Parent Weekly Letter 14 - Salvatorian College · Christmas Card Competition !! Well done to our...

NEWS Salvatorian College Dear Parents, It has been a busy and productive week for staff and pupils. As parents will know, the school was inspected by Ofsted on Wednesday, 10th and Thursday, 11th December. We have made many changes and improvements since the last inspection and I look forward to sharing the outcome of the inspection early in the New Year. I would like to thank all staff and Governors for their hard work and dedication to our school improvement work. The inspection team were very complimentary about the behaviour and conduct of our pupils, who have been a great credit to us. I would like to thank those parents who took the time to report to the Ofsted Questionnaire by giving their opinion of the school on Parent View. The support that parents give our school is evident. On Monday, 8th December, we celebrated Founder’s Day and I attended Mass with Pupils in St Joseph’s Church. All pupils were responsive and reverent during the Mass celebrated by Father Alex, and the Provincial of the Salvatorian Community. As part of our advent preparations, pupils have been donating items for our Christmas hampers, which will be distributed to members of St Joseph’s Parish next week. A group of Year 7 pupils spent Thursday afternoon at Rowan Weald Nursing home, where they sang Carols for the elderly residents, who really enjoyed spending time with our Pupils. Thank you to those boys who volunteered and Mr Ayo and Ms Hyland who accompanied them. Year 11 mock exams continue this week and I have been very impressed with the commitment pupils have shown. The team of external invigilators have commented that the pupils’ maturity and dedication to do well is the best they have seen. I would like to thank those parents who attended the Parent Focus Group meeting and shared their view about what they feel we are doing well as a school and where we continue to need to make improvements. Our plans for a 3 Year KS4 experience will be put out for wider consultation in the New Year. I would like to invite parents to our Carol Service on Tuesday, 16th December at 7.00 pm in St Joseph’s Church. School will nish at 12.30 pm for pupils on Thursday, 18th December 2014. Yours sincerely, Headteacher’s Letter #iamsalvo December 2014 - Wk.14 Salvatorian College Paul Kassapian Headteacher This Week Coming up Tuesday, 16th December Carol Service, 7.00 pm Thursday, 18th December Last Day of Term, School Closes at 12.30 pm Wednesday, 17th December Pupils Christmas Lunch Sunday, 14th December Annual Santa Dash for St Luke’s Hospice Pg.1 Monday, 5th January Start of the Spring Term - School reopens for pupils at the usual time Tuesday, 6th January Epiphany Liturgies Salvatorian College, High Road, Harrow, HA3 5DY Email: [email protected] Twitter: @iam_salvo

Transcript of Parent Weekly Letter 14 - Salvatorian College · Christmas Card Competition !! Well done to our...

NEWSSalvatorian College

!Dear Parents,

It has been a busy and productive week for staff and pupils.

As parents will know, the school was inspected by Ofsted on Wednesday, 10th and Thursday, 11th December. We have made many changes and improvements since the last inspection and I look forward to sharing the outcome of the inspection early in the New Year.

I would like to thank all staff and Governors for their hard work and dedication to our school improvement work. The inspection team were very complimentary about the behaviour and conduct of our pupils, who have been a great credit to us.

I would like to thank those parents who took the time to report to the Ofsted Questionnaire by giving their opinion of the school on Parent View. The support that parents give our school is evident.

On Monday, 8th December, we celebrated Founder’s Day and I attended Mass with Pupils in St Joseph’s Church. All pupils were responsive and reverent during the Mass celebrated by Father Alex, and the Provincial of the Salvatorian Community.

As part of our advent preparations, pupils have been donating items for our Christmas hampers, which will be distributed to members of St Joseph’s Parish next week.

A group of Year 7 pupils spent Thursday afternoon at Rowan Weald Nursing home, where they sang Carols for the elderly residents, who really enjoyed spending time with our Pupils. Thank you to those boys who volunteered and Mr Ayo and Ms Hyland who accompanied them.

Year 11 mock exams continue this week and I have been very impressed with the commitment pupils have shown. The team of external invigilators have commented that the pupils’ maturity and dedication to do well is the best they have seen.

I would like to thank those parents who attended the Parent Focus Group meeting and shared their view about what they feel we are doing well as a school and where we continue to need to make improvements. Our plans for a 3 Year KS4 experience will be put out for wider consultation in the New Year.

I would like to invite parents to our Carol Service on Tuesday, 16th December at 7.00 pm in St Joseph’s Church.

School will finish at 12.30 pm for pupils on Thursday, 18th December 2014.Yours sincerely,


Headteacher’s Letter


December 2014 - Wk.14

Salvatorian College

Paul Kassapian Headteacher

This Week

Coming up

Tuesday, 16th December Carol Service, 7.00 pm

Thursday, 18th December Last Day of Term, School Closes at

12.30 pm

Wednesday, 17th December Pupils Christmas Lunch

Sunday, 14th December Annual Santa Dash for St Luke’s



Monday, 5th January Start of the Spring Term -

School reopens for pupils at

the usual time

Tuesday, 6th January Epiphany Liturgies

Salvatorian College, High Road, Harrow, HA3 5DY Email: [email protected] Twitter: @iam_salvo

Salvatorian College

T - 020 8863 2706 F - 020 8863 3435E - [email protected]

Freddie, Year 8 is raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Freddie has already managed to raise over £755 for the charity. !Here is Freddie’s pledge. !“I am shaving my hair on Boxing Day and my hair will be donated to the Little Princess Trust who make real hair wigs for boys and girls who have lost their hair through cancer.

I believe they could make about 50 wigs with my big bushy afro! Just joking.

The money raised will be donated to Macmillan Cancer who provide amazing support to people like my Grandad who has

been in a long term fight against cancer.

And throughout, MacMillan have given him all the help and stability he needs to stay strong against this Fight.

Thank You to anyone that donates money, I really appreciate your help and generous donations.” – Freddie

If you would like to donate please see the following link to Freddie’s Page:

  “Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.”, Freddie

Macmillan Cancer Support


The third Sunday

of Lent is known as

Gaudete Sunday

or 'Rejoice

Sunday’.   !This title is taken from the introit

‘Rejoice in the Lord always;

Again I say rejoice!’.   !The Sunday however is a slight

respite from the solemnity from


It is a ‘lightening up’ and this is

expressed by the liturgical

colours moving from

 penitential purple to the far

more ‘joyful’ rose.   !All of this points towards the joy

that comes from the Christian

life.   !As Sunday’s epistle reminds us

we should ‘be happy always’.

This might be a bit much: Life

can sometimes be a struggle.

 It can be very hard to find joy

when we are surrounded by

suffering or are enduring pain

ourselves. !St. Paul is not talking about us

being happy in a superficial

sense or to be oblivious to

sadness. !He is talking about the inner-

peace and joy that comes from

accepting Christ into our

hearts.   !This joy is like a small fire.  If we

fuel it; it will grow and produce

a warming heat.   !The sacraments and prayer are

the fuel that allows this ‘fire’ to

warm our souls.   !The period of Advent allows us

to prepare this fire once again

as we look forward to the

celebration of Christmas.

3rd Week of Lent

Mark Davoren - School Chaplain



community  would  like  to  wish  everyone                                                    

Peace and Joythis  Christmas

All  welcome  to  our  Carol  Service

16th  December,  7pm

at  St  Joseph’s  Catholic  Church,

High  Road,  Harrow  Weald.

We would like to invite all students to apply to  the 'Junior Masterclasses' programme at UCL (one of the best universities in the world). !The classes are designed to give students a taste of learning at university. !Pupils can pick from a range of academic subjects – they could choose a subject studied at school, or a completely new subject. !The masterclasses are entertaining, hands-on sessions run by UCL academics.  !

If successful, pupils will get the chance to look around UCL, and meet other young people from across London. !Junior Masterclasses are open to young people attending state schools in Years 8-11. !UCL run separate masterclasses for Years 8-9 and Years 10-11. !Please note that if a student is in Years 8 or 9 they will need to bring a parent or carer. !Students can apply online at   Karen Wilkinson Head of Creative Arts Pupil Premium Lead Teacher

Opportunity to apply for UCL University Masterclass

Carol Service


Salvatorian College

T - 020 8863 2706 F - 020 8863 3435E - [email protected]

Art Department


!!!Currently the

year 9's are



responding to

the theme




Ben !

Rudden !


Art of the Week





Well done to





Winner 2014


Year 7C

After school Art


Year 9’s

Art club will be starting

next term on

Thursdays in Ms

Hands’ room.

Year 9's are invited to

come along after

school. !The club will help to

develop their skills and

introduce them to new

materials. !Thank you.

Ms Hans


T - 020 8863 2706 F - 020 8863 3435E - [email protected]://

Free School Meals   Your son could be eligible for free school meals, if as a parent/carer you receive one of the following support payments:   • Income Support (IS) - a child who receives Income Support can also apply for free school meals themselves. • Income Related Job Seekers Allowance (JSAIR) • Income Related Employment Support Allowance (ESAIR) • Support under Part VI of the

Immigration andAsylum Act 1999. • Pension Credit • Child Tax Credit (ensuring that your income is no more than £16,190.00)

!The school provide healthy and

nutr i t ious meal choices to p re p a re yo u r s o n fo r t h e afternoon. To apply, please go online or visit the civic centre. The school receives pupil premium for every child that claims free school meals. This provides extra funding for the school to give additional support. !Please note that the allocated daily allowance for a free school meal is £2.40. If your child exceeds that amount the difference will be deducted out of your ParentPay account. Please make sure that your

ParentPay account is topped u p re g u l a r l y i n o rd e r to a c c o m m o d a t e f o r s u c h eventualities.

Parent View !!Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about the school. !Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of the school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. !

Ofsted will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when. !!By sharing your views, you will be helping the school to improve. To register your view, please visit: !

St Dominic's interviews

are set to take place on

the 12th and 14th of

January 2015. !In preparation for this, the

KS4 team have arranged

for a member of the St

Dominic's SLT to offer Year

11 pupils some guidance

on completing their

online application forms. !!!!!

This guidance assembly

will take place on

Wednesday, 12th

November 2014 as a

means to ensure

Salvatorian pupils can

continue in Catholic

education beyond Year

11. !Miss Williams, Head of KS4 !

Salvatorian College

#iamsalvo Inspire ● Achieve ● Motivate

Success ● Ambition ● Leadership ● Vision ● Opportunity

If you wish your son to have a school meal, please ensure that there are cleared funds on his ParentPay account  to facilitate this. Please note that it takes 48 hours for funds to be cleared. !Your son will not be able to have a school meal if the account is overdrawn and in th i s ins tance you shou ld provide him with a packed lunch until the account is restored to credit. !Please see the information about ‘Free School Meals’ as

outlined bellow if you think that your son may be eligible for a free school meal. !Thank you, The Innovate Team

School Meals - ParentPay St Dominic’s Interviews for Year 11

Parent Notices

!!Thank you to

Waitrose for their

generous contribution

towards our Christmas


MOBILE PHONES POLICY Parents are reminded that our current school policy

does not allow mobile phones on the school’s

premises and the school does not accept any

responsibility for any damage and/or loss to mobile

devices brought into school.

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