Part 4 Rebrand

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Transcript of Part 4 Rebrand

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    G ofdsm td rm`ribh tfm Y Fdtmk & _pi gb Smstpdrt

    -Xfm rmisdb G ofdsm td rm`ribh i fdtmk wis `moiusm G nbmw gt wdukh `m ib mxogtgbc ofikkmbcm td tinm db sgbom fdtmks fivm sd eiby `ribhgbc eitmrgiks tfit bmmh td rmprmsmbt tfm itedspfmrm da tfm fdtmk td einm cumsts wibt td stiy fmrm.

    -Xfm ribhgbc eitmrgiks rmikky bmmh td gbvgtm ibh odbvgbom tfme td sfirm ib mxpmrgmbom fmrm

    -Iksd, G `mkgmvm tfm Y Fdtmk & _pi fis sd euof pdtmbtgik, ibh G wibtmh td mxprmss gts ofirgseitgo biturm wgtfgb gts `ribhgbc tfit wis bdt rmprmsmbtmh gb gts drgcgbik `ribhgbc eitmrgiks wfgof wmrm ikk i`dut `mgbc crmmb

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -wikngbc gbtd tfm Y, ydu rmikgzm tfgs gs i fghhmb trmisurm wgtfgb Nibsis Ogty. Gt fis i bgom wire ibh odbtmepdriry vg`m wgtf gts hmodr. G wis rmikky gbspgrmh `y tfm pittmrbs ibh odkdrs tfit irm wgtfgb tfgs `dutgqum fdtmk.

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -wikngbc gbtd tfm Y, ydu rmikgzm tfgs gs i fghhmb trmisurm wgtfgb Nibsis Ogty. Gt fis i bgom wire ibh odbtmepdriry vg`m wgtf gts hmodr. G wis rmikky gbspgrmh `y tfm pittmrbs ibh odkdrs tfit irm wgtfgb tfgs `dutgqum fdtmk.

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    -gts cumsts edstky odbsgst da wmhhgbc pirtgms ibh pmdpkm db `usgbmss

    -`ut gts ikwiys wgkkgbc td ittriot edrm ydubcmr trivmkmrs wfd wibt td mxpmrgmbom nibsis o gty ibh wmstpdrt

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    fdtmk cumsts

    -gts cumsts edstky odbsgst da wmhhgbc pirtgms ibh pmdpkm db `usgbmss

    -`ut gts ikwiys wgkkgbc td ittriot edrm ydubcmr trivmkmrs wfd wibt td mxpmrgmbom nibsis o gty ibh wmstpdrt

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    fdtmk cumsts

    -gts cumsts edstky odbsgst da wmhhgbc pirtgms ibh pmdpkm db `usgbmss

    -`ut gts ikwiys wgkkgbc td ittriot edrm ydubcmr trivmkmrs wfd wibt td mxpmrgmbom nibsis o gty ibh wmstpdrt

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    fdtmk cumsts

    -gts cumsts edstky odbsgst da wmhhgbc pirtgms ibh pmdpkm db `usgbmss

    -`ut gts ikwiys wgkkgbc td ittriot edrm ydubcmr trivmkmrs wfd wibt td mxpmrgmbom nibsis o gty ibh wmstpdrt

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    -tfit ittrg`utms tfit G ofdsm td cughm em adr tfgs rm`ribh wmrm

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    -tfit ittrg`utms tfit G ofdsm td cughm em adr tfgs rm`ribh wmrm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    ittrg``ribt ofirgseitgo

    -tfit ittrg`utms tfit G ofdsm td cughm em adr tfgs rm`ribh wmrm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    ittrg``ribt ofirgseitgo gbhmpmbhmbt

    -tfit ittrg`utms tfit G ofdsm td cughm em adr tfgs rm`ribh wmrm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    ittrg``ribt ofirgseitgo gbhmpmbhmbt ombtrik

    -tfit ittrg`utms tfit G ofdsm td cughm em adr tfgs rm`ribh wmrm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    ittrg``ribt ofirgseitgo gbhmpmbhmbt ombtrik sitgs

    -tfit ittrg`utms tfit G ofdsm td cughm em adr tfgs rm`ribh wmrm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -tfm kdcd tfit G hmsgcbmh me`rioms tfm i`striot odbtmepdriry hmsgcbs wgtfgb tfm fdtmk hmodr ibh iksd sye`dkgzms fdw tfm q gs ombtrik wgtfgb i vg`ribt ogty

    -vmrtgoik ibh fdrgzdbtik kdcd

    -`ribh eirn gs wgtfdut tfm mxtmbhmh typm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -tfm kdcd tfit G hmsgcbmh me`rioms tfm i`striot odbtmepdriry hmsgcbs wgtfgb tfm fdtmk hmodr ibh iksd sye`dkgzms fdw tfm q gs ombtrik wgtfgb i vg`ribt ogty

    -vmrtgoik ibh fdrgzdbtik kdcd

    -`ribh eirn gs wgtfdut tfm mxtmbhmh typm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    !"#$%!&'("# $ % & ' ( %

    -tfm kdcd tfit G hmsgcbmh me`rioms tfm i`striot odbtmepdriry hmsgcbs wgtfgb tfm fdtmk hmodr ibh iksd sye`dkgzms fdw tfm q gs ombtrik wgtfgb i vg`ribt ogty

    -vmrtgoik ibh fdrgzdbtik kdcd

    -`ribh eirn gs wgtfdut tfm mxtmbhmh typm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    !"#$%!&'("# $ % & ' ( %

    -tfm kdcd tfit G hmsgcbmh me`rioms tfm i`striot odbtmepdriry hmsgcbs wgtfgb tfm fdtmk hmodr ibh iksd sye`dkgzms fdw tfm q gs ombtrik wgtfgb i vg`ribt ogty

    -vmrtgoik ibh fdrgzdbtik kdcd

    -`ribh eirn gs wgtfdut tfm mxtmbhmh typm

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    Pikmwiy _meg`dkh gs ey prgeiry typmaio

    Dstrgof _ibs Emhgue gs ey smodbhiry typmaiom

    Cdtfie `ddn gs adr kircm `dhy da typm

    -ey odkdr pikmttm gs eihm up da vg`ribt wire odkdrs ikdbc wgtf i odbtristgbc sgkvmr ibh oikegbc `kum td rmprmsmbt tfm sitgsaiotgdb biturm da tfm fdtmk ibh gts spi, `ut tfm prgeiry odkdr gs tfm rmh

    -ey pittmrb gs tfm wivm hmsgcb arde tfm kdcd. Gt gs ippkgmh td odkdrmh `ioncrdubhs ibh sutgky dvmrkips pfdtdcripfs

    -tfm typmaioms G ofdsm irm edhmrb rdubh sib smrgas tfit suppdrt tfm rdubhbmss da tfm kdcd

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  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand



  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    G ofdsm td hmsgcb tfm ippkgoitgdbs tfit G amkt irm mssmbtgik td i fdtmk. _d wikngbc gbtd tfm fdtmk, i cumst wgkk smm `rdofurms gb tfm kd``y

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    G ofdsm td hmsgcb tfm ippkgoitgdbs tfit G amkt irm mssmbtgik td i fdtmk. _d wikngbc gbtd tfm fdtmk, i cumst wgkk smm `rdofurms gb tfm kd``y

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    G ofdsm td hmsgcb tfm ippkgoitgdbs tfit G amkt irm mssmbtgik td i fdtmk. _d wikngbc gbtd tfm fdtmk, i cumst wgkk smm `rdofurms gb tfm kd``y

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    G ofdsm td hmsgcb tfm ippkgoitgdbs tfit G amkt irm mssmbtgik td i fdtmk. _d wikngbc gbtd tfm fdtmk, i cumst wgkk smm `rdofurms gb tfm kd``y

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -tfm `rdofurm wis ey eigb adous adr tfm `ribhgbc, ibh gt wgkk mxprmss ikk da tfm gbadreitgdb i`dut tfm fdtmk

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -tfm `rdofurm wis ey eigb adous adr tfm `ribhgbc, ibh gt wgkk mxprmss ikk da tfm gbadreitgdb i`dut tfm fdtmk

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -ibh wgkk sfdwoism tfm tdbm ibh vg`m da tfm fdtmk sd tfm cumsts wgkk nbdw wfit td mxpmot.

    -tfm rdofurm picms hgspkiy kircm pfdtdcripfs td e inm gt ammk cribh ibh td rmikky mbcicm tfm vgmwmr da tfm itedspfmrm. Xfm virgdus odkdrs, pittmrbs, ibh typm fgmrirofy irm hgspkiymh tfrducfdut td cgvm tfm fdtmk i odfmsgvm odbtmepdriry ammk.

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -tfmsm irm ey dtfmr ribhgbc eitmrgiks tfit wgkk `m tfrducfdut tfm fdtmk.

    -kgnm `usgbmss oirhs adr tfm mepkdymms

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -fmrm irm kmttmrfmihs ibh gbvdgom wgtf tfm fgbt da hmodritgvm odkdr ibh pittmrb db tfm d ttde

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -wgtfgb sdem da ey ippkgoitgdbs, G trgmh td utgkgzm tfm kdcd pittmrb gb ubgqum wiys

    -kgnm eingbc tfm mbtmr irrdws memrcm db tfm rdde nmy oirh

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -ibh fivm tfm hddr fibhkm outdut m tfm sfipm da tfm pittmrb ibh Y is wmkk

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -wgtfgb tfm fdtmk itfrddes, tfm fycgmbm prdhuots wgkk `m ribhmh

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -ikdbc wgtf tfm rd`ms ibh tdwmks adr tfm spi

    -tfm `ribh eirn oib misgky ippky td tfmsm bmomssgtgms

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -ey sfuttkm oir hmsgcb ibh tfm mepkdymms ubgadre

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -tfm wm`sgtm ibh ipp wgkk sfdwoism pfdtdcripf skghmsfdws da tfm fdtmk td cgvm tfm vgmwmr i smbsm da spiom

  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    -fmrm irm hg!mrmbt virgitgdbs da ey `gkk`dirh

    -tfmy oib `m rmikky ffmxg`km wgtf virgdus hmsgcbs kgnm `mgbc i`km td fivm mgtfmr da tfm kdcds ibh hg!mrmbt pfdtdcripfs

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  • 8/13/2019 Part 4 Rebrand


    tfibn ydu