Parent Information Evening 2015 for School. SEPS Vision Statement “To build a community that...

Parent Information Evening 2015 for School

Transcript of Parent Information Evening 2015 for School. SEPS Vision Statement “To build a community that...

Parent Information Evening 2015

for School

SEPS Vision Statement

“To build a community that empowers, challenges and inspires learners to foster their creativity and talents developing the skills to fulfil their dreams in an ever-changing world. THINK...IMAGINE...BECOME...”


Care for self and others• DOING YOUR BEST

Seek to accomplish something worthy and admirable, try hard, and pursue excellence

• FAIR GOPursue and protect the common good where all people are treated fairly for a just society

• FREEDOMEnjoy all the rights and privileges of Australian citizenship free from unnecessary interference or control, and stand up for the rights of others

• HONESTY AND TRUSTWORTHINESSBe honest, sincere and seek the truth

SEPS Values

• INTEGRITYAct in accordance with principles of moral and ethical conduct, ensure consistency between words and deeds

• RESPECTTreat others with consideration and regard, respect another person’s point of view

• RESPONSIBILITYBe accountable for one’s own actions, resolve differences in constructive, non-violent and peaceful ways, contribute to society and to civic life, take care of the environment

• UNDERSTANDING, TOLERANCE AND INCLUSIONBe aware of others and their cultures, accept diversity within a democratic society, being included and including others

Extend Out of School Hours Care

Program Hours7:00 – 9:00am3:30 – 6:00pm

Go to Click “Register Now” to create accountTop-up your balanceStart ordering immediately

Traditional- Paper Bag. Write your child’s name and grade on the bag Clearly write out their lunch order. Include the money. Use a bank coin bag if using a few coins.

Menu for 2015 will be distributed at the beginning of the year

SEPS School Council

Student Engagement and Well Being

Open door policy

Student Engagement and Well Being

KidsMatter Primary is a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools.

KidsMatter Primary provides the proven methods, tools and support to help schools work with parents and carers, health services and the wider community, to nurture happy, balanced kids.

Student Engagement and Well Being

Student Well Being Officer – Viv

• Employed two days a week to support student well being

• A referral form needs to be completed if children require support from our well being officer.

Student Engagement and Well BeingFive Finger Strategy

Sandringham East Primary School’s rules are designed to protect the health, safety and rights of all the school community. Breaches of school rules may incur some penalty or graded series of sanctions consistent with the school’s Behaviour Management Policy. Serious and continued breaches of school rules may lead to suspension/expulsion procedures in line with DEECD guidelines.

Five Finger Strategy

Ignore 1

Walk Away 2

Say “Leave Me Alone”

3 4 Call out loudly “Stop Annoying Me!”

5 Tell a teacher

Student Engagement and Well BeingYou Can Do It


RESILIENCE underpins all the above YCDI Foundations.

Student Engagement and Well BeingYou Can Do It

Student Engagement and Well Being

When you make the RIGHT CHOICES in this class you will feel good about yourself and you may be rewarded with praise, house points, free time or other rewards as agreed.

If you make the WRONG CHOICE the following consequences will apply:1. Verbal reminder that the behaviour is inappropriate2. Yellow Card may be issued = removal from the place you are

sitting3. Red Card may be issued = removal from the class for specified

time. Complete a Reflection Sheet. Restorative Chat in the next break.

4. If more than 2 Red Cards are issued in a week = the issue will be referred to the Assistant Principal and Principal

5. Misbehaviour that involves severe inappropriate language or physical activity will be sent straight to the Assistant Principal and Principal



Learning at SEPS• At SEPS our teaching and learning practice is based

on The Walker Learning Approach (also referred to as Investigations ) which is a holistic, developmental, child centred approach.

• Students engage in active, hands on investigations directed by their interests, alongside the explicit teaching of literacy, numeracy and social and emotional skill based sessions.

• All students commence the day with their home group teacher, but through Investigations have the opportunity to move freely around the Foundation Learning Space.

Learning at SEPS - AusVELS

• The AusVELS and Walker Learning Developmental Domains are used to guide curriculum development and content.

• The AusVELS provides prescribed content and achievement standards which are used to plan learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents in the curriculum domains of English, Mathematics, Science, Languages, The Arts, Health and Physical Education and Interpersonal Development.

Learning At SEPSWalker Learning Developmental Domains

The Walker Learning Developmental Domains address your child’s:

• Social development ( playing and working with others, sharing ideas and equipment, respect, personal space, tolerance and inclusion)

• Emotional development ( self expression, self esteem, recognising needs, resilience, trust, independence, decision making, sense of identity )

• Cognitive development ( creative and reflective thinking. Problem solving, risk taking, questioning, processing information, predicting and planning)

• Language development ( grammar, vocabulary, speech, clarity of articulation )

• Physical development ( movement, hand/eye coordination, handedness, upper body coordination, left/right coordination )

Learning at SEPSA normal learning week at SEPS involves the following sessions:• Investigations• Literacy• Numeracy• Science• You Can Do It• Library• Physical Education• Performing Arts• Japanese (semester)• Sustainability (semester)• Visual Arts• Buddies (once a fortnight)• RE or Baha’i (optional)

English Online Interview

• Is an online assessment tool used to assess the English skills of students in Foundation to Level Two.

• Assesses students across the three modes of English in AusVELS (the Australian Curriculum in Victoria) – Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening.

• Is a one-to-one interview between a teacher and student, using texts and other relevant resources designed specifically for the Interview. A parent is required to attend the interview as children are still becoming familiar with their class teacher.

English Online Interview

• Provides teachers with a valuable point-in-time overview of your child’s achievement and valuable diagnostic information to inform program planning to support your child’s learning.

• Will be conducted in the first three weeks in February. Parents are required to nominate a 40 minute time period on Wednesday February 4th, 11th or 18th. This can be done after the information session tonight.

• Is mandatory for all Foundation students.

• Interview schedule

Mathematics Online Interview

• Consists of appropriate hands-on assessment tasks where children demonstrate mathematical understanding and preferred strategies for solving increasingly complex tasks.

• Is used by teachers in a one-on-one interview situation to determine students’ existing mathematical knowledge in relation to points of growth. Analysis of the responses provides teachers with information to use when planning to meet student learning needs.

Mathematics Online Interview

• Will be conducted in the last week in February and first two weeks in March. Parents are required to nominate a 40 minute time period on Wednesday February 25th, March 4th or 11th. Please schedule an interview after the session this evening.

• Interview schedule

Supporting your child’s learningTeachers

• Recognise that all children can learn, but they learn in different ways, at different rates and at different times. Learning is developmental.

• Use the most effective teaching strategies to support your child to learn.

• Discuss your child’s learning with you at the early interviews and continue to communicate with you throughout the year, both formally and informally.

• Provide information sessions about the Foundation Learning Programs early in 2015.

• Communicate regularly with parents through the school diary. A fortnightly diary entry is provided which outlines the learning the children will undertake during that period and lists suggested ideas for how parents can support their child. We sight and sign student diaries every day.

• Provide opportunities for parents to become involved in the learning programs.

How can parents get involved on the learning programs at SEPS?

• Early in 2015 Parent Helper training courses for Investigations, Literacy and Numeracy will be conducted for parents wanting to assist with learning programs.

• Please note parents are required to complete a working with children check before assisting with learning programs and activities, this includes excursions.

• Parents interested in supporting the learning programs need to attend the Parent Helpers training courses.

Preparing for School

Name everything:

• uniform• school bag.

Give your child increasing responsibility for carrying their own bag, packing it and finding equipment

• reading pouch• diary• shoes• lunchbox and drink bottle.

Be careful of trendy lunchboxes that are impossible to open.If possible pack your child’s snack and lunch with no wrap or packaging.

Preparing for School

Observe classroom routines and encourage your child to follow them independently.

• Arrive at school on time

• Place his/her school bag on allocated peg

• Take his/her reading pouch into the classroom

• Give notes or forms to the teacher

• With parent support check the diary each day

Preparing for School

• Pack a spare pair of shorts, underwear and socks into a plastic bag and keep in your child’s school bag in case of accidents

• Take them to the toilet when they arrive at school in the morning

• Know where they line up in the assembly area, and be there promptly for drop-off and pick-up times

Preparing for School

• Make sure your child has settled, then say goodbye promptly. Alert the teacher to any separation concerns

• Consider making a simple checklist of what your child needs to pack into his / her bag each day, and help them work through this for the first few weeks

• Enjoy this special time with your child!

• Request a SEPS Parent Buddy who will assist your transition into the SEPS community. SEPS Parent Buddy request form

2015 Term DatesFriday January 30 · School commences for Foundation to Level 6

· Foundation children attend half day only for the first day of school (Boys - morning session 9:30-11am)(Girls - afternoon session 1:30-3:00pm)

From Mon February 2

· Full school days for all Foundation students except for the first six consecutive Wednesdays as detailed below.

Wed February 4, 11, 18

· Foundation English Online Interview (EOI) Assessment. All Foundation children participate in the EOI. A parent of each child is required to attend the interview. Parents will nominate a time at the Parent Information Evening on Wednesday November 26 at 7:00pm.

Wed February 25Wed March 4, 11

Mon March 9

· Foundation Mathematics Online Interview (MOI) Assessment. All Foundation children participate in the MOI. A parent of each child is required to attend the interview. Parents will nominate a time at the Parent Information Evening on Wednesday November 26 at 7:00pm.

· Public holiday - no school

Mon March 16 · Foundation students commence full time (Monday - Friday)

End of Term 1 ·  Friday March 27 (2.30pm dismissal on the last day of term 1)

Term 2 · 13 April - 26 June (2:30pm dismissal on the last day of term 2)

Term 3 · 13 July - 18 September (2:30pm dismissal on the last day of

term 3)

Term 4 · 5 October - 18 December (1:30pm dismissal on last day of term


School Hours

8:50am Whole School Assembly (Monday only, all other week days commence at 9am)

9:00am Learning time commences—Session 1

9:50am Session 2

10:40am Morning Recess

11:10am Session 3

Midday Session 4

12:50pm Students eat lunch supervised by class teacher

1:00pm Lunchtime

1:50pm Session 5

2:40pm Session 6

3:30pm School concludes

Stories to share about starting school

• Fiona the pig’s big day by L. Hobbs

• First Day by Margaret Wild and Kim Gamble

• Starting School by Jane Godwin and Anna


• Wombat goes to school by Jackie French


Bruce Whateley