Part 5: Your people are where it's at. But do you have a strategy for them?

All rights reserved PeopleFirm LLC 2015 PART 5: Your people are where it’s at. But do you have a strategy for them? How to build a high-performing organization in the 21 st century.

Transcript of Part 5: Your people are where it's at. But do you have a strategy for them?

Page 1: Part 5: Your people are where it's at.  But do you have a strategy for them?

All rights reserved PeopleFirm LLC 2015

PART 5: Your people are where it’s at. But do you have a strategy for them?How to build a high-performing organization in the 21st century.

Page 2: Part 5: Your people are where it's at.  But do you have a strategy for them?

All rights reserved PeopleFirm LLC 2015

Does this sound familiar?Your CEO says your people are the organization’s No. 1 asset.

HR is an afterthought in your organization’s strategic planning process.

Your recruiting team can’t get a clear view of priority needs and talent gaps from the business.

Managers are frustrated they aren’t getting req’s filled fast enough

Your leaders say you need stronger business acumen and enhanced delivery capabilities.

Your training budget gets cut.

Your leaders are looking for insights and analytics on their global talent

You’re managing a set of disparate HRIS and Talent Systems that no longer meet your needs.

Your HR team isn’t aligned on where to start to turn the tide

Your employee engagement results

are improving but turn-over is still a


You start eating more chocolate…


Page 3: Part 5: Your people are where it's at.  But do you have a strategy for them?

All rights reserved PeopleFirm LLC 2015

You’re not alone.Almost every organization says their people are their No. 1 “asset”. Yet too few plan and act in a way that shows they really mean it. The result: organizations fail to invest in their people, talent processes, and organizations, in a manner that best supports their strategic businesses needs – leaving HR responding to demands and changing priorities without the benefit of an agreed-upon focus.

Page 4: Part 5: Your people are where it's at.  But do you have a strategy for them?

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So, what’s missing? an aligned view of talent needs a clear employee value

proposition a cohesive investment strategy a plan.

Page 5: Part 5: Your people are where it's at.  But do you have a strategy for them?

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In other words, you’re missing a people strategy.

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What’s that, you ask?

Yet, while most organizations have financial and go-to-market strategies, very few have a

clear and articulated people


It’s a big gap in your strategic planning, that’s what.

Consider this: every organization competes in three markets: the capital markets for funding, a product and services market for customers, and the labor market for people.

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Here’s some secrets to a great People Strategy…

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1) It’s owned by the executive team

If you think a people strategy belongs in the HR department, you’d be wrong. A great people strategy needs to be considered, developed, and fully owned by the organization’s leaders. Sure, HR has an important role facilitating and enabling it – but a great people strategy is owned at the top, since it influences company decisions and your people’s every day experiences.

Remember those financial and go-to-market strategies? They are as sure as shooting owned by the executive team. Your people strategy should be no different.

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2) It’s tied to your strategic goals (and custom to your


Does this step support our

strategic goals?

Would something else better support


You heard us. You certainly wouldn’t copy the answers of the organization next to you when it comes to your business strategy. It’s your strategy after all, meaning it is unique to you - and thoughtfully developed to get your organization where it needs to go.

Your people strategy should to be just as thoughtful, and equally unique to your team’s needs and focus.

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3) It addresses all five areas of high performance: strategy, culture, structure, people, & work

Does your culture support the experience you promised your people?

Are changes needed to your structure to increase the speed of delivery against

your strategy?

Have you taken a good hard look at your employee lifecycle with your people strategy in mind?

Are your people strategy and corporate strategy strongly linked?

Is it easy to get the priority work of your organization done?

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All rights reserved PeopleFirm LLC 2015

4) It puts your money where your mouth is when it comes to your people.

Tip: Don’t fall into the trap of thinking of your people as your ‘assets’. You don’t own them. In truth, you’ve bought some of their time for innovation, creativity, and the production of your goods and services. These days, your prized knowledge worker is a “corporation of one” who’s signed up with you for a “tour of duty” — as long as you offer a good return on their invested time!

Inspired people deliver inspired performance… so don’t forget that this is about your people.

Stop using empty words. Take real actions instead.

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All rights reserved PeopleFirm LLC 2015

Basically, an impactful people strategy is the decoder ring that connects the dots between your corporate strategy and your HR strategy.

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All rights reserved PeopleFirm LLC 2015

Tune in next month for PART 6: How to build a high-impact talent program to support your people strategy.

But a key pillar of a good people strategy is knowing where you stand with your talent. Do you?

And that’s your people strategy, folks.

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All rights reserved PeopleFirm LLC 2015

your people = your success.

thanks for reading.

PeopleFirm is a consulting firm dedicated to achieving the ultimate win-win: inspired people driving inspired performance. We focus on effective tools, measurable outcomes, real results, and getting your people out of their seats and engaged in your company’s growth.