB-462.2(a)

Less than 1⁄8 0.5T 2T 2 2 21⁄8 to 3⁄8, incl. 1⁄16 2T 2 2 2Over 3⁄8 3⁄16 2T 2 [Note (1)] 2 2

NOTE:(1) See QB-151 for details on multiple specimens when coupon thicknesses are over 1 in.



Range of Thicknessof Materials Qualified Type and Number of Test Specimens Required

by Test Plate orThickness T of Pipe, in. First Surface Second SurfaceTest Coupon as Tension Bend Bend

Brazed, in. Min. Max. QB-462.1 QB-462.2(b) QB-462.2(b)

Less than 1⁄8 0.5T 2T 2 2 21⁄8 to 3⁄8, incl. 1⁄16 2T 2 2 2Over 3⁄8 3⁄16 2T 2 [Note (1)] 2 2

NOTE:(1) See QB-151 for details on multiple specimens when coupon thicknesses are over 1 in.



Range of Thicknessof Materials Qualified

by Test Plate orPipe, in. Type and Number of Test Specimens Required

Thickness T ofTest Coupon as Tension Peel

Brazed, in. Min. Max. QB-462.1 QB-462.3 [Note (1)]

Less than 1⁄8 0.5T 2T 2 21⁄8 to 3⁄8, incl. 1⁄16 2T 2 2Over 3⁄8 3⁄16 2T 2 2

NOTE:(1) For a joint brazed with a filler metal having a tensile strength equal to or greater than that of the metal being joined, the specimens shall

be sectioned as shown in QB-462.4.


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QB-451.4 BRAZING DATA QB-451.5

QB-451.4 A99


Range of Thicknessof Materials Qualified

by Test Plate orPipe, in. Type and Number of Test Specimens Required

Thickness T ofTest Coupon as Tension Section

Brazed, in. Min. Max. QB-462.1 QB-462.4

Less than 1⁄8 0.5T 2T 2 21⁄8 to 3⁄8, incl. 1⁄16 2T 2 2Over 3⁄8 3⁄16 2T 2 2

QB-451.5 A99


Range of Thicknessof Materials Qualified

by Test Plate or Type and Number of Test Specimens RequiredThickness T of Pipe, in.Test Coupon as Section

Brazed, in. Min. Max. QB-462.5 [Note (1)]

Less than 1⁄8 0.5T 2T 21⁄8 to 3⁄8, incl. 1⁄16 2T 2Over 3⁄8 3⁄16 2T 2

NOTE:(1) This test in itself does not constitute procedure qualification but must be validated by conductance of tests of butt or lap joints as appropriate.

For joints connecting tension members, such as the stay or partition type in QB-462.5, the validation data may be based upon butt joints;for joints connecting members in shear, such as saddle or spud joints, the validation data may be based on lap joints.


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QB-452 1998 SECTION IX QB-452.2

QB-452 Performance Qualification Specimens



Range of Thicknessof Materials Qualified

by Test Plate or Type and Number of Test Specimens RequiredThickness T of Pipe, in.Test Coupon as Peel

Brazed, in. Min. Max. QB-462.3 [Note (1)]

Less than 1⁄8 0.5T 2T 21⁄8 to 3⁄8, incl. 1⁄16 2T 2Over 3⁄8 3⁄16 2T 2

NOTE:(1) For a joint brazed with a filler metal having a tensile strength equal to or greater than that of the metal being joined, the specimens shall

be sectioned as shown in QB-462.4.



Range of Thicknessof Materials Qualified

by Test Plate or Type and Number of Test Specimens RequiredThickness T of Pipe, in.Test Coupon as Section

Brazed, in. Min. Max. QB-462.5

Less than 1⁄8 0.5T 2T 11⁄8 to 3⁄8, incl. 1⁄16 2T 1Over 3⁄8 3⁄16 2T 1


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QB-462 1998 SECTION IX QB-462.1(b)

QB-462 Test Specimens




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QB-462.1(c) BRAZING DATA QB-462.1(e)




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QB-462.1(f) 1998 SECTION IX



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QB-462.2(a) BRAZING DATA QB-462.2(b)




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QB-462.3 1998 SECTION IX QB-463.4




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QB-463.1(a) 1998 SECTION IX QB-463.1(b)

QB-463 Order of Removal




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QB-463.1(d) 1998 SECTION IX



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QB-463.2(a) 1998 SECTION IX



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QB-463.2(c) 1998 SECTION IX



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QB-466 Test Jigs



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QB-466.2 1998 SECTION IX QB-466.3




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