DLSC BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTRODUCTIONS TO THE BIBLE TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................... 3 BIBLE IN GENERAL .......................................................... 4 BIBLES WITH INTRODUCTORY NOTES & COMMENTARY .............................. 4 COMMENTARIES ................................................................................................... 6 APOCRYPHA .......................................................................................................... 8 CANONICITY, FORMATION, AND HISTORY OF THE BIBLE ............................. 10 AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE ................................................................................ 13 OFFICIAL STATEMENTS ON THE BIBLE OF RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES ....... 17 GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS ........................................................................... 19 BACKGROUND STUDIES ............................................................................ 22 CRITICISM & INTERPRETATION ........................................................................ 26 BIBLICAL THEOLOGY IN GENERAL .................................................................. 38 HEBREW BIBLE / OLD TESTAMENT ............................. 41 APOCRYPHA ........................................................................................................ 41 CANONICITY, FORMATION, & HISTORY OF THE HEBREW BIBLE/OLD TESTAMENT ........................................................................................................ 42 GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS .............................................................................. 44 BACKGROUND STUDIES ....................................................................................50 CRITICISM & INTERPRETATION ........................................................................ 60


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BIBLE IN GENERAL..........................................................4BIBLES WITH INTRODUCTORY NOTES & COMMENTARY ..............................4COMMENTARIES................................................................................................... 6APOCRYPHA..........................................................................................................8CANONICITY, FORMATION, AND HISTORY OF THE BIBLE.............................10AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE................................................................................13OFFICIAL STATEMENTS ON THE BIBLE OF RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES.......17GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS ...........................................................................19BACKGROUND STUDIES ............................................................................ 22CRITICISM & INTERPRETATION........................................................................ 26BIBLICAL THEOLOGY IN GENERAL.................................................................. 38

HEBREW BIBLE / OLD TESTAMENT.............................41APOCRYPHA........................................................................................................41CANONICITY, FORMATION, & HISTORY OF THE HEBREW BIBLE/OLD TESTAMENT ........................................................................................................42GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS..............................................................................44BACKGROUND STUDIES....................................................................................50CRITICISM & INTERPRETATION........................................................................ 60

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TORAH/PENTATEUCH.........................................................................76FORMER PROPHETS/HISTORICAL BOOKS ....................................82LATTER PROPHETS............................................................................85WISDOM LITERATURE & POETRY.....................................................94

INTERTESTAMENTAL STUDIES....................................99NEW TESTAMENT........................................................100

APOCRYPHA......................................................................................................101CANONICITY, FORMATION & HISTORY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT............101GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS............................................................................102BACKGROUND STUDIES..................................................................................105CRITICISM & INTERPRETATION...................................................................... 120THEOLOGIES IN/OF THE NEW TESTAMENT..................................................125

GOSPELS........................................................................................... 130LUKE-ACTS........................................................................................ 138JOHANNINE WRITINGS.................................................................... 143PAULINE LITERATURE ............................................................... 155LETTERS TO ALL CHRISTIANS........................................................ 165REVELATION......................................................................................174

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The DLSC bibliography is designed for book length studies that are largely introductory in the information they provide, or supplement that information in broadly helpful ways, or otherwise serve as useful points of entry for study of the Bible and its major parts. In most sections, it distributes its entries into four principal categories: General Introductions, Background Studies, Criticism & Interpretation, and (Biblical) Theology. This arrangement, of course, does not exclude significant overlap.

To a great extent, the bibliography is presently limited to works that introduce major clusters of biblical writings as opposed to works that introduce individual books of the bible. Exceptions include a few introductions that form parts of a series or commentary. The word "cluster," as here used, refers to traditionally recognized groupings or sets of books, e.g. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and New Testament, and subsets of books in both testaments, e.g. Torah/Pentateuch, Early Prophets/Historical Books, Latter Prophets, Wisdom Literature, New Testament, Synoptic Gospels, Johannine Literature, Pauline Literature, Letters to All Christians, etc.)

Prospects for further expansion of the bibliography include the addition of stand-alone introductions to individual books of the bible as well as appropriate entries from the periodical literature.

Development of the bibliography is an ongoing project in which on-line viewers are invited to participate by suggesting additions, subtractions, corrections, reclassification of entries, and other changes as appropriate. Viewers who wish to make those suggestions are asked to send them to <[email protected]>.

Viewers will notice that some categories presently have few, and, in some cases, even no entries. The categories are provided nonetheless to absorb relevant entries if and when they are identified and to indicate gaps in the introductory literature that scholars may wish to fill.

This bibliography is a product of the Dominican Lay Scholars Community (DLSC). Special thanks are due to student friars at St. Albert's Priory for identifying a substantial number of entries for the bibliography, to Tony Amodeo for superb guidance in accessing the appropriate data bases, and to Terry Halloran and Gavin Colvert for their invaluable work in setting up this website.

Detailed information on the Dominican Lay Scholars Community (DLSC) is available on its website <>

© Int’l Copr. Secured. All Rights Reserved

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Pre-note: This most general section of the bibliography is intended for books that combine information on both the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and the New Testament in the same works, and/or present material considered by their authors as relevant to both testaments. Thus understood, much of this section is appropriate mainly for those whose bible includes both the HB/OT and the NT. For those who regard the bible as co-terminous with the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, most entries are presented in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament section of the bibliography. However, some works focused on issues common to both testaments appear only in this section, e.g. Authority of the Bible; Official Statements of Religious Authorities.


Berlin, Brettler, Fishbane, eds. The Jewish Study Bible: Tanakh Oxford: 2003

Coogan, Michael D., et al, eds. The New Oxford Annotated Bible Oxford: 2001

Ignatius Press Bible – Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition Ignatius: 1994

Meeks, Wayne A., ed. The HarperCollins Study Bible HarperCollins: 1997

Metzger, B.M. & Murphy, R.E., eds. Ecumenical Study Bible Oxford: 1991

Thomas Nelson Press The Orthodox Study Bible Nelson: 2008

Senior, D. & Collins, J., eds. The Catholic Study Bible Oxford: 2006

Stein, David E.S.

Suggs, Sakenfeld, Mueller, eds.

The Contemporary Torah: A Gender-Sensitive Adaptation of the JPS Translation Jewish Publication Society: 2006

The Oxford Study Bible: Revised English Bible with Apocrypha Oxford: 1992

Wansbrough, Henry, ed. The New Jerusalem Bible Doubleday: 1985

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Reference Works

Pre-Note: An extensive list of general reference works would include texts & versions, concordances, lexicons, atlases, etc. as well as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Another possible addition would be works designated by their authors as “handbooks.” However, entries in the reference works sections of this bibliography are presently limited to (some) dictionaries and encyclopedias. Whether feasible to include handbooks among reference works or to place them elsewhere is an unsettled classification issue. Handbooks presently included in the bibliography are located elsewhere, mainly among the “General Introductions of various sections of the bibliography. Another unsettled classification issue is whether distinct subcategories should be provided for dictionaries and encyclopedias (as well as other general reference works that may later be added). For the present,, they are placed among the General Introductions here and elsewhere in the bibliography.

Achtemeier, Paul The Harpers Bible Dictionary HarperCollins: 1996 Bromiley, Geoffrey W., ed The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Eerdmans: 1988

Crim, K.R. & Buttrick, G.A. Interpreters’ Dictionary of the Bible (5 vols.)Abington: 1976

Douglas, J.D., ed. The New Bible Dictionary Tyndale: 1982

Freedman, David Noel, ed. Anchor Bible Dictionary 6 vols. Doubleday: 1993

_____________________ Eerdman’s Dictionary of the Bible Eerdmans: 2000

McKenzie, John L Dictionary of the Bible Bruce: 1965

Roth, Cecil, ed. Encyclopedia Judaica (26 vols.) Coronet: 1994

Sakenfeld, Katherine D. The New Interpeters Dictionary of the Bible Abington: 2007

Steinmueller, J.E. & Sullivan, K., eds. Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia Wagner: 1956

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The intention of this bibliography is to limit its content to introductory works. However, to enhance its utility for students, a category is also provided throughout this document for other bibliographies which are not limited to introductory works.. As yet, these “Bibliographies” categories do not have many entries. Identifying and inserting those entries is a priority.

Althann, Robert, ed. Elenchus of Biblica Bibliography 2005 Pontifical Biblical Institute: 2008

Glynn, John Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources Kregel: 2007

Collins John J., gen. ed. Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library Yale: 2007

Fitzmyer, Joseph A An Introductory Bibliography for the Study of Scripture Biblical Institute: 1990

Glanzman, G.S. An Introductory Bibliography for the Study of Scripture Newman: 1969

Glynn, John A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources Kregel: 2007

North, Robert Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus Pontifical BiblicalInstitute: 1989


Arnold, B.T. et al, eds. New Cambridge Bible Commentary Cambridge: 2008

Barton, J. & Muddeman, J., eds. Oxford Bible Commentary Oxford: 2001

Bergant, D. & Karris, R.J. eds The Collegeville Bible Commentary Liturgical: 1989

Bergant, D. & Durkin, D., eds. The New Collegeville Bible Commentary Liturgical: 2005

Black, M. & Rowley, H.H., eds. Peake’s Commentary on the Bible Nelson: 1962

Brown, Fitzmyer, Murphy, eds. The New Jerome Biblical Commentary Prentice Hall: 1990

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__________________________ The New Jerome Bible Handbook Liturgical: 1992

Bruce, F.F. The International Bible Commentary Zonervan: 1986

Chilton, Bruce, gen. ed. Cambridge Companion to the Bible – 2nd. Ed. Cambridge University Press: 2008

Clarke, W.K.L. Concise Bible Commentary SPCK: 1952

Collins, John J., gen ed. Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries Yale: 2008 Dunn, J.D.G & Rogerson, J., eds. Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible

Eerdmans: 2003

Farmer, William R., ed. The International Biblical Commentary: A Catholic andEcumenical Commentary for the Twenty-first Century Liturgical: 1998

Guthrie, D. & Moyer, J.A. The Eerdmans Bible Commentary: RevisedEerdmans: 1987

Mays, James L., ed. HarperCollins Bible Commentary HarperSanFrancisco: 2000

Neil, W. The Message of the Bible: A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments Mowbrays: 1978

Newsome, C. & Ringe, S., eds. The Women’s Bible Commentary Westminster: 1998

Orchard, Sutcliffe, Fuller, Russell, eds. A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture

Nelson: 1953

Patte, Daniel M., ed. Global Bible Commentary Abington: 2004

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Pre-Note: (1) Introductions to both Old Testament and New Testament Apocrypha are presently listed here. Introductory works limited and specific to either one testament or the other are also listed in the HB/OT and NT parts of the bibliography (2) Given the fact that some books perceived as aprocryphal by some are deemed canonical by others, it may be helpful at some point to insert indicators to reflect those differences; An indicator might also be supplied for apocryphal works deemed uncanonical by everyone’s reckoning. (3) Although the apocryphal books are not themselves “introductory” works, some volumes which contain those texts are also included among the entries in this section.

Reference Works


General Introductions & Texts

(1) Both Testaments

Andrews, H.T. An Introduction to the Apocryphal Books of the Old andNew Testaments Baker: 1964

Barnstone, Willis The Other Bible HarperCollins: 2005 Brockington, L.H. A Critical Introduction to the Apocrypha

Duckworth: 1961

Dentan, R.C. The Apocrypha: Bridge of the Testaments Seabury: 1954

de Silva, David A Introducing the Apocrypha: Message, Context,and Significance Baker: 2002

Harrington, Daniel J Invitation to the Apocrypha Eerdmans: 1999

Hiers, R.H. Reader’s Guide to the Bible including the Apocrypha Abington: 1978

Jones, Ivor H The Apocrypha Epworth: 2003

Metzger, B.M. An Introduction to the Apocrypha Oxford: 1957

____________ The New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha Oxford: 1991

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Oesterley, W. An Introduction to the Books of the Apocrypha SPCK: 1935

Pfeiffer, Robert H. The Apocrypha (King James Version) with an IntroductionHarper: 1954

(2) Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

Charles, R.H. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testamentin English 2 vols. Clarendon: 1913

Kaiser, Otto The Old Testament Apocrypha: An IntroductionHenrickson: 2004

Sparks, H.F.D., ed. The Apocryphal Old Testament Clarendon: 1984

Winchell, C.M & Sheehy, E.P. The Apocrypha of the Old Testament Nelson: 1957

(3) New Testament

Elliot. J.K. The Apocryphal New Testament: A Collection of Apocryphal Christian Literature in an English

Translation Based on M.R. James Oxford: 2005

Hennecke, E. & Schneemelcher, eds New Testament Apocrypha Westminster: 1965

Klauck, Hans-Josef Apocryphal Gospels T&T Clarke: 2003

Lapham, Fred An Introduction to the New Testament Apocrypha T&T Clarke: 2003

Levine, A-J, ed. & Robbins, M.M. A Feminist Companion to the New Testament Apocrypha

T&T Clarke: 2006

Pfeiffer, Robert H. History of New Testament Times with an Introductionto the Apocrypha Greenwood: 1972

Weigle, Luther, ed. The Apocrypha: Revised Standard Version Nelson: 1957

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Pre-notes: (1) This section is intended for general studies related to the canon, formation, and history of the bible as a whole. Canon-related studies specific to each of the two testaments are presented in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and New Testament sections of the bibliography respectively. (2) Where available and identified, studies on how particular clusters of books (e.g. Torah, Wisdom Literature, Gospels, Pauline Letters, etc.) were formed and entered the canon. are presented in the Criticism & Interpretation sections for those and other major sub-groups. (3) (3) A separate section has been provided below for studies on the special authority of the bible.

Reference Works


General Introductions & Studies

Alexander & Kaestli, eds. The Canon of Scripture in Jewish and Christian Tradition Zeber: 2007

Barclay, W. The Making of the Bible Abington: 1961

Barr, James Holy Scripture, Canon, Authority, Criticism Oxford: 1983

Barton, John How the Bible Came to Be Westminster: 1997

___________ Holy Writings, Sacred Text: The Canon in Early Christianity Westminster: 1997

Bratton, F.G. A History of the Bible: An Introduction to theHistorical Method Beacon: 1959

Bruce, F.F. The Canon of Scripture InterVarsity: 1988

Campenhausen, Hans von The Formation of the Christian Bible Fortress: 1972

Carr, David M. Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scriptureand Literature Oxford: 2005

Evans, C.A. & Tov, E., eds. Exploring the Origins of the Bible: Cnon Formation in Historical, Literary, and Theological Perspective

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Eerdmans: 2008 Filson, F.V. Which Books Belong in the Bible: A Study of the Canon

Westminster: 1957

Flack, E.E., Metzger, B.M. et al. The Text, Canon, and Principal Versions of the Bible Baker: 1956

Gnuse, Robert. The Authority of the Bible: Theories of Inspiration, Revelation, and the Canon of Scripture Paulist: 1985

Heidt, William G. A General Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Inspiration, Canonicity, Texts, Versions and Hermaneutics Liturgical: 1970

Helmer, C. & Landmesser, C., eds. One Scripture or Many? Canon from Biblical, Theological, and Philosophical Perspectives Oxford: 2004

Hengel, Martin The Septuagint as Christian Scripture: Its Prehistoryand the Problem of its Canon T&T Clark: 2002

Herklots, HGG How the Bible Came to Us: Its Texts and Versions Penguin: 1959

Lienhard, Joseph T. The Bible, The Church, and Authority: The Canon of the Christian Bible in History and Theology Liturgical: 1995

Liverani, Mario Israel’s History and the History of the Bible Bible World: 2005 Macgregor, G. The Bible in the Making Murray: 1961

McDonald, Lee M. The Formation of the Christian Biblical Canon Peabody: 1995

_______________ The Biblical Canon: Its Origin, Transmision, and Authority Hendrickson: 2007

McDonald, L.M. & Sanders, J.A., eds. The Canon Debate Hendrickson: 2002

Meade, David G. Pseudonimity and Canon: An Investigation into the

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Relationship of Authorship and Authority in Jewish andEarly Christian Traditions Eerdmans: 1986

Merrill Smith, C. & Bennett, J.W. How the Bible Was Built Eerdmans: 2005

Miller, John W. The Origins of the Bible: Rethinking Canon HistoryPaulist: 1994

_____________ How the Bible Came to Be: Exploring the Narrativeand Its Message Paulist: 2004

Morgan, D.F. Between Text and Community: The ‘Writings’in Canonical Interpretation Fortress: 1990

Pelikan, Jaroslav Whose Bible Is It: A Short History of the Scriptures Penguin: 2006

Sanders, J.A. Canon and Community: A Guide to Canonical Criticism Fortress: 1984

Smith, C.M. & Bennett, J.W. How the Bible Was Built Eerdmans: 2005

Trebolle Barrera, Julio The Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible: An Introduction to the History of the Bible Eerdmans: 1998

Wegner, Paul D. The Journey from Texts to Translations; The Origin and Development of the Bible Baker: 2004

Zaman, Luc Bible and Canon Brill: 2008

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Pre-Notes: The “authority” here referred to is that attributed to the Bible itself, not to any of its interpreters. The interpretative and teaching authority attributed to religious entities is dealt with in studies that do not yet appear in this bibliography. Conceptions of divine authorship, inspiration, inerrancy and the perceived relations among them are the major focus of works in this section.

Reference Works

Bibliographies Osborne, Grant An Annotated Bibliography on the Bible and the Church

Locust Hill: 1992General Studies Abba, R. The Nature and Authority of the Bible T&T Clark: 1992

Achtemeier, Paul J. The Inspiration of Scripture: Problems and Proposals Westminster: 1980

Alter, Robert Canon and Creativity: Modern Writing and the Authority of Scripture Yale: 2000

Barr, James The Scope and Authority of the Bible SCM: 2002

___________ Holy Scripture, Canon, Authority, Criticism Oxford: 1983

___________ Beyond Fundamentalism Westminster: 1984

Bartlett, D.L. The Shape of Scriptural Authority Fortress: 1983

Barton John People of the Book? The Authority of the Bible in Christianity SPCK: 1988

Beegle, D.M. Scripture, Tradition, and Infallibility Eerdmans: 1973

Benoit, Pierre Aspects of Biblical Inspiration Priory: 1965 Benoit, P & Synave, P. Prophecy and Inspiration: A Commentary on the

Summa Theologica II-II, Q. 171-78 Desclee: 1961

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Bright, J. The Authority of the Old Testament Baker: 1975

Brown, William P. ed. Engaging Biblical Authority: Perspectives on the Bible as Scripture Westminster: 2007

Brueggemann, Walter The Book that Breathes New Life: Scriptural Authority and Biblical Theology Fortress: 2005

Bryan, Christopher And God Spoke; The Authority of the Bible for the Church Today Cowley: 2002

Burnaby, J. Is the Bible Inspired? Duckworth: 1949

Burtchaell, James T. Catholic Theories of Biblical InspirationSince 1910 Cambridge: 1969

Conn, Harvie, ed. Inerrancy and Hermaneutic: A Tradition,A Challenge, A Debate Baker: 1988

Cunliffe-Jones, H. The Authority of Biblical Revelation T&T Clark: 1946

Enns, Peter Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals andthe Problem of the Old Testament Baker: 2005

Geisler, Norman, ed. Inerrancy Zondervan: 1979

Gnuse, R. The Authority of the Bible: Theories of Inspiration, Revelation, and the Canon of Scripture Paulist: 1985

Goldingay, J. Theological Diversity and the Authority of the Old Testament Eerdmans: 1967

Greenspan, F.E., ed. Scripture in the Jewish and Christian Traditions:Authority, Interpetation, Relevance Abington: 1982

Halbertal, Moshe People of the Book: Canon, Meaning, and Authority

Harvard: 1997

Hannah, John D., ed. Inerrancy and the Church Moody: 1984

Hebert, Arthur G. The Authority of the Old Testament Faber: 1947

Heidt, William G. A General Introduction to Sacred Scripture:

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Inspiration, Canonicity, Texts, Version and Hermaneutics Liturgical: 1970

Henry, CFH, ed. Revelation and the Bible: Contemporary Evangelical Thought Tyndale: 1959

John Paul II Apostolic Constitution: Catechism of the Catholic Church Chap. 2 Doubleday: 1995

Kline, M.G. The Structure of Biblical Authority Eerdmans: 1972

Lancaster, Sarah Women and the Authority of Scripture: A Narrative Appproach Trinity: 2002

Lienhard, Joseph T. The Bible, The Church, and Authority: The Canon of the Christian Bible in History and Theology Liturgical: 1995

McDonald, H.D. Theories of Revelation: An Historical Study 1700-1960Baker: 1979

McKim, D.K., ed. The Authoritative Word: Essays on the Nature of Scripture Eerdmans: 1983

Meade, David G. Pseudonimity and Canon: An Investigation into the Relationship of Authorship and Authority in Jewish and Early Christian Traditions Eerdmans: 1986

Mowinckel, S. The Old Testament as Word of God Blackwells: 1960

Neusner, J. & Green, W.S. Writing with Scripture: The Authority and Uses of the Hebrew Bible in Formative Judaism Scholars: 1993

Noll, Mark Between Faith and Criticism: Evangelicals, Scholarship,and the Bible in America Harper & Row: 1986

O’Neill, J.C. The Bible’s Authority: A Portrait Gallery of Thinkersfrom Lessing to Bultmann T&T Clark:1991

Pinnock, C.H. & Callen, B.L. The Scripture Principle: Reclaiming the Full Authority of the Bible Baker: 2006

Radmacher, E. & Preuss, R., eds. Hermaneutics, Inerrancy, and the Bible Zondervan: 1984Reid, J.K.S. The Authority of Scripture: A Study of the Reformation

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and Post-Reformation Understanding of the BibleMethuen: 1957

Richardson, A. & Schweitzer, W., eds. Biblical Authority for Today SCM: 1951

Robinson, Henry W. Inspiration and Revelation in the Old Testament Clarendon: 1946

Schöckel, Alonso The Inspired Word. New York: Herder & Herder, 1965.Sittler, Joseph The Doctrine of the Word in the Structure

of Lutheran Theology Muhlenberg: 1948

Snaith, N.H. The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible Epworth: 1956

Steinmann, Andrew W. The Oracles of God; The Old Testament Canon Concordia: 1999

Strange, William The Authority of the Bible Darton: 2000

Trembath, K.R. Evangelical Theories of Biblical Inspiration:A Review and Proposal

Oxford: 1987

Vawter, Bruce Biblical Inspiration Westminster: 1972

Walvoord, John E., ed. Inspiration and Interpretation Eerdmans: 1957

Walzer, Zohar, Lorberbaum The Jewish Political Tradition Vol. 2, Membership Yale: 2006

Wand, J.W.C. The Authority of the Scriptures Mowbrays: 1949

Webster, John Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic Sketch Cambridge: 2003

Wright, N.T. The Last Word: Beyond the Bible Wars to a New Understanding of The Authority of Scripture SPCK: 2005

Young, E.J. Thy Word is Truth: Some Thoughts on the BiblicalDoctrine of Inspiration Banner of Truth: 1972

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Pre-Note: This section presently includes both official statements and commentaries on those statements. It may prove feasible to introduce separate-categories for these two types of entries at a later time. Collections of statements for the Eastern Orthodox and Protestant churches, and commentaries on those statements, are presently lacking. Identifying and inserting those entries is a major priority. Reference Works

Bibliographies Just, Felix Catholic Church Documents related to Biblical Studies 2007

Neusner, Jacob Rabbinic Literature: An Essential Guide Abington: 2005

Official Statements

(1) Multi-Religious Leith, John H. Creeds of the Churches Westminster: 1986

Schaff, Philip Creeds of Christendom (3 vols.) Baker: 1977 2) Jewish Halbertal, Moshe People of the Book: Canon, Meaning, and Authority,

Chapter 1, Harvard: 1997

Neusner, Jacob Rabbinic Literature: An Essential Guide Abington: 2005 (3) Catholic

Abbott, Walter M., gen.ed. Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation in The Documents of Vatican II America, Association, Guild: 1966

Bechard, Dean P., ed. The Scripture Documents: An Anthology of OfficialCatholic Teaching Liturgical: 2002

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Fitzmyer, Joseph The Biblical Commission’s Document: “The Interpetationof the Bible in the Church;” Text and Commentaries Pontifical Biblical Institute: 1995

Gaillardetz, Richard By What Authority? A Primer on Scripture,the Magisterium, and the Sense of the Faithful Liturgical: 2003

Houlden, J.L The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church SCM: 1995

John Paul II Apostolic Constitution: Catechism of the Catholic Church Chap. 2 Doubleday: 1995

Louis, C., ed. Rome and the Study of Scripture: A Collection of Papal Enactmen on the Study of Holy Scripture with the Decisions of the Biblical Commission Abbey: 1964

Megivern, James J., ed. Official Catholic Teaching: Bible Interpretation McGrath-Consortium: 1978

Miller, C.H. As It Is Written: The Use of Old Testament References in the Documents of Vatican II Marianist: 1973

Pontifical Biblical Commission The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church 1993

Pontifical Biblical Commission Instruction on the Historical Truth of the Gospels 1964

(4) Orthodox

(5) Protestant

McGrath, A.E. & Marks, D.C. The Blackwell Companion to ProtestantismBlackwell: 2004

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Pre-Notes: (1) The “General Introductions” categories, both here and throughout the bibliography, are intended mainly for overviews or surveys, i.e. works that present the most general information on all or most areas of scholarly interest in their designated areas. (2) An argument can be made for the inclusion of commentaries (at least single-volume commentaries) in the “General Introductions” categories. Whether to so include them is an unresolved classification issue. Many such commentaries are presently located in a category of their own, simply designated as “Commentaries.” (3) Although a listing of general introductions would suffice in a bibliography expressly designed for introductory works, this bibliography provides additional categories for studies that provide a more particular but still introductory focus on “Background,” “Criticism & Interpretation,” and “Biblical Theology.” (4) On the basis of title alone and without more precise knowledge of their content, it is difficult to determine if works entitled “introductions to scriptural studies,” or some equivalent thereof, belong in the “General Introductions” categories or in the “Criticism and Interpretation” categories. Pending such determination, works with those somewhat ambiguous titles have been tentatively placed in both categories.

Reference Works


General Introductions (See also previous section on Commentaries)

Anderson, Bernhard W. The Unfolding Drama of the Bible: Eight Studies Introducing the Bible as a Whole (4th Ed.) Fortress: 2006

Baker, Kenneth Inside the Bible: An Introduction to Each Book of the BibleIgnatius: 1998

Barr, James General Introduction to Scripture Studies

Barton, John What is the Bible? Triangle: 1991

Bea, Augustine The Word of God and Mankind, Franciscan: 1967.Binz, Stephen J. Introduction to the Bible A Catholic Guide to

Studying ScriptureLiturgical: 2007

Briggs, C.A. General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture Baker: 1970

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Brock, Sebastian The Bible in the Syriac Tradition Gorgias: 2006

Carmody, Timothy R Reading the Bible: A Study Guide Paulist: 2004

Charlier, Celestine The Christian Approach to the Bible Newman: 1958

Chilton, Bruce, gen. ed. Cambridge Companion to the Bible Cambridge: 2008.Cook, S.A. An Introduction to the Bible Penguin: 1945

Daniel-Rops, Henri What is the Bible? Hawthorne: 1958.Dawes, Gregory W. Introduction to the Bible Liturgical: 2007

Drane, John. Introducing the Bible Fortress, 2005

Englezakis, Benedict New and Old in God’s Revelation Clarke: 2004

Fant, Musser, Reddish, eds An Introduction to the Bible Abington: 2001

Fiorenza, E. Schussler, ed. Searching the Scriptures: A Feminist IntroductionCrossroad: 1997

Fuentes, Antonio A Guide to the Bible Lumen Christi: 1987

Geisler, Norman L. A General Introduction to the Bible Moody: 1986

Gilbert, Christopher A Complete Introduction to the Bible Paulist: 2009

Goldingay, J. Reading the Bible for the First Time Judson: 1979

Goodspeed, E.J. How to Read the Bible Oxford: 1948

Gorman, Michael J. Scripture: An Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible and ItsInterpretation Hendrickson: 2004

Green, Mandolfo, Murphy From Earth’s Creation to John’s Revelation: The Interfaces Biblical Story-line Companion Liturgical: 2003

Grelot, Pierre Introduction to the Bible Herder: 1967

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Grollenberg, L.H. A New Look at an Old Book Newman: 1969

Harakas, Stanley Orthodox Christian Beliefs About the Bible St. Vladimir: 2007

Harrington, Wilfrid J. Record of Revelation: The Bible Priory: 1965

Hayes, J.H. Introduction to the Bible Westminster: 1986

Heidt, William G. A General Introduction to Sacred Scripture:Inspiration, Canonicity, Texts, Versions, and Hermaneutics Liturgical: 1970

Hiers, R.H. Reader’s Guide to the Bible including the Apocrypha Abington: 1978

Hooke, S.H. What is the Bible? SCM: 1948

Hunt, Ignatius Understanding the Bible Sheed and Ward: 1962

Johnson, Philip S., ed. Introduction to the Bible InterVarsity: 2006

Kimbrough Jr. A.T, ed. Orthodox and Wesleyan Scriptural Understandingand Practice St. Vladimir: 2005

Laux, John Introduction to the Bible Tan: 1990

Mendenhall, George E. Ancient Israel’s Faith and History: An Introduction to the Bible in Context Westminster: 2001

Metzger, B.M. et al. Introduction to the Bible SCM: 1960

Monks of Maredsous Guide to the Bible Sands: 1959

Murphy, R.T.A. Background to the Bible: An Introduction to ScriptureStudy Servant: 1978

Murray, A.V. How to Know your Bible: A Guide to Biblical Study Allen & Unwin: 1952 Parmelee, Alice A Guidebook to the Bible English Universities: 1951

Richardson, Alan Preface to Bible-Study Westminster: 1944

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Riches, John The Bible: A Very Short Introduction Oxford: 2000

Robert, A. & Feuillet, A Introduction to the Bible: Vol. I, General Introduction Desclee: 1957

Rogerson, J.W. An Introduction to the Bible Bible Word: 2005

Rogerson, J.N. & Lieu, J.M., eds. The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies Oxford: 2006Rooney, Don Journey with the Bible Liturgical: 2005

Rooney, Gerard Preface to the Bible Bruce: 1952

Sloyan, G.S. So You Mean to Read the Bible? Some Tips for Absolute Beginners Liturgical: 1992

Smith, W.C. What is Scripture? SCM: 1993 Stacey, W.D. Groundwork of Biblical Studies Epworth: 1979

Stallsworth, Paul T The Story of an Encounter Eerdmans, 1989

Turner, N. Handbook for Biblical Studies Blackwell: 1982

Vermeylen, Jacques Ten Keys for Opening the Bible SCM: 1999

Winzen, Damasus Pathways in Scripture. Charis: 2003.


Pre-Note: As used here and elsewhere in the biblical section of the bibliography, the phrase “Background Studies” refers to works focused broadly on the social, cultural, & religious milieux, and historical frameworks in which the biblical writings were composed and whose particular features offer key insights into the latters’meanings. Because relevant to both, some interdisciplinary studies are presented both here and in the categories of “Criticism & Interpretation.” Reference Works

Gilmore, Alec. A Concise Dictionary of Bible Origins and Interpretation

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Clarke: 2006

Miller, M.S. & J.L Encyclopedia of Bible Life Harper: 1944

Pilch, John J. The Cultural Dictionary of the Bible Liturgical: 1998

Bibliographies Malamat, A. & Reviv, H. A Bibliography of the Biblical Period Hashichpul,

Hebrew University: 1964

General Studies

Ahlstrom, Gosta W. Ancient Palestine: A Historical Introduction Fortress: 2002

Albright, William From Stone Age to Christianity Doubleday, 1957

Blowers, Paul M The Bible in Greek Christian Antiquity Notre Dame: 1997

Borowski, Oded Daily Life in Bible Times SBL: 2003

Bremmer, Jan N. Greek Religion and Culture: The Bible and the Ancient Near East Brill: 2008

Brenner, A. I Am: Biblical Women Tell Their Own Stories Fortress: 2004

Brooke, G.J., ed. Women in the Biblical Tradition Lewiston-Lampeter:1992

Cameron, A. & Kurt, A., eds Images of Women in Antiquity Routledge: 1993

Carr, David M Writing on the Tablet of the Heart: Origins of Scripture and Literature Oxford: 2005

Christian Scholars The Bible Today: Historical, Social, and Literary Aspects of the Old and New Testaments Harper: 1955

Coogan, Michael D. The Oxford History of the Biblical World Oxford: 1998

Coward, Harold Sacred Word and Sacred Text: Scripture in World Religions Orbis: 1988

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Deist, Ferdinand E. The Material Culture of the Bible: An IntroductionSheffield: 2000

De Vaux, Roland The Bible and the Ancient Near East Darton: 1972

Hess, R.S. & Carroll, R., eds. Family in the Bible: Exploring Customs, Culture,and Context Baker: 2003

Lawrence, L.J. & Aguilar, M.I. Anthropology and Biblical Studies: Avenuesof Approach Deo: 2004

Matthews, Victor H. Manners and Customs in the Bible: An Illustrated Guide to Daily Life in Bible Times Hendrickson: 2006

McKinlay, Judith E. Reframing Her: Biblical Women in Postcolonial FocusSheffield: 2004

Mendenhall, George E. Ancient Israel’s Faith and History: An Introduction to the Bible in Context Westminster: 2001

Murphy, R.T.A Background to the Bible: An Introduction to ScriptureStudy Servant: 1978

Neusner, Chilton, Green, eds. Historical Knowledge in Biblical Antiquity Deo: 2007

O’Connor, M.P. & Freedman, D.N. Backgrounds for the Bible Eisenbrauns: 1987

Rutgers, Van Der Horst, Havelaar& Teugels, eds., The Use of Sacred Books in the Ancient World Peeters:


Sawyer, Deborah F. God, Gender, and the Bible Routledge: 2002

Schaberg, Bach, & Fuchs, eds. On the Cutting Edge: The Study of Women in Biblical Worlds: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Fiorenza Schussler Continuum: 2004

Schofield, J.N. The Religious Background of the Bible Nelson: 1944

Thompson, J.A. A Handbook of Life in Bible Times InterVarsity: 1987

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Vrmes, Geza Scrolls, Scriptures, and Early Christianity T&T Clark: 2005

Wright, G.E. An Introduction to Biblical Archeology Duckworth: 1960

__________, ed. The Bible and the Ancient Near East Routledge: 1960

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Pre-Note: As its title indicates, both here and elsewhere in the bibliography, this category is intended for introductory works on hermaneutics.

Reference Works

Buttrick, G.A., ed. The Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible and Supplement (5 vols.) Abington: 1962-77

Crim, Kenneth The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible Abington: 1976

Dockery, Mathews, Sloan, eds. Foundations for Biblical Interpretation: A Comprehensive Library of Tools and Resources

Broadman: 1994

Gilmore, Alec. A Concise Dictionary of Bible Origins and Interpretation Clarke: 2006

Hayes, John H., ed. Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation Abington: 1999

McKim, Donald K. Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters InterVarsity: 2007

Porter, Stanley E., ed. Dictionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation Routledge: 2007

Bibliographies Minor, Mark Literary-Critical Approaches to the Bible: An Annotated

Bibliography Locust: 1992

Powell, M.A., ed The Bible and Modern Literary Criticism: A Critical Assessment and Annotated Bibliography Greenwood: 1992

Watson, D. & Hauser, A.J. Rhetorical Criticism of the Bible: A ComprehensiveBibliography with Note on History and Method Brill: 1994

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General Studies

Adam, A.K.M. Handbook of Postmodern Biblical Interpretation Chalice: 2000

Adam, Fowl, Vanhouzer, Watson Reading Scripture with the Church: Toward a Hermaneuic for Theological Interpretation Baker: 2006

Alter, R. & Kermode, F., eds. The Literary Guide to the Bible Collins: 1987

Anderson, G.W., ed Tradition and Interpretation Clarendon: 1979

Angeson, James W. In the Beginning: Critical Concepts for the Study of the Bible Westview: 2000

Bailey, Randall C. Yet with a Steady Beat: Contemporary US Afrocentric Biblical Interpretation SBL: 2003

Barr, James Old and New in Interpretation: a Study of the TwoTestaments SCM: 1982

__________ General Introduction to Scripture Studies

__________ Holy Scripture, Canon, Authority, Criticism Oxford: 1983

Bartholomew, Craig Behind the Text Paternoster: 2003

Bartholomew, Greene, Moller Renewing Biblical Interpretation Zondervan: 2000

_______________________ , eds. After Pentecost: Language and Biblical Interpretation Zondervan: 2001

Barton, John The Nature of Biblical Criticism Westminster: 2007

Barton, John, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation Cambridge: 1998

Beattie, D.R.G. First Steps in Biblical Criticism University: 1988

Bergant, Dianne Scripture: History and Interpretation Liturgical: 2008

Binz, Stephen J. Introduction to the Bible A Catholic Guide to Studying Scripture Liturgical: 2007

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Boer, H.R. The Bible and Higher Criticism Eerdmans: 1981

Boer, Roland Symposia: Dialogues Concerning the History of Biblical Interpretation Equinox: 2007

Bouteneff, Peter & Heller, Dagmar Interpreting Together: Essays in HermaneuticsWorld Council of Churches: 2002

Bouyer, Louis The Meaning of Sacred Scripture Notre Dame: 1958 Bratton, F.G. A History of the Bible: An Introduction to the Historical

Method Beacon: 1959

Bray, Gerald Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present InterVarsity: 2000

Breck, John Scripture in Tradition: The Bible and Interpretation in the Orthodox Church St. Vladimir: 2001

Brenner, A. & Fontaine, C., eds. A Feminist Companion to Reading the Bible:

Approaches, Methods, and Strategies Sheffield: 1997

Briggs, C.A. General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture Baker: 1970

Brown, Jeannine K. Scripture as Communication: Introducing Biblical Hermaneutics Baker: 2007

Brown, Raymond E. The Critical Meaning of the Bible Paulist: 1981

_________________ Biblical Exegesis and Church Doctrine Paulist: 1985

_________________ The Sensus Plenior of Sacred Scripture St. Mary’s Univ.: 1955

Bruce, F.F New Horizons in Biblical Studies Sheffield: 1957

Buss, Martin J. Biblical Form Criticism in its Context Sheffield: 1999

Carroll, R. & Daniel, M. Rethinking Contexts, Rereading Texts: Contributions from

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The Social Sciences to Biblical Interpretation Sheffield: 2000

Carmody, Timothy R. Reading the Bible: A Study Guide Paulist: 2004

Charlier, Celestin The Christian Approach to the Bible Sands: 1961

Chau, Wai-Shing The Letter and the Spirit: A History of Interpretation from Origen to Luther Lang: 1995

Christian Scholars The Bible Today: Historical, Social, and Literary Aspects of the Old and New Testaments Harper: 1955

Collins, A.Y., ed. Feminist Perspectives on Biblical Scholarship Scholars: 1985

Collins, John J. The Bible After Babel: Historical Criticism in aPostmodern Age Eerdmans: 2005

Colwell, E.C. The Study of the Bible Chicago: 1945

Cottrell, P. & Turner, M Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation SPCK: 1989Orbis: 1988

Countryman, L. William Interpreting the Truth: Changing the Paradigm of BiblicalStudies Trinity: 2003

Court, John M., ed. Biblical Interpretation: The Meaning of Scripture

– Past and Present T&T Clark: 2003 Continuum: 2004

Coward, Harold Sacred Word and Sacred Text: Scripture in World Religion Orbis: 1988

Danker, Frederick W. Multipurpose Tools for Bible Study Fortress: 2003

Davidson, R. & Leavey, A. Biblical Criticism: The Pelican Guide to ModernTheology, vol 3. Penguin: 1970

Davis, E.F. & Hays, R.B., eds. The Art of Reading Scripture Eerdmans: 2003

Day, L. & Pressler, C., eds. Engaging the Bible in a Gendered World: An Introduction to Feminist Biblical Criticism Westminster: 2006

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De Groot, C. & Taylor, M.A. Recovering Nineteenth Century Women Interpreters of the Bible SBL: 2007

Demers, P. Women as Interpreters of the Bible Paulist: 1992

Dube, Musa W. Postcolonial Feminist Interpetation of the Bible Chalice: 2000

Dugmore, Cliford W., ed. The Interpretation of the Bible SPCK: 1946

Evans, Craig A., ed. The Interpretation of Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity: Studies in Language and Tradition Sheffield: 2000

Exum, J., Cheryl Fragmented Women: Feminist (Sub) Versions of BiblicalNarratives Sheffield: 1993

Ferguson, D.S. Biblical Hermaneutics: An Introduction SCM: 1987

Fiorenza, Schussler, E. Bread Not Stone: The Challenge of Feminist Biblical Interpretation Beacon: 199

__________________ Sharing Her Word; Feminist Biblical Interpretation in Context Beacon: 1998

__________________ Wisdom Way: Introducing Feminist Biblical InterpretationOrbis: 2001

Fokkelman, Jan P. Reading Biblical Narrative: An Introductory Guide Westminster: 2000

Fowl, Stephen E., ed. The Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Classic and Contemporary Readings Blackwell: 1997

Froelich, Karlfried, ed. Biblical Interpetation in the Early Church Fortress: 1984

Gable, J.B. & Wheeker, C.B. The Bible as Literature: An Introduction Oxford: 1986

Gamble, Harry Y. Books and Readers in the Early Church: A History of Early Christian Texts Yale: 1995

Goldingay, John Models for Interpretation of Scripture Eerdmans: 1995

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Gorman, Michael J. Scripture: An Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible and ItsInterpretation Hendrickson: 2004

Grant, Robert M. The Bible in the Church: A Short History of Interpretation Macmillan: 1948

______________ A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible Black: 1965

Grant, R.M. & Tracy, D. A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible SCM: 1984

Grollenberg, L.H. Interpreting the Bible Paulist: 1968

Hanson, A.T. The New Testament Interpretation of Scripture SPCK: 1980

Harrington, Daniel J. How Do Catholics Read the Bible? Rowman: 2005

Harrison, Waltke, Guthrie, Fee Biblical Criticism: Historical, Literary, and TextualZondervan: 1978

Harrisville, R. & Sundberg, W. The Bible in Modern Culture, Theology, and Historical-Critical Method from Spinoza to Kasemann Eerdmans: 1995

Hauser, A.J. & Watson, D.F., eds. A History of Biblical Interpretation I: The AncientPeriod Eerdmans: 2003

Hayes, John H., ed. Methods of Biblical Interpretation Abington: 2004

Hayes, J.H. & Holladay, C.R. Biblical Exegesis: A Beginner’s Handbook Westminster: 2007

Heidt, William G. A General Introduction to Sacred Scripture: Inspiration, Canonicity, Texts, Versions and Hermaneutics Liturgical: 1970

Helmer, Christine, ed. Biblical Interpretation: History, Context, and Reality SBL: 2005

Hens-Piazza, Gina Of Methods, Monarchs, and Means: A Sociohistorical Approach to Exegesis Mercer: 1996

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Hulgate, D. & Starr, R. SCM Study Guide to Biblical Hermaneutics SCM: 2006

Jenkins, A.K. & Preston, P. Biblical Scholarship and the Church: A Sixteenth Century Crisis of Authority Ashgate: 2007

Jensen, Alexander Theological Hermaneutics SCM: 2007

Jobling, Pippin, Scleifer, eds. The Postmodern Biblical Reader Blackwell: 2001

Johnson, L.T. & Kurz, W. S. The Future of Catholic Biblical Scholarship:A Constructive Conversation: Eerdmans: 2002

Johnson, Marshall D. Making Sense of the Bible: Literary Type as an Approach to Understanding Eerdmans: 2002

Kaiser, W.C. & Silva, M. An Introduction to Biblical Hermaneutics: The Search for Meaning Zondervan: 1994

Kalimi, I. & Haas, P., eds. Biblical Interpetation in Judaism and Christianity Clark: 2006

Kentz, E. The Historical-Critical Method Fortress: 1975

Klein, Blomberg, Hubbard Introduction to Biblical Interpretation Word: 1993

Knowles, Melody, et al. Contesting Texts: Jews and Christians in Conversation about the Bible Fortress: 2007

Kugel, James L. How to Read the Bible” A Guide to Scripture, Then and Now Free Press: 2007

Kugel, J.L. & Greer, R.A. Early Biblical Interpretation Westminster: 1986

Lawrence, L.J. & Aguilar, M.I., eds. Anthropology and Biblical Studies: Avenues of Approach Deo: 2004

Lim, Johnson T.K. A Strategy for Reading Biblical Texts Lang: 2002

Lockhart, C. Principles of Interpretation Central Seminary: 1950

Longenecker, R.N. Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period Eerdmans: 1999

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Longman, T. Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation Zondervan: 1987

Margerie, Bertrand de An Introduction to the History of Exegesis, 3 vols. St. Bede’s: 1995

McConnell, F., ed. The Bible and the Narrrative Tradition Oxford: 1986

McCown, W. & Massey, E.J., eds. Interpreting God’s Word for Today Warner:1982

McKenzie, S.L. & Haynes, S.R. To Each His Own Meaning: An Introduction to Biblical Criticisms and Their Application Westminster: 1999

McKim, Donald K., ed. Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters InterVarsity:1998

Megivern, James J., ed. Official Catholic Teaching: Bible Interpretation McGrath: 1978

Montague, George Understanding the Bible: A Basic Introduction to BiblicalInterpretation Paulist: 1977

Moore, S.D. & Segovia, F.F., eds. Postcolonial Biblical Criticism: InterdisciplinaryIntersections T&T Clark: 2005

Morgan, D.F. Between Text and Community: The ‘Writings’ inCanonical Interpretation Fortress: 1990

Morrow, Stanley B. Basic Tools of Biblical Exegesis Biblical Institute: 1978

Moyise, Steve Introduction to Biblical Studies T&T Clarke: 2004

Murphy, R.T.A. Background to the Bible: An Introduction to Scripture Study Servant: 1978

Murray, A.V. How to Know your Bible: A Guide to Biblical Study Allen & Unwin: 1952

Negrov, Alexander I. Biblical Interpretation in the Russian Orthodox ChurchMohr: 2008

Neusner, Chilton, Green, eds. Historical Knowledge in Biblical Antiquity Deo: 2007

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Noll, Mark Between Faith and Criticism: Evangelicals, Scholarship, and the Bible in America Harper & Row: 1986

Oeming, Manfred Contemporary Biblical Hermaneutics: An Introduction Ashgate: 2006

O’Keefe, J.J. & Reno, R.R. Sanctified Vision: An Introduction to Early ChristianInterpretation of the Bible John Hopkins: 2005

Patrick, D. & Scult, R. Rhetoric and Biblical Interpretation Sheffield: 1990

Rahm, Bernard Protestant Biblical Interpretation Baker: 1970

Ratzinger, Joseph et al. Biblical Interpretation in Crisis: the RatzingerConference on Bible and Church. Eerdmans: 1987

Richardson, Alan Preface to Bible-Study Westminster: 1944

Robert, A. & Tricot, A. Guide to the Bible: An Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture Desclee: 1960

Robinson, Robert B. Roman Catholic Exegesis Since ‘Divino Afflante Spiritu:’Hermaneutical Implications Scholars: 1988

Rogerson, J.N. & Lieu, J.M., eds. The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies Oxford: 2006

Rowland, C. & Corner, M. Liberating Exegesis; The Challenge of Liberation Theology to Biblical Studies SPCK: 1990

Rutgers, Van Der Horst, Havelaar& Teugels, eds., The Use of Sacred Books in the Ancient World Peeters:


Rypins, S. The Book of Thirty Centuries: An Introduction to Modern Study of the Bible Macmillan: 1951

Sanders, J.A. Canon and Community: A Guide to Canonical Criticism Fortress: 1984

Sandoval, T.J.& Mandolpho, C., eds Relating to the Text: Interdisciplinary and

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Form-Critical Insights in the Bible T&T Clark: 2003

Sandys-Wunsch, John What Have They Done to the Bible: A History of ModernBiblical Interpretation Liturgical: 2005

Scholder, K. The Birth of Modern Critical Theology: Origins andProblems of Biblical Criticism in the Seventeenth CenturySCM: 1990

Schottroff, Schroer, Wacker Feminist Interpretation: The Bible in Women’s PerspectiveFortress: 1998

Schroer, S. & Bietnehard, S., eds. Feminist Interpretation of the Bible and the Hermaneutics of Liberation Sheffield: 2003

Schwartz, W Principles and Problems of Biblical Translation: Some Reformation Controversies and their Background Cambridge: 1955

Segovia, Fernando F. Decolonizing Biblical Studies: A View from the Margins Orbis:

Selvidge, Marla J. Notorious Voices: Feminist Biblical Interpretation: 1500 – 1920 SCM: 1996

Silva, M. Has the Church Misread the Bible? The History ofInterpretation in the Light of Current Issues Academie: 1987

Smart, J.D. The Interpretation of Scripture SCM: 1961

Smith-Christopher, Daniel, ed. Text and Experience: Toward a Cultural Exegesis ofThe Bible Sheffield: 1995

Smith, W.C. What is Scripture? SCM: 1993 Soulen, R.N. & R.K. Handbook of Biblical Criticism Westminster: 2001

Sparks, Kenton L. God’s Word in Human Words: An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship Baker: 2008

Stacey, W.D. Interpreting the Bible Sheldon: 1976

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__________ Groundwork of Biblical Studies Epworth: 1979

Sugirtharajah, R.S., ed. The Postcolonial Biblical Reader Blackwell: 2006

___________________ Voices from the Margin: Interpreting the Bible in the Third World Orbis: 2006

Sweeney, M. & Ben Zvi, e., eds. The Changing Face of Form Criticism for theTwenty-First Century Eerdmans: 2003

Tate, Randolph W. Biblical Interpretation: An Integrated Approach Hendrickson: 1997

_______________ Interpreting the Bible: A Handbook of Terms and Methods Hendrickson: 2006

Thoma, C. & Wyschograd, M., eds. Understanding Scripture: Explorations of Jewishand Christian Traditions of Interpetation Paulist: 1987

Tiffany, F.C. & Ringe, S.H. Biblical Interpretation; A Roadmap Abington: 1996

Tolbert, M.A., ed. The Bible and Feminist Hermaneutics Scholars: 1983

Trigg, Joseph W., ed. Biblical Interpretation Liturgical: 1988

Turner, N. Handbook for Biblical Studies Blackwell: 1982

Uffenheimer, B. & Reventlow, H., eds. Creative Biblical Exegesis: Christian and Jewish

Hermaneutics through the Centuries Sheffield: 1988

Vander Stichele, & Penner, eds. Her Master’s Tools? Feminist and Postcolonial Engagements of Historical-Critical Discourse SCL: 2005

Virkler, H.A. & Ayayo, K.G. Hermaneutics: Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation Baker: 2007

Walvoord, John E., ed. Inspiration and Interpretation Eerdmans: 1957

Ward, Timothy Word and Supplement: Speech Acts, Biblical Texts, the Sufficiency of Scripture Oxford: 2002

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Willoughby, H.R,. ed. The Study of the Bible Today and Tomorrow Chicago: 1947

Winbush, Vincent L. The Bible and African-Americans: A Brief History Fortress: 2003 Wood, J.D. The Interpretation of the Bible: A Historical Introduction

Duckworth: 1958

Yarchin, William History of Biblical Interpretation: A Reader Hendrickson: 2004

Young, Francis M Biblical Exegesis and the Formation of Christian Cultureambridge: 1997

Zuck, Roy B. Basic Bible Interpretation Cook: 2004

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Pre-Note: An auhoritative definition of biblical theology is best left to others. This category, both here and elsewhere in the bibliography, is intended for introductory works whose titles suggest they belong here, however biblical theology may be defined. Introductory works in biblical ethics have also been placed in this category.

Reference Works Bauer, J.B., ed. An Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology Crossroad: 1981

Leon-Dufour, Xavier, ed. Dictionary of Biblical Theology Seabury: 1973

Stuhlmueller, Carroll The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology Liturgical: 1996

Vanhoozer, K.J. et al, eds. Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the BibleBaker/SPCK: 2005


SCM Press Studies in Biblical Theology London: SCM: 1951

General Studies

Adam, Fowl, Vanhoozer, Watson Reading Scripture with the Church: Toward a Hermaneuic for Theological Interpretation Baker: 2006

Anderson, B.H. Rediscovering the Bible Association: 1951

Barthelemy, Dominique God and His Image: An Outline of Biblical Theology Ignatius: 2007

Barthlomew, Healy, Moller, Parry, eds Out of Eygpt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation

Zondervan: 2004

Bruggemann, Walter The Book the Breathes New Life; Scriptural Authority andBiblical Theology Fortress: 2005

Burrows, Millar An Outline of Biblical Theology Westminster: 1946

Childs, Brevard S. Biblical Theology of Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflections on the Christian Bible Fortress: 1993

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.______________ Biblical Theology: A Proposal Fortress: 2002

Collins, John J. Encounters with Biblical Theology Fortress: 2005

Cronk, George The Message of the Bible: An Orthodox Christian Perspective St. Vladimir: 1997

Dauphinais, M. & Levering, M. Holy People, Holy Land: A Theological Introduction to the Bible Brazos: 2005

Dentan, R.C. The Design of the Scriptures: A First Reader in Biblical Theology McGraw-Hill: 1961

Englezakis, Benedict New and Old in God’s Revelation Clarke: 2004

Fowl, Stephen E., ed The Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Classic and Contemporary Readings Blackwell: 1997

______________ Engaging Scripture: A Model for Theological Interpretation Blackwell: 1998

Hafemann, Scott J., ed. Biblical Theology: Retrospect and Prospect Inter-Varsity:


Hafemann, S.J. & House, P.R., eds. Central Themes in Biblical Theology: Mapping Unity in Diversity Apollos: 2007

Harakas, Stanley S. Orthodox Christian Beliefs About the Bible St. Vladimir: 2007

Harrington, W.J. The Path of Biblical Theology Gill: 1973

Janssen, Ochtendung, Wehn, eds. Transgressors: Toward a Feminist Biblical Theology Liturgical: 2002

Jensen, Alexander Theological Hermaneutics SCM: 2007

Kraftchick, Steven Biblical Theology: Problems and Perspectives Abington: 1995

Mahoney, Edward J. Scripture as the Soul of Theology Liturgical: 2005

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Mead, James K. Biblical Theology: Issues, Methods, and Themes Westminster: 2007

Nardoni, Enrique Rise Up O Judge: A Study of Justice in the Biblical World Hendrickson: 2004

Niehaus, Jeffrey J. Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology Kregel: 2008

Nurnberger, Klaus Biblical Theology in Outline: The Vitality of the Word of God Cluster: 2004

Pilch, J.J. & Malina, B.J., eds. Handbook of Biblical Social Values Hendrickson: 1998

Rowley, H.H. The Relevance of the Bible T&T Clark: 1941

Scobie, Charles H. H. The Ways of our God: An Approach to Biblical Theology Eerdmans, 2003

Sittler, Joseph The Doctrine of the Word in the Structure of Lutheran Theology Muhlenberg: 1948

Stuhlmacher, Peter How to Do Biblical Theology Pickwick: 1995

Treier, Daniel J. Introducing Theological Interpretation of Scripture: Recovering a Christian Practice Baker: 2008

Vos, G. Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments Eerdmans: 1948

Webster, John Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic Sketch Cambridge: 2003

Yoder, John Howard The Use of the Bible in Theology: Evangelical Optionsed. Johnson, R.K. Chap. 6 Westminster: 1984

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Reference Works

Brookes, R.S. A Dictionary of Judaism Shapiro Vallentine: 1959


Encyclopaedia Judaica 2nd ed. (26 vols.) Coronet: 1994


Carroll, M. & Hess, R.S. Annotated Old Testament Bibliography Publications

Dogniez, Cecile Bibliography of the Septuagint, 1970-1993 Brill:1995 Fitzmyer, Joseph A. A Guide to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature

Eerdmans: 2008

Marcus, R. A Selected Bibliography (1920-1945) of the Jews in the Hellenistic-Roman Period

American Academy for Jewish Research: 1947

The Society for Old Testament Study (Misc. eds.) The Book Lists Sage On-Line Publications: Annual

Zannoni, Arthur F. The Old Testament: A Bibliography Liturgical: 1993


Charles, R.H. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English 2 vols. Clarendon: 1913

Kaiser, Otto The Old Testament Apocrypha: An IntroductionHenrickson: 2004

Sparks, H.F.D., ed. The Apocryphal Old Testament Clarendon: 1984

Winchell, C.M & Sheehy, E.P. The Apocrypha of the Old Testament Nelson: 1957

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Beckwith, R. The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church and its Background in Early Judaism SPCK: 1985

Beeker, J. The Formation of the Old Testament Franciscan: 1972

Bentzen, A. Introduction to the Old Testament I, The Canon, Text and Forms of the Old Testament Literature Gad: 1948

Bigger, S. Creating the Old Testament: The Emergence of the Hebrew Bible Blackwell: 1989

Chapman, Stephen B. The Law and the Prophets: A Study in Old Testament Canon Formation Mohr: 2000

Childs, Brevard S. Old Testament Theology in Canonical Context Fortress: 1986

Davies, Philip R. Scribes and Schools: The Canonization of the Hebrew Bible Westminster: 1998

Eissfeldt, Otto The Old Testament: An Introduction (including theApocrypha, Pseudopigrapha, Works of Similar Kind from Qumran,and the History of the Formation of the Old Testament Canon) Blackwell: 1978

Ellis, E.E. The Old Testament in Early Christianity: Canon and Interpretation in the Light of Modern Research Mohr: 1991

Halbertal, Moshe People of the Book: Canon, Meaning, and AuthorityHarvard: 1997

Heinisch, P. History of the Old Testament Liturgical: 1952

Henrey, K.H. An Historical Background to the Old Testament Lutterworth: 1951

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Kuhl, C. The Old Testament: Its Origins and Composition Herriot: 1960

Lewy, I. The Birth of the Bible: A New Approach Bloch: 1950

Margolis, Max L. The Hebrew Scriptures in the Making Jewish Publication Society: 1922

Mellor, E.B., ed. The Making of the Old Testament Cambridge: 1972

Ohler, A Studying the Old Testament: From Tradition to CanonT&T Clark: 1985

Rendtorff, Rolf Canon and Theology: Overtures to an Old Testament Theology Fortress: 1993

Roberts, B.J. The Old Testament Canon: A Suggestion Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Vol. 46, No. I: 1963

__________ The Old Testament Text and Versions: The Hebrew Text in Transmission and the History of the Ancient Versions Univ. of Wales 1951

Rowley, H.H. The Growth of the Old Testament Hutchinson’s: 1950

Scanlin, Harold P. The Old Testament Canon in the Orthodox Churches in New Perspectives on Historical Theology ed. Nassif, Bradley Eerdmans: 1996

Schniedewind, William J. How the Bible Became a Book: The Textualizationof Ancient Israel Cambridge: 2005

Soggin, J.A. Introduction to the Old Testament from its Origins to the Closing of the Alexandrian Canon SCM: 1989

Steinmann, Andrew W. The Oracles of God; The Old Testament Canon Concordia: 1999

Tucker, Petersen, Wilson, eds. Canon, Theology, and Old Testament Interpetation Fortress: 1988

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Reference Works


General Introductions Alleman, H.C. & Flack, E.E., eds. Old Testament Commentary Muhlenberg: 1948

Anderson, Bernhard W. Understanding the Old Testament. 4th edition. Prentice-Hall: 1986

Archer, Gleason A Survey of the Old Testament Introduction Moody: 1994

Arnold, B.T. & Beyer, B., eds. Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian SurveyBaker: 2008

Bamberger, B.J. The Bible: A Modern Jewish Approach Hillel: 1955

Barton, J. & Bowden, J. The Original Story: God, Israel, and the World Darton: 2004

Beebe, H.K The Old Testament: An Introduction to its Literary, Historical, and Religious Traditions Dickenson: 1970

Benjamin, Don C. The Old Testament Story: An Introduction with CD RomFortress: 2004

Bentzen, A. Introduction to the Old Testament Cumberlege: 1949

Benware, P.N. Survey of the Old Testament Moody: 1988

Boadt, Lawrence Introduction to the Old Testament Paulist: 1985

______________ Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction Paulist: 1984

Brettler, Marc How to Read the Jewish Bible Oxford: 2007

Bruce, F.F. The Christian Approach to the Old Testament Inter-Varsity: 1955

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Brueggemann, Walter An Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canonand Christian Imagination Westminster: 2003

Buber, Martin Kingship of God Harper & Row: 1967

Burnette-Bletsch, Rhonda Studying the Old Testament: A Companion Abington: 2007

Castelot, John J. Meet The Bible: The Old Testament 2 vols. Helicon: 1964

Cate, R.L. An Introduction to the Old Testament and Its Study Broadman: 1987

Ceresko, Anthony Introduction to the Old Testament: A Liberation Perspective Orbis: 2001

Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture Fortress: 1979

Coggins, Richard J. Introducing the Old Testament Oxford: 2000

Cohen Shaye, J.D. Introducing the Old Testament Oxford: 1987

Cohn-Sherbok, D. The Hebrew Bible Cassell: 1996

Collins, John J. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Fortress: 2004

______________ A Short Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Fortress: 2007

Coogan, Michael D. The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introductionto the Hebrew Scriptures. Oxford: 2006

________________ The Old Testament: A Very Short Introduction Oxford: 2008

Cotter, D.W. Berit Olam Series Liturgical:

Davidson, R. A Beginner’s Guide to the Old Testament St. Andrews: 1992

Dell, Katherine Opening the Old Testament Blackwell: 2008

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Dick, Michael B. Reading the Old Testament: An Inductive Introduction Hendrickson: 2008

Dillard, R. & Longman, T. An Introduction to the Old Testament Zondervan: 1994

Drane, John Introducing the Old Testament Lion: 2000

Duggan, Michael The Consuming Fire: A Christian Introduction to the Old Testament Ignatius: 1991

Dyer, C. & Merrill, E. Nelson’s Old Testament Survey: Discovering the Detailsof Every Old Testament Book Nelson: 2003

Edwards, D.L. A Key to the Old Testament Collins: 1976

Eissfeldt, Otto The Old Testament: An Introduction (including theApocrypha, Pseudopigrapha, Works of Similar Kind from Qumran,and the History of the Formation of the Old Testament Canon) Blackwell: 1978

Elmslie, W.A.L How Came Our Faith Cambridge: 1948

Fernandez, Marcos, Natalio The Septuagint in Context: Introduction to the GreekVersions of the Bible Brill: 2000

Feuillet, Robert A. Introduction to the Old Testament Desclee: 1968

Fison, J.E. Understanding the Old Testament: The Way of Holiness Oxford: 1952

Flanders, Crapps, Smith People of the Covenant: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Oxford: 1996

Fohrer, G. Introduction to the Old Testament Abington: 1968

Geisler, N.L. A Popular Survey of the Old Testament Baker: 1977

Goldman, S. The Book of Books: An Introduction Harper: 1948

Gottwald, Norman A Light to the Nations: An Introduction to the Old Testament Harper: 1959

Harrington, Wilfrid J. Record of the Promise: The Old Testament Priory: 1965

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Harrison, D.F. Old Testament Introduction SPCK: 1973

Harrison, Roland K. Introduction to the Old Testament Eerdmans: 1969

Hart, H. St.J. A Foreword to the Old Testament: An Essay of Elementary Introduction Black: 1951

Hill, A.E. & Walton, J.H. A Survey of the Old Testament Zondervan: 1991

Hinson, David Old Testament Introduction SPCK: 1976

Holdsworth, John The Old Testament SCM: 2005

______________ Study Guide to the Old Testament SCM: House, Paul & Mitchell, Eric Old Testament Survey Broadman: 1994

Hubbard, D.A & Bush, F.W. Old Testament Survey New Interpreter’s Bible Abington: 2006

Jobes, K.H. & Silva, M. Invitation to the Septuagint Baker: 2000

Kaiser, O. Introduction to the Old Testament; A Presentation of its Results and Problems Blackwell: 1975

Kuntz, J.K The People of the Old Testament: An Introduction to Old Testament Literature Harper: 1974

Lace, O.J., ed. Understanding the Old Testament Cambridge: 1972

Laffey, Alice L. An Introduction to the Old Testament: A Feminist Perspective Fortress: 1988

La Sor, Hubbard, & Bush Old Testament Survey: The Message, Form, and Background of the Old Testament Eerdmans: 1996

Laurin, R.B. The Layman’s Introduction to the Old Testament Judson: 1970

Levenson, Jon Sinai and Zion: An Entry into the Jewish Bible Harper & Row: 1987

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Martin-Achard, R. An Approach to the Old Testament Oliver & Boyd: 1965

McKenzie, S. & Kaltner, J. The Old Testament: Its Background, Growth, and ContentAbington: 2007

Moriarty, F.L. Introducing the Old Testament Burns & Oates: 1961

___________ Foreword to the Old Testament Books Weston: 1954

Perdue, Leo G., ed. Blackwell Companion to the Hebrew Bible Blackwell: 2005

Pfeiffer, Robert H. Introduction to the Old Testament Harper: 1941

______________ The Books of the Old Testament Harper: 1957

Poinsett, Brenda Old Testament Survey: A Student’s Guide Broadman: 1994

Power, J. History of Salvation: Introducing the Old Testament Gill: 1989

Rabin, Elliot Understanding the Hebrew Bible: A Reader’s Guide KTOV: 2006

Rendtorff, Rolf God’s History: A Way through the Old Testament Westminster: 1969

______________ The Old Testament: An Introduction Fortress: 1986 ______________ The Canonical Hebrew Bible Deo: 2005

Richter, Sandra L. The Epic of Eden: A Christian Entry into the Old Testament Intervarsity: 2008

Robinson, P.S. A Layman’s Guide to the Old Testament SPCK: 1957

Robinson, T.H. An Introduction to the Old Testament Merlin-Arnold: 1948

____________ The Old Testament: A Conspectus Duckworth: 1953

Sandmel, S. The Hebrew Scriptures: An Introduction to Their Literature and Ideas Oxford: 1979

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Schmidt, Werner H. Old Testament Introduction Westminster: 1999

Scholtz, Susanne Introducing the Women’s Hebrew Bible Clark: 2007

Sloan, W.W. A Survey of the Old Testament Abington: 1957

Smith, C. Ryder What is the Old Testament? An Introductory Study Epworth: 1949

Soggin, J.A. Introduction to the Old Testament from its Origins to the Closing of the Alexandrian Canon SCM: 1989

Steinmueller, J.E. A Companion to Scripture Studies, Vol. 2 Special Introduction to the Old Testament Wagner: 1942

Tazari, Paul N. The Old Testament, Introduction (3 vols.) St. Vladimir: Tullock, J.H. The Old Testament Story Prentice: 1981

Urburg, S.S. Introducing the Old Testament Books with an Emphasis on their Chronological Relationships Baker: 1976

Walton, R.C., ed. A Basic Introduction to the Old Testament SCM: 1980

Weiser, A. Introduction to the Old Testament Darton: 1961

West, J.K. Introduction to the Old Testament MacMillan: 1981

Westermann, C. Handbook to the Old Testament SPCK: 1975

Wolff, H.W. The Old Testament: A Guide to its Writings Fortress: 1973

Wurthwein, Ernst The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica Eerdmans: 1995

Young, Edward J. An Introduction to the Old Testament Eerdmans: 1964

Zimmerli, Walther Old Testament in Outline T&T Clark, 1983

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Miller, M.S. & J.L Encyclopedia of Bible Life Harper: 1944

Bibliographies Marcus, R. A Selected Bibliography (1920-1945) of the Jews in the

Hellenistic- Roman Period American Academy for Jewish Research: 1947

(1) Histories of Israel, Judah, & Palestine Anati, E. Palestine Before the Hebrews Jonathan Cape: 1963

Avi-Jonah, Michael, ed. A History of Israel and the Holy Land Continuum: 2001

Banks, Dianne Writing the History of Israel T&T Clark: 2006

Ben-Sasson, H., ed. History of the Jewish People Devir: 1969

Bergant, Dianne Israel’s Story (Parts 1 & 2) Liturgical: 2006-07

Bright, John A History of Israel Westminster: 2001

Castel, F. The History of Israel and Judah in Old Testament Times Paulist: 1985

Coote, R.B. Early Israel: A New Horizon Fortress: 1990

Daniel-Rops, Henri Israel and the Ancient World: A History of the Israelites from the Time of Abraham to the Birth of Christ

Eyre & Spottiswoode: 1949

Davies, Philip R. The Origins of Biblical Israel Clark: 2007

Dever, William G. Who Were the Israelites and Where Did They Come From? Eerdmans: 2003

Drane, John W. The Old Testament Story Lion: 1983

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Erlich, E.L. A Concise History of Israel from the Earliest Times to the Destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70 Dartman: 1962

Faust, Avraham Israelite Society in the Period of the Monarchy: An Archeological Perspective Eisenbrauns: 2005

Finkelstein, L., ed. The Jews: Their History, Culture, and Religion Harper: 1949

Finkelstein, Davies, Katz The Cambridge History of Judaism (4 vols.) Cambridge: 1990

Flusser, David Judaism of the Second Temple Eerdmans: 2007

Grable, Lester L. Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It? Clark: 2007

Hayes, J.H. & Miller Israelite and Judean History SCM: 1977________________ A History of Ancient Israel and Judah Westminster: 2006

Hermann, S. A History of Israel in Old Testament Times SCM: 1981

Hester, H.I. The Heart of Hebrew History: A Study of the Old Testament Jewell:1950

Hinson, David History of Israel SPCK: 1990 Jagersma, H. A History of Israel in the Old Testament Period SCM:


Johnston, L. A History of Israel Sheed & Ward: 1978

Lemche, N.P. Ancient Israel: A New History of Israelite Society Sheffield: 1988

___________ Early Israel: Anthropological and Historical Studies on the Israelite Society Before the Monarchy Brill: 1985

Liverani, Mario Israel’s History and the History of the Bible Bible World: 2005

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Maisler, B. & Ben Shammai, M.H. History of Palestine From the Earliest Times to the Israelite Monarchy Mizpah: 1938

Margolis, M.L.& Marx, A. A History of the Jewish People Jewish Publication Society: 1927

Mathews, Victor H. Studying the Ancient Israelites: A Guide to Sources and Methods Baker: 2007

Mazar, B. The Early Biblical Period: Historical Essays Israel Exploration Society: 1986

McDermott, John J. What They Are Saying About the Formation of Israel Paulist: 1998

Merrill, Eugene H. Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel Baker: 1987

Murphy, Frederick J. Early Judaism: The Exile to the Time of Jesus Hendrickson: 2002

Noll, K.L. Canaan and Israel in Antiquity: An Introduction Sheffield: 2001

Noth, Martin The History of Israel Adam & Charles Black: 1960

Orlinsky, H.M. Ancient Israel Cornell: 1954

Ricciotti, G. The History of Israel (2 vols.) Bruce:1955

Roth, C. A Short History of the Jewish People East & West: 1969

Ruysch, W.A. The Holy Land: New Light on the Prehistory and Early History of Israel Antiquity and Survival Vol. II, No.2/3pgs. 77-318 Luctor & Emergo: 1957

Schafer, Peter The History of the Jews in Antiquity: The Jews of Palestine from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest Harwood: 1995

_____________ The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman Period

Routledge: 2003

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Schur, N. History of the Samaritans Lang: 1993

Shanks, Hershel, ed. Ancient Israel from Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple Bib. Archeo. Soc.: 1999

Soggin, J.A. A History of Ancient Israel: From Beginnings to the Bar Kochba Revolt: AD 135 Westminster: 1985

__________ An Introduction to the History of Israel and Judah SCM: 1993

Vaux, Roland de The Early History of Israel 2 vols. Darton: 1978

Williamson, H.G.M., ed. Understanding the History of Ancient Israel Oxford: 2007

(2) Other Background Studies

Ackroyd, P.R. The People of the Old Testament Christopher: 1959

___________ Studies in the Religious Traditions of the Old Testament SCM: 1987

Albertz, Rainer A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period2 vols. Westminster: 1994

Albright, William F. From the Stone Age to Christianity Doubleday: 1957

Anderson, Bernhard W. The Living World of the Old Testament Longmans: 1967

Bach, A., ed. Women in the Hebrew Bible: A Reader Routledge: 1999

Baer, Y.F. Israel among the Nations (in Hebrew) Bialik: 1955 Baron, S.W. A Social and Religious History of the Jews Oxford: 1958

Barton, John, ed. The Biblical World (2 vols.) Routledge: 2002

Bendor, S. The Social Structure in Ancient Israel: The Institution of the Family, from the Settlement to the End of the Monarchy Simor: 1996

Bird, Phyllis A. Missing Persons and Mistaken Identities: Women and

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Gender in Ancient Israel Fortress: 1997

Blenkinsopp, Joseph Sage, Priest, Prophet: Religious and Intellectual Leadership in Ancient Israel Westminster: 1995

Block, Daniel L. The Gods of the Nations: Studies in Ancient Near East National Theology Baker: 2000

Boccaccini, Gabriele Roots of Rabbinic Judaism: An Intellectual History from Ezechiel to Daniel Eerdmans: 2002

Carter, C.E. & Meyers, C.L., eds. Community, Identity,and Ideology: Social-ScientificApproaches to the Hebrew Bible Eisenbrauns: 1996

Clements, R.E., ed. The World of Ancient Israel: Sociological, Anthropological,

and Political Perspectives Cambridge: 1989

Contenau, G. Everyday Life in Babylon and Assyria Arnold: 1954

Coogan, Michael D. The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introductionto the Hebrew Scriptures. Oxford: 2006

Crown, A.D., ed. The Samaritans Mohr: 1989

Currid, John D. Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament Baker: 1997

Daniel-Rops, Henri Sacred History: The Civilization of the Old Testament World Longman-Green: 1949

Dearman, J.A. Religion and Culture in Ancient Israel Hendrickson: 1992

Dennis, Trevar Sarah Laughed: Women’s Voices in the Old Testament SPCK: 1994

Doorly, William J. The Religion of Israel: A Short History Paulist: 1997

Drane, John W. The Old Testament Story Lion: 1983

Eerdmans, B.D. The Religion of Israel Leiden: 1947

Elitzur, Yehudah Israel and the Bible: Studies in Geography, History, and Biblical Thought Bar-Ilan: 2000

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Esler, Philip F., ed. Ancient Israel: The Old Testament in Its Social ContextSCM: 2005

Faust, Avraham Israelite Society in the Period of the Monarchy: An Archeological Perspective

Finkelstein, L., ed. The Jews: Their History, Culture, and Religion Harper: 1949

Fohrer, G. History of Israelite Religion SPCK: 1973

Gélin, Albert The Religion of Israel Vol. 65, Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism. Hawthorn: 1959

.Gordon, C.H. Before the Bible: The Common Background of Greek and

Hebrew Civilizations Collins: 1962

___________ Introduction to Old Testament Times Ventnor: 1952

Gordon, R.P. & De Moor, J.C., eds. The Old Testament and Its World Brill: 2005

Gottwald, Norman The Hebrew Bible: A Socio-Literary Introduction Fortress: 2002

_______________ The Hebrew Bible: A Brief Socio-Literary Introduction Fortress: 2009

_______________ The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the Religion ofLiberated Israel Sheffield: 1999

_______________ The Hebrew Bible in its Social World and in Ours Scholars: 1993

_______________ The Politics of Ancient Israel Westminster: 2001

Grabbe, Lester L. Priests, Prophets, Diviners, Sages: A Socio-Historical Study of Religious Specialists in Ancient Israel Trinity: 1995

______________ Judaic Religion in the Second Temple Period: Belief andPractice from the Exile to Yavneh Routledge: 2001

Gray, J. The Canaanites Thames & Hudson: 1964

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Grottanelli, Cristiano Kings and Prophets: Monarchical Power, InspiredLeadership, and Sacred Text in Biblical Narrative Oxford: 1999

Halpern, B. & Hobson, D.W., eds. Law, Politics, and Society in the Ancient Mediterranean World Sheffield: 1993

Harrison, R.K. Old Testament Times Eerdmans: 1970

Heaton, E.W. Everyday Life in Old Testament Times Batsford: 1956

Heinisch, P. History of the Old Testament Liturgical: 1952 Henrey, K.H An Historical Background to the Old Testament

Lutterworth: 1951

Hess, Richard S. Israelite Religions: An Archeological and Biblical Survey Baker: 2008

Hester, H.I. The Heart of Hebrew History: A Study of the Old Testament Jewell:1950

Hillel, Daniel The Natural History of the Bible: An Environmental Exploration of the Hebrew Scriptures Columbia: 2006

Hoerth, Mattingly, Yamaguchi, eds. Peoples of the Old Testament WorldBaker: 1994

Hooke, S.H. Babylonian and Assyrian Religion Blackwell: 1962

Ilan, Tal Jewish Women in Greco-Roman Palestine Hendrickson: 1996

Isserlin, B.S.J. The Israelites Thames & Hudson: 1998

Jacobson, D. The Social Background of the Old Testament HUC: 1942 James, E.O. The Ancient Gods: The History and Diffusion of Religion in

the Ancient Near East and the Mediterranean Weidenfeld: 1960

Kaufmann, Y. The Religion of Israel: From its Beginnings to the

Babylonian Exile Chicago: 1960

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Kessler, Rainer The Social History of Ancient Israel: An Introduction Fortress: 2008

Kimbrough, S.T. Israelite Religion in Sociological Perspective Studies in Oriental Religions, 4: 1978

_____________ History of the Religion of Israel KTAV: 1977

King, P.J. & Stager, L.E. Life in Biblical Israel Westminster: 2002

Lange, Nicholas De An Introduction to Judaism Cambridge: 2000

Lapsley, Jacqueline E. Whispering Voices: Hearing Women’s Stories in the OldTestament Westminster: 2006

Lauderville, Dale Piety and Politics: The Dynamics of Royal Authority in Homeric Greece, Biblical Israel, and Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Eerdmans: 2003

Lemche, N.P. Early Israel: Anthropological and Historical Studies on the Society Before the Monarchy Brill: 1985

Levenson, J.D. Sinai and Zion: An Entry into the Jewish Bible Winston: 1985

Lieberman, S. Hellenism in Jewish Palestine Jewish Theological Seminary: 1950

Liverani, Mario Israel’s History and the History of the Bible Bible World: 2005

Marsman, Hennie J. Women in Ugarit and Israel: Their Social and Religious Position in the Context of the Ancient Near East Brill: 2003

Matthews, V.H., ed. Old Testament: Text and Context Hendrickson: 2005

Matthews, V.H. & Benjamin, D.C. Social World of Ancient Israel: 1250-587 BCE Hendrickson: 1993

Mayes, A.D.H. The Old Testament in Sociological Perspective Marshall-Pickering: 1989

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McDermott, John J. What Are They Saying About the Formation of Israel? Paulist: 1998

McKenzie, John L. The Old Testament without Illusions Thomas More: 1979

Mendenhall, George E. Ancient Israel’s Faith and History: An Introduction to the Bible in Context Westminster: 2001

Miller, Patrick D. The Religion of Ancient Israel Westminster: 2000

Moscati, S. Ancient Semitic Civilizations Elek: 1957

Niditch, Susan Ancient Israelite Religion Oxford: 1997

____________, ed. Text and Tradition: The Hebrew Bible and Folklore Scholars: 1990

Noth, Martin The Old Testament World Adam & Charles Black: 1966

Nowell, Irene Women in the Old Testament Liturgical: 1997

Orlinsky, H.M. Ancient Israel Oxford: 1960

Overholt, Thomas W. Cultural Anthropology and the Old Testament Fortress: 1996

Pederson, J. Israel: Its Life and Culture Oxford: 1959

Perdue, Blenkinsopp, Collins, Meyer Families in Ancient Israel Westminster: 1997

Pilch, J. Introducing the Cultural Context of the Old Testament Paulist: 1991

Redford, Donald B. Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times Princeton: 1992

Rogerson, J.W. & Davies, P.R. The Old Testament World T&T Clark: 2005

Rogerson, J.W. Anthropology and the Old Testament Westminster: 1978

Silver, M. Economic Structures of the Ancient Near East Croon

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Helm: 1985

Smith, William Robertson Religion of the Semites Transaction: 2002

Soggin, J.A. Israel in the Biblical Period: Institutions, Festivals, Ceremonies, Rituals T& T Clark: 2001

Tcherikover, V. Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews Jewish Publication Society: 1959

Thompson, J.A. The Ancient Near Eastern Treaties and the Old TestamentTyndale: 1964

Toombs, L. God’s People among the Nations: A Study of Religion in the Ancient Near East Lutterworth: 1963

Valler, Shulamit Women and Womanhood in the Talmud Scholars: 1999

Van der Kam, James C. An Introduction to Early Judaism Eerdmans: 2001

Van der Woude, A.S., ed. The World of the Old Testament Eerdmans: 1989

Vaux, Roland de Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions McGraw: 1961

Walton, John H. Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible Baker: 2006

Wiseman, D.J., ed. Peoples of Old Testament Times Oxford: 1973

Wright, G.E The Old Testament against its Environment SCM: 1950

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Reference Works


General Studies

Amit, Yairah Reading Bible Narratives: Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible Fortress: 2001

Anderson, G.W. A Critical Introduction to the Old Testament Duckworth: 1959

Ap-Thomas, D.R. A Primer of Old Testament Text Criticism Epworth: 1947

Armerding, C.E. The Old Testament and Criticism Eerdmans: 1983

Arnold, B.T. & Beyer, B., eds. Readings from the Ancient Near East: Primary Sources for Old Testament Study Baker: 2002

Atwell, James E The Sources of the Old Testament: A Guide to the Religious Thought of the Hebrew Bible T&T Clark: 2004

Bacher, Wilhelm Bible Exegesis in Jewish Encyclopedia 3:162-165 1906

Baker, D.W. & Arnold, B.T. The Face of Old Testament Studies: A Survey of Contemporary Approaches Baker: 1999

Bakhos, Carol, ed. Current Trends in the Study of Midrash Brill: 2006

Banks, Dianne Writing the History of Israel T&T Clark: 2006

Barclay, John M.G., ed. Frequently Asked Questions on the Dead Sea ScrollsTrinity-St. Mungo: 1998

Barton, John Reading the Old Testament: Method in Biblical StudyWestminster: 1996

Beeker, J. The Formation of the Old Testament Franciscan: 1972

Bentzen, A. Introduction to the Old Testament I, The Canon, Text and Forms of the Old Testament Literature Gad: 1948

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Bewer, J.A. The Literature of the Old Testament Columbia: 1962

Bowker, J. The Targums and Rabbinic Literature: An Introduction to Jewish Interpretations of the Bible Cambridge: 1969

Boyarin, Daniel Sparks of the Logos: Essays in Rabbinic Hermaneutics Brill: 2003

Brettler, Marc/Zui How to Read the Bible Jewish Publications Society: 2005

Brooke, George J. ed Jewish Ways of Reading the Bible Oxford: 2000

Brotman, Ellis R. Old Testament Textual Criticism: A Practical Introduction Baker: 1994

Broyles, Craig C., ed. Interpreting the Old Testament: A Guide for Exegesis Baker: 2001

Carter, C.E. & Meyers, C.L., eds. Community, Identity,and Ideology: Social-ScientificApproaches to the Hebrew Bible Eisenbrauns: 1996

Caspar, B.M. An Introduction to Jewish Bible Commentary Yoseloff: 1960

Cate, R.L. An Introduction to the Old Testament and Its Study Broadman: 1987

Chalcraft, David J., ed. Social-Scientific Old Testament Criticism: Anthropological and Political Perspectives Sheffield: 1997

______________ , ed. Social-Scientific Old Testament Criticism: A Sheffield Reader Sheffield: 1997

Childs, Brevard S. Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture Fortress: 1979

Clements, Ronald E. One Hundred Years of Old Testament Interpretation Westminster: 1976

_________________ A Century of Old Testament Study Lutterworth: 1976

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Cohen, A. Everyman’s Talmud Schocken: 1975

Coogan, Michael D. The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures. Oxford: 2006

Corre, A., ed. Understanding the Talmud KTAV: 1975

Davies, Eryl W. The Dissenting Reader: Feminist Approaches to the Hebrew Bible

Aldershot: 2003

Ellis, E.E. The Old Testament in Early Christianity: Canon and Interpretation in the Light of Modern Research Mohr: 1991

Emerton, J.A. & Reif, S.C., eds. Interpreting the Hebrew Bible Cambridge: 1982

Enns, Peter Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of The Old Testament Baker: 2005

Exum, J.C., & Clines, D.J.A. The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew BibleSheffield: 1993

Fishbane, M. Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel Oxford: 1985

Flint, Peter W., ed. The Bible at Qumran: Text, Shape, Interpretation Eerdmans: 2001

Fonrobert, Elisheva, Jaffee, eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature Cambridge: 2007

Frymer-Kensky, Tivka Studies in Bible and Feminist Criticism Jewish Publications Society: 2006

Goldin, Judah The Living Talmud: The Wisdom of the Fathers and ItsClassical Commentaries Cambridge: 1958

Goldingay, J. Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation Apollos: 1990

Gottwald, Norman The Hebrew Bible: A Socio-Literary Introduction Fortress: 1985

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Greenspahn, Frederick C., ed. The Hebrew Bible: New Insights and Scholarship NYU: 2008

Gunn, D.M. & fewell, D.N. Narrative in the Hebrew Bible Oxford: 1993

Gunneweg, A.H.J. Understanding the Old Testament SCM: 1978

Habel, Norman Literary Criticism of the Old Testament Fortress: 1971 Hahn, H.F. The Old Testament in Modern Research SCM: 1956

Halivni, Davis Weiss Peshat and Derash – Plain and Applied Meaning in Rabbinic Exegesis Oxford: 1991

Hammer, Reuven, ed. The Classic Midrash: Tannaitic Commentaries on the BiblePaulist: 1995

Harrelson, W. Interpreting the Old Testament Holt:1964

Harrington, Daniel Interpreting the Old Testament: A Practical Guide Liturgical: 1981

Hayes, John H. An Introduction to Old Testament Study Abington: 1979

____________, ed. Old Testament Form Criticism Trinity: 1974

Heinisch, P. History of the Old Testament Liturgical: 1952 Henze, Matthias, ed. Biblical Interpetation at Qumran: Studies in the Dead Sea

Scrolls and Related Literature Eerdmans: 2005

Hertz, J.L. Sayings of the Fathers East & West Library: 1952

Hinson, D.F. Old Testament Introduction: Vol. II, Literature SPCK: 1976

House, P.R. Beyond Form Criticism: Essays in Old Testament Literary

Criticism Eisenbrauns: 1992

Jacobs, Irving The Midrashic Process: Tradition and Interpretation in Rabbinic Judaism Cambridge: 2008

Jacobs, Louis Jewish Biblical Exegesis Behrman: 1973

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Kadushin, M. The Rabbinic Mind Bloch: 1952

Kaiser, O. Introduction to the Old Testament; A Presentation of its Results and Problems Blackwell: 197

Kaiser, W. Toward Rediscovery of the Old Testament Zondervan: 1987

Keil, Karl F. Manual of Historico-Critical Introduction to the Canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament 2 vols. T&T Clark: 1990

Klein, Ralph Textual Criticism of the Old Testament Fortress; 1974

Knight, D.A. & Tucker, G.M., eds. The Hebrew Bible and its Modern Interpreters Fortress: 1985

Kolatch, Yonatan Masters of the World: Traditional Jewish Bible Commentaries from the First through the Tenth Centuries KTAV: 2006

_______________ Masters of the World: Traditional Jewish Bible Commentaries from the Eleventh through Thirteenth Centuries II KTAV: 2007

Kraeling, E.G. The Old Testament Since the Reformation Lutterworth: 1955

Krentz, Edgar The Historical-Critical Method Fortress: 1975

___________ Hermeneutics in Encyclopedia Judaica 8:366-72 Keter: 1972

Lagrange, Marie-Joseph Historical Criticism and the Old Testament Catholic Truth Society: 1906

Longacre, L.B. The Old Testament: Its Form and Purpose Abington: 1945

Longenecker, R.N. Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period Eerdmanns: 1975

Levenson, Jon D. The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, and Historical

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Criticism: Jews and Christians in Biblical Study Westminster: 1993

Lim, Hurtado, Auld, Jack The Dead Sea Scrolls in Their Historical ContextT&T Clark: 2000

Lim, Timothy H. The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Very Short Introduction Oxford: 2005

Mathews, Victor H. Studying the Ancient Israelites: A Guide to Sources and Methods Baker: 2007

_______________, ed. Old Testament: Text and Context Hendrickson: 2005

Mayes, A.D.H. The Old Testament in Sociological Perspective Marshall-Pickering: 1989

Mays, Petersen, Richard, eds. Old Testament Interpretation: Past, Present, and FutureAbington: 1995

McCarter, Peter K. Textual Criticism:Recovering the Text of the Hebrew BibleFortress: 1992

McKenzie, J.L. The Two-Edged Sword: An Interpretation of the Old Testament Bruce: 1956

McKenzie, S.L. & Graham, M.P., eds. The Hebrew Bible Today: An Introduction to Critical Issues

Harvard: 1998

Miller, C.H. As It Is Written: The Use of Old Testament References in the Documents of Vatican II Marianist: 1973

Miller, Maxwell The Old Testament and the Historian Fortress: 1976

Moore, G.F., revised by L.H. Brockington The Literature of the Old Testament Oxford: 1948

Najman, Hindy, Newman The Idea of Biblical Interpretation Brill: 2004

Neusner, Jacob, ed. The Modern Study of the Mishnah Brill: 1973

____________, ed. The Formation of the Babylonian Talmud Brill: 1970

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Neusner, Jacob Understanding Rabbinic Judaism: From Talmudic to Modern Times KTAV: 1974

_____________ Invitation to the Talmud Harper: 1973

_____________ Christian Faith and the Bible of Judaism: The Judaic Encounter with Scripture Eerdmans: 1987

_____________ Introduction to the Rabbinic Literature Doubleday: 1994

_____________ Judaism and the Interpretation of Scripture: Introduction to the Rabbinic Midrash Hendrickson: 2004

Niditch, Susan, ed. Text and Tradition: The Hebrew Bible and Folklore Scholars: 1990

Nielsen, E. Oral Tradition: A Modern Problem in Old Testament Introduction SCM: 1954

Overholt, Thomas W. Cultural Anthropology and the Old Testament Fortress: 1996

Patte, Daniel What is Structural Exegesis? Fortress: 1976

Preus, James S. From Shadow to Promise: Old Testament Interpretation from Augustine to the Young Luther Harvard: 1969

Pritchard, J.B. Ancient Near-Eastern Texts relating to the Old Testament Princeton: 1950

Propp, Halpern, Freedman, eds. The Hebrew Bible and Its Interpreters Eisenbrauns: 1990

Rast, Walter Tradition History and the Old Testament Fortress: 1972

Roberts, B.J. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Old Testament Scriptures Manchester: 1953

Rogerson, John, ed. Beginning Old Testament Study SPCK: 1998

Roth, L. Some Reflections on the Interpretation of Scripture Liberal Jewish Synagogue: 1956

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Rowley, H.H, ed The Old Testament and Modern Study: A Generation of Discovery and Research Oxford: 1961

___________ The Changing Pattern of Old Testament Studies Epworth: 1959

___________ The Re-Discovery of the Old Testament T&T Clark: 1946

Saebo, Magne, ed. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: The History of its Interpretation (3 vols) Vandenhoeck: 2008

Samely, Alexander Rabbinic Interpretation of Scripture in the Mishnah Oxford: 2002

_______________ Forms of Rabbinic Literature and Thought: An Introduction Oxford: 2007

Scanlin, Harold P. The Old Testament Canon in the Orthodox Churches in New Perspectives on Historical Theology ed. Nassif, Bradley Eerdmans: 1996

Schuller, Eileen M. The Dead Sea Scrolls: What Have We Learned 50 Years On? SCM: 2006

Sheehan, J.F.X. The Threshing Floor: An Interpretation of the Old Testament Paulist: 1972

Spangenberg, Izak, J.J. Perspective on the Bible: God’s Word in Ordinary

Language Protea: 2002

Steck, Odil Hannes Old Testament Exegesis: A Guide to its Methodology Scholars: 1998

Stemberger, Gunther Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash T&T Clark: 1996

Stolz, F. Interpreting the Old Testament SCM: 1975

Strack, H.L. & Stemberger, G. Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash T&T Clark: 1991

Stuart, Douglas Old Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors Westminster: 2001

Talmon, Shemaryahu Literary Studies in the Hebrew Bible: Form and Content

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Brill: 1995

Thoma, C. & Wyschograd, M., eds. Understanding Scripture: Explorations of Jewish and Christian Traditions of Interpetation Paulist: 1987

Toorn, Karel Van Der Scribal Culture and the Making of the Hebrew Bible Harvard: 2007

Tov, Emmanuel Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible Fortress: 2001

_____________ The Text-Critical Use of the Septuagint in Biblical Research Simor: 1981

Trible, Phyllis Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives Fortress: 1984

Tucker, Gene M. Form Criticism of the Old Testament Fortress: 1971

Tucker, Petersen, Wilson, eds. Canon, Theology, and Old Testament InterpetationFortress: 1988

Uffenheimer, B. & Reventlow, H., eds. Creative Biblical Exegesis: Christian And Jewish Hermaneutics through the Centuries Sheffield: 1988

Urburg, S.S. Introducing the Old Testament Books with an Emphasis on their Chronological Relationships Baker: 1976

Vanderkam, J.C. & Flint, P.W. The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Significance for Understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and Christianity T&T Clark: 2005

Vermes, Geza An Introduction to the Complete Dead Sea Scrolls SCM: 1999

____________ Scripture and Tradition in Judaism: Haggadic Studies Brill: 1961

Walsh, Jerome Style and Structure in Biblical Hebrew Narrative Liturgical: 2001

Weingreen, Jacob The Rabbinic Approach to the Study of the Old TestamentManchester: 1951

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______________ Introduction to the Critical Study of the Text of the Hebrew Bible Oxford: 1982

Weiss, M. The Bible and Modern Literary Theory Bialik Institute: 1962__________ The Bible from Within: The Method of Total Interpretation

Magnes: 1984 Westermann, C., ed. Essays on Old Testament Interpretation SCM: 1963

Wurthwein, Ernst The Text of the Old Testament: An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica Eerdmans: 1995

Wylen, Stephen M. The Seventy Faces of Torah: The Jewish Way of Reading the Bible Paulist: 2005

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Reference Works

Botterweck, G.J. & Ringgren, H., eds. Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament Eerdmans:


Harris, Archer, Waltke Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament2 vols. Moody: 1980


Martens, Elmer A. Old Testament Theology: Bibliographies No. 13 Baker: 1997

Vanhouzer, Bartholomew, Treier Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament: a Book-by-Book Survey Baker:2008

General Studies

Anderson, Bernhard W. Contours of Old Testament Theology Fortress: 1999

Baab, O.J. The Theology of the Old Testament Abington: 1949

Barr, James The Concept of Biblical Theology. An Old Testament Perspective SCM: 1999

Barth, C. God with Us: A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament Eerdmans: 2003

Barton, John Ethics and the Old Testament SCM: 1998 __________ Understanding Old Testament Ethics: Approaches and

Explorations Westminster: 2003

Birch, Bruggemann,Fretheim, Petersen A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament

Abington: 2005

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Block, Daniel L. The Gods of the Nations: Studies in Ancient Near EastNational Theology Baker: 2000

Brueggemann, Walter Old Testament Theology: Essays on Structure, Theme, and Texts Fortress: 1997

__________________ Theology of the Old Testament. Testimony, Dispute, Advocacy Fortress: 1997

__________________ Reverberations of Faith: A Theological Handbook of OldTestament Themes Westminster: 2002

Buber, Martin Mambre: Essays in Religion Oxford: 1946

Carroll, Daniel, Lapsley, eds. Character Ethics and the Old Testament: Moral Dimensions of Scripture Westminster: 2007

Childs, Brevard S. Old Testament Theology in Canonical Context Fortress: 1986

Clements, R.E Old Testament Theology: A Fresh Approach Marshall: 1978

Davidson, A.B. The Theology of the Old Testament T&T Clark: 1976

Deasley, Alex R.G. The Shape of Qumran Theology Paternoster: 2000

Dentan, R.C. Preface to Old Testament Theology Seabury: 1963

Dumbrell, W.J. The Faith of Israel: A Theological Survey of the Old Testament Baker: 2002

Dyrness, William Themes in Old Testament Theology InterVarsity: 1997

Eichrodt, W. Theology of the Old Testament SCM: 1961

Friedmann, Daniel To Kill and Take Possession: Law, Morality, and Societyin Biblical Stories Hendrickson: 2002

Gelin, A. The Key Concepts of the Old Testament Sheed: 1955

Gerstenberger, Erhard Theologies in the Old Testament Fortress: 2002.

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Goldingay, John Old Testament Theology I: Israels’ Gospel InterVarsity: 2003

______________ Old Testament Theology II: Israel’s Faith InterVarsity:


______________ Theological Diversity and the Authority of the Old Testament Eerdmans: 1967

Gunneweg, A.H.J. Understanding the Old Testament SCM: 1978

Hasel, Gerhard Old Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate Eerdmans: 1991

Hayes, J.H. & Prussner, F. Old Testament Theology: Its History and DevelopmentWestminster: 1985

Heinisch, P. Theology of the Old Testament Liturgical: 1950

Herschel, Abraham J. Theology of Ancient Judaism: Introduction Soncino: 1962 Hogenhaven, J. Problems and Prospects in Old Testament Theology

Sheffield: 1987

Houston, Walter J. Contending for Justice: Ideologies and Theologies of Social Justice in the Old Testament T&T Clark: 2006

Jacob, E. Theology of the Old Testament Hodder & Stoughton: 1958

Jacobs, L. A Jewish Theology Darton: 1973

Jones, E. The Living Word: An Introduction to Old Testament Theology Pergamon: 1970

Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. Toward an Old Testament Theology. Zondevan: 1978

Knierim, Rolf P. The Task of Old Testament Theology: Substance, Method, and Cases Eerdmans: 1995

Knight, G.A.F. A Christian Theology of the Old Testament SCM: 1959

Koehler, L. Old Testament Theology Lutterworth: 1957

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Macdonald, J. The Theology of the Samaritans SCM: 1964

Malchow, Bruce Social Justice in the Hebrew Bible Liturgical: 1996

Martens, Elmer A. Old Testament Theology Baker: 1977

_______________ God’s Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology Baker: 1981

Martin, H. The Meaning of the Old Testament SCM: 1946

McConville, J.G. God and Earthly Power: An Old Testament Political Theology Clark: 2006

McKenzie, J.L. A Theology of the Old Testament Doubleday: 1974

Miller, Patrick D. Israelite Religion and Biblical Theology Sheffield: 2000

North, C.R. The Old Testament Interpretation of History Epworth: 1946

_________ The Thought of the Old Testament Epworth: 1949

Novak, David Law and Theology in Judaism KTAV: 1974

Ollenburger, Martens, Hasel, eds The Flowering of Old Testament Theology: A Reader in Twentieth Century Old Testament Theology, 1930-1990 Eisenbrauns: 1992

Ollenburger, Ben C., ed. Old Testament Theology: Flowering and FutureEisenbrauns: 2004

Pate, C. Marvin, ed. The Story of Israel: A Biblical Theology InterVarsity: 2004

Patterson, C.H. The Philosophy of the Old Testament Ronald: 1953

Pleins, J. David The Social Visions of the Hebrew Bible: A Theological Introduction Westminster: 2001

Rabinowitz J. & Lew, M.S. Studies in Jewish Theology; The Arthur Marmorstein Memorial Volume Oxford: 1950

Rendtorff, Rolf Canon and Theology: Overtures to an Old Testament Theology Fortress: 1993

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___________ The Canonical Hebrew Bible: A Theology of the Old Testament. Tools for Biblical Study 7. Deo: 2005

Reventlow, H. Problems of Old Testament Theology in the Twentieth Century SCM: 1985

Roth, W.M.W. Old Testament Theology Christian Literature Society: 1968

Sailhamer, John H. Introduction to Old Testament Theology: A Canonical Approach Zondervan: 1995

Schechter, Solomon Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology Jewish Lights: 1994

Schofield, J.N. Introducing Old Testament Theology SCM: 1964

Sheehan, J.F.X. The Threshing Floor: An Interpretation of the Old Testament Paulist: 1972

Smith, Ralph L. Old Testament Theology: Its History, Method, and Message Broadman: 1993

Snaith, N.H. Distinctive Ideas of the Old Testament Schocken: 1964

Strawn, B.A. & Bowen, N., eds. A God So Near: Essays on Old Testament Theology in Honor of Patrick D. Miller Eisenbrauns: 2003

Tucker, Petersen, Wilson, eds. Canon, Theology, and Old Testament InterpetationFortress: 1988

Van Imschoot, Paul Theology of the Old Testament Desclee: 1965

Von Rad, Gerhard Old Testament Theology, Vols. I & II Stalker: 1975

_______________ From Genesis to Chronicles: Exploration in Old TestamentTheology Fortress: 2005

Vriezen, Th.C. An Outline of Old Testament Theology Blackwell: 1958

Waltke, B. & Yu, C. An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach Zondervan: 2008

Westermann, Claus Elements of Old Testament Theology. Westminster: 1982

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Young, E.J. The Study of Old Testament Theology Today T&T Clark: 1958

Youngblook, Ronald The Heart of the Old Testament: A Survey of Key Theological Themes Baker: 1998

Zimmerli, Walther Old Testament Theology in Outline Westminster: 1978

Zuck, Roy B. A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament Moody: 1991

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Reference Works

Alexander, D. & Baker, D., eds. Dictionary of the Old Testament: PentateuchInterVarsity: 2003


Sparks, Kenton L. The Pentateuch: An Annotated Bibliography Baker: 2002

General Introductions

Aalders, G. Ch. A Short Introduction to the Pentateuch Tyndale: 1949

Alexander, T.D. From Paradise to Promised Land: An Introduction to the Main Themes of the Pentateuch Baker: 2002

Alter, Robert The Five Books of Moses: A Translation and Commentary Norton: 2004

Bailey, L.R. The Pentateuch Abington: 1981

Blenkinsopp, J. The Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible SCM: 1992

Cherey, Shai Torah through Time: Understanding Bible Commentary from the Rabbinic Period to Modern Times JPS: 2007

Emerton, J.A., ed. Studies in the Pentateuch Brill: 1990

Eskenazi, T.C. & Weiss, A.L., eds. The Torah: A Women’s Commentary URJ: 2008

Freitheim, Terence E. The Pentateuch Abington: 1996

Friedman, Richard Elliot Commentary on the Torah with a New English Translation of the Hebrew Text Harper: 2001

Gooder, Paula The Pentateuch: A Story of Beginnings Continuum: 2000

Guinan, M.D. The Pentateuch Liturgical: 1990

Hamilton, V.P. Handbook on the Pentateuch Baker: 2005

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McDermott, John J. Reading the Pentateuch: An Historical Introduction Paulist: 2002

Murphy. Roland E. Responses to 101 Questions on the Biblical Torah: Reflections on the Pentateuch Paulist: 1996

Patrick, D. Old Testament Law: An Introduction Westminster: 1985

Plaut, W. Gunther The Torah: A Modern Commentary Union of American Hebrew Congregations 2005

Rogerson, John W.., ed. The Pentateuch: A Sheffield Reader Sheffield: 1996

Scharfstein, Sol The Five Books of Moses: An Easy-To-Read Torah Translation KTAV: 2005

_____________ Torah and Commentary: The Five Books of Moses KTAV: 2008

Ska, Jean-Louis Introduction to Reading the Pentateuch Eisenbrauns: 2006

Tazari, Paul V. The Old Testament: An Introduction vol. 1 St. Vladimir: 1994

Wenham, Gordon J. Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Pentateuch

InterVarsity: 2003

Whybray, R.N. Introduction to the Pentateuch Eerdmans: 1995

Wolf, Herbert An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch Moody: 2007

Zucker, David J. The Torah: An Introduction for Christians and Jews Paulist: 2005

Background Studies

Beyerlin, W. Origins and History of the Oldest Sinaitic Traditions

Blackwell: 1965

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Boecker, Hans Jochen Law and the Administration of Justice in the Old Testament and Ancient East SPCK: 1980

Crusemann, F. The Torah: Theology and Social History of Old Testament Law Fortress: 1996

Falk, Ziev W. Hebrew Law in Biblical Times: An Introduction Eisenbrauns: 2001

Greifenhagen, F.V. Egypt on the Pentateuch’s Ideological Map: Constructing Biblical Israel’s Identity Sheffield: 2002

Hallo, W.W. The Book of the People Scholars: 1991

Livingston, G. Herbert The Pentateuch in Its Cultural Environment Baker: 1974

McKane, W. Studies in the Patriarchal Narratives Handsel: 1979

Millard, A. & Wiseman, D., eds. Essays on the Patriarchal Narratives InterVarsity: 1980

Moberly, R.W.L. The Old Testament of the Old Testament; Patriarchal Narrative and Mosaic Yahwism Fortress: 1992

Noth, Martin A History of Pentateuchal Traditions Prentice-Hall: 1972

Tuchman, S. & Rapoport, S., eds. The Passions of the Matriarchs KTAV: 2004

Watts, James W., ed. Persia and Torah: The Theory of Imperial Authorization of the Pentateuch SBL: 2001

Criticism & Interpretation

Campbell, A.F. & O’Brien, M.A. Sources of the Pentateuch. Texts. Introductions, Annotations. Fortress: 1993

Cassuto, U. The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the Pentateuch Magnes: 1961

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Cherey, Shai Torah through Time: Understanding Bible Commentary from the Rabbinic Period to Modern Times JPS: 2007

Gerleman, G. Synoptic Studies in the Old Testament Gleerup Lund: 1948

Honigwachs, Y. The Unity of Torah: A Commentary on the Organization and Purpose of the Five Books Feldheim: 1991

Laffey, Alice The Pentateuch: A Liberation-Critical Reading Fortress: 1998

Lewy, I. The Birth of the Bible: A New Approach Bloch: 1950

_______ The Growth of the Pentateuch Bookman: 1955

Mann, T.W. The Book of the Torah: The Narrative Integrity of the Pentateuch Westminster: 1988

Martin, W.J. Stylistic Criteria and the Analysis of the Pentateuch Tyndale: 1955

McEvenue, S. Interpreting the Pentateuch Liturgical: 1990

McKane, W. Studies in the Patriarchal Narratives Handsel: 1979

Millard, A. & Wiseman, D., eds. Essays on the Patriarchal Narratives InterVarsity: 1980

Moberly, R.W.L. The Old Testament of the Old Testament; Patriarchal Narrative and Mosaic Yahwism Fortress: 1992

Montgomery, R.M. An Introduction to Source Analysis of the Pentateuch Abington: 1971

Mullen, Theodore E. Ethnic Myths and Pentateuchal Foundations: A New Approach to the Formation of the Pentateuch SBL: 1977

Noth, Martin A History of Pentateuchal Traditions Prentice-Hall: 1972

Rendorff, Rolf The Problem of the Process of Transmission in the Pentateuch JSOT Sheffield: 1990

Rofe, Alexander Introduction to the Composition of the Pentateuch Sheffield: 1999

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Segal, M.H. The Pentateuch: Its Composition and Authorship Magnes: 1967

Simpson, C.A. The Early Traditions of Israel: A Critical Analysis of thePre-Deuteronomic Narrative of the Hexateuch Blackwell: 1948

Thompson, R.J. Moses and the Law in a Century of Criticism since Grof Brill: 1970

Thompson, Thomas L. The Historicity of the Patriarchical Narratives: The Quest for the Historical Abraham de Gruyter: 1974

Van Seters, John The Pentateuch: A Social-Science Commentary Sheffield: 1999

Watts, James W. Reading Law: The Rhetorical Shaping of the Pentateuch Sheffield: 1999

Westermann, C. The Promises to the Patriarchs: Studies on the Patriarchical Narratives Fortress: 1980

Whybray, R.N. The Making of the Pentateuch: A Methodological Study Sheffield: 1987

Wynn-Williams, Damien J. The State of the Pentateuch: A Comparison of the Approaches of M. Noth and E. Blum de Gruyter: 1997


Blenkinsopp, Joseph Treasures Old and New: Essays in the Theology of the

Pentateuch Eerdmans: 2004

Campbell, A.F. & O’Brien, M.A. Rethinking the Pentateuch: Prologomena to the Theologyof Ancient Israel Westminster: 2005

Clines, David J.A. The Theme of the Pentateuch Sheffield JSOT: 1978

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Crusemann, F. The Torah: Theology and Social History of Old Testament Law Augsburg: 199

Lohfink, N. Theology of the Pentateuch: Themes of Priestly Narrativeand Deuteronomy Fortress: 1994

Novak, David Law and Theology in Judaism KTAV: 1974

Sailhamer, J.H. The Pentateuch as Narrative: A Biblical-Theological Commentary Zondervan: 1992

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Pre-Note: Relatively few introductory works to the entire set of Former Prophets/Historical Books could be located in the data sources consulted for this bibliography. Much introductory information on these books is no doubt contained in commentaries and in the Histories of Israel identified in a prior section of this bibliography (HB/OT Background Studies). Some works that cover more than a single historical book, e.g. I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, but not the entire set, are included here.

Reference Works

Arnold, B.T. & Williamson, H.G. Dictionary of the Old Testament Historical BooksInterVarsity: 2005


Kalimi, I. The Book of Chronicles: A Classified Bibliography Simor: 1990

General Introductions

Alter, Robert The David Story (I & II Samuel) Norton: 1999

Cate, Robert L. An Introduction to the Historical Books of the Old Testament Broadman: 1994

Chisholm, Robert B. Interpreting the Historical Books; An Exegetical Handbook Kregel: 2006

Emerton, J.A., ed. Studies in the Historical Books of the Old Testament Brill: 1979

Exum, J.C., ed. The Historical Books: A Sheffield Reader Sheffield: 1997

Fritz, Volkmar 1 &2 Kings Fortress: 2003

Gray, J. I & II Kings, A Commentary SCM: 1970

Hamilton, Victor P. Handbook on the Historical Books Baker: 2001

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Hertzberg, H.W. I & II Samuel: A Commentary SCM: 1964

Hicks, J.H. The Books of History Abington: 1947

Howard, David An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books Moody: 1993

Japhet, Sara I & II Chronicles SCM: 1993

Kaufmann, Y. The Biblical Account of the Conquest of Canaan Magnes: 1953

Leithart, Peter I & 2 Kings SCM: 2006

Linden, Nico Ter The Story Goes: III The Stories of Judges and Kings SCM: 2000

Long, B.O. I Kings with an Introduction to the Historical Literature Eerdmans: 1984

McKane, W. I & II Samuel, A Commentary SCM: 1963

Mills, Mary E. Historical Israel: Biblical Israel: Studying Joshua to 2 Kings Cassell: 1999

Omanson, R.L. & Ellington, J.E. A Handbook on 1-2 Kings 2 vols. UBS: 2008

Rast, W.E. Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings Fortress: 1978

Romer, Thomas The So-Called Deuteronomistic History: A Sociological, Historical, and Literary Introduction Clark: 2007

Satterthwaite.& McConville, eds. Exploring the Old Testament II: The Histories SPCK: 2007

Sullivan, Kathryn God’s Word and Work: The Message of the Old Testament Historical Books Liturgical: 1958

Sweeney, Marvin A. I & II Kings: A Commentary Westminster: 2007

Tazari, Paul V. The Old Testament: An Introduction vol. 1 Historical Traditions St. Vladimir: 1994

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Wisemen, Donald J. I & II Kings InterVarsity: 1993

Background Studies

Dentan, R.C., ed. The Idea of History in the Ancient Near East Yale: 1955

Kaufmann, Y. The Biblical Account of the Conquest of Canaan Magnes: 1953

Linden, Nico Ter The Story Goes: III The Stories of Judges and Kings SCM: 2000

Criticism & Interpretation

Montgomery, J.A. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Books of Kings T&T Clark: 1952

Rofe, Alexander The Prophetical Stories: The Narratives about the Prophets in the Hebrew Bible: Their Literary Types and History Magnes: 1982


Sullivan, Kathryn God’s Word and Work: The Message of the Old Testament Historical Books Liturgical: 1958

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Pre-Note: In addition to a few introductions to the entire set of prophetical writings, this category includes introductory works on some sub-sets of those writings, e.g. the Pre-Exilic Prophets, the Twelve Minor prophets. It does not include introductions limited to individual books.

Reference Works


Sandy, D.B. & O’Hare, D.M Prophecy and Apocalytic: An Annotated Bibliography Baker: 2007

General Introductions

Achtemeier, Elizabeth Minor Prophets I Hendrickson: 1996

Armerding, C..& Gasque, W., eds Handbook of Biblical Prophecy Baker: 1978

Beecher, Willis The Prophets and the Promise Baker: 1963

Bewer, J.A. The Book of the Twelve Prophets Harper: 1949

Bishop, E.F.F. Prophets of Palestine Lutterworth; 1962

Brin, Gershon Studies in the Prophetic Literature Bialik: 2006

Brueggemann, W. The Prophetic Imagination Fortress: 2001

Buber, Martin The Prophetic Faith. Macmillan, 1977

Bullock, C. Hassell Introduction to Old Testament Prophetical Books Moody: 1986

Chisholm, Robert Handbook on the Prophets Baker: 2002

Coggins, Phillips, Knibb, eds. Israel’s Prophetic Tradition Cambridge: 1982

Cohen, A., ed. The Twelve Prophets: Hebrew Text, English Translation and Commentary Soncino: 1948

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Cook, Joan E. Hear, O’ Heavens and Listen, O’ Earth: An Introduction to the Prophets Liturgical: 2006

Davies, Philip R. The Prophets: A Sheffield Reader Sheffield: 1996

Dheilly, J. The Prophets Burns & Oates: 1960

Easton, John Mysterious Messengers: A Course on Hebrew Prophecy from Amos Onwards SCM: 1997

Ellison, H.L. Men Spake from God: Studies in the Hebrew Prophets Paternoster: 1952

Faus, W.A. The Genius of the Prophets Abington: 1946.Ferreiro, Alberto, ed. The Twelve Prophets InterVarsity: 2003

Floyd, Michael H. Minor Prophets Eerdmans: 2000

Freeman, Hobart E. An Introduction to Old Testament Prophets Faith Ministries: 1968

Gafney, Wilda C. Daughters of Miriam: Women Prophets in Ancient Israel Fortress: 2008

Hailey, Homer A Commentary on the Minor Prophets Baker: 1972

Heaton, Eric W. The Old Testament Prophets Darton: 1977

___________ His Servants the Prophets SCM: 1949

___________ A Short Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets Penguin: 1996

Henshaw, T. The Latter Prophets Allen & Unwin: 1959

Heschel, Abraham J. The Prophets Vols. I & 2 Harper: 1962

Hoschander, Jacob The Priests and Prophets Jewish Theological Seminary: 1938

Hutton, Rodney R. The Prophets Fortress: 2004

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Kelle, B.E. & Moore, M.B., eds. Israel’s Prophets and Israel’s Past T&T Clark: 2006

Koch, K. The Prophets SCM: 1982

Kuhl, C. The Prophets of Israel Oliver & Boyd: 1960

Laetsch, Theo Bible Commentary: The Minor Prophets Concordia: 1956

Leclerc, Thomas L. Introduction to the Prophets: Their Stories, Sayings, and Scrolls Paulist: 2007

Lindblom, J. Prophecy in Ancient Israel Blackwell: 1962

Matthews, Victor H. The Prophets of Israel: 101 Questions and Answers Paulist: 2007

Mauchline, S. Prophets of Israel: The Twelve Abington: 1964

McConville, J. Gordon Exploring the Old Testament IV The Prophets SPCK: 2002

McKay, H. & Clines, D., eds. Of Prophets Visions and the Wisdom of Sages Sheffield: 1993

Miller, J.W. Meet the Prophets: A Beginner’s Guide to the Books of the Biblical Prophets Paulist: 1987

Mowrley, H. Guide to Old Testament Prophecy Lutterworth: 1979

Newsome, James D. The Hebrew Prophets Westminster: 1984

Nogalski, J. & Sweeney, M., eds. Reading and Hearing the Book of the Twelve SBL: 2000

Orton, David E Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible: Selected Studies from Vetus Testamentum Brill: 2000

Paterson, J. The Goodly Fellowship of the Prophets Scribners: 1948

Peterson, David L. The Prophetic Literature: An Introduction Westminster: 2002

Powis Smith, J.M. The Prophets and Their Times Chicago: 1941

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Robertson, E. The Role of the Early Hebrew Prophets Vol. 42 1959/60, John Ryland Library Bulletin, Manchester Univ. Press

Robinson, T.H. Prophecy and the Prophets in Ancient Israel Duckworth: 1978

Rofe, Alexander Introduction to the Prophetic Literature Sheffield: 1997

Rowley, H.H., ed. Studies in Old Testament Prophecy T&T Clark: 1950

Sawyer, J.F.A. Prophecy and the Biblical Prophets Oxford: 1993

Scott, R.B.Y. The Relevance of the Prophets: An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets and Their Message MacMillan: 1960

Sklba, R.J. Pre-Exilic Prophecy Liturgical: 1990

Slavitt, David R. The Book of the Twelve Prophets Oxford: 2000

Smith, Gary V. The Prophets as Teachers: An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets Broadman: 1996

_____________ The Prophets as Preachers: An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets Broadman: 1994

Smith, George A. The Book of the Twelve Prophets Armstrong: 1901

Stacey, D. Fire in My Bones: Prophets and Prophecy then and Now Rel. Educ. Pr.: 1975

______________ Prophetic Drama in the Old Testament Epworth: 1990

Sweeney, Marvin A. The Prophetic Literature Abington: 2005

________________ The Twelve Prophets (2 vols) Liturgical: 2000

Tazari, Paul V. The Old Testament: An Introduction vol. 2 Prophetic Traditions St. Vladimir: 1995

Uffenheimer, B. Ancient Prophecy in Israel Magnes: 1973 (Hebrew)

Vawter, B. The Conscience of Israel: Pre-Exilic Prophets and Prophecy Sheed & Ward: 1961

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Ward, J.M. The Prophets Abington: 1982

Whitley, C.F. The Prophetic Achievement Brill: 1963

Wood, Leon The Prophets of Israel Baker: 1998

Young, Edward J. My Servants the Prophets 1952

Zucker, David J. Israel’s Prophets: An Introduction for Christians and JewsPaulist: 1994

Background Studies

Allen, E.L. Prophet and Nation Nisbet: 1947

Barton, John Oracles of God: Perceptions of Ancient Prophecy in Israel after the Exile Darton: 2007

Ben Zvi, E. & Floyd, M.H., eds. Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near EastProphecy SBL: 2000

Blenkinsopp, Joseph A History of Prophecy in Israel: From the Settlement of the Land to the Hellenistic Period Westminster: 1996

Carroll, R.P. When Prophecy Failed: Reactions and Responses to Failure in the Old Testament Prophetic Traditions SCM: 1979

Cook, Stephen L. Prophets and Apocalypticism: The Post-Exilic Social Setting Fortress: 1995

De Moor, Johannes C., ed. The Elusive Prophet: The Prophet as an Historical Person, Literary Character, and Anonymous Artist Brill: 2001

Glazov, Gregory Yuri The Bridling of the Tongue and the Opening of the Mouth in Biblical Prophecy Sheffield: 2001

Grabbe, L.L. & Haak, R.D., eds. Knowing the End from the Beginning: The Prophetic,The Apocalypic, and Their Relationships T&T Clark: 2003

Kaltner, J. & Stulman, L., eds. Inspired Speech: Prophecy in the Ancient Near East

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T&T Clark: 2004

Kelle, B.E. & Moore, M.B., eds. Israel’s Prophets and Israel’s Past T&T Clark: 2006

Knight, H. The Hebrew Prophetic Consciousness Lutterworth: 1947

Matthews, Victor H. Social World of the Hebrew Prophets Hendrickson: 2001

Mowinckel, Sigmund The Spirit and the World: Prophecy and Tradition in Ancient Israel Fortress: 2002

__________________ Prophecy and Tradition: The Prophetic Books in the Light of the Study of the Growth and History of the Tradition Dybwad: 1946

Nissinen, Marti, et al Prophecy in its Ancient Near Eastern Context: Mesopotamian, Biblical, and Arabian Perspectives SBL: 2000

_______________ Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East SBL:


Overholt, Thomas W. Channels of Prophecy: The Social Dynamics of Prophetical Activity Fortress: 1996

Petersen, D.L. Prophecy in Israel: Search for an Identity Fortress: 1987

___________ The Roles of Israel’s Prophets JSOT: 1981

Powis Smith, J.M. The Prophets and Their Times Chicago: 1941

Robertson, E. The Role of the Early Hebrew Prophets Vol. 42 1959/60, John Ryland Library Bulletin, Manchester Univ. Press

Smith, William R. The Prophets of Israel and their Place in History Transaction: 2002

Uffenheimer, B. Ancient Prophecy in Israel Magnes: 1973 (Hebrew)

Welch, A.C. Prophet and Priest in Old Israel Blackwell: 1953

Wilson, R.R. Prophecy and Society in Ancient Israel Fortress: 1980

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Critcism & Interpretation

Ben Zvi, E. & Floyd, M.H., eds Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near EastProphecy SBL: 2000

Blank, S.H Understanding the Prophets UAJC: 1969

Clements, Ronald E. Old Testament Prophecy: From Oracles to Canon Westminster:1996

Collins, Terence The Mantle of Elijah: the Redaction Criticism of the Prophetical Books Sheffield: 1993

Conrad, Edgar W. Reading the Latter Prophets: Toward a New Canonical

Criticism T&T Clark: 2003

Davies, P.R. & Clines, D.J., eds. Among the Prophets: Language, Image, and Structure in the Prophetic Writings Sheffield: 1993

De Moor, Johannes C., ed. The Elusive Prophet: The Prophet as an Historical Person, Literary Character, and Anonymous Artist Brill: 2001

Girdlestone, Robert B. The Grammar of Prophecy: A Systematic Guide to BiblicalProphecy Wipf: 2004

Gitay, Yehoshua, ed. Prophets and Prophecy: The Diversity of ContemporaryIssues in Scholarship Scholars: 1997

Gordis, Robert Poets, Prophets, and Sages: Essays in Biblical Interpretation Indiana: 1971

Green, Joel B. How to Read Prophecy InterVarsity: 1984

Kaiser, Walter C. Toward the Future: Hints for Interpreting Biblical Prophecy Baker: 1989

Mayes, J.. & Achtemeier, P., eds. Interpreting the Prophets Fortress: 1987

Mowinckel, S. Prophecy and Tradition: The Prophetic Books in the Light of the Study of the Growth and History of the Tradition Dybwad: 1946

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Prevost, Jean-Pierre How to Read the Prophets SCM: 1996

Rofe, Alexander The Prophetical Stories: The Narratives about the Prophets in the Hebrew Bible: Their Literary Types and History Magnes: 1982

Seitz, Christopher R. Prophecy and Hermaneutics; Toward a New Introduction to the Prophets Baker: 2007

Van Gemeren, W.A. Interpreting the Prophetic Word Zondervan: 1990

Westermann, Claus Basic Forms of Prophetic Speech Westminster: 1967

Widengren, G. Literary and Psychological Aspects of the Hebrew Prophets Uppsala & Harrassowitz: 1948


Bruggemann, Walter Texts that Linger, Words that Explode: Listening to Prophetic Voices Fortress: 2000

Carroll, R.P. When Prophecy Failed: Reactions and Responses to Failure in the Old Testament Prophetic Traditions SCM: 1979

Dempsey, Carol J. Hope Amid the Ruins: The Ethics of Israel’s Prophets Chalice: 2000

Finkelstein, L. New Light from the Prophets Vallentine: 1969

Jensen, Joseph Ethical Dimensions of the Prophets Liturgical: 2006

Knight, H. The Hebrew Prophetic Consciousness Lutterworth: 1947

Kruse, Heinz God’s Word: Theology of the Old Testament Prophets: An Introduction 1974

Mattuck, I.I The Thought of the Prophets Allen & Unwin: 1953

Newsome, James D. The Hebrew Prophets Westminster: 1984

Steck, Odil Hannes The Prophetic Books and their Theological Witness Chalice: 2000

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Zimmerli, Walther The Fiery Throne: The Prophets and Old Testament Theology Fortress: 2003

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Reference Works

Longman, Teemper, Enns, eds. Dictionary of the Old Testament; Wisdom, Poetry, and Writings Intervarsity: 2008


Jacobson, Diane Wisdom Bibliography 2003

General Introductions

Ballard, W. & Tucker, W, eds. An Introduction to Wisdom Literature and the Psalms Mercer: 2000

Bergant, Dianne What They Are Saying About Wisdom Literature Paulist: 1984

Berry, Donald K. An Introduction to Wisdom and Poetry of the Old Testament Broadman: 1995

Blenkinsopp, J. Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament: The Ordering of

Life in Israel and Early Judaism Oxford: 1983

Brenner, A., ed. A Feminist Companion to Wisdom Literature Sheffield: 1995

Bullock, C. Hassell An Introduction to the Poetic Books of the Old Testament: The Wisdom and Songs of Israel Moody: 1979

Clifford, Richard The Wisdom Literature. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.Collins. John J. Jewish Wisdom in the Hellenistic Age T&T Clark: 1997

Cox, D. Proverbs, with an Introduction to the Sapiential Books Liturgical: 1982

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Crenshaw, J.L. Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction Westminster:1998

___________, ed. “Prolegomenon” Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom KTAV: 1976

Day, Gordon, & Williamson, eds. Wisdom in Ancient Israel Cambridge: 1995

Dell, Katherine ‘Get Wisdom, Get Insight:’ An Introduction to Israel’s Wisdom Literature Darton: 2000

Dubarle, A.M. The Sages of Israel Editions du Cerf: 1946

Enns, Peter Poetry and Wisdom Baker: 1997

Estes, Daniel J. Handbook on the Wisdom Books and Psalms Baker: 2005

Hunter, Alasdair Wisdom Literature SCM: 2006

Lucas, Ernest The Psalms and Wisdom Literature SPCK: 2003

McKane, W. Prophets and Wise Men SCM: 1965

McKay, H.A. & Clines, D.J. Of Prophets Visions and the Wisdom of SagesSheffield: 1993

Murphy, R.E. Seven Books of Wisdom Bruce: 1960

____________ Wisdom Literature and Psalms Abington: 1983

____________ The Tree of Life: An Exploration of Biblical Wisdom Literature Eerdmans: 2002

O’Connor, Kathleen M. The Wisdom Literature Liturgical: 1988

Perry, T.A. God’s Twilight Zone: Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible Hendrickson: 2008

Ranston, Harry The Old Testament Wisdom Books and their Teaching Epworth: 1930

Robinson, Theodore H. The Poetry of the Old Testament Duckworth: 1947

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Scott, R.B.Y. The Way of Wisdom in the Old Testament MacMillan: 1971

Skehan, P.W. Studies in Israelite Poetry and Wisdom

Cath. Bib. Quarterly Monographs: 1971 Tazari, Paul V. The Old Testament: An Introduction vol. 3 Psalms and

Wisdom St. Vladimir: 1996

Von Rad, Gerhard Wisdom in Israel Abington: 1972

Weeks, Stuart Early Israelite Wisdom Oxford: 1999

Background Studies

Blenkinsopp, J. Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament: The Ordering of Life in Israel and Early Judaism Oxford: 1995

Bryce, A. A Legacy of Wisdom: The Egyptian Contribution to the

Wisdom of Israel Lewisburg: 1979

Clifford, Richard J. Wisdom Literature in Mesopotamia and Israel SBL: 2007

Eaton, J. The Contemplative Face of Old Testament Wisdom in the Context of World Religions SCM: 1989

Gammie, J.G. & Perdue, L.G., eds The Sage in Israel and the Ancient Near East Eisenbrauns:1990

Gordis, Robert The Social Background of Wisdom Literature HUCA 18: 1944

Grabbe, Lester Priests, Prophets, Diviners, Sages: A Socio-Historical Study of Religious Specialists in Ancient Israel Trinity: 1995

Lambert, W.G. Babylonian Wisdom Literature Clarendon: 1960

McKane, W Prophets and Wise Men SCM: 1965

McKay, H.A. & Clines, D.J.A Of Prophets Visions and the Wisdom of SagesSheffield: 1993

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Morgan, D.F. Wisdom in the Old Testament Traditions Blackwell: 1981

Noth, M. & Winton, T.D., eds. Wisdom in Israel and the Ancient Near East Brill: 1955

Perdue, Leo G., ed. Scribes, Sages, Seers: The Sage in the Eastern Mediterranean World Vanderhoeck: 2008

________________ The Sword and the Stylus: An Introduction to the Wisdom of the Age of Empires Eerdmans: 2008

Ringgren, H. Word and Wisdom: Studies in the Hypostatization of Divine

Qualities and Functions in the Ancient Near East Lund: 1947

Scott, R.B.Y. The Way of Wisdom in the Old Testament MacMillan: 1971

Shupak, Nili Where can Wisdom be Found? The Sage’s Language in the Bible and in Ancient Egyptian Literature Orbis Biblicus: 1993

Westermann, C. Roots of Wisdom: The Oldest Proverbs of Israel and Other Peoples Westminster:1995

Criticism & Interpretation Bergant, Dianne Israel’s Wisdom Literature: A Liberation-Critical Reading

of the Old Testament Fortress: 1997

Brenner, A., ed. A Feminist Companion to Wisdom Literature Sheffield, 1995

Brown, William P. Character in Crisis: A Fresh Approach to the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament Eerdmans: 1996

Gordis, Robert Poets, Prophets, and Sages: Essays in Biblical

Interpretation Indiana: 1971

Gray, George B. The Forms of Hebrew Poetry KTAV: 1972

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Ringgren, H. Word and Wisdom: Studies in the Hypostatization of Divine Qualities and Functions in the Ancient Near East Lund: 1947

Fiorenza Schussler, Elizabeth Wisdom Ways: Introducing Feminist Biblical Interpretation Orbis: 2001

Sheppard, G.T. Wisdom as a Hermaneutical Construct: A Study in the Sapientialing of the Old Testament: De Gruyter: 1981


Charlesworth, J. & Daise, M., eds Light in a Spotless Mirror: Reflections on WisdomTraditions in Judaism and Early Christianity Continuum: 2003

Clement, R.E. Wisdom for a Changing World: Wisdom in Old Testament

Theology Bibal: 1990

___________ Wisdom in Theology Eerdmans: 1992 Gaspar, J.W. Social Ideas in the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament

CUA: 1947

Goldsworthy, G. Gospel and Wisdom: Israel’s Wisdom Literature in the Christian Life Paternoster: 1987

Hill, Charles R. Wisdom’s Many Faces Liturgical: 1996

Morgan, D.F. Wisdom in the Old Testament Traditions Oxford: 1981

Perdue, Leo G. Wisdom and Creation: The Theology of Wisdom LiteratureAbington: 1994

____________ Wisdom Literature: A Theological History Westminster: 2007

Rylaarsdam, J.C. Revelation in Jewish Wisdom Literature Chicago: 1946

Urbach, E.E. The Sages: Their Concepts and Beliefs Harvard: 1987

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Pre-Note : The four-fold division into Overviews, Background Studies, Criticism & Interpretation, and Biblical Theology does not seem to work here, and, even if appropriate, the limited number of identified entries does not presently warrant it. The label “intertestamental” appears to signal a focus on the relation between the HB/OT and the NT. But it is applied more conventionally to the period of time, roughly two centuries, between the composition of the last book of the HB/OT and the first book of the NT, and to certain writings produced in that intervening period. Studies on the interrelation of the two (written) testaments and the Jewish background of the NT are thus not presented here but listed instead in the NT categories, especially Background Studies, except when explicitly linked to the intertestamental literature.

Reference Works


McNamara, M. Intertestamental Literature Liturgical/Glazier: 1983

Noll, Stephen F The Intertestamental Period Intervarsity: 1985

General Studies

Charlesworth, James H. The Old and New Testaments; Their Relationship and the Intertestamental Literature Trinity: 1993

Dentan, R.C. The Apocrypha: Bridge of the Testaments Seabury: 1954

Nickelsburg, G.N.E. Jewish Literature between the Bible and the MishnahFortress: 1981

Pfeiffer, C.F. Between the Testaments Baker: 1959

Russell, D.S. Between the Testaments SCM: 1960

Suburg, R.F. Introduction to the Intertestamental Period Concordia: 1975

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Reference Works

Martin, R. & Davids, P.H., eds. Dictionary of the Later New Testament and ItsDevelopments InterVarsity: 1998

Reid, Daniel G., ed. The IVP Dictionary of the New Testament: A One Volume Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship InterVarsity: 2004


Biblical Studies UK New Testament Bibliography 2009

Harrington, Daniel J. The New Testament: A Bibliography Liturgical: 1991

Harmless, William Bibliography: General Works on the New Testament Testament

Journal of New Testament Studies Booklists Sage: Annual from June 2005 Lyons, W.N. & Parvis, M.M. New Testament Literature: An Annotated Bibliography Chicago: 1948

Marxsen, Willi Introduction to the New Testament: A Concise and Up-to-Date Guid to the New Testament Literature and its Historical Setting Fortress: 1968

Metzger, Bruce Index of Articles on the New Testament and the Early Church SBL:1955

Mills, Watson E. An Index of Periodical Literature for the Study of the New Testament Brill: 2002

Porter, S.E. & McDonald, L.M. New Testament Introduction Baker: 1996

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Elliot. J.K. The Apocryphal New Testament: A Collection of Apocryphal Christian Literature in an English Translation Based on M.R. James Oxford: 2005

Hennecke & Schneemelcher, eds. New Testament Apocrypha Westminster: 1965

Klauck, Hans-Josef Apocryphal Gospels T&T Clarke: 2003

Lapham, Fred An Introduction to the New Testament Apocrypha T&T Clarke: 2003

Levine, A-J, ed. & Robbins, M.M. A Feminist Companion to the New TestamentApocrypha T&T Clarke: 2006

Pfeiffer, Robert H. History of New Testament Times with an Introduction to the Apocrypha Greenwood: 1972

Weigle, Luther, ed. The Apocrypha: Revised Standard Version Nelson: 1957


Childs, Brevard S. The New Testament as Canon Fortress: 1985 Farmer, W. & Farkasfalvy, D. The Formation of the New Testament Canon Paulist: 1983

Fuller, Reginald The Formation of the New Testament Narratives MacMillan: 1971

Gamble, Harry The New Testament Canon: Its Making and Meaning Fortress: 1985

_____________ Books and Readers in the Early Church: A History of EarlyChristian Texts Yale: 1995

Lohse, Edward The Formation of the New Testament Abington: 1981

Metzger, Bruce M. The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance Clarendon: 1987

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_______________ The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their Origin, Transmission, and Limitations Clarendon: 1977

Metzger, B. & Ehrman, B. The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission,Corruption, and Restoration (4th Ed.) Oxford: 2005


Reference Works


General Introductions

Achtemeier, Green, Thompson Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and and Theology Eerdmans: 2001

Barker, Lane, Ramsey The New Testament Speaks Harper & Row: 1969

Barr, David L. The New Testament Story: An Introduction Wadsworth: 2001

Beck, Brian E. Reading the New Testament Today: An Introduction to New Testament Study Lutterworth: 1977

Beker, J. C. The New Testament: A Thematic Introduction Fortress: 1994

Blair, Joe Introducing the New Testament Broadman: 1994

Branick, Vincent P. Understanding the New Testament and its Message: An Introduction Paulist: 1998

Brown, Raymond An Introduction to the New Testament Doubleday, 1997

Carson, Moo, & Morris Introduction to the New Testament Apollos: 2005

Castelot, John J. Meet the Bible: The New Testament Vol. 3 Helicon: 1963

Collins, Raymond F. Introduction to the New Testament SCM: 1983

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Cousar, Charles B. An Introduction to the New Testament: Witness to God’s New Work WJK: 2006

Cullman, Oscar The New Testament: An Introduction for the General Reader Westminster: 1968

De Silva, David A. An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods, and Ministry Formation InterVarsity, 2004

Drane, John Introducing the New Testament Lion: 1999

Duggan, Michael The Consuming Fire: A Christian Introduction to the New Testament Ignatius: 1991

Durken, Daniel New Collegeville Bible Commentary Liturgical: 2009

Ehrman, Bart D. The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the EarlyChristian Writers Oxford: 1999

Elwell, W.A. & Yarbrough, R.W. Encountering the New Testament Baker: 2005

Gundry, Robert H. A Survey of the New Testament Paternoster: 1979

Guthrie, Donald New Testament Introduction Apollos, 1990

Harrington, Daniel, ed., et al Sacra Pagina Series Liturgical: Harrington, Wilfrid J. Record of the Fulfillment: The New Testament

Priory: 1966

Harvey, Anthony E. A Companion to the New Testament Cambridge: 2004

Heard, Richard An Introduction to the New Testament Harper: 1950

Hermann, Ingo Encounter with the New Testament Kennedy: 1965

Hunter, Archibald M. The New Testament for Today St Andrew: 1974

Keck, Leander, ed. The New Interpreters Bible: New Testament Survey: Abington: 2005

Kee, Howard Clark The Beginnings of Christianity: An Introduction to the NewTestament. T&T Clark, 2005

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Kelly, Joseph F. An Introduction to the New Testament for Catholics Liturgical: 2006

Kuemmel, Werner G. Introduction to the New TestamentAbington: 1975 (14th Revised Edition)

. _______________ Understanding the New Testament Prentice-Hall: 1984

Lace, Olive Jessie Understanding the New Testament: (Cambridge BibleCommentary) Cambridge: 1965

Lagrange, Marie-Joseph The Gospel of Jesus Christ Newman: 1958

Martin, R.P. New Testament Foundations 2 vols. Eerdmans: 1976-78

Marxsen, Willi Introduction to the New Testament: A Concise and Up-to-Date Guide to the New Testament Literature and its Historical Setting Fortress: 1968

Metzger, Bruce M. The New Testament: Its Background, Growth, and Content Abington: 2003

Perkins, Pheme Reading the New Testament: An Introduction Paulist:1988

Perrin, N. & Duling, D. The New Testament, an Introduction. 3rd Edition. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993

Pinero, A. & Pelaez, J. The Study of the New Testament: A Comprehensive Introduction Deo: 2003

Porter, S. E. & McDonald, L.M. New Testament Introduction Baker: 1996

Porter, S. & McDonald, L.M. Early Christianity and Its Sacred Literature Hendrickson: 2000

Puskas, Charles Introduction to the New Testament Abington: 1999

Robert, A. & Feuillet, A. Introduction to the New Testament Desclee: 1965

Selvidge, Marla Exploring the New Testament Prentice-Hall: 2003

Stylianopoulos, Theodore The New Testament: An Orthodox Perspective, Vol. I.

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Scripture, Tradition, Hermaneutics Holy Cross Orthodox: 2004

.Tarazi, Paul V. The New Testament, Introduction (4 vols.) St. Vladimir:


Tenney, Merrill C. New Testament Survey Eerdmans: 1985

Theissen, Gerd The New Testament: An Introduction T&T Clark: 2003

Theissen, H.C. Introduction to the New Testament Fortress: 2003

Witherington, Ben III The New Testament Story Eerdmans: 2004


Reference Works

Evans, Craig A. Dictionary of the New Testament Background InterVarsity: 2000


Marxsen, Willi Introduction to the New Testament: A Concise and Up-to-Date Guide to the New Testament Literature and its Historical Setting Fortress: 1968

Metzger, Bruce Index of Articles on the New Testament and the Early Church SBL:1955

(1) General Background Studies

Brown, Raymond E. The Churches the Apostles Left Behind Paulist: 1984 Duling, Dennis C. The New Testament: Historical, Literary, and Social

Context 4th ed. Thomson Wadsworth: 2003

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Dunn, James D.G. Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry intothe Character of Earliest Christianity Trinity: 1990

Ferguson, E. Backgrounds of Early Christianity Eerdmans: 1993

Freyne, Sean The World of the New Testament Liturgical: 1992

Kee, Howard Clark The New Testament in Context: Sources and DocumentsPrentice-Hall: 1984

________________ The Origins of Christianity: Sources and Documents: Prentice-Hall: 1973

Kelly, Joseph F. The World of the Early Christians: Message of the Fathers of the Church Liturgical: 1997

Knight, Jonathan Christian Origins Clark: 2008

Ludemann, Gerd Primitive Christianity: A Survey of Recent Studies and Some New Proposals T&T Clark: 2003

Malina, Bruce J. The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology Westminster: 1993

Metzger, Bruce M. The New Testament: Its Background, Growth, and Content Abington: 2003

Pfeiffer, Robert H. History of New Testament Times with an Introduction to the Apocrypha Greenwood: 1972

Porter, S. & McDonald, L.M. Early Christianity and Its Sacred Literature Hendrickson:2000

Reicke, B. The New Testament Era; The World of the Bible from 500 BC to AD 100 Black: 1978

Riches, John The World of Jesus: First Century Judaism in Crisis Cambridge: 1990

Taylor, Justin Where Did Christianity Come From? Liturgical: 2001

Tenney, M. New Testament Times Eerdmans: 1965

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Yamaguchi, Edwin Harper’s World of the New Testament Harper:

(2) Hebrew Bible/Old Testament & New Testament Linkages

Archer, G. & Chirichigno, G. Old Testament Quotations in the New Testament:A Complete Survey Moody: 1983

Atkinson, B.F.C. The Christian’s Use of the Old Testament InterVarsity: 1952

Baker, D.L. Two Testaments, One Bible: A Study of Some Modern

Solutions to the Theological Problem of the Relationship between the Two Testaments InterVarsity: 1976

Barr, James Old and New in Interpretation: a Study of the Two Testaments S.C.M. Press, 1982

Barrois, G.A. The Face of Christ in the Old Testament St. Vladimir:1974

Beale, G.K. & Carson, D.A., eds. Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament Baker: 2007

Beckwith, R. The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church and its Background in Early Judaism SPCK: 1985

Bellis, A. & Kaminsky, J., eds. Jews, Christians, and the Theology of the HebrewScriptures SBL: 2000

Berding, K. & Lunde, J. eds. Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament Zondervan: 2008

Black, M. The Scrolls and Christian Origins: Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament Nelson: 1961

Charlesworth, James H. The Old and New Testaments; Their Relationship and theIntertestamental Literature Trinity: 1993

Dentan, R.C. The Apocrypha: Bridge of the Testaments Seabury: 1954

Dodd, C.H. The Old Testament in the New Athlone: 1952

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_________ According to the Scriptures: The Substructure of New Testament Theology Nisbet: 1952

Efrid, J.M., ed. The Use of the Old Testament in the New and Other Essays Duke: 1972

Ellis, E.E. The Old Testament in Early Christianity: Canon and Interpretation in the Light of Modern Research Mohr: 1991

Evans, Craig A., ed. From Prophecy to Testament: The Function of the Old Testament in the New Hendrickson: 2004

France, R.T. Jesus and the Old Testament: His Application of Old Testament Passages to Himself and to his Mission InterVarsity: 1971

Fujita, N.S. A Crack in the Jar: What Ancient Jewish Documents Tell us about theNew Testament Paulist: 1986

Hanson, A.T. Jesus Christ in the Old Testament SPCK: 1965

Hays, R. & Green, J .“The Use of the Old Testament by New Testament Writers” in Hearing the New Testament Eerdmans: 1995

Heine, Ronald E. Reading the Old Testament with the Ancient Church: Exploring the Formation of Early Christian Thought Baker: 2007

Higgins, A.J.B. The Christian Significance of the Old Testament Independent: 1949

Juel, Donald Messianic Exegesis Fortress: 1988

Kaiser, Walter C. The Uses of the Old Testament in the New Moody: 1985

Kaiser, Bock, Enns Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament Zondervan: 2007

Lindars, B. New Testament Apologetic: The Doctrinal Significance of the Old Testament Quotations SCM: 1961

Longenecker, R.N. Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period Eerdmans: 1975

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Manson, T.W. The Old Testament in the Teaching of Jesus Manchester: 1952

Moyise, Steve Evoking Scripture: Seeing the Old Testament in the New Clark: 2008

Moyise, Maarten, Menken, eds. Deuteronomy in the New Testament: The New Testament and the Scriptures of Israel Clark: 2007

Oesterreicher, John M. The Israel of God: On the Old Testament Roots of the Church’s Faith Prentice-Hall, 1963

Porter, Stanley, ed. Hearing the Old Testament in the New Testament Eerdmans: 2006

_______________ The Messiah in the Old and New Testaments Eerdmans: 2007

Shires, H.M. Finding the Old Testament in the New Westminster: 1974

Sundberg, A.C. The Old Testament of the Early Church Harvard: 1964

Tasker, Randolph The Old Testament in the New Testament SCM: 1946

Thielman, Frank S. The Law and the New Testament: The Question of Continuity Crossroad: 1999

Van Ruler, A.A. The Christian Church and the Old Testament Eerdmans: 1971

Vermes, Geza Scrolls, Scriptures, and Early Christianity T&T Clark: 2005

Westermann, Claus The Old Testament and Jesus Christ Augsburg: 1970 Woods, J. The Old Testament in the Church SPCK: 1949

(3) Jewish Roots of Christianity

Bagatti, Bellarmino The Church from the Circumcision: History and Archeology of the Judaeo-Christians Franciscan: 1984

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Barclay, John & Sweet, John Early Christian Thought in its Jewish Context

Bauckham, Richard The Jewish World around the New Testament: Collected Essays Mohr: 2008

Becker, A.H. & Reed, A.Y., eds. The Ways that Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages Fortress: 2007

Beckwith, R. The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church and its Background in Early Judaism SPCK: 1985

Black, M. The Scrolls and Christian Origins: Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament Nelson: 1961

Borgen, Peder Early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism T&T Clark: 1998

___________ The New Testament and Hellenistic Judaism Hendrickson: 1997

Burtchatell, James T. From Synagogue to Church: Public Services and Offices inthe Earliest Christian Communities Cambridge: 1992

Charlesworth, James H., ed Jesus’s Jewishness: Exploring the Place of Jesus withinEarly Judaism Crossroad: 1991

Charlesworth, J. & Daise, M., eds Light in a Spotless Mirror: Reflections on Wisdom Traditions in Judaism and Early Christianity

Chilton, B. & Neusner, J. Judaism in the New Testament Practices and Beliefs Routledge: 1995

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan The Jewish Messiah T&T Clark: 1997

Collins, John J. The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity Crossroad: 1984

Cook, Michael J. Modern Jews Engage the New Testament: Enhancing Jewish Well-Being in a Christian Environment

Jewish Lights/Skylight Paths: 2007

Danielou, Jean The Theology of Jewish Christianity

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Dartman, Longman & Todd: 1964

Daube, D. The New Testament and Rabbinical Judaism Athlone: 1956

Davies, W.D. Torah in the Messianic Age and/or the Age to Come SBL: 1952

___________ Christian Engagement with Judaism Trinity: 1999

Davila, James R., ed. The Dead Sea Scrolls as Background to Postbiblical Judaism and Early Christianity Brill: 2003

Donfried & Richardson, eds. Judaism and Christianity in First Century RomeEerdmans: 1998

Dunn, James, D.G. The Parting of the Ways Between Christianity and Judaism and Their Significance for the Character of ChristianitySCM: 2006

________________ ed. Jews and Christians: The Parting of the Ways A.D. 70 to 135 Eerdmans: 1999

Fine, Steven, ed. Jews, Christians, and Polytheists in the Ancient Synagogue: Cultural Interaction during the Greco-Roman Period Routledge: 1999

Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Semitic Background of the New Testament Eerdmans: 1997

________________ The Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Origins Eerdmans: 2000

Flusser, David Judaism of the Second Temple Period Eerdmans: 2007

Forster, W. Palestinian Judaism in New Testament Times Oliver & Boyd: 1964

Gartner, B. The Temple and the Community in Qumran and the New Testament Cambridge: 1965

Gowan, D.E. Bridge between the Testaments: A Reapppraisal of Judaism from Exile to the Birth of Christianity Pickwick: 1976

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Jackson-McCabe, Matt, ed. Jewish Christianity Re-Considered: Rethinking Ancient Groups and Texts Fortress: 2007

Lierman, John The New Testament Moses: Christian Perspectives on Moses and Israel in the Setting of Jewish Religion Mohr: 2004

Luomanen, Pyysiainen, Rusto Exploring Christian Origins and Early Judaism: Contributions from Cognitive and Social Science Brill: 2007

Neusner, J. Judaism in the Beginning of Christianity SPCK: 1984

_________ Judaism in the Matrix of Christianity Fortress: 1986

__________, et al, eds. Judaisms and Their Messiahs at the Turn of the Christian Era Cambridge: 1987

Nickelsburg, G.N.E. Jewish Literature between the Bible and the MishnahFortress: 1981

________________ Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins: Diversity, Continuity, and Transformation Fortress: 2003

Riches, John The World of Jesus: First Century Judaism in Crisis Cambridge: 1990

Rowland, C. Christian Origins: An Account of the Setting and Character of the Most Important Messianic Sect of Judaism SPCK: 1985

Russell, D.S. From Early Judaism to Early Church SCM: 1986

Saffrai, Le Deaut, De Jonge, Van Goudoever Studies in the Jewish Background of the New Testament

Van Gorcum: 1969

Saffrai, S. et al. The Jewish People in the First Century 2 vols. Van Gorcum:1974, 1976

Sanders, E.P. Judaism: Practice and Belief SCM/Trinity: 1992

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Sanders, Jack T. Schismatics, Sectarians, Dissidents, Deviants: The First 100 Years of Jewish-Christian Relations SCM: 1993

Sandmel, S. The First Christian Century in Judaism and Christianity Oxford: 1969

__________ Judaism and Christian Beginnings Oxford: 1978

Schurer, E. A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ 5 vols. Hendrickson: 1994

Schwartz, Daniel R. Studies in the Jewish Background of Christianity Mohr: 1992

Segal, A.F. The Other Judaisms of Late Antiquity Scholars: 1987

Shanks, Hershel, ed. Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: A Parallel History of Their Origins and Early Development SPCK: 1993

Stemberger, Gunther Jewish Contemporaries of Jesus: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes Fortress: 1995

Stuckenbruck, L.T. & North, W.E.S. Early Jewish and Christian Monotheism Clark: 2004

Taylor, Justin Where Did Christianity Come From? Liturgical: 2001

Tomasino, Anthony J. Judaism Before Jesus: The Events and Ideas that Shaped the New Testament World InterVarsity: 2003

Tomson. & Lambert-Petry, eds. Images of the Judaeo-Christians in Ancient Jewish and Christian Literature Mohr: 2003

Vermes, Geza Jesus in his Jewish Context SCM: 2003

____________ Scrolls, Scriptures, and Early Christianity T&T Clark: 2005

Wilson, M.R. Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith Eerdmans: 1989

Wylen, Stephen M. The Jews in the Time of Jesus Paulist: 1996

Young, Brad H. Jesus the Jewish Theologian Hendrickson: 1995

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Zetterholm, Magnus The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social-Scientific Approach to the Separation between Judaism and Christianity Routledge: 2003

_________________, ed. The Messiah: In Early Judaism and Christianity Fortress: 2007

(4) Graeco-Roman Influences

Barrett, C.K., ed. The New Testament Background: Writings from Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire that Illuminate ChristianOrigins Harper: 1987

Carter, Warren The Roman Empire and the New Testament: An Essential Guide Abington: 2006

Chancey, Mark A. Greco-Roman Culture and the Galilee of Jesus Cambridge: 2005

Crowe, Jerome From Jerusalem to Antioch: The Gospel Across Cultures

Liturgical: 1997

Deissmann, A. Light from the Ancient East: The New Testament Illustrated by Recently Discovered Texts of the Graeco-Roman World Baker: 1978

Fotopoulos, John, ed. The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context: Studies in Honor of David E. Aune

Brill: 2006

Klauck, Hans-Joseph The Religious Context of Early Christianity: A Guide to Graeco-Roman Religions T&T Clark: 2000

Peters, F.E. The Harvest of Hellenism Simon & Schuster: 1970

Sherwin-White, A.N. Roman Society and Roman Law in the New Testament Oxford: 1963

Van der Horst, Pieter W. Jews and Christians in their Graeco-Roman Context: Selected Essays on Early Judaism, Samaritanism,

Hellenism, and Christianity Mohr: 2006

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(5) Gnostic Influences

Perkins, Pheme Gnosticism and the New Testament Fortress: 1993

Roukema, Riemer Gnosis and Faith in Early Christianity: An Introduction to Gnosticism SCM: 1999

(6) General History

Aune, David E. Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World Eerdmans: 1983

Bagatti, Bellarmino The Church from the Circumcision: History and Archeology of the Judaeo-Christians Franciscan: 1984

Barnett, Paul Jesus and the Rise of Early Christianity: A History of New Testament Times InterVarsity: 2002

Blomberg, Craig From Pentecost to Patmos: Acts to Revelation, An Introduction and Survey Apollos: 2006

Brown, Raymond E. The Churches the Apostles Left Behind Paulist: 1984

Brown, R. & Meier, J. Antioch and Rome: Cradles of New Testament ChristianityPaulist: 1983

Brown, Schuyler The Origins of Christianity: A Historical Introduction to the New Testament (Oxford Bible) Oxford: 1993

Bruce. F.F. New Testament History Doubleday: 1983

_________ Jesus and Christian Origins outside the New Testament Hodder: 1984

Chilton, B. & Evans, C., ed. The Missions of James, Peter, and Paul: Tensions inEarly Christianity Brill: 2005

Cresto, Impulsore Opposition to Christianity in the Roman Empire: 50-250 AD Lang: 2007

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Crowe, Jerome From Jerusalem to Antioch: The Gospel Across Cultures Liturgical: 1997

Cweikowski, Frederick J. The Beginnings of the Church Paulist: 1988

Donfried, K & Richardson, P., eds. Judaism and Christianity in First Century RomeEerdmans: 1998

Ehrman, Bart D. The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the EarlyChristian Writers Oxford: 1999

Elwell, W.A. & Yarborough, P.W. Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey Baker: 2005

Forster, W. Palestinian Judaism in New Testament Times Oliver & Boyd: 1964

Goodman, Martin Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations Penguin: 2008

Goulder, Michael St. Paul versus St. Peter: A Tale of Two Missions Westminster: 1995

Gowan, D.E. Bridge between the Testaments: A Reapppraisal of Judaism from Exile to the Birth of Christianity Pickwick: 1976

Grant, Robert M. A Historical Introduction to the New Testament Harper: 1963

Heard, Richard The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the EarlyChristian Writings, 3rd edition Oxford: 2003

Hengel, Martin Judaism and Hellenism 2 vols. Fortress: 1974

____________ Jews, Greeks, and Barbarians Fortress: 1980

Hengel, M. & Barrett, C.K. Conflicts and Challenges in Early ChristianityTrinity: 1999

Koester, Helmut Introduction to the New Testament: History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age vol. 1 De Gruyter: 1995 & 2000

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_____________ Introduction to the New Testament: History and Literature of Early Christianity vol. 2 De Gruyter: 2000

Lieu, Judith Image and Reality: The Jews in the World of the Christians in the Second Century T&T Clark: 1996

Ludemann, Gerd Primitive Christianity: A Survey of Recent Studies and Some New Proposals T&T Clark: 2003

Nickelsburg, G.N.E. Jewish Literature between the Bible and the MishnahFortress: 1981

Nodet, E. & Taylor, J. The Origins of Christianity: An Exploration Liturgical: 1988

Pfeiffer, Robert H. History of New Testament Times with an Introduction to Apocrypha Greenwood: 1972

Russell, D.S. From Early Judaism to Early Church SCM: 1986

Saffrai, S. et al The Jewish People in the First Century 2 vols. Van Gorcum:1974, 1976

Sanders, E.P. The Historical Figure of Jesus Penguin: 1995

Sandmel, S. The First Christian Century in Judaism and Christianity Oxford: 1969

Schurer, E. A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ 5 vols. Hendrickson: 1994

Segal, A.F. The Other Judaisms of Late Antiquity Scholars: 1987

Slee, Michelle The Church in Antioch in the First Century CE: Communion and Conflict T&T Clark: 2003

Smallwood, E.M. The Jews Under Roman Rule Brill: 1976

Treblico, Paul The Early Christians in Ephesus from Paul to Ignatius Mohr: 2004

Wedderburn, A.J.M. A History of the First Christians T&T Clark: 2004

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Wilkin, Robert L. The Myth of Christian Beginnings Notre Dame: 1971

Witherington, Ben New Testament History: A Narrative Account Baker: 2001

Wylen, Stephen M. The Jews in the Time of Jesus Paulist: 1996

Zetterholm, Magnus The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social-Scientific Approach to the Separation between Judaism and Christianity Routledge: 2003

(7) Social History

Burtchatell, James T. From Synagogue to Church: Public Services and Offices inThe Earliest Christian Communities Cambridge: 1992

Daniel-Rops, Henri. Daily Life In Palestine in the Time of JesusPhoenix: 2002

Fiensy, D.A. The Social History of Palestine in the Herodian PeriodLewiston: 1991

Hanson, K.C. & Oakman, D. Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and

Social Conflicts Fortress: 1998

Harding, Mark Early Christian Life and Thought in Social Context: A Reader T&T Clark: 2003

Horsley, Richard A. Galilee: History, Politics, People Trinity: 1995

Horsley, R.A. & Hanson, J. Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements atthe Time of Jesus Trinity: 1999

Jeremias, Joachim Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus: An Investigation into Economic and Social Conditions during the New Testament Period Fortress: 1969

Malherbe, Abraham Social Aspects of Early Christianity Fortress: 1983

Malina, Bruce J. The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology Westminster: 1993

O’Mahony, Kieran J., ed. Christian Origins: Worship, Belief, and Society

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Sheffield: 2003

Osiek, Carolyn What are They Saying about the Social Setting of the New Testament Paulist: 1992

Stambaugh, J.E. & Balch, D.L. The New Testament in its Social EnvironmentWestminster: 1986

Stegemann, E. & W. The Jesus Movement: A Social History of Its First Century

Fortress: 1999

Theissen, Gerd Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity Fortress: 1978

_____________ Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament T&T Clark: 1999

Tidball, Derek The Social Context of the New Testament: A Sociological Analysis Zondervan: 1984

White, L.M. & Yarbrorough, L The Social World of the First Christians Fortress: 1995

Williams, Ritua Stewards, Prophets, Keepers of the Word: Leadership in the Early Church Hendrickson: 2006

Williams, Clarke, Herd, Instone-Brewer, eds. The New Testament in its First Century Setting: Essays on

Content and Background in Honor of B.W. Winter Eerdmans: 2004

Wylen, Stephen M. The Jews in the Time of Jesus Paulist: 1996

(8) Gender & Family

Balla, Peter The Parent-Child Relationship in the New Testament and Its Environment Mohr: 2003

Fiorenza, E. Schussler In Memory of Her: A Feminist Reconstruction ofChristian Origins Crossroad: 1986

Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann Women in the New Testament Liturgical: 2001

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Kraemer, R.S. & D’Angelo, M.R. Women and Christian Origins: A Reader Oxford: 1999

Osiek, C. & Balch, D. Families in the New Testament World, Households, and House Churches Westminster: 1990

Sawyer, Deborah F. Women and Religion in the First Christian CenturiesRoutledge: 1996

Thurston, Bonnie Women in the New Testament Crossroad: 199


Reference Works


France, R.T. A Basic Bibliographic Guide for New Testament Exegesis JSOT: 1979

Scholer, D.W. A Basic Bibliographic Guide for New Testament Exegesis Eerdmans: 1973

Watson, Duane F. The Rhetoric of the New Testament: A BibliographicSurvey Deo: 2006

General Studies Aune, David E The New Testament in its Literary Environment

Westminster: 1987

Bailey & Vander Broek Literary Forms in the New Testament Westminster: 1992

Baird, William History of New Testament Research: From Jonathan Edwards to Rudolf Bultmann, 2 Vols. Fortress: 1992

Barr, James Old and New in Interpretation: a Study of the Two Testaments S.C.M. Press, 1982

Barrett, C.K., ed. The New Testament Background: Writings from Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire that Illuminate ChristianOrigins Harper: 1987

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Beck, Brian E. Reading the New Testament Today: An Introduction to New Testament Study Lutterworth: 1977

Black, David A. New Testament Textual Criticism: A Concise Guide Baker: 1994

Black, D.A. & Dockey, D., eds. New Testament Criticism and Interpretation Zondevan: 1991

Blomberg, Criag L. Making Sense of the New Testament: Three CrucialQuestions Baker: 2004

Bockmuchl, Markus Seeing the Word: Refocusing New Testament Study Baker: 2006

Boxall, Ian New Testament Interpretation SCM: 2007

Bruce, F.F. The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? InterVarsity: 1960

Childs, Brevard S. The New Testament as Canon Fortress: 1985

Dibelius, Martin From Tradition to Gospel Scribner: 1984

Ehrman, Bart D. Studies in the Textual Criticism of the New Testament Brill: 2006

Ellis, E.E. The Old Testament in Early Christianity: Canon and Interpretation in the Light of Modern Research Mohr: 1991

Erickson, Richard J. A Beginner’s Guide to New Testament Exegesis: Takingthe Fear out of Critical Method InterVarsity: 2005

Farmer, W. & Farkasfalvy, D. The Formation of the New Testament CanonPaulist: 1983

Finegan, Jack Encountering New Testament Manuscripts: A Working Introduction to Textual Criticism Eerdmans: 1974

Fiorenza, E. Schussler Bread Not Stone: The Challenge of Feminist Biblical Interpretation Beacon: 1995

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Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Semitic Background of the New Testament Eerdmans: 1997

________________ The Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Origins Eerdmans: 2000

Fotopoulos, John, ed. The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context: Studies in Honor of David E. Aune

Brill: 2006 Fujita, N.S. A Crack in the Jar: What Ancient Jewish Documents Tell

us about the New Testament Paulist: 1986

Fuller, Reginald A Critical Introduction to the NewTestament Duckworth: 1974

_____________ The Formation of the New Testament Narratives MacMillan: 1971

Gamble, Harry The New Testament Canon: Its Making and Meaning Fortress: 1985

____________ Books and Readers in the Early Church: A History of EarlyChristian Texts Yale: 1995

Green, Joel Hearing the New Testament: Strategies for Interpretation Eerdmans: 1995

Greenlee, J.H. Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism Hendrickson: 1995

Gundry, Robert H. The Old is Better: New Testament Essays in Support ofTraditional Interpretations Mohr: 2005

Hanson, A.T. The New Testament Interpretation of Scripture SPCK: 1980

Harrington, Daniel J. Interpreting the New Testament Liturgical: 1990

Hays, John H., ed. History of Interpretation Abington: 2004

Henshaw, Thomas New Testament Literaure in the Light of Modern

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Scholarship Hodder & Stoughton: 1963 Holladay, Carl R. A Critical Introduction to the New Testament: Interpreting

the Message and Meaning of Jesus Christ Abington: 2005

Johnson, Luke T. The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation Fortress: I999

Juel, Donald Messianic Exegesis Fortress: 1988

Kee, Howard Clark The New Testament in Context: Sources and DocumentsPrentice-Hall: 1984

________________ The Origins of Christianity: Sources and Documents: Prentice-Hall: 1973

Koester, Helmut Introduction to the New Testament: History and Literature of Early Christianity vol. 2 De Gruyter: 2000

______________ From Jesus to the Gospels: Interpreting the New Testament in Its Context Fortress: 2007

Kummel, Werner G. The New Testament: The History of the Investigation of itsProblems Abington: 1972

Ladd, G.E. The New Testament and Criticism Eerdmans: 1967

Lohse, Edward The Formation of the New Testament Abington: 1981

Longenecker, R. Biblical Exegesis in the Apostolic Period Eerdmans: 1975

Ludemann, Gerd Primitive Christianity: A Survey of Recent Studies and Some New Proposals T&T Clark: 2003

Margerie, Bertrand de An Introduction to the History of Exegesis, 3 vols. St. Bedes: 1995

Marshall, I.H., ed. New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Principles andMethods Eerdmans: 1978

Martin, R.P. New Testament Foundations 2 vols. Eerdmans: 1976-78

Mason, S. & Robinson, T., eds. Early Christian Reader Hendrickson: 2004

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McKnight, Scott, ed. Introducing New Testament Interpretation Baker: 1989

McKnight, S. & Osbourne, G.. eds. The Face of New Testament Studies: A Survey of Recent Research Baker: 2004

Metzger, Bruce M. The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance Clarendon: 1987

_______________ The Early Versions of the New Testament: Their Origin, Transmission, and Limitations Clarendon: 1977

Metzger, B.M. & Ehrman, B. The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission,Corruption, and Restoration Oxford: 2005

Moore, Stephen D. Literary Criticism and the Bible: The Theoretical

Challenge Yale: 1989

Neill, S. & Wright, N.T. The Interpretation of the New Testament 1861-1986Oxford: 1988

Pinero, A. & Pelaez, J. The Study of The New Testament: A Comprehensive Introduction Deo: 2003

Porter, Stanley E. Handbook of Exegesis of The New Testament Brill: 1997

Reid, Barbara E. Taking Up the Cross: New Testament Interpretations through Latina and Feminist Eyes Fortress: 2007

Resseguie, James L. Narrative Criticism of the New Testament: An Introduction Baker: 2005

Robinson, John A.T. Redating the New Testament Fortress: 1976 Wipf: 2001

Schneiders, Sandra M. The Revelatory Text: Interpreting the New Testament as Sacred Scripture Liturgical: 1999

Segovia & Sugirtharjah, eds. A Postcolonial Commentary on the New Testament Writings Clark: 2007

Smith, D. Moody Anatomy of the New Testament Prentice-Hall: 1995

Stuhlmacher, Peter Historical Criticism and Theological Interpretation of

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Scripture Fortress: 1987

Stylianopoulos, Theodore The New Testament: An Orthodox Perspective, Vol. I.Scripture, Tradition, Hermaneutics Holy Cross Orthodox: 2004

.Sundberg, A.C. The Old Testament of the Early Church Oxford: 1964

Tasker, Randolph The Old Testament in the New Testament SCM: 1946

Vermes,. Geza Scrolls, Scriptures, and Early Christianity T&T Clark: 2005

Wright, N.T. & Neill, S. The Interpretation of the New Testament: 1861-1986 Oxford: 1988


Brown, Colin, ed. The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology 4 vols. Zondervan: 1975-78

Kittel, G. & Friedrich, G. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (10 vols.) Eerdmans: 1964-76


Geisler, Michael Learning God’s Word: A Bibliography St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology

Peterson, B. New Testament Theology Bibliography Theology/Bibliography.htm

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Vanhoozer, Kevin J., ed. Theological Interpretation of the New Testament: A Book-by-Book Survey SPCK-Baker: 2008

General Studies

Achtemeier, Green, Thompson Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and and Theology Eerdmans: 2001

Baker, D.L. Two Testaments, One Bible: A Study of Some Modern Solutions to the Theological Problem of the Relationship between the Two Testaments InterVarsity: 1976

Beker, J. C. The New Testament: A Thematic Introduction Fortress: 1994

Bellis, A. & Kaminsky, J., eds. Jews, Christians, and the Theology of the HebrewScriptures SBL: 2000

Bockmuchl, M. & Torrance, A,eds. Scripture’s Doctrine and Theology’s Bible: How the New Testament Shapes Christian Dogmatics Baker: 2008

Boers, Hendrikus What is New Testament Theology? Fortress: 1979

Bonsirven, Joseph Theology of the New Testament Newman: 1963

Branick, Vincent P. Understanding the New Testament and its Message: An Introduction Paulist: 1998

Brawley, Robert L., ed. Character Ethics and the New Testament: Moral Dimensions of Scripture Westminster: 2007

Bruce. F.F. The Message of the New Testament Eerdmans: 1986

Bultmann, Rudolph Theology of the New Testament (2 Vols.) Scribner’s: 1951 & 55

Burridge, Richard A. Imitating Jesus: An Inclusive Approach to New Testament Ethics Eerdmans: 2007

Caird, G.B. New Testament Theology Cambridge: 1994

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Conzelmann, H. An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament Harper & Row:1969

Cullman, Oscar Christ in Time: Salvation in History SCM: 1962

Danielou, Jean The Theology of Jewish Christianity Dartman, Longman & Todd: 1964

Dodd, C.H. According to the Scriptures: The Substructure of New Testament Theology Nisbet: 1952

Dunn, James D.G. Unity and Diversity in the New Testament: An Inquiry into the Character of Earliest Christianity SCM: 2006

Dwyer, John C. The Word was Made Flesh: An Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament Sheed and Ward. 1989

Elwell, W.A. & Yarborough, R.W. Encountering the New Testament: A Historicaland Theological Survey Baker: 2005

Esler, Philip F. New Testament Theology: Communion and Community

Fortress: 2005

Fiorenza, E. Schussler In Memory of Her: A Feminist Reconstruction of ChristianOrigins Crosssroad: 1983

Goppelt, Leonhard Theology of the New Testament (2 vols.) Eerdmans: 1981

Hassel. Gerhard New Testament Theology: Basic Issues in the Current Debate Eerdmans: 1978

Higgins, A.J.B. The Christian Significance of the Old Testament Independent: 1949

Jeremias, Joachim New Testament Theology : The Proclamation of Jesus SCM: 1971

_______________ The Central Message of the New Testament Scribner’s: 1965

Knight, G.A.F. From Moses to Paul: A Christological Study in the Light of Our Hebraic Heritage Lutterworth: 1949

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Kuemmel, Werner The Theology of the New Testament according to its Major Witnesses: Jesus—Paul—John Abington: 1973

_______________ Understanding the New Testament Prentice-Hall: 1984

Lace, Olive Jessie Understanding the New Testament: (Cambridge BibleCommentary) Cambridge: 196

Ladd, George.E. A Theology of the New Testament Eerdmans: 1974

Lierman, John The New Testament Moses: Christian Perspectives on Moses and Israel in the Setting of Jewish Religion Mohr: 2004

Lindars, B. New Testament Apologetic: The Doctrinal Significance of of the Old Testament Quotations SCM: 1961

Marshall, I. Howard New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One GospelInterVarsity: 2004

Matera, Frank New Testament Theology: Exploring Diversity and UnityWestminster: 2008

McCurley, F. & Reumann, J. Witness of the Word: A Biblical Theology of the GospelFortress: 1986

McKnight, Scott A New Vision for Israel: The Teachings of Jesus in National Context Eerdmans: 1999

Morgan, Robert, ed. The Nature of New Testament Theology SCM: 1973

Nichols, Bruce Contextualization: A Theology of Gospel and Culture Intervarsity: 1979

Quesnell, Quentin This Good News: An Introduction to the Catholic Theology of the New Testament Bruce: 1964

Reumann, John Variety and Unity in New Testament Thought Oxford: 1991

Richardson, Alan An Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament Harper:1958

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Rowland, C. & Tuckett, eds. The Nature of New Testament Theology: Essays in Honor of Robert Morgan Blackwell: 2006

Schelckle, Karl H. Theology of the New Testament (4 vols) Liturgical: 1971

Schmithals, Walter The Theology of the First Christians Westminster: 1997

Schnackenburg, Rudolph New Testament Theology Today, Present and Future:Modern Aspects of New Testament Theology Notre Dame: 1966

Schreiner, Thomas R. New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ Apollos: 2008

Stauffer, E. New Testament Theology SCM: 1963

Strecker, Georg Theology of the New Testament Westminster: 2000

Stuhlmacher, Peter Historical Criticism and Theological Interpretation of Scripture Fortress: 1987

Theissen, Gerd Social Reality and the Early Christians: Theology, Ethics, and the World of the New Testament T&T Clark: 1999

Thielman, Frank S. The Law and the New Testament: The Question of Continuity Crossroad: 1999

Via, Daniel What is New Testament Theology? Fortress: 2002

Young, Brad H. Jesus the Jewish Theologian Hendrickson: 1995

Zuck, Roy B. A Biblical Theology of the New Testament Moody: 1994

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(1) General Pre-Note: This category (i.e. “General”) is intended for studies that introduce all four gospels in a single work, as well as a few studies that treat the four written gospels as particular statements of a single (pre-written) gospel. Other categories are provided below for more particular and detailed introductions to the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John.

Reference Works

Dungan, D.L. & Cartlidge, D.R. Sourcebook of Texts for the Comparative Study ofthe Gospels Scholars: 1973

Green, McKnight, Marshall, eds. Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels InterVarsity: 1992


Griesbach, J.J. Bibliography on Gospel Synopses and Harmonies from1776 to the Present Day

Harmless, William Bibliography: The Gospels

Metzger, Bruce M. Index to Periodical Literature on Christ and the Gospels Brill: 1966

General Introductions

Aland, K., ed. Synopsis of the Four Gospels 10 ed. United Bib.: 1993

Aquinas, Thomas Catena Aurea: A Commentary on the Four Gospels Collected out of the Works of the Fathers Trans. J.H. Newman Saint Austin: 1997

Barton, Stephen C., ed. The Cambridge Companion to the Gospels Cambridge: 2006

Blomberg, Craig Jesus and the Gospels InterVarsity: 1997

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Bockmuehl, M. & Hagner, D. eds. The Written Gospel Cambridge: 2005

Bridge, Steven L. Getting the Gospels: Understanding the New Testament Accounts of Jesus’ Life Hendrickson: 2004

Gardner-Smith, P. Saint John and the Synoptic Gospels Cambridge: 1938

Gregory, Andrew, ed. The Fourfold Gospel Commentary SPCK: 2006

Harrington, Wilfred Explaining the Gospels Paulist: 1963

Hooker, Morna D. Beginnings: Keys that Open the Gospels Trinity: 1998

Lagrange, Marie-Joseph The Gospel of Jesus Christ Newman: 1958 Murphy, Frederick J. An Introduction to Jesus and the Gospels Abington: 2005

Powell, Mark A. Fortress Introduction to the Gospels Fortress: 1997

Puskas, C.B. & Crump, D. An Introduction to the Gospels and Acts Eerdmans: 2008

Reddish, Mitchell G. An Introduction to the Gospels Abington: 1997

Senior, Achtemeier, MacRae, Harrington Invitation to the Gospels Paulist: 2002

Stanton, Graham N. The Gospels and Jesus Oxford: 1989

Strauss, Mark L. Four Portraits, One Jesus: An Introduction to Jesus and the Gospels Zondervan: 2007

Streeter, B.H. The Four Gospels MacMillan: 1924

Wenham, D. & Walton, S. Exploring the New Testament, Vol. I: A Guide to the Gospels and Acts InterVarsity: 2001

Westcott, B.F. Introduction to the Study of the Gospels MacMillan: 1865

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Background Studies

Bailey, Kenneth E. Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels SPCK: 2008

Burridge, Richard What are the Gospels: A Comparison with Graeco-Roman Biography Eerdmans: 2004

Foster, Paul, ed. The Non-Canonical Gospels Clark: 2008

Hilton, M. & Marshall, G. The Gospels and Rabbinic Judaism: A Study Guide SCM: 1988

Klauck, Hans-Josef Apocryphal Gospels T&T Clarke: 2003

Koester, Helmut From Jesus to the Gospels: Interpreting the New Testament in Its Context Fortress: 2007

Van Buren, Paul M. According to the Scriptures: The Origins of the Gospel and of The Church’s Old Testament Eerdmans: 1998

Vermes, Geza Jesus the Jew: A Historian’s Reading of the Gospels SCM: 1994

Criticism & Interpretation

Blomberg, Craig L. The Historical Reliability of the Gospels InterVarsity:


Cartlidge, D. & Dungan, D., eds. Documents for the Study of the Gospels Fortress: 1993

Corley, Jeremy Unlocking the Gospels: Five Keys for Biblical Interpretation Liturgical: 2004

Dibelius, Martin From Tradition to Gospel Scribner: 1984

Hilton, M. & Marshall, G. The Gospels and Rabbinic Judaism: A Study Guide SCM: 1988

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Hooker, Morna D. Beginnings: Keys that Open the Gospels Trinity: 1998

Kannaday, Wayne C. Apologetic Discourse and the Scribal Tradition: Evidence of the Influence of Apologetic Interests in the Texts of theCanonical Gospels SBL: 2004

Kelber, Werner The Oral and Written Gospel Fortress: 1983

Kingsbury, Jack D. Gospel Interpretation: Narrative-Critical and Social-Scientific Approaches Trinity: 1997

Koester, Helmut From Jesus to the Gospels: Interpreting the New Testament in Its Context Fortress: 2007

Pontifical Biblical Commission Instruction on the Historical Truth of the GospelsPontifical Biblical Commission: 1964

Reumann, John Jesus in the Church’s Gospels: Modern Scholarship and the Earliest Sources Fortress: 1968

Rhoads, D. & Syreeni, K., eds. Characterization in the Gospels: Reconceiving Narrative Criticism T&T Clark: 2004

Talbert, Charles What is a Gospel? The Genre of the Canonical Gospels Fortress: 1997

Thatcher, Tom, ed. Jesus, the Voice and the Text: Beyond the Oral and Written Gospel Baylor: 2008


(2) Synoptic Gospels Pre-Note: This category does not presently limit entries to single works that cover all three synoptic gospels. Some introductory works on individual synoptic gospels are also included, especially those that comprise multi-authored sets (e.g. the Paulist books). It may prove feasible to introduce a separate category later for introductory works on individual synoptic gospels and to identify additional entries for that category.

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Reference Works Bibliographies

Althann, R. Synoptic Problem Bibliography

Aune, David E. Jesus and the Synoptic Gospels InterVarsity: 1980

Longstaff, T. & Thomas, P., eds. The Synoptic Problem: A Bibliography 1716 to 1988 Mercer: 1988

McKnight, S. & Williams, M.C. The Synoptic Gospels: An Annotated Bibliography Baker: 2000

General Introductions

Barclay, William The First Three Gospels Westminster: 2007

Bea, Augustin The Study of the Synoptic Gospels Harper & Row: 1965

Boring, M. Eugene Mark: A Commentary Westminster: 2006

Collins, Adela Yabro Mark: A Commentary Fortress: 2007

Flanagan, Patrick J. The Gospel of Mark Made Easy Paulist: 1997

France, R.T. The Gospel of Matthew Eerdmans: 2007

Harrington, Daniel J What Are They Saying About Mark? Paulist: 2004

Hauerwas, Stanley Matthew Brazos: 2006

Kernaghan, Ronald J. Mark InterVarsity: 2007

La Verdiere, Eugene The Beginning of the Gospel: Introducing the Gospel According To Mark Liturgical: 1999

Matera, Frank J. What are They Saying About Mark? Paulist: 1987

Nickle, Keith The Synoptic Gospels: Conflict and Consensus Westminster: 1980

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Parsons, Mikeal C. Luke: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist Hendrickson: 2007

Perkins, Pheme Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels Eerdmans: 2007 Powell, M.A. What are They Saying About Luke? Paulist: 1989

Sanders, E.P. & Davies, Margaret Studying the Synoptic Gospels SCM: 1989

Senior, Donald What are They Saying About Matthew? Paulist: 1983

Stein, Robert H. Mark Baker: 2008

Turner, David L. Matthew Baker: 2008

Viviano, Benedict Matthew and His World: The Gospel of Open Jewish Christianity Fribourg: 2001

Background Studies

Bultmann, Rudolph History of the Synoptic Tradition Harper: 1963

Collins, Adela Yarbro The Beginning of the Gospel: Probings of Mark in ContextFortress: 1992

__________________ Mark: A Commentary Fortress: 2007

Corley, Kathleen E. Private Women, Public Meals: Social Conflict in the Synoptic Gospels Hendrickson: 1993

Kloppenborg, John S. Excavating Q: The History and Setting of the Sayings Gospel Fortress: 2000

Mack, Burton L. The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins Harper San Francisco: 1993

Malina, B.J. & Rohrbaugh, R. Social Science Commentary on the Synoptic GospelsFortress: 1994

Overman, J.A. Matthew’s Gospel and Formative Judaism: The Social World of the Matthean Community Fortress: 1991

Reicke, Bo The Roots of the Synoptic Gospels Fortress: 1988

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Sim, David C. The Gospel of Matthew and Christian Judaism: The Historical and Social Setting of the Matthean Community T&T Clark: 1998

Swartley, Willard M. Israel’s Scripture Traditions and the Synoptic Gospels: Story Shaping Story Hendrickson: 1994

Theissen, Gerd The Gospels in Context: Social and Political History in the Synoptic Tradition Fortress: 1992

Tolbert, M.A. Sowing the Gospel: Mark’s World in Literary-Historical Perspective Fortress: 1989

Viviano, Benedict Matthew and His World: The Gospel of Open Jewish Christianity Fribourg: 2001

Criticism & Interpretation

Bradley, Marshall C. Matthew: Poet, Historian, Dialectician Lang: 2007

Doeve, J.W. Jewish Hermaneutics in the Synoptic Gospels and ActsVan Gorcum: 1954

Dungan, David L. A History of the Synoptic Problem Doubleday: 1999

Farmer, William The Synoptic Problem: A Critical Analysis West North Carolina: 1976

Goodacre, Mark The Synoptic Problem: A Way Through the Maze Sheffield: 2001

Goodacre, M. & Perrin, N., eds. Questioning Q SPCK: 2004

Kloppenborg, John S. Q Parallels: Synopsis, Critical Notes, and ConcordancePolebridge: 1988

_________________ The Formation of Q: Trajectories in Ancient Wisdom Collections Fortress: 1987

_________________ Excavating Q: The History and Setting of the Sayings Gospel Fortress: 2000

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Mack, Burton L. The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins Harper San Francisco: 1993

Mosse, Martin The Three Gospels: New Testament History Introduced by the Synoptic Problem Paternoster: 2007

Mournet, Terence Oral Tradition and Literary Dependency: Variability andStability in the Synoptic Tradition and Q Mohr: 2005

Powery, Emerson B. Jesus Reads Scripture; The Function of Jesus’ Use ofScripture in the Synoptic Gospels Brill: 2003

Reicke, Bo The Roots of the Synoptic Gospels Fortress: 1988

Richardson, Alan The Gospels in the Making: An Introduction to the RecentCriticism of the Synoptic Gospels SCM: 1938

Stein, Robert H. The Synoptic Problem: An Introduction Baker: 1987

Swartley, Willard M. Israel’s Scripture Traditions and the Synoptic Gospels: Story Shaping Story Hendrickson: 1994

Throckmorton, Bruce H. Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels Nelson: 1992

Tolbert, M.A. Sowing the Gospel: Mark’s World in Literary-Historical Perspective Fortress: 1989


Conzelmann, Hans The Theology of St. Luke Fortress: 1981

Edwards, Richard A. Matthew’s Story of Jesus Fortress: 1985

Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Luke the Theologian: Aspects of His Theology Paulist: 1989

Green, Joel B. The Theology of the Gospel of Luke Cambridge: 1995

Hooker, Norma The Message of Mark Epworth: 1983

Luz, Ulrich The Theology of the Gospel of Matthew Cambridge: 1995

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Marshall, I.H. Luke: Historian and Theologian Zondervan: 1970

Stock, Augustine The Method and Message of Matthew Liturgical: 1995

Telford, W.R. The Theology of the Gospel of Mark Cambridge: 1999

Wilcock, M. Savior of the World: The Message of Luke’s Gospel InterVarsity: 1971

Wrede, William The Messianic Secret T&T Clark: 1971

(3) Gospel of John

Note: Introductory studies on the Gospel of John are presented in a following section on Johannine Writings.

LUKE-ACTS Reference Works


Green, J. & McKeever, M.C. Luke-Acts and New Testament Histiography Baker: 1994

Malick, David Selected Bibliography for The Book of Acts (Annotated)

Mattill, A.J. & M.B. A Classified Bibliography of Literature on the Acts of the Apostles Brill: 1966

General Introductions Bock, Darrell L. Acts Baker: 2007

Bruce, F.F. Commentary on the Book of Acts Eerdmans: 1988

Conzelmann, Hans Acts of the Apostles Fortress: 1987

Durnett, Walter M. The Book of Acts Baker: 1981

Esler, Philip F. Community and Gospel in Luke-Acts Cambridge: 1987

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Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Acts of the Apostles Anchor Bible 31 Doubleday:1998

Gaventa, Beverly R. The Acts of the Apostles Abington: 2003

Haenchen, Ernst The Acts of the Apostles: A Commentary Westminster: 1971

Harrison, Everett F. Acts of the Apostles Moody: 1975

Johnson, Luke T. The Acts of the Apostles Sacra Pagina 5 Liturgical: 1992

Juel, Donald Luke-Acts: The Promise of History Westminster: 1983

Keck, L. & Martyn, L., eds. Studies in Luke-Acts Fortress: 1980

Klauck, Hans-Josef The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles: An Introduction Baylor: 2008

Lonegnecker, Richard The Acts of the Apostles in Expositor’s Bible Commentaryed. Gaebelein, F. Zondervan: 1981

Marshall, I. Howard The Acts of the Apostles: An Introduction and Commentary Eerdmans: 1980

Neil, William “Acts” in New Century Bib. Comm. Series Eerdmans: 1981

Parsons, Mikeal Acts Baker: 2008

Powell, Mark Allen What They Are Saying About Acts Paulist: 1992

Puskas, C.B. & Crump, D. An Introduction to the Gospels and Acts Eerdmans: 2008

Rackham, Richard B. The Acts of the Apostles Baker: 1964

Ryries, Charles C. The Acts of the Apostles in Everyman’s Bib. Comm. Moody: 1961

Tazari, Paul V. The New Testament: An Introduction vol. 2 Luke and Acts St. Vladimir: 1999

Wenham, D. & Walton, S. Exploring the New Testament, Vol. I: A Guide to the Gospels and Acts InterVarsity: 2001

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Wright, Tom Acts for Everyone Westminster: 2008

Background Studies Bauckham, Richard, ed. The Book of Acts in its Palestinian Setting Eerdmans: 1995

Cadbury, Henry J. The Book of Acts in History Harper:1955

Cassidy, R.J. & Scharper, P. Political Issues in Luke-Acts Orbis: 1983

Esler, Philip F. Community and Gospel in Luke-Acts Cambridge: 1987 Evans, C.A. & Sanders, J.A. Luke and Scripture: the Function of Sacred Tradition in

Luke-Acts Fortress: 1993

Keck, L. & Martyn, L., eds. Studies in Luke-Acts Fortress: 1980

Kent, Homer A. Jerusalem to Rome: Studies in the Book of Acts Baker: 1972

Leninskaya, Irina, ed. The Book of Acts in its Diasphora Setting Eerdmans: 1996

Luemann, Gerd The Acts of the Apostles: What Really Happened in the Earliest Days of the Church Prometheus: 2005

Maddox, R. The Purpose of Luke-Acts: Studies on the New Testamentand Its World T&T Clark: 1982

Neyrey, Jerome H. The Social World of Luke-Acts Hendrickson: 1991

Parsons, Mikeal C. Luke: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist Hendrickson: 2007

Strelan, Rick Strange Acts: Studies in the Cultural World of the Acts of the Apostles de Gruyter: 2004

Witherington, Ben, ed. History, Literature, and Society in the Book of Acts Cambridge: 1996

Criticism & Interpretation

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Cadbury, H.J. The Making of Luke-Acts SPCK: 1968

Dibelius, Martin The Book of Acts: Form, Style, Theology Fortress: 2004

Doeve, J.W. Jewish Hermaneutics in the Synoptic Gospels and ActsVan Gorcum: 1954

Jervell, Jacob Luke and the People of God: A New Look at Luke-Acts Augsburg: 1976

Keck, L. & Martyn, L., eds. Studies in Luke-Acts Fortress: 1980

Luemann, Gerd The Acts of the Apostles: What Really Happened in the Earliest Days of the Church Prometheus: 2005

Marguerat, Daniel The First Christian Historian: Writing the ‘Acts of the Apostles’ Cambridge: 2004

Penner, T. & Van der Stichele, eds. Contextualizing Acts: Lukan Narrative and Greco-Roman Discourse Brill: 2004

Rothschild, Clare K. Luke-Acts and the Rhetoric of History Mohr: 2004

Spencer, F. Scott Journeying Through Acts: A Literary-Cultural ReadingHendrickson: 2004

Talbert, Charles H. Literary Patterns, Theological Themes, and the Genre of Luke-Acts Scholars: 1974

Tannehill, Robert C. The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts: A Literary Interpretation, Vol. 2 The Acts of the Apostles Fortress: 1990

Tyson, J.B. Luke, Judaism, and the Scholars: Critical Approaches to Luke-Acts Univ. of So. Carolina: 1999

Theology Conzelmann, Hans The Theology of St. Luke Fortress: 1981

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Dibelius, Martin The Book of Acts: Form, Style, Theology Fortress: 2004

Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Luke the Theologian: Aspects of His Theology Paulist: 1989

Franklin, Eric Christ the Lord: A Study in the Purpose and Theology of Luke-Acts SPCK: 1975

Jervell, Jacob The Theology of the Acts of the Apostles Cambridge: 1996

Maddox, R. The Purpose of Luke-Acts: Studies on the New Testament and Its World T&T Clark: 1982

Marshall, Howard Luke: Historian and Theologian Academie: 1989

Talbert, Charles H. Literary Patterns, Theological Themes, and the Genre of Luke-Acts Scholars: 1974

________________ Reading Acts: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles Crossroad: 1999

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Pre-Note: In this section, separate categories are provided for: (1) the Johannine Corpus as a whole, (2) the Gospel of John, and (3) the Epistles of John. However, the actual distribution of entries into these categories stands in need of correction by those who know the literature well. A major reason for this problem is that many authors have given their works a one word title, i.e. “John,” a title that does not indicate how much of the Johannine literature they consider in the works so designated. Pending such clarification, works bearing that title are tentatively placed in the categories for the Johannine corpus as a whole.

(1) General

Reference Works


Belle, G. Van Johannine Bibliography 1966-1985 (Fourth Gospel) Peeters: 1988

Bruce, F.F. The Gospel and Epistles of John Eerdmans: 1983

Just, Felix Johannine Bibliography:

Malatesta, E. St. John’s Gospel: 1920-1965 Analecta Biblica 32: 1967

Peterson, B. The Gospel of John: Bibliography

General Introductions

Beasley-Murray, G.R. John Word Bib. Commentary Word: 1987

Brown, Raymond The Gospels and Epistles of John: A Concise Commentary Liturgical: 1988

Bruce, F.F. The Gospel and Epistles of John Eerdmans: 1988

Carter, Warren John: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist Hendrickson: 2006

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Culpepper, R. Alan The Gospel and Letters of John Abington: 1990

Culpepper, Lindars, Edwards, & Court, eds. Johannine Literature: An Introduction

Continuum: 2000

Edwards, Mark John Blackwell: 2004

Kysar, Robert John in Augsburg Comm. on the New Testament Augsburg: 1986

Levine, Amy-Jill, ed. Feminist Companion to John Vol. I. Continuum: 2003

Sloyan, Gerald What are They Saying About John? Paulist: 1991

____________ John Interpretation Commentary Westminster: 1988

Smith, D. Moody John Abington: 1999, & HarperCollins Bib. Comm: 2000: Pgs. 956-986

Stibbe, Mark John Sheffield: 1993

Van Der Watt, J.G. Introduction to the Johannine Gospel and Letters Clark: 2007

Background Studies Brown, Raymond E. The Community of the Beloved Disciple Paulist: 1979

Callahan, Allen D. Love Supreme: A History of the Johannine Tradition Fortress:2005

Charlesworth, J.H., ed. John and Qumran Geoffrey Chapman: 1972

Cullmann, Oscar The Johannine Circle Westminster: 1986

Culpepper, R. Alan The Johannine School Scholars: 1975

________________ John, the Son of Zebedee: Life of a Legend Fortress: 200

Gardner-Smith, P. Saint John and the Synoptic Gospels Cambridge: 1938

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Hill, Charles E. The Johannine Corpus in the Early Church Oxford: 2006

Lindars, Barnabas John Sheffield: 1990

Painter, John The Quest for the Messiah: the History, Literature, and Theology of the Johannine Community Abington: 1993

Rensberger, David Johannine Faith and Liberating Community Westminster: 1988

Smith, Dwight Moody Johannine Christianity: Essays on its Setting, Sources, andTheology Univ. of South Carolina: 1989

Von Wahlde, Urban Community in Conflict: The History and Social Contextof the Johannine Community Interpetation 49, No. 4 (1995)

Criticism & Interpretation Ashton, John, ed. The Interpretation of John T&T Clark: 1997

Brown, Raymond E. The Community of the Beloved Disciple Paulist: 1979

Charlesworth, J.H., ed. John and Qumran Geoffrey Chapman: 1972

Culpepper, A. Alan The Johannine School Scholars: 1975

________________ John, the Son of Zebedee: Life of a Legend Fortress: 200

Hengel, Martin The Johannine Question Trinity: 1989

Hill, Charles E. The Johannine Corpus in the Early Church Oxford: 2006

Lozada, F. & Thatcher, T., eds. New Currents Through John: A Global Perspective SBL: 2006

Painter, John The Quest for the Messiah: the History, Literature, and Theology of the Johannine Community Abington: 1993

Smith, Dwight Moody Johannine Christianity: Essays on its Setting, Sources, andTheology Univ. of South Carolina: 1989

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Sparks, H.F.D. The Johannine Synopsis of the Gospels Harper: 1974

Talbert, Charles H. Reading John: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles Crossroad: 1999


Barrett, C.K. The Dialectical Theology of St. John in New TestamentEssays SPCK:1972

Breck, John Spirit and Truth: The Holy Spirit in Johannine Tradition

St. Vladimir:1991

Brown, Raymond E. The Community of the Beloved Disciple Paulist: 1979

Harrington, Daniel John’s Thought and Theology: An Introduction Liturgical: 1990

Howard, W.F. Christianity according to St. John Duckworth: 1943

Painter, John John: Witness and Theologian SPCK: 1975

___________ The Quest for the Messiah: the History, Literature, and Theology of the Johannine Community Abington: 1993

Smith, D. Moody Johannine Christianity: Essays on its Setting, Sources, and Theology Univ. of South Carolina: 1989

Talbert, Charles H. Reading John: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Fourth Gospel and the Johannine Epistles Crossroad: 1999

Wright, C.J. Jesus the Revelation of God: His Mission and Message according to St. John Hodder & Stoughton: 1950

(2) Gospel of John

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General Introductions

Ashton, John Understanding the Fourth Gospel Clarendon: 1991

Barrett, Charles K. The Gospel according to John: An Introduction Westminster: 1978

Bauckham, Richard The Testimony of the Beloved Disciple: Narrative, History, and Theology in the Gospel of John Baker: 2007

Brown, Raymond An Introduction to the Gospel of John ed. Moloney, F.J.Doubleday: 2003

Bultmann, Rudolph The Gospel of John: A Commentary Westminster: 1971

Fenton, J.C. The Gospel According to John Clarendon: 1970

Haenchen, Ernst A Commentary on the Gospel of John 2 vols. Fortress: 1984

Hunter, A.M. The Gospel According to John Cambridge: 1965

Kysar, Robert John’s Story of Jesus Fortress: 1984

___________ John, The Maverick Gospel Westminster: 2007

Lightfoot, R.H. St. John’s Gospel: A Commentary Oxford: 1956

Lincoln, Andrew T. The Gospel According to St. John Hendrickson: 2005

Lindars, Barnabas The Gospel of John Oliphants: 1972 & New Century Bib. Comm. Eerdmans: 1972

Marsh, John The Gospel of St. John Penguin: 1968

Moloney, Francis J. The Gospel of John Liturgical: 1998

Morris, Leon The Gospel According to John Eerdmans: 1971

Neyrey, Jerome H. The Gospel of John Cambridge: 2007

O’Day, Gail The Gospel of John New Interpreter”s Bible, Vol, IX Abington: 1995

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O’Grady, John F. According to John: The Witness of the Beloved Disciple Paulist:

Perkins, Pheme The Gospel according to John New Jerome Biblical Commentary Pgs. 942-85 Prentice-Hall: 1990

Redlich, E.B. An Introduction to the Fourth Gospel Longmans: 1939

Schnackenburg, Rudolf The Gospel According to John 3 vols. Seabury: 1986

Witherington, Ben John’s Wisdom: A Commentary on the Fourth Gospel Westminster: 1995

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Background Studies Barrett, C.K. The Gospel of John and Judaism SPCK: 1975

Beirne, Margaret M. Women and Men in the Fourth Gospel: A Genuine Discipleship of Equals Sheffield: 2003

Brown, Raymond E. The Community of the Beloved Disciple Paulist: 1979

Callahan, Allen Dwight A Love Supreme: A History of the Johannine TraditionFortress: 2005

Cassidy, Richard J. John’s Gospel in New Perspective: Christology and theRealities of Roman Power Orbis: 1992

Dodd, C.H. Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel Cambridge: 1963

Guilding, A. The Fourth Gospel and Jewish Worship Clarendon: 1960

Klink, Edward W. The Sheep of the Fold: The Audience and Origin of the Gospel of John Cambridge: 2007

Lindars, Barnabas Behind the Fourth Gospel SPCK: 1971

Malina, B.J. & Rohrbaugh, R. Social Science Commentary on the Gospel of JohnFortress: 1998

Martyn, J.Louis The Gospel of John in Christian History Paulist: 1978

_____________ History & Theology in the Fourth Gospel Abington: 1979

Moloney, Francis J. The Gospel of John: Text and Context Brill: 2005

Peterson, Norman The Gospel of John and the Sociology of Light Trinity: 1993

Pollard, T.E. Johannine Christology and the Early Church Cambridge: 1970

Sanders, J.N. The Fourth Gospel in The Early Church Cambridge: 1943

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Schneiders, Sandra Women in the Fourth Gospel and the Role of Women in the Contemporary Church Biblical Theology Bulletin 12: 1982

Strachan, R.H. The Fourth Gospel: Its Significance and Environment SCM: 1941

Westermann, Claus The Gospel of John in the Light of the Old Testament Hendrickson: 1998

Criticism & Interpretation

Ashton, John Understanding the Fourth Gospel Clarendon: 1991

___________, ed. Studying John: Approaches to the Fourth Gospel Clarendon: 1994

Brodie, Thomas L. The Gospel According to John: A Literary and TheologicalCommentary Oxford: 1993

Brown, Raymond E. The Community of the Beloved Disciple Paulist: 1979

Conway, Colleen M. Men and Women in the Fourth Gospel: Gender andJohannine Characterization Scholars: 1999

Culpepper, R. Alan The Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in LiteraryDesign Fortress: 1983

Dodd, C.H. The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel Cambridge: 1953

Ellis, Peter F. The Genius of John: A Composition-Critical Commentary on The Fourth Gospel Liturgical: 1984

Freed, E.D. Old Testament Quotations in the Gospel of John Brill: 1965

Fortna, Robert T. The Fourth Gospel and Its Predecessor: From Narrative Source to Present Gospel T&T Clark; 2004

______________ The Gospel of Signs: A Reconstruction of the Narrative Source Underlying the Fourth Gospel Cambridge: 1970

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Gardner-Smith, P. Saint John and the Synoptic Gospels Cambridge: 1938

Higgins, A.J.B. The Historicity of the Fourth Gospel Lutterworth: 1960

Howard, W.F. The Fourth Gospel in Recent Criticism and Interpretation Epworth:1955

Kysar, Robert The Fourth Evangelist and His Gospel: An Examination of Contemporary Scholarship Augsburg: 1975

Lierman, John, ed. Challenging Perspectives on the Gospel of John Mohr: 2006

Lindars, Barnabas Behind the Fourth Gospel SPCK: 1971

O’Day, Gail R. Revelation in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Mode and Theological Claim Fortress: 1986

Olsson, B. Structure and Meaning of the Fourth Gospel Gleerup: 1974

Pagels, Elaine H. The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis Abington: 1973

Segovia, Fernando F., ed. What is John: Readers and Readings of the Fourth Gospel 2 vols. Scholars: 1996 & 1998, SBL: 1998

Smith, Dwight Moody John Among the Gospels: The Relationship in TwentiethCentury Research Fortress: 1992

Sparks, H.F.D. The Johannine Synopsis of the Gospels Harper: 1974

Stibbe, Mark John as Storyteller: Narrative Criticism and the Fourth Gospel Cambridge: 1992

___________ ed. The Gospel of John as Literature: An Anthology of 20th

Century Perspectives Brill: 1993

Thatcher, T. & Moore, S.D. Anatomies of Narrative Criticism: the Past, Present, and Future of the Fourth Gospel as Literature SBL: 2008

Westermann, Claus The Gospel of John in the Light of the Old Testament

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Hendrickson: 1998

Wiles, M.F. The Spiritual Gospel: The Interpetation of the Fourth Gospel in the Early Church University: 1960


Bauckham, R. & Mossee, C., eds. The Gospel of John and Christian Theology Eerdmans:


Breck, John Spirit and Truth: The Holy Spirit in Johannine TraditionSt. Vladimir: 1991

Brodie, Thomas L. The Gospel According to John: A Literary and Theological Commentary Oxford: 1993

Cassidy, Richard J. John’s Gospel in New Perspective: Christology and theRealities of Roman Power Orbis: 1992

Kelly, A.J. & Moloney, F.J. Experiencing God in the Gospel of John Paulist: 2003

Koester, Craig R. The Word of Life: A Theology of John’s Gospel Eerdmans: 2008

Martyn, J. Louis History & Theology in the Fourth Gospel Abington: 1979

Newbegin, L. The Light Has Come: An Exposition of the Fourth Gospel Eerdmans: 1982

O’Day, Gail R. Revelation in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Mode and Theological Claim Fortress: 1986

Smith, D. Moody The Theology of the Gospel of John Cambridge: 1995

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(3) Epistles of John

General Introductions

Alexander, N. The Epistles of John Torch: 1962

Brown, Raymond The Epistles of John Anchor Bible 30 Doubleday: 1982

Bultmann, Rudolph The Johannine Epistles Hermeneia: 1973

Dodd, C.H. The Johannine Epistles NT Commentary: 1946

Houlden, J.L. A Commentary on the Johannine Epistles Black’s NT Comms.: 1973

Kistemaker, Simon Exposition of the Epistle of James and the Epistles of JohnBaker: 1986

Marshall, I.H. The Epistles of John Eerdmans: 1978

Painter, John 1, 2, and 3 John Liturgical: 2002

Perkins, Pheme The Johannine Epistles Liturgical: 1979

Rensberger, David K. I John, 2 John, 3 John Abington New Testament Commentary Abington:1997

Sloyan, Gerald Walkers in the Truth: The First, Second, and Third Lettersof John Trinity: 1995

Stott, J.R.W. The Epistles of John Eerdmans: 1964

Strecker, Georg The Johannine Letters: A Commentary on 1, 2, and 3 JohnFortress: 1996

Thomas, John C. The Pentecostal Commentary on I John 2 John 3 John T&T Clark: 2004

Westcott, B.F. The Epistles of St. John: The Greek Text Eerdmans: 1966

Williams, R.R. Letters of John and James Cambridge Bible Commentary

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Cambridge: 1965

Background Studies Criticism & Interpretation Theology

Breck, John Spirit and Truth: The Holy Spirit in Johannine TraditionSt. Vladimir: 1991

Lieu, Judith Theology of the Johannine Epistles Cambridge: 1991

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PAULINE LITERATURE Pre-Note: Separate categories have not been provided here for letters whose authorship by Paul is not disputed and the Deutero-Pauline letters. If useful, that separation can be effected later.

Reference Works Hawthorne, Martin, Reid Dictionary of Paul and His Letters InterVarsity: 1993


Borchert, Gerald L. Paul and His Interpreters InterVarsity: 1985

Metzger, Bruce M. Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul Eerdmans: 1960

Mills, Watson E. An Index to Periodical Literature on the Apostle Paul Brill: 1993

Seifrid, Chisholm, Tan The Pauline Writings: An Annotated Bibliography Baker: 2002

General Introductions

Barrett, C.K. On Paul: Essays on His Life, Work, and Influence in the Early Church T&T Clark: 2003

Becker, Jurgen Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles Westminster: 1993

Beker, J.C Paul the Apostle: The Triumph of God in Life and ThoughtFortress: 1980

_________ Heirs of Paul: Their Legacy in the New Testament and the Church Today Eerdmans: 1996

Bornkamm, Gunther Paul Fortress: 1994

Bouttier, Michel Christianity According to Paul SCM: 1966

Brannick, Vincent P. Understanding Paul and His Letters Paulist: 2009

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Capes, Reeves, Richards Rediscovering Paul: An Introduction to His World, Letters, and Theology InterVarsity: 2007

Collins, Raymond F. Letters That Paul Did Not Write: the Epistle to the Hebrews and The Pauline Pseudopigrapha Liturgical: 1988

Cousar, C.B. The Letters of Paul Abingdon: 1996

Dunn, James D.G., ed. The Cambridge Companion to St. Paul Cambridge: 2003

Finlan, Stephen The Apostle Paul and the Pauline Tradition Liturgical: 2008

Fiore, Benjamin The Pastoral Epistles Liturgical: 2007 Furnish, Victor P. Jesus According to Paul Cambridge: 1996

Gorman, Michael J. Reading Paul Paternoster: 2008

Hagner, D.A. & Harris, M.J. Pauline Studies Eerdmans: 1980

Harding, Mark What Are They Saying About the Pastoral Epistles? Paulist: 2001

Harrington, Daniel J. Meeting St. Paul Today Loyola: 2008

Horrell, David An Introduction to the Study of Paul Clark: 2006

Johnson, Luke Timothy Hebrews: A Commentary Westminster: 2006

Keck, Leander Paul and His Letters 2nd Ed., Fortress: 1988

Levine, A-J. & Blinkenstaff, eds. A Feminist Companion to Paul T&T Clark: 2004

Levine, Amy-Jill A Feminist Companion to the Deutero-Pauline EpistlesT&T Clark: 2003

Luedemann, Gerd Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles Fortress: 1984

Marrow, Stanley Paul: His Letters and His Theology: An Introduction to Paul’s Epistles Paulist: 1986

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Meeks, Wayne The Writings of St. Paul Norton: 1972

Montague, George T. First and Second Timothy, Titus Baker: 2008

Most, William J. The Thought of St. Paul: A Commentary on the Pauline Epistles Christendom: 1994

Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome Paul: A Critical Life Clarendon: 1998

Ogg, G. The Odyssey of Paul Revell; 1968

Polaski, Sandra H. A Feminist Introduction to Paul Chalice: 2005

Puskas, Charles B. The Letters of Paul: An Introduction Liturgical: 1993

Roetzel, C.J. Paul: The Man and the Myth Univ. So. Carolina: 1998

Saarinen, Risto The Pastoral Epistles with Philemon and Jude SCM: 2008

Sanders, E.P. Paul: A Very Short Introduction Oxford: 2001

Scott, C.A. Anderson Christianity A ccording to St. Paul Cambridge: 1961

Soards, Marion L. The Apostle Paul: An Introduction to His Writings and Teaching Paulist: 1987

Stourton, Edward Paul of Tarsus: A Visionary Life Paulist: 2005

Tazari, Paul V. The New Testament: An Introduction vol.1 Paul & MarkSt. Vladimir: 1999

Thompson, James W. Hebrews Baker: 2008

Wenham, David Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity? Eerdmans: 1995

Westerholm, Stephen Preface to the Study of Paul Eerdmans: 1997

Wick, P. & Maschmeier, J-C. Paulus Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: 2006

Wright, N.T. Paul Fortress: 2005

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Ziesler, J.A. Pauline Christianity Oxford: 1991

Background Studies

Banks, Robert Paul’s Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in

Their Cultural Setting Hendrickson: 1994

Beker, J.C. Heirs of Paul: Their Legacy in the New Testament and the Church Today Eerdmans: 1996

Boardt, Lawrence The Life of St. Paul Paulist: 2008

Collins, Raymond F. The Power of Images in Paul Liturgical: 2008

Davies, W.D. Paul and Rabbinic Judaism SPCK: 1948

Donaldson, T.L. Paul and the Gentiles: the Apostle’s Convictional World Fortress: 1997

Engberg-Pederson, T., ed. Paul in His Hellenistic Context Fortress: 1994

Hock, Ronald The Social Context of Paul’s Ministry Fortress: 1980

Horsley, R. Paul and Empire: Religion and Power in Imperial Roman Society Trinity: 1997

Jervell, R. Paul and the Acts of the Apostles: Tradition, History, Theology in The Unknown Paul Fortress: 1984

Johnson, Sherman Paul the Apostle and His Cities Liturgical: 1987

Ludemann, Gerd Opposition to Paul in Jewish Christianity Fortress: 1989

Macculy, Hyam Paul and Hellenism Trinity: 1991

MacDonald, Margaret The Pauline Churches: A Socio-Historical Study of Institutionalization in the Pauline and Deutero-PaulineWritings Cambridge: 1988

Malina, Bruce J. Paul’s Social Network Liturgical: 2008

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Malina, B.J. & Pilch, J.J. Social-Science Commentary on the Letters of Paul Fortress: 2006

Meeks, Wayne The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul Yale: 1983

Montague, George T. First and Second Timothy, Titus Baker: 2008

Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome Paul the Letter-Writer: His World, His Options, His Skills Liturgical: 1985

_______________________ St. Paul’s Ephesus: Text and Archeology Liturgical: 2008

_______________________ St. Paul’s Corinth: Text and Archeology Liturgical: 2002

Neyrey, Jerome H. Paul, In Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters Westminster: 1990

Pietersen, Lloyd K. The Polemic of the Pastorals: A Sociological Examinationof the Development of Pauline Christianity T&T Clark: 2004

Porter, Stanley E., ed. Paul’s World Brill: 2008

Roetzel, C.J. The Letters of Paul: Conversations in Context Westminster: 1991

Sanders, E.P. Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion Fortress: 1977

Stendahl, Krister Paul Among Jews and Gentiles Fortress: 1976

Stepp, Perry L. Leadership Succession in the World of the Pauline CircleSheffield: 2005

Stowers, S. Letter-Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity Westminster:


Theissen, Gerd The Social Setting of Pauline Christianity Fortress: 1982

Trainor, Michael Epaphras: Paul’s Educator at Colossae Liturgical: 2008

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Verner, David C. The Household of God: The Social World of the Pastoral Epistles Scholars: 1983

Watson, F.B. Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles: A Sociological Approach Cambridge: 1986 Winter, Bruce W. Roman Wives, Roman Widows: The Appearance of New

Women and the Pauline Communities Eerdmans: 2003

Witherington III, Ben Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians; A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James, and Jude Apollos: 2007

Criticism & Interpretation

Borchert, Gerald L. Paul and His Interpreters InterVarsity: 1985

Childs, Brevard The Church’s Guide for Reading Paul: the Canonical Shaping of the Pauline Corpus Eerdmans: 2008

Collins, Raymond F. The Power of Images in Paul Liturgical: 2008

Ehrensperger, Kathy That We May Be Mutually Encouraged: Feminism and theNew Perspective in Pauline Studies T&T Clark: 2004

Ellis, E.E. Paul’s Use of the Old Testament Oliver & Boyd: 1957

Kasemann, E. Perspectives on Paul Fortress: 1971

Kim, S. The Origin of Paul’s Gospel Eerdmans: 1982

______ Paul and The New Perspective: Second Thoughts on the Origin of Paul’s Gospel Eerdmans: 2002

Leslie, Milton C. The Formation of the Pauline Corpus of Letters Epworth: 1955

Longenecker, Richard N. Studies in Paul: Exegetical and Theological Sheffield: 2004

Malina, B.J. & Pilch, J.J. Social-Science Commentary on the Letters of Paul

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Fortress: 2006

Miller, James The Pastoral Epistles as Composite Documents Cambridge: 1987

Neyrey, Jerome H. Paul, In Other Words: A Cultural Reading of His Letters Westminster: 1990

Pagels, Elaine H. The Gnostic Paul: Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline LettersFortress: 1975

Penna, Romano Paul the Apostle: A Theological and Exegetical Study 2 vols. Liturgical: 1996

Porter, Stanley E., ed. The Pauline Canon Brill: 2004

Richards, E. Randolph Paul and First Century Letter-Writing: Secretaries,Composition, and Collection InterVarsity: 2004

Roetzel, C.J. The Letters of Paul: Conversations in Context Westminster: 1991

Schreiner, Thomas R. Interpreting the Pauline Epistles Baker: 1990

Stowers, S. Letter-Writing in Greco-Roman Antiquity Westminster: 1986

Thompson. Michael B. The New Perspective on Paul Grove: 2002

Trobisch, David Paul’s Letter Collection: Tracing the Origins Fortress: 1994

Van Neste, Ray Cohesion and Structure in the Pastoral Epistles T&T Clark: 2004

Wenham, David Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity? Eerdmans: 1995

Westerholm, Stephen Preface to the Study of Paul Eerdmans: 1997

__________________ Perspectives Old and New on Paul: The “Lutheran” Paul and His Critics Eerdmans: 2004

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Witherington, Ben Pauls’ Narrative Thought World Westminster: 1994

_______________ Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians; A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James, and Jude Apollos: 2007

Wright, N.T. What Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Tarsus the Real Founder of Christianity? Eerdmans: 1997

__________ Paul: In Fresh Perspective Fortress: 2005


Barclay, William The Mind of St. Paul Harper: 1958

Barrett, C.K. Paul: An Introduction to His Thought Westminster: 1994

Bassler, Jouette M. Navigating Paul: An Introduction to Key Theological Concepts Westminster: 2007

Beker, J.C. The Triumph of God: The Essence of Paul’s Thought Fortress: 1991

_________ Paul’s Apocalyptic Gospel Fortress: 1982

Bouttier, Michel Christianity According to Paul SCM: 1966

Callan, Terrance Dying and Rising with Christ: The Theology of Paul the Apostle Paulist: 2006

Chilton, Bruce Rabbi Paul: An Intellectual Biography Doubleday: 2004

Dahl, N.A. Studies in Paul: Theology for Early Christian Mission Augsburg: 1977

Davies, W.D. Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: Some Rabbinic Elements in Pauline Theology Hendrikson: 1994

Donaldson, T.L. Paul and the Gentiles: the Apostle’s Convictional World Fortress: 1997

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Donfried, Karl P. The Theology of the Shorter Pauline Letters Cambridge: 1993

Dornisch, Loretta Paul and Third World Women Theologians Liturgical: 1999

Dunn, James D.G. The Theology of Paul the Apostle Eerdman: 1998

_______________ Paul and the Mosaic Law Eerdmans: 2001

Ehrensperger, Kathy That We May Be Mutually Encouraged: Feminism and theNew Perspective in Pauline Studies T&T Clark: 2004

Ellis, E.E. Pauline Theology: Ministry and Society Eerdmans: 1989

Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Paul and His Theology: A Brief Sketch Prentice-Hall: 1989

________________ According to Paul: Studies in the Theology of the Apostle Paulist: 1993

Furnish, Victor P. Jesus According to Paul Cambridge: 1996

Gorman, Michael J. Apostle of the Crucified Lord: A Theological Introduction to Paul and His Letters Eerdmans: 2004

________________ Reading Paul Cascade: 2007

Hay, D. & Johnson, E., eds Pauline Theology Fortress: 1995

Hays, R.B. Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul Yale: 1989

Horrell, David G. Solidarity and Difference: A Contemporary Reading of Paul’s Ethics T&T Clark: 2005

Jervell, R. Paul and the Acts of the Apostles: Tradition, History, Theology in The Unknown Paul Fortress: 1984

Kasemann, E. Perspectives on Paul Fortress: 1971

Lewis, John G. Looking for Life: The Role of ‘Theo-Ethical Reasoning’in Paul’s Religion T&T Clark: 2005

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Lincoln, A.T. & Wedderburn, J.M. The Theology of the Later Pauline LettersCambridge: 1993

Longenecker, Richard N. Studies in Paul: Exegetical and Theological Sheffield: 2004

Marrow, Stanley Paul: His Letters and His Theology: An Introduction to Paul’s Epistles Paulist: 1986

Martini, Carlo M. The Gospel According to St. Paul Word: 2008

Martyn, J. Louis Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul Abington: 1997

Most, William J. The Thought of St. Paul: A Commentary on the Pauline Epistles Christendom: 1994

Penna, Romano Paul the Apostle: A Theological and Exegetical Study 2 vols. Liturgical: 1996

Porter, Stanley E., ed. Paul and His Theology Brill: 2006

Prat, Ferdinand The Theology of St. Paul (2 vols.) Newman: 1950

Ridderbos, Herman N. Paul: An Outline of His Theology Eerdmans: 1975

Schnelle, Udo (trans. M.E. Boring) Apostle Paul: His Life and TheologyBaker: 2005

Schoeps, H.J. Paul: The Theology of the Apostle in the Light of Jewish Religious History Westminster: 1961

Scroggs, Robin The Last Adam: A Study in Pauline Anthropology Blackwell: 1966

Soards, Marion L. The Apostle Paul: An Introduction to His Writings and Teaching Paulist: 1987

Theissen, Gerd Psychological Aspects of Pauline Theology Fortress: 1987

Thompson. Michael B. The New Perspective on Paul Grove: 2002

Westerholm, Stephen Perspectives Old and New on Paul: The “Lutheran” Paul

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and His Critics Eerdmans: 2004

Whiteley, D.E.H. The Theology of St. Paul Fortress: 1964

Wiles, Virginia Making Sense of Paul: A Basic Introduction to Pauline Theology Hendrickson: 2000

Wilson, A.N. Paul: The Mind of the Apostle Norton: 1997

Wright, N.T. Paul: In Fresh Perspectives SPCK: 2005 Fortress: 2005

Young, B. Paul the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee Among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles Hendrickson: 1998

Young, Frances The Theology of the Pastoral Epistles Cambridge: 1994


Pre-Notes: This section includes introductory works on 4 short letters. Book length studies on these letters are relatively few. Entries that introduce all 4 letters are placed in the section “General.” Entries that introduce more than a single letter but not all 4 have been placed in the categories for each of the letters which they introduce. Many of the entries here presented are published in commentaries. This section may be augmented with relevant studies in the periodical literature and particular chapters in more general works.

(1) General

Reference Works


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General Introductions

Harner, Philip B. What Are They Saying About the Catholic Epistles? Paulist: 2004

Levine, Amy-Jill, ed. A Feminist Companion to the Catholic Epistles and Hebrews T&T Clarke: 2004

Martin, R., & Elliot, J.H. James, Peter, Jude Augsburg CommentaryFortress: 1995

Perkins, Pheme First and Second Peter, James and Jude Westminster: 1995

Reicke, Bo The Epistles of James, Peter and Jude Anchor BibleCommentary, Pages 3 to 66 Doubleday: 1964

Schlosser, J. The Catholic Epistles and the Tradition Leuven: 2004

Background Studies

Bagatti, Bellarmino The Church from the Circumcision: History and Archeology of the Judaeo-Christians Franciscan: 1984

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Criticism & Interpretation


Chester, A., & Martin, R.P. The Theology of the Letters of James, Peter, and Jude New Testament Theology Cambridge: 1994

(2) James

Reference Works


Rubenstein, Ernest James: An Annotated

General Introductions

Adamson, James The Epistle of James New International Commentary on the New Testament Eerdmans: 1995

Barclay, William Letters of James and Peter Westminster: 1976

Bauckham, Richard J. James New Testament Readings Routledge: 1999

Blomberg, C.L. & kamell, M.J. James Zondervan: 2008

Brosenda II, William F. James and Jude Cambridge: 2004

Davids, Peter James New International Biblical Commentary Hendrickson: 1993

___________ A Commentary on the Epistle of James Eerdmans: 1982

Dibelius, Martin A Commentary on the Epistle of James Hermeneia-Fortress: 1976

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Gench, F.T. Hebrew and James Westminster: 1996

Hartin, Patrick J. James Liturgical: 2003

_____________ James of Jerusalem: Heir to Jesus of Nazareth Liturgical: 2004

Johnson, Luke T The Letter of James Anchor Bible 37A Doubleday: 1995

_____________ Brother of Jesus, Friend of God: Studies in the Letter of James Eerdmans: 2004

Kistemaker, Simon Exposition of the Epistle of James and the Epistles of JohnBaker: 1986

Kugelman, Richard James and Jude Liturgical: 1980

Laws, Sophie Epistle of James Harper & Row New TestamentCommentaries Harper & Row: 1980

Major, J.B. The Epistle of St. James Zondervan: 1959

Martin, Ralph P. James Word Biblical Commentary Nelson: 1988

Moo, Douglas The Letter of James: An Introduction and Commentary Tyndate New Testament Commentary, Eerdmans: 1987

Nystrom, David James NIV Application Commentary Zondervan: 1997

Sleeper, C. Freeman James Abington New Testament Commentary Abington: 1998

Townsend, Michael The Epistle of James Epworth: 1997

Wall, Robert W. Community of the Wise: The Letter of James Trinity: 1999

Williams, R.R. Letters of John and James Cambridge Bible Commentary Cambridge: 1964

Background Studies

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Bagatti, Bellarmino The Church from the Circumcision: History and Archeology of the Judaeo-Christians Franciscan: 1984

Chilton, B. & Neusner, J., eds. The Brother of Jesus: James the Just and His Mission Westminster: 2001

Edgar, David H. Has God not Chosen the Poor? The Social Setting of the Epistle of James Sheffield: 2001

Hartin, Patrick J. James of Jerusalem: Heir to Jesus of Nazareth Liturgical: 2004

Johnson, Luke T. Brother of Jesus, Friend of God: Studies in the Letter of James Eerdmans: 2004

Maynard-Reid, Pedrito Poverty and Wealth in James Orbis: 1987

Witherington III, Ben Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians; A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James, and Jude Apollos: 2007

Criticism & Interpetation

Baker, William R. Personal Speech-Ethics in the Epistle of James Mohr: 1995

Bauckham, Richard James: Wisdom of James, Disciple of Jesus the Sage Routledge: 1999 Cargal, Timothy B. Restoring the Diasphora: Discursive Structure and

Purpose in the Epistle of James Scholars: 1993

Cheung, Luke L. The Genre, Composition, and Hermaneutics of JamesPaternoster: 2003

Hartin, Patrick J. James and the Q Sayings of Jesus Sheffield: 1991

Johnson, Luke T. Brother of Jesus, Friend of God: Studies in the Letter of James Eerdmans: 2004

Ong, S.H. A Strategy for a Metaphorical Reading of the Epistle ofJames UPA: 1996

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Wachob, Wesley H. The Voice of Jesus in the Social Rhetoric of James Cambridge: 2000

Webb & Kloppenberg, eds. Reading James with New Eyes: Methodological Reassessments of the Letter of James Clark: 2007

Webber, Randall C. Reader-Response Analysis of the Epistle of James International Scholars: 1996


Adamson, James B. James: The Man and His Message Eerdmans: 1989

Hartin, Patrick J. A Spirituality of Perfection: Faith in Action in the Letter of James Liturgical: 1999

Maynard-Reid, Pedrito Poverty and Wealth in James Orbis: 1987

Wall, Robert W. Community of the Wise: The Letter of James Trinity: 1999

(2) Peter

Reference Works


General Introductions

Achtemeier, Paul J. I Peter: A Commentary Fortress: 1996

Barclay, William Letters of James and Peter Westminster: 1976

Bauckham, Richard 2 Peter, Jude Nelson: 1983

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Beare, F.W. The First Epistle of Peter: The Greek Text Blackwell: 1969

Boring, M.E. I Peter Abington New Testament Commentary Abington: 1999

Davids, Peter H. The Letters of 2 Peter and Jude Eerdmans: 2006

Green, E.M.B. The Second Epistle General of Peter and the GeneralEpistle of Jude Eerdmans: 1968

Green, Joel B. I Peter Eerdmans: 2007

Horell, David G. I Peter Clark: 2008

Kelly, J.N.D. The Epistles of Peter and Jude Blacks NT CommentaryHendrickson: 1993

Major, J.B. The Epistle of St. Jude and the Second Epistle of St. PeterKlock: 1978

Neyrey, Jerome H. 2 Peter, Jude Anchor Bible 37C Doubleday: 1993

Reese, Ruth A. 2 Peter and Jude Eerdmans: 2007

Selwyn, E.G. The First Epistle of St. Peter Baker: 1981

Senior, D. & Harrington, D. I Peter, Jude, II Peter (Sacra Pagina) Liturgical: 2003

Skaggs, Rebecca The Pentecostal Commentary on I Peter, 2 Peter, JudeT&T Clark: 2004

Stibbs, A.M. & Wall, A.F. The First Epistle of Peter Eerdmans: 1959

Background Studies

Bechtler, Steven Following in His Steps: Suffering, Community, and Christology in I Peter Scholars: 1998

Elliott, John H. Conflict, Community, and Honor: I Peter in Social-Scientific Perspective Cascade: 2007

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Lapham, F. Peter: The Myth, the Man, and the Writings: A Study of Early Petrine Tradition Sheffield: 2003

Seland, Torrey Strangers in the Light: Philonic Perspectives on Christian

Identity in I Peter Brill: 2005

Criticism & Interpretation

Beare, F.W. The First Epistle of Peter: The Greek Text Blackwell: 1969

Campbell, Barth L. Honor, Shame, and the Rhetoric of I Peter Scholars: 1998

Thomas, K. & Orr, M. Structure and Orality in I Peter: A Guide for Translators United Bible Societies: 2006

Theology Bechtler, Steven Following in His Steps: Suffering, Community, and

Christology in I Peter Scholars: 1998

De Waal Dryden, J. Theology and Ethics in I Peter: Paranetic Strategies forChristian Character Formation Mohr: 2006

(3) Jude

Reference Works


General Introductions

Bauckham, Richard 2 Peter, Jude Nelson: 1983

Brosenda II, William F. James and Jude Cambridge: 2004

Davids, Peter H. The Letters of 2 Peter and Jude Eerdmans: 2006

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Major, J.B. The Epistle of St. Jude and the Second Epistle of St. PeterKlock: 1978

Neyrey, Jerome H. 2 Peter, Jude Anchor Bible 37C Doubleday: 1993

Reese, Ruth A. 2 Peter and Jude Eerdmans: 2007

Saarinen, Risto The Pastoral Epistles with Philemon and Jude SCM: 2008

Skaggs, Rebecca The Pentecostal Commentary on I Peter, 2 Peter, Jude T&T Clark: 2004

Background Studies

Bauckham, Richard Jude and the Relations of Jesus in the Early Church Clark: 2000

Witherington III, Ben Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians; A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James, and Jude Apollos: 2007

Criticism & Interpretation

Wasserman, Tommy The Epistle of Jude: Its Text and Transmission

Almquist & Wiksell: 2006


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Reference Works McGinn, Collins, Stein, eds. Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism Continuum: 1998


Clifford, R.J., ed. Special Issue on Apocalytic LiteratureCatholic Biblical Quarterly: July: 1977

Sandy, D.B. & O’Hare, D.M Prophecy and Apocalytic: An Annotated Bibliography Baker: 2007

General Introductions

Aune, David Revelation Word Bib. Commentary Vol. 52: Nelson: 1997

Beasley-Murray, G.R. The Book of Revelation Attic: 1974

Boring, M. E. Revelation Westminster: 1989

Farmer, Ronald L. Revelation Chalice: 2005

Fiorenza, E. Schussler The Book of Revelation: Justice and Judgment Fortress: 1999

__________________ Revelation: Vision of a Just World Fortress: 1991

Garrow. A.J.P. Revelation Routledge: 1997

Harrington, W. Revelation Liturgical: 1993

Ladd, G.E. A Commentary on the Revelation of John Eerdmans: 1969

Lewis, Scott What Are They Saying About New Testament Apocalyptic? Paulist: 2004

Lupieri, Edmondo F. A Commentary on the Apocalypse of John Eerdmans: 2006

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Marshall, Travis & Paul Exploring the New Testament, Vol. 2: A Guide to the Letters and Revelation InterVarsity: 2002

Mathews, Susan Fournier The Book of Revelation Paulist: 2009

Mounce, R.H. The Book of Revelation Eerdmans: 1977

Osbourne, Grant A. Revelation Baker: 2002

Pablo, Richard Apocalypse: A People’s Commentary on the Book of Revelation Orbis: 1995

Pilch, John J. What They Are Saying About the Book of Revelation

Paulist: 1978

Thompson, Leonard Revelation Abington New Testament CommentaryAbington: 1998

Weinrich, William C., ed. Revelation InterVarsity: 2005

Witherington, III, Ben Revelation Cambridge: 2003

Woodman, Simon The Book of Revelation SCM: 2008

Background Studies

Bloch, J. On the Apocalyptic in Judaism Jewish Quarterly ReviewMonograph Series: 1953

Collins, John J. The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity Eerdmans: 1998

____________ ed. “The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity” Vol. 1 Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism Continuum: 1998

Cook, Stephen L. The Apocalyptic Literature Abington: 2003

Frilingos, Christopher A. Spectacles of Empire: Monsters, Martyrs, and the Bookof Revelation Penn: 2006

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Frost, S.B Old Testament Apocalyptic: Its Origins and GrowthEpworth: 1952

Hanson, P.D. The Dawn of Apocalyptic: The Historical and SociologicalRoots of Jewish Apocalyptic Eschatology Fortress: 1975

___________, ed. Visionaries and Their Apocalypses Fortress: 1983

___________ Old Testament Apocalyptic Abington: 1987

Helmholm, D., ed. Apocalyticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East Mohr: 1983

Lewis, Scott What Are They Saying About New Testament Apocalyptic? Paulist: 2004

McGinn, Collins, Stein, eds. The Continuum History of ApocalypticismContinuum: 2003

Morris, L. Apocalyptic Eerdmans: 1972

Moyise, Steve The Old Testament and the Book of Revelation Sheffield: 1995

Rowland, C. The Open Heaven: A Study of Apocalyptic in Judaism and Early Christianity SPCK: 1982

Rowland, C. & Barton, J., eds. Apocalyptic in History and Tradition Sheffield: 2002

Rowley. H.H. The Relevance of Apocalyptic: A Study of Jewish and Christian Apocalypses from Daniel to Revelation Lutterworth: 1963

Russell, D.S. The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic: 200 BC –AD 100 SCM: 1980

__________ Apocalyptic: Ancient and Modern Fortress: 1978

Sacchi, Paolo Jewish Apocalyptic and Its History Sheffield: 1996

Schmithals, W. The Apocalyptic Movement: Introduction and Interpretation Abington: 1975

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Thompson, Leonard The Book of Revelation: Apocalypse and Empire Oxford: 1990

Torrey, Charles C. The Apocalyptic Literature: A Brief Introduction Yale: 1945

Criticism & Interpretation

Barr, David L., ed. Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for StudentsBrill: 2004

Beale. G.K. The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literatureand in the Revelation of John University: 1984

Derosiers, Gilbert An Introduction to Revelation: A Pathway to Interpretation Continuum: 2000

Javhiainen, Marko The Use of Zachariah in Revelation Mohr: 2005

Metzger, Bruce Breaking the Code: Understanding the Book of Revelation Abington: 1994

Newport, Kenneth G.G. Apocalypse and Millennium: Studies in Biblical Exegesis Cambridge: 2000

Rowley. H.H. The Relevance of Apocalyptic Lutterworth: 1963

Schmithals, W. The Apocalyptic Movement: Introduction and Interpretation Abington: 1975


Bauckham, Richard The Theology of the Book of Revelation Cambridge: 1993

Chapman, Jr., Charles T. The Message of the Book of Revelation Liturgical: 1995

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Fiorenza, E. Schussler The Book of Revelation: Justice and Judgment Fortress: 1999

__________________ Revelation: Vision of a Just World Fortress: 1991

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