Part 2: part-based models


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Part 2: part-based models. by Rob Fergus (MIT). Problem with bag-of-words. All have equal probability for bag-of-words methods Location information is important. Overview of section. Representation Computational complexity Location Appearance Occlusion, Background clutter Recognition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Part 2: part-based models

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Part 2: part-based models

by Rob Fergus (MIT)

Page 2: Part 2: part-based models

Problem with bag-of-words

• All have equal probability for bag-of-words methods

• Location information is important

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Overview of section

• Representation– Computational complexity– Location – Appearance– Occlusion, Background clutter

• Recognition– Demos

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Model: Parts and Structure

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Representation• Object as set of parts

– Generative representation

• Model:– Relative locations between parts– Appearance of part

• Issues:– How to model location– How to represent appearance– Sparse or dense (pixels or regions)– How to handle occlusion/clutter

Figure from [Fischler & Elschlager 73]

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History of Parts and Structure approaches

• Fischler & Elschlager 1973

• Yuille ‘91• Brunelli & Poggio ‘93• Lades, v.d. Malsburg et al. ‘93• Cootes, Lanitis, Taylor et al. ‘95• Amit & Geman ‘95, ‘99 • Perona et al. ‘95, ‘96, ’98, ’00, ’03, ‘04, ‘05• Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher ’00, ’04 • Crandall & Huttenlocher ’05, ’06• Leibe & Schiele ’03, ’04

• Many papers since 2000

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Sparse representation+ Computationally tractable (105 pixels 101 -- 102 parts)

+ Generative representation of class

+ Avoid modeling global variability

+ Success in specific object recognition

- Throw away most image information

- Parts need to be distinctive to separate from other classes

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Region operators– Local maxima of

interest operator function

– Can give scale/orientation invariance

Figures from [Kadir, Zisserman and Brady 04]

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The correspondence problem• Model with P parts• Image with N possible assignments for each part• Consider mapping to be 1-1

• NP combinations!!!

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• 1 – 1 mapping– Each part assigned to unique feature

As opposed to:

• 1 – Many– Bag of words approaches – Sudderth, Torralba, Freeman ’05– Loeff, Sorokin, Arora and Forsyth ‘05

The correspondence problem

• Many – 1- Quattoni, Collins and Darrell, 04

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Connectivity of parts• Complexity is given by size of maximal clique in graph• Consider a 3 part model

– Each part has set of N possible locations in image– Location of parts 2 & 3 is independent, given location of L– Each part has an appearance term, independent between parts.



Shape Model

S(L,2) S(L,3) A(L) A(2) A(3)

L 32Variables


Shape Appearance

Factor graph


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from Sparse Flexible Models of Local FeaturesGustavo Carneiro and David Lowe, ECCV 2006

Different connectivity structures

O(N6) O(N2) O(N3)


Fergus et al. ’03Fei-Fei et al. ‘03

Crandall et al. ‘05Fergus et al. ’05

Crandall et al. ‘05Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher ‘00

Bouchard & Triggs ‘05 Carneiro & Lowe ‘06Csurka ’04Vasconcelos ‘00

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How much does shape help?• Crandall, Felzenszwalb, Huttenlocher CVPR’05• Shape variance increases with increasing model complexity• Do get some benefit from shape

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Hierarchical representations

• Pixels Pixel groupings Parts Object

Images from [Amit98,Bouchard05]

• Multi-scale approach increases number of low-level features

• Amit and Geman ‘98• Bouchard & Triggs ‘05

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Some class-specific graphs• Articulated motion

– People– Animals

• Special parameterisations– Limb angles

Images from [Kumar, Torr and Zisserman 05, Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher 05]

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Dense layout of parts

Layout CRF: Winn & Shotton, CVPR ‘06

Part labels (color-coded)

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How to model location?

• Explicit: Probability density functions

• Implicit: Voting scheme

• Invariance– Translation– Scaling– Similarity/affine– Viewpoint

Similarity transformationTranslation and ScalingTranslationAffine transformation

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• Cartesian – E.g. Gaussian distribution– Parameters of model, and – Independence corresponds to zeros in – Burl et al. ’96, Weber et al. ‘00, Fergus et al. ’03

• Polar – Convenient for

invariance to rotation

Explicit shape model

Mikolajczyk et al., CVPR ‘06

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Implicit shape model

Spatial occurrence distributionsx











Probabilistic Voting

Interest PointsMatched Codebook Entries


Learning• Learn appearance codebook

– Cluster over interest points on training images

• Learn spatial distributions– Match codebook to training images– Record matching positions on object– Centroid is given

• Use Hough space voting to find object • Leibe and Schiele ’03,’05

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Deformable Template Matching


Berg, Berg and Malik CVPR 2005

• Formulate problem as Integer Quadratic Programming• O(NP) in general• Use approximations that allow P=50 and N=2550 in <2 secs

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Other invariance methods• Search over transformations

– Large space (# pixels x # scales ….)

– Closed form solution for translation and scale (Helmer and Lowe ’04)

• Features give information– Characteristic scale

– Characteristic orientation (noisy)

Figures from Mikolajczyk & Schmid

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Multiple views

Component 1

Component 2

• Mixture of 2-D models– Weber, Welling and Perona CVPR ‘00

Frontal Profile

0 20 40 60 80 10050










100Orientation Tuning

angle in degrees

% C



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Multiple view points

Thomas, Ferrari, Leibe, Tuytelaars, Schiele, and L. Van Gool. Towards Multi-View Object Class Detection, CVPR 06

Hoiem, Rother, Winn, 3D LayoutCRF for Multi-View Object Class Recognition and Segmentation, CVPR ‘07

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Representation of appearance

• Dependency structure– Often assume each part’s

appearance is independent – Common to assume

independence with location

• Needs to handle intra-class variation– Task is no longer matching of descriptors– Implicit variation (VQ to get discrete appearance)– Explicit model of appearance (e.g. Gaussians in SIFT space)

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Representation of appearance• Invariance needs to match that of

shape model

• Insensitive to small shifts in translation/scale– Compensate for jitter of features– e.g. SIFT

• Illumination invariance– Normalize out

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Appearance representation

• Decision trees

Figure from Winn & Shotton, CVPR ‘06



[Lepetit and Fua CVPR 2005]

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Occlusion• Explicit

– Additional match of each part to missing state

• Implicit– Truncated minimum probability of appearance





Appearance spaceµpart

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Background clutter

• Explicit model– Generative model for clutter as well as foreground


• Use a sub-window– At correct position,

no clutter is present

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What task?

• Classification– Object present/absent in image– Background may be correlated with object

• Localization / Detection– Localize object

within the frame– Bounding box or

pixel-level segmentation

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Efficient search methods• Interpretation tree (Grimson ’87)

– Condition on assigned parts to give search regions for remaining ones

– Branch & bound, A*

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Distance transforms

• Distance transforms– O(N2P) O(NP) for tree structured models

• How it works– Assume location model is Gaussian (i.e. e-d2 )– Consider a two part model with µ=0, σ=1 on a 1-D image

f(d) = -d2

Appearance log probability at xi for part 2 = A2(xi)


Image pixel







Model• Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher ’00 & ’05

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Distance transforms 2• For each position of landmark part, find best position for part 2

– Finding most probable xi is equivalent finding maximum over set of offset parabolas

– Upper envelope computed in O(N) rather than obvious O(N2) via distance transform (see Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher ’05).

• Add AL(x) to upper envelope (offset by µ) to get overall probability map

xixg xj xlxh










Image pixel

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Parts and Structure demo

• Gaussian location model – star configuration• Translation invariant only

– Use 1st part as landmark

• Appearance model is template matching• Manual training

– User identifies correspondence on training images

• Recognition– Run template for each part over image– Get local maxima set of possible locations for each part– Impose shape model - O(N2P) cost– Score of each match is combination of shape model and

template responses.

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Demo images• Sub-set of Caltech face dataset• Caltech background images

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Demo Web Page

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Demo (2)

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Demo (3)

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Demo (4)

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Demo: efficient methods

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Stochastic Grammar of ImagesS.C. Zhu et al. and D. Mumford

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animal head instantiated by tiger head

animal head instantiated by bear head

e.g. discontinuities, gradient

e.g. linelets, curvelets, T-junctions

e.g. contours, intermediate objects

e.g. animals, trees, rocks

Context and Hierarchy in a Probabilistic Image ModelJin & Geman (2006)

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Parts and Structure modelsSummary

• Correspondence problem• Efficient methods for large # parts and # positions in image• Challenge to get representation with desired invariance

Future directions:• Multiple views• Approaches to learning • Multiple category training

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2. Parts and Structure

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Quest for A Stochastic Grammar of ImagesSong-Chun Zhu and David Mumford

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Example scheme

• Model shape using Gaussian distribution on location between parts

• Model appearance as pixel templates• Represent image as collection of

regions– Extracted by template matching:

normalized-cross correlation

• Manually trained model– Click on training images

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Connectivity of parts• To find best match in image, we want most probable

state of L, • Run max-product message passing

S(L,2) S(L,3) A(L) A(2) A(3)

L 32



Take O(N2) to compute:

For each of the N values of L, need to find max over N states



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Different graph structures



4 5





4 5



Fully connected Star structure







Tree structure

O(N6) O(N2) O(N2)

• Sparser graphs cannot capture all interactions between parts

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Euclidean & Affine Shape• Translation, rotation and scaling Euclidean Shape

• Removal of camera foreshortenings Affine Shape

• Assume Gaussian density in figure space

• What is the probability density for the shape variables in each of the different spaces?

Feature space

TNN yyxx ],,,,,[ 11

Euclidean shape

TNN vvuu ],,,,,[ 33

Affine shape

TNN vvuu ],,,,,[ 44

Translation Invariant shape

TNN vvuu ],,,,,[ 22

Figures from [Leung98]

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Translation-invariant shape• Figure space density:

• Translation-invariant form

• Shape space density is still Gaussian

e.g. P=3, move 1st part to origin

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Affine Shape Density• Affine Shape density (Dryden-Mardia):

• Euclidean Shape density is of similar form











kkkk i








[Leung98],[Welling05]• Can learnt parameters of DM density with EM!

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Shape• Shape is “what remains after differences due to translation,

rotation, and scale have been factored out”. [Kendall84]

• Statistical theory of shape [Kendall, Bookstein, Mardia & Dryden]



Figure SpaceU


Shape Space

















Figures from [Leung98]

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Learning situations

• Varying levels of supervision– Unsupervised– Image labels– Object centroid/bounding box– Segmented object– Manual correspondence

(typically sub-optimal)

• Generative models naturally incorporate labelling information (or lack of it)

• Discriminative schemes require labels for all data points

Contains a motorbike

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• Task: Estimation of model parameters

Learning using EM

• Let the assignments be a hidden variable and use EM algorithm to learn them and the model parameters

• Chicken and Egg type problem, since we initially know neither:

- Model parameters

- Assignment of regions to parts

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Example scheme, using EM for maximum likelihood learning

1. Current estimate of


Image 1 Image 2 Image i

2. Assign probabilities to constellations

Large P

Small P

3. Use probabilities as weights to re-estimate parameters. Example:

Large P x + Small P x


new estimate of

+ … =

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Priors• Implicit

– Structure of dependencies in model– Parameterisation of model– Feature detectors

• Explicit– p()– MAP / Bayesian learning– Fei-Fei ‘03

model () space



p( n


p(2 )

p(1 )

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Learning Shape & Appearance simultaneously Fergus et al. ‘03

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Learn appearance then shape


Choice 1

Choice 2ParameterEstimation

Model 1

Model 2

Predict / measure model performance(validation set or directly from model)

Preselected Parts (100)

Weber et al. ‘00

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Discriminative training• Sparse so parts need to be distinctive of class

• Boosted parts and structure models– Amores et al. CVPR 2005– Bar Hillel et al. CVPR 2005

• Discriminative features– Weber et al. 2000– Ullman et al.

• Train discriminatively on parameters of generative model– Holub, Welling,

Perona ICCV 2005

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Number of training images

• More supervision, fewer images needed– Few unknown parameters

• Less supervision, more images.– Lots of unknown parameters

• Over-fitting problems

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Number of training examples


6 part Motorbike model