Paragon - One thing leads to another

One Thing Leads To Another….. For Paragon the journey never ends. Being in it for the long haul means we get to sit at the river bank of the business community and watch the flow go past….. Just recently we noted that people who had been involved in thieving we had investigated at a large company were now working at another large company – again at the end of the production line. It didn’t take us long to realise that they were up to their old tricks again and stealing off their new employer. We made an appointment with the head of the company and explained to him that although we didn’t have proof, the likely hood was high that he was losing product at the end of the line due to the nature of the people involved. The MD was quick to ask Paragon to take a closer look. What we uncovered astounded everybody. Not only was thieving taking place on a grand scale, but the receivers were being supplied from several sources and even obtaining products from other suppliers of which we had been totally unaware. Once enough evidence was gathered, the trap was sprung and the receiver made a full admission to the nefarious goings on. This has resulted in stopping significant loss to the company involved but also opened up avenues to other companies who are involved losing their products unknowingly as well. We were fortunate to have had the ear of a very senior person who realised the value of the information at first glance. This unlike a major Auckland based electronics and computer distributor we also visited to warn about wrongdoings in the company that had come to our attention. This company dismissed us and the potential we offered. Pity, we recently read that they had laid off 130 staff due to “restructuring”. Perhaps our timeous involvement could have saved a number of jobs at this company. It goes to show, when a good PI gives you the Gypsies warning, it might just be worth it’s weight in gold, or products.



Transcript of Paragon - One thing leads to another

Page 1: Paragon - One thing leads to another

One Thing Leads To Another…..

For Paragon the journey never ends. Being in it for the long haul means we get to sit at the river

bank of the business community and watch the flow go past…..

Just recently we noted that people who had been involved in thieving we had investigated at a large

company were now working at another large company – again at the end of the production line. It

didn’t take us long to realise that they were up to their old tricks again and stealing off their new

employer. We made an appointment with the head of the company and explained to him that

although we didn’t have proof, the likely hood was high that he was losing product at the end of the

line due to the nature of the people involved. The MD was quick to ask Paragon to take a closer look.

What we uncovered astounded everybody. Not only was thieving taking place on a grand scale, but

the receivers were being supplied from several sources and even obtaining products from other

suppliers of which we had been totally unaware. Once enough evidence was gathered, the trap was

sprung and the receiver made a full admission to the nefarious goings on. This has resulted in

stopping significant loss to the company involved but also opened up avenues to other companies

who are involved losing their products unknowingly as well.

We were fortunate to have had the ear of a very senior person who realised the value of the

information at first glance. This unlike a major Auckland based electronics and computer distributor

we also visited to warn about wrongdoings in the company that had come to our attention. This

company dismissed us and the potential we offered. Pity, we recently read that they had laid off 130

staff due to “restructuring”. Perhaps our timeous involvement could have saved a number of jobs at

this company. It goes to show, when a good PI gives you the Gypsies warning, it might just be worth

it’s weight in gold, or products.

Page 2: Paragon - One thing leads to another

Private Investigators are modern day contemporary “archaeologists” who uncover only the facts and

drill and mine information sources daily extracting vital facts from surveillance, information

interpretation and surveillance with precision. They deal in dishonesty daily and know too well the

smell, the signs and the symptoms. Private Investigators are generally high performance ex

policemen and women who know they can perform faster and better on their own than in a

bureaucratic organisation – and generally do.

So when a Paragon Private Investigator pays you a visit and says “Captain, I see an iceberg….” , take

it seriously and please consider this carefully, it’s not a whistle in the wind……it’s a fact.

Ron McQuilter MD Paragon New Zealand