parashara bhattar

Sri Parasara Bhattar Sri Parasara Bhattar was the eldest of the two sons of Sri Koorathazhvan (also known as Kuresa) and Smt Andal. The exact date of his birth is not recorded and is generally agreed to be at the end of 12th century. He is said to be the next spiritual leader after Sri Ramanuja. There is also another view that Thiru kurukaip piran pillan was the spiritual successor of Ramanuja. Sri Parasara Bhattar was well versed in Vedanta and Divya Prabhandhas at a very young age. He is said to have defeated a famous Advaita teacher called Madhavadasa of Tirunarayanapuram (present day Melkote) in a debaet, which went on for a weak. After the debate was over, Madhavadasa accepted defeat and became Sri Parasara Bhattar's disciple under the name Ranganatha, also known as Nanjiyar. Sri Parasara Bhattar composed the following works Astasloki. This is a brief and clear explanation of the three rahasyas astaksara (tirumantaram), dvayam and caramaslokam, in eight slokas.



Transcript of parashara bhattar

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Sri Parasara Bhattar

Sri Parasara Bhattar was the eldest of the two sons of Sri Koorathazhvan (also known as Kuresa) and Smt Andal. The exact date of his birth is not recorded and is generally agreed to be at the end of 12th century. He is said to be the next spiritual leader after Sri Ramanuja. There is also another view that Thiru kurukaip piran pillan was the spiritual successor of Ramanuja. 

Sri Parasara Bhattar was well versed in Vedanta and Divya Prabhandhas at a very young age. He is said to have defeated a famous Advaita teacher called Madhavadasa of Tirunarayanapuram (present day Melkote) in a debaet, which went on for a weak. After the debate was over, Madhavadasa accepted defeat and became Sri Parasara Bhattar's disciple under the name Ranganatha, also known as Nanjiyar. 

Sri Parasara Bhattar composed the following works 

Astasloki. This is a brief and clear explanation of the three rahasyas astaksara (tirumantaram), dvayam and caramaslokam, in eight slokas.

Text in Xdvng, Roman Text, PDF Another site for Ashtasloki

Kriyadipa. This work, though not very popular, outlines the daily religious rites of Srivaishnavas in 72 slokas. 

Bhagavad gunadarpana. This is one of the masterly works of Sri Parasara Bhattar. This is commentary on Vishnu sahasranama expounding the meanings of the 1000 words of the Lord from a Visistadvaita standpoint. 

Sri Gunaratnakosha. This is a beautiful poem of 61 verses all dedicated to Goddess Sriranganayaki of Srirangam. 

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Sri Ranganatha Stotra. This is a beautiful poem of 8 verses all in praise of the Lord Sri Ranaganatha of Srirangam. It is said that Parasara Bhattar composed this stotra while he was forced to go away from Srirangam due to the displeasure he incurred of the then Chola king.

Text in Xdvng, Roman Text, PDFSri Rangarajastava. This is the longest and most important works of Sri Parasara Bhattar. The entire work is of 232 verses and is in two parts. The first part is composed of 127 verses and is known as Purvasataka. In this section sri Parasara Bhattar details the glories of Sri Ranganatha. The second part of 105 verses is known as Uttarasataka. In this part Sri Parasara Bhattar refutes the philosophies of advaita, buddhist and jaina traditions. 

Tirumanjana Kavi. These verses are recited in Srirangam temple on occasions like Ekadasi, Amavasya, Ayana, telugu & tamil new years day and Brahmotsavams. Only 28 of the 50 verses are available in print. 

Kaisikamahatmya: Commentary on Kaisikapurana. This is one of Sri Parasara Bhattar's compositions in tamil. This works is composed of 92 verses and explains the importance of singing the glory of Lord Varaha. Kaisikapurana is a part of Varahapurana. 

Maivannanarungunji. This is an elaborate commentary in tamil on one stanza - Maivannanarungunji - forming part of Tirumangai azhvar's Tiruneduntandakam. 

There are many other works of Sri Parasara Bhattar that are lost or not available in its entirety. Some of these are: Tattvaratnakara, Adhyatmakhanda dvaya vivarana, Laksmikalyana, A commentary on Subalopanisad.