Parashah 13- Sh'Mot (Names)

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  • 8/20/2019 Parashah 13- Sh'Mot (Names)



    Parashah 13: Sh'mot (Names)

    Parashah 13: Sh'mot (Names) - Exodus 1:1 through 6:1

    Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Isaiah 27:6 through 28:13; 29:22-23;Jeremiah 1:1 through 2:3.

    B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Matthew 22:23-33; 41-46; Mark 12:18-27; 35-37; Luke 20:27-44; John 17:1-26; Acts 3:12-15; 5:27-32; 7:17-36;22:12-16; 24:14-16; Hebrews 11:23-26.

    Summary & Overview


    o  Exodus 1:1 | Introduction

    o  Exodus 1:8 | The Israelites Are Oppressedo  Exodus 2:1 | Birth and Youth of Moses

    o  Exodus 2:11 | Moses Flees to Midian

    o  Exodus 3:1 | Moses at the Burning Bush

    o  Exodus 3:13 | The Divine Name Revealed

    o  Exodus 4:1 | Moses' Miraculous Power

    o  Exodus 4:18 | Moses Returns to Egypt

    o  Exodus 5:1 | Bricks without Straw

    o  Exodus 6:1 | Israel's Deliverance Assured

    Last week’s Torah Portion is foundational and set the stage for the rest of the

    Torah and what the Restoration Plan of YHVH entails. Here is a brief summaryof the 12 utterances spoken by Jacob over his 12 sons that will be referred to aswe study the Book of Exodus:

    1. Ruben  – Behold the Son, this is the revelation of the Messiah and Hiswork and His attributes; Strength, Dignity, Power & Stability.

    2. Simon - Their sin (self-will) provoke YHVH to Anger. Introduction of thePriesthood, Sacrificial System and Forgiveness.

    3. Levi - Same as above.4. Judah  – YHVH changes His Name, His destiny by inserting a “Dalet” or

    Door into His Name YHVDH. The introduction of Messiah Who is theDoor and the Way to the Father (YHVH). He will be the King andLawgiver of His people coming from the Tribe of Judah.

    5. Dan – The revelation of YHVH’s Judgement against Sin. The Messiahbecome sin in our place and then became the Judge. The Messiah isintroduced as Saviour and Judge.

    6. Naphtali – This message of Salvation will get out into the world so thatman can be restored back into the Kingdom, into the Father’s presencethrough entering the Door (Messiah). The introduction of the “Goodlywords” or Gospel message that star ts with the message of Repentance.

    7. Gad – The enemy tries to stop people from hearing the “Goodly words”

    by taking people captive through bondage of sin. YHVH raised up anarmy under the command of David, the Beloved Messiah Who will lead

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    His army against the enemy so that the people can be liberated from sinby hearing the Truth that will set them free.

    8.  Asher   – The enemy tries another strategy, he attack people from within.The people of YHVH are infiltrated by rebellious Leaders that feeds thepeople with “fat bread”; a message the tickles the ear, making them“happy” instead of “holy”.

    9. Issachar   – YHVH is raising a people that will fund the “Goodly words”message of Salvation in order to spread it across the whole world.

    10.Zebulon  – Because of “iniquity that dwells” within the people YHVH, Heraises up a people that will be able to “fish” people out of the nations and bring them into the “Boat” so that they can be discipled in the Word (Truth – thin bread).

    11.Joseph  – The blessing of Joseph is transferred to Ephraim who playsand important part in the end time restoration plan of YHVH and thereuniting of the Two Sticks in the Hand of Messiah.

    12.Benyamin – The workers that embrace both Y’shua (Gospel Message)

    and the Torah (thin bread) plays an important part in the last day eventsduring the famine (Tribulation) before the Millennium of Rest (1000 yearpeace).

    You need to have an understanding of this “Roadmap” of YHVH’s RestorationPlan in order to understand the rest of the Torah and every aspect of theseprophecies that will play out throughout Scripture right up to the Book ofRevelation. All the people mentioned from here on will play an important part tofulfil this Plan. If you make yourself available, then you can also be part and acharacter in His Restoration Plan playing out.

    These are the Names – These are the Characters

     Exo 1:1 Now these are the names (Shemot) of the children of Israel whocame to Egypt; each man and his household came with Jacob:  2 Reuben,

     Simeon, Levi, and Judah; 3 Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin;  4 Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. 5 All those who were descendants [ a ]  of Jacobwere seventy [ b ]  persons (for Joseph was in Egypt already). 6 And Josephdied, all his brothers, and all that generation. 7 But the children of Israelwere fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied and grew exceedinglymighty; and the land was filled with them.

    We commonly know this Book as the book of Exodus where Israel leaves Egypt

    but the start of this book is about Names, “shemot”. We have learned that yourname means your character and destiny, so we can read the opening verse asfollows; “ Now these are the characters with their destinies, the children of the

     Righteous people of Elohim who came to Egypt ….” In the previous Parashahwe have looked at these characters with their prophetic destinies within theRestoration Plan of YHVH and in this Book, we will see them playing outthrough different characters, the descendants of Joseph and His Brothers.

    It’s all about people; we find the names of the children of Israel, the names ofthe Patriarchs and the Name of God as revealed to Moses and the Israelites butwe do not find the name of the Pharaoh ever mentioned.

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    Prophetic Picture and Overview of the Exodus

    Messiah’s First Coming : Moses grew up and became a Prince in Egypt for 40years. Then Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew and he intervened andkilled the Egyptian. He later saw two Hebrews fight and tried to stop them. Theyaccused him of being a murderer and he fled Egypt and went to Median and

    spent 40 years in the Wilderness. This one act of redemption was rejected byhis people and is a prophetic picture of the First Coming of Messiah were Hisown people rejected Him.

    Messiah’s Second Coming YHVH called Moses to redeem Israel fromEgyptian slavery and Moses went back where YHVH did a mighty deliverancethrough him. This is a picture of the Second Coming of Messiah where Hispeople will receive and believe in Him. This confirms to us that the Story of theExodus is a prophetic picture for Messiah’s Second Coming and that we need tolearn from these events in order to prepare for His coming.

    The story of the Exodus is the story of redemption of peoplewho are trapped in a System of bondage. The world we live intoday is no different to those times where enslaved peoplemade “clay bricks” to build a System that actually enslavesthem. We are trapped in such a System where we exist tosupport and sustain the very material System that enslavesus.

    The Book of Revelation describes the spiritualside of this System known as Babylon; that meansmixing and confusion and this is the current statethe “faith world” is in right now. There are close to40 000 different denominations that callthemselves Christian and around 30 differentJudaic Sects. This shows that “mixing andconfusion” are present within each of thesedenominations all-submitting under a Babylonsystem of worship. At the end of the day, there willonly be two sticks that will be moulded into One by

    the hand of Messiah. One God, One Messiah and One Faith.

    With this said, we need to study and understand the Book of Exodus as well asthe Book of Revelation to get the full picture of end time events so that we can

    be prepared for what is coming. Genesis gave us the foundation and overviewMap of YHVH’s Plan. Exodus and Revelation provides us with the detail of whatwe can expect and how to prepare for the coming Anti-Messiah as well as thereal Messiah. Deception is the greatest danger that will entrap believersbecause of a lack of knowledge. This is why it is so important to study and knowthe Word with the right understanding and interpretation in order to avoiddeception.

    The Tribulation period with its plagues are foreshadows of the plaguesmentioned in Revelation, and we will experience similar events described inExodus before the Second Coming of Messiah. YHVH wants to lead His people

    out of Bondage prior to them entering the Promised Land, and this is called “TheGreater Exodus”. This Book is a prophetic parallel and blueprint of the GreaterExodus that will happen at the end of time.

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    YHVH calls Moses

    Moses shepherds the flocks of his father in law andcame to the mountain Horeb, the mountain of YHVHalso known as Sinai. Sinai comes from the word“sina” that means thorny. Horeb means dry,

    desolate and hot. If you pronounce Horeb slightlydifferent it becomes “cherev” that means sword. Thisis the mountain where Moses will receive the TenCommandments, the “Sword” or the Word of YHVHthat will cut away everything that is from Egypt andnot of YHVH. This is also the place that initiated theFeast of Shavuot or Pentecost that was fulfilled by

    the outpouring of the Spirit of YHVH on His people. The Spirit and the Word isOne or Echad.

    On this mountain, Horeb or Sianai Moses saw a “sinah”-bush or thorn bush that

    was burning but not consumed by the fire. Later on, all the people of Israel willsee this “Burning Bush” on the of Mount Sinai or “Mount Thorn” where YHVHwill speak to them and give them His Sword of His Word. See how everything islinked together and how the one is a shadow of what is to come.

    Bush is the word “senah” and was burning in the fire and was not consumed.Why not burned up? There must be something that fuels the fire if the bush is

    not consumed. We have learned that the Shins represents fire as well as the

    Spirit of YHVH and that is what Moses encountered; the Spirit of YHVH. It issimilar to the creation scene where the Spirit of YHVH hovering over the watersbefore light (revelation) came into existence. Here the Spirit of YHVH hoveredover the “thorn bush” revealing His Plan to Moses, enlightening him.

    Personal Application: Seeing a bush on fire is not a big deal.Seeing a bush on fire not being consumed is a big deal andsomething of note. Seeing someone on fire for a cause is a bigdeal if the cause does not destroy the person. Moses saw animage of himself where he was the bush and his mission thefire and YHVH fuelled the fire without Moses being destroyedin the process. This is a beautiful picture of how YHVH’s Anointing works and what it looks like when His Spirit isequipping us. He gives us the ability and strength to fulfil the

    task without us being consumed or destroyed in the processbecause He provides the “fuel” that fuels the fire. All you haveto do is allow it to burn so that His Light can shine in this dark world.

    Prophetic Picture: Moses left his flock at the foot of themountain when he had the torn bush experience. Later onhe will come back to the same mountain, leave the flock(Israel) at the foot of this mountain and have a secondtorn bush experience receiving the Ten Commandments.The thorns in the bush represent the Commandments, the sword that willproceed from Y’shua’s mouth that will prick those who oppose it and cut away

    things that is not part of YHVH’s Character.

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     Rev 1:16 …and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword and hiscountenance was as the sun shins in his strength . . ..

    YHVH Reveals Himself to Moses

     Exo 3:11  But Moses said to Elohim, “ Who am I that I should go to

     Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”  

    When YHVH called Moses at the burning bush, Moses felt

    overwhelmed and asked “who am I” as if he thinks that

    everything will have to be done in his own strength and ability.

    When YHVH calls you to do something, it might seem

    impossible, and you will feel inadequate. Joshua had thesame experience when YHVH called him, and he feltinadequate, and YHVH had to tell him that he is a mightyman of God. We tend to see ourselves from our ownperspective and point of view as if you are the person whoknows yourself the best. But what if you believe lies aboutyourself? YHVH is the One who created you and knows youthe best, and you have to listen what He has to say aboutyou. He knows the truth about you, and you need a

    revelation from Him of who you are before you can step up and become theman or woman He intended you to become.

     Exo 3:13  Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ andthey say to me, ‘What  is His name?’ what shall I say to them?”  

    Then Moses asked YHVH’s Name as if the people are asking and not him. IsMoses too afraid to admit that he does not know YHVH, the God of his fathers?In verse 6 YHVH revealed Himself to Moses saying “ I am the God of your

     father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob”  , butMoses still did not know His Name.

    Q – Why did Moses ask God’s Name when God introduced Himself to Moses earlier? Isn’t it good enough to know Him as the God of Abraham. Isaac &Jacob?

    That is the whole point; it is their God, not Moses’ God. Theyknow God personally, and Moses still has to experience God

    before he could say it is his God. Moses also asked His Nameon behalf of the people, and it seems that he is actuallyasking YHVH to become his personal God as well as thepersonal God of the people of Israel.

     Exo 3:14-15   And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent meto you.’”   15 Moreover God said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the childrenof Israel: ‘The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of

     Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever,and this is My memorial to all generations.’  

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    The word memorial is the word “zeker ” in Hebrew and is also used in Exo 17:14where YHVH told Moses to record the victory over Amalek in a book as amemorial and to “lay it upon” Joshua or “rehearse” it to Joshua.

    The phrase “lay upon” or “rehearse” is the word “sum”, that means “to put upon”and “sign”. It is found in the story of Cain where he received a sign. It is also

    found in the story of Abraham where he “put” water on the shoulder of Hagar  before sending her into the wilderness. It was also used in the story of Abrahamand Isaac where the wood of the sacrifice was “put” on Isaac. This word is alsoused where Abraham’s seed is described as a “sign” of the covenant.

    The Name of YHVH is to be a memorial or a “sign” that is “put upon” somethingor someone. In other words His Name will be a sign that is upon you. The factthat the victory over Amalek needed to be “written down as a memorial” revealsto us that everything that is “written” in the Word of YHVH is a memorial and asign that needs to be “put upon” every believer, just like His Name.

    This implies that “putting on His Name” is similar to

    “putting on” His Word like a Yoke you carry in thislife. Y’shua said in Matt 11:30 that His Yoke is easy

    and His burden (memorial / Name) is light. Y’shua’syoke is the same yoke that Moses received only withall the traditions removed that caused it to become

    heavy and unbearable. Putting on His Name is the sameas putting on or obeying His Commandments. The memorial

    that is on you when you say you belong to YHVH is seenthrough the Commandments you “carry” through obedience that

    is a visible sign to the world, like the “fire of the burning bush” on your life.

    The context of Matt 11:30 is where Y’shua said that no one knows the Fatherexcept the Son and no one knows the Son except the Father and that the Sonhas the ability to reveal the Father to man. In order to get a revelation of theFather you have to have a revelation of the Son, Y’shua. Y’shua is the Word ofYHVH and the Father is only revealed through the Son or His Word. Y’shua saidthat His yoke is light implying that He has stripped the Word from traditions ofman that actually hides the Father. This is one of the things Y’shua came to do,to cleanse His Word from anything that hides or distorts the image of the Father.He did not come to take away the Word / Commandments but to make it light,the Yoke still exist and have not been abolished as people believe. Rememberwhen Y’shua said these words the New Testament did not exist and the Word

    was everything left of Matthew. Abolishing the Torah is removing the Name ofYHVH and destroying the Revelation of the Father.

    The Jews do not pronounce the YHVH’s name andI think this is the reason; this Name can only beaccurately pronounced through your actions, notyour mouth or through sound. The Name YHVH isa personal Name that you will only know if youobey His Commandments and carry His Yoke,have His memorial upon you. You can know ofGod, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but for Him to become personal

    where He reveals His “YHVH Name” to you, is only possible if you walk in Hisshoes. That is why YHVH asked Moses to take off his shoes; it is a sign ofbecoming Holy Like Him, walking the way He would walk.

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     As explained in the previous Torah Portion, people know Jesus or Y’shua astheir Saviour, but they do not know Him as the Word and the One Who revealsthe Father.

    If you want to see the Father you have to “see” Y’shua as the Word and whenyou study and do the Word then only will you “see” the Father  as your personal

    God with the Name YHVH that you can pronounce through living your life holyunto Him as a memorial and a sign for the world to see.

    Salvation can become Bondage – The First Enemy

    Centuries passed since Joseph and his family moved to Egypt, some estimate itto be between 200 and 400 years. During this time things gradually changedfrom a life of freedom and prosperity to a life of bondage and slavery. The placeof salvation and blessing became a place of bondage and slavery.

    Q – Can this happen to Believers today?

    If we take this to a spiritual level in the context of the propheticwords spoken over Asher where king Saul and king Agag,depicts leaders feeding YHVH’s people “fat bread”, teaching them doctrines that “tickles the ears”, making them “happy”instead of “holy”. This leaves them in fleshly bound state, noteating “thin bread” (the Word) that cleanses your life.

    Salvation is good as a starting point but it is not a place to setup camp. Anything that starts out as good and life-giving canbecome bad and stagnant like water that is not flowing.Believers like this stopped growing in the Word, not becoming

    mature in the Word, or becoming an active part of His Plan andPurpose. Believers are obsessed with the cross, and whatY’shua (Jesus) did for them and they keep on reverting back tothe salvation message, but no one teaches them to grow up and mature in theWord.

    Your faith is not knowledge that is passive; faith means to be faithful in the truthyou receive, actively seeking more truth and revelation so that you can grow intomaturity and into His Likeness.

    Hebrew Study Tip

     Any Hebrew word can be taken to its root word and the meaning of theRoot word can be used to get insight into its meaning. This is especiallyhelpful when looking at Names and Places. Additional insight can befound in reading passages where this root word is found in order to get a“story” to colour in the background and reveal insight and hidden wisdom.

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    From One Enemy to Six Enemies

     Exo 3:16-17  Go and gather the elders of Israel together, and say to them,‘The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob,appeared to me, saying, “I have surely visited you and  seen what is done toyou in Egypt; 17 and I have said I will bring you up out of the affliction of

     Egypt to the land of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites andthe Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, to a land flowing with milkand honey.”  

    We have looked at the First Enemy, namely Pharaoh and the System boundsbelievers to their salvation while they make bricks for his kingdom. YHVHrevealed the salvation plan from bondage to Moses and this includes 6 newenemies Israel have to face and conquer before entering the Promised Landflowing with milk and honey.

    We will now have a look at each of these enemies so that we can know ourenemy in the time to come when we will take part in the “Grater Exodus”,leaving the System of bondage, mixing and confusion prior to the Coming ofMessiah and entering into the Promised Land.

    1. Canaanites   –  Comes from root word “kena”  כנע that means, “to

    humble”. This enemy teaches just the opposite namely spiritual pride.This enemy do not want you to leave the bondage of the first enemy(eating fat bread) and keeps people in bondage through spiritual pride.The only way to escape the bondage is to humble yourself and submit toto YHVH’s Word in order to rid yourself from all the weight you have puton “eating” false teachings. These false teachings are made up by mixing

    YHVH’s Word with man’s word, mixing “straw & clay”, in order to createbricks that build false kingdoms.Believers are kept “immature” and“happy” by making them proud of thefalse kingdom they are building and arepart of. The Canaanites’ mission is toencourage spiritual pride in order tokeep believers in religion, makingbricks to build and sustain a manmade kingdom. 

    2. Hittites  - comes from the root word “cheth”  that meansחת“terror”. This enemy is “fear ”  that is directly opposing anyform of faith. This is the strongest of all the enemies and isthe barrier that has to be broken in order to follow YHVH infaith. You might be convinced of the Truth, but you may betoo afraid to take the first step to leave Egypt. The Hittitesmission is to cast fear in the hearts of YHVH’s people. 

    3.  Amor ites - comes from the root word “amar ” רמא that means “to talk”

    or “to boast”. This word is found in Psalm 94:4 where it talks aboutpeople who utter and speak “hard things”. The word “hard” is found in 1

    Sam 2:3 where it warns us not to let arrogance come out of our mouthsbecause YHVH weighs all actions. This places the “words you utter” and the “actions you do” in the same category and weigh the same.

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    What you say will receive the same judgment as what you do. We knowthat saying; actions speak harder than words, but in this context they arethe same. Y’shua said in Matt 5:22 that if you call someone a fool, youwill be guilty of a sin that will cause you to end up in the fires of hell. The Amorites’ mission is to get people not to take words serious and toencourage believers to say what they want. The Amorites promotesevil speech including idle talk, slander and boasting .

    4. Perizzites - comes from the root word “perizziy”   פרזי that means “un-walled towns of cities” and is found in Est 9:19 where the Jews held afeast after their victory over Haman. This is where the King set a seconddecree in place to give grace to the Jews. The first decree said that allthe Jews had to be killed on a certain day  –  this decree still stood andcould not be taken back. The second decree allowed the Jews to haveweapons to defend themselves so that their enemies could be destroyed.This “Second Decree” did not annual the “First Decree” because the wordof a King cannot be taken back or annulled even by the king himself. This

    is a picture of the “New Covenant” that was given by  the King to giveGrace to man because the “First Covenant” has a death penalty for sinthat cannot be annulled. With this grace YHVH gave His People“weapons”  (His Word and His Spirit) so that they could defendthemselves and so that their enemies can be destroyed. The NewCovenant can never annual or abolish the FirstCovenant, only add Grace and is parallel andof equal weight to the First Covenant. ThePerizzites represent the enemy that teachesthat the First Covenant is done away with andleaves YHVH’s people living in “cities withoutwalls”, without protection against the enemyand exposes them to the consequence of theirignorance and sin. The Perizzites’ mission isto abolish YHVH’s Torah. 

    5. Hivites – comes from the root word “chavvah”that means small “village or  tents” as well as“life giver”. This word is found in Num 32:41where Ruben and Gad nearly provoked YHVHto anger by not crossing over the Jordan topossess the Land because of the sake of their

    families and livestock. Moses reminded themwhat happened to Israel when they provokedYHVH to anger and they decided to assemblethe armies and cross the Jordan to face their enemies as YHVHinstructed. Ruben is about revealing the Messiah but is “unstable aswater” and Gad is about speaking “goodly words”, spreading the Gospel.This enemy is trying to stop the true Gospel Message.

    Q – What is the true Gospel message?

    It is the good news of Salvation to all people who believe and have faithin Jesus / Y’shua but starts with; “Repent, for the Kingdom of YHVH is athand”  “Chavvah” means “life giver” that supports the message ofsalvation but also means ‘wickedness’.

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    Wicked people are people without faith. Wicked is the word "ra-ah" thatalso means ‘to shepherd’ . This means the Shepherds are evil andteaches another meaning of what faith is really about. They teach aGospel Message without repentance that only supports faith that is headknowledge. They do not teach a faith like our father Abraham, beingfaithful in the truth you receive. The Hivites are the bad shepherds whoare supposed to bring life but bring a distorted and unstable Gospelmessage creating a wrong image of Messiah. The Hivites mission is to  stop the Gospel Message of Repentance and Salvation and teach afalse image of Messiah and what faith really means.

    6. Jebusites  – comes from the root word “yevus”  that meansבוס “a placetrodden down”. Jevus or Jebus were a Canaanite tribe who built andinhabited Jerusalem prior to its conquest by King David. The Books ofJudges and Kings state that Jerusalem was known as Jebus. Jerusalemwas trodden down and we are waiting the rebuilding of the Temple afterIsrael became a nation and Jerusalem was given back to the Jews. This

    place this enemy right in the context of the end times and rebuilding ofthe Temple in Jerusalem is the panicle event that will reveal the Antichristand the return of the true Messiah. Deception is the major enemy that weneed to be cautious of because many of the elect will be deceived duringthis time not knowing it.

    We have learned in the previous two weeks’ Torah Portions that thefamine in the land depicted the time of the Tribulation and that salvationand reconciliation happened during this time. This enemy called theJebusites operate during this time and is pictured in the story where theword “ jevus” is found and that is in Judges 19:10. In this story we read

    about a Levite who was looking for his concubine who played that harlotand ran away to her father’s house. A harlot in a spiritual sense is thebride of Messiah defiling herself with pagan traditions and worship.

    He found her at her father's house (back in the culture she came from)and they lodged there for 5 days (he gave her grace) before going up toJebus or Jerusalem. It was near evening (end times) and they lodgedwith an old man at Gibeah, the birthplace of King Saul.Gibeah means “place of forbidden worship” that confirms the concubineplaying the harlot. We looked at the prophecy spoken over Asher whereKing Saul represented rebellious Leaders who give their followers “fatbread”. Have this thought in the back of your mind as we continue withthe story.

     An old man, a Benyimite lodged them and sons of Belial (worthlessness,wicked men) came and knocked on the door and demanded the releaseof the Levite so that they can “know him” (have sex with him). The Levitesdepict the Jews and this enemy wants to defile Judah with false worshipas well. The old man said to these men that they could have his daughterand the concubine instead.This sounded just like the story of Laban when YHVH destroyed Sodomand Gomorrah (end time context as well). We continue… 

    They took the concubine and defiled her all night long, and she died atthe door of the house. The Levite took her home, cut her up in 12 piecesand send her to all the tribes of Israel. All of Israel then came up against

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    Benyamin to set things right and Benyaminrefused to hand over the men who raped andkilled the concubine. The whole of Israeldeclared war against Benyamin and threebattles took place. Israel lost two times andrepented twice before they defeated Benyaminat the third battle and they lost all their womenand children. Israel swore never to give any of

    their daughters to the sons of Benyamin and raged battle againstJabeshgilead and brought forth 400 virgins to give to Benyamin at thefeast of Sukkot so that Benyamin can still exist as a tribe.

    Q – What does this all mean?

    Since we are looking for the enemy that is portrayed by the Jebusites weneed to understand who the main players are. Benyamin represents themixed multitude of Believers in Messiah / Jesus, believers who think the

    Torah is still relevant and some that is not quite convinced yet. There is aconflict of opinion within Benyamin because they are made up of peopleof different cultures who still cling to forms of “forbidden worship”(Gibeah). They are a “messy group”, and we see evidence of thisreflected in this story.

    We see Israel stepping in with Judahleading the first battle. They lost, repentedand a second battle raged between Israeland Benyamin. We have read the prophecyin Eze 37:16-19 where the House of Judahand the sons of Israel, (representing theJews and all those who returned to joinJudah) are one stick, and they are joinedtogether with the stick of Ephraimrepresenting the believers in Messiah, in this case, Benyamin.What we learn from this is that the “joining” of the two sticks results in abattle where “internal enemies” are destroyed within each House beforethey can be joined to become one stick. The Jebusites is an enemy withinthat wants to stop the joining of the two Sticks. Each Stick or Houseneeds to do some cleansing before they can become part of the 12Tribes of Israel. Benyamin had “forbidden worship” that speaks for itself;

    everything that is not scriptural and backed up in the Torah should not bedone in “the name of Worship to YHVH”  and they need to cleansethemselves from traditions with pagan origins.

    Judah, on the other hand, lost twice, and this means that they need to gothrough two changes; one is to accept Y’shua as the Messiah, and theother is to rid themselves from all rabbinical traditions that are forbiddenby YHVH in His Word; not adding laws to the Torah.

     All of this happen before the Second coming of Y’shua and both Housesneeds to confront its enemies that lingers and feeds on traditions. Thesetraditions come from the “spirit of the Anti-Messiah” working within both

    camps. The Jebusites’ mission is to cling to traditions and“forbidden worship” and to stop the joining of the Two Sticks .

  • 8/20/2019 Parashah 13- Sh'Mot (Names)



     All these enemies need to be defeated prior to the coming of Messiah.Isaiah puts it in the context of what will happen at the Second Comingand why it is important to defeat all 7 enemies prior to His coming.

     Isa 66:15-18  For, behold, YHVH will come with fire,and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his

    anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. 16  For by fire and by his sword will YHVH plead with all flesh: and the slain of YHVH shall be many. 17  Theythat sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in thegardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's

     flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall beconsumed together, says YHVH. 18 For I know theirworks and their thoughts: it shall come, that I willgather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see myglory. 

    Q – What tree is he talking about?

    The tree was found in the Garden of Eden and Satan wrapped itwith his presence. This is the image of sin and is the sameimage found in Babylonian worship; a tree with a snakewrapped around its trunk.

    Q - What other forms of Babylonian worship (mixing) can youthink of that has a tree as it’s centre piece? 

    Everybody needs to work out their own salvation with fear and tremblingbefore YHVH returns. Phil 2:12. YHVH’s people perish for a lack ofknowledge of the Word and a lack of knowledge of their enemies.

    Hosea 4:6.